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‎2020届一轮复习人教版选修六Unit3 A healthy life单元学案 一、语言要点 I单元要点预览(旨在让同学整体了解本单元要点)‎ ‎ 词汇 部分 词语 辨析 1.stress/pressure/tension 2. ban/forbid/prohibit 3. effect/influence ‎ ‎4. ashamed/ shameful ‎ ‎ 词形 变化 1. stress n. 压力, 重点v. 着重, 强调, 重读 stressed adj.感到压力的 stressful adj 产生压力的 ‎ 2. addict v. 使沉溺, 使上瘾 addiction n. 沉溺, 上瘾 addictive adj. 上瘾的 ‎ 3.automatic adj. 自动的, 无意识的, automatically adv. 自动地, 机械地 ‎ 4.shame n. 羞耻, 羞愧, ashamed adj. 感到惭愧或羞耻的 shameful adj.可耻的,丢脸的 ‎ 5.comprehension n.理解(力) comprehend v.理解,领会 comprehensive adj.能充分理解的 ‎ ‎ 6. judgment n.判断 judge v.判断 judge n.法官,裁判 ‎ 7. illegal adj.不合法的 legal n.合法的 ‎ 重点 单词 1. abuse n.&v.滥用;虐待 ‎2. ban n.&v.禁止;取缔;禁令 ‎3. due adj. 应付的,到期的,预期的 ‎4. addicted adj.成习惯而离不开….‎ ‎5. accustomed adj. 通常的 ‎6. quit vt.停止(作某事);离开 ‎7. survival n.幸存者 ‎ 重点 词组 feel like doing sth. 想要做某事 take risks 冒险/at risk 处于危险之中 in spite of 不管;尽管 get into陷入 ‎ 重点句子 1. When I was taken off the school football team because I was unfit, I knew it was time to quit smoking.‎ 重点语法 It的用法(I)(见语法专题)‎ II 词语辨析 (旨在提供完形填空所需材料) ‎ ‎1). stress/pressure/tension压力 ‎【解释】‎ stress指承受外来的压力,也可指由于某原因而引起的心理,生理或情绪上的紧张。‎ pressure指单位面积 上所受的压力。或指某事物所产生的压力或影响。‎ tension多指关系不好或其他原因而出现的紧张状态,或指某物被过度伸展后呈现的状态。‎ ‎【练习】选择stress/pressure或tension并用其适当的形式填空 ‎1) More and more people cannot bear the ________ of modern life.‎ ‎2) Don’t pull it any more. The great ________ will break the rope.‎ ‎3) The patient is complaining of his feeling of _______ on his chest.‎ ‎4) Nobody can work well under ___________.‎ ‎2). ban/forbid/prohibit禁止 ‎【解释】‎ ban由于法律或社会压力而禁止,有谴责或不赞成的意味。搭配ban…from sth./doing sth.‎ forbid较常用。可是个人,也可以是国家,政府机关作出的规定和准则。搭配forbid sb. to do sth./forbid doing sth.‎ prohibit强调以法律或官方行政手段,或规章制度的形式加以禁止。搭配prohibit sb. from sth./ doing sth.‎ ‎【练习】选择ban/forbid或prohibit,并用其适当的形式填空 ‎1) After the accident, he was _______ from driving alone.‎ ‎2) Our school ________ us to bring cell phone to school.‎ ‎3) The law __________ the tobacco from being sold freely.‎ ‎3) effect/influence影响 ‎【解释】‎ effect:能直接引起某种结果的影响 influence指对某人或物产生的潜移默化的影响。‎ ‎【练习】选择effect或influence并用其适当的形式填空 ‎1)The drug had an immediate __________ on the pain.。‎ ‎2) My parents considered my friend to be a bad _______ on me. ‎ ‎4)ashamed/ shameful羞耻,惭愧的 ‎【解释】‎ ashamed做表语,表示(人)感到羞耻,惭愧的 shameful指事情或行为本身可耻,不道德的。‎ ‎【练习】选择ashamed或shameful并用其适当的形式填空 ‎1) The boy was _________ to tell his mother that he had failed.‎ ‎2) I was _______ of my ________ behavior at that time.‎ Keys: 1)ashamed 2) ashamed; shameful ‎ III 词性变化 (旨在提供语法填空所需材料)‎ ‎1. stress n. 压力, 重点v. 着重, 强调, 重读 stressed adj.感到压力的 stressful adj 产生压力的 ‎2. addict v. 使沉溺, 使上瘾 addiction n. 沉溺, 上瘾 addictive adj. 上瘾的 ‎3.automatic adj. 自动的, 无意识的, automatically adv. 自动地, 机械地 ‎4.shame n. 羞耻, 羞愧, ashamed adj. 感到惭愧或羞耻的 shameful adj.可耻的,丢脸的 ‎5.comprehension n.理解(力) comprehend v.理解,领会 comprehensive adj.能充分理解的 ‎ ‎6. judgment n.判断 judge v.判断 judge n.法官,裁判 ‎7. illegal adj.不合法的 legal n.合法的 ‎【练习】根据句子结构,用括号内所提供词的适当形式填空 ‎1) After a _______ week of work, all the employees were extremely ________ and ‎ tired. They complained that few could work efficiently under ________.