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‎2019届二轮复习阅读理解中长难句结构及词汇分析 一、The more exposed young people are to financial issues, and the younger they become aware of them, the more likely they are to become responsible, forward-planning adults who manage their finances confidently and effectively.‎ ‎【句式翻译】‎ 年轻人越接触经济问题,他们就能越早地了解这些问题,他们就更有可能成为有责任感的、早作打算的成年人,能够有信心地、有效地管理自己的经济问题。‎ ‎【句式分析】‎ 本句含有“the+比较级,the+比较级”的句式,同时又含有一个who引导的限制性定语从句,修饰先行词adults。‎ ‎【词语点拨】‎ ‎1) expose vt.揭露;使暴露;be exposed to暴露于;接触 We must expose this shameful activity to the newspapers. ‎ 我们一定要向报社揭露这一无耻行径。 ‎ We should allow children to be exposed to new ideas. ‎ 我们应当让孩子们接触新思想。‎ ‎2)manage v.应付,设法对付;管理;能解决;manage to do设法做成 We need people who are good at managing. ‎ 我们需要擅长管理的人。 ‎ He managed to send the tourists to the airport in time. ‎ 他设法把游客及时送到机场。 ‎ Small sailboats can easily turn over in the water if they are not managed carefully. ‎ 如果掌控小帆船不够小心,它们在水中就容易翻。‎ ‎【语法点拨】‎ ‎“the+比较级,the+比较级”,表示“越……越……”。如:‎ The more we get together, the happier we’ll be. ‎ 我们越是多聚会, 我们越快乐。‎ The longer she worked at it, the more enthusiastic she became. ‎ 她越干越来劲。‎ 二、In today’s world, winners are celebrated and treated as heroes, but if doping and gene-therapy continue to affect the outcomes of major sporting events, the word “hero” will have lost all meaning. ‎ ‎【句式翻译】‎ 在当今世界,人们祝贺获胜者,并把他们看作英雄,但如果服用兴奋剂和基因治 疗继续影响着主要体育项目的成绩的话,“英雄”就失去了它的全部意义。‎ ‎【句式分析】‎ 本句是由并列连词but连接的复合句,第二个分句运用了将来完成时,同时,包含有一个if引导的条件状语从句。‎ ‎【词语点拨】‎ ‎1) celebrate vt.庆祝 The whole city celebrated the New Year with fireworks. ‎ 全城放焰火来庆祝新年。‎ ‎2) affect vt.影响,感动 ‎ I told him firmly that his opinion will not affect my decision.‎ 我坚定的告诉他,他的观点不会影响我的决定。‎ The audience present was deeply affected by his speech.‎ 在场的听众都被他的演讲深深地打动了。‎ 三、One of the earliest epidemics on record happened about 500-550 AD when the Roman emperor at the time was attempting to rebuild the Roman Empire. ‎ ‎【句式翻译】‎ 历史上有记载的最早的传染病之一发生在公元500-550年,当时的罗马皇帝正在试图重建罗马帝国。‎ ‎【句式分析】‎ 本句包含一个when引导的限制性定语从句,从句中运用了过去进行时。‎ ‎【词语点拨】‎ attempt v.& n.尝试,试图 William attempted to find the solution to the problem. ‎ 威廉试图找到问题的解决办法。‎ He was nearly drowned in the attempt to swim across. ‎ 他在试图游到对岸去时差一点被淹死。‎ ‎【语法点拨】‎ 过去进行时的构成:was/were doing,表示“过去某个时间正在进行的动作”。常用的时间状语有this morning, the whole morning, from nine to ten last evening, when, while等。如:‎ What was he writing all day last Sunday? ‎ 上周日他一整天都在写什么?‎ My brother fell while he was riding his bicycle and hurt himself. ‎ 我哥哥骑自行车的时候从车上摔下来受伤了。‎ 四、 Adverts are not only made and paid for by business, but also by individuals, organizations and associations that wish to inform or educate the public. 广告不仅【‎ 句式翻译】‎ 四、 广告可由商家付费制作,也可以由想给公众传达某种信息或教育公众的个人、组织或协会来出资制作。‎ ‎【句式分析】‎ 本句是由并列连词not only…but also连接的复合句,第一个分句运用了一般现在时的被动语态。‎ ‎【词语点拨】‎ inform vt.