高中英语外研版必修1课件:Module4 Section Ⅰ

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高中英语外研版必修1课件:Module4 Section Ⅰ

Module 4 A Social Survey — My Neighbourhood 【语篇导读】 在美国菲尼克斯市 , 人们开展了 “ 好邻居长椅 ” 活动 ; 曾经帮助邻居、促进社区和谐的居民均有机会获得这种艺术长椅。 She closed her eyes and imagined the people that would sit on this small wooden bench( 长椅 ).Would it be a place for a grandmother and her grandchild to tell stories?A space for lovers to share secrets?Or a place for a tired father to sing songs to his baby? In the hands of Lisa Ferris-Terzich,55,the design( 设计 ) of the simple bench would soon be completed and ready for a home. She sat on it,imagining the person who would one day call the bench his or her own. Lisa was not a painter by trade.By day,she cleaned teeth for people.When she was not working,she stole hours to paint. The bench would be Lisa ’ s latest artwork.A woman she had worked with on a Phoenix charity( 慈善机构 ) art show had called her.She hoped Lisa would help again.This time,she told Lisa that they were looking for artists to design a dozen “Good Neighbor” benches.Lisa was interested in the funny name for a piece of furniture.“Good Neighbor benches?”Lisa asked.“Yes,that ’ s the name,”the woman said. Twelve Arizona artists would each be given one bench to design.They could work on it any way they wanted. There were really only two rules:Make the bench beautiful and give it a theme( 主题 ) that celebrates community( 社区 ). Once all the benches were designed,people would be invited to suggest who the good neighbors in their communities would be.Each suggestion would be reviewed,and every bench would be placed with someone who had done something good for others.It could be someone who brings a neighborhood closer.It could be a neighbor who always lends a hand with a home repair. “Our twelve artists would turn the benches into a piece of art.Their artwork wouldn ’ t sit untouched in a museum,”said the organizer of the event,Patricia Garcia Duarte.“Good Neighbor benches are meant to become worn and loved.” 思考 1 .What was Lisa thinking about at the beginning of the story? 2 .What do we know about Lisa ? 3 .Who might receive the benches ? 4 .What did Patricia ’ s words show ? 答案 : She was thinking who would sit on the bench . 答案 : She was a part-time artist . 答案 : Helpful neighbors will receive the benches . 答案 : The benches would be fully used . Section Ⅰ  Introduction,Reading & Vocabulary 一 二 三 四 五 一、根据英文释义和首字母写出单词 1 . a        having the power to attract   2 . f        chance or luck,especially in the way it affects people ’ s lives   3 . p        fairly   4 . s        give a specific impression when heard   5 . t        someone who travels for pleasure   6 . b        disturb   7 . n        a troublesome person or thing   8 . d        the area of a country or town   9 . a        come near in space or time   10 . g        very beautiful and attractive   11 . a        design or style of a building   ttractive   ortunate   retty   ound ourist   other   uisance   istrict   pproach orgeous   rchitecture   一 二 三 四 五 12 . s        be hungry   13 . p        stop and leave(a vehicle)in a place for a time   tarve   ark 一 二 三 四 五 二、短语互译 A. 