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必修一 ‎ ‎1.be similar _________   与……相似 2.far _________ 远离;远非 ‎3.nothing _________ 一点也不像 4.have _________ 玩得开心 ‎5._________ oneself 单独地;独自地 6._________other words 换句话说 ‎7.look forward _________ 期待;盼望 8._________the start/end of在开始/结束的时候 ‎9.be divided _________ 被(划)分成 10.take part _________ 参加 ‎ ‎11.对……大为惊奇(amazed) ______________________________‎ ‎12.令人惊讶的是(amazement) ______________________________‎ ‎13.对……厌倦(bored) ______________________________‎ ‎14.难以描述(description) ______________________________‎ ‎15.把……描述成(describe) ______________________________‎ ‎16.给某人留下深刻印象(impress) ______________________________‎ ‎17.对……的印象(impression) ______________________________‎ ‎18.给某人留下印象(impression) ______________________________‎ ‎19.鼓励某人做某事(encourage) ______________________________ ‎ ‎20.__________ a result  结果是 21.__________ sure 确定;确信;弄清楚 ‎22.agree __________ 同意;赞同;适合 23.__________ that 因此;为的是 ‎24.__________ progress 取得进步 25.__________ fact 事实上 ‎26.fall __________ 睡着 27.__________ jokes 讲笑话;开玩笑 ‎28.come __________ 快点;得了吧;加油 29.be true __________适用于 ‎30. 对……有耐心的(patient) ______________________________‎ ‎31. 认真对待(seriously) ______________________________‎ ‎32. 避免做某事(avoid) ______________________________‎ ‎33 . 感激做某事(appreciate) ______________________________‎ ‎34. 对……表尊敬(respect n. ) ______________________________‎ ‎35. 承认做某事(admit) ______________________________ ‎ ‎36.get _________   上/下(车、船等) 37.get _________ 上(车);进入;陷入 ‎38.get _________ 下(车);出去;逃避 39.take _________ (飞机)起飞;脱掉;度假 ‎40.be short _________ 是……的缩写/简称 41.not…any_________ 不再 ‎42._________ date 过时 43.refer_________ 指的是;查阅;涉及 ‎44.in _________1930s 在20世纪30年代 45. ________a speed of 以……的速度 ‎ ‎46.交通方式(transport) ______________________________‎ ‎47.旅行很远距离(distance) ______________________________‎ ‎48.废弃的农场(abandoned) ______________________________‎ ‎49.驯养的骆驼(trained) ______________________________‎ ‎50.允许某人做某事(allow) ______________________________‎ ‎51.参加开幕式(attend) ______________________________‎ ‎52.通过一项法律(law) ______________________________‎ ‎53.谋生(living) ______________________________‎ ‎54.试着做(try) ______________________________‎ ‎55.过……的生活(lead) ______________________________ ‎ ‎56.put _________   举起建造张贴 57.pay _________ 还钱 ‎58.so _________ 迄今为止 59.get ________ from 远离 ‎60.go_________ 上涨 61.____a result 结果 ‎62. make________ 成功 63. ____great many of /a number____许多 ‎ ‎64.做某事感到幸运(fortunate) ______________________________‎ ‎65.费力做某事(bother) ______________________________‎ ‎66.联系;联络(contact n.) ______________________________‎ ‎67.与……保持联系(contact n.) ______________________________‎ ‎68.与某人失去联系(contact n.) ______________________________‎ ‎69.联系某人(contact vt.) ______________________________‎ ‎70.快到……的时候( approach n. ) ______________________________‎ ‎71.与某人交换某物(exchange vt.) ______________________________‎ ‎72.以A换B(exchange vt.) ______________________________‎ ‎73.交换(exchange n.) ______________________________‎ ‎74.负担得起做某事的费用(afford) ______________________________‎ ‎75.给予某人某物 (afford) ______________________________ ‎ ‎76. put __________ order 使... ... 有条理 77. __________ the top/bottom在... ...的顶/底部 ‎78. find __________ 发现;查清 79. add ... __________往... ...加入... ...‎ ‎80. keep __________ 阻止... ... 进入;远离 81. go __________ 请做;进行;发生 ‎82. used __________ 过去(常常)... ... 83. __________the area of 在... ...领域 ‎84. be proud __________ 为... ...感到骄傲/自豪85. be __________ to 应当;理应 ‎ ‎86. 总之;最后(conclusion , conclude) ______________________________‎ ‎87. 达到某人的目标(aim) ______________________________‎ ‎88. 瞄准,对准;旨在(做)某事 (aim) ______________________________‎ ‎89. 用... ...装备... ... (equip) ______________________________‎ ‎90. 装备精良的/差的/全面的 (equip) ______________________________‎ ‎91. 保持饮食均衡 (balance) ______________________________‎ ‎92. 填表(form) ______________________________‎ ‎93. 把... ...加起来 (add) ______________________________‎ ‎94. 合计达 (add) ______________________________‎ ‎95. 补充说... ... (add) ______________________________‎ ‎96. log _________ 注册/注销 97. consist __________ 由... ...组成 ‎98. _________well 也 99. become known__________ 作为... ...而出名 ‎100. go __________ 下降 101. come up __________ 提出 ‎102. from that moment __________ 从那时起 103. concentrate__________ 聚精会神;集中思想 ‎104. __________ with 与... ...相比 105. a __________ of 一系列的 ‎106. ... ...的通路;... ...的权利(access) ______________________________‎ ‎107. 得以接近/进入... ... (access) ______________________________‎ ‎108. 可进入;可用 (accessible) ______________________________‎ ‎109. 目的是 (design) ______________________________‎ ‎200. 依赖于 (dependent) ______________________________‎ ‎201. 从... ...中独立出来(independent) ______________________________‎ ‎202. 利用(advantage) ______________________________‎ ‎203. 比... ...有优势 (advantage) ______________________________‎ ‎204. 平均看来;通常 (average) ______________________________‎ ‎205. 平均为(average) ______________________________‎ 参考答案 ‎ ‎1---10. to from like fun by in to at into in ‎ ‎11.be amazed at/by something /somebody 对…大为惊奇 ‎12.(much) to one’s amazement 使感到惊讶的是 ‎13.be bored with 对…厌倦 ‎14. beyond description 难以描述 ‎ ‎15.describe somebody/something as 把…描述成 ‎16. impress sb with sth =sb is impressed with/by/at sth给某人留下深刻印象 ‎17. the impression of对…的印象 ‎18.make/leave an impression on sb (sth) 给某人留下印象 ‎19. encourage sb. to do 鼓励做 ‎ ‎20----29. as make with so make in asleep tell on of ‎30. be patient with对…有耐心的 ‎31. take something seriously 认真对待 ‎32. avoid (doing) sth. 避免/防止(做)某事 ‎33. appreciate doing sth.感激做某事 ‎34. have/show respect for 尊敬…‎ ‎35. admit (to) sth./(to) doing sth.承认,坦白(做)某事 ‎ ‎36. on/off 37. into 38. out of 39. off 40. for ‎ ‎41. more 42.out of 43. to 44. the 45. at ‎46.the means of transport交通方式 ‎ ‎47.travel a long distance旅行很远距离 ‎ ‎48.abandoned farms废弃的农场 ‎49.trained camels驯养的骆驼 ‎ ‎50.allow sb to do sth允许某人做某事 ‎51.attend the opening ceremony参加开幕式 ‎ ‎52.pass a law通过一项法律 ‎53.make a living谋生 ‎ ‎54.try doing试着做 ‎ ‎55.lead a…life 过……的生活 ‎ ‎56.up 57.back 58.far 59.away 60.up 61.as 62. it 63. a of ‎ ‎64. feel fortunate to 做某事感到幸运 ‎65. bother to do sth /bother doing sth 费力做某事 ‎66.make contact with sb 联系某人 ‎67.keep contact with sb 与某人保持联系 ‎68.lose contact with sb 与某人失去联系 ‎69.contact sb 联系某人 ‎70.at the approach of 快到……的时候 ‎71.exchange sth with sb 与某人交换某物 ‎72.exchange A for B 以A换B ‎73.in exchange for 交换 ‎74.can afford to do sth 负担得起做某事的费用 ‎75.afford sb sth /afford sth to sb 给予某人某物 ‎ 76. in 77. at 78. out 79. to 80. out of ‎ ‎81. ahead 82. to 83. in 84. of 85. supposed ‎ ‎86. in conclusion ; to conclude总之;最后 ‎87. achieve one’s aim达到某人的目标 ‎ ‎88. aim at/be aimed at (doing) sth. 瞄准,对准;旨在(做)某事 ‎ ‎89. equip ... with... 用... ...装备... ... ‎ ‎90. be well/poorly/fully equipped 装备精良的/差的/全面的 ‎ ‎91. keep a balanced died 保持饮食均衡 ‎ ‎92. fill in/out a form 填表 ‎93. add up 把... ...