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Unit 4 Pygmalion[来源:中,国教,育出,版网]‎ Ⅰ.单词拼写 ‎1.These cars are________(非凡的,显著的)for the quietness of their engines.‎ ‎2.She never________(犹豫)to spend money on clothes.‎ ‎3.Today's computers are________(优秀的,更好的)to anyone we had ten years ago.‎ ‎4.Let's________(妥协,折中)and each pay half the damages.‎ ‎5.We must think how we can make the room more________(舒服的)for you.‎ ‎6.If I'm not________(错误的,不正确的), that's the man we saw on the bus.‎ ‎7.We can________(俯视)the sea from the window of our room.‎ ‎8.That was a really________(可怕的,恐怖的)thing to say!‎ ‎9.He was________(判刑)to death for murder and later hanged.‎ ‎10.Our happiness began to________(减弱)and our heart began to grow heavy.‎ 答案:1.remarkable 2.hesitates 3.superior 4.compromise ‎5.comfortable 6.mistaken 7.overlook 8.horrible ‎9.condemned 10.fade Ⅱ.完成句子 ‎1.She________ ________ ________ ________(冒充)an experienced actress.(pass)‎ ‎2.The flat is________ ________ ________(比……优越得多)that one in quality.(superior)‎ ‎3.They made every effort to save the crops________ ________ ________(需要)water on this dry land.(need)‎ ‎4.________ ________(一般来说), youths of eighteen are too young for such work.(generally)‎ ‎5.The job is great________ ________ ________(就……而言)salary, but it has its disadvantages.(terms)[来源:中国教育出版网zzstep.com]‎ 答案:1.passed herself off as 2.far superior to 3.in need of 4.Generally speaking 5.in terms of Ⅲ.单项填空 ‎1.(2019·潍坊模拟)If you should ever need something, don't ________ to contact me. I'll do my best to help you.‎ A.attempt          B.afford C.hesitate D.desire 答案:C 句意:如果你需要什么东西,别犹豫,联系我。我会尽力帮助你的。hesitate“犹豫”;attempt“企图”;afford“承受得起,买得起”;desire“想要”。‎ ‎2.Teachers prefer to measure our performance________the efforts we make rather than the intelligence we have.‎ A.in addition to B.in terms of ‎ C.in honor of D.in response to 答案:B 考查介词短语。句意:老师以我们付出的辛勤劳动衡量我们的表现,而不是用聪明来衡量我们的表现。 in terms of“就……而论;在……方面”。‎ ‎3.(2019·菱湖模拟)—What do you think of their marriage?‎ ‎—________, if I were Kate, I would not marry him.‎ A.Generally speaking B.I have no idea C.To be honest D.To my surprise 答案:C 句意:——你认为他们的婚姻怎样?——说实话,如果我是凯特,我不会嫁给他。to be honest“说实话”;generally speaking“一般而言”;I have no idea“我不知道”;to my surprise“令我惊讶的是”。‎ ‎4.________I'm mistaken, Rio de Janeiro of Brazil was chosen as the host city for the 2019 Olympics.‎ A.As B.If ‎ C.Though D.Unless 答案:D 句意:如果我没弄错的话,巴西的里约热内卢被确定为2019年奥运会的举办城市。unless“如果不,除非”。‎ ‎5.(2019·苏州模拟)The students, if well ________, will pass the exam without much difficulty.[来源:z#zs#tep.com]‎ A.prepared B.preparing C.to prepare D.ready 答案:A 考查状语从句的省略。完整结构为:if they are well prepared,...。be well prepared“准备好”。主从句主语一致,且从句中含有be,可将从句的主语与be省略。‎ ‎6.—Do you know that man?‎ ‎—Not really, just a nodding________.‎ A.acquaintance B.participant ‎ C.relation D.frequent ‎ 答案:A 考查名词。句意:——你认识那个人吗?——不确切,只是点头之交。acquaintance“相识,了解”。‎ ‎7.Anyone who wants to separate Tibet from our motherland should be________.‎ A.blamed B.condemned C.accused D.charged 答案:B condemn“谴责”。句意:任何想把西藏从中国分裂出去的人都应该受到谴责。blame“责备”;accuse“指控,指责”;charge“控告”。‎ ‎8.The interior decoration of the house is a(n)________between Chinese and foreign styles.‎ A.acquaintance B.adjustment C.preparation D.compromise 答案:D compromise“折中”。句意:这所房子的内部装潢是中西式的折中。acquaintance“认识”;adjustment“调节”;preparation“准备”。‎ ‎9.Tom arrived at school late again, which made him feel awkward and________.