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申明敬告: 本站不保证该用户上传的文档完整性,不预览、不比对内容而直接下载产生的反悔问题本站不予受理。
2009 年高考英语第二轮热点专题复习——完形填空 一,完型填空考情动态分析 完形填空题的创始人威尔逊•泰勒(Wilson Taylor)说: “完形填空并不直接涉及特定 的意思。它只是反复地从两种语言模式的相似之处取样:一种是写的人表达自己的思想的语 言模式,另一种是反映读的人根据自己的理解做出的猜测的语言模式。完形填空所涉及的是 一系列与上下文相联系的空白,而不是孤立的空白。” 从近三年来全国及各省高考英语试卷“完形填空”试题的命制,基本上遵循了“突出语篇, 强调应用,注重实际”的设计思路。试题特点鲜明———-“考查考生在阅读理解的基础上对 词汇知识的掌握情况”,即要求考生通读短文,掌握文章大意,综合运用所学的词汇、语法 等知识,从试题所提供的词汇、短语中判断出使短文意思通顺、结构完整的词汇或短语,在 语篇查学生的语言知识灵活运用能力。完形的选材通常是记叙文或夹叙夹议的文章,内容情 节深刻,常涉及人物心理活动方面的细致描写,篇章与句子结构变化丰富,文章内容健康、 时尚,将知识、文化、教育、趣味融为一体,即:时代感突出,生活化明显,寓教于乐。2009 年的完形填空将会继续朝着语言交际化、情景生活化、词汇运用灵活化的方向发展。 重在考查: 1) 所学基本语法的掌握程度及运用能力; 2) 词义的辨析、各种词的搭配及习惯用法; 3) 语篇的理解及逻辑推理能力; 4) 背景知识及常识; 5) 综合运用语言的能力,即将篇章、语法、词汇有机地结合起来,对文章进行透彻的 分析并找出答案。 根据以上特点,我们认为复习的重点是: 1. 掌握一些固定搭配,包括固定短语和习惯用法等。 2. 词语辨析,表面上是语境中词法的语意选择,其实是考查词汇的应用能力。 3. 熟练的语法知识,主要包括从句的引导词、主谓一致、非谓语动词的用法、平行结 构、倒装结构、强调句型、情态代词、虚拟语气、动词时态和语态等。 4. 前后语境,注意培养结合全文结构和中心思想,根据常识和上下文提供的信息进行 理解、分析和推理的能力;熟悉前、后制性设空和语篇设空的特点。(所谓后制性设空,是 指设空的答案由未读过的下文决定。如果设空的答案由已读过的上文决定,则为前制性设空; 需要上下文而定的答案,则为语篇性设空。完形填空的设空答案有的由一个句子决定,有的 由相邻不远的句子决定,还有的则由语篇内容综合决定。) 5. 注意行文逻辑。要加强对上下文逻辑关系的理解,如转折关系、让步关系、因果关 系、递进关系、增补关系、比较关系、对比关系等,以及对转换词语的运用能力的培养。 6, 掌握几种实用的解题方法。要学会根据上下文的同义词线索、环境线索、对比线索、 因果线索、顺序线索等进行分析。 二、完形填空的方法技巧点拨 完形填空题从整体上来说是综合性较强的题型,这部分的考查要求学生有较强的语感, 通过对文章的阅读理解,结合所学的语言知识,特别是词法、句法和习惯用法等进行逻辑推 理,从上下文语境中找到答题的依据。重点考查动词、名词、形容词、副词等实词在语篇中 的运用。熟练掌握解题要点是十分必要的,如:注意全篇的关系,根据上下文的语境,瞻前 顾后,找判断依据;注意同义词、近义词的辨析,从词汇、意义判断;从常识、逻辑进行推 理;注意习惯用法,前后搭配。 就单个完形填空题来说,实际是“词感现象”的展示,主要考查考生的词感能力。所谓 “词感”是指一种对词或词群的感受能力,对词的感受力强,解题时会较为容易地找到它与 情景的关系。考生较为娴熟的语感有助于理解语段和语句,而娴熟的词感则有助于选词准确, 逻辑顺畅。词感并不仅仅指词与词之间的细微差异,也并不注重于词的搭配或组合,而是较 多地强调选用恰当的词,以利于对情景作出合乎逻辑的判断。因此,完形填空题的解题关键 在于反复阅读所给短文,做题时应注意使用正确的方法,以达到不失分的最佳效果。所以, 考生在解题时应注意以下几点: 1. 注意文章的整体性。 快速通读全文,掌握短文主旨大意。考生在答题时,应先通读文章,对全文的第一句话 和最后一句话以及每个段落的首尾两句话应给予充分的关注。因为这些句子往往提纲挈领, 有助于发现文章的宗旨和每段的大意。不要急于看选项、找答案,在通篇浏览短文时,注意 力应放在短文中出现的时间、地点、人物及事件上。短文开头的第一、二句通常是主题句, 是告诉考生文章所要讲的主题是什么。完形填空首句不留空白,认真阅读短文开头的第一、 二句,有利于考生准确地预测和推断短文的主旨。通读短文的目的就是为了弄清文章的大意, 以知其所云。 2. 上下关联找出语境,关注句子结构。 抓住结构、语义及逻辑三条线索,推断和预测选项。完形填空是人为地切断短文的思路, 再让考生依据自己对文章的理解恢复短文思路的题型。考生在答题时,首先,要注意所选的 答案填入空白处后,整个句子语法结构(词性、语态、语气、时态)是否合理;上下文句子之 间的关系,判断它是简单句、并列句还是复合句。若是简单句,句子的主、谓、宾等成分是 否完整,缺哪一部分;若是并列句和复合句,就应注意句子中的连词、关系词等成分在哪里。 同时还应注意待选答案在句子中所处的语法位置。其次,看语义是否通顺,上下文是否连贯、 呼应。第三,如果几个选项填入空白处,结构和语义没有问题,那么就要在逻辑上看哪个选 项填入最为合理。 3. 巧辨词语和句型,活用同义与常识。 完形填空是考查考生能否熟练地掌握词组、习语和句型的有效题型,因此考生平时要注 意词组、习语和句型的积累,特别是《教学大纲》和《考试说明》中要求掌握的那一部分词 组、习语和句型。在答题过程中,考生如能迅速地判断词组、习语和句型,不仅会提高答题 的准确率,而且可以节省答题时间;辨别同义词的不同含义,是考查考生对词汇掌握的重要 途径,很多词在不同的上下文中会有不同的意思,因此考生一定要在认真读懂短文的基础上 作答;运用生活常识也是正确答题的有效手段;同时要注意短文中是否有习惯用法和固定搭 配。一旦考生选用方法得当,加上娴熟“词感”,那么就会有效地提高其答题的准确率。 4. 把握宏观,小心微观,求证词序,理顺逻辑。 考生在选项试填后,一定要通读短文,从整体上检查结构、语义及逻辑是否一致,上下 文连贯是否合理。另外,连词、副词是完形填空常考的词,考生在选择时要特别注意上下文 的语气、语态,避免出现逻辑混乱。只有明白文章结构,了解各段之间的关系,才能加深对 短文的理解。因为任何局部都是为主题思想服务的,理解了各句意思之后,答案常常就一目 了然了。所谓理顺逻辑,就是考生应具有对短文的主题思想心中有数,根据局部句子结构的 理解加以总结概括、推理判断和分析归纳的语言能力。惟此,文章的深层意思才会跃然眼前, 那么“完形”的任务就是轻而易举的事,恢复文章的原貌也就水到渠成了。 5. 解法多种多样,取法是关键,恢复原貌乃为上。 综上所述,我们知道做完形填空题重在“完形”。首先,在阅读中要尽量记忆最能表现 文章内容的关键句段、重点词语、时间、人物、地点等,力求把文章内容串联起来,构成整 体概念,明确文章内容的逻辑关系及来龙去脉;其次,应认真分析句子的意思是否完整或完 美,凡是不连贯、内容不明的句段要重点思考,重新确定空格应该填什么词最为合适,此时 应转换角度加以考虑,这样可更好地理解句段是为主题思想服务,心中初步确定欲选词语和 内容,为定向作好准备;最后,成功的关键在于“反复阅读所给短文”,考虑哪一个词语最 适宜填入所留空格,从而能更好地为文章的主题服务。此时的方法应该是:初选→观察→分 析→排除→通读→验证→确定。那种只见树木不见森林,见空就填、孤立答题的做法是不可 取的。 ( 一 ) 夹叙夹议型完形填空: 夹叙夹议型完形填空是高考和备考的重点。研读夹叙夹议型完形填空,可看出以下趋势: 1. 首句完整,线索清楚。 一般作者在第一句话就交代了人物的姓名、身份、业绩或事件发生的时间、地点,然 后再介绍事件的发生、发展以及最后得出结果。 2. 叙述灵活,侧重语境。 文章以叙述为主,人物间对话较少,绝大部分篇章是作者在描述事件,较少加入作者的 观点或评论。因此,常会出现态度与观点的跳跃变换,或语气上的差异。这增加了情景的迷 惑性和干扰性,从而突出了对语境的依赖,实现了在理解上下文的基础上,通过语境,辨析 词语,作出选择。记叙文一般按事件发展顺序叙述,有时用倒叙。答题时,通过理清人物间 的关系,把握人物各自所做的事情,从而把握细节,找准作者的记叙方向,正确理解文章。 ( 二 ) 说明型完形填空 说明型完形填空选材难度一般低于试卷中的阅读理解大题。在设空与选项设计方面充分 体现了语言知识运用题的要求:以实词为主,名、动、形、副等词类占全部小题数的 90% , 绝大多数小题都要从全文角度进行判断。这一命题思路体现了 “ 语篇意识 ” 。说明型完 形填空一般用言简意赅的文字,按照一定的方法介绍事物,解释事理。 最显著的特点是: 1. 开头点题 做说明型完形填空时,要明确说明的对象是什么,是具体实物还是理论性概念。因此, 明确说明的对象是掌握说明细节的前提。在近年的说明型填空中,作者一般在文章的首句直 接提出说明的对象。 2. 结构清晰 把握语篇特征对理解文意与答题极为有利。说明文的写作一般按时间顺序(指先后顺序), 空间顺序(从局部到整体,从上到下、从内到外),逻辑顺序(前因后果,先果后因,先主后 次);认识顺序(由此及彼,由浅入深,由具体到抽象,由现象到本质)。 总之应逐句精读短文,逐题分析选项,对特定的语境作深入的理解,克服 “ 定式思 维 ” ,根据全文大意和词不离句,句不离文的原则,逐项填空。要吃透文意,理解到位, 应做到以下几点:第一点:从上下文的角度考虑,注意其内在联系。第二点:从词汇意义及 用法、惯用方式和搭配的角度去考虑,准确判断。第三点:从逻辑推理、常识等角度考虑, 挖掘文章的寓意及隐含意义。第四点:从英汉两种语言的差异角度去考虑,避免错误。 (三)方法提炼 1.语境化选择 : 填空题是具有完整信息的短文,其段与段、句与句、甚至词与词之间都有着不可分割、 千丝万缕的联系,解题时若只拘泥于个别的句子、段落或短语,而不结合整篇文章所提供的 语境,不善于从上下文中寻找线索,则很容易选错答案。有些完形填空跳跃性非常强,第一 空往往需要读完全文才能作出正确选择。有时,最后一空呼应全文主题,需要结合全文主题 (往往是全文首句)才能作答。更多的时候需要考生牢牢把握文章主题,根据上下文的信息来 作答。所以要: 认真阅读首句,把握全文主旨。 【 例 1 】 A. little boy invited his mother to attend his school ’ s first teacher-parent meeting.To the little boy’s__36__,she said she would go. A. . enjoyment B.disappointment C. surprise D. excitement 按照一般思路,家长总是事务繁忙抽不出时间参加家长会,因此一旦家长同意参加,孩 子应该感到高兴或激动才对。而这里如果选择 A. 项或 D 项都是错误的,因为它们和语境不 相 符 合 。 其 实 , 下 文 A. lthough she was a beautiful woman,there was a serve scar( 疤 痕)that__40__ (covered) nearly the entire right side of her face.才道出了事情的真相:这个男孩 并不想让母亲参加家长会,因为母亲脸上的疤痕会使自己在同学面前感到难堪,邀请母亲参 加只是完成老师布置的任务而已,并不是真心,所以母亲答应要去时他感到很“失望”。正 确答案为 B。 【 例 2 】 I climbed the stairs slowly,carrying a big suitcase,my father following with two more.By the time I got to the third floor,I was 26 and at the same time felling lonely. A. . helpless B.lazy C. anxious D. tired 要选准 26 题答案,应对题前的信息进行分析 climb slowly,carry a big case,got to the third floor,同时我们从下文可知“I”是初入大学的女生,所以可知合理答案为 D。 注重在 语境中考查词义的这一试题特点,很好地反映了从重点测试语言形式转向重点测试语言意义 的改革方向,反映了“强调应用,注重交际”的命题原则。 2. 瞻前顾后,从上下文找线索。 牢记全文的中心思想,把每个空白处的含义与前后句的意思联系起来理解,再结合上下 文的内容和特定的语言环境进行合乎逻辑的推理判断,选出最佳答案。 【 例 3 】 In it were photos of all the actors of our show,__49__ signed by each performer.There were also __50__ of the public procession( 游 行 队 伍 )and fireworks in the park,taken by the front desk clerk in her own __51__ after work. 50.A. . rules B.pictures C. handbooks D. performances 这篇短文讲的是一位游客在美国 Walt Disney 所经历的一件感人故事。原来她在 Polynesian Luau 拍摄的照片不幸丢失,感到非常惋惜。善解人意的员工主动答应帮助她把该 景点其余画面都拍下来再邮寄给她。所以当她收到邮包时发现里面不仅有参加演出演员的照 片还有亲笔签名,另外还有公众游行和燃放爆竹的照片。also 一词充分暗示了邮包里的另外 一些内容与前面是同类的。据此不难得出答案 B。 2.词语辨析 近几年高考完形填空选项的显著特征就是四个选项形式完全相同,如都是动词原形、 都是副词、都是名词复数形式等。这样至少在语法意义上四个选项都正确,要求考生在词语 辨析上下功夫。 做题要点: 1). 形义兼顾,重视语境 : 既然四个选项形式完全相同,那么就要注意区分它们之间在意义上和搭配上的微小差别, 形义兼顾。同时,一定要把这些选项放在特定的语言环境里进行区分、判断,从而选出最佳 答案。 【例 4】 But if they ever succeeded in catching one,they may face a real__54__ :Would they put it in a zoo or give it a room in a hotel? A. . decision B.situation C. subject D. problem 四个选项都是名词,填入句中作宾语语法都正确,但下一句话的意思清楚地告诉我们, 究竟把雪人放在何处是捉住雪人后人们所面临的一个难以抉择的现实“问题”。故应填入 problem 才符合语境要求。答案为 D。 2). 利用同义词、近义词、反义词的出现 在阅读文章的过程中,有时会发现一些与选项意义紧密相连的同义词、近义词、反义词。 因此,要学会充分利用这些词提供的有效信息进行合理的推测判断,选出正确的答案。 【例 5】 “Hooray!” shouted the crowd.It was the loudest__41__ had ever heard at a meet.The firstplace runner was two laps(圈)ahead of me when she crossed the finishing line. A. . cheer B.shout C. cry D. noise 四个选项都是名词,都表示“声音”,但侧重点有所不同。若考生能够注意前面的同义 词 shout 和特定的语境,就能够确定 cheer(欢呼声)最符合语境,因为此时“我”比赛落后很 多,心情颇为沉重,正是人群中的加油声促使我改变想法,决定来年继续参加比赛。这场比 赛让“我”意识到强者不一定是最终的获胜者,而是那些在输掉的情况下永不放弃的人。答 案为 A. 。 【例 6】 When I was in the army I__36__ an intelligence test that all soldiers took, and, against(an average) of 100, scored 160. A. . faild B.wrote C. received D. chose 从上下文可知,上题答案应为“took”的同义词,故可确定正确答案为 C,意为“接受”。 3.) 固定搭配 在这方面要注意:逻辑搭配(过渡词,连接手段,指示代词,肯定,否定等);语义搭配 (区别同义词、近义词、反义词等);结构搭配(名词,动词,形容词等在句中或文中和其他词 的搭配);惯用搭配(即通常说的固定短语结构)。 【例 7】 Is all this press necessary? __50__ up leaving the football team.Four other girls did the same,and two of them stopped playing football completely. A. . gave B.kept C. ended D. picked 四个选项的动词都能和 up 搭配构成短语,但是意思各不相同。give up“放弃”;keep up “保持(状态)”;pick up“捡起;接收”;end up 与 v-ing 连用,表示“以……结束”。结合上 下文,作者由于难以承受巨大的压力而最终选择离开球队。答案为 C。 【例 8】The native people said they(knew of) this creature and called it the “Yeti”,and they said that they had__39__ caught Yetis on two occasions__40__ none has ever been produced as evidence(证据). 