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‎2019届一轮复习人教版必修四Unit 1 Women of Achievement单元学案 ‎1. 学习为人类做出巨大贡献、取得巨大成就的女性;‎ ‎2. 了解这些女性的成就以及她们因此而付出的巨大努力。‎ When you refer to human being's achievements, what kind of women in the crowds are more likely to get success? Song Chingling devoted herself to Chinese welfare project. Lin Qiaozhi is a specialist in women's diseases even if she wasn't a professor in an institute. She helped reduce death rate of babies in China. She delivered so many babies and wrote a book intended for women to deal with emergencies in the countryside. Jane Goodall found the connection and bond between human being and chimps and started a campaign to protect the wildlife. She observed the chimps' nests for many years. They all set up organizations to call on people to behave with love and their efforts are worthwhile. They cared little for their entertainment. They led an inspiring life and never looked down upon the poor. They respected everything including animals. They were outspoken and considerate and modest. They argued for equal rights and supports freedom. We all ‎ should carry on their career and build a better world. We won't come across success by chance. We should try our best to realize our goals. Only in this way can we do something for our future generation.‎ ‎1. campaign n. 运动;战役 vi. 作战;参加运动 ‎ ‎2. behave vt. & vi. 举动;(举止或行为)表现 ‎3. worthwhile adj.值得的;值得做的 ‎4. bond n. 联系;关系;结合;纽带 ‎5. observe vt. 观察;观测;遵守 ‎6. respect vt. & n. 尊敬;尊重;敬意 ‎7. argue vt. & vi. 讨论;辩论;争论 ‎ ‎8. support n. & vt. 支持;拥护 ‎9. look down upon/on 蔑视;瞧不起 ‎ ‎10. refer to 查阅;参考;谈到 ‎11. intend vt. 计划;打算 ‎ 只有以这种方式我们才能为自己的后代留下点什么。‎ Only in this way can we do something for our future generation. ‎ ‎★welfare n. 福利;福利事业 ‎★project n. 项目;工程;规划 ‎★institute n. 学会;学院;协会 ‎ ‎★human being 人类 ‎ ‎★shade n. 荫;阴凉处 vt. 遮住光线 ‎★move off 离开;起程;出发 ‎★nest n. 巢;窝 ‎ ‎★childhood n. 童年;幼年时代 ‎★outspoken adj.直言不讳的;坦诚的 ‎★lead a...life 过着……的生活 ‎★crowd n. 人群;观众 vt. 挤满;使拥挤 ‎ ‎★inspire vt. 鼓舞;激发;启示 ‎ ‎★audience n. 观众;听众;读者 ‎★by chance 碰巧;凑巧 ‎★come across (偶然)遇见;碰见 ‎★career n. 事业;生涯 ‎ ‎★rate n. 比率;速度 ‎★emergency n. 突发事件;紧急情况 ‎★generation n. 一代;一辈 ‎ ‎★kindness n. 仁慈;好意 ‎★considerate adj.考虑周到的 ‎★deliver vt. 递送;生(小孩儿);接生;发表(演说)‎ ‎★carry on 继续;坚持 ‎★modest adj.谦虚的;谦让的;适度的 ‎ ‎★achievement n. 成就;功绩 ‎ ‎★specialist n. 专家;专业工作者 ‎ ‎★connection n. 连接;关系 ‎★organization n. 组织;机构;团体 ‎ ‎★behaviour (=behavior) 行为;举止;习性 ‎★observation n. 观察;观测 ‎★entertainment n. 款待;娱乐;娱乐表演 ‎★sickness n. 疾病;恶心 ‎★consideration n. 考虑;体谅 一、重点单词需牢记 ‎1. achievement n.[C]成就;功绩 [U]实现;完成;达到 He received the Nobel Prize for his scientific achievements. ‎ 他因科学上取得的成就而获得诺贝尔奖。‎ Flying across the Atlantic for the first time was a great achievement. ‎ 首次飞越大西洋是一个伟大的功绩。 ‎ Reaching this agreement so quickly was a great achievement for the meeting. ‎ 如此快地达成了协议对这个会议来说是一个巨大的成就。 ‎ achieve v. 取得,实现 achieve an aim/a goal达到目标 achieve success 获得成功 ‎2. behave vt. & vi. 举动;(举止或行为)表现;(机器等)工作,运转(常与well/badly等副词连用)‎ He behaved with great courage in the battle.‎ 他在这次战斗中表现得非常勇敢。 ‎ behave oneself使某人自己举止规矩 Behave yourself; don't make a fool of yourself.注意你的举止,别闹出笑话来。 ‎ behaviour (= behavior) 行为;举止;习性 behaviour towards/to...对……的态度/行为 ‎ ‎3. worthwhile adj.值得的;值得做的 Buying the car at this price is not worthwhile. ‎ 以这样的价格买这辆车不值得。‎ Is it worthwhile making/to make such an effort? ‎ 做这样的努力值得吗? ‎ worth/worthy/worthwhile ‎★worth 只能作表语,其后接钱数、名词或及物动词的动名词的主动形式: be worth doing。‎ ‎★worthy可作表语,后接of+名词/动名词的被动形式/不定式的被动形式: be worthy of + n./being done / to be done; 也可作定语,表示“值得……的;有价值的”。‎ ‎★worthwhile可作表语或定语,如a worthwhile job 一份值得做的工作。常用结构:it is worthwhile to do/doing做某事是值得的。‎ It is worthwhile to see the film/seeing the film.‎ 这部电影值得一看。‎ The city is worth a visit/visiting.‎ 这个城市值得参观。‎ His deed is worthy to be praised/of being praised.‎ 他的行为值得称赞。‎ ‎4. observe vt. 观察;观测;遵守 The boy observed what was going on between Tom and his little sister. 男孩观察汤姆和他妹妹之间会发生什么事。 ‎ We Chinese also observe Christmas nowadays.‎ 我们中国人现在也过圣诞节。‎ We should strictly observe the discipline.‎ 我们要严格遵守纪律。‎ observe sb. do sth. 观察某人做某事(已做完) ‎ observe sb. doing sth. 观察某人正在做某事 ‎ under observation 被监视 I observed them enter/entering the shop.‎ 我看到他们进了/正走进商店。‎ observer n. 观察者 observation n. 观察 ‎ ‎5. respect vt. & n. 尊敬;尊重;敬意 ‎ pay/give one's respect to sb. 向某人致敬/问候 have/show respect for sb. 尊敬某人 respecting = with respect to关于;就……而言 in all respects = in every respect 在各方面 We all should respect our parents and teachers. ‎ 我们都应该尊敬我们的父母和老师。‎ Mr. Smith always shows respect to his children's opinions. ‎ 史密斯先生总是很尊重孩子们的意见。‎ In respect to the content, the article is very good, but it is not satisfactory in other aspects. ‎ 就内容而言,这篇文章很好,但在其他方面还不能令人满意。 ‎ respectable adj.值得尊敬的;正派的;高尚的 ‎ respectively adv. 各自地;分别地 ‎ 6. argue vt. & vi. 讨论;辩论;争论 ‎ argue with sb. about/over sth. 就某事和某人争辩 ‎ argue sb. into/out of doing = persuade sb. to/not to do ‎= persuade sb. into/out of doing 说服某人做/不做某事 argue for (sb./sth.) 为(某人/某事)辩护 ‎ argue against (sb./sth.) 反对(某人/某事)‎ She argued him into the adoption of the plan.‎ 她说服他采纳这个计划。‎ argument n. 争论;争辩;争吵 ‎ settle an argument解决争端 ‎ beyond argument无可争辩 ‎ It is beyond argument that he is a foreigner.‎ 毫无疑问他是一个外国人。‎ ‎7. inspire vt. 鼓舞;激发;启示 ‎ inspire sb. to sth. 鼓励某人某事 inspire sb. to do sth. =encourage sb. to do sth.‎ 鼓励某人做某事 ‎ inspire sth. in sb. =inspire sb. with sth.‎ 使某人产生……;鼓励某人…… ‎ The beautiful scenery inspired the composer. ‎ 美丽的景色使作曲家文思泉涌。 ‎ inspiration n. 灵感;启发;鼓舞人的事或人 inspired adj.受到鼓舞的;有灵感的 inspiring adj.鼓舞人心的;激励的 ‎8. intend vt. 计划;打算 intend to do/doing 打算…… ‎ intend sb. to do sth. 打算让某人做某事 be intended for专供……使用;专为……而设计 I intend doing/to do the work.我打算做这项工作。‎ She had intended to catch the early train, but she didn't get up on time. ‎ 她本来打算赶上早班火车,但她没有按时起床。‎ This present is intended for you.‎ 这件礼物是给你的。 ‎ Today, I intend to finish reading this novel. ‎ 今天我打算读完这本小说。‎ ‎9. deliver vt. 递送;生(小孩儿);接生;发表 (演说等)‎ deliver a baby 接生小孩;生小孩 deliver sth. to... 把某物送到…… ‎ The baby was delivered in a clinic. 孩子是在一个医疗站接生的。‎ Comrade Yang delivered the opening speech. 杨同志致了开幕词。 ‎ delivery n. 送货;交付 express delivery 快递 二、重点短语需精通 ‎1. live/lead a...life 过着……的生活 They live a peaceful life. ‎ 他们过着平静的生活。‎ ‎“v.