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‎2013届高三英语语法要点精练(配最新高考+模拟)‎ 专题23 七选五阅读 ‎1.‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的七个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ In the 60s, people asked about your astrological (about star) sign. In the 90s, they want to know your website. 1 Your website is an electronic meeting place for your family, friends and potentially, millions of people around the world. Best of all, you may not have to spend a cent. The Web is filled with all kinds of free services and all it takes is some time and creativity.‎ ‎ 2 Like the table of contents of a book or magazine, the home page is the front door. Your site can have one or more pages, depending on how you design it. ‎ While web pages vary greatly in their design and content, most use a traditional magazine layout(版面设计). At the top of the page is a banner(横幅)GRAPHIC. Next comes a greeting and short description of the site. Pictures, text, and links to other websites follow.‎ ‎ 3 Think about whom the site is for and what you want to say. Next, gather up the material that you want to put on the site. ‎ While there are no rules you have to follow, there are a few things to keep in mind: 4 If you want too much at the beginning, you may ‎ never get the site off the ground. You can always add to your site.‎ Less is better. Most people don’t like to read a lot of long texts online. 5 ‎ Smaller is better. Since it can take a long time to download large files, keep the file sizes small. ‎ Have the rights. Don’t put any material on your site unless you are sure you can do it legally. Always remember to get the permission from the writer first.‎ Now it’s time to roll up your sleeves and start building. ‎ A. Start simply.‎ B. Break it into small pieces. ‎ C. Draw a rough layout on a sheet of paper. ‎ D. Many websites are considered very interesting.‎ E. Before you start building your site, do some planning.‎ F. Think of your home page as the starting point of your website.‎ G. These days, having a web address is almost as important as a street address.‎ ‎1.G根据后文Your website is an electronic meeting place for your family, friends and potentially, millions of people around the world可知网址的重要性,选G前后连贯。‎ ‎2.F根据后文的the home page is the front door.可知选F。‎ ‎3.E根据gather up the material that you want to put on the site.‎ ‎ 可知选E。‎ ‎4. A根据If you want too much at the beginning中的beginning可知选A。‎ ‎5. B根据Less is better. Most people don’t like to read a lot of long texts online可知:越少越好,人们不喜欢读长篇文章,所以应该把长篇文章分成小短篇。‎ ‎2.‎ The hardest language People often ask which is the most difficult language to learn, and it is not easy to answer because there are many factors to take into consideration. Firstly, in a first language the differences are unimportant as people learn their mother tongue naturally. 1 ‎ A native speaker of Spanish, for example, will find Portuguese much easier to learn than a native speaker of Chinese, for example, because Portuguese is very similar to Spanish, while Chinese is very different. 72 The greater the differences between the second language and our first, the harder it will be for most people to learn.‎ ‎ 3 Teachers and the circumstances in which the language is learned also play an important role, as well as each learner’s motivation for learning. If people learn a language because they need to use it professionally, they often learn it faster than people studying a language ‎ that has no direct use in their day to day life.‎ Apparently, British diplomats and other embassy staff have found that the second hardest language is Japanese, which will probably come as no surprise to many, but the language that they have found to be the most problematic is Hungarian, which has 35 forms of a nouns according to whether it is subject, object, etc.‎ ‎ ‎4 In the case of Hungarian for British learners, it is not a question of the writing system, which uses a similar alphabet, but the grammatical complexity, though native speakers of related languages may find it easier, while struggling with languages that the British find relatively easy.‎ No language is easy to learn well, though languages which are related to our first language are easier. Learning a completely different writing system is a huge challenge, but that does not necessarily make a language more difficult than another. 5 ‎ A. In this case, first language can affect learning a second language.‎ B. Therefore, it is difficult to gain a good knowledge of every language.‎ C. Some people seem to learn languages readily, while others find it very difficult.‎ D. This does not mean that Hungarian is the hardest language to learn for everyone.‎ E. Individuals from different cultures will find different languages more ‎ difficult.‎ F. It is impossible to say that there is one language that is the most difficult language in the world.‎ G. So the question of how hard a language is to learn is only relevant when learning a second language.