(stress)‎ ‎2) Playing computer games is highly _______. Once you get _______to it, you will find it hard to get rid of it. Now, Henry, one of my classmate is fighting his _______ to the games.(addict)‎ ‎3) As a _______, he has good _________ and never _______ a person by his appearance.(judge)‎ ‎4) Doing any ________ anything will be protected in China, while doing anything _______will be punished.(legal) ‎ ‎5) The son was _______ to hurt his old mother in such a _______way and came to beg her pardon.(shame)‎ ‎6) Some songs by Zhoujielun can not be _________ by us. To some old people, they are completely beyond________ . So, their grandson or granddaughters have to explain the songs in a more ________way to their grandparents.(comprehend)‎ ‎7) When I saw a car rushing towards me at a high speed, I jumped aside __________. It was my _______ action that saved my life.(automatic)‎ IV 重点词汇 (旨在提供综合运用所需材料)‎ ‎1. abuse n.&v.滥用;虐待 ‎[典例] ‎ ‎1) We abuse land because we regard it as a commodity belonging to us” ‎ ‎ 我们滥用土地,因为我们把它当作属于自己的商品.‎ ‎2) He greeted me with a stream of abuse, which made me feel sad.‎ 他迎面对我一顿痛骂,这使我很难过.‎ ‎[重点用法]‎ drug abuse滥用药品 child abuse虐待儿童 ‎[练习] 汉译英 ‎1) 滥用能源会给我们的子孙后代带来可怕的未来。‎ ‎ ______________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎2) 根据最新的法律,家长也不允许在家中虐待儿童。‎ ‎ _______________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎2. ban n.&v.禁止;取缔;禁令 ‎[重点用法]‎ ban…from sth./doing sth.禁止做某事 a ban on关于……的禁令 ‎[典例]‎ ‎1) From last June, there is a ban on offering plastic bags for free in supermarket.‎ 从去年六月份开始禁止超市无偿提供塑料袋。‎ ‎2) People are banned from smoking in many public places in England.在英国许多公共场所禁止吸烟。‎ ‎[练习] 汉译英 ‎1) 这儿的学生不允许带手机回校。‎ ‎______________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎2) 禁止摩托车在我们这个城市引起很大的争论。‎ ‎______________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎3. due adj. 应付的,到期的,预期的 ‎[典例]‎ ‎1) Their plane is due in 15 minutes. 他们的飞机预定在15分钟后到达 ‎2) The electricity bill is due today . 今天该交电费了.‎ ‎3) A great deal of money is due to you 这些钱应该付给你。‎ ‎[重点用法]‎ due to因为……;归因于,归功于 be due to do sth.定于某时做某事 ‎[练习] 汉译英 ‎1) 由于这次全球性的金融危机,他被解雇了。‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎2) 这次峰会将在一个非洲国家举行。‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎4. addicted adj.成习惯而离不开…‎ ‎[重点用法] ‎ be addicted to sth/doing sth沉溺于……;专心做……‎ addict oneself to sth沉溺于……‎ ‎[典例] ‎ ‎1) 50 million Americans are thought to be addicted to nicotine.据说有五百万美国人有烟瘾。‎ ‎2) Many kids have now become addicted to surfing the Net.很多孩子现在沉迷于上网 ‎ ‎3) He is an addicted traveler.他是个旅行迷。‎ ‎[练习] 汉译英 ‎1) 辍学后,他沉溺于烟酒中。‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎2) 不要再让自己陷入这样愚蠢的事情。‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎5. accustomed adj. 通常的 ‎[重点用法] ‎ be(become/grow/get accustomed)to(doing)sth.习惯于(与get used to sth./doing sth.同义)‎ accustom oneself to sh./doing sth.使自己习惯于…..;养成…….的习惯 ‎[典例]‎ ‎1) We were accustomed to working together.我们习惯了一起工作。‎ ‎2) Having moved to the northeast of China, I had to accustom myself to the dry weather.