通知,告知;构成短语:inform sb of sth通知某人某事 I shall inform you soon of the date of my arrival. ‎ 我将把我到达的日期通知你。‎ I regret to inform you that I am unable to help you. ‎ 我遗憾地告诉你我没法帮助你。‎ ‎【语法点拨】‎ 一般现在时的被动语态的构成:is/are done。表示“现在经常性、习惯性的动作,并且主语与谓语动词之间为被动关系”。‎ A lot of food is wasted every year. ‎ 每年浪费掉很多食物。‎ Millions of tons of waste and poisonous gases are sent into the air with the smoke. 数百万吨的废气和毒气随着烟尘散发到空中。‎ 五、Ever since they were first put on the market in the early 1990s, genetically modified (GM 转基因) foods have been increasingly developed and marketed in many countries in the world, mainly on the basis of their promise to end the worldwide food crisis. ‎ ‎【句式翻译】‎ 自从二十世纪九十年代早期首次投入市场以来,转基因食物就不断地在很多国家开发和销售,主要是基于想要结束世界粮食危机。‎ ‎【句式分析】‎ 本句是一个含有since引导的时间状语从句的复合句,have been developed and marketed…是现在完成时的被动语态形式。‎ ‎【词语点拨】‎ basis n. 基础;构成短语:on the basis of 以……为基础 Don’t evaluate a person on the basis of appearance. ‎ 不要以相貌取人。‎ Mr. Smith goes to the gym on a regular basis. ‎ 史密斯先生定期去健身房。‎ 六、The Olympic spirit -- the spirit of competition which emphasizes taking part rather than winning -- has been violated by the desire to succeed at all costs. ‎ ‎【句式翻译】‎ 奥林匹克精神—强调参与而不是取胜的竞技精神—已经被为成功而不惜一切代价的愿望所亵渎。‎ ‎【句式分析】‎ 本句是复合句,which引导限制性定语从句,修饰先行词spirit,to succeed修饰desire,作定语。‎ ‎【词语点拨】‎ rather than 与其;不愿;而不是。用于连接两个并列成分,连接两个名词或代词作主语时,谓语动词应与rather than 前面的名词或代词在人称和数上保持一致 Tom rather than his friends has been chosen. ‎ 是汤姆而不是他的朋友们被选中。‎ The sweater she bought was beautiful rather than cheap. ‎ 与其说她买的这件羊毛衫便宜不如说它漂亮。‎ I decided to send an e-mail rather than telephone. ‎ 我决定发邮件而不是打电话。‎ ‎【语法点拨】‎ 有些名词后常跟不定式作定语,如:time, way, right, reason, effort, chance, movement, ability, desire, tendency等。如:‎ Thank you for giving me a chance to make a speech. ‎ 谢谢你给我发言的机会。‎ Mr. Green has the ability to bring out the best in others. ‎ 格林先生能做到扬人之长。‎ 七、When you set out to do something different, there’s no end in sight, so to find myself in a position where I now have my own name on a contract of the publisher -- to be a published writer -- is unbelievably rewarding. ‎ ‎【句式翻译】‎ 当着手去做不同的事情,看不到结果,所以,发现自己的名字写在出版商的合同上—要成为一个出版作家—是令人难以置信的回报。‎ ‎【句式分析】‎ 本句是复合句,包含有三个从句,when引导时间状语从句,so引导结果状语从句,where引导限制性定语从句,修饰先行词position,to find …在句中作主语。‎ ‎【词语点拨】‎ rewarding adj. 值得的;有报酬的 So far my time with these children has been very rewarding. ‎ 到目前为止,我和这些孩子们度过的时光非常有价值。‎ Government service can be a rewarding and secure career. ‎ 政府部门的工作可以很有回报,很有保障。‎ ‎【语法点拨】‎ 动词不定式可以作主语,位于句首。如果动词不定式短语过长,为了避免句子头重脚轻,可用 it 作形式主语,而将真正的主语动词不定式短语后置,具体用法参见第17句。如:‎ To obey the law is the duty of everybody. ‎ 遵守法律人人有责。‎ To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness in the world.‎ 爱人和被人爱是这个世界上最大的幸福。‎ 八、Proudly reading my words, I glanced around the room, only to find my classmates bearing big smiles on their faces and tears in their eyes. ‎ ‎【句式翻译】‎ 自豪地阅读我写的内容时,我环顾整个房间,却发现我的同学笑得眼泪都要流出来了。