‎ ‎1—5 GACEF ‎3.‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ Being a good student doesn’t mean you have to drop all social activities and dive into your books.It is still possible to have a healthy social life while getting good grades.__1__.Here is how you can achieve it:‎ Decide for yourself at the start of the term that you won’t let your schoolwork sweep you away.__2__‎ Write down your weekly schedule on a piece of paper.Chances are , you’ll have small gaps between classes during the week and more free time at the weekend.Make sure that every time you find yourself in one of those between-class gaps you use the time efficiently .__3__.‎ Set aside at least one large amount of time each week as free time.Keep in mind the law of diminishing returns (收益递减).Past a certain point more hours studying will be of little benefit.__4__‎ ‎ .Protect both your free time and your school time carefully .If one starts to infringe (侵犯) on the other that is just the beginning of a long, slippery downhill slope(斜坡).‎ ‎___5___.This way, you can co-ordinate(协调) your free time with theirs.‎ Whenever possible, find social activities that take you off campus and away from your schoolwork.‎ ‎ A.Balance is the key .‎ ‎ B.Encourage your friends to follow a similar plan.‎ ‎ C.It is very important to be determined about this.‎ ‎ D.Try not to affect other’s time and just focus on your own.‎ ‎ E.You’re better off spending this time with friends.‎ ‎ F.You can spend more time on social life than on study.‎ G.Read a few pages of your school book or do some quick chores(杂活),for example.‎ ‎74. E 根据上文“Past a certain point more hours studying will be of little benefit.”(过了特定时间再花更多时间在学习上收益甚微),可知下句“You’re better off spending this time with friends.”(你还不如将这一时间花用来和朋友在一起)与上文衔接得当。‎ ‎4.‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ The Winner’s Guide to Success How do successful people think? What helps them to make success? To find out the answers, an American scholar recently visited some of the most successful people in America. 1 ‎ Be responsible for yourself Sometimes you may want to blame others for your failure to get ahead. 2 You’re saying, “You have more control over my life than I do.”‎ Live life “on purpose”‎ Almost all successful people live life “on purpose”— they are doing what they believe they should and want to do. When you live your life on purpose, you’ll try your best to do your job or study as well as you can. You love what you do and you can find pleasure in what you do.‎ Write a plan It is very difficult trying to get what you want without a good plan. ‎3 A good plan is like a map to you. Without this “map”, you may waste your time, money and also your energy; while with the “map” you’ll enjoy the “trip” and get what you want in the shortest possible time.‎ Be willing to pay the price Nothing great is easy to get. So you must be ready to work hard — even harder than you have ever done. If you are not willing to pay the price, you won’t get anything valuable.‎ Never give up ‎ 4 When you are doing something, you must tell yourself again and again: Giving up is worse than failure because failure can be the mother of success, but giving up means the death of hope.‎ ‎ 5 ‎ Once an American writer was writing a novel. He could not have a good ending for his book until one night when he had a very good idea. He was so excited that he made a phone call to one of his best friends. “I’ve got a perfect idea,” he said, “I’ll put it down later and show it to you.” But he never did, because he died that night. His book was left without a perfect ending. So remember, do what you can right away. Never delay at all. ‎ A. It is just like trying to drive through strange roads to a city far away.‎ B. It seems to us that everyone knows this. But it is easier said than done.‎ C. Some people achieve success much later in life because they fail to realize earlier the importance of hard work.‎ D. In fact, when you say someone or something outside of yourself is stopping you from making success, you’re giving away your own power.‎ E. Someone else’s opinion of you doesn’t have to become your reality.‎ F. Don’t delay G. Here are some keys to success that they give.‎ ‎【答案】1-5 GDABF ‎5.‎ ‎ Does this situation seem familiar to you? Your English is progressing well, the grammar is now familiar, the reading comprehension is no problem, and you are speaking quite fluently. 1 ‎ ‎ First of all, remember that you are not alone. Listening is probably the most difficult job for almost all learners of English as a foreign language. 2 what you need to do is to find listening resources. The Internet is really a useful tool for English students. You can download The RealPlayer from RealMedia.c om. The RealPlayer allows you to use the Internet like a radio station.‎ ‎ Once you have begun to listen on a regular basis, you might still be frustrated(受阻)by limited understanding 3 ‎ Here is some of the advice I give my students: ‎ ‎•Accept the fact that you are not going to understand everything. ‎ ‎ •Stay relaxed when you do not understand, and try listening to the material for more times.