加起来 ‎ ‎94. add up to合计达 ‎ ‎95. add (that)... 补充说... ... ‎ ‎96. on/off 97. of 98. as 99. as 100. down ‎ ‎101. with 102. on 103. on 104. compared 105. series ‎ ‎106. access to ... ...的通路;... ...的权利 ‎107. have/get/gain/obtain access to得以接近/进入... ... ‎ ‎108. be accessible to可进入;可用 ‎ ‎109. be designed for.../to do目的是 ‎ ‎200. be dependent on/upon依赖于 ‎ ‎201. be independent of/from从... ...中独立出来;不依赖于 ‎ ‎202. take advantage of 利用 ‎203. have an advantage over比... ...有优势 ‎204. on (an/the) average平均看来;通常 ‎ ‎205. with an average of平均为 必修二 ‎1._________ least  至少 ‎ ‎2.begin _________ 以……开始 ‎3._________ exercise 锻炼 ‎ ‎4.be crazy _________ 迷恋 ‎5.have _________ temperature 发烧 ‎ ‎6.pick _________ 用车接;捡起;接收;偶然学会;情况转好 ‎7.lie _________ 躺下 ‎ ‎8.be _________work 休班 ‎9.be connected _________ 与……有关 ‎ ‎10.pay _________ 支付;为……付出代价 ‎ ‎11.为……担心(anxious) ______________________________‎ ‎12.在节食(diet) ______________________________‎ ‎13.适合;胜任(fit) ______________________________‎ ‎14.保持健康(fit) ______________________________‎ ‎15.上气不接下气(breath) ______________________________‎ ‎16.朝……方向去(head) ______________________________‎ ‎17.恢复正常(normal) ______________________________‎ ‎18.不遗余力去做(pain) ______________________________‎ ‎19.受伤(injure) ______________________________‎ ‎20.医疗保险(insurance) ______________________________ ‎ ‎21. be related ________ 与……有关联的 ‎ ‎22. look ________ 向上看;查找 ‎23. break ________ 破门而入;强行闯入 ‎ ‎24. belong ________ 属于 ‎25. become addicted ________ 对……上瘾 ‎ ‎26. ________ one’s advic 听某人的意见 ‎27. put ________ 举起;提高(价钱) ;张贴;提供食宿 ‎ ‎28. ________ order to/ ________as to 为了 ‎29. ________ the law 犯法 ‎ ‎30. give ________ 戒除,放弃 ‎ ‎31. 对……上瘾(addict) ______________________________‎ ‎32. 沉溺于(addict) ______________________________‎ ‎33. 可能做某事(likely) ______________________________‎ ‎34. 在某事上和某人有分歧(disagree) ______________________________‎ ‎35. 禁止做某事(ban ) ______________________________ ‎ ‎36.be known _________ 作为……而出名 ‎ ‎37.change ... _________ ... 把……变成……‎ ‎38._________ all time 有史以来 ‎ ‎39.as _________ as 也;不仅……而且……‎ ‎40.be impressed _________ 对……印象深刻 ‎ ‎41._________ deaf 变聋 ‎42.if _________ 如果这样的话 ‎ ‎43.split _________ 分裂 ‎44.no _________ 没门 ‎ ‎45.make a note _________ 记录 ‎46. 失去信心(lose) ______________________________‎ ‎47. 专心致志于(lost) ______________________________‎ ‎48. 不知所措(loss) ______________________________‎ ‎49. 把……与……混合(mix) ______________________________‎ ‎50. 对……有影响(influence) ______________________________ ‎ ‎51.be known _________  以……而闻名 ‎ ‎52.tell _________ 从……可以看出 ‎53.all _________ time 一直 ‎ ‎54.be fond _________ 喜欢;喜爱 ‎55.develop an interest ________ 对……产生兴趣 ‎ ‎56.be/get tired _________ 对……厌烦 ‎57.put _________ 推迟;延期 ‎ ‎58.take _________ 轮流 ‎59._________ one’s best 在最佳/鼎盛时期 ‎ ‎60.a _________ of 一系列的 ‎61. 使……活着(alive) ______________________________‎ ‎62. 意识到某人的错误(realise) ______________________________‎ ‎63. 打算做某事(aim) ______________________________‎ ‎64. 采纳某人的建议(adapt) ______________________________‎ ‎65. 观察某人正在做某事(observe ) ______________________________ ‎ ‎66. _________ space 在太空 67. _________ photos of 拍摄……的照片 ‎68. _________ total 总共;总计 69. now_________ 既然 ‎70. believe _________ 相信 71. come _________ 加油;赶快;得了吧 ‎72. concentrate _________ 集中精力于 73. be similar_________ 和……相似 ‎74. take _________ 升空;起飞 75. _________ the history of 在……的历史上 ‎ ‎76. 因做某事向某人祝贺(congratulate) ______________________________‎ ‎77. 用……替换……(replace) ______________________________‎ ‎78. 代替(place) ______________________________‎ ‎79. 很高兴做某事(delighted) ______________________________‎ ‎80. 令某人高兴的是 (delight) ______________________________‎ ‎81. 高兴地 (delight) ______________________________‎ ‎82. 获得成功 / 取得目标 (achieve) ______________________________‎ ‎83. 成就感 (achievement) ______________________________‎ ‎84. 登(机) (aboard) ______________________________‎ ‎85. 难以置信(belief) ______________________________‎ ‎86. 显然……(evident) ______________________________ ‎ ‎87. come __________ 出版;出现;结果是 88. play __________ part 扮演角色 ‎89. __________ one’s surprise 令某人吃惊的是 90. tell __________ 讲述 ‎91. __________ surprise 吃惊地 92. care __________ 关心;顾虑;在乎 ‎93. every now and __________ 有时;偶尔 94. __________ the age of 在……岁时 ‎ ‎95. be in love __________ 爱上;喜欢(表状态)‎ ‎96. fall __________ love with 爱上喜欢(表动作) ‎ ‎97. 有兴趣地(interest) ______________________________‎ ‎98. 名胜 (interest) ______________________________‎ ‎99. 有时;偶尔 (occasion) ______________________________‎ ‎100 . 绝不(放在句首倒装)(occasion) ______________________________‎ ‎101. 与某人辩论某事(argue) ______________________________‎ ‎102. 赞成 / 反对 (argue) ______________________________‎ ‎103. 说服某人做 / 不做某事(argue) ______________________________‎ ‎104. 用某物使某人快乐(entertain) ______________________________‎ ‎105. 发生;产生(come) ______________________________‎ ‎106. 偶遇;碰到(come) ______________________________‎ 参考答案 ‎1. at 2. with 3. take 4. about 5. a 6. up 7. down 8. off 9.with 10.for ‎11.为……担心 be anxious about ‎12.在节食 be/go on a diet ‎13.适合;胜任 be fit for ‎14.保持健康 keep fit ‎15.上气不接下气 out of breath ‎16.朝……方向去 head for/ towards ‎17.恢复正常 return to normal ‎18.不遗余力去做 spare no pains to do sth ‎19.受伤 get/ be injured ‎20.医疗保险 health insurance ‎21. to 22. up 23. into 24. to 25. to ‎ ‎26. take 27. up 28. in/ so 29. break 30. up ‎ ‎31. 对……上瘾 be addicted to ‎32. 沉溺于 addict oneself to ‎33. 可能做某事 be likely to do ‎34 . 在某事上和某人有分歧 disagree with sb about/ on sth ‎35. 禁止做某事 ban doing sth ‎36. as 37. into 38. of 39. well 40. with ‎ ‎41. go 42. so 43. up 44. way 45.of ‎46.失去信心(lose) lose heart ‎47.专心致志于(lost) be lost in ‎48.不知所措(loss) at a loss ‎49.把……与……混合(mix) mix... with... ‎ ‎50.对……有影响(influence) have an influence on ‎51. for 52. by 53. the 54. of 55. in ‎ ‎56. of 57. off 58. turns 59. at 60. series ‎61. 使……活着(alive) keep sth alive ‎62. 意识到某人的错误(realise) realize one’s mistake ‎63. 打算做某事(aim) aim to do ‎64. 采纳某人的建议(adopt) adopt one’s advice ‎65. 观察某人正在做某事(observe ) observe sb doing sth ‎ ‎66. in 67. take 68. in 69. that 70. in 71. on 72. on 73. to 74. off 75. in ‎76.congratulate sb on / upon (doing) sth. 因做某事向某人祝贺 ‎ ‎77.replace …… with / by 用……替换…… ‎ ‎78.take one’s place = take the place of 代替 ‎ ‎79.be delighted to do sth. 很高兴做某事 ‎80.to one’s delight = to the delight of sb. 令某人高兴的是 ‎81.with delight 高兴地 ‎ ‎82.achieve success 取得成功 achieve one’s goals 获得目标 ‎ ‎83.a sense of achievement 成就感 ‎ ‎84.go aboard 登(机) ‎ ‎85.beyond belief 难以置信 ‎ ‎86. It’s evident that …… 显然…… ‎ ‎87. out 88.a 89.to 90.of 91.in 92.about 93.then 94.at 95.with 96.in ‎97. with interest有兴趣地 ‎ ‎98. places of interest名胜 ‎ ‎99. on occasion有时;偶尔 ‎100. on no occasion绝不(放在句首倒装)‎ ‎101. argue with sb. about / over sth. 与某人辩论某事 ‎102. argue for / against sth. 赞成 / 反对 ‎ ‎103. argue sb. into / out of doing sth. 说服某人做 / 不做某事 ‎ ‎104. entertain sb. with sth. 