‎ 搬到东北后,我不得不使自己适应干燥的气候。‎ ‎ [练习] ‎ 用accustom恰当形式填空 ‎1) She was a person_______ ________ having eight hours’ sleep a night.‎ ‎2) He took his_______ seat by the fire.‎ ‎3) I’m not______ to getting up so early.‎ Keys: 1)accustomed to 2) accustomed 3)accustomed 汉译英 ‎1)她的眼睛慢慢适应了黑暗。‎ ‎ _______________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎2)短裤放在惯常的地方。‎ ‎ _______________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎6. quit (quit/quitted) vt.停止(作某事);离职 ‎[典例]‎ ‎1) I am so tired that I decide to quit next month.我很累了,所以我打算下个月辞职。‎ ‎2) I had to quit the gathering in order to be home by midnight.为了能在午夜前到家,我不得不离开聚会 ‎3) He quit smoking, and talked something to the person next to him.他停下烟,和旁边的人说着什么。‎ ‎[重点用法]‎ quit doing sth.(必须接名词或动名词做宾语) 除此,以下动词有类似用法suggest; practise; risk(冒险);‎ enjoy; escape; admit; advise; allow; appreciate; avoid; deny; mind; miss; permit; consider; forbid; finish;‎ prevent; keep ; delay; dislike; imagine; ‎ ‎[练习] 汉译英 ‎1) 教练盯着队员并要求他们不要说话。‎ ‎ _______________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎2) 这个贼有逃脱警察抓捕的技能。‎ ‎ _______________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎3) 我想你别介意我写信向你求救。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎6. survival n.幸存 ‎[重点用法] ‎ survive v.幸免于,幸存 ‎ survivor n.幸存者 ‎[典例]‎ ‎1) As is known, we need food and water for survival.众所周知,为了生存我们需要食物和水。‎ ‎2) The house survive the storm.经历暴风雪,房子依然没事。‎ ‎[练习] 汉译英 ‎1) 没有人能够在这次空难中幸存下来。 ‎ ‎ _______________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎2) 她比她丈夫多活了十年。 ‎ ‎ _______________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎3) 这种风格是上个世纪遗留下的。‎ ‎ _______________________________________________________________________________________‎ V 重点词组 (旨在提供综合运用所需材料)‎ ‎1. feel like doing sth. 想要做某事 ;‎ ‎[典例]‎ I feel like drinking a cup of hot tea in the cold winter every evening.‎ 在寒冷的冬天里,我每个晚上都要喝杯热茶 I feel like lying on the bed and listening to the music.我喜欢躺在床上听歌.‎ He feels like a faithful before that learned scholar.‎ 在这个知识渊博的学者面前,他就象一个忠诚的信徒.‎ It feels like a snake.这摸上去像是条蛇.‎ ‎[短语归纳]‎ would like to do sth.想要做某事 prefer to do sth.喜欢做某事 would rather do … than do…情愿做……而不愿…‎ prefer doing (sth.) to (doing) sth. 情愿做……而不愿…‎ enjoy doing sth.喜欢/乐意做某事 ‎[练习] 汉译英 ‎1) 他想抽根烟。‎ ‎ _______________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎2) 这些日子我胃口不好,不想吃东西。‎ ‎ _______________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎3) 我情愿工作到深夜完成这件事情也不愿工作没做完就休息。‎ ‎ _______________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎2. take a risk/risks 冒险 ‎[典例]‎ ‎1) I know that I am taking a risk, but it is all worthwhile.我知道我是在冒险,但这非常值得。‎ ‎2) He took the risk of losing his own life and saved my life in the cold river.‎ 他冒着失去自己生命的危险,在冰冷的河水里救了我的命。‎ ‎[短语归纳]‎ at risk冒风险;处于危险中 at the risk of sth./doing sth.冒。。。的危险 risk doing冒险做。。。‎ at one’s own risk自担风险 ‎[练习] 汉译英 ‎1)为了寻找失踪的小孩,他冒着被困风雪中的危险。‎ ‎ _______________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎2)任何人在此游泳,后果自负。‎ ‎ _______________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎3)战争爆发了,许多无辜的民众处于失去生命的危险之中。