‎ ‎•Do not translate everything into your native language .‎ ‎• 4 Don't concentrate on detail until you have understood the main ideas. ‎ ‎•Listen to something you enjoy.‎ I remember the problems I had in understanding spoken German when I first went to Germany. In the beginning, when I didn't understand a word, I insisted on translating it in my mind. 5 Then, after the first six months, I discovered two extremely important facts; Firstly, translating creates a barrier between the listener and the speaker. Secondly, most people repeat themselves constantly. By remaining calm, I noticed that even if I didn’t ‎ pay much attention I could usually understand what the speaker had said.‎ ‎ A.What should you do?‎ B.But listening is a problem for most of the beginners!‎ C.However, after several weeks, I got used to the grammar rules D.The most important thing is to listen as often as possible.‎ E.This method usually resulted in confusion.‎ F.Listen for the general idea of the conversation.‎ G.But you can’t follow a native English speaker at all!‎ ‎1--5GDAFE ‎6.‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ Most drinks stating that they are fruitflavored (水果味道的) contain no fruit at all, while most of the rest contain only a small quantity of fruit, according to a study carried by the British Food Commission.‎ ‎“Shoppers need to check the labels (标签) before buying drinks, though sometimes the actual content can be nonexistent,” said Food Commission spokesperson Ian Tokelove. “Food production is highly ‎ competitive. __1__ It will increase profits, and consumers won't always realize they are being tricked.” ‎ Flavorings are focused on the flavors of natural food products such as fruits, meats and vegetables, or creating flavor for food products that do not have the desired flavors. Researchers analyzed the contents of 28 strawberryflavored products sold in stores. __2__ Of the 11 products that did contain strawberries, five of them contained less than one percent real fruit. In addition, each juice box contained nearly eight teaspoons of sugar. ‎ ‎__3__ Let's take jam as an example. Some strawberryflavored jam was labeled as containing no artificial colors, flavors, or sweeteners, but it contained absolutely no strawberries at all.‎ ‎__4__ Consumers have the rights to know clearly about what they have bought. Under current UK law, food packages do not have to distinguish between natural and artificial flavoring. “Describing a product as strawberry flavor and covering the surface of the packet with pictures of strawberries is misleading. __5__ Unfortunately, it is also legal and widespread,” Tokelove said. “It's time to take measures to protect the consumers' rights.”‎ A. The products which contain real fruit are popular with people.‎ B. Even products advertised as more natural often contained no fruit.‎ C. They found that about 60 percent of them didn't contain any fruit at all.‎ D. If companies can cut their costs by using flavoring, they are likely to do so.‎ E. It is important and necessary to demand a small amount of flavoring in the products.‎ F. Actually the product contains just a tiny percentage of strawberry or even no fruit at all.‎ G. The Food Commission suggested all flavors used in a product should be listed on the packaging. ‎ ‎【答案】1--5DCBGF ‎7.‎ Long ago, people believed that in the future we would work less, have more free time and get more relaxed. 1__ ‎ Today we work harder, work longer hours and have more stresses than ten years ago. walk We faster, faster and sleep less than previous generations. talk And although we use machines that save us time, have less free time than our parents and grandparents. 2 An American journalist we James Gleick in a new book,says that people are suffering from“hurry sickness”-we’re trying 9 to do more things in less time.As a result,our lives are stressful.He says that if we don’t slow down,we won’t live as long as our parents. 3__ ‎ Newspaper articles today are shorter and the headlines are bigger.Most people don’t have enough time to read the articles, they only read the headlines. TV and the radio, so On newsreaders speak more quickly than ten years ago.In the USA,there is a book called One-Minute Bedtime Stories for children.These are shorter versions(版本)of traditional stories,specially written for “busy parents” who want to save time! Some answer phones now have “quick playback” buttons so that we can replay people’s messages faster—we can’t waste ‎ time listening to people speaking at the normal speed! _4 Ten years ago when people went to art galleries they spent seconds looking at each picture. Today they spend just three seconds! Nowadays, many people prefer faster and dynamic sports like basketball.