用某物使某人快乐 ‎ ‎105. come about 发生;产生 ‎ ‎106. come across偶遇;碰到 必修三 ‎1. __________ the south of 在……南部 2. work__________ 从事;努力做 ‎3. because __________ 因为;由于 4. __________ all time 有史以来 ‎5. be known __________ 作为……而出名 6. __________ since 自从……一直 ‎7. in __________ of 据……;依照…… 8. __________ the other hand 另一方面 ‎ ‎9. have control __________ 对……加以控制 10. little __________ little 一点点地;逐渐地 ‎ ‎11. 面临,面对 (face) ______________________________‎ ‎12. 面对面 (face) ______________________________‎ ‎13. 在……范围内 (range) ______________________________‎ ‎14. 在……范围外 (range) ______________________________‎ ‎15. 签协议 / 签合同 (sign) ______________________________‎ ‎16. 签约;报名参加 (sign) ______________________________‎ ‎17. 处于……;位于…… 地位 / 境遇 ______________________________‎ ‎18. 在……对面; 与……相反 ______________________________‎ ‎19. 就长远 / 短期而言 ______________________________‎ ‎20. 手拉手;齐头并进 ______________________________‎ ‎21. up __________ 达到;忙于;胜任22. __________ the top/bottom of 在……顶部/底端 ‎23. __________ sure 弄清楚;确定 24. make __________ 取得进步 ‎25. __________ efforts 努力 26. __________ particular 尤其;特别 ‎ ‎27. be connected __________ 与……有关 28. be close __________ 接近;靠近 ‎ ‎29. 采取措施(做某事)(measure) ______________________________‎ ‎30. 处于……的地位 / 处境 (position) ______________________________‎ ‎31. 担任……的职位(position) ______________________________‎ ‎32. 保持身材 (figure) ______________________________‎ ‎33. 想出;理解;弄明白(figure) ______________________________‎ ‎34. 不遗余力做某事 (effort) ______________________________‎ ‎35. 全力以赴做某事 (effort) ______________________________‎ ‎36.pick _________捡起;偶然学会;开车接;恢复,好转 37.take _________起飞;突然成功 ‎38. _________ average 平均 39. end _________结果为......‎ ‎40. _________fire 着火 41. _________ fire to 点火 ‎42. _________ out 扑灭 43. _________ of 许多;大量 ‎44. _________ place 发生 45. _________ all总共;总计 ‎ ‎46. 在……方面有经验(experienced) ______________________________‎ ‎47. 埋头于;专心于(bury) ______________________________‎ ‎48. 某人想到(occur) ______________________________‎ ‎49. 某人突然想到(strike) ______________________________‎ ‎50. 导致某人做某事(cause) ______________________________‎ ‎51. 成为废墟;荒废(ruin) ______________________________‎ ‎52. 警告某人不要做(warn) ______________________________‎ ‎53. 对……造成损害(damage) ______________________________‎ ‎54. 对……感到害怕(terrified) ______________________________‎ ‎55. ……是不可能的(possibility) ______________________________ ‎ ‎56.cut __________   砍倒;减少,缩减 57.be __________in 突然遭遇(风暴等)‎ ‎58.one __________ another 一个接一个 59.take __________ 吸收;欺骗;理解 ‎60.give __________ 放出;发出 61.__________ a nutshell简言之;概括地讲 ‎62.put __________ 把……放进 63.take __________ 取走;拿走 ‎64.look __________ 浏览;翻阅;查找 ‎ ‎65.be concerned __________涉及;与……有关 ‎ ‎66. 优势和劣势(strength) ______________________________‎ ‎67. 就……而言(concern) ______________________________‎ ‎68. 关心担心……(concern) ______________________________‎ ‎69 . 向某人抱怨某事(complain) ______________________________‎ ‎70. ……的大多数(major) ______________________________ ‎ ‎71.agree _________同意;与...相符;适合 72.be _________ war with 与...交战 ‎73.bring _________养育;抚养 74.become interested _________ 对...感兴趣 ‎75.a sense of_________ 责任感 76.be_________of 为...自豪 ‎77._________conclusion 总之 78._________the first time 第一次 ‎ ‎79. 等于;能胜任(equal) ______________________________‎ ‎80. 紊乱;出故障(order) ______________________________‎ ‎81. 强调……的重要性(stress) ______________________________‎ ‎82. 在压力之下(stress) ______________________________‎ ‎83. 生活条件(condition) ______________________________‎ ‎84. 绝不(condition) ______________________________‎ ‎85. 为导致;引起;促进(contribute) ______________________________‎ ‎86.__________ from  起源于 87.__________ all time 有史以来 ‎88.__________ that 既然 89.dream __________ 梦想 ‎90.hold __________ 阻止;抑制;隐瞒 91.__________ true(梦想等)变成现实 ‎92.make __________ 有意义;有道理 93.bring an end __________ 结束;终止94.be__________ a visit__________正对...进行访问95.__________ great importance很重要 ‎ ‎96. 过时的(date) ______________________________‎ ‎97. 使自己适应于……(accommodate) ______________________________‎ ‎98. 一次死里逃生(narrow) ______________________________‎ ‎99 . 把……从……移开(remove) ______________________________‎ ‎100. 在建设中(construction ) ______________________________‎ ‎101. 闯入;撞到……上(crash) ______________________________‎ 参考答案 ‎1.in 2.on 3.of 4.of 5.as 6.ever 7.terms 8.on 9.over 10.by ‎ ‎11.be faced with面临,面对 ‎ ‎12. face to face面对面 ‎ ‎13. in / within range of 在……范围内 ‎ ‎14. beyond / out of range 在……范围外 ‎ ‎15. sign an agreement / sign a contract 签协议 / 签合同 ‎ ‎16. sign up (for) 签约;报名参加 ‎ ‎17. be situated in / on/ at 处于……;位于…… 地位 / 境遇 ‎ ‎18. be opposite to 在……对面; 与……相反 ‎ ‎19. in the long / short term 就长远 / 短期而言 ‎ ‎20. hand in hand 手拉手;齐头并进 ‎ ‎21.to 22.at 23.make 24.progress 25.make 26.in 27.with 28.to ‎ ‎29.take measures (to do sth. ) 采取措施(做某事)‎ ‎30.in a(an)……position 处于……的地位 / 处境 ‎ ‎31.hold the position of 担任……的职位 ‎32.keep one’s figure 保持身材 ‎ ‎33.figure out 想出;理解;弄明白 ‎34.spare no effort to do sth. 不遗余力做某事 ‎ ‎35.put one’s effort to do sth. 全力以赴做某事 ‎ ‎36. up 37. off 38. on (the) 39. up 40. catch ‎ ‎41. set 42. put 43. plenty 44. take 45. in ‎ ‎46.be experienced in ‎47.bury oneself inbe buried in ‎48.sth. occurs to sb.‎ ‎49.it strikes sb. that ‎50.cause sb to do ‎51.in ruins ‎52.warn sb not to dowarn sb against doing ‎53.do damage to ‎54.be terrified atby ‎55.there is no possibility that ‎ ‎56. down 57. caught 58. after 59. in 60. out ‎ ‎61. in 62. into 63. Away 64. Through 65. with ‎ ‎66.strengths and weaknesses ‎67.as far as I am concerned ‎68.be concerned about ‎69.complain to sb aboutof sth ‎70.the majority of ‎ ‎71. with 72. at 73. up 74. in 75. responsibility 76. proud 77. in 78. for ‎ ‎79.be equal to ‎80.out of order ‎81.stress the importance of ‎82.under stress ‎83.living conditions ‎84.on no condition ‎85.contribute to ‎ ‎86. date 87.of 88. now 89.ofabout 90. back ‎ ‎91. come 92. sense 93. to 94. on;to 95. of ‎ ‎96.out of date ‎97.accommodate oneself to ‎98.a narrow escape ‎99.remove...from...‎ ‎100.under construction ‎101.crash into 必修四 ‎ ‎1. sure 肯定地 2.run 用完;不多了;没有了 ‎3.rely 依靠 4.get rid 除掉;处理掉 ‎5. an order/orders 订购 6.free charge 免费 ‎7.use 用完 8.look 小心;当心 ‎9.for start 首先 10.on the way 即将被淘汰;即将过时 ‎ ‎11. 执行;进行;贯彻(carry) ______________________________‎ ‎12. 附属于;系在…上(attached) ______________________________‎ ‎13. 在进行中(progress) ______________________________‎ ‎14. 扔掉;浪费(throw) ______________________________‎ ‎15. 担风险(risk) ______________________________‎ ‎16. 冒……的危险(risk) ______________________________‎ ‎17. 装满……;充满……(loaded) ______________________________‎ ‎18. 解除某人的思想负担;放下心(load) ______________________________‎ ‎19. 由某人负责,由某人管理(charge) ______________________________‎ ‎20. 负责;掌管(charge) ______________________________ ‎ ‎21.be connected 与……相连 22.be/get stuck 被困在……‎ ‎23. no time 马上;一会儿;立刻 24.get 到处旅行;四处走动 ‎25. construction 正在建设之中 26.switch 关上(电视);断掉(电源)‎ ‎27.keep 保持冷静 28.What’s 而且;此外 ‎29. sb. mad 使某人发疯 30. way 肯定不;没门儿 ‎ ‎31. 