温故 1 .quite a lot of                             2 .on the coast                             3 .by the seaside                             4 .across the water                             5 .walk around                             6 .for a while                             7 .be made of...                             8 .in the south of China                             相当 多的  在 海岸上  在 海边  水域 对面  四处 走走  一会儿  由 …… 制成  在 中国的南方 一 二 三 四 五 B. 知新 1 . 修建                               2 . 在乡村                               3 . 一幢五层的公寓楼                               4 . 在三楼                               5 . 商业区                               6 . 进行调查                               7 . 饿死                               8 . 旅游景点                                put up   in the countryside   a five-storey apartment block   on the third floor   the business district do a survey   starve to death   tourist attraction 一 二 三 四 五 三、阅读课文 A Lively City , 完成下列各题 1 .John thinks Xiao Li ’ s hometown is one of the     places in China.   A.most attractive      B.most famous C.most modern D.most friendly 2 .Where does Xiao Li love living? A.By a lake. B.By the seaside. C.On an island. D.In the suburb. 3 .In the summer,Xiamen is     .   A.very hot and dry B.warm and wet C.very hot and wet D.warm and dry A B C 一 二 三 四 五 4 .If you want to buy some gifts in Xiamen you should go to     .   A.the harbour B.the western district C.the northwest district D.the business district 5 .According to Xiao Li,the most interesting part of his hometown is     .   A.the western district B.the harbour C.the business district D.Gulangyu Island 6 .On Gulangyu Island there are     .   A.some pretty parks B.some interesting architecture C.a lot of high-rise buildings D.some great shopping malls D A B 一 二 三 四 五 四、篇章结构 ( 根据课文内容填空 ) Xiamen friendly pretty hot and wet apartment block high-rise parks 一 二 三 四 五 Gulangyu Island lovely gorgeous architecture 一 二 三 四 五 五、课文语篇填空 John Martin is visiting Xiao Li ’ s hometown,Xiamen.This is the first time he 1 .       ( visit) the city. 2 .         he has visited some beautiful cities in China,he 3 .       (find) Xiamen is one of the 4 .            (attractive) places he has been to.It is so lively,and everyone 5 .           (seem) so friendly.There are a lot of 6 .         (tour) around.The business district is very modern,and a lot of high-rise buildings have 7 .            (put) up recently.And 8 .        are some great shopping malls.The western district,the most interesting part of the city,has got some 9 .        (real) pretty parks.It seems lovely.Gulangyu Island is just across the water.It ’ s a gorgeous island 10 .       some really interesting architecture.   has visited Although/Though finds most attractive seems tourists been put there really with 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1.The house is two storeys high and is made of local stone. 这座房子有两层高 , 是用当地的石头建成的。 ★ 考点   be made of 由 …… 制成 The pipes should be made of plastic. 这些管子应该是用塑料制作的。 考点延伸 (1) 阅读下列句子 , 体会黑体词组的意义 ① This armchair is made of bamboo. 这个扶手椅是用竹子做成的。 意义 由 …… 做成 ( 可以看出原材料 ) ② Paper is made from wood. 纸是由木头制成的。 意义 由 …… 做成 ( 一般看不出原材料 ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (2) 阅读下列句子 , 体会与黑体词相关的搭配及意义 ① Bamboo can be made into many fine things. 竹子可以被用来制成许多精美的东西。 搭配 be made into   意义 被制成   ② Our school is made up of 30 classes. 