‎ ‎【句式分析】‎ 本句是简单句,包含有三个非谓语短语,reading my words 和only to find…分别作时间状语和结果状语,bearing…作宾补。‎ ‎【词语点拨】‎ glance vi瞥;浏览;后面常跟at, through, over等介词 I picked up the phone book and glanced through it. ‎ 我拿起电话簿,匆匆扫了一遍。‎ He glanced at his watch and left the room. ‎ 他匆匆看了一下手表,离开了房间。‎ ‎【语法点拨】‎ 动词不定式作结果状语时,通常表示出乎意料的结果,常被just或only修饰,置于句末,用逗号和句子分开。如:‎ I went to the classroom, only to find nobody there. ‎ 我去了教室,却没有见到一个人。‎ He rushed to the door, only to discover that it was locked and barred. ‎ 他冲到门边, 却发现门已被锁死了。‎ 九、At 12 years old she won a Guinness Record when she became the youngest female to win the women’s world title for platform diving at the World Championships in Australia in 1991. ‎ ‎【句式翻译】‎ ‎1991年,12岁的伏明霞就获得了一项吉尼斯纪录,当时她参加了在澳大利亚举行的跳台跳水世界锦标赛,成为最年轻的女子世界冠军。‎ ‎【句式分析】‎ 本句是复合句,when在句中引导状语从句,to win the women's world title…作定语,修饰the youngest female。‎ ‎【词语点拨】‎ championship n.冠军称号;锦标赛 We are proud for you to win the championship. ‎ 我们为你赢得冠军而骄傲。‎ All the gold medals for the championship fell to the team. ‎ 本届锦标赛的所有金牌都被这个队夺得。‎ 十、Having killed up to 50 million people in 18 months, with a tendency to strike the young and fit rather than the old, the Spanish Flu is believed to have been the most acute epidemic in history. ‎ ‎【句式翻译】‎ 西班牙流感在十八个月内夺去了五千万人的生命,该病似乎专门袭击年轻力壮的人,而不是老迈长者,被认为是历史上最严重的一次传染病。‎ ‎【句式分析】‎ 本句是简单句,包含有一个句式:be believed to do/be 被认为做……/是……,Having killed…在句中作状语,to strike…作定语,修饰tendency。‎ ‎【词语点拨】‎ strike vt. 攻(袭)击;打,打动; (钟)敲响报(时); 使突然想起 n.打击;罢工 Snowstorms often strike that area in winter. ‎ 冬天暴风雪常常袭击那个地区。‎ Strike while the iron is hot. ‎ 趁热打铁。‎ The clock struck twelve. ‎ 钟敲十二点。‎ I was struck by the beauty of the West Lake.‎ 我被西湖的美景给迷住了。‎ It suddenly struck me that I ought to make a new plan.‎ 我突然想到, 我应该制订一个新的方案。‎ The bus drivers have been on strike for several days. ‎ 公共汽车司机罢工好几天了。‎ ‎【语法点拨】‎ ‎1)(sth/sb)be believed to do/be 被认为做……/是……= It is/ was believed that…,在这个句式中,不定式作主语补足语,可以代替believe用于这个句式的动词还有:say, suppose, think, know, report等。如:‎ Do you know why Friday is believed to be an unlucky day? ‎ 你知道为什么星期五被认为是不吉利的日子吗?‎ The old castle was believed to have ghosts living in it for many years. ‎ 多年来人们一直相信这座古堡里面居住着幽灵。‎ The great pyramid is believed to have been built over a 20-year period. ‎ 人们认为建造这座大金字塔花去了20多年的时间。‎ Yao Ming is thought to be one of the best basketball players in the world. ‎ 姚明被认为是世界上最棒的篮球运动员之一。‎ 十一、The best way to get rid of a negative serf-image is to realize that your image is far from objective, and to actively convince yourself of your positive qualities. ‎ ‎【句式翻译】‎ 摆脱负面的自我形象的最好办法是意识到你的形象远远不是客观的,同时主动地使你相信自己的积极的品质。‎ ‎【句式分析】‎ 本句是复合句,that your image is…是宾语从句,to get rid of…在句中作定语,to realize… 和to actively convince…是并列成分,作表语。