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高考英语单句作文 单句练习(一) 1.昨天天气很好.Yesterday it _______ fine.2. 我独自去划船. I _____ ______ by myself. 3. 我没带朋友因为我想单独一个人. I didn’t ______ friends with me because I wanted to be _______. 4. 我租了一条船并向湖中心划去.I ______ a boat and ______ to the center of ______. 5. 清新的风吹着.Fresh wind was _______.6. 鱼在游泳.鸟在唱歌. Fish _____ ________. Birds were ________.7. 我感到极为放松. I felt extremely _________. 8. 两个小时很快过去了.Two hours _______ quickly.9. 我很晚回到家. I _____ ____ very late. 10. 但我一点也不感到累. But I didn’t feel tired ______ ______. 11. 我玩得很愉快.I have really _____ ______ ______ _______. 单句练习 (二) 1. 星期五的早晨,Xiao Hua 和往常一样上学。___________, Xiao Hua went to school as usual. 2. 他正在路上走着, 这时他看到一个井没盖上.He was walking along the road _______ he saw a well _______.3. 他想这对于行人很危险. He thought it was _______________________. 4. 因此他决定把井盖好. So he decided ____________________. 5. 井盖太重了以至于他费了很大麻烦才移动。The cover was so heavy that he ______________. 6. 终于他把井盖好了.At last, he ________________. 7. 他刚一转身就听到井里的求救声。 Hardly had he __________ when he heard ________________coming from the well. 8. 因此他转身把井盖移走.So he ___________ to move the cover away. 9. 令他吃惊的是一个工人在井里._____________, a worker was inside the well. 10. Xiao Hua 尽力把工人从井里拉上来.Xiao Hua tried his best to ______________________. 11. 然后, 他把井盖好。Afterwards he _______________ properly. 单句练习(三)你被抢过包吗?你看过别人被抢吗?下面的描述你应该比较熟悉。 1. 上个周日我妈妈在回家的路上被劫了。________ my mother __________ on her way home. 2. 当时她身上带着从银行取的钱正骑在自行车上。 She was then _________ on her bike with the money which _______________________. 3. 突然,一个在黑色摩托车上的男人靠近, 抓住她的包, 然后骑走了. Suddenly a man __________ came near, ____________ her handbag and ______________. 4. 妈妈喊求救,但是周围每人。My mother ___________, but there was __________________. 5. 她马上去了最近的警察局,报了案.She _______________ at once and reported the robbery. 单句练习(四) 1. 中国的大多数家庭希望他们的独生子将有一个快乐的将来. Most families in China hope their ________________ will _____________________. 2. 因此,他们对他们的孩子非常严格.So they ____________________ their children. 3. 学校的老师也这样.________________ in school. 4. 很多孩子被给如此多的作业以致于他们没有业余时间来运动. Many children are given so much homework ______ they have no time ___________. 5. 孩子们被禁止做除了学习的任何事情.The children ____________________ but study. 6. 难怪很多孩子厌倦了学习.________ many children _______________ study. 7. 一些甚至攻击或杀害他们的父母和老师. Some even ____________ or ______________ their parents and teachers. 8. 我相信很多人已经在报纸上读到这种新闻. I believe many people ________ already __________ this kind of news ____________________. 9. 我们不该从这些意外事故中吸取教训吗? Shouldn’t we ______________________ from these accidents? 10. 现在我们的政府正在开展计划去解决教育问题. Now our government ___________________________ to solve ________________. 单句练习(五) 1. Tom 和他的妈妈去度暑假。Tom and his mother __________________________ . 2. 他们在沙滩玩得很愉快并且比预想呆得时间长. They had a wonderful day _______________ and stayed longer than ___________________ . 3. 他们很晚开车回家,这时一场暴风雨发生了。 They were driving home very late at night _________________________________ . 4. Tom 的妈妈几乎不能看到路.Tom’s mother could ______________________. 5. 突然, 他们看到一个房子有一个牌子写着 Welcome Inn. Suddenly they saw a house with a sign ________________________. 6. Tom’s 妈妈想这是一个好主意, 在这停留一夜明早在回家. Tom’s mother thought it would be a good idea to ______________________ the next morning. 7. 他们把车停下来,赶快过去敲门. They ____________ and hurried to ________________. 8. 主人热情地欢迎我们.我们感到非常高兴. The owner ____________________. We ____________________. 单句作文(六)This is a return letter. (注意时态) 1. 我写信来感谢你们的热情.I am writing to thank you for _____________________ . 2. 我经历了一个好的飞机旅行回到了家.I had a good __________________ . 3. 我的父母和姐姐正等在飞机场来迎接我. My parents and sisters _________________________________________. 4. 