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课时分层作业(七)‎ ‎[语言知识练习固基础]‎ Ⅰ.单句语法填空 ‎1.Tom found a hiding place in the trees to keep himself hidden from the enemy.(hide)‎ ‎2.As time went on,he came to realize the importance of study.‎ ‎3.He telephoned the travel agency to book(book) three air tickets to London.‎ ‎4.When the boss came in,the workers pretended to be working(work) hard on their machines.‎ ‎5.Read this story,and you will realize that not everything can be bought with money.‎ ‎6.In order to avoid confusion(confuse),more policemen came to the stadium to keep order.‎ ‎7.Believe it or not,I don't have any wonderful memory/memories(memorize) of my schooldays.‎ ‎8.Some teenagers drop out of school and wander around/about the street all day with nothing to do.‎ ‎9.Simple but elegant(elegance) furnishings create an air of great warmth and comfort.‎ ‎10.A compass has a needle,the end of which always point south and north.‎ Ⅱ.选词填空 ‎1.Now he is still busy writing his new book,but I have no idea when it will come out.‎ ‎2.The newlybuilt hall can hold up to 1,000 students at one time.‎ ‎3.Before the performance,the teachers were busy dressing up the children as little white rabbits.‎ ‎4.We are going to visit an old temple dating back to the 12th century.‎ ‎5.Her stay in the US was coming to an end and she was thinking about going home.‎ - 6 -‎ ‎[高考题型练习提能力]‎ Ⅰ.阅读理解 A Many Americans believe that our present national holiday called Thanksgiving originated with a feast celebrated by Pilgrims who arrived on the shores of America in 1620.Some people survived due to the help from a local Indian tribe.During the next spring the Indians taught them how to grow and cultivate the crops.In the fall of 1621 they simply celebrated a traditional English Autumn Harvest Festival.This is the credit of the first Thanksgiving.‎ As time went on,Thanksgiving was celebrated through various governmental announcements.Cities,counties and state governments continued their regional observance until 1863.The Battle of Gettysburg fought on July 4th,1863 became a Union victory that represented the turning point of the American Civil War.In honor of this event,two national Thanksgivings were declared by President Lincoln.The first holiday honored the victory at Gettysburg on August 6th.The second event was celebrated on the last Thursday in November and became the permanent holiday with which we are familiar.Lincoln's declaration was motivated by the efforts of Sarah Josepha Hale,an editor of a popular women's magazine who started a national drive for Thanksgiving as early as 1827.‎ During the end of the 19th century,Thanksgiving with its New England influence was commonly represented by turkeys,a large feast and large family reunions.The Pilgrims were not in evidence during these early celebrations nor was there a cozy relationship with the Indians.‎ The dawn of the 20th century saw Thanksgiving develop into its present form.Now that the Indians were no longer a threat,pictures of Americans and Indians in their familiar congruent (相配的,符合的) setting emerged and became popular.The 300th anniversary of the Pilgrim's landing in America in 1920 strengthened the modern symbolism and meaning that we attribute to our present day celebrations.‎ ‎【语篇解读】 本文讲述了人们是怎样庆祝第一个感恩节的,让读者了解了感恩节的由来和人们庆祝感恩节的活动变化过程。‎ ‎1.What's the best title for the passage?‎ A.How to celebrate Thanksgiving around the world B.The first Thanksgiving and its development - 6 -‎ C.Various celebration activities of Thanksgiving around the world D.Two national Thanksgivings declared by ‎Lincoln B [标题归纳题。由每段段首的句意可推知本文是按照时间的先后顺序来写的,纵观全文可知主要讲述第一个感恩节的由来和人们庆祝第一个感恩节的活动,故选B项。]‎ ‎2.Who celebrated the first Thanksgiving?‎ A.Indians.       B.Europeans.‎ C.President Lincoln. D.Pilgrims.‎ D [细节理解题。由第一段第一句话可知许多美国人认为,现在所谓的感恩节起源于1620年抵达美国海岸的清教徒所庆祝的节日,故选D项。]‎ ‎3.Which is the right order of the events for the first Thanksgiving?‎ ‎①Thanksgiving was represented by turkeys,a large feast and large family reunions.‎ ‎②Two national Thanksgivings were declared by President Lincoln.‎ ‎③Indians and Pilgrims celebrated a traditional English Autumn Harvest Festival.‎ ‎④Pilgrims arrived on the shores of America.‎ A.④③②① B.④③①②‎ C.④②③① D.④②①③‎ A [推理判断题。由第一段可知先是一些清教徒来到美国海岸,受到印第安人的帮助,之后于1621年庆祝传统的英国秋收节,由此排除C、D两项,然后根据第二、三段内容可知,先是出现美国总统林肯宣布的两个全国性感恩节,才出现后来的以火鸡、大餐和家庭团聚为主要特征的庆祝活动。故选A项。]‎ ‎4.The year 2020 will be the anniversary of Thanksgiving.‎ A.200th B.300th C.400th D.500th C [推理判断题。由文章最后一句“The 300th anniversary of the Pilgrim's landing in America in 1920...”可知,1920年是感恩节300周年庆,可推知2020年将是400周年庆,故选C项。]