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只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 - 1 - 课时作业(五) [模块 2 Unit 5 Rhythm] (限时:35 分钟) Ⅰ.单项填空 1.The film People Like Us was________great success,bringing in a lot of money to________cinema. A./;the B.a;the C./;/ D.a;/ 2.He should________his attention________the main problems. A.aim;with B.pay;on C.focus;on D.concentrate;with 3.Ann never dreams of________for her to be sent abroad very soon. A.there being a chance B.there to be a chance C.there be a chance D.being a chance 4.He________live in the south,so it is hard for him to________the climate here. A.was used to;be used to B.used to; used to C.was used to;get used to D.used to;get used to 5.—What has made you so happy,Mary? —Oh,I've just________an old friend I haven't seen for years. A.come upon B.come in C.come out D.come up 6.We lost our way in the street and the heavy rain________our helplessness. A.added to B.led to C.turned out D.made up 7.The conference has been held to discuss the effects of tourism________the wildlife in the area. A.in B.on C.at D.with 8.The clerk________his letter is working in our company. A.referred B.referred to C.referred to in D.referred in 9.We've offered her the job, but I don't know________ she'll accept it. A.where B.what C.whether D.which 10.It was some time________we realised the truth. A.when B.until C.since D.before Ⅱ.完形填空 I just returned from a twoweek tour of Europe. On my teacher's salary, I could__11__afford to travel there with Western tours,__12__I decided to go travelling with a Chinese tour. Besides the affordability, the truth is that I am 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 - 2 - a(n)__13__traveller. Making all the reservations and connections is a nightmare for me, so I am__14__to sacrifice autonomy(自主权)__15__security. This does, however,__16__that one should always follow its leader. In most aspects of my life, I am extremely__17__. No one carries my purse and parcels. I have gone bravely into wildly different life changes,__18__when it comes to__19__, show me a flag and I'll follow it. The group leaders were a bit nervous at first. But I promised them that my not speaking Chinese was not a problem. I'd just go__20__they pointed. There was one little__21__however. I wouldn't be eating Chinese food with them. I would find an eatery(小餐馆) nearby and enjoy local cuisine. It worked out fine. Since I was single, I usually__22__a room with another woman. On my first trip, to Egypt, I couldn't have been__23__. They paired me up with Shelley, who__24__fluent English and we adored each other almost instantly. The second time, my potential roommate took one look at me and said she'd rather sleep with her friends on a rollaway in__25__room. I was__26__at first, but then realised I'd have a room to myself, so why got upset? Travelling in a group meant that the first day we were all__27__, but we got familiar__28__each other on the bus and__29__each other's faces quickly in a crowd. We got__30__comfortable with each other and soon a family atmosphere developed. 11.A.never B.always C.closely D.only 12.A.and B.because C.so D.since 13.A.good B.nervous C.ambitious D.kind 14.A.fine B.ready C.possible D.never 15.A.in B.with C.for D.by 16.A.promise B.attract C.recommend D.require 17.A.dependent B.independent C.helpful D.helpless 18.A.but B.and C.then D.so 19.A.play B.rest C.travel D.sleep 20.A.where B.once C.how D.when 21.A.issue B.question C.thing D.problem 22.A.gave B.lived C.shared D.divided 23.A.disappointed B.disappointing C.lucky D.luckier 24.A.talked B.spoke C.said D.told 25.A.their B.our C.her D.my 26.A.happy B.interested C.upset D.angry 27.A.strangers B.familiar C.friends D.families 28. A.by B.in C.among D.with 29.A.looked for B.found C.found out D.searched 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 - 3 - 30.A.frequently B.much C.less D.increasingly Ⅲ.