有如此多的消息要告诉他们以至于我们熬夜谈到了午夜。 There was ___________ news to tell them that we __________________ till the midnight. 5. 他们饶有兴趣地看了照片, 尤其是你和你的家人的. They were interested ____________________, especially the ones of you and your family. 6. 在和你们呆在一起时,我学了很多英语. I learned a lot of English while ______________. 7. 我计划经常给你们写信作为一种练习英语写作的方式. I am planning to ____________________ as a way of practicing ________________. 8. 如果你能更正我的错误, 那将是非常有帮助的. (委婉的口气) It would be very helpful if you __________________________. 9. 但是我确实希望你明年来看我们.But I ___________ you will ________________ next year. 10.我肯定我们总能相处得很好.I’m sure we can always ____________________. 11. 盼望着你的好消息._____________________________________ . 单句作文(七) This is about ten-minute break. 1. 作为学生,我们从早晨很早到下午的晚些时候都在上课. As students, we _________________ from early morning till late afternoon. 2. 因此, 在课间休息十分钟很重要和必要. Therefore , ___________________________ is very important and necessary. 3. 否则, 我们可能会感到身体和精神上的疲惫.Otherwise we may _______________________. 4. 在课间十分钟期间, 我们做些事来消除疲劳. During the ten-minute break, we do something to _________________________ . 5. 通常我做些简单的锻炼.Usually I do some _______________________. 6. 有时我和同学聊聊天或出去走走. Sometimes I _______________________ or ___________________________. 7. 当新课开始时, 我又感到有精神了.When a new class begins, I ____________________. 单句作文(八)绿色 1. Jack 和John 是同学.Jack and John _______________________. 2. 他们都非常喜欢电脑. They _____________________. 3. 放学后, Jack 总是在电脑上写文章和查有用的信息. After school, Jack always ______________ and ____________in the computer. 4. 因此他的学习有很大进步.So he _________________________________. 5.然而, John把大多数的业余时间花费在玩电脑游戏上. ______ , John spends most of his ____________ in ____________________. 6.有时他甚至忘了做作业.Sometimes he ________________________________. 7.电脑是好还是坏?Is computer ____________________ ? 8.要取决于我们怎样用它? It ______________ how we use it. 9.作为一个中学生, 玩电脑游戏太多是一种时间的浪费. As a middle student, playing computer games too much is ___________________________ . 10.并且它对我们的健康有害.And it ________________________________. 11.我们应该试图通过电脑学些我们从学校所学不到的. We should try to learn ____________________________ by computer. 12.只有以这种方式电脑才能真正帮助我们.Only in this way _______________________. 单句作文(九) Christmas Day 1. 圣诞在西方是一个重要的节日.Christmas is an important __________________________ . 2. 在这一天, 多数家庭聚在一起吃顿大餐. _____________, most families _______________ for a big dinner. 3. 他们交换礼物并拜访朋友.They ____________________ and _____________________. 4. 圣诞树是圣诞节的一个重要部分. The Christmas tree is ________________________ of the Christmas holiday. 5. 大多数家庭通常买一个圣诞树.Most families usually _______________________________ . 6. 孩子们相信圣诞老人是一个穿着红衣服留着白胡子的老人. Children believe that Santa Clause is a an old man ________________________________. 7. 父母总是告诉他们的孩子圣诞老人将给所有的好孩子带来礼物. Parents always tell their children that Santa Claus _______________________________. 8. 他坐着雪橇来并且从烟囱里下来,然后把礼物放入孩子们的袜子. He travels _____ and comes down from _________, then puts the presents into ______________. 单句作文(十)1. 五月的一天早晨, 我和一位朋友乘火车去长城。 __________________, my friend and I went to the Great Wall by train. 2. 两个半小时后, 我们到达长城。_________ two and a half hours to get there. 3. 当我们到那儿,长城上已挤满很多人,有很多外国人。 When we ________, it ____ already ___________ people. There were a lot of foreign visitors, too. 4. 长城很壮观, 有两千多年的历史, 是世界上最长的城墙。 The Great Wall is ________. It has _________ over twenty centuries. It is _________ in the world. 5. 许多人拍照,我们也拍了照。Many people _____________ there, and so _________. 6. 我们在长城参观一整天。We spent ___________________ it. 7. 那天我们过得很快乐。We really _________________ that day. 单句作文(十一) 1. 今天早上我去书店买书。_________ I went to the bookstore ___________. 2. 在那儿, 看见一位外国妇女和售货员讲些什。 