‎ ‎ 5 Our cars are faster but the traffic is worse.so we drive more slowly.We spend more time sitting in our cars,feeling stressed.Experts predict that in ten years the average speed on the road in cities will be only ‎17 km/h.‎ A.People didn’t feel stressed ten years ago.‎ B.But unluckily,this has not happened yet.‎ C.Even when we relax we do everything more quickly.‎ D.But what is this doing to our health?‎ E.For most people,faster doesn’t mean better.‎ F.The only thing that is slower than before is the way we drive.‎ G.Now everything is faster than before,which brings us more convenience.‎ ‎1---5BDECF ‎8.‎ Time for a Brainstorm A brainstorm is a session where a small group of people come together to solve a problem People voice spontaneous ideas, sometimes ‎ just shouting, and a note-taker writes them all down. 1 By getting different ideas out there, ideas are said to bounce off each other and even can help solve the problem at hand.Brainstorming is often a group exercise but individuals can also conduct personal brainstorms.‎ ‎ 2 He defined it as using the brain to storm a creative problem and do so in commando (突击队) fashion, with each stormer attacking the same objective.According to him, it was easier to tone down a wild idea than think up a new one.He placed importance on the collection of as many ideas as possible and dismissed scientific thinking.‎ Brainstorming has become one of the most popular ways to solve problems and hold discussion in schools and businesses.Many students brainstorm for a group assignment or even for a personal essay.Sarah Grace, 24, is an Australian marketing analyst and uses brainstorming during all her creative duties.She thinks brainstorming is the best way to work as a team.The sessions get everyone on the same page, everyone moving together and with a clear understanding about the foundations of an event or idea. 3 ‎ However, a big problem with brainstorming is creating a mess that leads people further away from a solution. 4 If you don't have a strong moderator or leader of the brainstorm, can go really off track, and people just start discussing something totally different.Brainstorming can sometimes confuse the human brain. 5 If you brainstorm too ‎ much and your page is filled up with all the messy links, you can paint yourself into a bit of corner and get trapped with ideas You need to move past brainstorming as soon as you have something workable.‎ A.The ideas can be smart, strange or crazy.‎ ‎ B.It is caused by a lack of direction from a leader.‎ C.Brainstorming really helps her organize her thoughts.‎ D.Brainstorming really is the best way to build team spirit.‎ E.It can open too many doors and not suggest a clear direction.‎ F.Brainstorms were popularized in the 1940s by American advertising boss Alex Osborn.‎ G.They can be words, phrases, paragraphs and anything that can help answer the question.‎ ‎1--5AFDBE ‎ ‎9.‎ Have you heard about Leap year? Leap year is a year that has 366 days instead of the usual 365. It normally occurs every four years, always on an even-numbered year. The extra day is added to our shortest month. That is the second month of the year, which in non-leap years has 28 days, two fewer than any other month. 1 ‎ We also call Leap year the bissextile year. ‎2 In our calendar system there is a need for a leap year because the solar year (the time it takes the earth to go around the sun once) is actually slightly more than ‎ 365 days long. That extra day—Feb 29 every four years—helps correct the difference between our calendar and the solar calendar.‎ It is said that Leap year was first made part of the calendar by the ancient Roman leader Julius Caesar. His astronomers had calculated the length of the solar year to be 365 days and six hours. So Caesar declared that an extra day be added to the calendar. 3 ‎ ‎ However, Caesar’s adjustment was not completely accurate because his astronomers’ year exceeded the true solar year by eleven minutes and fourteen seconds. By 1582, a difference of ten days had developed between the calendar year and the true solar year. To correct this error, Pope Gregory XⅢ ruled that every fourth year would continue to be a leap year except for century years that could not be divided evenly by 400. By this system, century years such as 1700, 1800, and 1900 were not leap years, but the year 2000 was a leap year. 4 ‎ People born on Feb 29 celebrate their growing up a little differently from the rest of us. ‎ ‎ 5 But if they go strictly by the calendar, they have only one-fourth as many birthday celebrations as most people.‎ A. They acknowledge that they get older each year.‎ ‎ B. When you see Feb 29 on a calendar, you know that year is a leap year.‎ ‎ C. This is its formal, or scientific title.‎ ‎ D. This may seem complicated, but it works.‎ ‎ E. In a leap year, the extra day is added to the second month, giving it 29 instead of the usual 28 days ‎ F. The leap year was introduced in the Julian calendar in 46 BC.‎ ‎ G. This is done every four years.‎ ‎1-5 BCGDA ‎ 10.