+同源宾语”结构 smile a...smile 露出……微笑 dream a...dream 做了个……的梦 ‎ sleep a...sleep 睡个……觉 ‎ sing a...song 唱……的歌 die a...death ……地死去 ‎ laugh a...laugh 发出……方式的笑声 ‎2. look down upon/on 蔑视;瞧不起 I hope you don't look down upon/on this kind of work.‎ 我希望你不要看不起这种工作。 ‎ look at看 ‎ look about/around环顾四周;警戒 ‎ look after 照料;照看 ‎ look forward to盼望;期待 look for 寻找 ‎ look into调查;注视……的内部 ‎ look on旁观;观望 ‎ look out向外看;当心;警戒 look like看起来像 ‎ look over检查;检阅 look through浏览;检查 ‎ look up (在词典、参考书中)查找 ‎ look up to尊敬 look down at低头看……‎ ‎3. refer to谈到;查阅;参考;查询;提及;指……而言 The new law does not refer to land used for farming.‎ 那条新法律并不涉及耕种用地。 ‎ If you don't know what it means, refer to the dictionary. ‎ 如果你不知道它的意思,可以查字典。‎ Which companies was she referring to when she spoke of competing firms? ‎ 她提到的竞争公司指的是哪几家?‎ While giving the English speech,no one is allowed to refer to the notes. ‎ 英语演讲时,不允许任何人看稿子。 ‎ refer to sb./sth. as把某人/物称作 refer sth. to把某事提交 refer sb. to 让某人向……求助;把某人推荐给……‎ ‎4. come across (偶然) 遇见;碰见 ‎= run across ‎ ‎= meet by chance (偶然) 遇见;碰见 ‎ I came across an old school friend in Oxford Street this morning. ‎ 今天早上我在牛津大街碰见一位老校友。‎ She came across some old photographs in a drawer. ‎ 她在抽屉里偶然发现一些旧照片。 ‎ come about = happen 发生 come from 来自 come out 出现;开花;出版或发表;透露;显出 ‎ come up 升起;发生;出现 come up with sth. 找到或提出(答案﹑办法等)‎ ‎5. carry on 继续;坚持 Carry on (working/with your work) while I'm away. ‎ 我不在的时候, 要继续你的工作。‎ They decided to carry on in spite of the weather. ‎ ‎ it __through__.‎ ‎③Don't blame me. I'm only __carrying__out__ my orders. 他们决定不管天气好坏都坚持。 ‎ carry on (doing sth./with sth.) 继续(做)某事 ‎ carry out 贯彻,执行 carry out a plan/orders/instructions执行计划/命令/指示 ‎ carry sth. through 成功地完成某事 carry about随身携带 三、重点句式能熟用 ‎1. Only after her mother came to help her for the first few months was she allowed to begin her project.她母亲头几个月来帮过她的忙,这才使她得以开始自己的计划。‎ 这是一个倒装句。以“only+状语(通常是副词、介词短语或从句)”开头的句子要用部分倒装,即将助动词或连系动词置于主语之前。‎ Only after my friend came was the computer repaired. ‎ 我的朋友来后电脑才修好。‎ Only when you pointed it out for me did I realize that I was wrong. ‎ 只有当你帮我指出来了我才意识到我错了。‎ 以“only+主语”开头的句子不用倒装,如:‎ Only we can help ourselves. 只有我们能帮自己。‎ ‎ 2. I did not realize that my homework was to change my life.我没有意识到我的作业竟会改变我的生活。‎ that引导的宾语从句中,was to change属于“be+不定式”结构,此处表示“不可避免的、将要发生的、命中注定的事”。 ‎ We were sure then that he was to become a very important person. ‎ 我们当时确信他会成为一位重要人物。‎ ‎(1) “be+动词不定式”通常用来表示“计划、打算 (=be going to)”。 ‎ The line is to be opened to traffic on National Day.‎ 这条铁路将在国庆节通车。‎ ‎(2) “be+动词不定式”还可表示命令,意为“必须;不得不”。‎ You are to do your homework before you watch TV.‎ 你得做完作业才能看电视。 ‎ 四、话题写作多积累 训练十六:写道歉信 道歉信是指因过失或疏忽做错了事,给别人带来了麻烦或损失,发觉后要立即给对方赔礼道歉时写的信件。道歉是一种礼貌,要写得坦率、诚恳。好的道歉信不仅会取得对方的谅解,还会增进彼此的感情。 ‎ 道歉信通常包括三部分内容:‎ 第一段:开门见山向收信者表示歉意,并道明道歉的原因。要让对方感受到你的诚意。‎ 第二段:展开叙述关于出现差错的原因,将责任归咎于自己。‎ 第三段:真诚地请求对方的原谅。语言要诚挚,解释的理由要真实。违反生活常识将导致扣分;尽量提供一个合适的补救办法,使行文更加顺畅。 ‎ I am writing to apologize for.../I am writing to say sorry for...‎ I would like to give you my apology for...‎ Please accept my sincere apology for...‎ I am indeed very sorry for what I said/did, but believe I had no intention to...‎ Please forgive me for a stupid choice of words.‎ I feel awfully sorry about it and want you to know what happened.‎ Please accept my apologies for my oversight.‎ Please allow me to say sorry again.