2017届高考英语(外研版)一轮教师文档讲义:必修1-Module 5 A Lesson in A Lab

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2017届高考英语(外研版)一轮教师文档讲义:必修1-Module 5 A Lesson in A Lab

‎[话题素材]‎ 好词 ‎1.analyse v. 分析 2.measure v. 测量 ‎3.observe v. 观测,观察 4.mixture n. 混合物 ‎5.accurate adj. 精确的 ‎6.meet/satisfy one's needs 满足某人的需求 ‎7.achieve one's ambition 完成某人的梦想 ‎8.make a great breakthrough in 在……取得重大突破 ‎9.the number of ……的数量 10.add up to 合计 ‎11.vary from...to 在……中变化 12.a number of 大量的 ‎13.on condition that 条件是 14.work out 计算出;制定出 ‎15.be made up of 由……构成 佳句 ‎1.It's necessary for us to do_experiments in the lab.‎ 对我们来说去实验室做实验是很有必要的。‎ ‎2.I've had_no_idea how to do this experiment till now.‎ 我到现在还是不知道该怎么做这个实验。‎ ‎3.Have you gone_through the instructions?‎ 看过操作说明了吗?‎ ‎[精美语篇]‎ Welcome to our school lab. I'm very happy to introduce our school's lab to you.,Before doing any experiments, there are a few laboratory safety rules that we must remember. Firstly, the most important thing is that we should conduct ourselves in a responsible manner at all times in the laboratory. As you see, the students should follow teachers' instructions carefully. If we do not understand a direction or part of a procedure, we need to ask our teacher before proceeding with the activity. Also, students should not touch any equipment, instruments, or other materials in the laboratory area until we are instructed to do so. When leaving the laboratory students should put back all the instruments and keep the laboratory clean and tidy. Lastly, close all the windows and lock the doors of the lab.‎ ‎ 高频单词 ‎1.expand (v.) 膨胀;扩大;增加 ‎2.contract (vi.) 收缩 ‎3.stage (n.) 阶段;时期 ‎4.boil (v.) 煮;煮沸 ‎5.ordinary (adj.) 普通的;平常的 ‎6.float (vi.) 漂浮 ‎7.form (v.) 形成 ‎8.balance (n.) 天平→balanced (adj.) 平衡的 ‎9.mixture (n.) 混合物→mix (vt.) 混合 ‎10.conclusion (n.) 结论→conclude (v.) 下结论 ‎11.aim (n.&v.) 目标;目的;以……为目标→aimless (adj.) 漫无目的的 ‎12.electrical (adj.) 与电有关的;用电的→electricity (n.) 电→electric (adj.) 电的 ‎13.equipment (n.) 设备;装备→equip (vt.) 装备;配备 ‎14.react (vi.) (化学)反应→reaction (n.) 反应 ‎15.astonished (adj.) 吃惊的;惊愕的→astonishing (adj.) 令人吃惊的→astonish (vt.) 使吃惊→astonishment (n.) 惊奇 ‎ 重点短语 ‎1.add...to...     往……加入……‎ ‎2.keep...out_of... 不让……进入;使……避开……‎ ‎3.go_ahead 开始做某事(表示允许);(口)请 ‎ 说吧;请用吧 ‎4.be_proud_of 为……感到骄傲/自豪 ‎5.be_supposed_to 应当;理应 ‎6.react_with 与……发生反应 ‎7.put...in_order 把……按顺序排列 ‎8.at_the_top/bottom_(of) 在……顶部/底部 ‎9.used_to 过去(常常)‎ ‎10.in_the_area_of 在……领域 ‎ 热点句型 ‎1.分数作主语时其谓语动词的单复数依据分数所表示的名词而定 Twothirds of the earth's surface is water.(教材P41)‎ 地球表面三分之二是水。‎ ‎2.“倍数+比较级+than”的倍数表达法 I think the Yangtze River is about three_times_longer_than the Songhua River.(教材P43)‎ 我认为长江约是松花江的3倍长。‎ ‎3.it作形式主语,不定式短语为真正主语 It_is_hard_to_think of a world without metals.(教材P44)‎ 很难想象一个没有金属的世界。‎ ‎4.表示方位的副词放于句首,主语是名词时,常用完全倒装的形式 Below_is a description of a simple scientific experiment.(教材P45)‎ 下面是一个对简单科学试验的描述。‎ ‎5.“the+比较级..., the+比较级...”的句型意为“越……,就越……”‎ The_closer you are, the_more you'll see.(教材P47)‎ 你离的越近,看到的就越多。‎ ‎2017  必修1 Module 5 A Lesson in a Lab金版教程·英语[W]  NEW 教材复现 在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ ‎1.The earth is fortynine times ________ (large) than the moon.