When I got there, I saw a foreign lady ___________________ 3. 但售货员听不懂。But the salesgirl did not understand ______________________. 4. 我走了过去,认出她是格林小姐。I __________ them and ________ that she was Miss Green. 5. 她是美国人曾到我们学校参观过。She is an American. She _________________ our school. 6. 她告诉我她想买一本汉语字典。She told me that she ______________ a Chinese dictionary. 7. 我告诉了售货员。So I told the salesgirl ______ the foreign lady wanted. 8. 他买到了这本字典很高兴。She was very ______ when she _______________. 9. 她和售货员都很感谢我。_____________________ thanked me a lot. 单句练习(一)Answers: 1. Was 2. went boating 3. take ; alone 4. hired/rented; rowed; lake 5. blowing 6. were swimming; singing7. relaxed8. passed/went by9. got home10. at all11. had a good time 单句练习 (二)Answers:1. on the morning of Friday / on Friday morning2. when, uncovered 3. very dangerous for passers-by4. to cover the well5. took great trouble to remove it 6. managed to cover the well 7. turned his back, a cry for help8. turned his back 9. to his surprise10. pull the worker out of the well11. covered the well 单句练习(三)Answers:1. Last Sunday , was robbed2. riding, she took from the book 3. on a black motorbike, grabbed, rode away4. cried for help, nobody around 5. went to nearest police station 单句练习(四)Answers:1. their single /only child ; have a happy future 2. are very strict with 3. So are teachers4. that ; to do/ have sports/ exercise 5. are forbidden to do anything6. No wonder ; are tired of 7. attack ; kill 8. have ; read ; in the newspapers9. draw a lesson/ lessons 10. is carrying out /developing a plan ; education problems 单句练习(五)Answers: 1. went on their summer vacation/holiday. 2. at the beach ; they had expected3. when a heavy storm broke out4. hardly see the roads 5. reading / saying Welcome Inn6. stop for the night and go home 7. parked their car ; knock at the door8. warmly welcomed us ; felt very happy. 单句作文(六)Answers:1. your great hospitality2. flight home 3. were waiting at the airport to meet me4. so much news ; stayed up talking 5. to see the photographs ; 6. staying with you7. write to you often ; writing English 8. could correct my mistakes9. do hope ; visit us10. get along well with each other 11. I am looking forward to your good news 单句作文(七)Answers:1. have / take classes2. to take a ten-minute break / taking a ten-minute break3. feel physically and mentally tired4. get rid of tiredness5. simply exercise 6. have a free talk with my classmates / chat with my classmates ; go out for a walk / have a walk 7. feel fresh again 单句作文(八)绿色Answers:1. are classmates2. both like computer very much 3. writes articles ; looks up useful information4. makes great progress in his study 5. However ; most his spare time ; playing computer games6. even forgets to do his homework 7. good or bad8. depends on 9. a waste of time10. does harm to our health 11. what we can learn from school12. can computer really help us 单句作文(九) Christmas DayAnswers:1. holiday in the west / in the western countries 2. On this day ; get together3. exchange presents ; visit friends4. an important part 5. buy a Christmas tree6. wearing a red coat with a white beard 7. will bring presents to all good children8. in a sleigh ; the chimney ; the socks of the children 单句作文(十)Answers:1. One morning in May2. it took us3. got there; was crowded with 4. wonderful; a history of; the longest wall5. took photos; did we6. a whole day visiting 7. had a good time (十一)answers:1. this morning; to buy some books2. talking to a salesgirl 3. what the lady was saying4. went up to; recognized 5. once paid a visit to 6. wanted to buy 7. what8. glad; got the dictionary9. both she and the salesgirl 查看更多