对……有很好的看法;对……一览无余(view) ______________________________‎ ‎32. 交通高峰期(rush) ______________________________‎ ‎33. 值得做(worth) ______________________________‎ ‎34 . 违反规则;违反规定(rule) ______________________________‎ ‎35. 心情很好(mood) ______________________________‎ ‎36. 允许(某人)做某事(permit) ______________________________‎ ‎37. 在某人的许可下(permission) ______________________________‎ ‎38. 未经许可(permission) ______________________________‎ ‎39. 局限于(limited) ______________________________‎ ‎40. 做事很方便(convenient) ______________________________‎ ‎41. 方便的;便利的(convenience) ______________________________‎ ‎42. 在某人方便的时候(convenience) ______________________________ ‎ ‎43.shake hands 与……握手 44. guard (保持)警惕 ‎45.make deal 达成协议;做成交易 46.hold 举起;阻碍;使停顿 ‎47.give 暴露(自己的情况);捐赠 48.lift 举起;抬起 ‎49.up and 上上下下;起起落落;来来回回50. accident 偶然地 ‎51.say hello 向……问好 52.switch 打开(灯、无线电等) ‎ ‎53.与……交流(communicate) ______________________________‎ ‎54.与某人保持联系(communication) ______________________________‎ ‎55.不同;与……不同(vary) ______________________________‎ ‎56.盯着;凝视着(stare) ______________________________‎ ‎57.请求某人帮忙(favour) ______________________________‎ ‎58.处理;对付(deal) ______________________________‎ ‎59.被卷入……之中;热衷于,专心于(involved) ______________________________‎ ‎60.不要紧,没关系(mind) ______________________________‎ ‎61.心不在焉(mind) ______________________________‎ ‎62绝非偶然(accident) ______________________________‎ ‎63.应某人要求(request) ______________________________‎ ‎64.尽职尽责(perform) _____________________________‎ ‎65.从……判断(judge) ______________________________‎ ‎66.做出判断(judgement) ______________________________ ‎ ‎67.bring 培养;养育;提出;呕吐 68.the/a key doing sth. 做某事的关键 ‎69.experiment 对……进行实验 70.bring 引进 ‎71. a result of 由于……的结果 72.carry 实施;履行 ‎73.be known 因……而出名/闻名 74.be diagnosed 被诊断有…疾病 ‎75.earn one’s 谋生 76.come power 掌权 ‎ ‎77. 代替;而不是(instead) ______________________________‎ ‎78. 超出能力(权力)范围的(power) ______________________________‎ ‎79 . 对……做出反应(react) ______________________________‎ ‎80. 过着……生活(lead) ______________________________‎ ‎81. 导致;带来(lead) ______________________________‎ ‎82. 居领先地位(lead) ______________________________‎ ‎83. 支持;拥护(support n.) ______________________________‎ ‎84. 在……的支援下(support n.) ______________________________‎ ‎85. 从……中逃走(escape) ______________________________‎ ‎86. 避免做某事(escape) ______________________________‎ ‎87. 九死一生(escape) ______________________________‎ ‎88. 讲清楚/清楚表明某事(clear) ______________________________‎ ‎89. 很明显…(clear) ______________________________ ‎ ‎90. _________ the edge of 在……的边缘 91. have four weeks _________ 休四周假 ‎92. _________ least 至少 93. go _________ 穿过;经历 ‎94. be heavy _________ 有大量的…… 95. take advantage _________ 利用 ‎96. _________ the distance 在远处 97. rip _________ 敲竹杠;敲诈 ‎98. get a kick _________ 从……中得到乐趣 99. _________ the way 一路 ‎ ‎100. 围绕,环绕(surround) ___________________________________‎ ‎101. 和……进行贸易(trade v.) ___________________________________ ‎ ‎102. 买卖……(trade v. ) ___________________________________‎ ‎103. 隔开一段距离(distance) ___________________________________ ‎ ‎104. 在远处(distance) ___________________________________ ‎ ‎105. 与某人保持距离(distance) ___________________________________‎ ‎106. 禁止某人做某事(forbid) ___________________________________ ‎ ‎107. 禁止做某事(forbid) ___________________________________‎ ‎108. 在现场(spot) ___________________________________ ‎ ‎109. 生性地,天生地(nature) ___________________________________ ‎ ‎110. close __________ 接近;靠近 111. stick __________ 伸出 ‎112. be sceptical __________ 对……怀疑 113. be related __________ 与……有关 ‎114. cut __________ 切断;使隔绝115. come straight _____ the point开门见山 ‎116. throw light __________ 阐明某事;照亮117. die __________ 灭绝 ‎118. go __________ 选择;喜欢 119. due __________ 由于;因……造成 ‎ ‎120. 吓得要死(frighten) ______________________________‎ ‎121. 吓唬某人做/不做某事(frighten) ______________________________‎ ‎122. 靠……生存(exist) ______________________________ ‎ ‎123. 适应(adapt) ______________________________‎ ‎124. 由……改编(adapt) ______________________________ ‎ ‎125. 做某事很幸运(fortune n. ) ______________________________‎ ‎126. 发财(fortune n. ) ______________________________‎ ‎127. 表面上,外表上(surface) ______________________________ ‎ ‎1.for 2.out 3.on 4.of 5.place 6.of 7.up 8.out 9.a 10.out ‎ ‎11.carry out执行;进行;贯彻 ‎12.be attached to附属于;系在…上 ‎13.in progress在进行中 ‎14.throw away扔掉;浪费 ‎15.take risks担风险 ‎16.at the risk of冒……的危险 ‎17.be loaded with装满……;充满……‎ ‎18.take a load off one’s mind解除某人的思想负担;放下心 ‎19.in the charge of由某人负责,由某人管理 ‎20.in charge of负责;掌管 ‎21.to 22.in 23.in 24.around 25.under 26.off 27.cool 28.more 29.drive 30.no ‎ ‎31. have a good view of对……有很好的看法;对……一览无余 ‎ ‎32. in rush hours交通高峰期 ‎33. be worth doing值得做 ‎34 . break the rule违反规则;违反规定 ‎35.be in a good mood心情很好 ‎36. permit (sb’s) doing sth.允许(某人)做某事 ‎37. with sb’s permission在某人的许可下 ‎38. without permission 未经许可 ‎39. be limited to局限于 ‎40. It is/was convenient to do sth.做事很方便 ‎41. be of convenience方便的;便利的 ‎42. at one’s convenience在某人方便的时候 ‎ ‎43.with 44.on 45.a 46.up 47.away 48.up 49.down 50.by 51.to 52.on ‎ ‎53. communicate with与……交流 ‎ ‎54.in communication with sb.与某人保持联系 ‎55. vary from...to不同;与……不同 ‎ ‎56. stare at盯着;凝视着 ‎57. ask sb. a favour请求某人帮忙 ‎ ‎58. deal with处理;对付 ‎59. be involved in被卷入……之中;热衷于,专心于 ‎60. never mind不要紧,没关系 ‎61.absence of mind心不在焉 ‎62. by no accident绝非偶然 ‎63. at one’s request应某人要求 ‎64. perform one’s duty尽职尽责 ‎65. judge by/from从……判断 ‎66. make a judgement做出判断 ‎ ‎67.up 68.to 69.with 70.in 71.as 72.out 73.for 74.with 75.living 76.to ‎ ‎77. instead of代替;而不是 ‎78. beyond one’s power超出能力(权力)范围的 ‎79 . react to对……做出反应 ‎80. lead a…life过着……生活 ‎81. lead to导致;带来 ‎82. in/take the lead居领先地位 ‎83. in support of支持;拥护 ‎84. with the support of在……的支援下 ‎85. escape from从……中逃走 ‎86. escape doing sth.避免做某事 ‎87. have a narrow escape九死一生 ‎88. make sth. clear讲清楚/清楚表明某事 ‎89. It is clear that…很明显…‎ ‎90.at 91. off 92. at 93. through 94. with ‎ ‎95.of 96. in 97. off 98. out of 99. all ‎ ‎100. surround sb./sth. with sth. 围绕,环绕 ‎101. trade with和……进行贸易 ‎ ‎102. trade in买卖 ‎ ‎103. at/from a distance 隔开一段距离 ‎ ‎104. in the distance 在远处 ‎ ‎105. keep sb. at a distance 与某人保持距离 ‎106. forbid sb.(to do) sth. 禁止某人做某事 ‎ ‎107. forbid (doing)sth. 禁止做某事 ‎108. on the spot在现场 ‎109. by nature 生性地,天生地 ‎110.to 111. out 112. about 113. to 114. off 115. to ‎ ‎116. on 117. out 118. for 119.to ‎ ‎120. be frightened to death 吓得要死 ‎121. frighten sb. into/out of doing sth. 吓唬某人做/不做某事 ‎122. exist on 靠……生存 ‎ ‎123. adapt to适应 ‎ ‎124. adapt from 由……改编 ‎125. have the (good) fortune to do sth. 做某事很幸运 ‎126. make a/one’s fortune 发财 ‎127. on the surface 表面上,外表上 必修五 ‎ ‎ ‎1. stand in _________ queue 排队 2. queue __________ for sth. 