‎ I sincerely hope you can understand my situation/think in my ‎ position and accept my apologies.‎ Once again, I'm sorry for any inconvenience caused/you have sustained. ‎ Dear ________, ‎ I am truly sorry that ________________(道歉的原因).‎ The reason is that ________________ (介绍原因). ________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________.‎ Once again, I am sorry for any inconvenience caused. Hope you can accept my apologies and understand my situation.‎ Yours sincerely, ‎ Li Ming ‎ ‎【例1】完成句子 ‎①没有人民的支持,我们将一事无成。‎ Without the support of the people we can__achieve__nothing__.‎ ‎②我只完成了我所希望完成的工作的一半。‎ I have achieved only half of__what__I hope to do. ‎ ‎③祝贺你获得这样完美的胜利。‎ Congratulations to you__on__achieving__such a complete victory.‎ ‎【例2】完成句子 ‎①父母让孩子们在客人面前举止礼貌。‎ The parents asked the children to __behave__well__in front of the guests.‎ ‎②她对这个孩子的良好行为感到高兴。‎ She is pleased with the child's good__behaviour__ . ‎ behaviour亦作 behavior,是英国英语和美国英语在拼法上的区别。 类似的词还有favo(u)r (赞成;赞许),flavo(u)r (滋味;味道),vapo(u)r(蒸汽;雾),neighbo(u)r(邻居)等。‎ ‎【例3】用worth/worthy/worthwhile填空 ‎ ‎①It's well __worth__ making the effort to learn how to drive.②We had a long wait,but it was __worthwhile__ because we got the tickets.‎ ‎③Their achievements are __worthy__ of the highest praise.‎ ‎④He is __worthy__ to have a place in the team. ‎ ‎⑤This vase was__worth__five hundred francs at the most.‎ ‎⑥Everybody has roots. It is__worthwhile__to search for his roots.‎ ‎⑦Their efforts are__worthy__of your support. ‎ ‎⑧This book is well__worth__reading and it is of__worthy__being read a second time. ‎ ‎【例4】完成句子 ‎①我从未看过他做早操。‎ I have never observed him__do__morning exercises. ‎ ‎②我们必须遵守交通规则。‎ We must__observe__the rule of road.‎ ‎③警察注意到一个人走进了银行。 ‎ The police observed a man__enter__the bank.‎ ‎④他们被注意着进了银行。‎ They were observed__to__enter__the bank/entering the bank. ‎ observe+宾语+ 宾语补足语(不带to的不定式/动词的-ing形式),被动语态要用带to的不定式。‎ ‎【例5】完成句子 ‎①请代我向你的父母致意。‎ Please __give__my__respect__to__your parents.‎ ‎②我们的班主任是位可敬的人,我们都很尊敬她。‎ Our head teacher is a__respectable__person, we all __show/have__respect__for__her. ‎ ‎③成人和儿童的单程车费分别为18美元和5美元。‎ One-way fares for adults and children were $18 and $5__respectively__. ‎ ‎【例6】使用恰当的介词填空 ‎ ‎①我们总是就金钱的问题而争论。‎ We are always arguing __with__each other__about/over__money. ‎ ‎②他们说服我买了辆新的自行车。‎ They argued me__into__buying a new bike. ‎ ‎③他反对吸烟,而且坚持认为吸烟有害健康是无可争辩的事实。‎ He argued__against__smoking, and insisted that it was__beyond__argument that smoking was harmful to health. ‎ ‎④他们正就外交政策与官员们进行辩论。 ‎ They are arguing __with__ the officials over foreign policies. ‎ ‎【例7】完成句子 ‎①老师的话使他产生了希望。‎ The teacher's words __inspired__him__with__hope__.‎ ‎=The teacher's words __inspired__hope__in__him__.‎ ‎②学生们都被这首振奋人心的歌曲所鼓舞。‎ The students were all __inspired__by the __inspiring__ song.‎ ‎③这位父亲鼓励儿子要自信。 ‎ The father inspired his son __with__ confidence. ‎ ‎=The father inspired confidence __in__ his son. ‎ ‎【例8】完成句子 ‎ ‎①我本打算参加你的生日晚会的,但我很忙。‎ I __had__intended__to__ attend your birthday, but I was busy. ‎ ‎②这种自行车是专为身材矮小的人设计的。‎ This kind of bicycle __is__intended__for__ people who are too short.‎ ‎③我打算让你接管我的事业。 ‎ I intend __you__to__take__over__my career. ‎ ‎【例9】用deliver相关短语的适当形式完成句子 ‎①一些新书已经送到学校了。‎ Some new books have __been__delivered__to__ the school.‎ ‎②演员用他温柔的声音演讲。‎ The actor __delivered/gave__his speech__in__a soft voice. ‎ ‎【例1】完成句子 ‎ ‎①We are living happily. ‎ ‎= We are __living__a__happy__life__.‎ ‎②__What__a__hard__life__ (多么艰辛的生活) they lived!‎ ‎③I __dreamed/had__a__beautiful__dream__ (做了个美梦) last night.‎ ‎【例2】用look的相关短语完成句子 ‎①我们不应该瞧不起残疾人,相反我们应该帮助他们。‎ We shouldn't __look__down__upon__ the disabled, on the contrary, we should help them. ‎ ‎②我盼望着下周去艺术馆参观。‎ I __am__looking__forward__to__ visiting the art gallery next week.‎ ‎③我翻阅了今天的报纸,但没有发现重要消息。‎ I __looked__through__ today's newspaper but I found nothing important.‎ ‎④过马路时当心车辆。 ‎ ‎__Look__out__for__ cars while crossing the road.‎ ‎⑤我尊敬他,因为他是个真正的艺术家。 ‎ I look__up__to__him because he's a real artist.‎ ‎【例3】在横线上写出refer to在句中的含义 ‎①He gave the speech without referring to his notes.查阅,参考 ‎②Although she didn't mention any names, everyone knew who she was referring to.指的是 ‎③I have examined all the documents referring to the matter.涉及,与……相关 ‎④This author begins by referring to the early history of India.提到,说起 refer to和consult都可作“查阅(词典、参考书等)”讲,表此意时两词可以互换。‎ look up 意为“(在词典、时刻表等中)查找……”。‎ ‎【例4】用come的短语的适当形式填空 ‎ ‎①I __came__across__ some new words while reading. ‎ ‎②His new book will __come__out__ next month.‎ ‎③She __came__up__with__ a new idea for increasing sales.‎ ‎④Can you tell me how the accident __came__about__? ‎ ‎⑤How did it __came__about__ that he knew where we were?‎ ‎【例5】用carry的相关短语的适当形式填空 ‎①Extensive tests have __been__carried__out__ on the patient.‎ ‎②It is a difficult job but she's the person to carry ‎【例1】完成句子 ‎①直到那时我才知道真相。‎ Only then __did__ I know the truth.‎ ‎②只有使用这种方式你才能获得成功。‎ Only in this way __can__ you succeed. ‎ ‎③只有你的身份验证后,你方可进入。‎ Only when your identity has been checked, __will__ you be allowed in.‎ ‎④只有汤姆考试不及格。‎ Only Tom __failed__ in the exam. ‎ ‎【例2】用“be+动词不定式”完成句子 ‎①他们的计划什么时候交上来? ‎ When are they __to__hand__ in their plan? ‎ ‎②你得做完你的工作才能离开。 ‎ You __are__to__ finish your work before you leave.‎ ‎③我怎么知道他的遭遇如何呢? ‎ How __am__ I __to__know__ what has become of him?‎ ‎④如果想要用好英语,某些技巧是必须学的。‎ Certain skills must be learned if one __is__to__use__ English well.‎ ‎(2018届山西质检二)‎ 假定你是李华,与留学生朋友Bob约好一起去书店,因故不能赴约。请给他写封邮件,内容包括:‎ ‎1. 表示歉意;‎ ‎2. 说明原因;‎ ‎3. 另约时间。‎ 注意:‎ ‎1.词数100左右;‎ ‎2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 ‎ Dear Bob,‎ I'm sorry to say that I cannot go to the bookstore with you on Friday afternoon. I have just found that I have to attend an important class meeting that afternoon. I hope the change will not cause you too much trouble.‎ Shall we go on Saturday morning? We can set out early so that we'll have more time to read and select books. If it's convenient for you, let's meet at 8:30 outside the school gate. If not, let me know what time suits you best. I should be available any time after school next week.‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua 题目要求写一封道歉信,就不能如约一起去书店向Bob道歉,使用第一人称和一般现在时进行写作。写作内容包括:表示歉意;说明原因;另约时间。注意使用连接词,使作文内容连贯。