‎ A great life doesn’t happen by accident. It is the result of allocating (分配) your time, energy ,thoughts ,and hard work towards what you want your life to be . Stop setting yourself up for stress and failure, and start setting up your life to support success and ease. It is the result of using what you get in a creative and thoughtful way, instead of just what comes next .___1___.‎ S---Simplify. A great life is the result of simplifying your life. People often misinterpret what simplify means. It’s not a way to remove work from your life .__2__ . In order to create a great life , you will have to make room for it in yours first.‎ E---Effort. A great life is the result of your best effort. Creating it requires that you make some adjustments. It may mean re-evaluating how you spend your time ,or choosing to spend your money in a different way. Life will reward your best effort. ‎ C---Create priorities.(首要事情).A great life is the result of creating priorities .It’s easy to spend your days just responding to the next thing that gets your attention, instead of intentionally using the time ,energy and money you have in a way that’s important to you .__3__.‎ R---Remove distractions. A great life is the result of removing distractions. __4__. Removing distractions can be a difficult concept to many people ,since they haven’t really considered that there is another way to live. Find ways to free up your mental energy for things that are more important to you.‎ T---Thoughts. ___5___.Your belief in the outcome will directly determine how successful you are. Motivated people have specific goals and look for ways to achieve them. Believing there is a solution to the same old problems you encounter year after year is vitally important to creating a life that you love.‎ A. When you focus on simplifying your life ,you free up energy and time for the work that you enjoy and the purpose for which you are here. ‎ B. A great life is the result of having reserves ---reserves of things ,time, space ,energy and money.‎ C. Today ,right now , is the right day to start to take a step in the direction of your heart’s desires.‎ D. Up to 75% of your mental energy can be tied up in things that stop your concentrating.‎ E. Now please use “secrets” to fit your own needs and style ,and start creating your own great life today.‎ F. A great life is the result of controlling your thoughts so that you accept and allow for the possibility that it actually can happen to you !‎ G. Focus on removing the obstacles that get in the way of you making sure you are honoring your priorities.‎ ‎1--5 EAGDF ‎ ‎11.‎ ‎1. But still there is a danger that grows every year.Airliners get larger.Some airplanes can hold over 300 passengers.And the air itself becomes more and more crowded.If one giant airliner crashed into another in mid-air, 600 lives could be lost.‎ ‎ 2 .Air traffic controllers tell the pilot exactly when to turn, when to climb, and when to come down.The air traffic controllers around a busy airport like London-Heathrow may handle 2500 planes a day.Not al of them actually land at the airport.Any plane that flies near the airport comes under the orders of the controllers there.__3__.‎ Recently such a disaster almost happened.__4__.One, with 69 passengers, had come from Toronto, and the other, with 176 passengers, from Chicago, An air traffic controller noticed on his radar screen that the two planes were too close to each other.He ordered one to turn to the right and to climb.But he made a mistake.He ordered the wrong plane to do this.Fifteen seconds later it flew directly in front of the second plane.They avoided each other by the smallest part of a second.The distance between them was less than that of a large swimming pool.__5__.‎ ‎ A. Even a small mistake on their part could cause a disaster.‎ ‎ B. Two large jets were flying towards the airport.‎ ‎ C. Nowadays people like traveling more by air than by car.‎ ‎ D. Today, air travel is far safer than driving a car on a bus motor-way.‎ ‎ E. This is an example of the danger that grows every year.‎ ‎ F.  In a word, air travel is more dangerous, we should choose others.‎ ‎ G. From the moment an airliner takes off to the moment it lands, every movement is watched on radar screen.‎ ‎1—5 DGABE ‎12.‎ We can read of things that happened 5.000 years ago in the Near East, where people first learned to write. 1 The only way that they can preserve their history is to recount it as sagas ---- 2 These legends are useful because they can tell us something about migrations of people who lived long ago, but none could write down what they did. Anthropologists(人类学家) wondered where the remote ancestors of the Polynesian peoples now living in the Pacific Islands came from. 3 ‎ But the first people who were like ourselves lived so long ago that even their sagas, if they had any, are forgotten. 4 ‎ Fortunately, however, ancient men made tools of stone, because this is easier to shape than other kinds. 