2020年高考英语学业水平测试一轮复习 书面表达 话题10 节假日活动

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2020年高考英语学业水平测试一轮复习 书面表达 话题10 节假日活动

话题10 节假日活动 (Festivals, holiday and celebrations)‎ Ⅰ.话题相关词汇 ‎1.节日 festival ‎2.宴会 feast/party ‎3.联欢 carnival ‎4.庆典仪式 celebration ceremony ‎5.出生;诞生 birth/bear ‎6.出生地;故乡 birthplace/hometown ‎7.庆祝;庆祝会 celebration ‎8.周年纪念日 anniversary ‎9.生日 birthday ‎10.教堂,教会 church ‎11.元旦 New Year's Day ‎12.春节 the Spring Festival ‎13.情人节 Valentine's Day ‎ ‎14.狂欢节 Carnival ‎15.愚人节 April Fool's Day ‎16.复活节 Easter ‎17.中秋节 the Mid-Autumn Festival ‎ ‎18.感恩节 Thanksgiving (Day)‎ ‎19.(在)圣诞前夕 (on) Christmas Eve ‎ ‎20.(在)圣诞节 (at) Christmas ‎21.端午节 Dragon Boat Festival ‎22.元宵节 Lantern Festival ‎23.除夕 New Year's Eve ‎24.教师节 Teachers' Day ‎25.父亲节 Father's Day ‎26.母亲节 Mother's Day ‎27.毕业,毕业典礼 graduation ‎28.假日;假期 holiday/vacation ‎29.婚礼,结婚 wedding ‎30.装饰,修饰 decoration 4‎ ‎31.聚会 get-together/reunion/gathering ‎32.庆典 ceremony ‎33.社交活动 social activity ‎34.开幕式 opening ceremony ‎35.闭幕式 closing ceremony ‎36.暑假 summer holiday/vacation ‎37.寒假 winter holiday/vacation ‎38.每日的;日常的 daily/everyday ‎39.纪念品 souvenir ‎40.民间的 folk ‎41.私人的 private/personal/individual ‎42.规则的,经常 regular ‎ ‎43.紧密相关,有意义的 relevant ‎44.宗教的 religious ‎45.兴高采烈的,快活的 cheerful ‎46.难忘的 unforgettable Ⅱ.话题相关词组 ‎1. 回顾 look back ‎2. 因……祝贺某人 congratulate...on ‎3. 顺便走访(某人) drop in ‎4. 聚会,联欢 get together ‎5. 参加,加入 join in ‎6. 盼望 look forward to/be eager to do ‎7. 演出 put on a performance ‎8. 在出生时 at birth ‎9. 发生;举行;举办 take place/come up ‎10.与某人玩得开心 have fun with sb./have fun doing ‎11. 因……钦佩某人 admire sb.for sth.‎ ‎12. (偶然)遇见(或发现) come across ‎13.燃放烟花 set off fireworks ‎14.吃团圆饭 have family reunion dinner ‎ ‎15.追溯于/到 date from/date back to ‎16.欣喜若狂 be wild with joy ‎17.迫不及待 can't wait to do 4‎ Ⅲ.实用句型 ‎1.在新雪的衬托下,树上光秃秃的树枝在圣诞节的灯光中熠熠生辉。‎ The bare branches of the trees were shining with Christmas lights against the new fallen snow. ‎ ‎2.然后圣诞树上的灯打开了,这使得大家高兴起来。‎ Then the Christmas lights on the Christmas tree were turned on, causing everyone to cheer with delight.‎ ‎3.这个雕像是为了纪念那位有名的科学家而建立的。‎ The statue was built in memory of the famous scientist.‎ ‎4.他特意打扮成圣诞老人逗孩子们乐。‎ He dressed up as Father Christmas /Santa Claus on purpose to amuse the children.‎ ‎5.我盼望着假期早日到来。‎ I'm really looking forward to our vacation. ‎ ‎6.孩子们刚在院子里燃放烟花。‎ The children set off the fireworks in the yard just now. ‎ Ⅳ.佳作背诵 中国传统新年是春节。请你写一篇题为“The Spring Festival”的短文介绍这一传统节日。内容包括:‎ ‎1.时间;‎ ‎2.庆祝活动;‎ ‎3.你是否喜欢这个节日,为什么?‎ 注意:词数80个左右;开头已给出,不计入总词数。‎ 写作提示:题目要求描写春节,写作时使用一般现在时。‎ The Spring Festival Chinese New Year, also called the Spring Festival, is the most important and energetic festival for all Chinese people.___________‎ ‎_______________________________________________________‎ ‎_______________________________________________________‎ ‎_______________________________________________________‎ ‎_______________________________________________________‎ ‎_______________________________________________________‎ ‎_______________________________________________________‎ ‎_______________________________________________________‎ ‎[参考范文]‎ 4‎ The Spring Festival Chinese__New__Year,__also__called__the__Spring__Festival,__is__the__most__important__and__energetic__festival__for__all__Chinese__people.It usually falls in January or February when students are taking winter holidays.‎ Before the festival, people usually clean up the house and make it clean and tidy. On the Spring Festival Eve,people always have a big dinner with their family. Of course,dumplings, fish and chicken are the traditional food on the dinner table. After that,adults give children lucky money in a red paper and then people watch TV or talk until midnight to welcome the new beginning. On the next morning, everyone puts on their new clothes and visits their relatives or friends to wish them a happy new year.‎ To be honest,I like this festival because I can get lucky money from my family and relatives.‎ 4‎