‎ A.relaxed B.uncomfortable C.angry D.tired 答案:B uncomfortable“不舒服的,不自在的”。句意:汤姆再次迟到,使他感到尴尬不自在。relaxed“放松的”;angry“生气的”;tired“疲劳的”。[来源:中_国教_育出_版网]‎ ‎10.He________his country to the enemy and all his friends hated him.‎ A.betrayed B.classified C.dismissed D.pronounced 答案:A betray“背叛;出卖;对……不忠(+to)”。句意:他向敌人背叛了自己的国家,因而所有的朋友都憎恨他。classify“将……分类”;dismiss“开除”;pronounce“宣称”。‎ ‎11.The charity aims to provide assistance for people ________.‎ A.in demand B.in need C.into trouble D.in need of 答案:B 句意:这个慈善机构的宗旨是向贫困者提供帮助。in need表示“(食物、钱或生活来源的)短缺,缺乏”,符合句意。in need of中of后需加宾语。in demand表示“需求大”,不符合句意。into trouble经常与run,get等构成短语run/get into trouble,表示“陷入困境”,但into trouble一般不作定语修饰名词。[来源:Z+xx+k.Com]‎ ‎12.At last, the sound of the cheering________.‎ A.took away B.faded away C.moved away D.broke away[来源:Z,xx,k.Com]‎ 答案:B fade away在这里指“声音的消失”。句意:最后,欢呼声逐渐消失。take away“带走”;move away“搬走”;break away“脱离”。‎ ‎13.This watch is______to all the other watches on the market.‎ A.superior B.advantageous C.super D.beneficial 答案:A be superior to意为“比……出众,比……好”。‎ ‎14.He always brings me a pretty gift________he comes to visit me.‎ A.by the time B.sometimes C.every time D.at time 答案:C 本题考查名词短语作连词的用法。空格前后为两个完整的句子,故缺少连词,而四个选项中只有C项能用作连词。句意:他每次来看我,总是给我带一份精美的礼物。[来源:中.教.网z.z.s.tep]‎ ‎15.—You haven't been to Beijing, have you?‎ ‎—________. How I wish to go there again!‎ A.Yes, I have B.Yes, I haven't C.No, I have D.No, I haven't 答案:A 考查前否后肯的反意疑问句的答语。由答语“我真想再去一次”可知,“我已经去过北京”,所以填A项,意思是“不,我已去过”。[来源:Zxxk.Com]‎ Ⅳ.完形填空 Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.‎ ‎——Thomas Jefferson As a high school coach, I did all I could to help my boys win their games. I pushed as hard for__1__as they did.‎ A dramatic incident,__2__, following a game in which I was appointed as a referee(裁判),__3__my views on victories and defeats. I was refereeing a league championship basketball game in New Rochelle, New York, between New Rochelle and Yonkers High. New Rochelle was coached by Dan O'Brien, Yonkers by Les Beck.‎ The gym was__4__with audience, and the volume of noise made it__5__to hear. The game was well played and__6__contested. Yonkers was__7__by one point as I__8__the clock and discovered there were only 30 seconds left to play.‎ Yonkers,__9__the ball, passed off—shot—missed. New Rochelle recovered—pushed the ball up court—shot. The ball__10__around the rim and off. The fans shouted with disappointment.‎ New Rochelle, the__11__team, recovered the ball, and tapped it in(拨进篮筐)for what looked like victory. The noise of whistles, screams and shouts was__12__. I took a quick look at the clock and saw that the game was over. I hadn't heard the final buzzer(终场哨声) because of the noise. I__13__with the other official, but he could not help me.‎[来源:学§科§网]‎ Still__14__help in this chaos, I approached the timekeeper, a young man of 17 or so. He said, “Mr Covino, the buzzer__15__as the ball rolled off the rim,__16__the tapin was made.”‎ I was in the unpleasant position of having to tell Coach O'Brien the__17__news. “Dan,” I said, “Yonkers won the game.”‎ His face clouded over. The young timekeeper came up. He said, “I'm sorry, Dad. The time ran out before the final basket.”‎ Suddenly, Coach O'Brien's face__18__. He said, “That's okay, Joe. You did what you had to do. I'm__19__of you.”‎ Turning to me, he said, “Al, I want you to meet my__20__, Joe.” ‎ The two of them then walked off the court together, shoulder to shoulder.