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‎ 2017届港澳台联考英语第一次模拟考试 英语科 满分150分 考试时间120分钟 I. 听力(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ 听1-5段材料,回答第1至5题。‎ 1. How will the man go to the concert hall?‎ A. ‎ By bus B. By train C. By taxi D. By car 2. What are people talking about?‎ A. A book B. A game C. A film D. A theater 3. What can we conclude from the conversation?‎ A. The woman is very angry because her husband is putting on weight.‎ B. The woman is trying to lose weight.‎ C. The man is angry because his wife is losing her weight.‎ D. The woman is fatter than her husband.‎ 4. What are the two speakers doing?‎ A. They are buying a newspaper. B. They are hurrying to the airport.‎ C. They are arguing about a question. D. They are catching a plane.‎ 5. Why does the woman look sad today?‎ A. Because she and Carl are not talking to each other at the moment.‎ B. Because Carl is angry with her now.‎ C. Because she was very tired yesterday.‎ D. Because she probably lost her best friend.‎ 听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。‎ 6. When are the woman and her husband going to leaver for China?‎ A. ‎ Next Wednesday B. Next week C. Next month D. We don’t know.‎ 7. Why is her son not going to take a vacation?‎ A. Because he doesn’t like traveling B. Because he doesn’t like going abroad.‎ C. Because he is busy with his studies D. Because he fell in ill the day before yesterday.‎ 听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。‎ ‎8. When does the conversation most probably take place?‎ A. At noon. B. In the evening. C. In the afternoon. D. In the morning.‎ ‎9. How far is the hotel from here?‎ A. It’s thirteen minutes’ drive to the east. B. It’s three minutes’ walk to the west ‎ C. It’s three minutes’ drive to the east D. It’s three-quarter walk to the west.‎ 10. What’ the traditional family-style hotel like, according to the waitress?‎ A. It’s an inexpensive hotel, and not so far from here. B. It’s a modern hotel. ‎ C. Its price is reasonable and it’s very comfortable.D. It’s a bit expensive but clean and comfortable.‎ 听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。‎ 11. What happened to Tracy and where did it happen?‎ A. She was hit by a taxi at the side of the road. ‎ B. She was hit by a taxi and was taken to school on a zebra.‎ C. She was hit by a taxi at the gate of her house ‎ D. She was almost hit by a taxi on her way to school.‎ 12. Who’s the man?‎ A. Tracy’s boy friend. B. Tracy’s classmate. C. A stranger . D. Tracy’s headmaster.‎ 13. What will Tracy do after the conversation?‎ A. She will be more careful next time. B. She will report it to the police.‎ C. She will be taken to the nearest hospital D. She will take away the driver’s license.‎ 听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。‎ 14. When is the lunch meeting gong to be held?‎ A. Next Saturday B. This Saturday C. This coming Sunday. D. This Sunday 15. How much should the woman pay to go to the meeting?‎ A. 56 Yuan B. 36 Yuan C.55 Yuan D. 28 Yuan ‎ 16. Why is the woman going to the meeting?‎ A. Because she is interested in the topic. ‎ B. Because the professor is her teacher.‎ C. Because she will make a speech ate the meeting. ‎ D. Because the professor is from a famous university.‎ 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。‎ 17. How long is her staying in Heilongjiang?‎ A. The whole winter. B. For two weeks. C. For three weeks. D. Always. ‎ 18. Why is the woman in Heilongjiang?‎ A. On business. B. To buy some clothes. C. Her parents live there. D. To attend a conference.‎ 19. What was her biggest problem while preparing for the trip?‎ A. Getting used to the weather. B. Buying warm clothes C. Getting the right kind of clothes D. Coming over the sense of fear to the low temperature.‎ 20. Why was her friends Lin Ying a great help?‎ A. She’s been to the north-eastern provinces. B. She is particular about clothes.‎ C. She is a good clothes seller. D. She has been there three times.‎ II. 语言知识运用(共35小题,每小题1分,满分35分)‎ 第一节:单项选择(每小题1分,满分15分)‎ ‎21. --- It’s been a wonderful Halloween Party. Thank you very much.