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英 语 考试形式与试卷结构 同往年 考核目标与要求 一、语言知识 要求考生了解和掌握《普通高中英语课程标准(实验)》附录中所列出的各项内容,包括语音项目、语法项目、功能意念项目、话题项目和词汇(见附录 1 至附录 5)。 二、语言运用 (一)听力 听力是使用外语与人直接交流时必不可少的一种语言能力。该部分要求考生听懂熟悉的有关日常生活话题的简短对话和独白。考生应能: (1)理解主旨要义; (2)获取事实性的具体信息; (3)对所听内容作出简单推断; (4)理解说话者的意图、观点和态度。 (二)阅读理解 阅读是我国考生学习和使用外语的最主要途径,因此,阅读理解在试卷中占权重较大。该部分要求考生读懂熟悉的有关日常生活话题的简短文字材料,例如公告、说明、广告以及书、报、杂志中关于一般性话题的简短文章。考生应能: 1. 理解主旨要义; 2. 理解文中具体信息; 3. 根据上下文推断单词和短语的含义; 4. 根据所读内容做出判断和推理; 5. 理解文章的基本结构; 6. 理解作者的意图、观点和态度。 (三)写作 写作是语言运用能力的重要表现形式。该部分要求考生根据题示进行书面表达。考生应能: 1. 准确使用语法和词汇; 2. 使用一定的句型、词汇,清楚、连贯地表达自己的意思。 附录 1 语音项目表 1. 基本读音 (1) 26 个字母的读音 (2) 元音字母在重读音节中的读音 (3) 元音字母在轻读音节中的读音 (4) 元音字母组合在重读音节中的读音 (5) 常见的元音字母组合在轻读音节中的读音 (6) 辅音字母组合的读音 (7) 辅音连缀的读音 (8) 成节音的读音 2. 重音 (1) 单词重音 (2) 句子重音 3. 读音的变化 (1) 连读 (2) 失去爆破 (3) 弱读 (4) 同化 4. 语调与节奏 (1) 意群与停顿 (2) 语调 (3) 节奏 5. 语音、语调、重音、节奏等在口语交流中的运用 6. 朗诵和演讲中的语音技巧 7. 主要英语国家的英语语音差异 附录 2 语法项目表 1. 名词 (1) 可数名词及其单复数 (2) 不可数名词 (3) 专有名词 (4) 名词所有格 2. 代词 (1) 人称代词 (2) 物主代词 (3) 反身代词 (4) 指示代词 (5) 不定代词 (6) 疑问代词 3. 数词 (1) 基数词 (2) 序数词 4. 介词和介词短语 5. 连词 6. 形容词(比较级和最高级) 7. 副词(比较级和最高级) 8. 冠词 9. 动词 (1) 动词的基本形式 (2) 系动词 (3) 及物动词和不及物动词 (4) 助动词 (5) 情态动词 10. 时态 (1) 一般现在时 (2) 一般过去时 (3) 一般将来时 (4) 现在进行时 (5) 过去进行时 (6) 过去将来时 (7) 将来进行时 (8) 现在完成时 (9) 过去完成时 (10) 现在完成进行时 11. 被动语态 12. 非谓语动词 (1) 动词不定式 (2) 动词的-ing 形式 (1) 动词的-ed 形式 13. 构词法 (1) 合成法 (2) 派生法 (3) 转化法 (4) 缩写和简写 14. 句子种类 (1) 陈述句 (2) 疑问句 (3) 祈使句 (4) 感叹句 15. 句子成分 (1) 主语 (2) 谓语 (3) 表语 (4) 宾语 (5) 定语 (6) 状语 (7) 补语 16. 简单句的基本句型 17. 主谓一致 18. 并列复合句 19. 主从复合句 (1) 宾语从句 (2) 状语从句 (3) 定语从句 (4) 主语从句 (5) 表语从句 20. 间接引语 21. 省略 22. 倒装 23. 强调 24. 虚拟语气 附录 3 功能意念项目表 1. 社会交往 (Social Communications) (1) 问候 (Greetings) (2) 介绍 (Introduction) (3) 告别 (Farewells ) (4) 感谢 (Thanks ) (5) 道歉 (Apologies) (6) 邀请 (Invitation) (7) 请求允许 (Asking for permission) (8) 祝愿和祝贺 (Expressing wishes and congratulations) (9) 提供帮助 (Offering help) (10) 接受和拒绝 (Acceptance and refusal) (11) 约会 (Making appointments) (12) 打电话 (Making telephone calls) (13) 就餐 (Having meals) (14) 就医 (Seeing the doctor) (15) 购物 (Shopping) (16) 问路 (Asking the way) (17) 谈论天气 (Talking about weather) (18) 语言交际困难 (Language difficulties in communication) (19) 提醒注意 (Reminding) (20) 警告和禁止 (Warning and prohibition) (21) 劝告 (Advice) (22) 建议 (Suggestions) 1. 态度 (Attitudes) (23) 同意和不同意 (Agreement and disagreement) (24) 喜欢和不喜欢 (Likes and dislikes) (25) 肯定和不肯定 (Certainty and uncertainty) (26) 可能和不可能 (Possibility and impossibility) (27) 能够和不能够 (Ability and inability) (28) 偏爱和优先选择 (Preference) (29) 意愿和打算 (Intentions and plans) (30) 希望和愿望 (Hopes and wishes) (31) 表扬和鼓励 (Praise and encouragement) (32) 责备和抱怨 (Blame and complaint) (33) 冷淡 (Indifference) (34) 判断与评价 (Judgement and evaluation) 3. 情感 (Emotions) (35) 高兴 (Happiness) (36) 惊奇 (Surprise) (37) 忧虑 (Worries) (38) 安慰 (Reassurance) (39) 满意 (Satisfaction) (40) 遗憾 (Regret) (41) 同情 (Sympathy) (42) 恐惧 (Fear) (43) 愤怒 (Anger) 4. 时间 (Time) (44) 时刻 (Point of time) (45) 时段 (Duration) (46) 频度 (Frequency) (47) 时序 (Sequence) 5. 空间 (Space) (48) 位置 (Position) (49) 方向 (Direction) (50) 距离 (Distance) 6. 存在 (Existence) (51) 存在与不存在 (Existence and Non-existence) 7. 特征 (Features) (52) 形状 (Shape) (53) 颜色 (Colour) (54) 材料 (Material) (55) 价格 (Price) (56) 规格 (Size) (57) 年龄 (Age) 8. 计量 (Measurement) (58) 长度 (Length) (59) 宽度 (Width) (60) 高度 (Height) (61) 数量 (Number) 9. 比较 (Comparison) (62) 同级比较 (Equal comparison) (58) 差别比较 (Comparative and superlative) (59) 相似和差别 (Similarity and difference) 10. 逻辑关系 (Logical relations) (60) 原因和结果 (Cause and effect) (61) 目的 (Purpose) 11. 职业 (Occupations) (67) 工作 (Jobs) (68) 单位 (Employer) 附录 4 话题项目表 1. 个人情况 (Personal information) 2. 家庭、朋友与周围的人 (Family, friends and people around) 3. 周围的环境 (Personal environments) 4. 日常活动 (Daily routines) 5. 学校生活 (School life) 6. 兴趣与爱好 (Interests and hobbies) 7. 个人感情 (Emotions) 8. 人际关系 (Interpersonal relationships) 9. 计划与愿望 (Plans and intentions) 10. 节假日活动 (Festivals, holidays and celebrations) 11. 购物 (Shopping) 12. 饮食 (Food and drink) 13. 健康 (Health) 14. 天气 (Weather) 15. 文娱与体育 (Entertainment and sports) 16. 旅游和交通 (Travel and transport) 17. 语言学习 (Language learning) 18. 自然 (Nature) 19. 世界与环境 (The world and the environment) 20. 科普知识与现代技术 (Popular science and modern technology) 21. 热点话题 (Topical issues) 22. 历史与地理 (History and geography) 23. 社会 (Society) 24. 文学与艺术 (Literature and art) 附录 5 词汇表 A a(an) art abandon v ability n able a abnormal a aboard prep abolish v abortion n about ad & prep above prep,a & ad abroad ad abrupt a absence n absent a absolute a absorb v abstract a & n absurd a abundant a abuse v academic a & n academy n accelerate v accent n accept v access n & v accessible a accident n accommodation n accompany v accomplish v account n accountant n accumulate v accuracy n accurate a accuse v accustomed a ache v & n achieve v achievement n acid a acknowledge v acquaintance n acquire v acquisition n acre n across prep act n & v action n active a activity n actor n actress n actual a acute a AD abbr ad=advertisement n adapt v adaptation n add v addicted a addition n address n adequate a adjust v adjustment n administration n admirable a admire v admission n admit v adolescence n adolescent a & n adopt v adore v adult n advance v & n advantage n adventure n advertise v advertisement n advice n advise v advocate v affair n affect v affection n afford v afraid a Africa n African a & n after ad,prep & conj afternoon n afterward(s) ad again ad against prep age n agency n agenda n agent n aggressive a ago ad agree v agreement n agricultural a agriculture n ahead ad aid n & v AIDS n aim n & v air n aircraft n airline n airmail n airplane n airport n airspace n alarm n & v album n alcohol n alcoholic