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‎2019译林牛津版高考英语一轮训练选:模块1U2含答案 一、阅读理解。‎ Donald John Trump (born June 14, 1946), is an American businessman and politician who became the President-elect of the United States on November 8, 2019. Since 1971 he has chaired The Trump Organization, the principal holding company for his real estate ventures and other business interests. During his business career, Trump has built office towers, hotels, casinos, golf courses, and other branded facilities worldwide.‎ ‎ Trump was born and raised in New York City and received a bachelor’s degree in economics from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania in 1968. In 1971, he was given control of his father Fred Trump’s real estate and construction firm. Trump has appeared at the Miss USA pageants, which he owned from 2019 to 2019, and has made cameo appearances in films and television series.‎ ‎ Trump and his businesses, as well as his three marriages, have received prominent media exposure. He hosted a popular NBC reality show, The Apprentice, from 2019 to 2019. As of 2019, he was listed by Forbes as the 324th wealthiest person in the world, and 156th in the United States, with a net worth of $3.7 billion in October 2019.‎ ‎ Trump first campaigned for the U.S. presidency in 2019, winning two Reform Party primaries. On June 16, 2019, Trump again announced his candidacy for president, this time as a Republican. Trump became known for his opposition to illegal immigration and free trade agreements, as well as his frequently non-interventionist views on foreign policy, and quickly emerged as the Republican nomination front-runner. As of March 23, 2019, Trump has won 21 contests in the 2019 Republican presidential primaries.‎ ‎ He was elected as the 45th U.S. president in the 2019 election on the Republican ticket, defeating Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, and is scheduled to take office on January 20, 2019. At 70 years old, he will be the oldest person to ever assume the presidency.‎ ‎1. This passage is mostly probably taken from __________.‎ A. a story book B. a biography book ‎ C. a science book D. an advertisement ‎2. Where is Donald Trump’s hometown?‎ A. London B. Paris ‎ C. New York D. Beijing ‎3. From the passage, we can know that Donald Trump was _________.‎ A. wealthy and sucessful B. intelligent but mean C. good-tempered and tolerant D. forgetful and sensitive ‎4. We can learn from the passage that _________.‎ A. Donald Trump is only successful in business field. ‎ B. Donald Trump was born in a poor family.‎ C. Donald Trump is in favor of illegal immigration.‎ D. Donald Trump will be the oldest president of the United States.‎ ‎【文章大意】本文为人物传记。文章中主要介绍了美国总统特朗普。‎ ‎1. B【解析】文章出处题。通读全文可知,本文介绍的是美国新当选的总统特朗普。由此可推知,本文极可 能来自与一本人物传记。故选B。‎ ‎2. C【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段中的"Trump was born and raised in New York City…"可知,特朗普的 家乡是纽约。故选C。‎ ‎4. D【解析】推理判断题。根据最后一段中的"At 70 years old, he will be the oldest person to ever assume the presidency."可推知,特朗普将是历任美国总统中年龄最大的一位。故选D。‎ 二、单项选择 ‎1.—It angered me that a neighbour accused me _______ kicking her pet.‎ ‎ —Oh, you had the right to defend yourself _______ her accusation.‎ A. of; against B. for; from C. against; for D. for; against ‎【答案】A ‎ ‎2.The officer _______ that Michael did not follow the correct procedure in applying for a visa. ‎ A. resisted B. insisted C. diseased D. assisted ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】句意:这位官员坚持认定Michael没有按照正确的程序申请签证。insisted“坚持认定/说”‎ ‎3.What worried the mother most was _______ the Internet after class in this school.