排队等候 ‎3. compare__________ 把……与……作比较 4. compare__________ 把……比作 ‎5. differ __________ 与……有差异 6. add__________ 增加 ‎7. add__________ 把……相加 8. add__________ 把…算在内 ‎9. present sb. __________ sth. 把……送给;颁发 10. be present __________出席,到场 ‎11. refer to... __________ 称……为…… 12. make a___________有影响,使不同 ‎13.get __________ 四处走动;传播 14. lead __________引起;导致 ‎15. thanks__________ 幸亏, 多亏 ‎ ‎16. 对……感到困惑(confused) ______________________________‎ ‎17. 在混乱中(confusion) ______________________________‎ ‎18. 使……安静下来;定居下来(settle) ______________________________ ‎ ‎19. 把……加到……里(add) ______________________________ ‎ ‎20. 总计,总共(add) ______________________________‎ ‎21. 有……在现场(presence ) ______________________________‎ ‎22. 企图做(attempt n.) ______________________________‎ ‎23. 同意;支持(favor) ______________________________‎ ‎24. 在……方面有共同之处(common) ______________________________‎ ‎25. 与……相似(similar) ______________________________ ‎ ‎26. _________ no account 决不 27. account_________ 是…的原因 ‎28. apply oneself__________ doing sth.致力于做某事 29. _________...direction 朝…方向 ‎30. demand sb. __________sth. 向某人要求某物 31. suffer_________ 受…苦 ‎32. sth. be available __________sb. 某人可得到某物 33. sb. be fit________sth. 某人适合某物 ‎34. _________particular 尤其;特别 35. _________average 平均 ‎ ‎36. _________theory 理论上 37. _________practice 实际上 ‎38. take..._________granted 认为……理所当然39. pass_________ 经过 ‎ ‎40. have an effect_________ 对……产生影响 41. take_________ 占据;从事 ‎42. be grateful __________sb. __________sth. 因某事而感激某人 ‎ ‎43. 由于,因为(account) ______________________________‎ ‎44. 考虑(account) ______________________________‎ ‎45. 记录(account) ______________________________ ‎ ‎46. 作为对……的回应(response) ______________________________ ‎ ‎47. 向某人申请求得某物(apply) ______________________________‎ ‎48. 运用适用于某人或某物(apply) ______________________________‎ ‎49. 把某物运用到另一物上(apply) ______________________________‎ ‎50. 注意到(notice) ______________________________ ‎ ‎51.have connection _________ 与……有关联 52.run _________ (秘密地)逃跑 ‎53.play a trick _________ sb 作弄某人 54.make _________ 编造;化妆;组成;弥补 ‎55._________ one’s frotune 发财 56.set(a play) _________设置(戏剧)背景 ‎57.set_________ 出发;启程;引起 58.be/feel _________the mood for sth有心情做......‎ ‎59._________one’s astonishment 令人惊讶的 60. lead/live________ ...life 过着……的生活 ‎ ‎61.解释;说明; (比例)占(account) ______________________________‎ ‎62.说谎;撒谎(lie) ______________________________‎ ‎63.警告/提醒某人注意某事(warn) ______________________________‎ ‎64.提醒某人(不)做某事(warn) ______________________________‎ ‎65.决心做某事(状态)(determined) ______________________________‎ ‎66.决心做某事(动作) (determine) ______________________________‎ ‎67.陷入恐慌(panic) ______________________________‎ ‎68.受够了(enough) ______________________________‎ ‎69.和……有联系(connection) ______________________________‎ ‎70.被……打扰(disturb) ______________________________ ‎ ‎71. dress _________ 装扮;打扮 72. come _________ an end 完结;结束 ‎73. consist_________ 由……组成 74. take________ 接管;接收 ‎75. put..._________prison 把……关进监狱 76. ________end(时间)连续地;竖着;直立着 ‎ ‎77. date back________/date________ 追溯到 78. the key_________……的关键 ‎79. ________ secret 秘密地;私下的 80. work_________充当…… ‎ ‎81.把……看做(see) ______________________________‎ ‎82.假装做某事(pretend) ______________________________‎ ‎83.违法(break) ______________________________‎ ‎84.朝……扔(throw) ______________________________‎ ‎85.挤满(crowed) ______________________________‎ ‎86.脱落(come) ______________________________‎ ‎87.由……组成(consist) ______________________________‎ ‎88.热衷于;对……热情(wild) ______________________________‎ ‎89.或多或少(more) ______________________________‎ ‎90.强迫地;靠武力(force) ______________________________‎ ‎91. together ______ 与……一起 92. be made up ______ 由……组成 ‎93. ______ the increase 不断增长 94. be determined ______do 决心做某事 ‎95. make a list ______ 列出名单 96. six______ seven 七中的六 ‎97. have an advantage ______ 胜过,优于 98. rise______ one’s feet 站起身 ‎99. fight ______ 为……而战 100. step ______of 走出去 ‎101. scores______ 许多 102. a symbol ______ ……的象征 ‎103. 有可能 (chance) ______________________________‎ ‎104. 偶然地 (chance) ______________________________‎ ‎105. 走出去 (step) ______________________________‎ ‎106. 履行职责 (perform) ______________________________‎ ‎107. 利用 (advantage) ______________________________‎ ‎108. 对某人有利 (advantage) ______________________________‎ ‎109. 投票选举 (vote) ______________________________‎ ‎110. 保证某人得到某物 (guarantee) ______________________________‎ ‎111. 在保修期内 (guarantee) ______________________________‎ ‎ ‎ ‎112.feed _________ 以……为食 113.give one’s life________ 为……献身 ‎114._________ the spot 当场 115.come _________ fashion 成为时尚 ‎116.stand_________ 代表;主张 117.get tough_________ 对……采取强硬措施 ‎118.keep an eye _________ 照看;留意 119.focus _________ 把……集中于 ‎120.set _________ 建立;设立 121.be concerned ________ sth. 关心某事 ‎ ‎122.与……斗争(struggle) ______________________________‎ ‎123.为……而斗争 (struggle) ______________________________‎ ‎124.挣扎着站起来 (struggle) ______________________________‎ ‎125.保护某人不受伤害(protect) ______________________________‎ ‎126.在……保护下(protect) ______________________________‎ ‎127.……不足为奇;难怪(wonder) ______________________________‎ ‎128.对……感到惊奇(wonder) ______________________________‎ ‎129.集中某人的注意力(focus) ______________________________‎ ‎130.毫无保留地(reserve) ______________________________‎ ‎131.为……保留某物(reserve) ______________________________‎ 参考答案 ‎1. a 2. up 3.with 4. to 5. from ‎ ‎6. to 7. up 8. in 9. with 10. at ‎11. as 12. difference 13. around 14. to 15. to ‎ ‎16.对……感到困惑(confused) be confused about ‎17.在混乱中(confusion) be in confusion ‎ ‎18.使……安静下来;定居下来(settle) settle down ‎ ‎19. 把……加到……里(add) add... to... ‎ ‎20.总计,总共(add) add up to ‎ ‎21.有……在现场(presence ) in the presence of ‎ ‎22.企图做(attempt n.) make an attempt to do sth. ‎ ‎23. 同意;支持(favor) in favor of ‎24. 在……方面有共同之处(common) have sth. in common ‎25. 与……相似(similar) be similar to ‎ ‎26. on 27. for 28.to 29. in 30. of/from ‎ ‎31. from 32. to 33. for 34. in 35. on ‎36. in 37. in 38. for 39. by 40. on ‎41. up 42. to; for ‎ ‎43.由于,因为 on account of ‎ ‎44.考虑 take...into account ‎ ‎45. 记录 keep an account of ‎ ‎46. 作为对……的回应 in response to ‎ ‎47. 向某人申请求得某物 apply to sb. for sth. ‎ ‎48. 运用适用于某人或某物 apply to sb/sth./doing sth. ‎ ‎49. 把某物运用到另一物上 apply sth. to sth. ‎ ‎50. 注意到 take notice of ‎ ‎51. with 52. away 53. on 54. up 55. make 56.in 57.off 58. in 59. to 60. a ‎ ‎61.解释;说明; (比例)占(account) account for ‎62.说谎;撒谎(lie) tell a lie/ tell lies ‎63.警告/提醒某人注意某事(warn) warn sb of/ about sth ‎64.提醒某人(不)做某事(warn) warn sb (not) to do sth/against doing sth ‎65.决心做某事(状态)(determined) be determined to do sth ‎66.决心做某事(动作) (determine) determine to do sth ‎67.陷入恐慌(panic) get into a panic ‎68.受够了(enough) have enough of ‎ ‎69.和……有联系(connection) have/ in connection with ‎70.被……打扰(disturb) be disturbed by ‎ ‎71.up 72.to 73.of 74.over 75.into/in 76.on 77.to/from 78.to 79.in 80.as ‎ ‎81.把……看做(see) see......as ‎82.假装做某事(pretend) pretend to do ‎83.违法(break) break the law ‎84.