‎ ‎【词语点拨】‎ far from 远离;远非,远远不是 The work he did yesterday is far from perfect. ‎ 他昨天做的的工作远非十全十美。‎ Far from relieving my cough, the medicine made it worse. ‎ 这药非但不镇咳,反而使我咳嗽得更厉害。‎ ‎2)convince vt. 使信服;常用于以下结构:‎ ①convince sb of sth 使某人相信某事。如:‎ You need to convince your boss of your ability to do the job. ‎ 你需要让你的老板相信你有做这份工作的能力。‎ ②convince sb to do 说服某人做某事 It took me a long time to convince him to go with me. ‎ 我用了很长时间才说服他和我一起去。‎ ③convince sb+that从句 使某人相信 I managed to convince my friend that I didn’t mean to hurt him. ‎ 我设法使朋友相信我不想伤害他。‎ ‎【语法点拨】‎ ‎1)不定式to do作定语:具体用法参见第19句。‎ ‎2)不定式to do作表语:‎ ‎① 说明主语的具体内容。如:‎ My only wish is to do something for the public. ‎ 我唯一的愿望是为公众做些事。‎ ‎② 表示不可避免将要发生的事。如:‎ The discovery is to have a great effect on our life. ‎ 这个发现将对我们的生活产生重大影响。‎ ③不定式作表语,且主语部分有all, what, only或是最高级形容词修饰的名词和实义动词do时,作表语的不定式可省去to。如:‎ All you need to do now is have a good rest. ‎ 现在你所需要的是好好休息。‎ 十二、Noticing that the driver was struggling to see through the snow covering the windshield, she found herself wondering why there couldn’t be a built-in device for cleaning the window.‎ ‎【句式翻译】‎ 注意到司机要很费力的透过覆盖在挡风玻璃上的雪向外看,她不禁想为什么不能有一个内置的设备来清除雪呢。‎ ‎【句式分析】‎ 本句是复合句,that和why在句中引导宾语从句,Noticing , covering和wondering分别作状语、定语和宾补。‎ ‎【词语点拨】‎ notice ①vt.注意到;看到。常用于notice sb do sth; notice sb doing sth和notice sth done结构中。‎ I didn’t notice you wearing a new hat. =I didn’t notice you were wearing a new hat. 我没有注意到你戴了一顶新帽子。‎ We noticed Jack leave the house an hour ago. ‎ 我们注意到杰克一小时前离开了这所房子。‎ No one but Miss Zhou noticed the flowers on the table changed. ‎ 除周小姐外,没有人注意到桌子上的花被换过。‎ ②n.注意;通知 The notice was set above the door, and I didn’t see it. ‎ 通知贴在门的上方,我没看见。‎ He is too proud to take notice of others. ‎ 他很骄傲,不理睬别人。‎ ‎【语法点拨】‎ ‎1)现在分词doing作定语:‎ 在逻辑上与所修饰的名词之间为主谓关系,也可改成定语从句。单个分词作定语一般放在被修饰词之前,分词短语作定语一般放在被修饰词之后。如:‎ The glow of the setting sun is splendid; it is a pity that dusk is fast approaching. ‎ 夕阳无限好,只是近黄昏。‎ He is a businessman growing rich in recent years. ‎ 他是一位最近几年才发起来的商人。‎ ‎2)分词作宾补:‎ 分词一般只在两类动词后作宾补,感官动词(feel,listen to,hear,see,look at, watch,notice,observe) 和使役动词(have, make)。现在分词作宾补表示正在进行的主动意义,过去分词则表示已经完成的被动意义。如:‎ Through the window Jane saw children playing in the yard. ‎ 透过窗户简看见孩子们在院子里玩。‎ Maria has had her wallet stolen on her way to school. ‎ 上学路上,玛利亚的钱包被偷了。‎ 十三、To get ahead in the world and lead a happy successful life means getting on with other people and being able to understand and react to situations in the best way possible. ‎ ‎【句式翻译】‎ 在这个世界中生存并快乐的生活意味着能够与其他人很好的相处, 能够理解形势并以最好的方式作出反应。‎ ‎【句式分析】‎ 本句是简单句,句子的主语是To get ahead…, means作谓语,getting on with…和being able to…是并列的宾语。‎ ‎【词语点拨】‎ react v. 反应,做出反应 When the sun comes out, the flowers react by opening. ‎ 当太阳出来的时候,花以张开的形式作出反应。‎ Do children react to kind treatment by becoming more self-confident? ‎ 对孩子们和善是否会使他们更有信心?