阅读理解 A It seems that fate likes to play strange jokes on those who are famous.The manner in which fate saved Clive of India for his mission in history is a matter of record.Downhearted, ill, and depressed, Clive, then a young clerk, placed a revolver(左轮枪手) to his head and snapped the trigger time after time.It refused to fire and he realised that suicide was not to be his lot.A subordinate (下属) took the same pistol from Clive's hand and fired it six times in succession(连续). A somewhat different but disturbing fate laid in store for Robert Todd Lincoln, the eldest son of the Civil War President.Young Lincoln had received orders to report to Washington.In White House he was told that his parents had gone to Fords Theatre and they had requested that he join them there.Robert Todd Lincoln went to the theatre and, just as he entered the building, he was stretched back by a crowd of excited people, among whom were the stretcher bearerscarrying the dying President. During the administration of President Garfield, Robert Todd Lincoln became Secretary of War.He was a close personal friend of President Garfield and, when the President prepared to leave for a visit to the seashore at Elberton, New Jersey, Secretary Lincoln accepted an invitation to go along.As Secretary Lincoln reached the railway station, he encountered the stretcher bearers carrying out the fatally wounded President Garfield, victim of an assassin's(刺客) bullet. Twenty years later, as Robert Todd Lincoln entered the Temple of Music in Buffalo to greet President McKinley, the President was carried past him by stretcher bearers.Garfield, Lincoln, and McKinley were the presidents to be assassinated (暗 杀), and Robert Todd Lincoln was the only man who was on the scene immediately after all the shootings. 31.From the first paragraph, we can infer that Clive________. A.tried to kill himself but was saved by a subordinate B.remained a clerk all his life C.became famous later in life D.was a man who liked to play jokes 32.Which of the following is TRUE about the subordinate? A.He fired the gun. B.He tried to kill himself but failed. C.He didn't know how to use a revolver. D.He was not pleased with his position. 33.What kind of fate was lying there for Robert Todd Lincoln? A.He escaped narrow death three times. B.He was lucky enough to hold important positions in the government of three presidents. C.He was the only man who saw the deaths of three presidents. D.He was the only man who arrived immediately after the three presidents were shot. 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 - 4 - 34.Who was the most lucky of the people mentioned in the passage? A.The subordinate. B.Clive. C.Robert Todd Lincoln. D.McKinley. 35.What would be the best title for the passage? A.The Fatal Witness B.Different Fates for Different People C.The Shootings of Three Presidents D.The Sad Life of Robert Todd Lincoln B WASHINGTON-School lunches have been called many things, but a group of retired military officers is giving them a new label: national security threat. That's not a reference to the mystery meat served up in the cafeteria line either. The retired officers are saying that school lunches have helped make the nation's young people so fat that fewer of them can meet the military's physical fitness standards, and recruitment will be difficult. A new report being released Tuesday says more than 9 million young adults, or 27 percent of all Americans ages 17 to 24, are too overweight to join the military. Now, the officers are advocating for passage of a wideranging nutrition bill that aims to make the nation's school lunches healthier. The military group acknowledges that other things keep young adults out of the armed services, such as a criminal record or the lack of a high school diploma. But weight problems that have worsened over the past 15 years are now the leading medical reason that recruits are rejected. Although all branches of the military now meet or exceed recruitment goals, retired Navy Rear Adm. James Barnett Jr., a member of the officers group, says the obesity trend could affect that. “When over a quarter of young adults are too fat to fight, we need to take notice , ” Barnett said. He noted that national security in the year 2030 is “absolutely dependent” on