‎ A. her son’s not forbidding surfing B. her son’s not being forbidden to surf C. her son’s being not forbidden to surf D. her son’s having not forbidden surfing ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】forbid常用于forbid sb.to do sth.结构。动词ing形式的否定形式是在其前加not。句意:让这位母亲最为担忧的是,在这所学校她的儿子下课后没有被禁止上网。‎ ‎4.And _______,he must review what he has studied at least three times. A. not at all B. in all C. at the last moment D. last but not ‎ least ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】last but not least最后也是相当重要的就是。句意:最后也是相当重要的就是,他必须把念过的书至少复习三遍。‎ ‎5.If I had known my life was going to _______ like this, I would have let them kill me.‎ A. find out B. turn out C. give out D. work out ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】find out查明;turn out证明是;give out分发,公布,发出;work out计算出,制定,锻炼。turn out that/(to be)+名词,意为“结果是,证明是”,like前省略了to be。故选B。句意:如果我早知道我的生活会变成这样,我宁愿让他们杀了我。‎ ‎6.If you do fall out of the boat, your life jacket will help you to _______ until we can find you out.‎ A. stay up B. come up C. make up D. stand up ‎【答案】A ‎【解祈】句意:如果你从船上掉下去的话,你的救生衣会帮你不下沉,直到我们找到你。stay up不倒,不沉,熬夜;come up走过来;make up编造,组成;stand up起立。故选A。‎ ‎7.The man put down the phone with a long face, obviously _______ about the information he received.‎ A. content B. amazed C. happy D. upset ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】与with a long face照应,此处应用upset。be upset about sth.是固定搭配。句意:那个人拉下脸把电话放下,显然他对接到的消息很失望。‎ ‎8.Many people with lofty ideals gave their lives in _______ of freedom.‎ A. protection B. guard C. defence D. favor ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】in defence of为保卫,为捍卫,为……而辩护。句意:许多许多仁人志士为了捍卫自由而献出了他们的生命。‎ ‎9.That car accident _______ all his life. After that he was limited to a wheelchair.‎ A. damaged    B. destroyed    C. harmed    D. ruined ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】damage损坏(程度较轻);destroy严重损坏(程度较重,多指事物的损坏);harm对……有害;ruin毁灭。此处应是交通事故。故选D。句意:这次交通事故毁了他的一生,在那之后,他就被限制在了轮椅上(他不得不坐着轮椅)。‎ ‎10.Just like a voyage at sea, our life journey, whose days are _______, is full of difficulties.‎ A. limited B. gone C. exhausted D. experienced ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】句意:我们生命旅程的日子是有限的,正像一次海上航行,充满了艰辛。limit“限制”,符合句意。‎ ‎11.Teenage is an especially important stage for us, where we are _______ to go all out to improve ourselves because anything can happen.‎ A. known        B. supposed          C. thought              D. considered ‎【答案】B ‎12.As you _______ this book, you will find that each of the millions of people who _______ World War II had a different experience.‎ A. look through, put through B. see through, pushed through C. go through, lived through D. carry through, broke through ‎ ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】look through看透,仔细查看,浏览,翻阅,温习;put through完成,(电话用语)拨通,使穿过 see through看透,识破,支持(某人)到底;push through促成,完成,穿过,挤过;go through通过,浏览,仔细检查,审查,履行,忍受,经历;live through度过,经历;carry through坚持到底,进行到底,贯彻,完成;break through突围,冲跨,克服,挤过去。句意:当你通读这本书的时候,你将会发现成千上万的经历过(度过)二战的每个人都有着不同的经历。‎ ‎13.—Whom would you rather _______ with you to the library?‎ ‎—Of course, Mary.‎ ‎ A. went B. have go C. have gone D. go ‎【答案】B ‎ ‎14.It’s over three years since the release of animation Frozen, but the icy queen and her frozen empire are still staying put in the spotlight, as if the movie _______ only last month.‎ A. were released B. had been released C. was released D. would have been released ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查虚拟语气。与过去事实相反的虚拟。句意:《冰雪奇缘》上映已经三年多了,但冰雪皇后和她的冰雪王国仍然闪耀在聚光灯下,就好像这部动画上个月才上映的一样。