朝……扔(throw) throw......at ‎85.挤满(crowed) be crowed with ‎86.脱落(come) come off ‎87.由……组成(consist) consist of ‎ ‎88.热衷于;对……热情(wild) go wild about ‎ ‎89.或多或少(more) more or less ‎ ‎90.强迫地;靠武力(force) by force ‎ ‎91.with 92.of 93. on 94.to 95.of ‎ ‎96. out of 97.over 98. to 99.for 100.out ‎101.of 102.of ‎103. have the chance to do 有可能做某事 104. by chance 偶然地 ‎105. step out of 走出去 106. perform one’s duty 履行职责 ‎107. take advantage of利用 108.to one’s advantage对某人有利 ‎109. vote for 投票选举 110. guarantee sb sth/sth to sb 保证某人得到某物 111. under guarantee 在保修期内 ‎ ‎112. on 113. to 114. on 115. into 116. for ‎ ‎117.with 118.on 119. on 120. up 121. about ‎ ‎122. struggle ‎ with 123. struggle for ‎ ‎124. ‎ struggle to one’s feet 125. protect sb from ‎ sth ‎ ‎126. under the protection of 127. It’s ‎ no wonder that …‎ ‎128. wonder about/at sth ‎ ‎ 129. focus one’s attention on ‎ ‎130. without ‎ reserve 131. reserve sth for sb ‎ 选修六 ‎1. put one’s foot __________ one’s mouth 犯使人难堪的错误,说错话 ‎ ‎2. cheer (sb) __________ (使某人)高兴/振作起来 ‎ ‎3. show __________ 炫耀 ‎ ‎4. __________ addition 除此之外,另外 ‎5. __________ a consequence 因此;结果 ‎ ‎6. find __________ 了解到;找出信息 ‎7. leave __________ 省去,删去 ‎ ‎8. __________ the lead 带头;领先 ‎ ‎9. 交朋友,建立友谊 (friend) ______________________________‎ ‎10. 对……感到紧张、害怕 (nervous) ______________________________‎ ‎11. 想起,回忆起 (think) ______________________________ ‎ ‎12. 把目光从……处移开 (look) ______________________________‎ ‎13. 知道 (aware) ______________________________ ‎ ‎14. put ________ 放下 ‎ ‎15. hold ________ 伸出 ‎16. come up ________ 朝……走来 ‎ ‎17. turn ________ 走开 ‎18. sweep ________ 向……扩张 ‎ ‎19. cast ________ 搜寻,寻找 ‎20. be laden ________ (空气中)充溢着(某种味道) ‎ ‎21. look around ________ 四处寻找 ‎22. appeal ________ sb. 引起某人的注意 ‎ ‎23. ahead ________ 在……前面 ‎24. set ________ 出发,动身 ‎ ‎25. 在……中起重要作用(part) ______________________________‎ ‎26. 注视着(keep;eyes) ______________________________‎ ‎27. 与……有联系(associated) ______________________________ ‎ ‎28. burst ________ 突然发生 ‎ ‎29. knock ________ (开车)撞伤 ‎30. turn ________ 转过身来 ‎ ‎31. ________ the phone 在通电话 ‎ ‎32. make ________ 和好,和解 ‎ ‎33. be allergic ________ 对……过敏 ‎34. all ________ once 突然,忽然 ‎ ‎35. ________ return 作为回报 ‎ ‎36. belong ________ 属于 ‎ ‎37. 对……失去兴趣(interest) ______________________________‎ ‎38. 偶尔,有时(time) ______________________________‎ ‎39. 筹款(raise) ______________________________ ‎ ‎40. 保持联系(touch) ______________________________‎ ‎41. 与……失去联系(touch) ______________________________ ‎ ‎42. 对……感到羞耻、羞愧(ashamed) ______________________________‎ ‎43. 享有……的福气(blessed) ______________________________‎ ‎44. 与某人关系好(terms) ______________________________ ‎ ‎45. 使……想起(mind) ______________________________‎ ‎46. 真心诚意地,发自内心地(bottom) ______________________________ ‎ ‎47. make contact ________ 与……进行往来 ‎ ‎48. all ________ a sudden 突然间 ‎49. dance ________ the music 伴着音乐跳舞 ‎ ‎50. draw ________ 利用,凭借 ‎ ‎51. in addition ________ 除此之外 ‎ ‎52. be connected ________ 与……有关 ‎53. ________ music 创作乐曲 ‎ ‎54. 举办音乐会(concert) ______________________________‎ ‎55. 与……情况相同(true) ______________________________‎ ‎56. 赋予……生命力(life) ______________________________‎ ‎57. 与……情况相同(same) ______________________________ ‎ ‎58. 与……分享感受与想法(share) ______________________________‎ ‎59. burn __________ (火)燃尽,烧毁 ‎ ‎60. contrast __________ 与……形成对照 ‎61. throw oneself __________ 扑倒在……上 ‎ ‎62. __________ mistake 错误地 ‎63. treat … __________ … 把……当成……对待 ‎ ‎64. be identical __________ 和……一样,与……一致 ‎65. rely __________ 依靠,依赖 ‎ ‎66. get out __________ control 摆脱控制 ‎67. as __________ 据我们所知 ‎ ‎68. break __________ 分解,发生故障 ‎ ‎69. 对… …有利/益处(beneficial) _________________________‎ ‎70. 对某人/物有益(benefit) _________________________‎ ‎71. 从… …中获益;得益于(benefit) _________________________‎ ‎72. 对… …有益处(benefit) _________________________‎ ‎73. 治好某人的病;改掉某人的坏习惯(cure) _________________________‎ ‎74. 反对做某事 (resist) _________________________‎ ‎75. 专心致志于(absorbed) _________________________‎ ‎76. 害怕做某事(terrify) _________________________‎ ‎77. 相比之下(contrast) _________________________‎ ‎78. 怀疑某人(做过)某事(suspect) _________________________ ‎ ‎79. be involved __________ 卷入,陷入涉及 80. __________ one’s astonishment 令某人惊讶的是 ‎81. drink__________ 为… …干杯 82. declare war__________ 向... ...宣战 ‎83. __________ a breakthrough取得重大突破 84. pick __________拿起,拾起,扶起;(车辆等)中途搭(人);中途(带货);(偶然)学会;染上(习惯);情况好转,恢复健康85. draw attention __________ 引起注意 86. refer__________ 涉及,参考,指的是 ‎87. occupy oneself__________ doing sth./with sth. 忙于做某事 ‎ ‎88. __________ a mess乱七八糟,一团糟 ‎89. 忙着做某事(occupy) _________________________‎ ‎90. 从... ...中拯救某人/某物(rescue) _________________________‎ ‎91. 拯救/帮助某人(rescue) _________________________‎ ‎92. 尽管(spite) _________________________‎ ‎93. 和某人作伴(company) _________________________‎ ‎94. 和某人一起(company) _________________________‎ ‎95. 做某事是值得的(worthwhile) _________________________‎ ‎96. 与… …处于交战中(war) _________________________‎ ‎97. 吃惊地(astonishment) _________________________‎ ‎98. 对… …感到惊讶(astonished) _________________________‎ ‎1. in 2. up 3. off 4. in 5. as 6. out 7. out 8. take ‎ ‎9. make friends with 交朋友,建立友谊 10. be nervous about对……感到紧张、害怕 ‎11. think of 想起,回忆起 12. look away from把目光从……处移开 ‎ ‎13. be aware of知道 ‎ ‎14. in 15. up 16. off 17. in 18. as 19. out 20. out 21. take ‎ ‎22. make friends with 交朋友,建立友谊 23. be nervous about对……感到紧张、害怕 ‎24. think of 想起,回忆起 25. look away from把目光从……处移开 ‎ ‎26. be aware of知道 27. be associated towith......‎ ‎28. out 29. over 30. round 31. on 32. up 33. to 34. at 35. in 36. to ‎ ‎37. lose interest in 对……失去兴趣 38. from time to time偶尔,有时 ‎ ‎39. raise money筹款 40. keep in touch 保持联系 ‎ ‎41. lose touch with 与……失去联系 42. be ashamed of 对……感到羞耻、羞愧 ‎43. be blessed with享有……的福气 44. be on good terms with 与某人关系好45. bring...to mind 使……想起 ‎ ‎46. from the bottom of one's heart 真心诚意地,发自内心地 ‎ ‎47. with 48. of 49. to 50. on/upon 51. to 52. with 53. compose ‎ ‎54. give concerts 举办音乐会 ‎ ‎55. be true for/of与……情况相同 ‎ ‎56. give life to 赋予……生命力 ‎ ‎57. be the same with与……情况相同 ‎ ‎58. share feelings and ideas与……分享感受与想法 ‎ ‎59. out 60. with 61. on 62. by 63. as 64. to ‎ ‎65. on 66. of 67. far 68. down ‎ ‎69. be beneficial to对……有利/益处 ‎ ‎70. benefit sb./sth. 对某人/物有益 ‎71. benefit from/by 从……中获益;得益于 ‎ ‎72. be of benefit to 对……有益处 ‎73. cure sb. of 治好某人的病;改掉某人的坏习惯 ‎ ‎74. resist doing sth. 反对做某事 ‎75. be absorbed in 专心致志于 ‎ ‎76. be terrified of (doing) sth./to do sth. 害怕做某事 ‎77. by contrast相比之下 ‎ ‎78. suspect sb. of (doing) sth. 怀疑某人(做过)某事 ‎ ‎79. in 80. to 81. to 82. on 83. make 84. up ‎ ‎85. to 86. to 87. in 88. in ‎ ‎86. be occupied in doing sth./with sth. 忙着做某事 87. rescue sb./sth. from从......中拯救某人/某物 ‎88. come to the/one’s rescue拯救/帮助某人 89. in spite of尽管 ‎90. keep sb. company和某人作伴 91. in company with和某人一起 ‎92. It is worthwhile doing/to do sth.