‎ 答案:larger ‎2.Here is a table with the metals that react most at the top, and the metals that react ________ (little) at the bottom.‎ 答案:least ‎3.Below is a ________ (describe) of a simple scientific experiment.‎ 答案:description ‎4.Halffill a test tube ________ water.‎ 答案:with ‎5.The science facilities are very good, with laboratories ________ have all the ________ (late) equipment.‎ 答案:that/which; latest ‎6.The ________ (lecture) are people who have made real discoveries in their area of science.‎ 答案:lecturers ‎7.In the last twenty years, seven Canadian scientists ________ (win) the Nobel Prize!‎ 答案:have won ‎8.My parents are astonished. They always thought I ________ (will) become an English teacher!‎ 答案:would ‎1  conclusion n.结论;结束 They are hopeful of bringing the war to a peaceful conclusion.‎ 他们希望和平结束战争。‎ ‎(1)draw/come to/arrive at/reach a conclusion得出结论 jump to a conclusion 匆忙下结论 in conclusion总之;最后(finally)‎ ‎(2)conclude vt. 得出结论;推断出;结束 conclude sth. with... 以……结束 ‎①[朗文词典]In_conclusion,_I would like to say how much I have enjoyed myself today.‎ 最后,我想说我今天很开心。‎ ‎②[2013·浙江高考]When the group discussion is nearing its end, make sure to conclude it with important points.‎ 当集体讨论快要结束时,一定要总结出重点来。‎ ‎③[2014·陕西高考]Researchers conclude that the French tend to stop eating when they feel full.(句型转换)‎ ‎→Researchers come_to_a_conclusion that the French tend to stop eating when they feel full.‎ ‎2  aim n.目标;目的;瞄准;v.瞄准;对准;目标在于 The members of the society aim to recreate the clothing, weapons, tools...‎ 社会成员的目标是重新制作服装、武器、工具……‎ ‎(1)take aim at sth. 瞄准……;对准……‎ with the aim of... 目的是……;意在……‎ ‎(2)aim to do/at doing sth.‎ ‎=be aimed at 目的在于/旨在做某事 ‎(3)aimless adj. 无目标的 图解助记 ‎①[2014·山东高考]The project aims to_get kids to a stage called “deep reading”, where they can read to learn.‎ 这个项目旨在让孩子们达到一个被称为深层阅读的阶段,他们可以为学习而阅读。‎ ‎②[朗文词典]Teamwork is required in order to achieve/realize these aims.‎ 完成这些目标需要团队合作。‎ ‎③[现代英语用法词典]The visit was aimed at expanding relations between the two countries.‎ 这次访问旨在扩大两国之间的关系。‎ ‎④[现代英语用法词典]He wandered aimlessly round the street, neither knowing nor caring where he was going.‎ 他在大街上漫无目的的闲逛,既不知道也不在乎他要往哪里走。‎ ‎3  react vi.反应;回应;起作用 When we use metals, it's important to know how they react with different substances...(P44)‎ 我们使用金属时,了解它们如何与不同的物质发生反应很重要……‎ ‎(1)react to 对……作出反应 react with 与……起(化学)反应 react against 反对 ‎(2)reaction n.反应 ‎①[朗文词典]She had a severe allergic reaction to the drug.‎ 她对这种药产生了严重的过敏反应。‎ ‎②—How did he react?‎ ‎—Very calmly.‎ ‎——他有什么反应?‎ ‎——非常平静。‎ ‎③[牛津高阶]Local residents have reacted angrily to the news.‎ 当地居民对这一消息表示愤怒。‎ ‎4  form n.类型;种类(type; variety);形式;外表(looks, appearance);表格;形状;体形(shape) v.形成;组织(organize)‎ Burns to form an oxide.(P44)‎ 燃烧而形成氧化物。‎ ‎(1)form a(n) habit/opinion/idea/impression 形成一种习惯/看法/概念/印象 form a line 排队 ‎(2)in the form of 以……形式 be in/out_of form 处于良好(不良)的情绪下 fill in/out a form 填写表格 ‎①[人教②-5]Many musicians meet and form_a_band because they like to write and play their own music.‎ 许多音乐人因为喜欢写并演奏他们自己的音乐而聚到一起并组建乐队。