‎ 十四、The children played in the courtyards and because of the hutongs, courtyards were joined together for miles around creating a network of people working, playing and living together—a real community. ‎ ‎【句式翻译】‎ 孩子们在院子里一起玩耍,方圆好几里的四合院被连接起来,构成了人们一起工作、一起娱乐、一起起居的网络和一个真正的社区。‎ ‎【句式分析】‎ 本句是由并列连词and连接的复合句,creating…作状语。‎ ‎【词语点拨】‎ join v. 连接;参加 You should never join an electric wire to a water pipe. ‎ 你千万不可把电线连接在水管上。‎ All the family join me in wishing you a happy future. ‎ 所有的家人同我一道祝你未来幸福。‎ 十五、At that time, there were restrictions on the movement of Europeans and so, in order to travel unnoticed, he developed his fluency in Chinese and dressed as a Chinese man, even shaving his head in the Chinese style. ‎ ‎【句式翻译】‎ 那时候,欧洲人在中国的活动受到种种限制,因此为了在旅行时不引起别人注意,他努力使自己的汉语讲得很流利,并且穿着中国人的服装,甚至像中国人一样削发(留辫)。‎ ‎【句式分析】‎ 本句是复合句,so引导结果状语从句,unnoticed和shaving作状语。‎ ‎【词语点拨】‎ ‎1)restriction n. 限制 The park is open to the public without restriction. ‎ 这个公园对公众开放,没有任何限制。‎ There is no restriction on the number of people. ‎ 人数不限。‎ ‎2) dress v. 打扮;穿衣 n. 衣服;礼服;dress后常接sb/oneself,不接衣服作宾语;构成短语:be dressed in…穿着……‎ Father dressed up as a clown to make children laugh. ‎ 为了逗孩子们笑,爸爸装扮成小丑。‎ She hurriedly dressed her son and drove him to school. ‎ 她匆忙地给儿子穿上衣服,开车送他到学校。‎ I feel awkward as everyone except me is in evening dress. ‎ 我感到很尴尬,因为除了我,谁都穿了夜礼服。‎ Angels are usually shown in pictures dressed in white. ‎ 图画中的天使通常身穿白衣。‎ ‎【语法点拨】‎ ‎1)过去分词作状语:‎ ①过去分词作状语时,常表示被动和完成,此时分词的逻辑主语就是句子的主语。表示时间、条件、原因、让步时可转换为相应的状语从句;表示方式、结果和伴随时可转化为并列分句。如:‎ My father sat quietly on the couch, lost in thought(=and he was lost in thought). ‎ 我父亲静静地坐在沙发上,沉浸在思索之中。‎ Looked (=If it is looked) at a distance, the painting seems much more beautiful. ‎ 隔着一段距离看,这幅画似乎要漂亮得多。‎ ②有些分词作状语,没有逻辑上的主语,已成为习惯用法:given(考虑到,如果), provided that(如果),compared with/to等。‎ Our greenhouse is nothing compared with yours. ‎ 我们这个温室比起你们那个简直是小巫见大巫。‎ I will agree to go provided / providing ( that ) my expenses are paid. ‎ 假如为我负担费用,我就同意去。‎ 十六、Shay didn’t make it to another summer and died that winter, having never forgotten being the hero and making his father so happy and coming home and seeing his mother tearfully hug her little hero of the day! ‎ ‎【句式翻译】‎ Shay 在那一年的冬天死了,没有活到第二年的夏天,他永远也忘不掉自己当英雄以及让自己的爸爸如此高兴,忘不掉跑回家看到含泪的妈妈抱住这个小英雄的场景。‎ ‎【句式分析】‎ 本句是简单句,didn’t make it和died是并列的谓语动词,having never forgotten作状语,being the hero, making his father…,coming home,和seeing...是并列的宾语。‎ ‎【词语点拨】‎ ‎1)make it (to)及时到达;成功;约定时间 It's hard to make it to the top in the show business. ‎ 想在演艺圈出人头地,实非易事。‎ I can't make it to dinner tonight; but, can I take a rain check? ‎ 今天晚上我不能去吃晚饭, 但是我们改天再吃好吗?‎ Make it anytime that suits you ; I’m always free. ‎ 我反正有空,就你的时间吧。