39.A. . even B.hardly C. certainly D. probably 40.A. . as B.though C. when D. until 并列连词“and”连接的两个分在意义上是递进关系,故 39 题答案为 A. 。第二个分句的 主从句间为让步关系,40 题答案为 B。 4. )文化背景和生活常识 【例 9】Immediately,the officers jumped into their cars and rushed to the hospital. A. . animal B.biggest C. nearest D. plan 在紧急情况下,人们的第一反应是到最近的医院就医,因此答案为 C。 【例 10】So I found a seat in the corner and patiently waiting. A. . sat B.stood C. lay D. laid 根据常识和习惯,找到座位后,还要耐心等待吗?自然就坐下来了。所以最佳答案为 A. 。 5. )行文逻辑推理 完形填空行文逻辑推理题要求考生能够做到上下文融会贯通,合理把握整个语篇的行 文走势,句段的起承转合,事情发生的先后过程,开始与结果间的内在联系,是与非的鉴别 判断,时间、地点、人物、背景之间的关系等。 【例 11】When I joined a private football league a few years ago,the sport meant everything to me.My coach( 教 练 )said that I had lots of potential( 潜 力 ),and I became captain of my__36__ .That was before all the fun was taken out of__37__ . A. t first,everyone on the team got__38__ playing time.Then the team moved up to the top division after winning all its games,and the__39__ started.Some parents,who had paid the coach extra so their daughters could have__40__ one-on-one training,got angry when she didn’t give them more playing time in our__41__ .The coach was replaced. The new coach,however,took all the fun out of the game:A. ll we did during practice was__42__ .I always wished to God that it would rain so we would not have the__43__ . 36.A. . class B.club C. team D. board C。因为本句中有 captain 为“队长”,故应选 team。 37.A. . playing B.living C. learning D. working A. 。本文主要讲述作者“踢足球”的经历,故应选 playing。 38.A. . great B.equal C. right D. extra B。因为本段后半部分提到有些家长额外付钱想让自己的孩子多得到教练的指导,教练没 给那些孩子额外的指导才被替换,所以起初那段快乐的时光是大家得到均等的训练机会。 39.A. . business B.struggle C. attempt D. pressure D。下文提到了“这些压力使我经常出错”,“这些压力有必要吗?” 40.A. . free B.private C. good D. basic B。这些父母们“paid extra money”当然是为了私利,所以选择 private。 41.A. . matches B.courses C. lessons D. programs A. 。教练被解雇是因为在比赛中没有给那些额外付钱的孩子们更多的上场时间。而 course 是“课程;过程”的含义;lesson 为“课”的意思,program 意思是“节目;程序”,显 然都不符合文意。 42.A. . jump B.play C. run D. shoot C。从本段下文可得知换教练后,主要训练形式就是跑。 43.A. . duty B.meeting C. operation D. training D。我向上帝祈祷赶快下雨,作为厌烦这种训练形式的孩子的心理,显然是想让下雨阻 止训练,故选 training。 三、高考完形填空试题分析 2008 年浙江 In the depths of my memory, many things I did with my father still live. These things have come to represent, in fact, what I call__21__ and love. I don't remember my father ever getting into a swimming pool. But he did__22__ the water. A. ny kind of __23__ ride seemed to give him pleasure.__24__ he loved to fish; sometimes he took me dong. But I never really liked being on the water, the way my father did. I liked being__25__ the water, moving through it,__26__ it all around me. I was not a strong__27__ , or one who learned to swim early, for I had my 28 . But I loved being in the swimming pool close to my father's office and__29__ those summer days with my father, who__30__ come by on a break. I needed him to see what I could do. My father would stand there in his suit, the__31__person not in swimsuit. A. fter swimming, I would go__32__ his office and sit on the wooden chair in front of his big desk, where he let me__33__ anything I found in his top desk drawer. Sometimes, if I was left alone at his desk__34__ he worked in the lab, an assistant or a student might come in and tell me perhaps I shouldn't be playing with his __35__. But my father always__36__ and said easily, "Oh, no, it's__37__ "Sometimes he handed me coins and told me to get__38__ an ice cream ... A. poet once said, "We look at life once, in childhood; the rest is__39__ "A. nd I think it is not only what we "look at once, in childhood" that determines our memories, but__40__, in that childhood, looks at us. 21. A. . desire B. joy C. anger D. worry 22. A. . avoid B. refuse C. praise D. love 23. A. . boat B. bus C. train D. bike 24. A. . But B. Then C. A. nd D. Still 25. A. . on B. off C. by D. in 26. A. . having B. leaving C. making D. getting 27. A. . swimmer B. rider C. walker D. runner 28. A. . hopes B. faiths C. rights D. fears 29. A. . spending B. saying C. wasting D. mining 30. A. . should B. would C. had to D. ought to 31. A. . next B. only C. other D. last 32. A. . away from B. out of C. by D. inside 331 A. . put up B. break down C. play with D. work out 34. A. . the moment B. the first time C. while D. before 35. A. . fishing net B. office things C. wooden chair D. lab equipment 36. A. . stood up B. set out C. showed up D. turned out 37. A. . fine B. strange C. terrible D. funny 38. A. . the student B. the assistant C. myself D. himself 39. A. . memory B. wealth C. experience D. practice 40. A. . which B. who C. what D. whose 解析; 08 浙江卷所选的文章题材生活化,体现了语言的真实性。具体地说,完形填空的语料 涉及高中学生对童年生活的回忆,夹叙夹议,情节清晰,富有哲理,考生易于理解和接受。 试题的设置仍有伏击点,但整体难度适中。 In the depths of my memory, many things I did with my father still live. These things come to represent, in fact, what I call __21__and love. 21.A. . desire B. joy C. anger D. worry B。分析:此题有两个突破口,第一个是“and”这个并列连接词,后面是“ love”,所 以排除 C 和 D,再结合文章开头和下文,文章开头说“在我的记忆深处,我与父亲一起做 的许多事情现在仍然记忆犹新。下文说父亲曾经在游泳池看儿子游泳,游泳之后,儿子去父 亲的办公室玩自己喜欢玩的东西。对作者来说当然是快乐的回忆。所以只能选 B。 I don’t remember my father ever getting into a swimming tool. But he did __22__the water. 22.A. . a, void B. refuse C. praise D. love D。分析:根据下文“A. ny kind of __23__ride seemed to give him pleasure.”和“ he loved to fish”,当然是选 love。 A. ny kind of __23__ride seemed to give him pleasure. 23.A. . boat B. bus C. train D. bike<, /P> A. 。分析:与水有关的当然是乘船。 __24__he loved to fish; sometimes he took me along. 24.A. . But B. Then C. A. nd D. Still C。分析:此题考查连词。上一句提到乘船给他乐趣,后面提到喜欢钓鱼,所以是递进 关系。 But I never really liked being on the water, the way my father did. I liked being __25__the water, moving through it, __26__it all around me. 25.A. . on B. off C. by D. in D。分析:此题考查介词。根据“moving through it”,而“it”指的是水,所以选 D。 26.A. . having B. leaving C. making D. getting A. 。分析:此题考查非谓语动词和几个相关动词的用法。说实话,此题难度较大。考 生会误选 B 或 D。 I was not a strong __27__, or one who learned to swim early, for I had my __28__. 27.A. . swimmer B. rider C. walker D. runner A. 。分析:下文提到游泳,所以选 A. 。 28.A. . hopes B. faiths C. rights D. fears D。分析:前文提到作者没有很早学游泳,而且根据常理小孩子应该是害怕。 But I loved being in the swimming pool close to my father’s office and __29__those summer days with my father, who __30__ come by on a break. 29.A. . spending B. saving C. wasting D. ruining A. 。分析:此句的意思是我喜欢在离父亲办公室很近的那个游泳池游泳,与父亲一起 度过夏日。其它几个动词意思不符。 30.A. . should B. would C. had to D. ought to B。分析:此题考查情态助动词的用法。此处“would”表示过去常常做某事。“should” 意为“应该”,“had to”不得不,“ought to”应该。 I needed him to see what I could do. My father would stand there in his suit, the __31__person not in swimsuit. 31.A. . next B. only C. other D. last B。分析:根据常识,在游泳池的人一般都是穿着泳装,而我父亲没有穿,所以选 “only”。 A. fter swimming, I would go __32__ his office and sit on the wooden chair in front of his big desk, where he let me __33__anything I found in his top desk drawer. 32.A. . away from B. out of C. by D. inside D。分析:游泳结束后,作者到父亲的办公室玩。 33.A. . put up B. break down C. play with D. work out C。分析:“put up”意为张贴,搭建,为某人提供食宿;“break down”机器出故障, 身体垮掉,感情失去控制,分解。“ work out ”计算出,想出。“play with” 与…玩。小孩 子从抽屉里找可以找到的东西,当然是用来玩。 Sometimes, if I was left alone at his desk __34__ he worked in the lab, an assistant or a student might come in and tell me perhaps I shouldn’t be playing with his _35__. 34.A. . the moment B. the first time C. while D. before C。分析:此题考查对语境的理解和从属连词的用法。“the moment”意为“一…就” , “the first time” 第一次,“while” 在此处意为“而,然而”,表示转折对比。 35. A. . fishing net B. office things C. wooden chair D. lab equipment B。分析:此题考查对语境的理解。上文提到作者在父亲的办公室从抽屉里找东西玩, 所以选 B。 But my father always __36__and said easily, “Oh, no, it’s __37__.” 36. A. . stood up B. set out C. showed up D. turned out C。分析:此题考查动词短语的区别。“stood up”意为站起来,“set out ”出发, 开始, 陈列, 宣布, 移植, 陈述 ,“turned out”结果是,被证明是。只有“showed up”出现,才符 合语境。 37. A. . fine B. strange C. terrible D. funny A. 。分析:“Oh, no, it’s fine .”指的是没关系的,父亲允许儿子玩办公室的东西。 