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‎2019届一轮复习人教版选修6Unit 1 ArtPeriod1Rading教案设计 ‎(A SHORT HISTORY OF WESTERN PAINTING)‎ Introduction In this period, after the warming up, students will first be guided to talk about galleries。 Then they shall read an expository piece by reading and underlining, explaining difficult points, reading and transferring, reading to decide on the type of writing and summary of the ideas, retelling the text. The period will be ended by students taking a quiz. ‎ Objectives ■ To help students learn to make reference ■ To help students learn to read an exposition about western painting ■ To help students better understand “art”‎ ■ To help students learn to use some important words and expressions ■ To help students identify examples of “Subjunctive Mood (1) I wish I could/ did/ would… If I did …, I would do…” in the text Focus Words focus, convince, attempt, predict Expressions ‎ focus on, a great deal, scores of Patterns ‎ If the rules of perspective had not been discovered, people would not have been able to paint such realistic pictures. ‎ If the rules of perspective had not been discovered, people would not have been able to paint such realistic pictures. ‎ During the Renaissance oil paints were also developed, which made colours look richer and deeper.‎ But without the impressionists many of these painting styles would not exist. ‎ The painter does not attempt to paint objects as we see them with our eyes…‎ When you walk into the gallery you feel like you are inside a huge white sea shell.‎ Aids Multimedia facilities, tape-recorder, photos, diagrams ‎ Procedures ‎1. Warming up ‎ ‎⑴ Warming up by talking about what paining is Hello, everyone. Today we shall read a passage entitled A SHORT HISTORY OF WESTERN PAINTING. But first what do you know about painting? Could anyone stand up to tell the class something about painting? ‎ Painting has existed as an artistic tradition for thousand of years. From the cave painting of Lascaux to the great, masterpieces of Da Vinci it has played a historical and aesthetic role in the different ages of existence. Schools of painting were developed as well as many various texts discussing the art form. Several styles of painting have come into being. Historical, allegorical, religious, portraiture, landscape and still life are all different forms of painting that have developed over the years.‎ ‎⑵Warming up by talking about Chinese painting Before we read about the western painting let’s talk a bit about Chinese painting. How much do you know about Chinese painting? Have you ever seen any famous Chinese paintings?‎ You may use words like Chinese Paint, Wall paintings, the hanging scroll, aesthetic values and tastes to express your views. ‎ Chinese Paint is very famous in the world. We know from textual and archaeological sources that painting was practiced in China from very early times and in a variety of media. ‎ Wall paintings were produced in great numbers in the early period of China’s history, but because so little early architecture in China remained intact over the centuries, few of these large-scale paintings have survived. ‎ Paintings were also often done on screens, which served in a sense as portable walls, but these too have not survived. ‎ From the Song dynasty onwards, paintings in a variety of other more portable formats, such as the hanging scroll and the handscroll, were collected and passed on to later generations in significant quantities.‎ In their details of everyday life and social customs, these paintings often provide information unavailable from written texts. ‎ Many paintings are especially interesting to historians because they can help us imagine what life looked like in earlier periods. ‎ Furthermore, because paintings of this period have come to be viewed as one of the highest cultural achievements in China's history, they provide valuable insight into aesthetic values and tastes that would have lasting impact on later artists and connoisseurs.‎ ‎⑶Warming up by looking at and saying about Mona Lisa ‎ Hello, class. Before we read about western painting, we shall look at one of the masterpieces by one of the western painters.‎ Mona Lisa, or La Gioconda (La Joconde), is a 16th-century oil painting on poplar wood by Leonardo da Vinci, and is arguably the most famous painting in the world. Few works of art have been subject to as much scrutiny, study, mythologizing and parody. It is owned by the French government and hangs in the Musée du Louvre in Paris. ‎ The painting, a half-length portrait, depicts a woman whose gaze meets the viewer's with an expression often described as enigmatic. ‎ ‎2. Pre-reading by talking about galleries Do you know the word gallery? How much do you know about a gallery? ‎ ● a room or series of rooms where works of art are exhibited ● a long usually narrow room used for some specific purpose; "shooting gallery" ‎ ‎● a place where art is shown or sold.