a & n algebra n alike ad alive a all ad,a & pron allergic a alley n allocate v allow v allowance n almost ad alone a along ad & prep alongside ad aloud ad alphabet n already ad also ad alternative a although conj altitude n altogether ad aluminium (Am aluminum) n always ad am v(be) a.m./am,A.M./AM abbr amateur a amaze v amazing a ambassador n ambassadress n ambiguous a ambition n ambulance n America n among prep amount n & v ample a amuse v amusement n analyse v analysis n ancestor n anchor v & n ancient a and conj anecdote n anger n angle n angry a animal n ankle n anniversary n announce v annoy v annual a another a & pron answer n & v ant n Antarctic a antique n anxiety n anxious a any pron & a anybody pron anyhow ad anyone pron anything pron anyway ad anywhere ad apart ad & a apartment n apologize v apology n apparent a appeal v & n appear v appearance n appendix n appetite n applaud v & n apple n applicant n application n apply v appoint v appointment n appreciate v appreciation n approach n & v appropriate a approval n approve v approximately ad apron n arbitrary a arch n architect n architecture n Arctic a are v(be) area n argue v argument n arise(arose,arisen) v arithmetic n arm n & v armchair n army n around ad & prep arrange v arrangement n arrest v arrival n arrive v arrow n art n article n artificial a artist n as ad,conj & prep ash n ashamed a Asia n Asian a & n aside ad ask v asleep a aspect n assess v assessment n assist v assistance n assistant n associate v association n assume v assumption n astonish v astronaut n astronomer n astronomy n at prep athlete n athletic a Atlantic a atmosphere n atom n attach v attack v & n attain v attempt v & n attend v attention n attitude n attract v attraction n attractive a audience n aunt n authentic a author n authority n automatic a autonomous a autumn n available a avenue n average a & n avoid v awake(awoke,awoken) v & a award n aware a away ad awesome a awful a awkward a B baby n bachelor n back ad,a & n background n backward(s) ad bacon n bacterium(pl bacteria) n bad(worse,worst) a badminton n bag n baggage n bakery n balance n balcony n ball n ballet n balloon n bamboo n ban n & v banana n band n bandage n bank n bar n barbecue n barber n barbershop n bare a bargain n & v bark v & n barrier n base n baseball n basement n basic a basin n basis n basket n basketball n bat n bath n bathe v bathroom n bathtub n battery n battle n bay n BC abbr be(am,is,are,was, were,being,been) v beach n bean n bean curd n bear1 n bear2 v beard n beast n beat(beat,beaten) v & n beautiful a beauty n because conj become(became,become) v bed n beddings n bedroom n bee n beef n beer n before prep,ad&conj beg v begin(began,begun) v behalf n behave v behaviour(Am behavior) n behind prep & ad being n belief n believe v bell n belly n belong v below prep belt n bench n bend(bent,bent) v beneath prep beneficial a benefit n & v bent a & n beside prep besides prep & ad betray v between prep beyond prep bicycle n bid v & n big a bike=bicycle n bill n bingo n biochemistry n biography n biology n bird n birth n birthday n birthplace n biscuit n bishop n bit n bite(bit,bitten) v bitter a black a & n blackboard n blame n & v blank n & a blanket n bleed v bless v blind a block n & v blood n blouse n blow(blew,blown) v blue n & a board n & v boat n body n boil v bomb n & v bond n & v bone n bonus n book n & v boom n & v boot n booth n border n bored a boring a born a borrow v boss n botanical a botany n both a & pron bother v bottle n bottom n bounce v bound a boundary n bow v & n bowl n bowling n box n boxing n boy n boycott v brain n brake n & v branch n brand n brave a bravery n bread n break(broke,broken) v & n breakfast n breakthrough n breast n breath n breathe v breathless a brewery n brick n bride n bridegroom n bridge n brief a bright a brilliant a bring(brought,brought) v broad a broadcast(broadcast, broadcast 或-ed,-ed) v brochure n broken a broom n brother n brown n & a brunch n brush v & n Buddhism n budget n buffet n build(built,built) v building n bunch n bungalow n burden n bureaucratic a burglar n burn(burnt,burnt 或-ed,-ed) v & n burst v bury v bus n bush n business n businessman/woman (pl businessmen/ women) n busy a but conj & prep butcher n & v butter n butterfly n button n & v buy(bought,bought) v by prep bye int C cab n cabbage n cafe n cafeteria n cage n cake n calculate v call n & v calm a & v camel n camera n camp n & v campaign n can1(could); can’t=cannot modal v can2 n canal n cancel v cancer n candidate n candle n candy n canteen n cap n capital n capsule n captain n caption n car n carbon n card n care n & v careful a careless a carpenter n carpet n carriage n carrier n carrot n carry v cartoon n carve v case n cash n & v cassette n cast(cast,cast) v castle n casual a cat n catalogue n catastrophe n catch(caught,caught) v category n cater v Catholic a cattle n cause n & v caution n cautious a cave n CD=compact disk n ceiling n celebrate v celebration n cell n cent n centigrade a centimetre (Am centimeter) n central a centre(Am center) n century n ceremony n certain a certificate n chain n chair n chairman/woman (pl chairmen/women) n chalk n challenge n challenging a champion n chance n change n & v changeable a channel n chant v & n chaos n chapter n character n characteristic a & n charge v & n chart n chat n & v cheap a cheat n & v check n & v cheek n cheer n & v cheerful a cheers int cheese n chef n chemical a & n chemist n chemistry n cheque(Am check) n chess n chest n chew v chicken n chief a & n child(pl children) n childhood n chocolate n choice n choir n