‎ ‎ _______________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎3. in spite of 不管;尽管 ‎ ‎[典例]‎ ‎1) They kept going in spite of their fears. 他们不顾害怕继续前进。‎ ‎2) In spite of the heavy rain, he came on time.尽管雨很大,他还是按时来了。‎ ‎[同义归纳]‎ regardless of不管,不顾,尽管;后跟名词,动名词,代词,名词短语等。‎ despite=in spite of although尽管,后跟从句 ‎[练习] 汉译英 ‎1)不管别人怎么说,我仍认为他这个人很好。‎ ‎ _______________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎2)尽管天气不好,他们的假期还是过得极为愉快。‎ ‎ _______________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎4. get into陷入 ‎ [典例]‎ ‎1) He got into the habit of smoking following his father’s example.他学他的父亲,染上了吸烟的习惯。‎ ‎2) You may get into trouble, if you always tease others.如果你总是取笑别人,你会惹上麻烦的。‎ ‎[短语归纳]‎ get over a difficulty克服困难 get over a cough咳嗽好了 get down to sth./doing sth.开始做某事 get through to you打通你的电话 get through the work完成工作 ‎[练习]汉译英 ‎1) 当陷入麻烦时,一定要保持镇定。‎ ‎ _______________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎2) 晚饭后,女孩开始做功课。‎ ‎ _______________________________________________________________________________________‎ VI 重点句子 (旨在提供句子结构等所需材料)‎ ‎1. When I was taken off the school football team because I was unfit, I knew it was time to quit smoking 当因为我不再适合而被学校足球队开除以后,我意识到自己是时候戒烟了.‎ ‎[解释] It is (high/about) time for sb. to do sth.=It is (high/about) time that sb. did/should do sth.该某人做某事的时候了。‎ ‎[典例]‎ It is high time for us to say good-bye.=It is high time that we should say good-bye.到我们分别的时候了。‎ ‎[练习] 汉译英 ‎1) 现在是周六了,你该把工作放下了。‎ ‎ _______________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎2) 我们该为自己的未来做打算了。‎ ‎ _______________________________________________________________________________________‎ 二、课文要点 ‎1课文词汇等填空(旨在复习本课文中的单词拼写和主要词语等)‎ 根据课文内容完成下面语法填空,注意单词拼写和词语用法:‎ James’ grandfather wrote to help James 1 (戒烟) smoking. James’ grandfather once became 2 (addicted)to cigarettes in three ways. His body was 3 (习惯) to having nicotine. He began to do it automatically and became 4 (mental) addicted. But he finally managed to stop 5 realizing the harmful 6 (影响) of it. He also told James that smoking did damage to heart and 7 (肺部) and it was more difficult for smoking couples to become 8 (怀孕). So he gave James some advice and encouraged him not to be 9 (disappoint). 10 he kept trying, he would succeed eventually. ‎ ‎2课文大意概括 (旨在训练用30个单词概括大意的能力)‎ 阅读课文,试着用30来个单词概括课文大意或翻译下面短文。‎ 詹姆斯的祖父写信帮助詹姆斯戒烟,告诉他如何会沉迷于香烟,吸烟的恶果,并就如何摆脱坏习惯给他一些建议,。‎ ‎______________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎______________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎ 3课文佳句背诵与仿写 (旨在培养对难句的理解和运用能力)‎ ‎1.【原句】It seems amazing that at my age I am still fit enough to cycle 20 kilometers in an afternoon.感到惊讶吧,像我这样的年纪,身体健康而且能在一个下午骑车跑20公里。‎ ‎ [模仿要点] 句子结构:It seems + adj. + that 引导主语从句 ‎ ‎【模仿1】杰克下课后仍然呆在课室继续他的学习似乎令人惊讶。‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________________________‎ 答案:It seems surprising that after class Jack still stayed in the classroom to continue his reading. ‎ ‎【模仿2】网上我们几秒钟内就能获得世界上发生的一切事情的信息似乎令人惊叹。‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎2. 【原句】However, what I did know was that my girlfriend thought I smelt terrible.