做某事是值得的 93. be at war with与……处于交战中 ‎94. in astonishment吃惊地 95. be astonished at/to do sth.对……感到惊讶 选修七 ‎ ‎ ‎1. __________ necessary如果有必要的话 2. be rude__________对……粗鲁 ‎3. be/get used __________习惯于(某事物) 4. in the history __________在……历史上 ‎5. grow __________成长,长大 6. draw one’s attention __________引起某人注意 ‎7. be based__________根据,以……为基础 8. take possession __________占有,占据,拥有 ‎9. __________ instant一……就…… 10. defend sb./sth. __________保护某人/物免遭 ‎11. 自卫;为自己辩护(defend) _________________________‎ ‎12. 上学,上教堂(attend) _________________________‎ ‎13. 出席会议/听演讲(attend) _________________________‎ ‎14. 服侍,照料(attend) _________________________‎ ‎15. 值得做,应该做(deserve) _________________________‎ ‎16. 值得被做(deserve) _________________________‎ ‎17. 任命某人担任……职位(appoint) _________________________‎ ‎18. 和某人有约(appointment) _________________________‎ ‎19. look back __________ 回顾,回忆 20. get __________ with 与……相处 ‎21. __________ my view 我认为,在我看来 22. be __________ to do 有可能 ‎23. be considered __________ 被认为是 24. play a part __________ 在……中起作用 ‎25. have __________ 玩得开心 26. as far as I am __________ 就我而言 ‎27. be keen __________ 热衷于… … 28. develop the habit __________ 养成习惯 ‎29. 平静,稳定,定居(settle) _________________________‎ ‎30. 适合于... ... (suitable) _________________________‎ ‎31. 适合做某事 (suitable) _________________________‎ ‎32. 旅游胜地 (attraction) _________________________‎ ‎33. 吸引某人的注意力 (attract) _________________________‎ ‎34. 考虑做某事(consider) _________________________‎ ‎35. 随着… …的发展 (development) _________________________‎ ‎36`. 高兴起来,振作起来(cheer) _________________________ ‎ ‎37.__________ astonishment吃惊地 38.a huge/large amount __________ 大量的 ‎39.__________ a ...voice 用……声音(说) 40.stare __________ 凝视,盯着看 ‎41.suffer __________ 遭受 42.put __________ 张贴,建造,举起,提高 ‎ ‎43.let go __________ 放开,放弃 44.be cruel __________ 对……冷酷 ‎ ‎45.pick __________ 挑选,挑出 46. __________ an opportunity 抓住机会 ‎47.bring sth. to the attention __________ sb. 使某人关注某事 ‎ ‎48. 用……回报某人(reward) ______________________________‎ ‎49. 打算做某事(intend) ______________________________‎ ‎50. 为……打算(设计)的 (intend) ______________________________‎ ‎51. 充当 (serve) ______________________________‎ ‎52. 用某物招待某人 (serve) ______________________________‎ ‎53. 闲荡,闲逛 (hang) ______________________________‎ ‎54. 握住不放,不挂断 (hang) ______________________________‎ ‎55. 从……逃走(escape) ______________________________‎ ‎56. 渴望做某事 (eager) ______________________________‎ ‎57. 极度渴望某物 (desperate) ______________________________ ‎ ‎58.rather __________  而不是 ‎ ‎59.take advantage __________ 利用 ‎60.be bored __________ 厌烦 ‎ ‎61.__________ order 有序地 ‎62.far __________ 完全不,远离 ‎ ‎63.beg __________ 乞求,请求 ‎64.be devoted __________ 专心于;致力于 ‎ ‎65.try __________ 尝试 ‎66.be blessed __________ 有幸 ‎ ‎67.come __________ 出版 ‎68. __________ one’s heart 触动某人 ‎69. have the virtue __________ 有……的美德 ‎70. __________ a tight budget 预算紧张 ‎ ‎71. 在衰退;在消减(decline) ______________________________‎ ‎72. 拒绝做某事 (decline) ______________________________‎ ‎73. 与……协调/一致 (harmony) ______________________________‎ ‎74. 徒劳 (vain) ______________________________‎ ‎75. 解决问题的方法(approach) ______________________________‎ ‎76. 起因于……(arise) ______________________________‎ ‎77. 超出预算(budget) ______________________________‎ ‎78. 恳求某人做某事 (beg) ______________________________‎ ‎79. 对不起,请再说一遍 (beg) ______________________________‎ ‎80. 抗议,反对(protest) ______________________________‎ ‎81._________ use 在使用 82.have a population _________ 有......人口 ‎83.____ the distance在远处 84.set _________ 出发,动身 ‎85.think _________ 仔细考虑 86.come _________ 偶遇 ‎87.put sb. ________ 留宿某人 ‎ ‎88.占少数(minority) ______________________________‎ ‎89.适应 (adjust) ______________________________‎ ‎90.用……装备……(furnish) ______________________________‎ ‎91.(指动植物等)原产于某地的(native) ______________________________‎ ‎92.把某物固定/贴/钉在另一物上(fasten) ______________________________‎ ‎93.做......无用(use) ______________________________‎ ‎ 开始被使用 ______________________________‎ ‎94.有......风俗(custom) ______________________________‎ ‎95. _____ vital importance 至关重要 96. apart _________ 除......之外 ‎97. go _________ 获准,经过程序 98. remind sb. ______ sth. 使某人想起......‎ ‎99. _____ the mercy of 受......支配 100. _____ return 反过来 ‎ ‎101. be honoured ________ 因......而受到尊敬 102. _______ case 倘若,如果;以防万一 ‎103. contribute ________ 导致;有助于 104. _______ the assistance of 在……的帮助下 ‎ ‎105.为......做贡献(contribution) ______________________________‎ ‎106.建议做某事(recommend) ______________________________‎ ‎107.保护……免受…...(preserve) ______________________________‎ ‎108.对......不知道(ignorant) ______________________________‎ ‎109.……说不准;…...尚不确定(remain) ______________________________‎ ‎110.主张、拥护做某事(advocate) ______________________________‎ 参考答案 ‎1. if 2. to 3. to 4. of 5. up 6. to 7. on 8. of 9. the 10. from/against ‎ ‎11. defend oneself 自卫;为自己辩护 ‎ ‎12. attend school/church 上学/上教堂 ‎13. attend a meeting/lecture出席会议/听演讲 ‎ ‎14. attend on 服侍,照料 ‎15. deserve to do 值得做,应该做 ‎ ‎16. deserve doing=deserve to be done 值得被做 ‎17. appoint sb. (as/to be) + 职位 任命某人担任……职位 ‎ ‎18. have an appointment with sb. 和某人有约 ‎ ‎19. on/to 20. on 21. in 22. likely 23. as 24. in ‎ ‎25. fun 26. concerned 27. on 28. of ‎ ‎29. settle down 平静,稳定,定居 30. be suitable for… 适合于 ‎31. be suitable to do… 适合做某事 32. a tourist attraction 旅游胜地 ‎33. attract one’s attention 吸引某人的注意力 34. consider doing sth. 考虑做某事 ‎ ‎35. with the development of 随着… …的发展 36. cheep up 高兴起来,振作起来 ‎ ‎37. in 38. of 39. in 40. at 41. from ‎ ‎42. up 43. of 44. to 45. out 46. seize 47. of ‎ ‎48. 用……回报某人(reward) reward sb with sth ‎49. 打算做某事(intend) intend to do/ doing sth ‎ ‎50. 为……打算(设计)的 (intend) be intended for ‎51. 充当 (serve) serve as ‎52. 用某物招待某人 (serve) serve sb (with) sth ‎53. 闲荡,闲逛 (hang) hang out/ about/ around ‎54. 握住不放,不挂断 (hang) hang on ‎55. 从……逃走(escape) escape from ‎56. 渴望做某事 (eager) be eager to do sth ‎57. 极度渴望某物 (desperate) be desperate for sth ‎58. than 59. of 60. with 61. in 62. from ‎ ‎63. for 64. to 65. out 66. with 67. out ‎68. touch 69. of 70. on ‎ ‎71. 在衰退;在消减(decline) on the decline ‎72. 拒绝做某事 (decline) decline to do ‎73. 与……协调/一致 (harmony) in harmony with ‎74. 徒劳 (vain) in vain ‎75. 解决问题的方法(approach) approach to solving problems ‎76. 起因于……(arise) arise from/ out of ‎77. 超出预算(budget) over budget ‎78. 恳求某人做某事 (beg) beg sb to do sth ‎ ‎79. 对不起,请再说一遍 (beg) I beg your pardon ‎80. 抗议,反对(protest) in protest at ‎ ‎81. in 82. of 83. in 84. off 85. over 86. across 87. up ‎ ‎88.占少数(minority) be in the/a minority ‎89.适应 (adjust) adjust to...‎ ‎90.用……装备……(furnish) furnish...with...‎ ‎91.(指动植物等)原产于某地的(native) be native to…‎ ‎92.把某物固定/贴/钉在另一物上(fasten) fasten sth. to sth.‎ ‎93.做......无用(use) It’s no use doing sth.‎ 开始被使用 come into use ‎94.有......风俗(custom) have the custom of doing sth. ‎ ‎95.of 96.from 97.through 98.of 99.at ‎ ‎100.in 101.for 102.in 103.to 104. with ‎ ‎105.