choke n & v choose(chose,chosen) v chopsticks n chorus n Christian n Christmas n church n cigar n cigarette n cinema n circle n & v circuit n circulate v circumstance n circus n citizen n city n civil a civilian n civilization n clap v clarify v class n classic a classify v classmate n classroom n claw n clay n clean v & a cleaner n clear a clerk n clever a click v climate n climb v clinic n clock n clone v close a & ad cloth n clothes n clothing n cloud n cloudy a club n clumsy a coach n coal n coast n coat n cocoa n coffee n coin n coincidence n coke n cold a & n collar n colleague n collect v collection n college n collision n colour(Am color) n & v comb n & v combine v come(came,come) v comedy n comfort n comfortable a command n & v comment n commercial a commit v commitment n committee n common a communicate v communication n communism n communist n & a companion n company n compare v compass n compensate v compete v competence n competition n complete a & v complex a & n component n composition n comprehension n compromise v compulsory a computer n concentrate v concept n concern v & n concert n conclude v conclusion n concrete a condemn v condition n conduct v conductor n conference n confident a confidential a confirm v conflict n confuse v congratulate v congratulation n connect v connection n conscience n consensus n consequence n conservation n conservative a consider v considerate a consideration n consist v consistent a constant a constitution n construct v construction n consult v consultant n consume v contain v container n contemporary a content1 n content2 a continent n continue v contradict v contradictory a contrary n & a contribute v contribution n control v & n controversial a convenience n convenient a conventional a conversation n convey v convince v cook n & v cooker n cookie n cool a copy n & v corn n corner n corporation n correct v & a correction n correspond v corrupt a & v cost n & v cosy(Am cozy) a cottage n cotton n & a cough n & v could modal v count v counter n country n countryside n couple n courage n course n court n courtyard n cousin n cover n & v cow n crash v & n crayon n crazy a cream n create v creature n credit n crew n crime n criminal n criterion(pl criteria) n crop n cross n & v crossing n crossroads n crowd n & v cruel a cry n & v cube n cubic a cuisine n culture n cup n cupboard n cure n & v curious a currency n curriculum n curtain n cushion n custom n customer n customs n cut(cut,cut) v & n cycle v cyclist n D dad=daddy n daily a,ad & n dam n damage n & v damp a & n dance n & v danger n dangerous a dare v & modal v dark a & n darkness n dash v & n data n database n date n & v daughter n dawn n day n dead a deadline n deaf a deal n dear a death n debate n & v debt n decade n decide v decision n declare v decline v decorate v decoration n decrease v deed n deep a & ad deer n defeat v defence(Am defense) n defend v degree n delay n & v delete v & n deliberately ad delicate a delicious a delight n delighted a deliver v demand v dentist n department(Dept.) n departure n depend v deposit v & n depth n describe v description n desert v & n deserve v design v & n desire v & n desk n desperate a dessert n destination n destroy v detective n determine v develop v development n devote v devotion n diagram n dial v dialogue(Am dialog) n diamond n diary n dictation n dictionary n die v diet n differ v difference n different a difficult a difficulty n dig(dug,dug) v digest v digital a dignity n dilemma n dimension n dinner n dinosaur n dioxide n dip v diploma n direct a & v direction n director n directory n dirty a disability n disabled a disadvantage n disagree v disagreement n disappear v disappoint v disappointed a disaster n discount n discourage v discover v discovery n discrimination n discuss v discussion n disease n disgusting a dish n disk=disc n dislike v dismiss v distance n distant a distinction n distinguish v distribute v district n disturb v disturbing a dive v diverse a divide v division n divorce v dizzy a do(did,done) v doctor n document n dog n doll n dollar n donate v door n dormitory(dorm) n dot n double a & n doubt n & v down prep & ad download n & v downstairs ad downtown ad,n & a dozen n Dr=doctor n draft n & v drag v draw(drew,drawn) v drawback n drawer n dream(dreamt,dreamt 或-ed,-ed) n & v dress n & v drill n & v drink(drank,drunk) v drive(drove,driven) v driver n drop n & v drug n drum n drunk a dry v & a duck n due a dull a dumpling n during prep dusk n dust n dustbin n dusty a duty n DVD=digital versatile disk n dynamic a dynasty n E each a & pron eager a eagle n ear n early a & ad earn v earth n earthquake n east a,ad & n Easter n eastern a easy a eat(ate,eaten) v ecology n edge n edition n editor n educate v education n educator n effect n effort n egg n eggplant n either a,conj & ad elder n elect v electric a electrical a electricity n electronic a elegant a elephant n else ad e-mail n & v embarrass v embassy n emergency n emperor n employ v empty a encourage v encouragement n end n & v ending n endless a enemy n energetic a energy n engine n engineer n enjoy v enjoyable a enlarge v enough pron,a & ad enquiry n enter v enterprise n entertainment n enthusiastic a entire a entrance n entry n envelope n environment n envy v & n equal a & v equality n equip v equipment n eraser n error n erupt v escape n & v especially ad essay n Europe n European a & n evaluate v even ad evening n event n eventually ad ever ad every a everybody pron everyday a everyone pron everything pron everywhere ad evidence n evident a evolution n exact a exam=examination n examine