Sometimes he handed me coins and told me to get __38__ an ice cream… 38. A. . the student B. the assistant C. myself D. himself C。分析:此处当然是让儿子给自己买冰激凌吃。 A. poet once said, “We look at life once, in childhood,; the rest is __39__.” 39. A. . memory B. wealth C. experience D. practice A. 。分析:解题的突破口 应该是上文的文章开头的“my memory”和下文的“our memories”,做完形应该瞻前顾后,注意某些词语在文章中的复现。 A. nd I think it is not only what we “look at once, in childhood” that determines our memories, but __40__, in that childhood, look at us. 40. A. . which B. who C. what D. whose B。分析:作者回忆了童年时期父亲观看他游泳和在父亲办公室里可以玩一些从抽屉里 找到的东西,从而给他带来了美好的回忆,至今记忆犹新。所以发出了“童年时期,谁看着 我们长大的也是很重要的”感慨。 方法提炼 夹叙夹议型题,解题需要“瞻前顾后”,通过上下文暗示考查考生对语意、语境、语篇 的深层次理解,并在掌握文章主旨大意的基础上,正确理解句与句、段与段之间的内在联 系。 2008 年广东 Tales of the supernatural are common in all parts of Britain. In particular, there was (and perhaps still is) a belief in fairies(仙女). Not all of these__21__are the friendly, people-loving characters that appear in Disney films, and in some folktales they are__22__and cause much human suffering. This is true in the tales about the Changeling. These tell the story of a mother whose baby grows__23__ and pale and has changed so much that it is almost__24__ to the parents. It was then__25__ that the fairies had come and stolen the baby away and__26__ the human baby with a fairy Changeling. There were many ways to prevent this from happening: hanging a knife over the baby’s head while he slept or covering him with some of his father’s clothes were just two of the recommended__27__. However, hope was not lost even if the baby had been 28 . In those cases there was often a way to get the__29__ baby back. You could__30__the Changeling on the fire--then it would rise up the chimney, and you would hear the sound of fairies’ laughter and soon after you would find your own child safe and sound nearby. 21. A. . babies B. believers C. fairies D. supermen 22. A. . powerful B. cruel C. frightened D. extraordinary 23. A. . sick B. slim C. short D. small 24. A. . uncomfortable B. unbelievable C. unacceptable D. unrecognizable 25. A. . feared B. predicted C. heard D. reported 26. A. . covered B. changed C. replaced D. terrified 27. A. . cases B. tools C. steps D. methods 28. A. . missed B. stolen C. found D. lost 29. A. . 1ittle B. pale C. sad D. real 30. A. . seize B. burn C. place D. hold 解析: 本文主要是说英国的神话故事中非所有仙女都是善良的,有的很残酷,常给人们带来痛 苦。 21. C 结合前句可知,本句意为“并不是所有的仙女(fairies)都像迪斯尼电影中出现的人 物那样友善、讨人喜爱”。 22. B 与前面的 friendly 相对,后面的 and cause much human suffering 也说明了这一点。 23. A. 由与之并列的 pale (苍白)可知,是有病的婴儿。 24. D 因为“变化如此之大”,所以父母也“无法识别,辨不出来”。 25. A. 孩子变得辨认不出来了,这时“人们担心(it is feared that…)”被仙女来换了一个 孩子了。 26. C 由前文 stolen the baby away 可知,是用 a fairy Changeling 来取代了 the human baby; 表示“取代”用 replace = take the place of。 27. D 由前文的 many ways 可知,与 ways 同义的是 methods。 28. B 由前文 stolen the baby away 可知。 29. D 与用来取代的假的相对,应当为“真的”。 30. C 把 the Changeling“放到”火上面。 方法提炼: 采用说明文的开头点题方法就可顺藤摸瓜。 2008 年江苏 Evelyn Glennie was the first lady of solo percussion in Scotland. In an interview, she recalled how she became a percussion soloist(打击乐器独奏演员) in spite of her disability. “Early on I decided not to allow the__36__of others to stop me from becoming a musician. I grew up on a farm in northeast Scotland and began__37__piano lessons when I was eight. The older I got, the more my passion(酷爱) for music grew. But I also began to gradually lose my__38 __. Doctors concluded that the nerve damage was the__39__and by age twelve, I was completely deaf. But my love for music never__40__ me.” “My__41__was to become a percussion soloist, even though there were none at that time. To perform, I__42__to ‘hear’ music differently from others. I play in my stocking feet and can__43__the pitch of a note(音调高低) by the vibrations(振动) I feel through my body and through my__44__. My entire sound world exists by making use of almost every__45__that I have.” “I was __46__ to be assessed as a musician, not as a deaf musician, and I applied to the famous Royal A. cademy of Music in London. No other deaf student had__47__this before and some teachers__48__my admission. Based on my performance, I was__49__admitted and went on to__50__ with the academy’s highest honors.” “ A. fter that, I established myself as the first full-time solo percussionist. I __51__ and arranged a lot of musical compositions since__52__had been written specially for solo percussionists.” “I have been a soloist for over ten years. __53__the doctor thought I was totally deaf, it didn’t__54__ that my passion couldn’t be realized. I would encourage people not to allow themselves to be __55 __by others. Follow your passion; follow your heart. They will lead you to the place you want to go.” 36. A. . conditions B. opinions C. actions D. recommendations 37. A. . enjoying B. choosing C. taking D. giving 38. A. . sight B. hearing C. touch D. taste 39. A. . evidence B. result C. excuse D. cause 40. A. . left B. excited C. accompanied D. disappointed 41. A. . purpose B. decision C. promise D. goal 42. A. . turned B. learned C. used D. ought 43. A. . tell B. see C. hear D. smell 44. A. . carefulness B. movement C. imagination D. experience 45. A. . sense B. effort C. feeling D. idea 46. A. . dissatisfied B. astonished C. determined D. discouraged 47. A. . done B. accepted C. advised D. admitted 48. A. . supported B. followed C. required D. opposed 49. A. . usually B. finally C. possibly D. hopefully 50. A. . study B. research C. graduate D. progress 51. A. . wrote B. translated C. copied D. read 52. A. . enough B. some C. many D. few 53. A. . However B. A. lthough C. When D. Since 54. A. . mean B. seem C. conclude D. say 55. A. . directed B. guided C. taught D. limited 解析: 讲述的是英国著名聋女打击乐手 Evelyn Glennie 成功的故事。本文中的很多词汇,如: solo、percussion 等在牛津英语教材模块八第二单元中均有所涉及。 36. B。从上下文可知 Glennie 不想让别人的看法(the opinions of others)左右自己成为 音乐家的理想。A. 条件;C 项行动;D 项推荐。 37. C。Glennie 八岁开始学习钢琴。take lessons 上课,固定短语。 38. B。 从下文可知,Glennie 听觉(hearing)逐渐失去,直到 12 岁时完全失聪(completely deaf)。 39. D.神经损伤(the nerve damage)是 Glennie 失去听觉的主要原因(cause)。evidence 证据;result 结果;excuse 借口。 40. “我对音乐的爱从来没有离开过我。”根据 never,句意否定,所以 B 项 excite sb.令 人激动,C 项 accompany sb.陪伴某人不正确。D 项应为 disappear from sb.。 41. D。人生的目标 (goal ),purpose 目的;decision 决定;promise 许诺。 42. B。“我学会了‘听’(learn to do)音乐。”turn to 转向(某人寻求帮助);used to 过 去常常(做某事);ought to 应该做某事。 43. A. 。tell 辨别;see 看到;hear 听到;smell 闻到。句意是:通过振动来辨别音调的 高低。 44. C。据句意,为了分辨音调的高低,除了通过身体对振动的感觉,还可以通过我的 想象(imagination)。因为 Glennie 以前没有失聪过,所以不会有 experience(经验);而 carefulness(细心)和身体的 movement(运动)对聋人来说是无法分辨音调高低的。 45. A. 。“我只有通过调动全部的感觉(sense)器官”才能弥补失聪的遗憾来感受周围 世界。定语从句 I have 修饰的我能拥有的 sense 感觉、effort 努力、feeling 感情、idea 想法 中 A. 项符合句意。 46. C。Glennie 下定决心(be determined to do)要被别人评价为一名音乐家,而不是一 名聋人音乐家。dissatisfied 不满意的; astonished 惊讶的;discouraged 气馁的。A. 、 B、D 都是 Glennie 对别人评价的反应,而 Glennie 这时实际上还没有成名,所以不可能有这 些感觉。 47. A. 。“以前没有失聪学生做过(done)这件事(applied to the Royal A. cademy of Music)”。A. ccept 接受,advise 建议,admit 承认。根据语意,A. 项正确。 48. D。因为以前没有失聪学生被录取,所以一些老师反对(oppose)Glennie 进入 the Royal A. cademy of Music。 49. B。由于 Glennie 的表现,最终(finally)被录取。 50. C。以最高的荣誉从 the Royal A. cademy of Music 毕业(graduate)。 51. A. 。作曲 write musical compositions。 52. D。自己作曲的原因是很少有人(few)专门为打击乐器独奏演员作曲。 53. B。尽管医生认为 Glennie 完全聋了,但并不意味着她的热情被忽视了。A. lthough 引导让步状语从句。从语意判断,B 项最佳。 54. A. 。mean 意味着。conclude 作结论。 55. D。Glennie 根据自己的切身体会告诫人们:不要被别人这样那样的说法所禁锢 (limit)。 方法提炼: 根据记叙文的按事件顺序发展特点这个思路是解题的突破口。 