为......做贡献(contribution) make contributionsa contribution to...‎ ‎106.建议做某事(recommend) recommend doing sth.‎ ‎107.保护……免受…...(preserve) preserve...from...‎ ‎108.对......不知道(ignorant) be ignorant ofabout...‎ ‎109.……说不准;…...尚不确定(remain) It remanis to be seen whether...‎ ‎110.主张、拥护做某事(advocate) advocate doing sth.‎ 选修八 ‎ ‎ ‎1. in case _________   如果;假设 2. stand ___________ 引人注目;突出 ‎3. adapt _________ (使)适应 4. be fond _________ 喜欢 ‎5. _________ one’s promise 信守诺言 6. come into _______ 进入视野 ‎7. come _________ with 想出 8. set foot _________ 进入;到达 ‎ ‎9. 平均 (average) ________________________________ ‎ ‎10. 使适应 (adapt) ________________________________‎ ‎11. 以……形式 (form) ________________________________ ‎ ‎12. 陷入 (trap) ________________________________‎ ‎13. 特别地 (particular) ________________________________ ‎ ‎14. 想出,提供 (come) ________________________________ ‎ ‎15. 阻止某人做某事 (discourage) ________________________________ ‎ ‎16. 处于……状态 (state) ________________________________ ‎ ‎17. 缺席……,不参加…… (absent) ________________________________‎ ‎18. 粉碎,碎开 (break) ________________________________ ‎ ‎19. 详尽地 (detail) ________________________________‎ ‎20. 动身,出发 (set) ________________________________ ‎ ‎21. leave sth. ______   把...抛在后面;遗留 22. depend _______ 依靠;依赖;取决于 ‎23. up ______ 到 (某个数量) 24. leave _______ 出发去某个地方 ‎25. lead _______ 导致;通往 26. take _______ 从事;开始做;占据 ‎27. _______ behalf of 代表... 28. _______ liberty 获得自由的 ‎29. 历史上 (history) _________________________‎ ‎30. 厌倦做某事 (tired) _________________________‎ ‎31. 总之,简而言之 (short) _________________________ ‎ ‎32. 收……的税 (tax) _________________________ ‎ ‎33. 用手工 (hand) _________________________ ‎ ‎34. 求助于;呼吁 (appeal) _________________________‎ ‎35. 渴求;渴望 (thirsty) _________________________ ‎ ‎36. 即使 (even) _________________________‎ ‎37. 与……对照 (contrast) _________________________‎ ‎38. 寻找 (seek) _________________________‎ ‎39. 追求;寻求 (seek) _________________________‎ ‎40. 因某事而责备某人某事 (blame) _________________________‎ ‎41. 对 (坏事) 负有责任 (blame) _________________________‎ ‎42. 被认为是... (reckon) _________________________‎ ‎43. 指望 (reckon) _________________________‎ ‎44. 省去;删略 (leave) _________________________ ‎ ‎45. set fire _________   放火烧 46. make _________ 看出;理解 ‎47. _________ wonder 难怪 48. end _________ 结束 ‎49. be popular _________ 受欢迎 50. have _________ common 与...有共同点 ‎51. _________ short 总之;言而总之 52. go _________ 违背;违反 ‎ ‎53. 根据,依据 (accord) _______________________________‎ ‎54. 而且 (more) _______________________________‎ ‎55. 提到;查阅 (refer) _______________________________‎ ‎56. 以……为基础 (base) _______________________________‎ ‎57. 放下,写下,镇压 (put) _______________________________‎ ‎58. 对...着迷 (obsess) _______________________________‎ ‎59. 有旺盛的食欲 (appetite) _______________________________‎ ‎60. 使某人免于尴尬 (save) _______________________________‎ ‎61. 根据人们的要求 (requirement) _______________________________‎ ‎62. 天性;本身;本性 (nature) _______________________________ ‎ ‎63. let sb. _________ 使某人失望 64. tell _________ 区分开 ‎65. as __________ as 只要 66. __________ rather 更确切的说 ‎67. lie __________ 在于 68. __________ conclusion 总之 ‎69. a huge number __ 大量的 70. get ________ to sth. 开始做某事 ‎ ‎71. 把......看作(regard) ____________________________ ‎ ‎72. 对......达成共识(agree) ____________________________ ‎ ‎73. 更精确地说(rather) ____________________________ ‎ ‎74. 特别地;尤其(particular) ____________________________ ‎ ‎75. 与......相关(relevant) ____________________________ 76. 从这种意义上讲(sense) ____________________________ ‎ ‎77. 是......独有的(unique) _____________________________ ‎ ‎78. 为......而设计的(mean) _____________________________ ‎ ‎79. 同意某人的想法/意见(agree) _____________________________‎ ‎80. 赞同,同意计划/安排(agree) _____________________________‎ ‎81. make __________ 成功;及时到达 ‎ ‎82. __________ spite of 不管;尽管 ‎83. accuse sb. __________ sth. 指责某人某事 ‎ ‎84. pray __________ 祈望;祈求 ‎85. set __________ 开始做;着手进行 ‎ ‎86. be accustomed __________ 习惯于 ‎87. a series __________ 一系列;一串 ‎ ‎88. __________ the very beginning of 一开始的时候 ‎ ‎89. set __________ motion 开始做 ‎ ‎90. 承认......是 (acknowledge) _______________________‎ ‎91. 令某人欣慰的是 (relief) _______________________‎ ‎92. 失去耐心 (patience) _______________________‎ ‎93. 对......有耐心的 (patient) _______________________‎ ‎94. 信任 (faith) _______________________‎ ‎95. 依靠,取决于 (depend) _______________________ ‎ ‎96. cater _________ 满足......的要求 97. correspond _________与......通信 ‎98. glance _________ 瞥......一眼 99. take _________ 呈现 ‎100. _________ second thoughts 重新考虑后 101. take hold _________ 抓住 ‎102. all _________ once 突然 103. approve _________ 支持;赞同 ‎ ‎104. 和......分享某物 (share) ___________________________‎ ‎105. 取得进步 (advance) __________________________‎ ‎106. 吸引某人 (appeal) ___________________________‎ ‎107. 赞成,同意某事 (approve) ___________________________‎ ‎108. 由某人付费 (expense) ___________________________ ‎ ‎109. 结识某人 (acquaintance ) ___________________________‎ ‎110. 对......容忍的 (tolerant ) ___________________________‎ 参考答案 ‎ ‎1. of 2. out 3. to 4. of 5. keep 6. view/sight 7. up 8. on ‎ ‎9. on average 10. adapt to 11. in the form of 12. be trapped in ‎ ‎13. in particular 14. come up with 15. discourage sb. from doing sth. ‎ ‎16. in a …state 17.be absent from 18. break up 19. in detail ‎ ‎20. set off 21. behind 22. on 23. to ‎ ‎24. for 25. to 26. up 27. on ‎ ‎28. At 29. in history 30. get tired of doing ‎ ‎31. in short 32. tax on … 33. by hand 34. appeal to ‎ ‎35. be thirsty for 36. even though/if 37. contrast with 38. seek for ‎39. seek after 40. blame sb./sth. for sth.41. be to blame 42. be reckoned as ‎43. reckon on 44. leave out ‎45. to 46. out 47. no 48. up 49. with 50. in 51. in 52. against ‎ ‎53.according to  54.what’s more  55.refer to  56.be based on ‎57.put...down  58.be obsessed with 59.have big appetites ‎ ‎60.save sb. from embarrassment 61.according to people’s requirements ‎62.by nature ‎ ‎63. down 64. apart 65. long 66. or 67. in 68. in 69. of 70. down ‎ ‎71. regard...as...  72. agree on  73. or rather  74. In particular  ‎ ‎75. be relevant to 76. in this sense 77. be unique to 78. be meant for ‎ ‎79. agree with one’s idea/opinion 80. agree to the plan/ arrangement ‎ ‎81.it 82. in 83. of 84. for 85. out 86. to 87. of 88. at 89. in ‎ ‎90. acknowledge … to be/as 承认......是…‎ ‎91. to sb’s relief 令某人欣慰的是 ‎92. be out of patience/lose patience 失去耐心 ‎93. be patient with 对......有耐心的 ‎94. have faith in 信任 ‎95. depend on 依靠,取决于 ‎ ‎96. for 97. with 98. at 99. on 100. on 101. of 102. at 103. of ‎ ‎104. share sth. with sb. 和......分享某物 ‎105. make advances 取得进步 ‎106. appeal to sb. 吸引某人 ‎ ‎107. approve of sth. 赞成,同意某事 ‎ ‎108. at one’s expense 由某人付费 ‎109. make one’s acquaintance/make the acquaintance of sb. 结识某人 ‎110. be tolerant of 对......容忍的