v example n excellent a except prep exchange n & v excite v excuse n & v exercise n & v exhibition n exist v existence n exit n expand v expect v expectation n expense n expensive a experience n experiment n expert n explain v explanation n explicit a explode v explore v export n & v expose v express v & n expression n extension n extra a extraordinary a extreme a eye n eyesight n F face n & v facial a fact n factory n fade v fail v & n failure n fair1 a fair2 n faith n fall1(fell,fallen) v fall2(Am)=autumn n false a familiar a family n famous a fan n fancy n,v & a fantastic a fantasy n far(farther,farthest 或 further,furthest) a & ad fare n farm n farmer n fast a & ad fasten v fat n & a father n fault n favour(Am favor) n favourite(Am favorite) a & n fax n & v fear n feast n feather n federal a fee n feed(fed,fed) v feel(felt,felt) v feeling n fellow n female a & n fence n ferry n festival n & a fetch v fever n few pron & a fibre(Am fiber) n fiction n field n fierce a fight(fought,fought) n & v figure n & v file n fill v film n & v final a finance n find(found,found) v fine1 a fine2 v finger n fingernail n finish v & n fire n & v fireworks n firm1 n firm2 a fish n & v fisherman n fist n fit a & v fix v flag n flame n flash n flashlight n flat1 a flat2 n flee(fled,fled) v flesh n flexible a flight n float v flood n & v floor n flour n flow v flower n flu n fluency n fluent a fly1(flew,flown) v fly2 n focus v & n fog n foggy a fold v folk n & a follow v fond a food n fool n & v foolish a foot(pl feet) n football n for prep & conj forbid(forbade,forbidden) v force v forecast n & v forehead n foreign a foreigner n foresee(foresaw,foreseen) v forest n forever ad forget(forgot,forgot/forgotten) v forgetful a forgive(forgave,forgiven) v fork n form n & v format n former a fortnight n fortunate a fortune n forward ad foster v found v fountain n funeral n fox n fragile a fragrant a framework n franc n free a freedom n freeway n freeze(froze,frozen) v freezing a frequent a fresh a friction n fridge=refrigerator n friend n friendly a friendship n frighten v frog n from prep front a & n frontier n frost n fruit n fry v fuel n full a fun n & a function n & v fundamental a funny a fur n furnished a furniture n future n G gain v gallery n gallon n game n garage n garbage n garden n garlic n garment n gas n gate n gather v gay a general a & n generation n generous a gentle a gentleman n geography n geometry n gesture n get(got,got) v gift n gifted a giraffe n girl n give(gave,given) v glad a glance v glare v glass n globe n glory n glove n glue n go(went,gone) v goal n goat n god n gold n & a golden a golf n good(better,best) a goods n goose(pl geese) n govern v government n grade n gradual a graduate v graduation n grain n gram n grammar n grand a grandchild n granddaughter n grandma=grandmother n grandpa=grandfather n grandparents n grandson n granny n grape n graph n grasp v grass n grateful a gravity n great a & ad greedy a green a & n greengrocer n greet v greeting n grey(Am gray) a grill n grocer n grocery n ground n group n grow(grew,grown) v growth n guarantee v guard n guess v guest n guidance n guide n guilty a guitar n gun n gym=gymnasium n gymnastics n H habit n hair n haircut n half a & n hall n ham n hamburger n hammer n hand n & v handbag n handful n handkerchief n handle n & v handsome a handwriting n handy a hang(hung,hung 或-ed,-ed) v happen v happiness n happy a harbour(Am harbor) n hard ad & a hardly ad hardship n hardworking a harm n & v harmful a harmony n harvest n & v hat n hatch v hate v & n have(has,had,had) v he pron head n & v headache n headline n headmaster n headmistress n health n healthy a hear(heard,heard) v hearing n heart n heat n heaven n heavy a heel n height n helicopter n hello int helmet n help n & v helpful a hen n her pron herb n here ad hero n hers pron herself pron hesitate v hi int hide(hid,hidden) v high a & ad highway n hill n him pron himself pron hire v his pron history n hit(hit,hit) v & n hobby n hold(held,held) v hole n holiday n holy a home n & ad homeland n hometown n homework n honest a honey n honour(Am honor) n & v hook n & v hope n & v hopeful a hopeless a horrible a horse n hospital n host n & v hostess n hot a hotdog n hotel n hour n house n housewife n housework n how ad however ad & conj howl v hug v huge a human a & n human being n humorous a humour(Am humor) n hunger n hungry a hunt v hunter n hurricane n hurry v hurt(hurt,hurt) v husband n hydrogen n I I pron ice n ice-cream n idea n identity n identification n idiom n if conj ignore v ill a illegal a illness n imagine v immediately ad immigration n import v & n importance n important a impossible a impress v impression n improve v in prep & ad inch n incident n include v income n increase v & n indeed a independence n independent a indicate v industry n influence n & v inform v information n initial a injure v injury n ink n inn n innocent a insect n insert v inside prep & ad insist v inspect v inspire v instant a instead ad institute n institution n instruct v instruction n instrument n insurance n insure v intelligence n intend v intention n interest n interesting a international a Internet n interpreter n interrupt v interval n interview n & v into prep introduce v introduction n invent v invention n invitation n invite v iron n & v irrigation n is v(be) island n it pron its pron itself pron J jacket n jam n jar n jaw n jazz n jeans n jeep n jet n jewellery(Am jewelry) n job n jog v join v joke n journalist n journey n joy n judge n & v judgement (Am judgment) n juice n jump n & v jungle n junior a just a & ad