广西来宾市2020届高三4月教学质量诊断性联合考试 英语试题(PDF版)

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广西来宾市2020届高三4月教学质量诊断性联合考试 英语试题(PDF版)

广西 2020 年 4 月份高三教学质量诊断性联合考试 英语 参考答案 第一部分 听力 1~5 BCCBC 6~10 CACBA 11~15 CBACC 16~20 ABCAC 第二部分 阅读理解 21~25 CDAAA 26~30 DBBDC 31~35 DCADB A 本文是一篇广告布告类阅读,文章主要介绍了奥林匹克国家公园位于华盛顿州的西部, 奥林匹克半岛的西北部。这个公园占地 40 多万公顷。它有几个不同的生态系统。游客们将 会发现温带雨林,冰川覆盖的山脉,以及将近 120 公里的野生海岸线。 21. C 细 节 理 解 题 。 根 据 第 二 段 “Visitors will find temperate rain forests, glacier-covered mountains, and almost 120 kilometers of wild coastline.” 以 及 Places to go 标 题 下“Olympic National Park has meadows and lakes. It has glacier-fed rivers and mountain peaks that rise more than 2,300 meters.”可知,在奥林匹克国家公园可以看到 A、B、D 项的内容,沙漠未提及, 故选 C。 22. D 推理判断题。根据第二段“It has several different ecosystems. Visitors will find temperate rain forests, glacier-covered mountains, and almost 120 kilometers of wild coastline.”可知,公园 里有不同的生态系统,所以游客可以看见许多不同的动物和植物。故选 D。 23. A 文章出处题。根据文章第一段“Welcome to Olympic National Park!”以及文中提及的 “visitor”可知,文章主要向读者推荐了奥林匹克国家公园,欢迎大家前去旅游,所以这篇文 章应该出现在旅游手册中。故选 A。 B 本文属于记叙文阅读,主要讲述了作者驾照考试未通过,不敢让朋友、家人知道,一直 隐瞒这件事,直到很久以后才意识到:失败和不完美是每个人都必须经历的事情,也是一种 成长,没有经历它们,就不能真正地成长。 24. A 推理判断题。根据文章第一段中“I had gotten a perfect score for my written permit exam, but getting behind the wheel was a different story.”可知,“我”笔试考得很棒,但是实际驾驶操 作却很糟,所以“我”是一个学驾驶比较慢的人。故选 A。 25. A 细节理解题。根据文章第二段中“I had received an auto-fail since my pause was indeed a pause and not a real stop.”可知,教练让“我”停车是因为“我”考试失败了,即考试结束。 故选 A。 26. D 细节理解题。根据文章第二段中“I wasn’t upset that I was leaving without a license, but I was scared everyone would know that I had failed.”可知,“我”对自己没有拿到驾照并不感到 难过,而是害怕每个人都知道“我”没通过驾照考试。故选 D。 27. B 推理判断题。根据文中最后一段“Now I realize failure and imperfection are two things everyone has to experience, without which one couldn’t make a true man.”可知,“我”意识到, 失败和不完美是每个人都必须经历的事情,没有经历它们,就不能真正地成长。故选 B。 36~40 BEDCG 第三部分 语言知识运用 第一节 41~45 CBDAB 46~50 DCABD 51~55 CABDC 56~60 BADCA 41. C 考查动词。结合文意,“我”看着写着“到塔上去”的牌子,决定跟着(follow)他走。 visit 参观,control 控制,accept 接受,均不符合文意。故选 C。 42. B 考查形容词。结合第一段第二句中 a blind man 可知,“我”很惊讶(surprised)看到服 务员把票卖给他,好像他跟其他游客一样。embarrassed 尴尬的,disappointed 失望的, frightened 受惊的,均不符合文意。故选 B。 43. D 考查动词。结合文意,然后,他一只手拿着票,另一只手用手指摸(touch)着墙壁。 cover 包括、涉及,hit 打击,climb 爬、攀登,均不符合文意。故选 D。 44. A 考查动词。结合文意,盲人走到通向(lead)走廊的楼梯上。contribute 贡献、捐赠, attach 使依附、贴上,point 指,均不符合文意。因为他是盲人,所以对他来说并不是“指 向”。故选 A。 45. B 考查名词。根据上文“That man is blind. What would a blind man climb up the tower for?” 可知,作者期待服务员表现出一些担忧(concern),但他没有回答。sympathy 同情,doubt 怀 疑,respect 尊重,均不符合文意。故选 B。 46. D 考查名词。根据上文他是一位盲人可知,他当然不是(为了看)景色(view)。trick 诡 计,prize 奖品,test 考试,均不符合文意。故选 D。 47. C 考查动词。结合文章第三段最后一句中 expecting him to show some concern 以及上文 Not the view certainly 可知,“我”认为那位盲人爬上塔顶肯定有蹊跷,很有可能是不好的事。 也许他想跳(jump)下去。escape 逃跑,relax 放松,kick 踢,均不符合文意。故选 C。 48. A 考查动词。结合文意,“我”买了一张票,匆匆(hurry)上了阶梯。wander 徘徊,explore 探索,struggle 奋斗,均不符合文意。故选 A。 49. B 考查动词。结合句意,那个人没有走到“我”想象(imagine)的那么远。confirm 确 认,examine 调查,promise 许诺,均不符合文意。故选 B。 50. D 考查名词。根据下文“He stopped from time to time.”可知,走到三分之一的路,“我” 听到他的脚步(step)声。cheer 欢呼,secret 秘密,word 话语,均不符合文意。故选 D。 51. C 考查名词。结合文意,“我”放慢速度,跟在他后面不远处(distance)。intention 意图, expense 费用,standard 标准,均不符合文意。故选 C。 52. A 考查介词。 结合文意,当他到达阳台时,“我”就在他后面(behind)十几步处。outside 外面的,around 大约、在……附近,ahead 领先的,均不符合文意。故选 A。 53. B 考查动词。结合文意,最后,十分钟后,“我”走近(approach)了他。witness 见证, surround 围绕,recognize 承认,均不符合文意。故选 B。 54. D 考查连词。根据上文“我”的疑惑“What would a blind man climb up the tower for?” 可知,此处表示“我”很想知道他为什么(why)上来。how 如何,when 什么时候,whether 是否,均不符合文意。故选 D。 55. C 考查动词。结合文意,走上楼梯,你会发现不仅仅是光线,还有阳光从这里和那里的 狭窄的窗户倾泻入(pour into)塔楼。burst into 突然变成,slide into 陷入,knock into 撞进, 均不符合文意。故选 C。 56. B 考查名词。结合文意,这样你就能感觉到变化(change)了—凉爽的楼梯突然变得相 当温暖。honor 荣誉,reaction 反应,trend 趋势,均不符合文意。故选 B。 57. A 考查名词。结合文章标题 A Game of Light and Shade 可知,墙的后面有阴影(shade), 但是只要你走到窗子的对面,你就能看到太阳。mess 混乱,space 空间,light 光线,均不 符合文意。