‎ ‎ --- ___________. ‎ A. My pleasure B. I’m glad to hear that C. No, thanks D. It’s OK ‎22. It has always been the _____ of our firm to encourage workers to take part in social activities. ‎ A. plan  B. campaign  C. procedure  D. policy ‎23. He sold his father’s car without permission, ______ made his father very angry.‎ A. what B. which C.how D. that ‎ ‎24.You will never gain success  _________  you are fully devoted to your work.‎ A. when  B. because  C. unless D. after ‎ ‎25. I knew _____ John Smith, but not _____ famous one.‎ A. /; a B. /; the C.a; the D. the; a ‎ ‎26. He’s got himself into a dangerous situation ____he is likely to lose control over the plane. ‎ A.where       B.which        C.while       D.why ‎27. Psychologists say that_____ our emotions will make us feel better and there is nothing to be ‎ ashamed of. ‎ ‎ A. relieving  B. relaxing  C. releasing  D. removing ‎ ‎28. It was I _____ borrowed those chairs. Don't ________. A. that; put ones away B. whom; put away ones C. that; put them away D. whom;put away them ‎29. _______ walking down the street, I came across David, whom I _____ for years.‎ ‎ A. As; didn’t see        B.As; haven’t seen      ‎ C. When; hadn’t seen      D.When;  wouldn’t see ‎30. Andy is content with the toy. It is _____ he has ever got.  ‎ A. a better   B. the better   C. a best   D. the best ‎31. The rescue team made every ______ to find the missing mountain climber. A. force      B. energy      C. effort       D. possibility 32. ____ in the poorest area of Tibet, he had a long, hard road to becoming a basketball star.‎ A. Being raised        B. Raising     C. Raised    D. To raise ‎ ‎33. Overuse of computers will ________ to the failure of our  eyesight, which is a warning to us all. A.contribute                B.turn   C.devote                   D.adjust ‎34. I should not have laughed if I __________you were serious.  ‎ A. thought          B. would think       C. had thought       D. have thought ‎35. In order to improve English,_____ ‎ A. Jenny’s father bought her a lot of tapes.   B. Jenny bought a lot of tapes for herself. ‎ C. a lot of tapes were bought by Jenny.   D. a lot of tapes were bought by Jenny’s father.‎ 第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)‎ In the morning, Slim got up and prepared breakfast for his wife as usual. Nicole, his wife was listening to music in the bedroom.  36 , he felt that his body was shaking. Slim had the 37__ response that there was an earthquake! He 38 quickly,  “Dear, earthquake! Go to the toilet! ” Nicole heard the shouting, 39 the first aid box quickly and ran into the toilet. The house was  40  even more dramatically. ‎ ‎ Bathroom was the next door to the kitchen. Slim picked up a kitchen 41  and two pieces of bread outside the kitchen. Slim tried to run along the wall to help Nicole.  42 , it got  43  suddenly with an explosion. The house 44 down and many things fell from above. Nicole was quickly buried in 45 . She felt breathing very difficult. She tried to stand up, but 46 . ‎ ‎ A few minutes later, the land was 47 . Nicole heard the sound of short 48 and thought it was Slim! She shouted to him but no 49 ! He probably fainted. Nicole kept saying his name and she finally heard a response. Two people encouraged and 50  each other. They knew that there must be a way to 51 . ‎ ‎  Slim found that they were close but were 52  by the fallen stones and some powder. He started to dig with the kitchen knife. He felt 53  from his fingers. Finally, he removed the last piece of larger stones. Slim touched Nicole’s one hand, then dug the 54 stones of her body. Finally, Nicole had a 55 breathing slowly. Two people sat on the ground and hugged together. ‎ ‎36. A.Unfortunately         B. Actually         C. Suddenly         D. Really ‎37. A. rapid               B. recent           C. second           D. best ‎38. A. warned          B. shouted          C. jumped           D. howled   ‎ ‎39. A. used up          B. found out           C. took up          D. put away ‎40. A. burning           B.  moving          C. falling          D. shaking ‎41. A. knife               B. cook             C. fork              D. tool ‎ ‎42. A.Therefore        B. However      C. Instead          D. Besides ‎43. A. bright               B. cloudy           C. blank                D. dark ‎ ‎44. A. lay              B. broke                C. crashed          D. bent ‎45. A. dirt            B. ashes                C.  pieces           D. ruins ‎ ‎46. A. senseless            B. impossible       C.  impractical     D. invaluable ‎47. A. normal          B. silent               C. flat             D. usual    ‎ ‎48. A. steps               B. pauses           C. movements        D. breath ‎ ‎49. A. sign            B. hope              C. response          D. result ‎50. A. calmed          B. held             C. touched           D. called ‎51. A. relax                B. communicate      C. escape            D. succeed  ‎ ‎52. A. wrapped         B. limited          C. fastened         D. separated ‎53. A. pain            B. cold             C. water                 D. warmth ‎54. A.  spreading      B. bundling          C. sticking         D. surrounding ‎55. A. complete        B. steady           C. constant          D. weak III. 阅读理解 (共20小题;每小题2.5分,满分50分)‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑.‎ A ‎“Beating is a sign of affection,cursing (骂)is a sign of love.”‎ Many may not expect to hear the words of the old Chinese saying in these modern times—with parents wealthier and better educated than they have ever been—but experts say they still ring true.‎ ‎ Today,it seems,Chinese parents are more likely to send their children to pre-college military academies in the United States in the hope that some tough love will pave the way to success.‎ ‎ “Good education doesn't mean letting your children enjoy privileges,especially our boys.” said Song Wenming,an entrepreneur (企业家)in Jinhua,East China's Zhejiang province. “They should be raised in tough conditions to know what to fight for in the future.”‎ ‎ In August,Song sent his 17-year-old son to Valley Forge Military Academy (VFMA) in Pennsylvania. And he is far from alone, even though it takes a lot of money—around $48,000 per year—to send a child to a strict military school.‎ ‎ Statistics show that an increasing number of Chinese students have been registering with such academies.‎ ‎ A few years ago,there were no Chinese students at Valley Forge. Today,there are 28.“All of the Chinese students at Valley Forge came from wealthy families;some of them were spoiled.” said Jennifer Myers,director of marketing and communications at the school.‎ ‎ Song's only son,Song Siyu,had a rocky start during his first six weeks at the school. The teenager said he went to the school voluntarily but did not expect it to be as difficult.‎ ‎ Now,three months later,he has perfected the art of taking a bath in 35 seconds,finishing a meal without looking at his food,and making his bed with precision. He can even take criticism,‎ no matter how unreasonable.‎ ‎ “The training is hard but I know it is good for self-development of individuals.” said Song Siyu. “The endless training and scolding are just ways to build up our character;they are not personal.”‎ ‎ But his enthusiasm is not universal. Ten of the 13 Chinese students who joined the academy this year have transferred to other schools.‎ ‎ But for those who stick with it,there is a reward for all the hard work.‎ ‎56.From the second paragraph,we can know the old Chinese saying _____________ .‎ A. is out of date in modern times B. is disagreed by rich parents C. is still worth trusting D. is deeply believed by better educated parents ‎57.The underlined sentence means that _____________.‎ A. Song sent his only son to military school,so he feels lonely B. Song is the only one who sends his child to military school C. there are other people sending their children to military school besides Song D. the fee of the military school is so high that only Song can afford it ‎58. How many Chinese students are there at Valley Forge before this year?