justice n K kangaroo n keep(kept,kept) v kettle n key n keyboard n kick v & n kid n kill v kilo n kilogram n kilometre(Am kilometer) n kind1 n kind2 a kindergarten n kindness n king n kingdom n kiss n & v kitchen n kite n knee n knife(pl knives) n knock n & v know(knew,known) v knowledge n L lab=laboratory n labour(Am labor) n lack n & v lady n lake n lamb n lame a lamp n land n & v language n lantern n lap n large a last a & v late a & ad latter n laugh n & v laughter n laundry n law n lawyer n lay(laid,laid) v lazy a lead(led,led) v & n leader n leaf(pl leaves) n league n leak v learn(learnt,learnt-ed,-ed) v least n leather n leave(left,left) v lecture n left a,ad & n leg n legal a lemon n & a lemonade n lend(lent,lent) v length n lesson n let(let,let) v letter n level n liberation n liberty n librarian n library n license n lid n lie1 n & v lie2(lay,lain) v life(pl lives) n lift v & n light n,v & a lightning n like v & prep likely a limit v line n & v link v & n lion n lip n liquid n & a list n & v listen v literature n literary a litre(Am liter) n litter v little(less,least) a live v & a lively a load n loaf n local a lock n & v lonely a long a & ad look n & v loose a lorry n lose(lost,lost) v loss n lot n loud a lounge n love n & v lovely a low a & ad luck n lucky a luggage n lunch n lung n M machine n mad a madam/madame n magazine n magic a maid n mail n & v mailbox n main a mainland n major a majority n make1 n make2(made,made) v male a & n man(pl men) n manage v manager n mankind n manner n many(more,most) pron & a map n maple n marathon n marble n march n & v mark n & v market n marriage n marry v mask n & v mass n master v & n mat n match v & n material n mathematics =math/maths n matter n & v mature a maximum a & n may modal v maybe ad me pron meal n mean(meant,meant) v meaning n means n meanwhile ad measure v meat n medal n media n medical a medicine n medium n meet(met,met) v & n meeting n melon n member n memorial n & a memory n mend v mental a mention n & v menu n merchant a & n merciful a mercy n merely ad merry a mess n message n messy a metal n & a method n metre(Am meter) n microscope n microwave n middle n midnight n might modal v mild a mile n milk n & v millimetre (Am millimeter) n millionaire n mind n & v mine1 n & v mine2 pron mineral n minibus n minimum a minister n ministry n minority n minus prep & a minute n mirror n miss1 n miss2 v missile n mist n mistake (mistook,mistaken) v & n mistaken a misunderstand (misunderstood,misunderstood) v mix v mixture n mobile a model n modem n modern a modest a mom=mum n moment n mommy=mummy n money n monitor n monkey n month n monument n moon n mop n & v moral a & n more(much,many) a,ad & n morning n Moslem n mosquito n most a & ad mother n motherland n motivation n motor n motorcycle n motto n mountain n mountainous a mourn v mouse(pl mice) n moustache n mouth n move v movement n movie n Mr.(mister) n Mrs.(mistress) n Ms. n much a & ad mud n muddy a multiply v murder v museum n mushroom n music n musical a & n musician n must modal v mustard n mutton n my pron myself pron N nail n name n & v narrow a nation n national a nationality n nationwide ad native a natural a nature n navy n near a,ad & prep nearby a nearly ad neat a necessary a neck n necklace n need n & modal v needle n negotiate v neighbour(Am neighbor) n neighbourhood (Am neighborhood) n neither a nephew n nervous a nest n net n network n never ad new a news n newspaper n next a & ad nice a niece n night n no ad & a No.=number n noble a nobody n & pron nod v noise n noisy a none pron noodle n noon n nor conj normal n & a north a,ad & n northeast n northern a northwest n nose n not ad note n & v notebook n nothing pron,n & a notice n & v novel n novelist n now ad nowadays ad nowhere ad nuclear a numb a number n nurse n nursery n nut n nutrition n O obey v object n observe v obtain v obvious a occupation n occupy v occur v ocean n Oceania n o’clock n of prep off prep & ad offence n offer n & v office n officer n official n & a offshore a often ad oh int oil n & v oilfield n O.K. ad old a Olympic(s) a & n on prep & ad once n,ad & conj one pron oneself pron onion n only a & ad onto prep open a & v opening n opera n operate v operation n operator n opinion n oppose v opposite n & a optimistic a optional a or conj oral a orange n & a orbit n order n & v ordinary a organ n organise(Am organize) v organisation (Am organization) n origin n other pron & a otherwise ad ought modal v our pron ours pron ourselves pron out ad outcome n outdoors ad outer a outgoing a outing n outline n output n outside n,ad & prep outspoken a outstanding a outward(s) ad oval n & ad over prep & ad overcoat n overcome v overhead a overlook v overweight a owe v own a & v owner n ownership n ox(pl oxen) n oxygen n P pace n Pacific a pack n & v package n packet n paddle n page n pain n painful a paint n & v painter n painting n pair n palace n pale a pan n pancake n panda n panic a & v paper n paperwork n paragraph n parallel a & n parcel n pardon n parent n park1 n park2 v parking n parrot n part n,a & v participate v particular a partly ad partner n part-time a & ad party n pass v passage n passenger n passer-by n passive a passport n past ad,n & prep patent n path n patience n patient1 n patient2 a pattern n pause n & v pavement n pay(paid,paid) v & n P.C.=personal computer n P.E.