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必修 5 Module 1   British and American English 内容索引 核心素养测评 Step 1 以高考为导向 · 印证教材基础 Step 2 以核心为根本 · 探究课堂重点 Step 3 以检测为载体 · 提升语基能力 Step 4 以话题为主线 · 锤炼素养技能 1. compare vt. 比较 , 比喻  n. 比较 【写作金句】   Comparing notes with your classmates frequently is a good way to improve your study. 和同学经常地交换看法是提高学习的一种好方法。 【语块必记】 (1)compare (2)compared with/to. . .    和 …… 相比 (3)comparison n. 比较 ; 比喻 (4)beyond compare 无可比拟 【语境速测】 单句语法填空 ①As is known to all, Chairman Mao Zedong once compared the youth __ a rising sun. ②Compare some recent work ____ your older stuff and you’ll see how much you’ve improved. ③Children seem to learn more interesting things _________(compare) to/with when we were at school due to modern technology. to with compared 2. differ vi. 不同 ; 有区别 【文化金句】   Helping those in trouble can make a difference to their world. 帮助那些有困难的人可以给他们的世界带来很大的影响。 【语块必记】 【语境速测】  单句语法填空 ①To everyone’s surprise, the twins look alike, but they differ __ temperament. ②His views are unlikely to differ _____ those of his parents. ③Australia has its own cultural character, which is very ________(differ) from that of Britain. ④There’s a big _________(differ) between starting up a business and just talking about it. in from different difference 【知识拓展】  不同和相同 不同 : differ, be different, vary 相同 , 相似 : be the same, be similar/alike 3. attempt n. & v. 努力 ; 尝试 【文化金句】 The police persuaded people to stay cold and attempt to settle the problem by negotiating with the government concerned. 警察说服人们保持冷静 , 尝试通过和有关当局协商来解决问题。 【语块必记】 (1)make an attempt to do sth. /at doing sth. 尝试做某事 attempt sth. /to do sth.   尝试某事 / 做某事 (2)attempted adj. 未遂的 (3)( 同义 )try, struggle, effort ( 反义 )abandon, quit 【知识拓展】  尝试与做成 (1) 尝试做某事 : try to do sth. , have a try at doing sth. , give sth. a try (2) 做成某事 : manage to do sth. , succeed in doing sth. 【语境速测】  单句语法填空 ① He attempted ________(escape) through a window, trying his fortune.   ②This is my second attempt __ the driving test, which I am not skeptical about. 一句多译 ③ 他试着修那把锁 , 结果没修好。 He _________________________________ the lock but didn’t succeed.   =He _________________ the lock but didn’t succeed.   to escape at made an attempt at mending /to mend attempted to mend 4. present vt. 陈述 ; 提出 ; 赠送 ; 显示 n. 礼物 ; 现在  adj. 出席的 ; 目前的 【文化金句】 At present , the world has about 6, 800 languages, the distribution of which is hugely uneven. 目前 , 世界上有大约 6 800 种语言 , 这些语言的分布非常不均衡。 【语块必记】 【名师点津】 present 表示“出席的 , 在场的”常作表语或后置定语 ; 表示“目前的 , 现在的”常作前置定语。 【熟词生义】 读句子悟词义 ①The school is presenting West Side Story as its end-of-term production. ( ) ②He presented himself at the doctor’s at 9: 30 a. m. as arranged. ( ) vt . 上演 vt . 到场 【语境速测】 完成句子 ①His speech caused much attention from ___________________.   他的讲话引起了所有出席人员的极大关注。 ②___________________ is taking a turn for the better.   当前的形势正在向更好的方面扭转。 all the people present The present situation 一句多译 ③ 领导人授予所有的获奖者一枚奖牌。 The leader __________________ all the winners.   =The leader __________________________ a medal.   presented a medal to presented all the winners with 5. have difficulty (in) doing sth. 做某事有困难 【写作金句】   One of the difficulties we have (in) learning English is how to remember new words and expressions. 我们在学习英语中的困难之一是如何记住新单词和短语。 【语块必记】 (1)have trouble/a difficult time (in) doing sth. =have difficulty/trouble/problems with sth. 做某事有困难 (2)have fun/a good time (in) doing sth. 做某事很开心 / 顺利 【误区释疑】   在考查句型 have difficulty(in)doing sth. 时 , difficulty 作为主句中的先行词时往往提前 , 定语从句中谓语用 have doing 形式。 【语境速测】  单句语法填空 ①If you show the receipt, you ought not to have any difficulty ______(get) your money back. 句式升级 ②You can’t imagine the difficulty. I had great difficulty in finding your house. →You can’t imagine the great difficulty ______________________. ( 定语从句 )  →You can’t imagine ___________________________________. (what 引导的宾 语从句 )  getting I had finding your house what difficulty I had finding your house 6. By the 1850s it was selling one million copies a year, making it one of the most popular school books ever. 到 19 世纪 50 年代为止 , 该书以每年一百万册的速度销售 , 使它成为最受欢迎的学校用书之一。   【写作金句】   He has made great contributions to the construction of his hometown, making him the most respected person . 他为家乡的建设做出巨大贡献 , 使得他成为最受尊敬的人。 