5 Stone does not decay, and so the tools of long ago have remained when even the bones of the men who ‎ made them have disappeared without trace.‎ A. They may also have used wood and skins, but these have rotted away.‎ B. descriptions of what important events happened in ancient times.‎ C. But there are some parts of the world where even now people can’t write.‎ D. legends handed down from one generation of story-tellers to another.‎ E. So scientists have neither history nor legends to help them to find out where the first “modern men” came from.‎ F. But there is some doubt who began to write.‎ G. The sagas of these people explain that some of them came from Indonesia about 2,000 years ago.‎ ‎1--5CDGEA ‎13.‎ If you do not use your arms or your legs for some time, they become weak; when you start using them again, they slowly become strong again. Everybody knows this, and nobody would think of questioning this fact. 1 When someone says that he has a good memory, he really means that he keeps his memory in practice by exercising it regularly, either consciously or unconsciously. When someone else says that his memory is poor, he really means that he does not give it enough opportunity to become strong. 2 One of them exercises his arms and legs by playing tennis, while the other sits in a chair or a motor car all day.‎ If a friend complains that his arms are weak, we know that it is his own fault. But if he tells us that he has a poor memory, many of us think that ‎ his parents are to blame, or that he is just unlucky, and few of us realize that it is just as much his own fault as if it was his arms or legs that were weak. 3 But all of us can, if we have ordinary bodies and brains, improve our strength and our memory by the same means — practice.‎ ‎ Have you ever noticed that people who cannot read or write usually have better memories than those who can? 4 It’s because those who cannot read or write have to remember things. They cannot write them down in a little notebook and they have to remember dates, time and prices, names, songs and stories, so their memory is being exercised the whole time 5 .‎ A. What do you think of it?‎ B. Yet many people do not seem to know that the memory works in the same way.‎ C. Not all of us can become extremely strong or extremely clever.‎ D. So if you want a good memory, practice remembering.‎ E. Someone else says that he is poor in health.‎ F. Why is this?‎ G. The position is exactly the same as that of two people.‎ ‎【答案】1-5 BGCFD ‎14.‎ This morning, I remembered a childhood memory. It made realize that some of the acts of kindness that we might do naturally might never be forgotten by the receivers. ‎ I was six years old. My foster mother(养母)was not the kind of person I ‎ would have chosen to stay with. 1 On the walk back home I was doing what any six year old would have been doing -- playing. Because of that I dropped the bag of flour and it burst open spilling(洒出)the flour all over the ground. 2 ‎ So I ran back to the store and asked the clerk if I could have an empty bag and a scoop(铲子)so I can gather up as much of the flour as possible. There was no way I was going home empty handed.‎ ‎ 3 There was no chance of saving it now! ‎ ‎ 4 He came over to me and asked what was wrong. I told him that I would probably get the beating of my life if I went back without the flour I had been sent for. He took me by the hand and led me back to the store where he bought me a new sack of flour-and some candy!‎ ‎ 5 ‎ I never told my foster mother about the kind gentleman but I’m twenty-three years old now and I still remember him and his kindness.‎ A.Then he wiped my tears and sent me on my way home.‎ B.The driver lent me some money for another bag of flour.‎ C.The driver saw the sadness on my face and pulled over.‎ D.One morning she sent me to the store for a bag of flour.‎ E.One morning she allowed me to play with the neighboring kids.‎ F.I knew that this meant I would be in big trouble when I got home.‎ G.Returning to the scene of the accident, to my horror, I saw a car drive ‎ right on top of the flour!‎ ‎1-5 DFGCA ‎15.‎ ‎ 【2012·石家庄质检】根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多 余选项。‎ What makes a good school?‎ ‎ I'm a parent of two elementary students.The experience that my children are going through now in the elementary school is so different from mine when I was at their age.What I think of a good school is communication between teachers.students and parents. 1 Parent-teaeher communication guarantees that a child is educated in the same way and in turn a child will build special bonds in communication between their teachers and parents.‎ ‎ 2 My children return home telling me that their teachers ignore their questions when they raise their hands and don’t talk much.On the other hand,I feel the same when I write notes to school. 3 This is telling me there is a lack in communication from the school teachers nowadays as their life is so overwhelmed by the over-crowded schools we have in the US.