2008 年北京 When I entered Berkeley, I hoped to earn a scholarship. Having been a Straight-A. student. I believed I could__36__ tough subjects and really learn something. One such course was World Literature given by Professor Jayne. I was extremely interested in the ideas he__37__ in class. When I took the first exam, I was__38__ to find a 77. C-plus, on my test paper, __39__ English was my best subject, I went to Professor Jayne, who listened to my arguments but remained__40__. I decided to try harder, although I didn’t know what that__41__because school had always been easy for me. I read the books more carefully, but got another 77. A. gain, I__42__with Professor Jayne. A. gain, he listened patiently but wouldn’t change his__43__. One more test before the final exam. One more__44__to improve my grade. So I redoubled my efforts and, for the first time__45__. The meaning of the word “thorough”. But my__46__ did no good and everything__47__ as before. The last hurdle ( 障 碍 ) was the final. No matter what__48__ I got, it wouldn’t cancel three C-pluses. I might as well kiss the __49__ goodbye. I stopped working head. I felt I knew the course material as well as I ever would. The night before the final, I even__50__myself to a movie. The next day I decided for once I’d have__51__with a test. A. week later, I was surprised to find I got an A. . I hurried into professor Jayne’s office. He__52__ to be expecting me. “If I gave you the A. s you__53__, you wouldn’t continue to work as hard.” I stared at him__54__. That his analysis and strategy (策略) were cprrect. I had worked my head__55__, as I had never done before. I was speechless when my course grade arrived: A. -plus. It was the only A. -plus given. The next year I received my scholarship. I’ve always remembered Professor Jayne’s lesson: you alone must set your own standard of excellence. 36. A. . take B. discuss C. cover D. get 37. A. . sought B. presented C. exchanged D. obtained 38. A. . shocked B. worried C. scared D. anxious 39. A. . but B. so C. for D. or 40. A. . unchanged B. unpleasant C. unfriendly D. unmoved 41. A. . reflected B. meant C. improved D. affected 42. A. . quarreled B. reasoned C. bargained D. chatted 43. A. . attitude B. mind C. plan D. view 44. A. . choice B. step C. chance D. measure 45. A. . memorized B. considered C. accepted D. learned 46. A. . ambition B. confidence C. effort D. method 47. A. . stayed B. went C. worked D. changed 48. A. . grade B. answer C. lesson D. comment 49. A. . scholarship B. course C. degree D. subject 50. A. . helped B. favored C. treated D. relaxed 51. A. . fun B. luck C. problems D. tricks. 52. A. . happened B. proved C. pretended D. seemed 53. A. . valued B. imagined C. expected D. welcomed 54. A. . remembering B. guessing C. supposing D. realizing 55. A. . out B. over C. on D. off 解析: 本文讲述了要想成功必须自觉朝目标努力。 36. A. 考查词语搭配。take subjects 的意义是“上某一学科的课”。 37. B 考查词语搭配。presented 意义是“传授”,ideas 是 he presented 的定语从句,意 思是“他所传授的理论”。 38. A. 考查上下文的意义的联系。文中说他的学习成绩总是得 A. ,然而这次考试,他 得的是 C-plus,所以他感到震惊,所以选择 shocked。 39. C 考查上下文的意义的联系。for 表示原因。英语本来是他最好的科目,然而他的 成绩是 C-plus。 40. D 考查上下文的意义的联系。他与教授辩论,但老师无动于衷。 41. B 考查上下文的意义的联系。我不知道这是怎么一回事儿。 42. B 考查上下文的意义的联系。我又与教授辩论,此处的意义与上文 arguments 的意 义一致。 43. B 考查词的细微差别。mind 指教授固有的思维方式。View 指对事物的意见。attitude 指对事物的态度。plan 意思是“计划”。 44. C 考查上下文的意义的联系。本段第一句话意思是“在期末考试前还有一次测验, 所以他还有一次机会提高他的成绩。 45. D 考查上下文的意义的联系。他加倍努力学习,所以他第一次学习到了“thorough” 这个词的意思。“thorough”意思是“完全的、深入的”。 46. C 考查上下文的意义的联系。上文提到他加倍努力,这里意思是“努力也没有用”。 47. B 考查词的不同意义。一切的进展和以前一样,went 指“进展”。Stayed 指“停 留”。 48. A. 考查上下文的意义的联系。到期末的时候,无论我获得什么高分数, 都不能去 掉三个 C-plus 的分数。 49. A. 考查上下文的意义的联系。本文第一句话,就提到他希望得到奖学金,这里说的 是他可能与奖学金擦肩而过。 50. C 考查上下文的意义的联系。他觉得此课程学得很好了,不用学了。在期末考试的 前一天晚上,他看一部电影来款待自己。 51. A. 考查上下文的意义的联系。他决定把第二天的考试当作一次娱乐活动。与上文意 义逻辑一致。 52. D 考查上下文的意义的联系。一星期后,他惊讶地发现他获得了优秀成绩,立刻跑 到教授的办公室。教授好像正盼望着他的到来。 53. C 考查上下文的意义的联系。教授说:“如果我以前给了你所期待的优秀成绩,你 就不会像这样努力地学习了”。 54. D 考查上下文的意义的联系。我盯着他,意识到他的分析和策略是正确的。 55. D 考查不同词的意义差别。work my head off 指“全身心投入”。work out 意思是 “做出,制定出”,work over 意思是“打击、伤害”,work on 意思是“继续工作”。 方法提炼: 利用记叙文上下文的意义的联系是解题的关键。 2008 年上海 Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need. A. . honored B. set C. historic D. secretly E. citizen F. granted G. route H. briefly I. restoration J. leading Frederick Douglass was an escaped slave in the movement that fought to end slavery in the United Stales. He became a__41__ voce in the yean before the Civil War. A. few weeks ago, the National Park Service (NPS) __42__ Douglass's birth and Black History Month with the reopening of his home at Cedar Hill, a __43__ site in Washington. D. C. The two-story house, which contains many of Douglass's personal possessions, had undergone a three-year __44 __. (Thanks to the NTS website, however, you don't have to live in the nation's capital to visit it. Take a tour online.) He was born Frederick A. ugustus Washington Bailey to a slave mother and a white father he never knew. Douglass grew up to become the first black __45__ to bold a government office — as US minister and consul general (总领事) to Haiti. A. s a youth, be never went to school. Educating slaves was illegal in the South, so be __46__ taught himself to read and write. A. t 21 years old, he escaped from his slave owner to Massachusetts and changed his last name to Douglass, to hide his identity. In the 1850s, Douglass was involved with the Underground Railroad, the system __47__ up by antislavery groups to bring runaway slaves to the North and Canada. His home in Rochester, N.Y. was near the Canadian border. It became an important station on the __48__ , housing as many as 11 runaway slaves at a time. He died in 1895. In his lifetime, Douglass witnessed the end of slavery in 1865 and the adoption of the 15th A. mendment to the US Constitution (美国宪法修正案), which __49__ A. frican-A. mericans the right to vote. 解析: 讲了 Frederick Douglass 这个美国黑人的故事。 41. J. 根据第一段的意思“Frederick Douglass 是美国在结束奴隶制度的战斗中逃跑出去 的一个奴隶,他在美国内战以前的岁月里是起到了先声作用的人物”,所以,要选择 leading。 42. A. . honour 此处是“带来荣誉,为纪念…”的意思。 43. C. 根据上下文意思,Frederick Douglass 在 Cedar Hill 的家当然就成了“historic:有历 史意义的”site,所以选择 historic。 44. I.根据前后文意思,知道“这盛有 Frederick Douglass 个人财产的两层楼的房子, 经过了三年的重新修缮后才向世人开放”,所以,选择 I。 45. E. 根据上下文意思,Frederick Douglass 成为第一个拥有政府办公室的黑人“市民”, 所以选择 citizen。 46. D.当 Frederick Douglass 年轻的时候,他从来没有能够去学校接受教育,因为当时 在美国南部黑人受教育是不合法的,所以,他只能“秘密地自学”,故选择 secretly。 47. B.set up 为固定短语,意思是“建立、建造、设立”。 48. G.根据前后文的语境,此处应填 route, on the route 是“在这一路线上,它成了最 重要的站点”。 49. F.grant right 是“授权”的意思。 方法提炼: 记叙文绝大部分篇章是作者在描述事件,通过语境,根据上下文辨析词语,作出选择。 2008 年陕西 A. woman id her sixties lived alone in her little cottage with a pear tree at the door. She spent all her time taking care of the tree. But the children nearby drover her__21__ by making fun of her. They would climb her tree and then run away with pearw, __22__ “A. unty Misery” at her. One evening, a passer by asked to __23__ for the night. Seeing that he had an__24__. Face, she let him in and gave him a nice__25__. The next morning the stranger, actually a sorcerer(巫 师), thanked her by rganting(允准) her __26__ that anyone who climbed up her tree__27__ not be able to come back down until she__28__ it. When the children came back to steal her__29__ , she had them stuck on the tree. They had to beg her long__30__ she gave the tree permission to let __31__ go. A. unty Misery was form the __32__ at last. One day another man__33__ her door. This one did not look trustworthy to her, __34__ she asked who he was. I am Death. I’ve come to take you __35__ me.” Said he. Thinking fast A. unty Misery said, “Fine, but I’d like to__36__ some pears from my dear tree to remember the __37__ it broutht to me in this life. But I am too__38__ to climb high go get the best fruit. Will you be so __39__ as to do it for me?” with a deep sigh. Mr. Death climbed up the tree__40__ and was immediately stuck to it. No matter how much he warned or begged, A. unty Misery would not allow the tree to let Death go. 21. A. . hopeless B. painful C. dull D. crazy 22. A. . calling B. shouting C. announcing D. whispering 23. A. . stay B. live C. hide D. lie 24. A. . interesting B. honest C. anxious D. angry 25. A. . gift B. kiss C. treat D. smile 26. A. . suggestion B. demand C. permission D. wish 27. A. . could B. should C. might D. must 28. A. . permitted B. promised C. answered D. declared 29. A. . branch B. food C. tree D. fruit 30. A. . after B. while C. since D. before 31. A. . it B. them C. him D. her 32. A. . trick B. question C. trouble D. difficulty 33. A. . stepped into B. left for C. stopped at D. walked around 34. A. . so B. but C. although D. because 35. A. . with B. off C. upon D. for 36. A. . choose B. pick C. shake D. hit 37. A. . honor B. pleasure C. hope D. excitement 38. A. . light B. short C. old D. thin 39. A. . proud B. kind C. fine D. smart 40. A. . disappointedly B. cheerfully C. unwillingly D. eagerly 解析: 21. D ,从 drove 以及下文 making fun of her. 