‎ ‎15.The reason _______ he told me _______ he was late is an excuse.‎ A. why, that B. that, why C. which, that D. that, which ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】本句的主干是:the reason is an excuse。其中的he told me是定语从句,省略了在定语从句中作宾语的引导词which或that;其中的he was late也是定语从句,也修饰先行词the reason。引导词可以用that,for which,why 或者不填,在定语从句中作原因状语。句意:他告诉我的为什么他会迟到的原因完全是个借口。‎ ‎16.China is at a stage of industrialization _______ the contradiction between economic growth and environmental protection is obvious. ‎ A. that B. when C. which D. where ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】句意:中国正处于工业化发展阶段,此时经济增长和环境保护之间的矛盾很明显。分析句子结构可知,此处应用when引导一个定语从句,从句修饰的是a stage of industrialization,且when在从句中作时间状语。‎ ‎17.In 1963 the UN set up the World Food Programme, one of _______ purposes is to relieve worldwide starvation.‎ A. which B. it’s C. whose D. whom ‎ ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】先行词是“the World Food Programme”,“世界粮食项目”的目的之一是……,whose在定语从句中作定语,这里限定purposes,故选C。句意:1963年联合国建立了世界粮食计划署,其目的之一就是为了缓解世界范围内的饥饿问题。‎ 三、完形填空 After living near Madrid for a year as an au pair (以帮做家务事等换取食宿的人) three years ago, it was nice to __1__ this weekend. I felt like I was at home and thought how __2__ one can be to feel like this in a place that isn't __3__ your home. I now refer to this town as one of my ‘homes from home’ and have learnt how home is where your __4__ is.‎ A lot of people get homesick and it is a very __5__ feeling when away from __6__ ones and home comforts. __7__, I have learnt that you can feel at home when you are __8__ in that place with people who __9__ you.Through simply embracing every moment, __10__ friends and enjoying a new __11__, you can feel settled in a short amount of time. I did exactly this when moving to Spain for the first time, as positive thoughts tend to bring positive experiences. Luckily enough, I was __12__ with a host family that were very __13__, which helped to ease the process of feeling happy and settled. I now love visiting when I can to see how the children grow up and feel very blessed by being able to __14__ this.‎ Yet again, I am living in Spain on my year abroad, but this time with students and not a(n) __15__, in a different region. Nonetheless, the process of __16__ had been easier, as I feel __17__ the Spanish culture already. Of course when moving away from home you have to __18__ many things that are different in comparison to what you call home. However, this is the __19__ of travelling, exploring and __20__ yourself and a new place. A new place that one day you might be able to call your home too.‎ ‎1.A.leave B.plan C.move D.visit ‎2.A.proud B.lucky C.popular D.real ‎3.A.finally B.possibly C.completely D.necessarily ‎4.A.belief B.dream C.heart D.job ‎5.A.normal B.unique C.strong D.uneasy ‎6.A.similar B.unusual C.loved D.respected ‎7.A.However B.Therefore C.Instead D.Otherwise ‎8.A.free B.powerful C.available D.comfortable ‎9.A.care for B.look for C.ask for D.wait for ‎10.A.missing B.making C.choosing D.aiding ‎11.A.idea B.culture C.home D.chance ‎12.A.chatting B.playing C.living D.dealing ‎13.A.wise B.honest C.successful D.friendly ‎14.A.change B.experience C.support D.improve ‎15.A.teacher B.roommate C.family D.organization ‎16.A.going on B.turning around C.stepping forward D.settling in ‎17.A.accustomed to B.excited at C.satisfied with D.interested in ‎18.A.give up B.start with C.adapt to D.carry out ‎19.A.role B.secret C.delight D.symbol ‎20.A.helping B.discovering C.enjoying D.controlling ‎【解题导语】本文是夹叙夹议文。作者在异国他乡找到了自己的“家”。