‎ ‎ However.choosing a career in education is not just for a good job.A ‎ teacher should really have heart in touching every child’s life. 4 Even now,I still remember all my elementary school teachers’names. 5 The answer lies in the fact that they spent every minute of their precious time helping me and answering all my questions with patience.When you have teachers who are willing to spend time for any child and communicate with parents,it is what I consider a GREAT school for a child to attend,not just GOOD.‎ ‎ A.I don’t get any response from the teachers to my questions,not even a one-word response.‎ ‎ B.There are different ways of communication, according to different cultures.‎ ‎ C.Why is that?‎ ‎ D.Strong communication is very important to a child’s education.‎ ‎ E.I feel that schools nowadays don’t communicate with parents enough and neither is involvement.‎ ‎ F.My elementary school teachers all touched my life.‎ ‎ G.What do you think of it?‎ ‎1—5 DEAFC ‎16.‎ ‎【2012·开封二模】‎ DBCAF ‎ ‎17.‎ ‎ 1 ‎ Today,kids have more worries and face more pressures than ever before.Here are a few tips to help your child focus on and do well in school.‎ ‎●Create a personal schedule ‎ Recording everything that must be done on a calendar or “to do” list will help him to keep track of important dates and deadlines.If he keeps it in a visible place he will have no problem acknowledging upcoming events and will be better able to plan how and where to spend his time.‎ ‎●Watch the clock ‎ ‎ 2  I also recommend setting his clock or watch five minutes ahead since it's always easy to run late.When it comes to something like catching a bus,just five minutes can make a significant difference.‎ ‎●Focus He should train himself to be able to concentrate alone on one specific task.This is much easier in a noisefree environment.No TV or radio should be on to distract him.‎ ‎● 3 ‎ Lack of sleep is proven to harm us physically.The more sleep we get,the more alert we are.We thus have more energy to handle life's daily tasks.The average adult needs at least six hours of sleep a night and the average child needs at least eight.‎ ‎●Stay in shape ‎ Through spending time outdoors or playing sports with friends,he can “blow off some steam” so to speak,as well as reenergize. 4 ‎ ‎●Talk through your problems ‎ Be able to share his concerns with you.  5  If you make it clear that you understand him and are willing to help,not only will you contribute to his emotional health but you'll help build an open and honest relationship as well.‎ A.Sharing feelings often makes them easier to deal with.‎ B.Help your child work better to realize his aim.‎ C.Setting an alarm for the morning is a must.‎ D.Get enough sleep.‎ E.Help your child do better in school.‎ F.Encourage your child to be positive.‎ G.Encourage him to get outside.‎ 本文主要就孩子如何在学校如何能够集中注意力并觉得更好,给出了自己的建议。‎ ‎1.E主题型。在本文的第二句“Here are a few tips to help your child focus on and do well in ‎ school.”点明了此题的主题,故E项用在空白处作题目为最佳选项。‎ ‎2.C承上启下型。由设空处前面的标题以及后面提到设闹钟的有关事项,故选C项。‎ ‎3.D主题型。由后文提到的睡眠的有关信息,可知空白处应选D项。‎ ‎4.G承上启下型。设空所在段主要讲述了要保持身体,多去外面锻炼,故选G项。‎ ‎5.A承上启下型。与前句相衔接,分享你的担心,分享情感,故选A项。‎ ‎18.‎ ‎【许昌新乡平顶山2012年高三一调】It takes just a quick look,maybe three seconds,for someone to value you when you meet for the first time.In this short time,the other person forms an opinion about you based on your appearance,your body language and how you are dressed.‎ ‎1.____________.This article provides some useful tips to help you.‎ Be on time PIan to arrive a few minutes early.And allow some room for possible delays in traffic or taking a wrong turn.2.____________.‎ Be at ease If you are feeling uncomfortable,this can make the other person ill at ease and that’s a sure way to create a wrong impression.If you are calm and confident,the other person will feel more at ease!‎ Present yourself appropriately ‎3.____________.The person you are meeting for the first time does not know you and your appearance is usually the first clue he or she has.But it certainly does not mean you look like a model.‎ A winning smile ‎“Smile and the world smiles,too.”A warm and confident smile will put both you and the other person at ease.So smiling is a winner when it comes to a great first impression.‎ Be open and confident Body language as well as appearance speaks much louder than words.4._____________.‎ Stand tall,smile,make eye contact,and greet with a firm handshake.‎ Be positive and polite ‎5.____________.Good manners and polite behavior help make a good first impression.One modern manner worth mentioning is to“turn off your mobile phone”.‎ With a little extra thought and preparation,you can make every first impression not just good but great.‎ A.Use body language to show your confidence.‎ B.On the contrary,bad manners and uneasy behavior can make a wrong first impression born.‎ C.Arriving early is the first step in creating a good impression.