‎ ‎3. Reading ‎⑴ Reading, underlining and writing ‎ We are going to read the text A SHORT HISTORY OF WESTERN ‎ PAINTING. But first let’s read it to the recording and underline all the useful expressions at the same time. ‎ Expressions from A SHORT HISTORY OF WESTERN PAINTING be influenced by…, follow a similar way, describe…in a short text, represent religious terms, show…as it is, create respect and love for…, paint religious scenes, take the place of…, become focused on…, return to…, paint people as they are, collect art for…, paint pictures of…, draw… in perspective, look through a hole in the wall, paint realistic pictures, make…look richer and deeper, change a great deal, move from …to…, break away from…, fall on…, at different times of the day, become angry about…, be accepted as…, scores of…, see… with one’s eyes, concentrate on…, on the other hand ‎ ‎⑵ Explaining difficult points Now let’s have a question and answer period. Are there any points you do not understand?Put your questions to me and let’s discuss them.‎ Life is short; art is long Good work takes a long time to accomplish. The earliest version of this famous saying that we know of is by the great Greek medical doctor Hippocrates. It was repeated by many artists and writers including Seneca, Geoffrey Chaucer, Goethe, Longfellow, and Browning.‎ ‎⑶ Reading and transferring We shall go over the text once again by skimming it to complete the table below.‎ What were they like?‎ Artists of The Middle Ages Artists of The Renaissance Artists of Impressionism Artists of Modern Time ‎⑷ Reading to decide on the type of writing and summary of the text Type of writing This is a piece of descriptive writing.‎ Topic sentence of 1st paragraph The styles of Western art has changed many times, while Chinese art has changed less often.‎ Topic sentence of 2nd paragraph During the Middle Ages, the main aim of painter was to represent religious themes.‎ Topic sentence of 3rd In the Renaissance, painters tried to paint ‎ paragraph ‎ people and nature as they really were.‎ Topic sentence of 4th paragraph From late 19th to early 20th century, the impressionist painters wanted to show how light and shadow fell on objects. ‎ Topic sentence of 5th paragraph From 20th century to now, there have appeared scores of modern art and styles.‎ ‎(5) Making a diagram of the text We have come to understand the ideas of the passage. Now it’s time to look into its organization. Go ahead to read the text once again to make a diagram of it, ok?‎ Main Styles of Western Painting Modern art (20th century to today)‎ Impressionism (late 19th to early 20th century)‎ The Renaissance (15th to 16th century)‎ The Middle Ages (5th to 15th century AD changed many times object qualities abstract;‎ realistic outdoor objects changed with light ‎ humans;‎ things drawn in perspective religious themes ‎(6) Retelling the text You are going to retell the text in your own words with the help of the diagram just finished. ‎ ‎(7) Writing a short passage of your own Now you are going to write a short passage making use of the underlined expressions after class.‎ ‎4. Closing down by taking a quiz To end this period you are to take a quiz. ‎ Fill in the blank with one word to complete the summary of the text.‎ Impressionism The history of modern art started with 1 _____ . It all began in Paris as a reaction to a very formal style of painting - done inside studios 2 _____ set by traditional schools like the Academie des Beaux-Arts in 3 _____. The show of Edouard Manet's famous painting, Dejeuner sur l'herbe, 4 _____ 1863 in the Salon des Refuses (organized by those painter who ‎ were turned away by the Academie des Beaux-Arts), caused a scandal. It 5 _____ be considered as the beginning 6 _____ Impressionism. The Impressionist painters preferred 7 _____ paint outside and studied the effect of light on objects. Their preferred subjects were landscapes 8 _____ scenes from daily life. The best known names in Impressionist painting 9 _____ Edouard Manet, Claude Monet, Edgar Degas, Camille Pissarro and Pierre Auguste Renoir in France 10 _____ Alfred Sisley in England. ‎ ‎(Keys: 1 Impressionism 2 and 3 Paris4 in 5 can 6 of 7 to 8 and 9 are 10 and)‎ Work out the word and structure questions.‎ ‎1. Writers are not interested in creating writing about people and places _____ they really were.‎ A: what B: which C: as D: that ‎ ‎2. Teachers and students then became focused more on grammar and less on vocabulary.‎ A: excited B: interested C: absorbed D: focused ‎3. The mine owner paid me _____ report of himself and his family. ‎ A: to write B: writing C: write D: wrote ‎ ‎4. His death naturally led to _____ in his family life.‎ A: change B: changes C: changing D: be changed ‎5. The railway station of this lovely city is also well _____ a visit.‎ A: worth B: worthy C: paid D: paying ‎ ‎(Keys: CDABA)‎