=physical education n pea n peace n peaceful a peach n pear n pedestrian n pen n pence n pencil n penny n pension n people n pepper n per prep percent n percentage n perfect a perform v performance n performer n perfume n perhaps ad period n permanent a permission n permit v & n person n personal a personnel n personally ad persuade v pest n pet n petrol n phenomenon (pl phenomena) n phone = telephone n & v photo = photograph n photograph n photographer n phrase n physical a physician n physicist n physics n pianist n piano n pick v picnic n & v picture n pie n piece n pig n pile n pill n pillow n pilot n pin n & v pine n pineapple n ping-pong n pink a & n pint n pioneer n pipe n pity n place n & v plain a plan n & v plane n planet n plant v & n plastic a plate n platform n play v & n playground n pleasant a please v pleased a pleasure n plenty n plot v & n plug n plus v & prep p.m./pm,P.M./PM abbr pocket n poem n poet n point v & n poison n poisonous a pole n police n policeman/woman (pl policemen/policewomen) n policy n polish v polite a political a politician n politics n pollute v pollution n pond n pool n poor a pop = popular a popcorn n popular a population n pork n porridge n port n portable a porter n position n positive a possess v possession n possibility n possible a post1 n post2 v & n postage n postcard n postcode n poster n postman(pl postmen) n postpone v pot n potato n potential a pound n pour v powder n power n powerful a practical a practice n & v practise(Am practice) v praise n & v pray v prayer n precious a precise a predict v prefer v preference n pregnant a prejudice n premier n preparation n prepare v prescription n present1 a & v present2 n presentation n preserve v president n press1 v press2 n pressure n pretend v pretty a prevent v preview v previous a price n pride n primary a primitive a principle n print v prison n prisoner n private a privilege n prize n probably ad problem n procedure n process n & v produce v product n production n profession n professor n profit n programme(Am program) n progress n & v prohibit v project n promise n & v promote v pronounce v pronunciation n proper a properly ad protect v protection n proud a prove v provide v province n psychology n pub n public a & n publish v pull v & n pulse n pump v punctual a punctuation n punish v punishment n pupil n purchase v pure a purple n & a purpose n purse n push n & v put(put,put) v puzzle n pyramid n Q quake n & v qualification n quality n quantity n quarrel v & n quarter n queen n question v & n questionnaire n queue n & v quick a & ad quiet a quilt n quit v quite ad quiz n R rabbit n race v & n racial a radiation n radio n radioactive a radium n rag n rail n railway n rain n & v rainbow n raincoat n rainfall n rainy a raise v random a range n & v rank n rapid a rare a rat n rate n & v rather ad raw a ray n razor n reach v react v read(read,read) v reading n ready a real a realise(Am realize) v reality n really ad reason v & n reasonable a rebuild(rebuilt,rebuilt) v receipt n receive v receiver n recent a reception n receptionist n recipe n recite v recognize(Am recognize) v recommend v record n & v recorder n recover v recreation n rectangle n & a recycle v red n & a reduce v refer v referee n reference n reflect v reform v & n refresh v refrigerator n refuse v regard v & n regardless a register n & v regret n & v regular a regulation n reject v relate v relation n relationship n relative n relax v relay n & v relevant a reliable a relief n religion n religious a rely v remain v remark n remember v remind v remote a remove v rent n & v repair n & v repeat v replace v reply n & v report n & v reporter n represent v representative n republic n reputation n request n require v requirement n rescue v research n resemble v reservation n reserve n & v resign v resist v respect v & n respond v responsibility n rest n & v restaurant n restriction n result n retell v retire v return v review v & n revision n revolution n reward n rewind v rhyme n & v rice n rich a rid(rid,rid 或 ridded,ridded) v riddle n ridiculous a ride(rode,ridden) v & n right n,a & ad rigid a ring(rang,rung) v & n ripe a ripen v rise(rose,risen) v risk n & v river n road n roast v rob v robot n rock n rocket n role n roll v & n roof n room n rooster n root n rope n rose n rot v rough a round ad,prep & a roundabout a & n routine n row n & v royal a rubber n rubbish n rude a rugby n ruin v & n rule n & v ruler n run(ran,run) v rush v S sacred a sacrifice v sad a sadness n safe a safety n sail n & v sailor n salad n salary n sale n salesgirl n salesman/woman(pl salesmen/women) n salt n salty a salute n & v same n & a sand n sandwich n satellite n satisfaction n satisfy v saucer n sausage n save v say(said,said) v saying n scan v scar n scare v scarf n scene n scenery n sceptical(Am skeptical) a schedule n & v scholar n scholarship n school n schoolbag n schoolboy/girl n schoolmate n science n scientific a scientist n scissors n scold v score n & v scratch v & n scream n screen n sculpture n sea n seagull n seal n search n & v seashell n seaside n season n seat n seaweed n second a & n secret a & n secretary n section n secure a security n see(saw,seen) v seed n seek v seem v seize v seldom ad select v self n selfish a sell(sold,sold) v semicircle n seminar n send(sent,sent) v senior a & n sense n sensitive a sentence n separate v & a separation n serious a servant n serve v service n session n set(set,set) v & n settle v settlement n settler n several pron & a severe a sew(sewed,sewn/sewed) v sex n shabby a shade n shadow n shake(shook,shaken) v shall modal v shallow a shame n shape n & v share v shark n sharp a sharpen v sharpener n shave (shaved,shaved/shaven) v shaver n she pron sheep(pl sheep) n sheet n shelf(pl shelves) n shelter n shine(shone,shone) v ship n & v shirt n shock v shoe n shoot(shot,shot) v & n shop v & n shopkeeper n shopping n shore n short a shortcoming n shortly ad shorts n shot n should modal v shoulder n shout n & v show (showed,shown/showed) v & n shower n shrink(shrank,shrunk 或 shrunk,shrunken) v shut(shut,shut) v shuttle n shy a sick a sickness n side n sideroad(Am sidewalk) n sideways ad sigh v & n sight n sightseeing n signal n signature n significance n silence n silent a silk n silly a silver n similar a simple a simplify v since ad,conj & prep sincerely ad sing(sang,sung) v single a sink(sank,sunk) v & n sir n sister n sit(sat,sat) v situation n size n skate v skateboard n ski n & v skilful a skill n skin n skip v skirt n sky n skyscraper n slave n slavery n sleep1 n sleep2(slept,slept) v sleepy a sleeve n slice n slide n & v slight a slim a slip n slow ad small a smart a smell(smelt,smelt或-ed,-ed) v & n smile n & v smog n smoke n & v smoker n smooth a snake n sneaker n sneeze v sniff v snow n & v snowy a so ad & conj soap n sob n & v soccer n social a socialism n socialist a society n sock n socket n sofa n soft a software n soil n solar a soldier n solid a & n some a & pron somebody pron somehow ad someone pron something pron sometimes ad somewhere ad son n song n soon ad sorrow n sorry a sort v & n soul n sound v & n soup n sour a south a,ad & n southeast n southern a southwest n souvenir n sow(sowed,sown/-ed) v space n spaceship n spade n spare a sparrow n speak(spoke,spoken) v speaker n spear n special a specialist n specific a speech n speed n & v spell v spelling n spend(spent,spent) v spin v & n spirit n spiritual a spit v splendid a split v spoken a spokesman/woman (pl spokesmen/women) n sponsor n spoon n spoonful n sport n spot n & v spray n & v spread(spread,spread) v spring n spy n & v square n & a squeeze v squirrel n stable a stadium n staff n stage n stain n stainless a stair n stamp n stand(stood,stood) v & n standard n & a star n stare v start v starvation n starve v state n station n statement n statesman/woman (pl statesmen/women) n statistics n statue n status n stay n & v steady a steak n steal(stole,stolen) v steam n steel n steep a step n & v steward n stewardess n stick(stuck,stuck) v & n still a & ad stocking n stomach n stone n stop n & v storage n store n & v storm n story n stout a stove n straight a & ad straightforward a & adv strait n strange a stranger n straw n strawberry n stream n street n strength n strengthen v stress n & v strict a strike (struck,struck /stricken) v & n string n strong a struggle v stubborn a student n studio n study v & n stupid a style n subject n subjective a submit v subscribe v substitute v succeed v success n successful a such ad,pron & a suck v sudden a suffer v suffering n sugar n suggest v suggestion n suit v & n suitable a suitcase n suite n summary n summer n sun n sunburnt a sunlight n sunny a sunshine n super a superb a superior a & n supermarket n supper n supply v & n support v & n suppose v supreme a sure a & ad surface n surgeon n surplus n surprise v & n surround v surrounding a survive v survival n suspect v & n suspension n swallow v swap v swear(swore,sworn) v sweat n sweater n sweep(swept,swept) v sweet n & a swell(swelled,swollen) v swift a swim(swam,swum) v swing v & n switch v & n sword n symbol n sympathy n symphony n symptom n system n systematic a T table n table tennis n tablet n tail n tailor n take(took,taken) v tale n talent n talk n & v tall a tank n tap n tape n target n & v task n taste n & v tasteless a tasty a tax n taxi n taxpayer n tea n teach(taught,taught) v teacher n team n teamwork n teapot n tear(tore,torn) v & n tease v technical a technique n technology n teenager n telephone n & v telescope n television n tell(told,told) v temperature n temple n temporary a tend v tendency n tennis n tense a tension n tent n tentative a term n terminal a & n terrible a terrify v terror n test v & n text n textbook n than conj thank v & n thankful a that pron,conj & ad the art theatre(Am theater) n theft n their pron theirs pron them pron theme n themselves pron then ad theoretical a theory n there int,n & ad therefore ad thermos n these a & pron they pron thick a thief(pl thieves) n thin a thing n think(thought,thought) v thinking n thirst n this a & pron thorough a those a & pron though conj thought n thread n thrill n & v thriller n throat n through prep & ad throughout prep throw(threw,thrown) v thunder n & v thunderstorm n thus ad tick v ticket n tidy a & v tie v & n tiger n tight a till conj & prep time n & v timetable n tin n tiny a tip n & v tire v tired a tiresome a tissue n title n to prep toast v & n tobacco n today ad & n together ad toilet n tolerate v tomato n tomb n tomorrow ad & n ton n tongue n tonight ad & n too ad tool n tooth(pl teeth) n toothache n toothbrush n toothpaste n top n topic n tortoise n total a,n & v touch v tough a tour n tourism n tourist n tournament n toward(s) prep towel n tower n town n toy n track n tractor n trade n & v tradition n traditional a traffic n train n & v training n tram n transform v translate v translation n translator n transparent a transport n & v trap n & v travel n & v traveller(Am traveler) n treasure n treat v treatment n tree n tremble v trend n trial n triangle n trick n trip n trolleybus n troop n trouble v & n troublesome a trousers n truck n true a truly ad trunk n trust v truth n try v T-shirt n tube n tune n turkey n turn v & n turning n tutor n TV=television n twice ad twin n twist v & n type v typewriter n typical a typhoon n typist n tyre(Am tire) n U ugly a umbrella n unable a unbearable a unbelievable a uncertain a uncle n