【句型公式】 (1) 动词 -ing 作状语 , 表示一种必然结果 , 常置于句尾 , 其前面有时加 thus 。 (2) 动词不定式常表示未曾料到的愉快或不愉快的结果 , 常置于句尾 , 用逗号与前面的内容隔开 , 其前面可以加 only 。 【语境速测】  完成句子 ①The song is sung all over the country, ____________________.   这首歌在全国各地演唱 , 结果很受欢迎。 ②He was so angry that he threw the glass, ___________________.   他如此生气以至于把杯子扔了 , 摔成了碎片。 ③She hurried back, __________ her old friend George waiting for her.   她匆忙回来意外地发现她的老朋友乔治在等她。 making it very popular breaking it into pieces only to find 【备选要点】 1. confusing adj. 令人困惑的 ; 难懂的 【写作金句】   Sometimes a word has different meanings, which can be confusing in language study. 有时一个单词有不同的意思 , 这在语言学习中是令人困惑的事。 【语块必记】 【语境速测】  单句语法填空 ①I can’t see how anyone could confuse you ____ another. ②Grandpa gets pretty ________(confuse) sometimes, and doesn’t even know what day it is. ③To avoid _________(confuse), the twins never wore the same clothes. with confused confusion 2. add v. 加 ; 增加 ; 补充说 【写作金句】   Remember: little steps add to big dreams. 记住 : 点点滴滴可以聚成大的梦想。 【语块必记】 【误区释疑】   (1)in addition = additionally= besides = furthermore = what’s more 另外 (2)in addition to=apart from=besides 除 …… 之外还有 【语境速测】  单句语法填空 ①As is known to all, good friends add happiness and value __ life. ②She was trying to add ___ all the prices of all the items in her basket. ③He told us the bad news, ______(add)that he’d like to help us. to up adding 3. remark n. 评论 ; 讲话 v. 说起 ; 评论 【文化金句】   This week, President Xi inspected Guangdong again, remarking that the development over the past four decades proved that reform and opening-up are the way forward. 本周 , 习主席再次视察广东 , 他说 , 过去四十年的发展证明 , 改革开放是前进的方向。 【语块必记】 【语境速测】  单句语法填空 ① Her remarks ________ the employment question led to a fierce discussion. ②The children made rude ________(remark) about the old man. ③Dr. Johnson once _________(remark) that, “When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life. ” on/about remarks remarked 4. in favour of 同意 ; 支持 【文化金句】   Most representatives are in favour of the suggestion that the first demonstration zone will be founded in Shenzhen. 大多数代表都赞成在深圳建立第一个示范区。 【语块必记】 (1) 表示“支持”的英语表达 : support, favour( v. ), approve of, be for, back up 等。 (2) 表示“反对”的英语表达 : oppose, be opposed to, object to, be against, disapprove of 【语境速测】 单句改错 ①The students held up their hands to approve their monitor. _______________ 在 approve 后加 of 句型转换 ②All the people present at the meeting are in favour of the suggestion the government came up with. →All the people present at the meeting ______ the suggestion the government came up with.   →All the people present at the meeting _______ the suggestion the government came up with.   are for support 5. lead to 引起 , 导致 ; 通向 【文化金句】   Our joint efforts can lead to a better environment for our own existence. 我们共同的努力能够为我们自己的生存带来一个更好的环境。 【语块必记】 (1)lead to sth. /lead to sb. doing sth. 导致某事 / 导致某人做某事 (2)lead sb. to do sth.     使某人做某事 (3)lead a/an. . . life    过着 …… 的生活 (4)take the lead 带头 , 领先 【知识拓展】 导致 / 促成某事 contribute to sth. , result in sth. 导致某人做某事 cause sb. to do sth. , make sb. do sth. 【语境速测】  单句语法填空 ① Reducing speed limits and keeping calm would lead __ fewer deaths on the roads. ②Salesmen in shopping malls do their best to lead people ______(buy) things they do not need.   to to buy 一句多译 ③ 这项法律使得所有司机承诺开车时不打电话。 This law _______ all the drivers _________ not to make calls while driving.   =This law ___________ all the drivers __________ not to make calls while driving.   leads to promising leads/causes to promise 6. have . . . in common 有 …… 相同的特点 【写作金句】   Those who have a lot in common can make friends. 那些有很多相似之处的人有可能成为朋友。 【语块必记】 (1)have a lot/ sth. / nothing in common with 和 …… 有很多 / 有一些 / 没有相似之处 (2)in common with 和 …… 一样 【知识拓展】 in+ n. +with in contact/touch with 与 …… 联系 ; in contrast with 与 …… 对比 ; in harmony with 与 …… 协调一致 ; in line with 与 …… 一致 ; in competition with 和 …… 竞争 【语境速测】  完成句子 ①They are all from different worlds, but what does each of them _______________?   他们来自不同的世界 , 但是他们之间又有什么相似之处呢 ? ②If I ____________________________ my aunt, that’s our smiles.   如果我跟姑姑有什么相似的地方 , 那就是我们的笑容吧 ! ③_______________many mothers, she feels torn between her family and her work.   与许多母亲一样 , 她觉得家庭与工作难以兼顾。 have in common have something in common with In common with