‎ ‎1.D 根据最后一段开头的Yet again, I am living in Spain on my year abroad, but this time with students可知,作者重“访(visit)”西班牙。‎ ‎2.B 根据上文的I felt like I was at home和下文的feel like this可知,在异国他乡能找到家的感觉确实“幸运(lucky)”。‎ ‎3.D 如果在某个地方——“不一定(not necessarily)”就是家——能找到家的感觉,那真是幸运。‎ ‎4.C 根据上文的nice,felt like,feel like可知,作者认识到家就是“心灵(heart)”的归属地。‎ ‎5.A 根据上文的A lot of people get homesick及常识可知,思乡是一种“正常的(normal)”情感。‎ ‎6.C 根据上文的homesick可知,一个人远离自己“所爱的(loved)”人和家中的舒适,当然会泛起乡愁。‎ ‎7.A 下文提到的在异乡也能找到家的感觉与上文意义上发生了转折,故选However。‎ ‎8.D ‎9.A 根据上文的you can feel at home可知,此处意思是,如果在一个地方能与“关爱(care for)”自己的人在一起、觉得比较“舒服(comfortable)”,那自然能找到家的感觉。‎ ‎10.B ‎11.B 根据这两个空所在句中的embracing every moment, enjoying和you can feel settled in a short amount of time可知,如果能珍惜每个瞬间、“交(making)”些朋友、享受新的“文化(culture)”,那很快就能融入当地的生活。‎ ‎12.C 根据下文的host family可知,“我”与寄宿家庭“生活(living)”在一起。‎ ‎13.D 根据下文的helped to ease the process of feeling happy and settled可知,寄宿家庭的成员都很“友好(friendly)”。‎ ‎14.B 根据上文的see how the children grow up可知,能“亲历(experience)”这一过程,作者感到很幸福。‎ ‎15.C 上文的host family是提示。‎ ‎16.D ‎17.A 因为是第二次来西班牙,所以作者这次“安定(settling in)”下来要比上次更容易些,因为他已经“熟悉(accustomed to)”了当地的文化。‎ ‎18.C 根据本空所在句中的moving away from home和different in comparison to what you call home可知,背井离乡自然需要“适应(adapt to)”异地不同于家乡的很多方面。‎ ‎19.C ‎20.B 根据However可知,前后表示转折。作者认为虽然需要适应很多新事物,但是这恰巧就是旅游、探索、“发现(discovering)”自我的“乐趣(delight)”所在。‎ 四、七选五 Becoming Refreshed without Sleeping Sometimes there is just not enough hours in the day to get everything done and get a good night's rest.__1__ Once in a while you can get away with a sleepless night and still feel reasonably good by adjusting your meals and activities.‎ ‎●__2__ The last thing you want to do when you are tired is get warm and cosy;this will cause you to fall asleep.Keeping the air conditioner on will make you feel much more awake and refreshed.‎ ‎●Eat small amounts.Eating small amounts of healthy food will help refresh you.Fruit and nuts are a good choice because they are nutritious and will energize you.__3__ Try to stick to lowcarb meals to keep you going.Chewing gum after your small meal will also help keep you awake.‎ ‎●Keep it bright.When it is dark your body thinks it is time to go to sleep.Turn on lots of lights,which will trick your body into waking up and feeling better.__4__ You get double the benefits if it is daytime.‎ ‎●Take a break.Taking a little break will help you in the long run, Turn up some energizing music to get yourself positive.Relax and talk to a friend in person or on the phone for a few minutes.__5__‎ A.Keep it cool.‎ B.Calm down and sleep.‎ C.Avoid big,heavy meals as they will make you tired.‎ D.Go outside whether it is day or night for some fresh air.‎ E.Missing sleep regularly can make you sick and should be avoided.‎ F.When you are tired,you may just want to sit around and do nothing.‎ G.Having a good time for a few minutes will refresh you quicker than anything else.‎ ‎【解题导语】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了几种在没有睡觉的情况下恢复精神的方法。‎ 难句分析:Once in a while you can get away with a sleepless night and still feel reasonably good by adjusting your meals and activities.(第一段最后一句)‎ 译文:你可以偶尔一个晚上不睡觉,通过调整饮食和活动,感觉也仍然很好。‎ 词汇积累:adjust v.调整,适应 nutrition n.营养 energize v.使充满活力 positive adj.积极的,乐观的 ‎1.E 根据上一句内容可知,有时白天没有足够的时间完成所有的事情,晚上也不能好好休息。E项“经常失眠可能会让你生病,所以要避免”承接上文内容,符合语境。故选E。‎ ‎2.A 空格处是本段的中心句。根据本段最后一句可知,开着空调会让你觉得更加清醒、精神振作。A项“保持凉爽”与之呼应,能概括本段内容。故选A。‎ ‎3.C 根据下一句中的“stick to lowcarb meals”可知,C项中的“Avoid big, heavy meals”与之相照应,即“不要吃太多,因为它们会使你很累”。故选C。‎ ‎4.D 空格下一句提到在白天会事半功倍。D项“不管是白天还是夜晚去外面呼吸新鲜的空气”与下文衔接紧密,符合语境。故选D。‎ ‎5.G 根据本段的中心句“Take a break.”和空格上一句中的“for a few minutes”可知,D项中的“Having a good time for a few minutes”与之照应。故选G。‎