‎ ‎②[现代英语用法词典]Churches are often built in the form of a cross.‎ 教堂经常是以十字架的形式被建。‎ ‎③[牛津高阶]A plan formed in my mind.‎ 一个计划在我脑海中形成。‎ ‎④[2014·北京高考改编]—Hi, let's go skating.‎ ‎—Sorry, I'm busy right now. I am filling in an application form for a new job.‎ ‎——嗨,咱们去滑冰吧。‎ ‎——对不起,我现在正忙着呢。我正在填一张新工作申请表。‎ ‎5  ordinary adj.普通的;平常的 The nails rust in the tube with ordinary water.(P45)‎ 在盛有普通水的试管里,铁钉生锈。‎ 易混辨析 ordinary 平凡的;普通的,指无出奇之处;形容人时可以与common通用 normal 正常的;正规的,指合乎常态,常规 common 常见的;普通的,指因常见而普通;还表示共同的,共有的 usual 通常的;惯常的,指一贯如此 ‎①[2015·福建高考]A common memory they all have of their school days is the school uniform.‎ 他们对校园岁月的共同记忆就是校服。‎ ‎②[人教①-3]Wang Wei rode in front of me as usual.‎ 王薇像往常一样在我前面骑。‎ ‎③[2013·陕西高考]Such a blood pressure is normal for a person of his age.‎ 这样的血压对于一个他这样年龄的人来说是正常的。‎ ‎④[人教④-3]Charlie Chaplin could mime and act the fool doing ordinary everyday task.‎ 查理·卓别林能够不说话而仅靠动作来模仿傻子做日常的工作。‎ ‎⑤[2014·江西高考]We are not strange at all. We're just ordinary people.‎ 我们一点也不奇怪。我们就是普通人。‎ ‎⑥Smith is a very common last name in England.‎ 史密斯是英格兰很常见的一个姓氏。‎ 过关演练 在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式 ‎1.Help ________ the form of money is welcome.‎ 答案:in 句意:欢迎以金钱的形式予以帮助。in the form of是固定搭配,意为“以……的形式”。‎ ‎2.We were ________ (astonish) to find the temple still in its original condition.‎ 答案:astonished be astonished to do sth.“因做某事感到惊讶”。句意:我们很惊讶的发现这座寺庙仍然保持原来的状态。‎ ‎3.[2015·湖北高考]When he was running after his brother, the boy lost his ________ (balance) and had a bad fall.‎ 答案:balance lose one's balance“失去平衡”。‎ ‎4.Her parents' ________ (react) to the news was surprisingly calm.‎ 答案:reaction reaction n.“反应”。‎ ‎5.________ (aim) at improving the level of English, English Corner is held once a week.‎ 答案:Aimed 句意:旨在提高英语水平,英语角一周举行一次。此处需要用过去分词作状语。‎ ‎6.Our school has been given some new ________ (equip).‎ 答案:equipment equipment为equip的名词形式,是不可数名词。‎ ‎7.[2015·广东高考]The middle class is ________ (expand).‎ 答案:expanding 该句为现在进行时态,故应填expanding。‎ ‎8.The baby has reached the stage ________ he can stand up.‎ 答案:where stage 可作“阶段,时期”讲,可以看作是一个抽象名词,根据句意,后面可接由where引导的定语从句。‎ ‎9.She felt a strange ________ (mix) of excitement and fear.‎ 答案:mixture 句意:她有一种奇怪的既兴奋又害怕的感觉。mixture 为名词,意为“混合(物)”。‎ ‎10.[2015·安徽高考]For animals their size, ants have been ________ (astonishing) successful, largely due to their wonderful social behavior.‎ 答案:astonishingly 此处修饰形容词successful,故应用副词astonishingly。‎ ‎1  add... to... 把……加到……‎ Add some oil to the water.(P45)‎ 往水中加些油。‎ ‎-特别提示-‎ add to 后面常跟抽象名词如problem, difficulty, pleasure, happiness, helplessness等;而add...to...的意思是“把……加到……”,常跟具体的名词。另外,add表示“补充说,又说”时,也是高频考点,需着重记忆。‎ ‎①[2013·天津高考]Getting close to nature adds_to the joy of life.‎ 接近自然增添了生活的乐趣。‎ ‎②[2014·天津高考]You can add meal money to your ID cards at the Front Desk.‎ 你们可以在前台把你们的饭钱添加到ID卡上。‎ ‎③[北师大⑤-4]She added_that as a reporter she needed many different skills.‎ 她补充说作为记者她需要多种不同的技能。‎ ‎④[人教①-1]Add_up your score and see how many points you get.‎ 把你的分数加起来,看看你得多少分。‎ ‎2  used to do 过去(常常)……‎ I never used to enjoy science, but last year I changed schools, and the science teachers at my new school are excellent.