‎ A. 10.        B. 13.           C.15.          D.25.‎ ‎59. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?‎ A. It's likely that more and more Chinese students will attend VFMA.‎ B. Most Chinese parents approve of educating their children by beating and cursing nowadays.‎ C. Song Siyu had no difficulty in adjusting to the life at VFMA.‎ D. Most Chinese students support the way of education at VFMA.‎ B For thousands of years, people thought of glass as something beautiful to look at. Only recently have they come to think of it as something to look through. Stores display their goods in large glass windows. Glass bottles and jars that hold food and drink allow us to see the contents. Glass is used to make eyeglasses, microscopes, telescopes, and many other extremely useful and necessary objects. ‎ ‎    Until the Second World War, most of the glass used for optical(光学的) instruments was imported from Europe. However, during the war Americans could not get European glass, and they were forced to make their own. Therefore, new kinds of glasses were developed that had been previously unknown. These new effects were achieved by mixing other chemical elements with the sand. Some of these new glasses are very strong and can resist many kinds of shocks. Legend has it that a very hard glass was invented by a Roman who showed his discovery to the Emperor. When the Emperor saw the glass he feared that it would become more valuable than gold and sliver, making his treasure worthless. Therefore, he had the glassmaker killed, and the secret was not discovered again for hundreds of years. ‎ ‎ In the present century, safety glass was invented for use in modern cars and planes. Safety glass is made by placing a layer of plastic between two layers of plate glass. When the outside layer of glass is broken, the pieces do not scatter(散开) and injure people. Some glass of the type is strong enough to resist bullets(子弹). ‎ ‎ Although nowadays plastics have replaced glass under conditions where glass might be easily broken, there are new uses being developed, for the greatest advantage of glass is that its component(组成的) parts are inexpensive and can be found all over the world.‎ ‎60. As time goes by, glass _________.  ‎ A. is regarded as transparent(透明的) B. is used to make things look pleasant C. is seen as more than decoration    D. is widely used to replace steel in making containers ‎61. Why did Americans make their own glass during the Second World War?‎ A. The war blocked the way of glass import.   B. The glass made in Europe was out of date.‎ C. They refused to use the European glass. D. They were able to make a new kind of glass.‎ ‎62. Why does the author tell us the legend(传说)?‎ A. To prove the Roman was the first inventor of hard glass.‎ B. To support the Americans were as clever as the Romans.‎ C. To give some information about hard glass.‎ D. To provide a historical event concerned with hard glass.‎ ‎63. Why are new uses of glass being developed?‎ A. Because glass is not as safe as plastics.      B. Because glass is cheap and easily obtainable. ‎ C. Because glass is not as strong and durable as plastics.  ‎ D. Because glass is more and more widely used. ‎ C Camping wild is a wonderful way to experience the natural world and, at it best, it makes little environmental influence. But with increasing numbers of people wanting to escape into the wilderness. It is becoming more and more important to camp unobtrusively(不引人注目的)and leave no mark. ‎ ‎ Wild camping is not permitted in many places, particularly in crowded lowland Britain, Wherever you are, find out about organizations responsible for managing wild spaces, and contact them to find out their policy on camping and shelter building. For example, it is fine to camp wild in remote parts of Scotland, but in England you must ask the landowner’s permission, except in national parks. ‎ ‎ Camping is about having relaxation, sleeping outdoors, experiencing bad weather, and making do without modern conveniences. A busy, fully-equipped campsite(野营地)seems to go against this, so seek out smaller, more remote places with easy access to open spaces and perhaps beaches. Better still, find a campsite with no road access: Walking in makes a real adventure.  ‎ ‎ Finding the right spot to camp is the first step to guaranteeing a good night’s sleep. Choose a campsite with privacy and minimum influence on others and the environment. Try to use an area where people have obviously camped before rather than creating a new spot. When camping in woodland, avoid standing dead trees, which may fall on a windy night. Avoid animal runs and caves, and possible homes of biting insects. Make sure you have most protection on the windward side. If you make a fire, do so downwind of your shelter. Always consider what influence you might have on the nature word. Avoid damaging plants. A good campsite is found, not made-changing it should be unnecessary.  ‎ ‎64. You needn’t ask for permission when camping in _______.  ‎ ‎ A. most parts of England                     B. most parts of Scotland ‎ ‎ C. crowded lowland Britain                    D. national parks in England ‎65. The author thinks that a good campsite is one _______. ‎ A. with easy access                                   B.  with modern conveniences C. used previously                                 D. far away from beaches ‎ ‎66. The last paragraph mainly deals with _______.  ‎ ‎ A. protecting animals                      B. camping in woodland ‎ C. building a campfire                     D. finding a campsite with privacy ‎ ‎67. The passage is mainly about _______.‎ ‎ A. the dos and don’ts of wild camping          B. the importance of wild camping ‎ ‎ C. the human influence on campsites          D. the protection of campsites                                ‎ D My parents moved from Mexico to South Texas in the early 90s with the hope for a brighter future for their family of nine---my parents, four boys and three girls. My parents have always wanted the best for us and they have done everything possible to encourage us to get a university degree. Never did they think that by pushing us that direction, it also meant encouraging us to move away and be distant from each other.‎ ‎ Initially(起初), getting accustomed to the American culture and lifestyle was very difficult for my parents. They come from a culture where kids grow up together, go to school together and most of the time live in the same neighborhood. From our point, American family values were a bit different. Typically in the US, when you turn 18, you are expected to graduate from high school, move out, find a university, possibly find a partner, get married and start a life together. Most of these decisions take you away from home; usually you have to follow opportunity and wherever that will take you. ‎ ‎ This is my family’s current situation. I graduated from Bethel College in Indiana in 2010, and in order to fulfill my financial responsibilities of paying off student loans, I moved to Washington State for my job with Experience Mission. Ideally my parents wanted me to come home to South Texas, but that wasn’t where my opportunity took me. ‎ ‎ Currently, my sister Jennifer lives in Waco, Texas, about eight hours from my parents. My two younger brothers also decided to go to college at Bethel and are away from my parents. More than likely, when they graduate, they will probably not move back home to South Texas.‎ ‎ My parent never imagined that their dream for a better future would separate our family this way. Facebook has played a crucial(决定性的) role in the way we communicate while living in different places. Since we all use Facebook, we have found a place to connect and feel as if we were there together with each other.‎ ‎68. We can infer from the first paragraph that ________. ‎ A. the writer’s family are immigrants to America B. the writer’ family came to America for a better future C. the writer’ parents’ didn’t want their children to get a university degree D. the writer’ parents pushed their children away from each other ‎69. The writer’s parents found it hard to be used to American life because ________.