‎ 考向一 在语法填空中设题 ‎(2016全国卷Ⅱ)Then, handle the most important tasks first so you'll feel a real sense of________(achieve).‎ ‎【答案】achievement 考查名词。本空前的介词of后应该使用名词形式作宾语。句意:首先处理重要的事情,那么你就会有成就感。 ‎ 考向二 在完形填空中考查 “自强不息的女性”‎ ‎(2016天津卷)‎ The journey my daughter Cathy has had with her swimming is as long as it is beautiful. ‎ Cathy suffered some terrible ____1____ in her early childhood.After years of regular treatment,she ____2____ became healthy.‎ Two years ago,while Cathy was watching the Olympics,a dream came into her sweet little head—to be a swimmer.Last summer,she wanted to ____3____ our local swim team.She practiced hard and finally ____4____ it.The team practice,____5____ was a rough start.She coughed and choked and could hardly ____6____ her first few weeks.Hearing her coughing bitterly one night,I decided to ____7____‎ ‎ her from it all.But Cathy woke me up early next morning,wearing her swimsuit ____8____ to go! I told her she shouldnt swim after a whole nights coughing,but she refused to ____9____ and insisted she go.‎ From that day on,Cathy kept swimming and didnt ____10____ a single practice.She had a ____11____ intention within herself to be the best she could be.‎ My ten-year-old was growing and changing right before my eyes,into this ____12____ human being with a passion and a mission.There were moments of ____13____ of course:often she would be the last swimmer in the race.It was difficult for Cathy to accept that she wasnt a ____14____ —ever.But that didnt stop her from trying.‎ Then came the final awards ceremony at the end of the year.Cathy didnt expect any award but was still there to ____15____ her friends and praise their accomplishments.As the ceremony was nearing the end,I suddenly heard the head coach ____16____,“The highest honor goes to Cathy!” Looking around,he continued,“Cathy has inspired us with her ____17____ and enthusiasm.____18____ skills and talents bring great success,the most valuable asset(财富)one can hold is the heart.”‎ It was the greatest ____19____ of my daughters life.With all she had been ____20____ in her ten years,this was the hour of true triumph(成功).‎ ‎1.A.failure    B.pressure    C.loss      D.illness ‎2.A.usually B.finally C.firstly D.frequently ‎3.A.improve B.train C.join D.contact ‎ ‎4.A.increased B.found C.created D.made ‎5.A.however B.therefore C.otherwise D.instead ‎6.A.use B.survive C.save D.waste ‎7.A.pull B.tell C.hide D.fire ‎8.A.afraid B.nervous C.ready D.free ‎9.A.take off B.set off C.give up D.show up ‎10.A.attend B.miss C.ban D.Start ‎11.A.rich B.weak C.firm D.kind ‎ ‎12.A.trusted B.determined C.experienced D.embarrassed ‎ ‎13.A.frustration B.delight C.excitement D.surprise ‎ ‎14.A.beginner B.learner C.partner D.winner ‎15.A.cheer on B.compete with C.respond to D.run after ‎16.A.admitting B.explaining C.announcing D.Whispering ‎17.A.humor B.will C.honesty D.wisdom ‎18.A.Although B.Since C.Once D.Because ‎19.A.discovery B.choice C.influence D.moment ‎20.A.through B.under C.across D.around ‎ ‎【语篇解读】作者的女儿在童年时遭受了诸多病痛之苦。接受治疗之后开始好转,于是她决心做一个游泳选手,虽然身体不适,还是坚持训练。虽然经常参加比赛,但是她仍然是最后一名。不过她一直不放弃。最后她的意志力以及热情使她获得了最高的荣誉和肯定。‎ ‎1.D 根据下一句话中的After years of regular treatment可知,Cathy在童年的时候,得了可怕的疾病,所以经历了多年的治疗。 ‎ ‎2.B 本句中的After years of regular treatment指的是治疗过程,本空说的是治疗结果,所以用finally,即她最后恢复健康了。 ‎ ‎3.C 根据上一句话中的a dream came into her sweet little head可知,她想参加我们当地的游泳队。 ‎ ‎4.D 根据上句中的She practiced hard可知,她进行了艰苦的训练,而本句中的finally表示结果,说明她最后成功加入到游泳队中了,make it意为“成功做成某事”。 ‎ ‎5.A 根据上文可知,Cathy虽然成功加入游泳队,结合本句中的was a tough start可知,游泳队的训练是个艰难的开始,这里是转折关系。 ‎ ‎6.B 结合句中的 coughed and choked可知,Cathy又咳嗽又感到窒息,所以在训练的前几个星期几乎不能挺过来。‎ ‎7.A 结合句中的Hearing her coughing bitterly one night可知,作者知道了Cathy咳嗽的厉害之后,决定将她从游泳队里拉回来。 ‎ ‎8.C 根结合句中的wearing her swimsuit可知,Cathy穿着游泳衣准备继续自己的游泳训练。 ‎ ‎9.C 根据本句中的 she shouldnt swim after a whole night’s coughing可知,作者要求女儿放弃游泳,但是她拒绝了。‎ ‎10.B 根据本句中的keep swimming可知,Cathy一直在训练,没有错过一次训练的机会,miss意为“失去”。‎ ‎11.C 根据上文可知,Cathy一直在训练,没有错过一次训练,由此可以判断,她的内心有坚定的意志。 ‎ ‎12.B 根据本句中的with a passion and a mission,可知,Cathy已经成长为一个有决心的人。 ‎ ‎13.A 根据本句中的often she would be last swimmer in the race可知,Cathy也有挫败的时候。 ‎ ‎14.D 根据上一句话可知,Cathy总是最后一名,而她接受自己不是获胜者是一件很难的事情。 ‎ ‎15.A 根据本句中的praise their accomplishments可知,虽然 Cathy自己获不了奖,但仍然为队友加油鼓劲。 ‎ ‎16.C 根据本句中的The highest honor goes to Cathy可知,总教练宣布Cathy所获得的最高荣誉。 ‎ ‎17.B 根据上下文的语境可知,文章就是以Cathy的决心和毅力为主线,所以用will表示其“意志力”,所以教练说:是Cathy用她的意志力和热情激励了我们。 ‎ ‎18.A 在教练看来,虽然才能和技巧能带来巨大成功,但是一个人能拥有的最珍贵的财富是一个人的内心,主从句之间是让步关系,所以用although引导让步状语从句。 ‎ ‎19.D 在作者看来,教练说这番话的时候是自己的女儿一生之中最好的时刻,下文的hour也是解题线索。‎ ‎20.A 在作者看来,十年以来Cathy所经历的一切中,这是真正成功的时刻。‎ 计策1:结合空前的词性判断本空所需成分 计策2:确定使用名词后再判断名词的类别,可数名词是否需要使用复数形式 计策1:跳读 带着空格通读全文,了解短文大意,判别短文文体,同时将会做的题及时解决掉。‎ 计策2:选答 这一步最为关键,要求考生对每一道题进行认真推敲,但是万万不可按照题的顺序答题,对那些拿不准的题先跳过去,遵循先易后难的解题原则。‎ 计策3:推敲 这实际上就是要求考生对完形填空短文的篇章作通盘考虑,把其中一些需要依据上下文语境来考虑的比较难解答的题,以及句子之间和段落之间的逻辑关联较强的题认真推敲,甄别,筛选和抉择。‎ 计策4:复查 这是解答这类题的最后一步,要求考生解完题之后务必再把文章通读一遍,从整体上准确把握文章的真正意思,及时修改与全文有出入的一些选项。‎ 计策5:语法结构法 在完形填空题中考查的语法项目主要是动词的各种时态、语态和语气、谓语和非谓语形式等。所以这类题需要考生有较为扎实的语法基础知识,能够从句式的结构上辨别出相关的关联词、连词、副词、形容词或相应的动词,当然还要考虑到主谓一致等语法知识要点。不过,切记解答这类题时,必须是在任何选项的语法都正确的前提下,再考虑其他方面因素。‎ 一、词汇拓展 ‎ ‎1. achieve vt. 完成;达到→ __achievement__ n. 成就;功绩 ‎ ‎2. special adj.专门的→ __specialist__ n. 专家;专业工作者 ‎3. connect vt. 连接→ __connection__ n. 连接;关系 ‎4. organize vt. 组织→ __organization__ n. 组织;机构;团体 ‎5. behave vt. & vi. 举动;(举止或行为)表现→ __behaviour__(=behavior)__行为;举止;习性 ‎ ‎6. worthy adj.值得的→ __worthwhile__ adj.值得的;值得做的 ‎ ‎7. observe vt. 观察;观测;遵守→ __observation__ n. 观察;观测 ‎ ‎8. outspoken adj.直言不讳的;坦诚的→ __speak__out__毫无保留地说出 ‎9. respect vt. & n. 尊敬;尊重;敬意→ __respectful__adj.恭敬的;尊敬人的 ‎ ‎10. argue vt. & vi. 讨论;辩论;争论→ __argument__ n. 争论;争辩;争吵 与entertainment相关的词组:‎ ‎11. entertain v.娱乐;心存,怀有(希望、想法等);招待→ __entertainment__ n. 款待;娱乐;娱乐表演 ‎ ‎12. inspire vt. 鼓舞;激发;启示→ __inspiration__ n. 灵感;鼓舞 ‎ ‎13. refer vi. 谈到;查阅;参考→ __reference__ n. 参考 ‎ ‎14. sick adj.有病的→ __sickness__ n. 疾病;恶心 ‎ ‎15. generate v.产生,导致→ __generation__ n. 一代;一辈 ‎16. kind adj.仁慈的→ __kindness__ n. 仁慈;好意 ‎ ‎17. consider v.考虑;认为→ __considerate__ adj.考虑周到的→ __consideration__ n. 考虑;体谅→ __considerable__ adj.相当的,重要的 ‎ ‎18. deliver vt. 递送;生(小孩儿);接生; 发表(演说等) → __delivery__ n.投递,传送 ‎ ‎19. modest adj.谦虚的;谦让的;适度的→ __modesty__ n. 谦虚;虚心 二、单句语法填空 ‎1. You must be admitted to a key university, which will give you a wonderful sense of __achievement__ (achieve). ‎ ‎2. The woman __was__observed__ (observe) to follow him closely.