可以看出,应该是使她很生气。Crazy “非常生气”又如:That noise is driving me crazy. Hopeless 是令人失望的,而不是失望的,如:Most of the students are making good progress but Jeremy seems a hopeless case,大多数学生进步都很快, 但杰里米却似乎无可救药。 painful“使疼痛的,令人烦恼的”,而不是“烦恼的”。如:It was painful to admit that I was wrong. ,dull, 令人厌烦的; 单调的,而不是“烦恼的”如:: The conference was deadly dull. 备考: 本题中:除 A. 以外的三个词,都是“令人……,使人感到……”,很显然用于 the woman 是不合适的。 22. B . 从 run away with pears 看出,应该是大声的喊,shout,大声说出。Whisper 是低 声说。Call 做喊叫讲不带表示内容的的宾语。A. nnounce,通知。 23. A. . 从 one evening 以及下文的 next morning 可看出是请求过夜。stay for the night 过夜,固定搭配。 24. B. 从常识可知,留宿陌生人应该考虑他是否是诚实。从下文 let him in 看出是允许 进入。故选 B. honest,与下文 This one did not look trustworthy to her 呼应。 25. C . 既然允许过夜,接下来最有可能的应该是招待。treat 招待,款待,其它选项 不符合情理。 26. D .从下文 that 引导同位语从句的内容看,应该是她的一个很难实现的愿望。 suggestion 建议 d, emand 要求 permission 允许,均对题意不符。 27. B 考点:同位语从句 wish 是先行词,同位语从句谓语动词用 should + 动词原形,另外,could 不能与 be able to 连用 28. A. 根据上下文,没有她的允许不得下来。 29. D 到树上当然是偷摘果实(梨)了。branch 树枝; food 食物; tree 树,均不 符合题意。 30. D 长时间的请求后,老太太才让梨树放他们下来。Before,在……之前,才…… 31. B 当然是放偷梨的孩子走了。用 them 指代偷梨的孩子 32. C 这样的整治,孩子们当然不敢来了,老太太自然就没有这个麻烦了。 33. C 据上下文,有一个停在她家门前请求住宿。Stop at 在某处停下来。 34. A. 看见这个人不太可信,所以要查问他了。有因果关系 35. A. take sb with sb 带某人走, 36. B 从上下文可知,是摘一些梨作为纪念。从 climb 可以看出是要上树采摘,而不是 挑选或摇动。 37. B 从文章一开始,She spent all her time taking care of the tree.可知老太太与这棵梨树 的深厚感情。摘几颗梨应该是想记住它所带给她的快乐了。从文章中也没有看到,梨树给他 带了什么荣誉、希望或者是什么兴奋的事情。 38. C 从 climb high to get the best fruit 可知,是老太太以“年老爬不上树”为由诱骗“death” 上树(进入陷阱) 39. B Will you be so kind to do sth 请求别人帮助,固定表达法。 40. C 从 With a deep sigh 可知,Death 并不愿意为他爬树摘梨,但念及快要死的人了, 就答应了,但不会很乐意的,unwillingly 不乐意地。Disappointedly 是失望的,这里 death 并没有什么愿望,也就谈不上失望了。 方法提炼: 做完形填空一定要注意上下文。不可只看一句话。准确掌握词义,在学习这类形容词 时,要尤其注意是主动意味,还是被动意味,又如:interesting 令人感兴趣的,有趣的, interested 感 兴 趣 的 。 主 动 意 味 的 多 用 于 事 物 , 被 动 意 味 的 多 用 于 人 。 The book is interesting. I’m interested in the book. 总而言之,做完形填空的秘诀是: 文章首句要重视,全篇理解有启示。 记叙体裁为主体,通读全文明意旨。 填空多是实意词,四个选项巧设计。 词类范畴必同一,确定最佳靠逻辑。 字里行间找信息,个别填空借常识。 相近词义细辨析,习惯用法靠记忆。 全文整体看仔细,复读反思再核实。 四、完形填空提升训练 1 She had been shopping with her mom in Wal-Mart. She must have been 6, a beautiful brown-haired girl. It was pouring 1 . The rain was very 2 . We all stood inside the door of the shopping center. A. s we watched the rain pour down, the little girl’s 3 broke the trance(出神,发呆),we were all caught in. "Mom, let’s run 4 the rain," she said. "What?" The mother asked. "Let’s run through the rain!" she 5 . "No, honey. We’ll wait 6 it 7 a bit." The young child waited for about 8 minute and repeated, "Mom, let’s run through the rain." "We’ll 9 wet if we 10 ," her mother answered. "No, we won’t, Mom. That’s not 11 you said this morning." "This morning? 12 did I say we could run through the rain and not get wet?" "Don’t you 13 ? When you were talking to daddy about his cancer, you said, ‘we can get through anything!’" The mother paused and thought for a moment about what she would say. "Honey, you are absolutely 14 . Let’s run through the 15 . If we get wet, maybe we just need 16 ." The mother said and off they ran. We all 17 watching, smiling and laughing as they ran past all the cars. They both got wet, 18 they were followed by a few others who screamed and 19 like children all the 20 to their cars. I, too, ran and got wet. I needed a good washing, too. 1. A. . inside B. in C. outside D. out 2. A. . gentle B. heavy C. fine D. big 3. A. . sound B. tone C. noise D. voice 4. A. . in B. through C. across D. by 5. A. . repeated B. said C. spoke D. talked 6. A. . when B. after C. until D. since 7. A. . put down B. slows down C. take down D. set down 8. A. . another B. other C. the other D. others 9. A. . make B. leave C. have D. get 10. A. . run B. do C. walk D. go 11. A. . that B. what C. which D. how 12. A. . Where B. When C. Why D. What 13. A. . say B. forget C. remember D. know 14. A. . wrong B. good C. kind D. right 15. A. . difficulty B. trouble C. street D. rain 16. A. . washing B. playing C. running D. relaxing 17. A. . sat B. stood C. applauded D. jumped 18. A. . and B. so C. but D. or 19. A. . cried B. laughed C. shouted D. watched 20. A. . way B. road C. path D. route 2 It was the afternoon of December 24, the day before Christmas, but I had to stay to tidy the office. The only thing that __1__ my day was the beautifully decorated__2__in our waiting room and a 3 sent to me by a fellow I was dating—a dozen long-stemmed red roses. Suddenly, our receptionist came and said there was a lady outside that urgently needed to speak with me. A. s I stepped out, I noticed a young 4 woman with a baby in her arms standing there 5 , she explained that her husband—a prisoner in a nearby prison—was my next patient. She told me she wasn’t 6 to visit her husband in prison and 7 he had never seen his son. So she 8 me to let her wait here ahead of time. I agreed. 9 ,it was Christmas Eve. A. short time later, her husband arrived—with chains on his feet, cuffs on his hands, and two armed guards 10 him. The woman’s tired face 11 when her husband took a seat beside her. I watched them laugh, cry, and share their 12 . He seemed like a gentle and honest man. A. t the end of the 13 , the man had to go back and I 14 him a Merry Christmas. He smiled and thanked me and said he felt saddened by the 15 that he hadn’t been able to get his wife 16 for Christmas. On hearing this, I was 17 with a wonderful idea. I’ll never forget the 18 on both their faces as the prisoner gave his wife the beautiful, long-stemmed red roses. I’m not sure who 19 the most joy—the husband in giving, the wife in receiving, or myself in having the opportunity to share in this 20 moment. 1. A. . enjoyed B. brightened C. relaxed D. presented 2. A. . office B. Christmas Father C. Christmas tree D. furniture 3. A. . gift B. regards C. message D. package 4. A. . ordinary-looking B. good-looking C. tired-looking D. frightened-looking 5. A. . Happily B. Quietly C. Excitedly D. Nervously 6. A. . going B. determined C. expected D. allowed 7. A. . why B. how C. that D. when 8. A. . persuaded B. demanded C. begged D. pleased 9. A. . A. fter all B. In all C. A. ll in all D. A. bove all 10. A. . near B. around C. behind D. before 11. A. . turned pale B. went red C. lit up D. turned away 12. A. . child B. tears C. joy D. sorrows 13. A. . meeting B. appointment C. discussion D. conversation 14. A. . said B. showed C. wished D. hoped 15. A. . words B. fact C. idea D. scene 16. A. . something B. nothing C. anything D. everything 17. A. . encouraged B. struck C. provided D. inspired 18. A. . sadness B. happiness C. look D. smiles 19. A. . experienced B. received C. gave D. accepted 20. A. . unforgettable B. sad C. happy D. special 3 The U.S. bought A. laska from Russia about 100 years ago .The U.S._1__ less than two cents an acre .One A. laska island is only two miles __2___a Russian island .The nearest state is Washington ,500 miles away . A. laska in more than twice big as Texas .It has many _3___kinds of weather.In some areas the _4__can go as low as 57℃ below zero.it can also go as high as 38℃ __5_zero . A. laska has a longer coastline than all the __6 states together .The ocean bottom is __7__in sea life . A. laska`s fish each is one of the biggest __8_all the states .