‎ A. they were strangers in America                  B. they suffered from a culture shock C. the local people disliked their family            D. different countries have different lives ‎70.The writer didn’t return to work in South Texas after graduation because ________.‎ A. he owed a lot of money while studying at college B. he didn’t graduate from university C. he found his opportunity in Washington State D. his father couldn’t find him a job in South Texas ‎71. What will probably be talked about in the paragraph after the last?‎ A. The writer’s parents’ life in Texas. ‎ B. How the parents learn to use Facebook.‎ C. What the writer’s brothers’ and sisters’ lives are like.‎ D. How the writer’s family communicate through Facebook.‎ E Step into Wonderland and follow any of the many tracks around Kinabalu Park. Even though it is the most explored and studied place in Borneo, new discoveries of rare plants are frequently being made here. So take a map and set off on your own or follow Park Naturalists as they take you on guided path walks and point out the various wonders. There are also visual shows advertising rare plants and animals here. If you are a first time visitor, sign up for these shows and you’ll be excited when you find yourself identifying the same plants and animals on your walks or during your climb up Mt. Kinabalu. Mt. Kinabalu Botanical Garden is one of the biggest attractions at the Park Started in 1981. This 5-acre Garden is an excellent collection of different kinds of plant—life on the mountain, as plants from all over the Park has been replanted here. There are hotels, inns and chalets at Kinabalu Park to suit one’s budget. For more information, click www.sabahtourism.com.‎ TLMETABLE GUIDEUNE PLACE / INTEREST TIME (HRS)‎ ‎1 KINABALU PARK HQ: .   Botanical Garden .   Guided Walk .   Slide Show ‎9:00 — 15:00  11:00 14:00 (and 19:30 on weekends)‎ ‎2. PORING .   Butterfly Farm .   Tropical Garden .   Night Walk ‎9:00 — 16:00 13:30 By Prior (提前)Arrangement Only ‎3. MESILAU Guided Nature Walk .   Monday to Friday .   Saturday and Sunday ‎  ‎ ‎9:30, 11:00, 14:00 7:30, 10:30, 14:00‎ ‎4. KUNDASANG WAR MEMORIAL .   Daily (Monday to Sunday) .    Memorial Services and Special Programmes ‎10:00-17:00 By Prior Arrangement Note: Adult: $ 20.      Kid under twelve: 50% off Family including two adults and a kid under twelve: $40.‎ 72. It can be learnt that _______.‎ A.Mt Kinabalu is a more explored and studied area than Borneo B.there’re still some unknown rare plants in Kinabalu Park C.Mt Kinabalu Botanical Garden attracts visitors due to its long history D.visitors should follow the Park Naturalists so as not to get lost ‎73. The underlined word “chalets” (in Paragraph 3) most probably refers to “_______”.‎ A.plants B.garages C.cottages D.tracks ‎74. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?‎ A.Botanical Garden and Butterfly Farm open at the same time.‎ B.Guided Nature Walk is a favorite of first time visitors.‎ C.Slide Show is unavailable unless it is arranged in advance.‎ D.Visitors can have access to Night Walk anytime they wish.‎ ‎75. If a couple visit the Park with their son aged 19, how much will they pay?‎ A.$30.‎ B.$40.‎ C.$50.‎ D.$60.‎ IV. 短文改错(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) ‎ ‎∧‎ When I have free time I go a long walk. Some          (a) for ‎ People read the books or watch television while          (b) the  ‎ Others have sports. Charles and Linda Mason do all    (c) √ ‎ of these things as well as climbed buildings.              (d) climbing; climb ‎ In Biology this term I find anything to be very easy for 76._______‎ me. Not only is the course interested but it is easy to 77._______‎ learn. My friend Michael and I will have many ways of 78.______‎ memorizing the readings and learn the materials. For the 79.______‎ rest of the people in our Biology class simply understanding 80______‎ the material is hard enough, let alone memorizing . These 81.