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2018 届二轮复习 状语从句连词 考点练与析 真题再练 在下列各句中的空白处填入适当的内容 (1 个单词 ) ,并说明理由。 1. (2015 卷 I·62) It was raining lightly when I arrived in Yangshuo just before dawn. But I didn’t care. A few hours _______ __________, I’d been at home in Hong Kong… earlier before / 作者“到达 (arrived)” 阳朔是过去的动作,相对于“到达”这个过去动作来说,在香港的家里就是在“到达”之前,因 had been 已表明是过去的过去了,即“几个小时之前”,作者在香港家里。与过去完成时连用,通常用“时间段 + 副词 before/ earlier” 。 另外,与一般过去时连用,表示“距现在多久之前”,用副词 ago 。请比较: Mary was here two days ago. 玛丽两天前在这里。 ( 距现在两天前 ) Tom told me that Mary had been there two days before /earlier. 汤姆告诉我,玛丽两天前在那里。 ( 相对“告诉我”的那天来说的两天前 ) 2. (2014 样卷 ·6) Alan: Oh, it must have been Dad. I’m sure he was in the kitchen earlier. Mum: No, he went off to his tennis match before I finished making them, so he couldn’t have done it. __________, he couldn’t carry a plate of sandwiches as well as all his tennis stuff, so I’m sure it wasn’t him. 因前后都有标点,可知填副词;根据前后逻辑,应为“无论如何,不管怎么说 (anyway)” 。 Anyway 思路点拨 这类题主要考虑前后逻辑意义的连贯,即重点考虑上下文意义的连贯,同时注意分析句中的时态等基础语法现象和相关词语的用法。 考点归纳 1. 时间性副词 由考查过的 a few hours before /earlier 可联想到,也许会考 a few hours ago ( 几小时前 ), ten minutes later ( 十分钟后 ), afterwards( 后来 ), the day after ( 次日 ), the day before ( 前一日 ), I had met him before ( 在那之前我就见过他了 ), than before ( 比以前 ), than ever ( 比以前 ), than ever before ( 比以往任何时候 ), since ( 从那时以来 ) , ever since ( 从那时起到现在 ), and then ( 然后 ), till then ( 直到那时 ), by then ( 到那时为止 ), just then ( 就在那个时候 ), from then on ( 从那时起 ) 等。 2. 逻辑性副词 由考过的 anyway( 无论如何 ) 可联想到,也许会考 anyhow (=anyway, 无论如何,至少 ), however( 然而 ), therefore( 因此 ), thus( 因此 ), besides ( 而且,还有 ), though ( 可是,然而 ), too, also, instead 等。 考点练透 1. No decision has been made, and _____ _________ the situation remains unclear. 2. Geoff didn’t study law. ________, he decided to become an actor. 3. I told you to shut the door, you didn’t shut it ________. thus/ therefore Instead though 4. I don’t like this coat and, _______, it costs too much. 5. He was very tired and _____________ he fell sound asleep. 6. She felt ill. She went to work, ________ , and tried to concentrate. besides therefore/thus however 7. I like bananas, but I like oranges, _____. 8. Follow this road to the bookstore, and ______ turn to the left. 9. For all your explanations, I understand no better than ________. too then before 10. He dropped out of school and disappeared two weeks _______. 11. The schoolboys are more cautious not to make any mistakes in spelling than ever _______. 12. She left school three years _____and has worked as a nurse ever since. later before ago 13. Just wait until July—all the exams will be over by ______. 14. I came to Guangzhou in 1994 and have lived here ever ______. 15. I can see you next weekend. Can you wait until ______? then since then 16. This idea probably won’t work, but let’s try it ________________. 17. Back in 1950 Bourton was a sleepy little village, but things have changed a lot since ________. 18. She left London ten years ago, and I haven’t seen her ________. anyway /anyhow then since 19. She left in 1984 and from _______on he lived alone. 20. I think they’re asleep; _______________, they’re quiet. 21. Silently she closed the door. Just ______ she heard a noise. 22. We went to the same hotel where we stayed two years _______. before then anyhow /anyway then THANK YOU!