‎ ‎3. As conceit makes one lag behind, so__modesty__ (modest) helps one make progress. (modest) (骄傲使人落后, 谦虚使人进步。)‎ ‎4. This is a serious novel, not an __entertainment__ (entertain).1. crowd用作名词,是集合名词。作主语时,谓语用单数(视为整体)或复数(考虑其个体成员) 均可。‎ ‎2. crowd用作动词,表示“聚集、挤满”,可用作及物或不及物动词。 常用结构be crowded with。派生形容词 crowded意为“拥挤的”。 ‎ ‎5. Small shops were __crowded__(crowd) out by supermarkets during the economic crisis.‎ ‎6. He was an__inspired__(inspire) poet at that time and his__inspiring__(inspire) poems spread through all the country.‎ ‎7. He's involved in the__organization__(organize) of a new club. ‎ ‎8. In general,I was quite pleased with his __behavior__(behave).‎ ‎9. She is always patient and __considerate__ (consider) towards the old people though it costs her __considerable__ (consider) time. ‎ ‎10. We__argued__(argue) with the waiter about the price of the meal last night.‎ 三、用短语的适当形式填空 devote...to, have the kindness, have some connection with, carry on, refer to, by chance, out of respect, come across, look down upon, move off ‎ ‎1. If you __devoted__ yourself __to__ English study, your English will be better and better. ‎ ‎2. His illness must have __had__some__connection__with__ his diet.‎ ‎3. Is this the sister you __referred__to__ in your last letter? ‎ ‎4. __Out__of__respect,__he accepted the idea that the old professor put forward at the meeting completely. ‎ ‎5. Anyhow, we should __carry__on__ with our research. ‎ ‎6. I __came__across__ a word I'd never seen before just now. ‎ ‎7. They found a wood house in the forest __by__chance__. ‎ ‎8. Will you __have__the__kindness__ to hand me that book?‎ ‎9. We should spurn at the difficulties but not__look__down__upon__them.‎ ‎10. The conductor blew the whistle and the train slowly __moved__off__. ‎ 四、课文回顾 Jane Goodal,1.__who__had intended to work with animals in their own 2.__environments__(environment) since her childhood, went to Africa and devoted herself to 3.__studying__(study) the behavior of chimps. It was tough but she considered it as a 4.__worthwhile__(worth) career. Through her study, we learned much more about chimps. She argued that the life of these animals should 5.__be__respected__(respect) and they should be left in the wild and not used 6.__for__entertainment. Besides, she was very 7.__considerate__(consider) of these animals. Now, she 8.__has__achieved__(achieve) everything she wanted to do, which 9.__inspires__(inspire) those who want to cheer the 10.__achievement__(achieve) of women. ‎ a specialist in/on 某方面的专家 celebrated specialist著名专家 experienced specialist经验丰富的专科医生 have connection with “与……有关系” ‎ in connection with “与……有关;关于”‎ be outspoken about sth.毫不隐讳……‎ speak out 大胆讲;毫无保留地说出 provide entertainment for...为……提供娱乐 give an entertainment to sb.招待某人 generate electricity 发电 generate heat 产生热量 be modest about 对……不夸耀的 be modest in 在……方面谦虚的,在……方面不过分的 out of kindness出于好意 out of necessity出于必要 out of sympathy出于对……的同情 move away 搬走 move in 搬进新居 move on 继续前行;更换话题 move over 挪动;让位 move out 搬出去,迁走;撤出 move up 挪动;靠拢;升迁 Key words:‎ Jane Goodal work with animals Africa devoted behavior of chimps career argued respect achieve inspire