__9_of the land there is still _10___by the U.S. government ---not by people __11_businessmen. A. laska the _12__state ,but it has the fewest people .Towns are _13_apart .Long roads __14___a lot to build in _15_-wild country so there aren`t many roads .Many people use _16__to travel in the state ._17___travel in boats along the coast. Rivers freeze in winter ,but __18__travel on them when summer comes . Many people go to A. laska to _19__big and small animals .Fishermen and skiers and people who _20__beautiful country visit the state too. 1A. . spent B.took C. paid D. sold 2.A. . from B.on C. into D. down 3.A. . the same B.different C. similar D. same 4.A. . climate B.degree C. weather D. temperature 5.A. . above B.below C. over D. under 6.A. else B.other C. another D. whole 7 A. filled B.poor C. rich D. low 8 A. . for B.about C. in D. of 9 A. more B.most C. Little D. less 10A. got B.bought C. sold D. owned 11 A. or B.and C. but D. nor 12 A. poorest B.biggest C. coldest D. .smallest 13.A. near B. separate C. far D. opposite 14.A. took B.spent C. paid D. cost 15. A. . so B.such C. just D. thus 16.A. . cars B.trucks C. ships D. planes 17.A. . another B.Other C. many D. Others 18 A. trains B.buses C. boats D. bikes 19.A. search B.enjoy C. find D. hunt 20.A. like B.see C. know D. understand 4 As Christmas is coming, there are presents to be bought, cards to be sent, and rooms to be cleaned. Parents are filed with___1___jobs of hidden presents from___2___ young children. If the gifts are large, this is sometimes a real___3___. On Christmas Eve ,young children find the excitement almost unbearable .They are___4___ between the wish to go to bed early so that Father Christmas will___5___ their presents quickly, and the wish to stay up late so that they will mot miss the fun. The wish for gifts usually proves 6. But though children go to bed early, they of-ten lie awake in bed for a long time, hoping to___7___Father Christmas. Last Christmas ,my wife and I___8___ managed to hide a few large presents in the storeroom. I___9___ the moment when my son, Jimmy, would ask me where the new bike had come from, but___10___ he did not see it. On Christmas Eve, it took the children hours to go to sleep. It must have been nearly___11___ when my wife and I went quietly into their room and began___12___ stockings. Then I___13___ in the bike for Jimmy and left it before the Christmas tree. We know we would not get much___14___ that night, for the children were sure to get up early. A. t about five o’clock the next morning, we were___15___ by loud sounds coming from the children’s room they shouted excitedly!___16___ I had time to get out of bed ,Jimmy came___17___ into our bedroom on his new bike, and his sister, Mary___18___ close behind, pushing her new baby carriage. Early the baby arrived. He moved on the___19___ and knees into the room dragged a large balloon behind him . Suddenly it___20___ .That woke us up completely. The day had begun with a bang. 1. A. . busy B. tiring C. ordinary D. difficult 2. A. . anxious B. curious C. happy D. content 3. A. . matter B. question C. business D. problem 4. A. . puzzled B. troubled C. torn D. disturbed 5. A. . provide B. bring C. give D. offer 6. A. . weak B. strong C. weaker D. stronger 7. A. . get a look at B. get in touch with C. get along with D. get together with 8. A. . hurriedly B. hopefully C. busily D. successfully 9. A. . expected B.doubled C. feared D. wondered 10. A. . hardly B.surprisingly C. possibly D. fortunately 11. A. mornign B. midnight C. daybreak D. evening 12. A. mending B. wearing C. sewing D. filling 13. A. pushed B. dragged C. pulled D. knocked 14. A. break B. sleep C. rest D. drink 15. A. woken B. shocked C. troubled D. frightened 16. A. Before B. Until C. As D. after 17. A. running B. laughing C. climbed D. rushed 18. A. walked B. followed C. climbed D. rushed 19. A. kegs B. feet C. hands D. arms 20. A. exploded B. opened C. burst D. lost 5 Brownie and Spotty were neighbor dogs who met every day to play together. Like pairs of dogs you___1___ find in most any neighborhood, these two loved each other and played___2___ so often that they had worn a path through the grass of the field between their own houses. One evening, Brownie’s family___3___ that Brownie hadn’t returned home. They went looking for him with no___4___ .Brownie didn’t appear the next day, and, despite their___5___ to fing him, by the next week he was still miss-ing. Curiously, Spotty___6___ at Brownie’s house alone, barking. Busy with their own lives, they just ignored(不理睬)the___7___ little neighbor dog. Finally, one morning Spotty___8___ to take“no”for an answer. Spotty followed Ted about, barking strongly, then running towards a nearby wood, as if to say “ 9 me!It’s urgent!” Finally, Ted followed the anxious Spotty. The little dog led the man to a___10___ spot a half mile from the house. There Ted found his beloved Brownie___11___ ,one of his hind legs stuck in a steel leghold trap. Horrified,Ted now wished he’d taken Spotty’s earlier requirement___12___ .Then Ted noticed something quite remarkable. Spotty had done more than simply___13___ Brownie’s human owner to his trapped friend.In a circle around the___14___ dog. Ted found some dog food---which was later___15___ as the remains of every meal Spotty had been fed that___16___ ! Spotty had been visiting Brownie___17___ ,in a single-minded quest to keep his friend alive by offering his own comfort. Spotty had obviously stayed with Brownie to protect him from being hurt, snuggling(依偎) with him at nigh to keep him___18___ and touching him gently with its nose to keep his spirits up. Brownie’s leg was treated by a veterinarian and he re-covered. For many years afterward, the two___19___ watched the faithful friends frolicking( 嬉 戏 ) 20 chasing each other down that well-worn path between their houses. 1. A. . must B. should C. con D. need 2. A. . together B.wildly C. separately D. happily 3. A. . watched B.heard C. feared D. noticed 4. A. . hope B.success C. failure D. information 5. A. . wishes B.demands C. efforts D. worries 6. A. . showed up B.showed off C. turned out D. turned off 7. A. . nervous B.eager C. angry D. clever 8. A. . decided B.refused C. wanted D. pretended 9. A. . Love B.Hit C. Forgive D. Follow 10. A. . beautiful B.distant C. wild D. clean 11. A. . alive B.dead C. brave D. sleepy 12. A. . immediately B.seriously C. directly D. honestly 13. A. . asked B.ordered C. informed D. led 14. A. . injured B.defeated C. fightened D. worried 15. A. . regarded B.determined C. recognized D. showed 16. A. . month B.day C. evening D. week 17. A. . particularly B.regularly C. usually D. especially 18. A. . fearless B.well C. warm D. hopeful 19. A. families B.parents C. neighbours D. friends 20. A. . but B.or C. so D. and 6 People used to say “The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world ”and “86 every successful man there is a woman .”Both these ___1___ mean the same things .Men rule the ___2___ ,but their wives rule them . ___3___of the A. merican women like making their husbands and sons successful ,but some of them want ___4___ for themselves .They want good ___5___ When they work they want to ___6___ better paid .They want to be as ___7___ as men . The American women`s liberation___8___ was started by women who don`t want to 10 behind successful men .They want to stand beside them ,with the same 11 for success .They don`t want to be told that certain jobs or 12 are closed to them .They refused to work side by side with men who do the 13 work for higher pay . A. liberation woman must be 14 of being a woman and have confidence in herself. If somebody says to her ,“You have come a long 15 ,baby”,she will 16 and answer ,“Not nearly as 17 as I am going to go ,baby ”. This movement is quite 18 ,and many A. merican women do not agree. 