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2018届 二轮复习 写作专题:推荐信 文体概述 推荐信包括为别人写的推荐信和为自己写的自荐信两种。信的开头通常先向对方阐明从何种途径获得该职位的消息,有时也可直接介绍要推荐的人的姓名。接着向对方介绍被推荐人的相关信息 ( 如学历、学习状况、兴趣爱好、特长等 ) ,这些信息必须是正面的,而且与招聘的职位的性质有关。最后,重申被推荐者是该职位的合适人选,并且能胜任该职位。 常用语块 强烈向你推荐某人 _______________________ 2. 一名全 A 优等生 _______________________ 3. 学业表现 / 学习成绩 _______________________ 4. 竞赛获一等奖 _______________________ 5. 积极参加各种各样的课外活动 _______________________ take an active part in all kinds of after-class activities strongly recommend sb. to you a straight A student academic performance get the first prize in the contest 6. 校学生会副主席 ______________________ ______________________ 7. 就个人能力而言 ______________________ 8. 应对各种紧急情况 ______________________ 9. 办事高效率的 / 富有创造力的 / 富有想象力的 ______________________ 10. 与别人相处融洽 ______________________ get on/along well with others the vice chairman of the school Students’ Union in terms of personal ability deal with all kinds of emergencies efficient/creative/imaginative 11. 做 …… 的合适人选 _____________________ 12. 对 …… 充满热情 _____________________ 13. 有能力做 …… _____________________ 14. 能胜任 …… _____________________ 15. 在 …… 方面有经验 / 熟练 _____________________ be experienced/skilled/skillful in the right person to do… be enthusiastic about… be capable of / have the ability to do be qualified for / be up to 套用句式 能为你推荐史密斯先生是我的荣幸。 2. 就学业表现而言,她是一名全 A 优等生,尤其擅长艺术和语言。 2. In terms of academic performance, she is a straight A student, especially good at art and language. 1. It is my honor to recommend Mr. Smith to you. 3. As the vice chairman of the school Students’ Union, not only can he be strict with himself, but also be able to get on/along well with other classmates. 3. 作为校学生会的副主席,他不仅能严于律己,而且还与同学们相处融洽。 4. 他聪明,富有想象力和创造力,因此,他一定能胜任这份工作。 5. 有着丰富的社会实践经验,他有能力应对各种紧急情况,因此,我确信他是这个职位的最佳人选。 4. He is intelligent, imaginative and creative, so he is sure to be qualified for this job. 5. With rich social practice experience, he is capable of dealing with all kinds of emergencies, so I am sure he is the best person for this position. 习作修改 ( 做短文改错,背经典范文 ) Dear Sir or Madam, I am a student from Xinhua Middle School. I am glad to learn what you want a few part-time English reporter. I am quite interesting in it. I think I am suitable for the job. As a student, I have read a lot of and have many knowledge in different fields. I am fond of English and do well in both spoken and writing. that reporters interested much speaking Beside, I am easy to get on with and enjoy communicate with others. Above all, I once worked a reporter for my school broadcasting station. So I am sure I can do the job good if I get this position. I am looking forward to your reply. Yours faithfully, Li Hua Besides communicating ∧ as well 1. what →that 此处是宾语从句,从句中没有缺少成分,故用 that 引导。 2. reporter →reporters 前面有修饰词 a few ,故用复数。 3. interesting →interested 固定搭配 be interested in 意为“对 …… 感兴趣”。 4. 去掉 a lot 后的 of 因为 a lot of 后面要加宾语,此处没有宾语,故去掉 of 。 5. many →much 因为 knowledge 是不可数名词,故用 much 修饰。 6. spoken →speaking 因为 speaking 要和后面的 writing 并列,表示说和写。 7. Beside →Besides 因为 beside 是介词,意为“在 …… 旁边”; besides 为副词,意为“除此之外”。 8. communicate →communicating 因为 enjoy 后须接动名词作宾语,故用 communicating 。 9. 在 worked 后加 as 固定短语 work as 意为“担任”。 10. good →well 用副词 well 来修饰动词 do 。 课堂练习 假定你是李华,你的学生陈丽将要去应聘一份在培训机构当外语助教 (teaching assistant) 的暑期兼职工作,她想请你给她写一封推荐信,向要应聘的培训机构推荐她,介绍她的一些个人信息。要点如下: 1. 陈丽的个性特点以及专长。 2. 陈丽平时在校的表现 ( 她的学业表现和获奖情况等 ) 。 注意: 1. 词数 100 左右。 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 3. 开头语和结束语已为你写好。 Dear Manager, I am Li Hua , Chen Li’s teacher and I would like to recommend Chen Li to you . In my eyes, Chen Li is a friendly and outgoing girl. She often takes an active part in various school activities to enrich her life. Besides, as the secretary of the Students’ Union, Chen Li has gained rich experience of dealing with people and different situations. More importantly, in terms of academic performance , she is a straight A student, who is especially good at English learning. With rich social practice experience as well as good competence of English, Chen Li is able to work as a teaching assistant in your company. Therefore , I strongly recommend her to you as I think she is the right person for this position. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 课外作业 假定你是大一新生李华,你在校园的海报上看见校学生会的各个部门将在校内招新。你对学生电视台的新闻记者一职非常感兴趣。因此,你要给学生电视台的台长写一封自荐信。要点如下: 1. 自我介绍 ( 包括个性特长、兴趣爱好等 ) 。 2. 高中时参加各类社团和学生课外活动的经历。 3. 表达乐意为学生电视台作出贡献的意愿。 注意: 1. 词数 100 左右。 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 3. 开头语和结束语已为你写好。 Dear Chairman, I am Li Hua , an 18-year-old freshman . I am very interested in the position in your poster. I faithfully look forward to becoming a member of the school TV station, so I write to recommend myself to you. When in senior high school, I was also a journalist of the school’s newspaper. That is why I am good at writing. The reports written by me were often praised by most of my fellow schoolmates and teachers. In addition , working as a journalist helps me to grow as an outgoing, independent and sociable person. More importantly , I am curious as well as enthusiastic about everything happening in and around our campus, so I am sure I will devote myself to working in the school TV station whole-heartedly. I am looking forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Li Hua

