高考英语必修1:Travel journal学案

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高考英语必修1:Travel journal学案

Unit 3 练习 一.课文理解 Complete the short passage using suitable words or phrases you learned from the text. Wang Kun and his sister have dreamed of_1_ since middle school. After _2_ from college, they finally got the opportunity to carry out it. His sister thought of the idea to _3_the Mekong River. After buying mountain bikes and a atlas they began to make the 4 for the tip. They began their journey at 5 the Mekong River. We know the 6 is more than 5000 meters. However his sister seemed to 7 about it. She is really 8 . If she 9 , nothing can stop him. It was 10 that they cycled along the river. At the highest point they found themselves 11 through clouds. During the journey they saw beautiful 12 . 二.词汇 (一)完成句子 1.航空运输货物花费很高。 The of goods by air costs a lot. 2.高峰时期交通流量很大。 is very heavy during the rush hour. 3.此刻他更不想以后之事。 At the moment, he not to think about the future. 4.学好英语对你的就业很有利。 It will give you a big to learn English well. 5.她妈妈劝她不要放弃学业。 Her mother to give up school work. 6.最终消防人员还是扑灭了加州的大火。 (At last/ In the end/ Finally)firemen have put off the big forest fire in California. 7. 我们提前完成了工程。 We finished the project a head of . 8. 我的一些学生喜欢玩恶作剧。 Some of my students are playing practical jokes. 9.谁组织今年的除夕晚会? Who this year’s New Year’s Eve party? 10.他不在乎金钱。 He doesn’t money. 11.If he set his on doing it, nothing can stop him. 12.The workers are (决定)to finish the work on time. 13.He got up at six that morning (像往常一样) 14.She is not a (靠得住)person, and don’t trust her. 15.we can (看)this problem in many ways. 16.What is your (看法)towards the matter that happened yesterday? 17. I can’t guess the riddle, I . (give up / give in) All the homework must be after school. (give up / give in) Don’t to difficulties. (give up / give in) 18.Da Shan is quite Chinese culture.(familiar to / familiar with) Ten years later, everything in the hometown is still him. (familiar to / familiar with) 19.I am old enough to . I have decided to give up my school work and open a company. 20. The main points of the plan are .(如下) 三.语法 用动词的适当形式填空 1. I insist on (go) there with her. 2. The doctor insisted I (stay) in bed. 3. Our teacher suggested we (do) some reading every day. 4. The director organized all the skilled workers (travel) aboard. 5. The Beijing Olympic Games gets most people (interest) in sports. 6. After one year’s living in Germany, he can make himself (understand) in German. 7. We want the disagreement (set) in friendly way. 8. When I came in, I found him (read) my letter. 9. The litter girl was caught (steal ) a piece of chocolate and the shop assistant called her mother. 10. On (hear) the news, our class got first, all of us burst into cheering. 11. After (graduate) from school, she went aboard to study. 12. (Hear) the sad news, she couldn’t help crying. 13. (Take) full advantage of the natural source , they have developed breeding industry. 14. He takes full advantage of the wind while (sail). 15. If (want) I am glad to do everything. 16. Flight CA 1203 (leave) for Xian at 07:30. 17. President Hu (make) inspection tour in Shandong Province on Oct. 17. 18.The delegation is (arrive) on 6th. 19.The manager is (come) back the day after tomorrow. 20.We were about (finish) our work, when the electricity broke off. 四.把下列句子的划线部分分别强调 Visiting Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping put forward a four-point proposal to boost China-Romania ○1 ○2 relations when meeting with Romanian President Traian Basescu on Monday. ○3 1. 2. 3. 五.短文改错 Jim lives in London and he began swimming only few months 1. before. He was six years old last weeks, and his mother said, 2. “ You swim rather well now, Jim, but you haven’t seen the sea 3. have you ? your father and I are going to take you 4. going there on Saturday, and you’re going to swim in the sea. 5. It’s more nicer than a swimming-pool.” Jim’s father and mother 6. Took him to the sea by their car on Saturday, and 7. At the side of a small harbour, Jim gout out off 8. And looked at the sea for long time , then he said to his 9. Mother, “What is the shallower end, mother?” 10. 参考答案 一.1.a bike trip 2.graduating 3.cycle along 4.schedule 5.the source of 6.attitude 7.be excited 8.stubborn 9.makes her mind 10.the Autumn 11.cycling 12.view 二.1.transportation 2.Traffic 3.prefers/preferred 4.advantage 5.persuades/persuaded 6.At last 7.schedule 8.fond of 9.organizes/is organizing/will organize 10.care about 11.mind 12.determined 13.as usual 14.reliable 15.view 16.attitude 17.give up; given in; give in 18.familiar with; familiar to 19.make up my mind 20.as follows 三.1.going 2.(should)stay 3.(should)do 4.to travel 5.interested 6.understood 7.set 8.reading 9.stealing 10.hearing 11.graduating 12.Hearing 13.taking 14.sailing 15.wanted 16.leaves 17.makes 18.to arrive 19.coming 20.to finish 四.1.It was visiting Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping that put forward a four-point proposal to boost China-Romania relations when meeting with Romanian President Traina Basescu on Monday. 2.It was a four-point proposal that visiting Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping t put forward to boost China-Romania relations when meeting with Romanian President Traina Basescu on Monday. 3.It was on Monday that visiting Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping put forward a four-point proposal to boost China-Romania relations when meeting with Romanian President Traina Basescu. 五.1.Few---a few 2.before---ago 3.rather---fairly/quite/very 4.---- 5.going---to go 6.more---much 7.by---in 8.去掉 off 或者加上 the car 9.long---a long 10.what---where/which