‎ 十七、Some modern art is abstract; that is, the painter doesn’t attempt to paint objects as we see them with our eyes, but instead concentrates on certain qualities of the object, using color, line and shape to represent them. ‎ ‎【句式翻译】‎ 有些现代艺术是抽象的,也就是说,画家并不打算把我们眼睛看到的东西如实地画出来,而是集中展现物体的某些品质特征,用色彩、线条和形状把它们呈现出来。‎ ‎【句式分析】‎ 本句是复合句, doesn’t attempt to和concentrates on是并列谓语, as 在句中引导状语从句,using color…作状语。‎ ‎【词语点拨】‎ concentrate vi. 专心于;集中 You should concentrate on the road when you’re driving. ‎ 开车时注意力应集中在路上。‎ When working, one should concentrate and not allow oneself to be distracted. ‎ 工作时要集中精力,不要分心。‎ 十八、The study, published in 2009, found that when writing with a pen and paper, participants wrote longer essays and more complete sentences and had a faster word production rate. ‎ ‎【句式翻译】‎ 这项研究发表于2009年,它发现用笔和纸来写,参与者写的文章更长,写的句子更完整,写单词的速度更快。‎ ‎【句式分析】‎ 本句复合句,that 引导宾语从句,从句中又有一个when引导的状语从句,published在句中作后置定语,writing作状语。‎ ‎【词语点拨】‎ ‎1) participant n. 参加者 participate vi.参与 He is an active participant in the civil rights movement. ‎ 他是人权运动的积极参加者。‎ Terry can’t participate in the match because he has hurt his foot. ‎ 特里不能参加比赛,因为他扭了脚。‎ ‎2) rate n.比率;速度 House prices are rising at a higher rate than inflation. ‎ 房价比通货膨胀上涨的比率高。‎ The car was going at the rate of 40 miles an hour. ‎ 轿车以每小时40里的速度行驶。‎ 十九、Professor H. Siegel, honored by Kentucky Educational Television as“the best math teacher in America,”is a devoted teacher and has a gift for explaining mathematical concepts in ways that make them seem clear and obvious. ‎ ‎【句式翻译】‎ H•西格尔教授被肯塔基州教育电视尊称为是“美国最好的数学老师”,他是一个尽职的教师,在解释数学概念方面很有天赋,能把这些概念解释得清楚明了。‎ ‎【句式分析】‎ 本句复合句,that在句中引导限制性定语从句,修饰先行词ways,honored作后置定语。‎ ‎【词语点拨】‎ ‎1) devoted adj.忠诚的;挚爱的 devote vt. 奉献,把……用于 He married well and happily and was a devoted father and husband. ‎ 他婚姻美满幸福,是位尽职尽责的父亲,忠实的丈夫。‎ The editors devoted a whole page to the discussion of the housing problem. ‎ 编辑用一个整版来讨论住房问题。‎ ‎2) have a gift for = have a talent for在……方面有天赋 You have a surprising gift for seeing into people's minds. ‎ 你有惊人的才能,能看出别人的心思。‎ Yang Liping has a love for music and a gift for dancing. ‎ 杨丽萍热爱音乐,并具有舞蹈天赋。‎ 二十、Supported by his academic research, Professor Salovey suggests that when predicting someone’s future success, their character, as measured by EQ tests, might actually matter more than their IQ. ‎ ‎【句式翻译】‎ 萨洛维教授在他学术研究的基础上提出, 在预测一个人未来的成功时, 他的性格,通过情商测验来衡量, 也许比他的智商更为重要。‎ ‎【句式分析】‎ 本句是复合句,that引导宾语从句,从句中包含有一个when引导的省略的状语从句,supported 和predicting在句中作状语。‎ ‎【词语点拨】‎ ‎1)support vt. 支撑;支持;供养;为…提供资金;n. 支持;支撑物;赡养 They supported us in the struggle for an increase in pay. ‎ 他们支持我们争取增加工资。 ‎ The research was supported by the government. ‎ 这项研究由政府出资。 ‎ I depend on my friends for emotional support. ‎ 我靠朋友给我感情支持。 ‎ Her job is the family’s only means of support. ‎ 她家全靠她的工作维持生计。 ‎ ‎2)suggest vt.建议;表明。当“建议”讲时,后面可以接动名词,接从句时,从句用虚拟语气;当“表明”时,后面的从句常用陈述语气。‎ His pale face suggested that he was badly ill. ‎ 他苍白的脸色表明他病得很厉害。