(P49)‎ 我过去从未喜欢过理科,但是去年我转学了,我新学校的理科老师都非常优秀。‎ ‎(1)be used to do sth. 被用来做某事 get/be used to sth./doing sth. 习惯于(做)某事 ‎(2)疑问式:used you to...?/Did you use to...?‎ 否定式:used not to/usedn't to/didn't use to ‎①单句改错 ‎[2013·课标全国卷Ⅰ]My grandma used to holding me on her knees and sing old songs.‎ ‎________________________________________________________‎ 答案:holding→hold ‎②[北师大⑦-19]I used_to play soccer with my brother every day.‎ 以前我每天都和哥哥踢足球。‎ ‎③[北师大⑦-LP]Travellers are used to_living in different climates and conditions.‎ 旅行者习惯在不同的气候和条件下生活。‎ ‎④[2015·陕西高考]Dad didn't come home as early and as much as he used_to.‎ 爸爸不向原来那样早回家了。‎ ‎⑤[2013·山东高考]I used_to_be a very selfcentered person, but in the past two years I have really changed.‎ 我过去曾是一个非常自私的人,但近两年我真的变了。‎ ‎3  be supposed to do 应当;理应 I'm going to try to go to either Montreal or Ottawa University, as both are supposed to have good Physics Departments.(P49)‎ 我要努力考取蒙特利尔大学或者渥太华大学,因为这两所大学的物理系都很棒。‎ ‎ (1)be_supposed_to do=should do应该做某事;‎ be supposed to have done=should have done 本应该做某事(而未做)‎ ‎(2)suppose+sb.+(to be)+adj./n. 认为某人……‎ supposing (that)... 假定……;假如……‎ ‎(3)I suppose so/not 我想会的/不会的 ‎(4)疑问+do you suppose+陈述句?‎ ‎“你认为……”(do you suppose为插入语) ‎ ‎①The message is very important, so it is supposed to_be_sent as soon as possible.‎ 这条信息很重要,所以应该尽快被送达。‎ ‎②[朗文词典]We are supposed to check out of the hotel by 11 o'clock.‎ 我们应该11点之前从酒店退房。‎ ‎③[现代英语用法词典]Supposing he doesn't come, shall we go without him?‎ 假如他不来,我们不要他就走吗?‎ 过关演练 选词填空 at the bottom of; be supposed to; used to; add to; keep...out of; in the form of; react to; be proud of ‎ ‎1.[2014·福建高考]Perhaps you think you could easily ________ your happiness with more money.‎ 答案:add to ‎2.[2014·浙江高考改编]Singaporeans avoid arguing with their boss because they think they ________ obey the person of a higher rank.‎ 答案:are supposed to ‎3.[2015·湖北高考]The girl ________ be shy, but is gradually getting active in group work and is more willing to express herself.‎ 答案:used to ‎4.You'd sound a lot more polite if you make a request ________ a question.‎ 答案:in the form of ‎5.Please ________ the dog ________ study.‎ 答案:keep; out of ‎6.[2015·陕西高考]Hans Zhang ________ himself for not giving up.‎ 答案:was proud of ‎7.How did Wilson ________ your idea?‎ 答案:react to ‎8.[2015·重庆高考]________ the paper were these words: “See what you can do when you keep trying?”‎ 答案:At the bottom of ‎1  It_is_hard_to_think of a world without metals.(P44)‎ 很难想象一个没有金属的世界。‎ 本句属于“It is+adj.+不定式”句式。其中it是形式主语,不定式短语是真正的主语。‎ ‎(1)“It is+adj.+for_sb. to do sth.”句型中,形容词说明不定式所表示的行为的性质和特点。常见的这类形容词有difficult, easy, hard, important, impossible, necessary等。‎ ‎(2)在“It is+adj.+of_sb. to do sth.”句型中,形容词说明不定式逻辑主语的品行、性格、性质等,能用于该结构的形容词有nice, good, stupid, silly, careful等。‎ ‎①[2014·浙江高考改编]It is polite of them to_finish the food on their plate.‎ 他们吃光盘子里的食物是很礼貌的。‎ ‎②[2015·福建高考]It was considerate of Michael to inform us of his delay in case we got worried.‎ Michael通知我们他要迟到一会儿以防我们担心,想得真周到。‎ ‎③[2014·山东高考]It is difficult for_us to imagine what life was like for slaves in the ancient world.‎ 我们很难想象出古时奴隶们的生活是什么样子。