然而我的的确确知道,我的女朋友觉得我的烟味很难闻。‎ ‎ [模仿要点] 句子结构: what 引导主语从句 + that 引导表语从句 ‎【模仿1】然而,我所知道的是只有爱,关心及理解才能建立一种理想的师生关系。‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎【模仿2】然而,我所相信的是只有通过努力学习我才能赶上其他人。‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎3.【原句】Every time you feel like smoking a cigarette, remind yourself that you are a non-smoker.每当你想要吸烟的时候,你就提醒你自己,你(已经)是不抽烟的人了。‎ ‎[模仿要点] 句子结构:every time 引导状语从句,+ 祈使句 ‎【模仿1】每次你想要玩电脑的时候,提醒你自己曾经经历过的事情。‎ ‎______________________________________________________________________________. ‎ ‎【模仿2】每次你感到压抑的时候,做一些放松运动。‎ 三、单元自测 ‎ 基础测试:‎ Unit 3 A healthy life 一. 单词拼写(须用本单元的单词和词汇)‎ ‎1.The accident is d_____ to your careless driving. 由于 ‎ ‎2.My children have become hopelessly a_________ to television. 上瘾 ‎3.She found it necessary to a__________ her child to getting up early. 使习惯 ‎ ‎4.He was a_______ of his body so he decided to go on a diet and do more exercise.害羞 ‎5.With exams only a week away, I am under a lot of s_____.压力 ‎6.M______ health is as important as physical health.心理 ‎7.Now that I am p________, I eat a good diet because I want my baby to be born healthy. 怀孕 ‎8.So I did the wrong thing! Well, nobody is _________(完美的)‎ ‎9.My father has q_____ smoking. 放弃 ‎10.The door opened _______(自动地) as we approached.‎ ‎11.Some ______ (年青人)have got into the habit of taking drugs.‎ ‎12.In spite of the heavy rain, she m________ to get there on time. 努力做到了 二.根据句意选择合适的词或词组的恰当形式填空。‎ ‎-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------‎ addicted to due to ashamed of decide on be accustomed to manage to ‎ at risk remind benefit from leave out get close to a great deal deal with ‎-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------‎ ‎1.His father has become _________________ drugs.‎ ‎2.I’m sorry for_______ the important point in your speech ‎3.His grandfather has _______________ life in the mountains from his childhood.‎ ‎4.I benefited from my teacher’s advice ‎5.How do you______________ to carry such a heavy box?‎ ‎6.These pictures ______ me of my school days.‎ ‎7.I have ________________ buying a bike for my brother’s birthday.‎ ‎8.You will be _________ , if you go on board in such bad weather.‎ ‎9.His success is entirely _______ his hard work. ‎ 三. 句子翻译。‎ ‎1.她名扬四海应归功于他的支持。‎ Her worldwide fame is __________his support. ‎ ‎2.她觉得有必要让孩子养成早起的好习惯。‎ She found it necessary to________ her child _________getting up early. ‎ ‎3.尽管戴着眼镜她还是不能看得很清楚。in spite of She can’t see very well_________ her glasses. ‎ ‎4.今天好热啊, 我想去游泳。‎ It’s so hot today. I______________ going swimming. ‎ ‎5.那个女孩养成了阅读时玩弄头发的习惯。‎ The girl has____________ the habit of playing with her hair while reading. ‎ ‎6.她一怀孕就戒了烟。‎ She __________smoking when she got pregnant. ‎ ‎1完形填空 ‎ 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从21—30各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ 词数:179 完成时间:14分钟 难度:***‎ What is anger? The tightly packed bag of mental frustration erupts into a volcano of danger. Why does one get angry? When one is not 21 with the way things have gone, when someone has been taken in for a ride. When someone blames life for treating him very 22 , and many things are the various reasons.