‎ I suggest bringing the meeting to an end.=I suggest that we should bring the meeting to an end. ‎ 我建议结束会议。‎ 二十一、Having identified the target group, researchers find out as much as possible about those in the target group, such as their likes and dislikes, and how the product would fit into their lives. ‎ ‎【句式翻译】‎ 明确了广告的目标群体后,研究人员就会尽量获取这个群体的有关信息,例如他们的好恶,以及如何使产品适应他们的生活。‎ ‎【句式分析】‎ 本句是复合句,how在句中引导定语从句,Having identified the target group是现在分词的完成形式作状语。‎ ‎【词语点拨】‎ identify vt. 识别,认出 Could you identify your bike among a hundred others. ‎ 你能从100自行车中认出你的那一辆吗?‎ The bad weather is identified as the possible cause of the accident. ‎ 坏天气被认为可能导致了这个事故。‎ ‎【语法点拨】‎ having done可以作状语,此时,它代表的动作发生在句子谓语动作之前,它的逻辑主语和句子的主语一致。如:‎ Not having tried his best, he failed in the exam. ‎ 由于没有尽最大努力,他这次考试没能通过。‎ Having known the situation well, they could deal with the problem efficiently. ‎ 由于对形势的深刻了解,他们有效地处理了问题。‎ 二十二、Treatments for jellyfish stings and snakebites have also been developed and in the last five years there have been only three deaths from jellyfish stings and about the same number from snakebites. ‎ ‎【句式翻译】‎ 治疗水母刺伤和毒蛇咬伤方法也已经研制成功,在过去的五年里只有三人死于水母刺伤,这与被蛇咬伤致死的人数大体相同。‎ ‎【句式分析】‎ 本句是由并列连词and连接的复合句,第一个分句运用了现在完成时的被动语态。‎ ‎【词语点拨】‎ develop v.开发,发展,研制(新产品)‎ Over the last few years tourism here has developed considerably. ‎ 在过去几年里,这里的旅游业获得了相当大的发展。‎ The two companies have teamed up to develop a new racing car. ‎ 那两个公司已合作研制新型赛车。‎ ‎【语法点拨】‎ 现在完成时的被动语态的结构就是现在完成时态和被动语态的结构的叠合,即:has/have been done,表示“过去发生的动作对现在有影响或持续到现在,并且主语与谓语动词之间为被动关系”。常用的时间状语:for或since引导的时间状语及before, until now, up till now, so far, up to the moment, in the last few years等。如:‎ The office looks nice. It has just been cleaned. ‎ 办公室看起来很干净。它刚被打扫过。‎ The machine has been repaired for two hours. ‎ 这台机器已修了两小时了。‎ 二十三、The recent case of an American women, Terri Schiavo, whose husband won a legal battle to have her taken off life support machines after she spent 15 years in a coma-like state, has exposed the many sensitive legal and medical issues that surround the care of coma patients. ‎ ‎【句式翻译】‎ 最近一位美国妇女Terri Schiavo的案例已经暴露出许多关于对昏迷病人的护理的敏感的司法和医学问题,她的丈夫打赢了一场官司,在她在昏迷状态下度过15年之后,把她与她的生命供应机切断了。‎ ‎【句式分析】‎ 本句是复合句,主语是The recent case,谓语是has exposed,关系代词whose在句中引导一个非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词Terri Schiavo;关系代词that在句中引导一个限制性定语从句,修饰先行词issues,taken off在句中作宾补。‎ ‎【词语点拨】‎ ‎1) sensitive adj.敏感的;易受影响的 A baby is sensitive to the slightest changes in its mother’s voice. ‎ 婴儿对母亲声音的最细小变化都很敏感。‎ My teeth are really sensitive to hot and cold.‎ 我的牙齿对冷热真地很敏感。‎ ‎2) surround vt. 包围;环绕, 围绕 You will discover that you are surrounded by happiness. ‎ 你会发现,幸福其实就是在你身边。‎ The video images made the visitors feel they were surrounded with wild life. ‎ 这些图像给参观者产生身处野生动物之中的感觉。‎