______‎ people are basically all 30—40-year-olds who had a lot on 82.______‎ their minds but who find memorization quite difficult. So, in 83.______‎ Biology, Michael and I are the top student and almost always 84.______‎ know the answers for the questions the teacher asks. 85.______‎ Sometimes since the teacher asks us questions, we can’t 86._____‎ help saying the answers out loud. This is why we are so 87.______‎ used to test each other in our spare time. To the other people 88.______‎ in our class this is very much funny. They often joke with us. 89.______‎ We enjoy our class as well our classmates. 90.______‎ V.书面表达(满分20分)‎ 下列表格为某市2006年与2016年人们度假方式的情况比较,请按表格内容写一篇100词左右的短文,并对度假方式变化原因加以简要评析。‎ 年度 ‎2006‎ ‎2016‎ 原因 境外(abroad)旅游 ‎11%‎ ‎22%‎ 收入增加 海边度假 ‎38%‎ ‎31%‎ 海水污染 爬山野营(camping)‎ ‎11%‎ ‎34%‎ 回归自然 ‎                 ‎ 注意:1. 词数100左右;‎ ‎      2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;‎ 1、 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名,准考证号填写清楚,并认真核准条形码上的姓名、准考证号,在规定位置贴好条形码。‎ 2、 选择题必须用2B铅笔填涂;填空题和解答题必须用0.5mm黑色签字笔答题,不得用铅笔或圆珠笔答题;字体工整、笔迹清晰。‎ 3、 请按题号顺序在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。‎ 4、 保持卡面清洁,不要折叠、不要弄破。‎ 注 意 事 项 填涂样例 正确填涂 姓 名        ‎ 准考证号 考生 缺考考生,监考员用2B 禁填 铅笔填涂左面的缺考标记 ‎ 贴条形码区 港澳台全国联考统一考试英语答题卡 第一部分:听力 ‎1‎ ‎2‎ ‎3‎ ‎4‎ ‎5‎ ‎6‎ ‎7‎ ‎8‎ ‎9‎ ‎10‎ ‎11‎ ‎12‎ ‎13‎ ‎14‎ ‎15‎ ‎16‎ ‎17‎ ‎18‎ ‎19‎ ‎20‎ 第二部分:英语语言知识应用 ‎21‎ ‎22‎ ‎23‎ ‎24‎ ‎25‎ ‎26‎ ‎27‎ ‎28‎ ‎29‎ ‎30‎ ‎31‎ ‎32‎ ‎33‎ ‎34‎ ‎35‎ ‎36‎ ‎37‎ ‎38‎ ‎39‎ ‎40‎ ‎41‎ ‎42‎ ‎43‎ ‎44‎ ‎45‎ ‎46‎ ‎47‎ ‎48‎ ‎49‎ ‎50‎ ‎51‎ ‎52‎ ‎53‎ ‎54‎ ‎55‎ 第三部分:阅读理解 ‎56‎ ‎57‎ ‎58‎ ‎59‎ ‎60‎ ‎61‎ ‎62‎ ‎63‎ ‎64‎ ‎65‎ ‎66‎ ‎67‎ ‎68‎ ‎69‎ ‎70‎ ‎71‎ ‎72‎ ‎73‎ ‎74‎ ‎75‎ 76. ‎___________‎ 77. ‎___________‎ 78. ‎___________‎ 79. ‎___________‎ 80. ‎___________‎ 第四部分:短文改错 In Biology this term I find anything to be very easy for ‎ me. Not only is the course interested but it is easy to ‎ learn. My friend Michael and I will have many ways of ‎ memorizing the readings and learn the materials. For the ‎ rest of the people in our Biology class simply understanding ‎ 81. ‎___________‎ 82. ‎___________‎ 83. ‎___________‎ 84. ‎___________‎ 85. ‎___________‎ 86. ‎___________‎ 87. ‎___________‎ 88. ‎___________‎ 89. ‎___________‎ 90. ‎___________‎ the material is hard enough, let alone memorizing . These ‎ people are basically all 30—40-year-olds who had a lot on ‎ their minds but who find memorization quite difficult. So, in ‎ Biology, Michael and I are the top student and almost always ‎ know the answers for the questions the teacher asks. ‎ Sometimes since the teacher asks us questions, we can’t ‎ help saying the answers out loud. This is why we are so ‎ used to test each other in our spare time. To the other people ‎ in our class this is very much funny. They often joke with us. ‎ We enjoy our class as well our classmates. ‎ 第五部分:作文 ‎________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________________‎ Keys ‎ 第一部分 听力 (每小题1.5分,满分30)‎ ‎1-5 ACBDA 6-10 BCBCC 11-15. DBACD 16-20 ADBCA ‎ 第二部分(每小题1分,满分35分)‎ ‎21-25. ADBCD 26-30 AACCD 31-35. CCACB ‎36-40 CABCD 41-45 ABDCD 46-50 BBDCA 51-55 CDADB ‎ 第三部分(每小题2.5分,满分50分)‎ ‎56-59 CCDA 60-63 CACB 64-67 DCBA 68-71 ABCD 72-75 BCAD 第四部分(每小题1分,满分15分)‎ 第五部分 满分20分 The way people spend their holidays changed a lot from 2006 to 2016.‎ ‎    The table shows that a greater number of people spent their holidays traveling abroad in 2016.‎ ‎ The rate of 2016 (22%) doubled that of 2006 (11%). We are sure that the number will increase because with their incomes rising, more people can afford the journeys abroad.‎ ‎    At the same time, the seaside attracted a lot of people. However, the rate slightly dropped from 38% in 2006 to 31% in 2016, the reason for which lies in the fact that sea water is being polluted. The polluted seaside is likely to drive more visitors away.‎ ‎ The year 2016 saw a sharp increase in the number of people who went climbing and camping. The rate in 2016 (34%) was more than three times that in 2006 (11%). The reason is that more and more people are eager to get close to nature.‎