‎ D.Present a positive attitude,even in the face of criticism(责备)or in the case of nervousness.‎ E.It’s important to know how to create a good first impression。‎ F.Of course the physical appearance matters.‎ G.Smiling is a univensal language in the world.‎ ‎ 1~5 ECFAD. ‎ ‎19.‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ About 2 months ago I realized how often my mother's caregiver(看护者)would do kind things for me. 1 She always does things which touch me so mush, like picking oranges and juicing them, making my bed for me when my muscles are so tight I can’t bend over easily, clearing the leaves and weeding the front yard..... those kinds of things.‎ ‎ 2 But I decided to help her, since she is paid a set wage by the agency we went through, and has a large family to raise. I would put a dollar in a decorative box every time I see one of those kinds of things that she has done for me.‎ I have already changed out 20 single dollar bills for a $20 bill ‎ TWICE and have probably about $‎70 in there. 3 When the time comes (and it will, probably this year) when we can no longer afford a caregiver for my mother, I will have a box of money that will say thank you in a clear way.‎ ‎ 4 She is our own precious angel. And while I know she does these things out of kindness and love for us, it will be my chance to do something out of love and kindness for her. Because it is just a dollar every now and then, it is hardly missed. But in 6 months, or however long it is before the money runs out, it will have grown to quite a bundle of love.‎ I don’t want the day to come when she will no longer be with us. The reason is that I will miss her presence terribly. 5 ‎ A.However, I can hardly wait to give box of money to her!‎ B.Not just little things, but only things. ‎ C.It is just like all the bundles of things she has done for me.‎ D.We’ve had her for 2.5 years, and she's like family to us.‎ E.I always thank her, and she says she enjoys it.‎ F.That’s my own “thank you for your many kindnesses” box.‎ G.It hopefully will help to tide her over until she gets a new job.‎ ‎1-5 BEFDA ‎20.‎ ‎【2012·顺义素质展示】‎ The hardest language People often ask which is the most difficult language to learn, and it is not easy to answer because there are many factors to take into consideration. Firstly, in a first language the differences are unimportant as people learn their mother tongue naturally. 1 ‎ A native speaker of Spanish, for example, will find Portuguese much easier to learn than a native speaker of Chinese, for example, because Portuguese is very similar to Spanish, while Chinese is very different. 2 The greater the differences between the second language and our first, the harder it will be for most people to learn.‎ ‎ 3 Teachers and the circumstances in which the language is learned also play an important role, as well as each learner’s motivation for learning. If people learn a language because they need to use it professionally, they often learn it faster than people studying a language that has no direct use in their day to day life.‎ Apparently, British diplomats and other embassy staff have found that the second hardest language is Japanese, which will probably come as no surprise to many, but the language that they have found to be the most problematic is Hungarian, which has 35 forms of a nouns according to whether it is subject, object, etc.‎ ‎ ‎4 In the case of Hungarian for British learners, it is not a question ‎ of the writing system, which uses a similar alphabet, but the grammatical complexity, though native speakers of related languages may find it easier, while struggling with languages that the British find relatively easy.‎ No language is easy to learn well, though languages which are related to our first language are easier. Learning a completely different writing system is a huge challenge, but that does not necessarily make a language more difficult than another. 5 ‎ A. In this case, first language can affect learning a second language.‎ B. Therefore, it is difficult to gain a good knowledge of every language.‎ C. Some people seem to learn languages readily, while others find it very difficult.‎ D. This does not mean that Hungarian is the hardest language to learn for everyone.‎ E. Individuals from different cultures will find different languages more difficult.‎ F. It is impossible to say that there is one language that is the most difficult language in the world.‎ G. So the question of how hard a language is to learn is only relevant when learning a second language.‎ ‎【答案与解析】世界上哪门语言最难?其实,学习任何一门外语都是巨大的挑战。事物都是相对的,没有哪门语言最难学。‎ ‎1.G根据前一句的内容可知学习一门语言的困难问题只是相对于学习第二语言而言的。‎ ‎2.A本段前半部分提到西班牙人觉得学习葡萄牙语比中国人学习葡萄牙语更加容易,因为葡萄牙语和西班牙语相似,而汉语则大不相同。由此可知在这种情况下,第一语言会影响第二语言的学习。‎ ‎3.C本段阐述的是影响语言学习以及学习进度的因素,说明为什么学习语言时有的人觉得容易,而有的人觉得很难。‎ ‎4.E本段中提到英国人学习匈牙利语时的难度不在于书写而在于复杂的语法;而说匈牙利语本族语的人可能觉得语法更加容易,却在艰难地学习英国人认为相对容易的语言。由此可知来自不同文化背景的人会发现学习不同的语言更加有难度。‎ ‎5.F本段中提到没有一门语言很容易就可以把它学好,学习一门书写完全不同的语言是一个巨大的挑战,但这并不意味着这门语言比另外一门语言更加难学,所以没有哪一门语言是世界上最难的语言,由此可判断F项符合此处语境。‎