19 it has already made some important 20 in women`s lives . 1.A. . Before B.Near C. Behind D. Beside 2.A. . sayings B.words C. letters D. writings 3.A. . family B.society C. earth D. world 4.A. . most B.Few C. All D. None 5.A. . nothing B.something C. anything D. everything 6.A. . jobs B.clothes C. food D. houses 7.A. . be B.have C. make D. receive 8.A. . good B.wonderful C. successful D. much 9.A. . activity B.movement C. affair D. incident 10.A. help B.co-operate C. work D. stand 11.A. . work B.job C. position D. chance 12.A. . offices B.schools C. shops D. places 13.A. . better B.same C. less D. important 14.A. . proud B.afraid C. fond D. tired 15.A. . place B.walk C. way D. journey 16.A. . cry B.smile C. laugh D. sob 17.A. . long B.far C. soon D. much 18.A. . new B.good C. important D. pleasing 19.A. . So B.A. nd C. But D. Or 20.A. . progress B.improvement C. decisions D. changes 7 The private automobile has long played an important role in the United States .In fact ,it has become a(n) 1 and important part of the A. merican way of life .In 1986 ,sixty-nine percent of A. merican families 2 at least one car and thirty one percent had 3 one .By giving workers rapid transportation ,the automobile has 4 them from having to live near their workplace .This has encouraged the growth of the cities ,but it has also 5 traffic problems . For farm families the automobile is very 6 .It had made it 7 for them to travel to town very often for business and 8 ,and also to transport their children to distant schools .Family life has been 9 in various ways .The car helps to keep 10 together when it is used for picnics ,outings and other shared 11 .However ,when teenage children have the use of the car ,their parents cannot 12 them .There is a great danger if the driver has been drinking alcohol or taking drugs ,or 13 by speeding or breaking down traffic laws .Mothers of victims of such accidents have formed a(n) 14 called MA. DD(mothers against drinking driving).These mothers want to 15 further tragedies .They have worked to 16 the government to limit the youngest drinking age .students have formed a 17 organization ,SA. DD and MA. DD are spreading the same 18 among their friends . For many A. mericans the automobile is a necessity .But for 19 ,it is also a mark of social position and for young people ,a(n) 20 of becoming an adult .A. ltogether ,cars mean very much to A. mericans. 1.A. . necessary B.interesting C. wonderful D. happy 2.A. . changed B.owned C. borrowed D. hired 3.A. . less than B.rather than C. more than D. now that 4.A. freed B.stopped C. prevented D. kept 5.A. . devoted to B.looked forward to C. contribute to D. resultedto 6.A. . dangerous B.impossible C. obvious D. helpful 7.A. . possible B.important C. necessary D. true 8.A. . with pleasure B.for pleasure C. in pleasure D. by pleasure 9.A. . interesting B.moved C. enjoyed D. affected 10.A. . families B.parents C. children D. friends 11.A. . improvement B.confidence C. experiences D. feelings 12.A. . call attention to B.keep an eye on C. take a notice of D. throw right on 13.A. showing off B.putting off C. keeping off D. setting off 14.A. . company B.school C. organization D. hospital 15.A. . prevent B.help C. keep D. protect 16.A. . upset B.forbid C. discourage D. encourage 17.A. . similar B.same C. unusual D. ordinary 18 A. . news B.message C. report D. tale 19.A. . some B.another C. other D. others 20 A. . signal B.appearance C. sign D. decision 8 He has been called the “missing link.”Half-man, half-beast. He is supposed to live in the highest mountain in the world—Mount Everest. He is known as the A. bominable Snowman. The 1 of the Snowman has been around for 2 . Climbers in the 1920s reported finding marks like those of human feet high up on the side of Mount Everest. The native people said they 3 this creature and called it the“Yeti,”and they said that they had 4 caught Yetis on two occasions 5 none has ever been produced as evidence(证据). Over the years, the story of the Yetis has 6 .In 1951, Eric Shipton took photographs of a set of tracks in the snow of Everest. Shipton believed that they were not 7 the tracks of a monkey or bear and 8 that the A. bominable Snowman might really 9 . Further efforts have been made to find out about Yetis. But the only things people have ever found were 10 footprints. Most believe the footprints are nothing more than 11 animal tracks, which had been made 12 as they melted(融化) and refroze in the snow. 13 , in 1964, a Russian scientist said that the A. bominable Snowman was 14 and was a remaining link with the prehistoric humans. But, 15 , no evidence has ever 16 been produced. These days, only a few people continue to take the story of the A. bominable Snowman 17 .But if they ever 18 catching one, they may face a real 19 :Would they put it in a 20 or give it a room in a hotel? 1.A. . event B.story C. adventure D. description 2.A. . centuries B.too long C. some time D. many years 3.A. . heard from B.cared for C. knew of D. read about 4.A. . even B.hardly C. certainly D. probably 5.A. . as B.though C. when D. until 6.A. . developed B.changed C. occurred D. continued 7.A. . entirely B.naturally C. clearly D. simply 8.A. . found B.declared C. felt D. doubted 9.A. . exist B.escape C. disappear D. return 10.A. . clearer B.more C. possible D. rare 11.A. . huge B.recent C. ordinary D. frightening 12.A. . strange B.large C. deep D. rough 13.A. . In the end B.Therefore C. A. fter all D. However 14.A. . imagined B.real C. special D. familiar 15.A. . so B.besides C. again D. instead 16.A. . rightly B.actually C. normally D. particularly 17.A. . lightly B.jokingly C. seriously D. properly 18.A. . succeed in B.insist on C. depend on D. join in 19.A. . decision B.situation C. subject D. problem 20.A. . zoo B.mountain C. museum D. laboratory 9 Tim Becker and his neighbors are doing something to make their neighborhood a trouble-free area. When Tim Becker gets in his car to go shopping,he doesn’t 1 drive to a store and back home. He always looks 2 up and down the streets of his neighborhood. He looks for anything 3 such as strange cars,loud noises 4 windows,or people gathering on street corners. Tim 5 to a neighborhood watch group in Stoneville,Indiana,USA. . The neighborhood watch group 6 on the third Wednesday of every month. That’s 7 Tim gets together with about ten of his neighbors to discuss community 8 . Members of the neighborhood watch group want to help the police 9 their homes,streets,and families safe. Tina Stedman,president of 10 neighborhood watch group,agrees with Tim. “People seem to think that crime(犯罪)happens to other people but not 11 them. Well,it’s never happened to me,” She said,“but I don’t think anyone has the 12 to steal from other people or to make them feel 13 sitting in their own homes. ” A. lex,a member of the group,said that all the neighbors 14 out for one another. “We 15 each other’s homes. We keep watch on the neighborhood at night and on weekends. Usually a 16 of four or five of us goes out together. If something doesn’t look right,then we call the 17 . For example,if we notice a group of teenagers who seem to be looking for 18 ,or someone destroying property(财产),we report to the police. ” A. lex feels the neighborhood watch groups 19 a lot in keeping crime down. Her husband Jim agrees,“Police are good people ,but they can’t do 20 . ” 1. A. . yet B. still C. just D. rather 2. A. . carefully B. clearly C. nervously D. coldly 3. A. . familiar B. unusual C. expensive D. interesting 4. A. . curtained B. open C. old D. broken 5. A. . attends B. belongs C. goes D. turns 6. A. . meets B. quarrels C. sings D. searches 7. A. . where B. why C. when D. how 