uncomfortable a unconditional a unconscious a under ad & prep underground a & n underline v understand (understood,understood) v undertake (undertook,undertaken) v underwear n unemployment n unfair a unfit a unfortunate a uniform n union n unique a unit n unite v universal a universe n university n unless conj unlike prep unrest n until prep & conj unusual a unwilling a up ad,a,n & prep update v & n upon prep upper a upset a upstairs ad upward(s) ad urban a urge v urgent a us pron use n & v used a useful a useless a user n usual a V vacation n vacant a vague a vain n valid a valley n valuable a value n variety n various a vase n vast a VCD=versatile compact disk n vegetable n vehicle n version n vertical a very ad vest n via prep vice n victim n victory n video n videophone n view n village n villager n vinegar n violate v violence n violent a violin n violinist n virtue n virus n visa n visit n & v visitor n visual a vital a vivid a vocabulary n voice n volcano n volleyball n voluntary a volunteer n & v vote v voyage n W wag v wage n waist n wait v waiter n waiting-room n waitress n wake(woke,woken) v walk n & v wall n wallet n walnut n wander v want v war n ward n warehouse n warm a warmth n warn v wash v & n washroom n waste n & v watch v & n water n & v watermelon n wave n & v wax n way n we pron web n website n weak a weakness n wealth n wealthy a wear(wore,worn) v weather n wedding n weed n week n weekday n weekend n weekly a weep v weigh v weight n welcome int,n,v & a welfare n well1 n well2(better,best) ad,a & int west a,ad & n western a westward(s) ad wet a whale n what pron & a whatever conj & pron wheat n wheel n when conj & ad whenever conj where conj & ad wherever conj whether conj which pron & a whichever pron while conj & n whisper v whistle n white a & n who pron whole a whom pron whose pron why ad & int wide a widespread a widow n wife n wild a wildlife n will1 n will2(would) modal v willing a win(won,won) v wind1 n wind2(wound,wound) v window n windy a wine n wing n winner n winter n wipe v wire n wisdom n wise a wish n & v with prep withdraw v within prep without prep witness v & n wolf(pl wolves) n woman(pl women) n wonder v & n wonderful a wood n wool n woollen(Am woolen) a word n work n & v worker n world n worldwide a worm n worn a worried a worry n & v worth a worthwhile a worthy a would modal v wound v & n wrestle v wrinkle n wrist n write(wrote,written) wrong a X X-ray n Y yard n yawn v year n yell v yellow a & n yes ad yesterday n & ad yet ad yoghurt n you pron young a your pron yours pron yourself(pl yourselves) pron youth n yummy a v Z zebra n zero n & num zip v & n zipper n zone n zoo n zoom v 数词 基数词 序数词 one 1st first two 2nd second three 3rd third four 4th fourth five 5th fifth six 6th sixth seven 7th seventh eight 8th eighth nine 9th ninth ten 10th tenth eleven 11th eleventh twelve 12th twelfth thirteen 13th thirteenth fourteen 14th fourteenth fifteen 15th fifteenth sixteen 16th sixteenth seventeen 17th seventeenth eighteen 18th eighteenth nineteen 19th nineteenth twenty 20th twentieth twenty-one 21st twenty-first twenty-two 22nd twenty-second twenty-three 23rd twenty-third thirty 30th thirtieth forty 40th fortieth fifty 50th fiftieth sixty 60th sixtieth seventy 70th seventieth eighty 80th eightieth ninety 90th ninetieth one hundred 100th one hundredth one hundred(and) one 101st one hundred and first one hundred(and) two 102nd one hundred and second three hundred 300th three hundredth one thousand 1000th one thousandth three thousand 3000th three thousandth ten thousand 10000th ten thousandth million 1000000th millionth billion 1000000000th billionth 月份 January (Jan.) February (Feb.) March (Mar.) April (Apr.) May (May) June (Jun.) July (Jul.) August (Aug.) September (Sept.) October (Oct.) November (Nov.) December (Dec.) 星期 Monday (Mon.) Tuesday (Tues.) Wednesday (Wed.) Thursday (Thurs.) Friday (Fri.) Saturday (Sat.) Sunday (Sun.) 主要国家名称及相关信息 国家 COUNTRY n. PERSON n. RELATED ADJECTIVES 阿富汗 Afghanistan Afghan Afghan 阿尔及利亚 Algeria Algerian Algerian 阿根廷 Argentina Argentinian Argentinian 澳大利亚 Australia Australian Australian 奥地利 Austria Austrian Austrian 比利时 Belgium Belgian Belgian 巴西 Brazil Brazilian Brazilian 英国 Britain/U.K.=the United Kingdom British British 缅甸 Burma Burmese Burmese 加拿大 Canada Canadian Canadian 中国 China Chinese Chinese 哥伦比亚 Colombia Colombian Colombian 古巴 Cuba Cuban Cuban 丹麦 Denmark Dane Danish 埃及 Egypt Egyptian Egyptian 芬兰 Finland Finn Finnish 法国 France French French 德国 Germany German German 希腊 Greece Greek Greek 荷兰 Holland/ Netherlands Dutch Dutch 匈牙利 Hungary Hungarian Hungarian 印度 India Indian Indian 印度尼西亚 Indonesia Indonesian Indonesian 伊朗 Iran Iranian Iranian 伊拉克 Iraq Iraqi Iraqi 爱尔兰 Ireland Irish Irish 以色列 Israel Israeli Israeli 意大利 Italy Italian Italian 日本 Japan Japanese Japanese 约旦 Jordan Jordanian Jordanian 肯尼亚 Kenya Kenyan Kenyan 朝鲜 D.P.R.Korea Korean Korean 科威特 Kuwait Kuwaiti Kuwaiti 黎巴嫩 Lebanon Lebanese Lebanese 卢森堡 Luxembourg Luxembourger Luxembourgish 马来西亚 Malaysia Malaysian Malaysian 墨西哥 Mexico Mexican Mexican 新西兰 New Zealand New Zealander Zelanian 挪威 Norway Norwegian Norwegian 巴基斯坦 Pakistan Pakistani Pakistani 巴拿马 Panama Panamanian Panamanian 菲律宾 Philippines Filipino Philippine 波兰 Poland Polish Polish 葡萄牙 Portugal Portuguese Portuguese 俄罗斯 Russia Russian Russian 新加坡 Singapore Singaporean Singaporean 南非 South Africa South African South African 韩国 South Korea Korean Korean 西班牙 Spain Spanish Spanish 瑞典 Sweden Swedish Swedish 瑞士 Switzerland Swiss Swiss 泰国 Thailand Thai Thai 土耳其 Turkey Turk Turkish 美国 U.S.A. American American 越南 Vietnam Vietnamese Vietnamese查看更多