‎ ‎ Getting angry can get your things done somewhere, but not everywhere. This is because as you grow, you yourself are responsible to clean your recycle bin of emotions and 23 . No one has the foresight or 24 to judge what has bought you to that violent 25 or what hardships you have faced. Angry people 26 go places. The closer one comes to this piece of reality, the better he will get.‎ ‎ The best 27 to counterattack anger is to hold patience in ourselves. A person with infinite patience has matured 28 , and is the bravest war-horse over the 29 of anger. He controlled himself every, time and got away from trying circumstances using the best lifeline available. Such people are always 30 themselves and are always enjoying life.‎ ‎ 21. A. satisfied B. busy C. frustrated D. concerned ‎ 22. A. actually B. politely C. charmingly D. badly ‎ 23. A. explanations B. directions C. frustrations D. introductions ‎ 24. A. setback B. identity C. responsibility D. capacity ‎ 25. A. state B. mood C. condition D. situation ‎ 26. A. nearly B. almost C. hardly D. badly ‎ 27. A. way B. road C. system D. heart ‎ 28. A. physically B. entirely C. mentally D. ‎ surprisedly ‎ 29. A. connection B. reason C. advice D. path ‎ 30. A. in peace with B. in search of C. in charge of D. in terms of ‎2语法填空 ‎ 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为31-40的相应位置上。‎ 词数:147 完成时间:8分钟 难度:***‎ ‎ During World War II, I lived in Amsterdam in the Netherlands. My family was Jewish, 31 we had been hidden away for a year and a half. During that time I hadn't been able to be outdoors for so long 32 I had grown so crazy 33 everything to do with nature. Once, I decided to look at the moon at midnight. But I didn't dare 34 (open)the window to see the night face to face 35 I was afraid of 36 (discover) by the Nazis. I felt very lonely 37 seeing my old friends. So I had to make a new true friend, my diary Kitty, 38 I could tell everything to. 39 (fortune) ,at last my family were discovered and 40 (catch) by the German Nazis half a year later. ‎ ‎3.信息匹配 ‎ 阅读下列应用文及相关信息,并按照要求匹配信息。 、‎ ‎ 下面是对几部电影的介绍: ‎ A. Black Snake Moan ‎ Rae has been left for dead on the roadside when Lazarus discovers her. The Godfearing, middle-aged black man quickly learns that the young white woman whom he's nursing back to health is none other than the town tramp(步行)from the small Tennessee town where they live. Worse, she has an anxiety disorder.‎ B. Blades of Glory ‎ When two figure skaters Chazz and Jimmy brawl(打架) for the gold medal at the World Championships, they are stripped(剥夺)of their gold medals and banned from the sport for life.‎ C. Mr. Brooks ‎ Consider Mr. Brooks, a successful businessman, a generous philanthropist (慈善家), a loving father and devoted husband. Seemingly, he's perfect. But Mr. Brooks has a secret--he is a cruel serial killer and no one knows it--until now.