故选 A。 58. D 考查名词。结合文意,没有比这更好的地方(place)来感受明暗的区别了。period 时 期,object 物体,signal 信号,均不符合文意。故选 D。 59. C 考查形容词。结合文意,盲人似乎很满足(content),就像一个孩子在享受他最喜欢 的游戏。patient 耐心的,curious 好奇的,nervous 紧张的,均不符合文意。故选 C。 60. A 考查连词。结合文意,他告诉“我”,盲人也可以找到生活中的美,虽然(although) 他们不能享受世界的风景。once 一旦,because 因为,unless 除非,均不符合文意。故选 A。 第二节 61. falls 62. which 63. are held 64. hoping 65. disasters 66. luckier 67. to express 68. vividly 69. between 70. the 第四部分 写作 第一节 短文改错 On 1st Oct. 2019, we gathered in Beijing for a grand rally to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. Be the capital of the PRC, Beijing is the nation’s Being political and culture center. Located in North China, close to the port city of Tianjin and partly cultural surrounding by Hebei Province, it also serves∧the most important transportation port of entry. surrounded as As a ancient city in China, Beijing has been the heart and soul of politics throughout their long an its history. So there are a large number of discovery to excite travelers as they explore into the discoveries city’s past and exciting modern development. Now it had become one of the most popular travel has destinations in the world, that attracts about 140 million Chinese tourists and 4.4 million which international visitors every year. 第二节 书面表达 One possible version: Dear Peter, I’m very glad to receive your letter asking me for advice on whether to take part in the “Learn Chinese Cuisine, Enjoy Chinese Foods” Foreigners’ Talent Show. In my opinion, it would be a good idea if you could participate in this activity. The following are a few reasons for you to join in it. First of all, as you are enthusiastic about Chinese cooking, I think it is a good chance for you to show your cooking talent. Besides, the talent show will be held on Sunday, December 13 when you are free. Last but not least, during the show, you will learn more about Chinese cooking, thus improving your ability in cooking. If you have any difficulty, please let me know and I will be more than glad to help. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 一、评分原则 1. 本题总分为25分,按五个档次给分。 2. 评分时,先根据短文的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量、 确定或调整档次,最后给分。 二、评分标准 一档21~25分 包含了所有要点,能围绕内容适当发挥,内容具体、丰富。应用了较丰富的 语言结构和词汇,用词准确、句子通顺、行文连贯、表达清楚、书写规范,没有或几乎没有 语言错误,具备较强的语言运用能力,完全达到了预期的写作目的。 二档16~20分 漏掉一个要点,能围绕内容适当发挥,内容具体。应用了较丰富的语言结构 和词汇,用词准确、句子通顺、行文连贯、书写规范,没有或几乎没有语言错误,具备较强 的语言运用能力,基本达到了预期的写作目的。 三档11~15分 漏掉两个要点,有所发挥,内容欠丰富。应用的语言结构和词汇能满足任务 要求,句子较通顺,表达较清楚,书写较规范,有少量语言错误。 四档6~10分 漏掉大部分要点,内容不够丰富、不够具体,字数较少。语言表达过于简单, 句子不够通顺,行文不够连贯,书写欠规范,有部分语言错误。 五档 0~5 分 所写内容明显偏离要点,内容过少。语言不规范,句子无条理,行文不连贯, 语言错误较多。 广西 2020 年 4 月份高三教学质量诊断性联合考试 英语 听力 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案 转涂到答题卡上。 第一节 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最 佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对 话仅读一遍。 1. W: What’s up, Michael? You look down today. M: I got a “C” again in the maths exam. I don’t want to let my parents down. But you know, I tried my best. 2. M: Where did you take this picture? It’s beautiful! W: I took it in Hawaii. I love traveling. Last month I went to New York University and this weekend I will travel to Washington. 3. W: Did you go to the basketball match last Saturday? M: Oh, yes. It was supposed to start at 2:30 p.m., but it was delayed for 20 minutes. 4. W: Excuse me, I’d like to buy a desk for my little son. I don’t have any particular brands in mind, but it should be less than 50 dollars. M: OK, we have a large selection of small desks for young children. 5. W: How’s your new apartment? M: I thought it was in a quiet neighborhood, but it isn’t. W: What’s wrong? M: One of my neighbors has a dog. It barks all night long. 第二节 听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个 选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听 完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。 