‎ ‎2  The_closer you are, the_more you'll see.(P47)‎ ‎“the+比较级,the+比较级”表示“越……就越……”。‎ 形容词/副词比较级在句型中的常用搭配如下:‎ ‎①adj.比较级+and+adj.比较级,表示“越来越……”。‎ ‎②the+adj./adv.比较级+主语+谓语,the+adj./adv.比较级+主语+谓语,意为“越……,就越……”。‎ ‎③adj./adv.比较级+than,表示“一方超过另一方”;less+原级+than,表示“一方不及另一方”。‎ ‎④表示“一方超过另一方”的程度或数量时,可以在比较级前加表示程度的状语,如even, a lot, a bit, a little, still, much, far, yet等修饰。‎ ‎①[2015·陕西高考]The_more learned a man is, the_more modest he usually becomes.‎ 一个人越博学,他通常会变得越谦逊。‎ ‎②[2014·大纲全国卷]The more friends we have, the_more we can learn from one another, and the_more pleasure we can share together.‎ 我们有越多朋友,就能从别人身上学到越多东西,并且我们能共同分享的乐趣越多。‎ ‎③[教材P47]It'll be a lot heavier than magnesium.‎ 它将比镁要重很多。‎ ‎④[2014·辽宁高考]The harder you try to beat him, the_more_likely you will get hit.‎ 你越想试图击败他,你越有可能被击败。‎ 过关演练 在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式 ‎1.[2015·安徽高考]Advertisements persuade us that ________ (new) is better and that we will be happier with the latest products.‎ 答案:newer ‎2.It's very cruel ________ him to make the boy stand for two hours.‎ 答案:of ‎3.The cranny in the table became more ________ more wide.‎ 答案:and ‎4.It was impossible ________ him to return before five.‎ 答案:for ‎5.The ________ (much) people you know, the ________ (little) time you have to see them.‎ 答案:more; less 比较等级结构 倍数表达法 ‎(1)A+... times+adj./adv.(比较级)+than B The number of students in our school is three times larger than that in theirs.‎ 我们学校学生数量是他们学校的三倍。‎ ‎(2)A+ ... times as+adj./adv. (原级)+as B This concert hall is four times as large as that one.‎ 这个音乐大厅是那个的四倍大。‎ ‎(3)A+ ... times the+size (height, length, width, depth. etc.)+of B The new building is four times the size of that one.‎ 这座新楼是那座的四倍大。‎ ‎1.[2014·辽宁高考]The researchers found that laptop users took twice ________ many notes as those who wrote by hand.‎ 答案:as 研究者发现笔记本使用者记的笔记是手写者笔记的两倍。‎ 比较级的特殊句型 ‎(1)The+比较级(+主+谓), the+比较级(+主+谓)“越……,就越……”‎ The higher you stand, the farther you will see.‎ 你站得越高,就看得越远。‎ ‎(2)比较级+and+比较级 “越来越……”‎ The girl is more and more beautiful.‎ 这个女孩越来越漂亮。‎ ‎2.________ (much) we listen to the teacher, ________ (much) we understand.‎ 答案:The more; the more 比较级的特别用法 ‎(1)双方比较表示一方超过另一方时,用比较级+than The girl is more beautiful than me.‎ 这个女孩比我漂亮。‎ ‎(2)双方比较表示一方不及另一方时,用less+原级+than The room is less big than that one.‎ 这个房间比那个小。‎ ‎(3)双方比较表示一方超过另一方的程度时,可在比较级前加上副词,如even, a lot, a bit, still, much, far, yet等。‎ ‎3.[2015·安徽高考改编]Ants are completely fearless and will readily fight against a creature much ________ (large) than themselves.‎ 答案:larger 蚂蚁勇敢无畏,并且愿意和体型比他们大许多的生物对抗。‎ 过关演练 在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式 ‎1.The new stadium being built for the next Asian Games will be three times as big ________ the present one.‎ 答案:as ‎2.[2013·天津高考]I think watching TV every evening is a waste of time—there are ________ (many) meaningful things to do.‎ 答案:more ‎3.[2016·陕西一联]We use human translators rather than machines as we believe human persons are more ________ (rely).‎ 答案:reliable ‎4.This bridge is three times the length ________ that one.‎ 答案:of ‎5.The wind became ________ and more heavily.‎ 答案:more