reversing child obesity rates. This isn't the first time the military has gotten involved in the debate over school lunches. During World War Ⅱ, military leaders had the opposite problem, reporting that many recruits were rejected because of stunted growth and inadequate nutrition. After the war, military leaders pushed Congress to establish the national school lunch program so children would grow up healthier. Today, the group is urging Congress to eliminate junk food and highcalorie beverages from schools, put more money into the school lunch program and develop new strategies that help children develop healthier habits. 36. What is the main problem of the lunches in schools according to the military officers? A.The meat in the lunches is mysterious. B.The lunches are too expensive. C.The lunches contain too much fat. D.There is inadequate nutrition in the lunches. 37. The underlined word “obesity” in Paragraph 5 means ________. 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 - 5 - A.slow in mind B.state of being fat C.quick in movement D.lack of confidence 38. Which of the following statements is NOT true? A.The lunches in American schools are not very healthy. B.During World War Ⅱ, many people could not join the army because of overweight. C.According to the author, overweight was the key reason why many recruits were rejected. D.By now, Congress hasn't eliminated junk food and highcalorie beverages from schools. 39. Which of the following is the best title for the article? A.School lunches: a national security threat? B.National security in danger? C.Retired officers tired of school lunches D.The recruitment of 2030 参考答案 课时作业(五) Ⅰ.1.B 考查冠词。a great success“极大的成功”,抽象名词前往往加上不定冠词, 表示“一次、一种、一场等”;the cinema“电影院”。 2.C 考查动词短语的搭配。focus on 表示“集中注意力”;其他三个选项动词与介词 搭配错误。aim…at…;pay…to…;concentrate…on…是习惯用法。 3.A 考查 dream 的用法。dream of +doing;与 there be 句型结构连用为 dream of there being。 4.D 考查 used to 和 be used to 的区别。句意:他以前住在南方,因而适应这里的 气候很难。used to 表示“过去经常(现在已经不了)”;get/be used to 表示“习惯于……”。 5.A 考查动词短语辨析。come upon=come across 意为“偶然遇到”;come in 意为 “进来,参与”;come out 意为“出现,出版”;come up 意为“破土而出”。 6.A 考查动词短语辨析。句意:我们在街上迷路了,大雨让我们更加无助。add to 表 示“增加”;lead to 表示“导致,通向”;turn out 表示“结果是”;make up 表示“编造, 构成”。 7.B 考查介词搭配。effect 常与介词 on 搭配使用。 8.C 考查非谓语动词短语作定语的用法。referred to 与 in 属不同的意群。referred to 为过去分词短语作定语修饰 clerk,相当于 who was referred to。 9.C 考查宾语从句的连接词。句意:我们已经为她提供了一份工作,但是不知道她是 否接受。故选 whether,意为“是否”。 10.D 根据句意“过了一段时间我们才意识到真相”,即在此之前不了解真相,故选择 before。这实际上是句型“It was+一段时间+before…”,表示“过了多久才……”,其 他连词的用法不符合题意。 Ⅱ.11.A 后文讲到作者跟别人合伙去旅行,所以说工资比较低,支付不起。 12.C 因此作者决定跟中国团,用 so。 13.B 从后文 Making all the reservations and connections is a nightmare for me 可知既然是噩梦,那么作者就是一个容易紧张的人。 14.B 15.C sacrifice…for 固定搭配,为了……牺牲…… 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 - 6 - 16.D 此处语意转折,安全的同时也要牺牲自由,要求跟着向导。 17.B 这里指在生活中很独立。 18.A 生活独立,但是提到旅行就不一样了,此处表示转折。 19.C 20.A 去他们指定的地方。 21.D 前文描述不成问题的地方,转而讲述出现的问题。 22.C 因为作者一个人,所以要与别人分享房间。 23.D 24.B 表示说某种语言再搭配后文的 English 可知用 B。 25.A 对方不愿意与作者同住,要与朋友们一起住,故用 their。 26.C 被拒绝后作者有点失落。 27.A 大家刚开始是陌生人,后来就熟悉了。 28.D 固定词组 be/get familiar with。 29.B 30.D Ⅲ.A 31.C 推理判断题。根据第一段前两句可以知道,命运常常对一些著名的人开玩笑,而 Clive 更是其中的经典,所以由此推出 C 正确。 32.A 细节理解题。由第一段的“A subordinate took the same pistol from Clive's hand and fired it six times in succession.”可知。 33.D 细节理解题。由最后一段的最后一句话“…Robert Todd Lincoln was the only man who was on the scene immediately after all the shootings.”可知答案为 D。 34.B 推理判断题。结合全文可以看出 Clive 从枪口中获生,且由开篇的“The manner in which fate saved Clive of India for his mission in history is a matter of record.” 可知,命运与他开的玩笑是历史上的经典,他也最幸运。 35.A 主旨大意题。本文主要介绍了命运对某些著名人物开的玩笑,因此那些著名人物 就成了命运的见证人,所以选择 The Fatal Witness 较为合适。 B 本文介绍了美国中学生的午餐问题。美国退休的军官把美国中学生的午餐当成“国家安 全威胁”,因为午餐中含有过多的脂肪,使得中学生的肥胖问题异常严峻,甚至可能会影响到 以后的征兵问题。 36.C 推理判断题。全文都在谈论由于美国学校午餐含有太多的脂肪而导致美国征兵面 临很大的威胁。故答案选 C。 37.B 词义猜测题。根据下段“When over a quarter of young adults are too fat to fight, we need to take notice”,可以看出 obesity 的含义应该是“肥胖”。 38.B 细节理解题。根据第七段中的“…many recruits were rejected because of stunted growth and inadequate nutrition.”一句可知:在二战期间,征兵难是因为很多 青年营养不良。 39.A 主旨大意题。纵观全文尤其是文章首段“School lunches…national security threat.”可知选 A。

