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2018 届二轮复习 特殊句式( 助动词及其他) 真题再练 在下列句中的空白处填入 1 个适当的单词,并说明理由。 (2014 卷 II·68) Then the driver stood up and asked, “_______anyone lose a suitcase at the last stop?” Did 考查疑问句的结构,由 asked 可知直接引语是一般疑问句;由“ at the last stop”( 在上一个站点 ) 可知,谓语动词应用一般过去时,而 lose 是原形,故应填助动词 Did ,构成一般过去时的疑问式,注意句首首字母要大写。 一般过去时 直接引语是一般疑问句 思路点拨 1. 由单词 asked 判断,其后的直接引语为疑问句。疑问句的主语前应是情态动词、 be 动词,或者助动词 do, does, did 。 2. 由语境判断,谓语动词本该用一般过去时或第三人称单数时,却用了原形,其前面应填情态动词,或填强调谓语的 do, does, did, 或填构成部分倒装的助动词 do , does , did 等。 考点归纳 1. 疑问句结构: ( 疑问词 +) be 动词 / 情态动词 / 助动词 (do, does, did) + 主语 + 谓语动词 +…? 2. 部分倒装句结构:与一般疑问句的结构相同。 3. 谓语动词的强调式:当谓语动词为一般现在时,可用 do 或 does 来强调;当谓语动词为一般过去时,可用 did 来强调。 4. 有可能要求考生填 it 或 that, 以构成 it is/ was… that… 强调句型。 5. 为避免与前面谓语动词的重复使用助动词 do, does 或 did 。 考点练透 1. He doesn’t smoke and neither ______ he drink. does 由并列句中的谓语动词的时态可知,用一般现在时,但主语是第三人称单数 he ,却用动词原形 drink ,因此一定是填助动词或情态动词;因以否定词 neither 开头,故用 does 构成部分倒装。 2. This fish has a strange taste; ___ you think it’s all right? 2. 构成一般疑问句。 3. She didn’t understand, _____she? 3. 构成反意疑问句。 do did 4. Not only ______ the sun give us light, but it gives us heat. does 由后面的 gives 可知用一般现在时,而此处主语 the sun 是第三人称单数,谓语动词却用了原形 (give) ,因此空格一定是填助动词或情态动词;又由后面的 gives 可知不用情态动词,故填助动词; not only…but also… 连接两个句子时, not only 句要用部分倒装,一般现在时主语是第三人称单数,故填 does 。 5. Only then ____ he realize that he had been wrong. 因以 Only + 状语 (then) 开头,要用部分倒装 , 又由后面的 had 可知,是一般过去时,故填 did 。 6. I said he would come, and he _____ come. 强调谓语动词 come, 表示“真的”“的确”来了。 did did 7. People ought to help, but nobody ever ______. 替代动词 help 。句意 : 人们应该帮忙的 , 但却没有人帮。 8. “______Tom often play computer games?” asked Mr. Li. 构成一般疑问句。 does Does 9. It is because he works very hard _____ he has made such great progress. 9. 构成强调结构。 10. Who is _____ that should clean the classroom today? 10. 构成强调结构。 that it 11. He is late. I ___ hope that he hasn’t met with an accident. 强调谓语动词 hope 。意为:我真希望他不会遇到什么意外事故。 12. My parents think I didn’t study for my exam, but I _____ study. 强调谓语动词 study, 表示 : 但我的确学习了。 did do 13. Please! ______ be quiet for a moment! 13. 用于祈使句,加强语气,表示请求,可译作“务必,一定”。 Do 14. We should do everything we _____ to protect the environment. 表示能力,意为“能够”。 can 15. Lang Lang ______ play the piano when he was only three. 表示能力,意为“能,会”,由后半句可知用一般过去时,故用 can 的过去式 could 。 could 16. It ______rain, but anyhow I shall go out. 表示可能性,意为“也许”。 may 17. You _______ borrow this book as long as you promise to give it back. 表示允许,意为“可以”。 may 18. It’s raining. Even so, we ______ set off. 表示由于有必要或很重要,或由于有命令或规定“必须”做某事。 must 19. Judging from his accent, he ______ have come from the north. 19. 表示猜测,意为“一定,准是”。 must 20. Students _______ apply themselves to their study. 表示“应该”。 should THANK YOU!