我们学校由三十个班组成。 搭配 be made up of   意义 由 …… 组成   ③ We must make full use of our spare time. 我们必须充分利用我们的业余时间。 搭配 make use of   意义 利用   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2.And this is the first time I’ve visited your hometown. 这是我第一次来参观你的家乡。 ★ 考点   This is the first time... 这是第一次 …… This is the first time we have met. 我们是第一次见面。 考点延伸 (1) 阅读下列句子 , 体会 the+ 序数词 +time 的用法 ① This is the second time he has invited me out. 这是他第二次邀请我出来。 用法 句型 This/That/It is the+ 序数词 +time... 中从句用 现在完成时 。 ② That wasn’t the first time Linda had taken so many pills. 那不是琳达第一次服用这么多的药丸了。 用法 句型 This/That/It was the+ 序数词 +time... 中从句用 过去完成时或一般过去时 。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (2) 辨析 the first time/for the first time ① He left me a good impression the first time I met him. 我第一次见他时 , 他给我留下了好印象。 用法 the first time 引导时间状语从句  意义 第一次 …… 时 ② For the first time he came to England for sightseeing. 他第一次来英国观光旅游。 用法 for the first time 在句子中作状语  意义 第一次 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3.You know , I’ve seen quite a lot of China and I’ve visited some beautiful cities , but this is one of the most attractive places I’ve been to. 你知道 , 我已看过中国许多地方 , 游览过一些美丽的城市 , 但这是我所到过的最有吸引力的地方之一。 ★ 考点   attractive adj. 有吸引力的 ; 吸引人的 Bright colours are attractive to children. 鲜艳的颜色对儿童有吸引力。 归纳 常用搭配 be attractive to sb. 意为 “ 对某人有吸引力 ” 。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 考点延伸 阅读下列句子 , 体会黑体词的词性及含义 ① He shouted to attract their attention. 他高喊以引起他们的注意。 词性 动词   含义 吸引 ② The television has little attraction for me. 电视对我几乎没有吸引力。 词性 名词   含义 吸引 , 吸引力 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 4.I feel very fortunate living here . 住 在这儿我感到很幸运。 ★ 考点   fortunate adj. 幸运的 , 吉祥的 You are fortunate to have such a reasonable father. 你有这样一位通情达理的父亲 , 真是幸运。 归纳 be fortunate to do sth. 做某事真是幸运。 考点延伸 (1) 阅读下列句子 , 体会与黑体词相关的搭配及意义 ① We are fortunate in being able to study here. 能在这儿学习 , 我们真是很幸运。 搭配 be fortunate in doing sth.   意义 有幸做某事   ② It is fortunate that you have such good friends. 你有这样的好友是你的运气。 搭配 It is fortunate that...   意义 …… 真是幸运。   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (2) 阅读下列句子 , 体会黑体词的词性及含义 ① I had the good fortune to be chosen for a trip abroad. 我真幸运 , 被选中出国旅行。 词性 名词   含义 运气 ② He made a fortune by selling waste materials. 他靠卖废料发了财。 词性 名词   含义 财富 ; 大笔的 钱 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ③ 【高考典句】 (2017· 全国 Ⅰ 高考 ) Unfortunately ,you must carry the necessary equipment with you,since it ’ s all but impossible to find natural substitutes. 不幸的是 , 你必须携带必要的设备 , 因为不可能找到自然的替代品。 词性 副词   含义 不幸地 ④ I was unfortunate to lose my keys. 我很倒霉 , 丢了钥匙。 词性 形容词   含义 不幸的 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 5.Sounds OK to me. 在我听来还行。 ★ 考点   sound vi. 听起来 That music sounds beautiful. 那音乐优美动听。 考点延伸 (1) 阅读下列句子 , 体会黑体词的词性及含义 ① We arrived home safe and sound . 我们安然无恙地到了家。 词性 形容词   含义 完好的 , 健康的 ② Sound travels more slowly than light. 声音的传播速度比光慢。 词性 名词   含义 声音 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ③ Your idea sounded like a good one. 你的主意听起来很好。 词性 系动词   含义 听起来 ④ A young man sounds the bell to start the Sunday service. 一个年轻人鸣钟宣布周日的礼拜开始了。 词性 及物动词   含义 使发出声音 (2) 阅读下列句子 , 体会黑体词的含义 ① She sounded a bit worried. 听起来她有一点担心。 含义 听起来 ② I could hear the sound of his crying. 