‎ D. Evening ‎ The film explores the romantic past and emotional present of Ann Grant and her daughters. As Ann lays dying, she reflects on the time in her youth when she met the love of her life, a man she has never forgotten. Her daughters learn that decisions made on imputes (冲动) can affect a lifetime, and how important it is to know true love when it finds you.‎ E. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix ‎ Harry Potter returns for his fifth year of study at Hogwarts and discovers that much of the wizard community has been denied the truth about the teenager's recent encounter with the evil Lord Voldemort, preferring to turn a blind eye to the news that ‎ Voldemort has returned.‎ F. The Invisible ‎ Nick is a high school senior with a bright future until, in a tragic case of mistaken identity, he is wildly attacked by a troubled girl Annie, and his body is left for dead.‎ 请阅读下列的电影补充介绍,然后匹配电影补充介绍与它们所对应的电影名称。‎ ‎41Deeply moving and extremely romantic, it is a film about the moments in life that define us, and the timeless love that binds mothers and daughters, sisters and friends.‎ ‎42He decides to cure her both in body and in spirit. He uses unusual ways--tying her to the radiator(电暖炉). And by saving her, the man might just save himself.‎ ‎43Now in limbo(中间过渡状态), he is not quite dead but invisible to the living, and his spirit can only watch as his mother and the police search for him, not knowing that he is only hours away from death.‎ ‎44Fearing that Hogwarts' venerable(值得尊敬的)headmaster, Albus Dumbledore is lying about Voldemort's return in order to weaken his power and take his job, the Minister for Magic, Cornelius Fudge, appoints a new teacher to keep watch over Hogwarts' students.‎ ‎45Now, three-and-a-half years on, they' ve found there will be some hope that they will be allowed to compete again: if they can put aside their differences, they can skate together in pairs figure skating.‎ ‎4. 基础写作 ‎ 假设你是班长,学校学生会决定组织一次英语演讲比赛,请根据所给提示,用英语写一则通知。要点如下:‎ ‎ 1.比赛目的:提高学生的英语口语水平。‎ ‎ 2.参加者:高中学生。‎ ‎ 3.报名时间与地点:10月30日以前,学生会办公室或向班里团支书报名。‎ ‎ 4.比赛时间与地点:11月10日下午2:30,阅览室。‎ ‎ 5.5位英语老师被邀为评委。‎ ‎ 6.前5位优胜者获奖,并有机会参加今年暑假在北京举办的英语夏令营,与外籍老师交流。 ‎ ‎ (写作要求]‎ ‎ 1.必须使用5个句子介绍全部所给的内容。‎ ‎ 2.将5个句子组织成连贯的一篇短文。‎ ‎ 3.使用必要的连接词。 ‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎_____________________________________________________________________‎ ‎___________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ 答案:‎ ‎ Notice ‎ In order to improve the students' oral English, the Students' Union has decided to organize an English-speaking contest among the students of senior grades.‎ ‎ It will be held in the reading-room at 2:30 p.m. on November 10th. Those who would like to take part in the contest may sign up in the office of the Students' Union or go to your league secretary before October 30th. We will invite five English teachers in our school as our judges and the first five winners will be given rewards and have a chance of going on a summer camp to be held in Beijing this summer vocation, offering more chances for speaking English with foreign teachers.‎ ‎ All the students of senior grades are welcome to the contest.‎ ‎ Students' Union