‎ 文章大意:作为一所学校的教练,“我”会尽一切力量让“我”的学生赢得比赛。但在一次做教练的过程中,目睹了赛场上所发生的一件事情之后,我改变了对于成功和失败的看法。[来源:z|zs|tep.com]‎ ‎1.A.capacity B.entry C.victory D.honesty 答案:C 由第一句话可知,我会尽一切力量让我的学生赢得比赛,即我竭力追求“胜利”。‎ ‎2.A.therefore B.however ‎ C.moreover D.thus 答案:B 第一段讲我以追求胜利为最高准则;第二段讲一件小事改变了我对胜利和失败的态度。前后是转折关系。所以填however。‎ ‎3.A.changed B.held C.shared D.conveyed 答案:A 见2空解释。‎ ‎4.A.located B.equipped ‎ C.crowded D.covered 答案:C be crowded with audience“坐满了观众”。‎ ‎5.A.evident B.important ‎ C.likely D.impossible 答案:D 人很多,噪音使人几乎听不见。‎ ‎6.A.strongly B.closely ‎ C.successfully D.amusingly 答案:B 由7空后知,两队只差一分,是实力相当的比赛。closely“(竞争、选举等)实力相差无几地”。比如:a closely contested election实力相差无几的竞选。‎ ‎7.A.leading B.falling ‎ C.scoring D.losing[来源:z&zs&tep.com]‎ 答案:A lead“领先”。此处指Yonkers队以一分领先。‎ ‎8.A.stared at B.glared at ‎ C.glanced at D.aimed at 答案:C glance at“一瞥”。符合作为裁判的我在比赛进行时的动作行为。stare at“盯着看”;glare at“怒视”。‎ ‎9.A.in place of B.in possession of ‎ C.in face of D.in favor of 答案:B 由该空后“传球,投球,未中”知,当时Yonkers队控球。in possession of“占有;控制”。‎ ‎10.A.rolled B.centered ‎ C.rocked D.hung 答案:A roll“翻滚;滚动”。此处指球沿篮圈滚动但未进。与该空后的球迷的失望相对应。15空后也有提示。‎ ‎11.A.winning B.host ‎ C.champion D.guest ‎ 答案:B the host team“主队”。由3空后内容可知,New Rochelle队是主队。‎ ‎ 12.A.deafening B.annoying ‎ C.disturbing D.disgusting 答案:A deafening“震耳欲聋的;极喧闹的”。‎ ‎13.A.argued B.quarreled ‎ C.checked D.compromised 答案:C check with sb.“确定;查明;核对”。‎ ‎14.A.claiming B.receiving [来源:中教网]‎ C.giving D.seeking ‎ 答案:D seek help“寻求帮助”。此处指我又找计时员求助,核对比赛结束了没有。对应13空的向另一裁判求助未果。‎ ‎15.A.took on B.went on [来源:1]‎ C.took off D.went off ‎ 答案:D go off“(警报器等)突然发出声音”。此处指终场的哨声响了。‎ ‎16.A.after B.instantly ‎ C.before D.when 答案:C before“在……之前”。此处指在最后一个进球前,终场哨声已经响了。即进球无效。‎ ‎17.A.sad B.interesting ‎ C.strange D.amazing 答案:A 该进球无效,所以对于New Rochelle队的教练来说是悲哀的消息。‎ ‎18.A.fixed up B.lit up ‎ C.cleaned up D.showed up 答案:B light up“喜形于色;喜气洋洋”。‎ ‎19.A.proud B.accused ‎ C.independent D.embarrassed ‎ 答案:A be proud of...“以……为骄傲”。‎ ‎20.A.fellow B.student ‎ C.son D.friend 答案:C 由倒数第四段“I'm sorry, Dad.”可知,Coach O'Brien和计时员之间是父子关系。[来源:中教网]‎ Ⅴ.书面表达 ‎(2019·天津)‎ 假设你是李津,你的美国朋友Chris就读于天津某国际学校。他热爱中国文化,特别是戏曲文化。‎8月5日下午200在新落成的天津大剧院将上演越剧《梁山伯与祝英台》。请你根据以下提示,用英语给Chris写一封电子邮件,邀请他一起观看演出。‎ ‎☆提出邀请并简述原因;‎ ‎☆提出观剧后活动建议(如参观附近的博物馆或美术馆等);‎ ‎☆请求对方回复。‎ 注意:‎ ‎1.请使用规范英语,词数不少于100;‎ ‎2.可适当加入细节,以使内容充实、行文连贯;‎ ‎3.开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。‎ 参考词汇:‎ 越剧Shaoxing Opera;《梁山伯与祝英台》Butterfly Lovers;‎ 天津大剧院Tianjin Grand Theater Dear Chris I have good news to tell you ________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ Yours Li Jin ‎[范文借鉴]‎ Dear_Chris,‎ I_have_good_news_to_tell_you that Shaoxing Opera Butterfly Lovers will be put on in Tianjin Grand Theatre built before long.Shaoxing Opera is one of the famous Chinese operas,like Beijing Opera. It shows the Chinese traditional culture. The story of Butterfly Lovers is very familiar and popular to Chinese people,just like the story of Romeo and Juliet in the west world. you can learn much knowledge about Chinese culture through this opera.[来源:zzstep.com]‎ I think we can visit Tianjin‎ ‎Museum after watching Butterfly Lovers. There are many history articles which can help you to know Chinese culture better.‎ I sincerely invite you to take part in the activities I tell you above with me.Please send a massage and tell me what you think.‎ Yours Li_Jin