我能够听到他的哭声。 含义 听见 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ③ She looks like a young lady. 她看上去像一位年轻的女士。 含义 看起来 ④ From the hill top we can see the plains below. 从山顶上我们可以看到山下的平原。 含义 看见 ⑤ It tastes like chocolate. 它尝起来像巧克力。 含义 尝起来 ⑥ Cut off a small bit of the meat and taste it. 先切一小块肉尝尝。 含义 品尝 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 5 6 1 2 3 4 7 8 6.Don’t they bother you ? 难道他们不会打扰到你们吗 ? ★ 考点   bother vt. 打扰 ; 烦扰 ; 麻烦 Does my smoking bother you? 我吸烟会不会影响你 ? 5 6 1 2 3 4 7 8 考点延伸 阅读下列句子 , 体会与黑体词相关的搭配及意义 ① Don ’ t bother your father about/with it now;he ’ s very tired. 现在别拿这个去打搅你父亲 , 他很累了。 搭配 bother sb.about/with sth.   意义 拿某事去打扰某人 ② Don ’ t let his complaints bother you. 别因为他的抱怨而感到烦恼。 搭配 bother sb.   意义 使某人烦恼不安   ③ He didn ’ t even bother to say “thank you”. 他甚至连说一声谢谢都不肯。 搭配 bother to do sth.   意义 费工夫做某事   5 6 1 2 3 4 7 8 6 7 5 1 2 3 4 8 7.They’ve put up a lot of high-rise buildings recently. 最近 , 他们建造了许多摩天大厦。 ★ 考点   put up 建造 A new library has been put up downtown. 商业区建起了一座新的图书馆。 考点延伸 (1) 阅读下列句子 , 体会黑体词组的意义 ① He is putting up a new fence at his home. 他正在自己家搭建新的篱笆墙。 意义 建造 , 搭建 ② We can put you up for the night. 我们可以招待你过夜。 意义 留某人住在家中 6 7 5 1 2 3 4 8 ③ Put your hand up if you want to ask a question. 若要提问题就把手举起来。 意义 举起 , 升起 ④ He put up a notice:Keep out. 他贴了一张告示 : 禁止入内。 意义 张贴 6 7 5 1 2 3 4 8 (2) 阅读下列句子 , 体会与黑体词相关的搭配及意义 ① What dress shall I put on for the party? 我穿什么衣服去参加聚会呢 ? 搭配 put on   意义 穿上   ② Firemen soon put the fire out . 消防队员 很快把火扑灭了。 搭配 put out   意义 熄灭 ( 火 )   ③ We have to put up with her bad temper. 我们只得忍受她的坏脾气。 搭配 put up with   意义 容忍 , 忍受   ④ They decided to put aside their differences. 他们决定抛开彼此的分歧。 搭配 put aside   意义 保留 , 把 …… 放在一边 , 暂不考虑 6 7 5 1 2 3 4 8 ⑤ She put down the phone and sighed. 她放下电话 , 叹口气。 搭配 put down   意义 放下   ⑥ The meeting has been put off till next week. 会议已推迟到下一周。 搭配 put off   意义 推迟   ⑦ Put away your things.Let ’ s go home! 收拾好你的东西。让我们回家吧 ! 搭配 put away   意义 将 …… 收起   6 7 5 1 2 3 4 8 6 7 5 1 2 3 4 8 6 7 5 1 2 3 4 8 6 7 5 1 2 3 4 8 7 8 6 5 1 2 3 4 8.Now we’re leaving the business district and approaching the harbour . 现在 我们就要离开商业区 , 接近海港了。 ★ 考点   approach vt. 接近 【高考典句】 (2017· 浙江高考 )As you approach people,be polite. 当你接近别人时 , 要礼貌。 考点延伸 (1) 阅读下列句子 , 体会黑体词的词性及含义 ① The sky began to darken as the storm approached. 暴风雨来临时天空变得黑沉沉的。 词性 动词   含义 来临 ② We are interested in how you approach problems. 我们对你如何处理问题感兴趣。 词性 动词   含义 处理 7 8 6 5 1 2 3 4 ③ At their approach the little boy ran away. 一听到他们走近 , 小男孩就逃跑了。 词性 名词   含义 靠近 ④ All approaches to the city were blocked. 通往这座城市的所有道路都被封锁了。 词性 名词   含义 道路 ⑤ We must take a scientific approach to the problem. 我们必须用科学的方法研究这一问题。 词性 名词   含义 方法 7 8 6 5 1 2 3 4 (2) 辨析 :approach/way/method/means ① Your approach to teaching differs from hers. 你的教学方法同她的教学方法不同。 用法 approach 表示 “ 道路 , 方法 ”, 后跟介词 to ② There must be a way to solve this problem. 一定有办法能解决这个问题。 用法 way 表示 “ 道路 , 方式 , 方法 ”, 后跟介词 of 或 动词不定式 ③ He introduced us to a new method of work. 他向我们介绍了一种新的工作方法。 用法 method 指有系统、有条理地办事或解决问题的方法 , 后跟介词 of 。常用短语 : with the method of 用 …… 的方法   7 8 6 5 1 2 3 4 ④ Television is an effective means of communication. 电视是一种有效的通信手段。 用法 means 指为达到某种目的或目标而采用的方法、手段或途径。单复数 同形 , 常用短语 : by means of 用 , 借助于   7 8 6 5 1 2 3 4 7 8 6 5 1 2 3 4 7 8 6 5 1 2 3 4