‎ B Songkran,also called Water Festival,is the Thai New Year's festival which starts on April 13th every year and lasts for 3 days.April 13th is Maha Songkran Day or the day to mark the end of the old year.April 14th is Wan Nao which is the day after and April 15th is Wan Thaloeng Sok when the New Year begins.At this time,people from the countries who are working in the city usually return home to celebrate the festival.The festival is also for rain because it is the hottest season in Thailand and they expect a better harvest.‎ - 6 -‎ The Songkran celebration is rich with symbolic customs.Mornings begin with visiting local temples and offering food to the Buddhist monks (僧人).On this special occasion,performing water pouring on Buddha statues is considered a tradition for this holiday.During the festival,people who have moved away usually return home to their loved ones and elders no matter how far away they are living.As a way to show respect,younger people often practice water pouring over the palms of elders' hands.Paying respect to ancestors is also an important part of Songkran tradition.During the festival,people also do some things such as releasing (释放) fish or birds and other animals from their cages,which shows that they try to be kind.‎ ‎ The holiday is known for its water festival which is mostly celebrated by young people.Major streets are closed to traffic,improving the traffic conditions at the moment,and the streets are used for water fights.People,young and old,take part in this tradition by pouring water on each other.People who get wet actually don't get furious.On the contrary,they will feel happy because they know it represents washing away of their bad luck.In addition,traditional parades are held in some places where participants are clothed in traditional Thai dress.‎ Songkran festival is also celebrated yearly by Thai people living in foreign countries all over the world.No matter where they are,they will never abandon this tradition.‎ ‎【语篇解读】 在泰国,宋干节又称为“泼水节”,在节日期间,人们举行各种各样的活动来庆祝。‎ ‎5.What can we know about Songkran Festival?‎ A.It is only celebrated by the young.‎ B.It is considered a symbol of a new year.‎ C.It is also a traditional festival all over the world.‎ D.It is only celebrated in the Thai countryside.‎ B [细节理解题。从第一段中的“and April 15th is Wan Thaloeng Sok when the New Year begins”可知,宋干节在泰国标志着新年的开始。]‎ ‎6.During Songkran Festival,the Thai people .‎ A.will have a shower to wash away their bad luck B.wish for a warm season C.visit temples and ask monks for help D.set animals free to show their kindness - 6 -‎ D [细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句“During the festival,people also do some things such as releasing(释放) fish or birds and other animals from their cages,which shows that they try to be kind.”可知,泰国人在宋干节期间会释放一些动物,来证明自己想成为一个善良的人。]‎ ‎7.What does the underlined word “furious” in Paragraph 3 mean?‎ A.Confused. B.Cross.‎ C.Stressful. D.Delighted.‎ B [词义猜测题。根据第三段中的“On the contrary,they will feel happy because they know it represents washing away of their bad luck.”可推测,画线词在此处意为“生气的”。这道题同时考查了cross一词的熟词生义。]‎ ‎8.What does the writer think of Songkran Festival?‎ A.It brings people wealth.‎ B.It makes people's life better.‎ C.It is a festival of family get-together.‎ D.It improves traffic conditions in the long term.‎ C [推理判断题。根据第二段中的“During the festival, people who have moved away usually return home to their loved ones and elders no matter how far away they are living.”可知,在宋干节期间,无论人们离家多远,都会回来和家人一起庆祝这一节日。所以,宋干节也是一个家人团聚的节日。]‎ Ⅱ.短文改错 People find it hard to fall asleep on Christmas Eve because excitement.Santa is came and you can't bear how long it took for the time to pass.Here are two suggestions that may help you overcome the excitement but get some necessary sleep before the big day.Wake up early than usual on Christmas Eve morning.Do this will make you more tired when you want to go to the bed.Help your family,friends,or even neighbor prepare for Christmas Day.Being help will successfully take your mind off the excitement,but it will still let them feel involved and happy.‎ ‎[答案] ‎ People find it hard to fall asleep on Christmas Eve because excitement.Santa is and you can't bear how long it for the time to pass.Here are two suggestions that may help you overcome the excitement get some necessary sleep before the big day.Wake up than usual on Christmas Eve - 6 -‎ ‎ morning. this will make you more tired when you want to go to bed.Help your family,friends,or even prepare for Christmas Day.Being will successfully take your mind off the excitement,but it will still let feel involved and happy.‎ - 6 -‎