W: Good afternoon. May I help you, sir? M: Could you give me a favor, please, and change this note for me? W: Don’t you want to buy anything in my shop? M: Sorry. I just need some change. I have got to phone someone. W: OK. Let me see if I can help you. M: That’s very kind of you. W: I’m sorry, but I’m rather short of change myself. But there is a bank across the road. You can get some there. M: Well, thank you all the same. 听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 10 题。 M: I heard there was an earthquake in the city yesterday. Really? W: Yes. I watched the news on TV. M: Were there any deaths? W: Yes, it was reported that about 20 people were killed, including 4 children. And a lot of people lost their homes. M: We must do something to help them. W: Our class is going to put on some performances to raise money for them. M: What a great idea! I’ll join you. 听第 8 段材料,回答第 11 至 13 题。 W: Good afternoon, marketing department. Can I help you? M: Good afternoon. This is Mr. Buford. I ordered three barrels of your pure water five days ago, but they haven’t arrived yet. W: Oh, I’m sorry, Sir. I’ll check it immediately. Can I have your full name, address and phone number? M: Yes. George Buford, 280 Jianshe Road, 5653-0918. W: OK, Sir. I’ll check it with our delivery department and call you back in ten minutes. Please accept our sincere apologies. M: Oh, that’s all right. I’ll be waiting for your call. Bye-bye. W: Bye-bye and thank you for calling. 听第 9 段材料,回答第 14 至 16 题。 M: Now, where am I staying in Madrid? W: I have booked you a room in the Holiday Inn, just at the airport terminal. M: Holiday Inn? Wasn’t it possible to get me into Madrid Hotel as usual? W: Well, Madrid Hotel involves much more traveling for you, but the company you’re visiting is located near the airport terminal. M: Oh, I see. Fine. Have you got the hotel phone number? W: Yes, I’ve got it for you from the travel agency, and at the next stop, you’ve been booked into the Granada Old Town Hotel in Granada. M: The Granada Old Town Hotel? I’ve stayed there twice before and found it rather depressing. Is it possible to change the hotel? W: Of course. I will do my best to find you a better one. M: And the last stop is... W: You’ll fly from Madrid to Paris, where you’ll meet one of our customers. M: OK. When all the plans are finalized, I will tell my wife to meet me at the airport. Is there anything else? W: If possible, I will ask them to send the tickets up before we close today. I think everything else is in order now. 听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。 (M:) Good morning! I’m Samuel Davis. And now for our Mystery Person of the week and your chance to win one of our amazing prizes. Last week’s competition produced a huge response and the first five answers pulled out of the box received $120 worth of sports bags. And if you didn’t win last week, here’s another chance. And this week’s prize is even bigger. We are giving away ten prizes of $280 worth of iWatches to mark the first anniversary of the show, so get your pens ready to take down the address details. Just write the name of the person you think is our Mystery Person and send it to Mystery Draw, PO Box 5110, London. And now let me introduce our mystery person this week. He is a very well-known footballer who plays for a famous club, and has also played for his national team. He is very talented and is very popular, especially for the part he played in a famous footballing victory. He has no famous wife, and speaks French but not a Frenchman. If you think you know who he is, then send your answer on a postcard to Mystery Draw, PO Box 5110, London. That’s PO Box 5110. We don’t accept letters. And please don’t forget to write your name and telephone number, too.