8. A. . politics B. wealth C. health D. safety 9. A. . keep B. hold C. let D. protect 10. A. . its B. his C. their D. your 11. A. . round B. on C. about D. to 12. A. . right B. chance C. courage D. mind 13. A. . unlucky B. unsafe C. disappointed D. discouraged 14. A. . set B. let C. hold D. look 15. A. . care B. enter C. watch D. manage 16. A. . group B. set C. number D. crowd 17. A. . judges B. police C. firemen D. doctors 18. A. . work B. burden C. service D. trouble 19A. . produce B. find C. get D. help 20. A. . anything B. everything C. harm D. wrong 10 A. s a child,I was truly afraid of the dark and of getting lost;these fears were very real and caused me some uncomfortable moments. Maybe it was the strange1 things looked and sounded in my familiar room at night that 2 me so much. There was never total 3 ,but a streetlight or passing car lights4 clothes hung over a chair take on the 5 of a wild animal. Out of the corner of my 6 ,I saw the curtains seem to move when there was no 7 . A. tiny sound in the floor would seem a hundred times louder than in the daylight. My 8 would run wild,and my heart would beat fast. I would 9 very still so that the“enemy”would not discover me. A. nother of my childhood fears was that I would get lost, 10 on the way home from school. Every morning I got on the school bus right near my home—that was no 11. A. fter school, 12 ,when all the buses were 13 up along the street,I was afraid that I'd get on the wrong one and be taken to some 14neighborhood. On school or family trips to a park or a museum,I wouldn't 15 the leaders out of my sight. Perhaps one of the worst fears 16 all I had as a child was that of not being liked or 17 by others. Being popular was so important to me 18 ,and the fear of not being liked was a 19 one. One of the processes(过程)of growing up is being able to 20 and overcome our fears. Understanding the things that frightened us as children helps us achieve greater success later in life. 1. A. . way B. time C. place D. reason 2. A. . wounded B. destroyed C. surprised D. frightened 3. A. . quietness B. darkness C. emptiness D. loneliness 4. A. . got B. forced C. made D. caused 5. A. . spirit B. height C. body D. shape 6. A. . eye B. window C. mouth D. door 7. A. . breath B. wind C. air D. sound 8. A. . belief B. feeling C. imagination D. doubt 9. A. . lay B. hide C. rest D. lie 10. A. . especially B. simply C. probably D. directly 11. A. . discussion B. problem C. joke D. matter 12. A. . though B. yet C. although D. still 13. A. . called B. backed C. lined D. packed 14. A. . old B. crowded C. poor D. unfamiliar 15. A. . leave B. let C. order D. send 16. A. . above B. in C. of D. at 17. A. . protected B. guided C. believed D. accepted 18. A. . then B. there C. once D. anyway 19. A. . strict B. powerful C. heavy D. right 20. A. . realize B. remember C. recognize D. recover 11 What is intelligence (智力) anyway? When I was in the army I 1 an intelligence test that all soldiers took, and, against 2 of 100, scored 160. I had an auto-repair man once, who, on these intelligence tests, could not 3 have scored more than 80. 4 , when anything went wrong with my car I hurried to him-and he always 5 it. Well, then, suppose my auto-repair man 6 questions for some intelligence tests. By every one of them I’d prove myself a 7 . In a world where I have to work with my 8 , I’d do poorly. Consider my auto-repair man 9 . He had a habit of telling10 . One time he said, “Doc, a deaf-and-dumb (聋哑) man 11 some nails. Having entered a store, he put two fingers together on the counter and made 12 movements with the other hand. The clerk brought him a hammer. He 13 his head and pointed to the two fingers he was hammering. The clerk 14 him some nails. He picked out the right size and left. Well, Doc, the 15 man who came in was blind. He wanted scissors (剪刀). 16 do you suppose he asked for them?” I lifted my right hand and made scissoring movements with my first two fingers. He burst out laughing and said,“Why, you fool, he used his 17 and asked for them. I’ve been 18 that on all my customers today, but I knew 19 I’d catch you. ”“ Why is that?” I asked. “Because you are so goddamned educated, Doc. I knew you couldn’t be very 20 . ” A. nd I have an uneasy feeling he had something there. 1. A. . failed B. wrote C. received D. chose 2. A. . an average B. a total C. an exam D. a number 3. A. . always B. possibly C. certainly D. frequently 4. A. . Then B. Thus C. Therefore D. Yet 5. A. . fixed B. checked C. drove D. changed 6. A. . answered B. practised C. designed D. tried 7. A. . teacher B. doctor C. winner D. fool 8. A. . brains B. effort C. hands D. attention 9. A. . again B. as usual C. too D. as well 10. A. . lies B. jokes C. news D. tales 11. A. . bought B. tested C. found D. needed 12. A. . cutting B. hammering C. waving D. circling 13. A. . nodded B. raised C. shook D. turned 14. A. . brought B. packed C. sent D. sold 15. A. . clever B. other C. right D. next 16. A. . What B. How C. Who D. Which 17. A. . imagination B. hand C. voice D. information 18. A. . trying B. proving C. practising D. examining 19. A. . for sure B. at once C. in fact D. right now 20. A. . clear B. silly C. slow D. smart 12 I was six when I joined my father and two elder brothers at sunrise in the fields of Eufaula,Okla. 1 the time I was eight I was helping Dad fix up old furniture.He gave me a cent for every nail I 2 out of old boards. I got my first 3 job,at JM’s Restaurant in town,when I was 12.My main responsibilities(职 责)were 4 tablesand washing dishes, 5 sometimes I helped cook. Every day after school I would 6 to JM’s and work until ten.Even on Saturdays I 7 from two until eleven.A. t that age it was difficult going to work and8 my friends run off to swim or play.I didn’t necessarily like work,but I loved what working 9 me to have.Because of my 10 I was always the one buying when my friends and I went to the local Tastee Freez.This made me 11 . Word that I was trustworthy and hard-working12 aroundtown.A. local clothing store offered me credit(赊账) 13 I was only in seventh grade.I immediately 14 a$68 sports coat and a$ 22 pair of shoes.I was 15 only 65 cents an hour,and I already owed the storekeeper $90!So I learned 16 the danger of easy credit.I paid it 17 as soon as I could. My first job taught me self-control,responsibility and brought me a 18 of personal satisfaction few of my friends had experienced.A. s my father, 19 worked three jobs,once told me,“If you 20 sacrifice(奉献)and responsibility,there are not many things in life you can’t have.”How right he was. 1.A. . Before B.Within C. From D. By 2.A. . pulled B.put C. picked D. pressed 3.A. . usual B.real C. main D. particular 4.A. . sweeping B.packing C. clearing D. emptying 5.A. . or B.so C. but D. even 6.A. . head B.turn C. change D. move 7.A. . studied B.worked C. played D. slebt 8.A. . helping B.having C. watching D. letting 9.A. . asked B.told C. promised D. allowed 10.A. . study B.power C. age D. job 11.A. . proud B.friendly C. lucky D. hopeful 12.A. . ran B.got C. flew D. carried 13.A. . although B.while C. if D. since 14.A. . sold B.borrowed C. charged D. wore 15.A. . keeping B.making C. paying D. taking 16.A. . gradually B.greatly C. hardly D. early 17.A. . out B.over C. away D. off 18.A. . point B.level C. part D. sign 19.A. . he B.that C. who D. whoever 20.A. . understand B.demand C. offer D. fear 参考答案 1: 1-5CBDBA. 6-10 CBADC 11-15 BBCDD 16-20 ABCBA. . 2: 1-5 BBACD 6-10DCCAB 11-15 CABDB 16-20 CDCAD. 3: 1-5 CABDA 6-10 BCDBD 11-15 ABCDB 16-20 DDCDA 4: 1-5 DBDCB 6-10 DAACD 11-15 BDABA 16-20 ADDCC 5: 1-5 CADBC 6-10 AABDC 11-15 ABDAC 16-20 DBCAD 6: 1-5 CADAB 6-10 AACBD 11-15 DABAC 16-20 BBACD 7: 1-5 ABCAC 6-10 DABDA 11-15 CBACA 16-20 DABAC 8: 1-5 BDCAB 6-10 DDCAB 11-15 CBDBC 16-20 BCADA 9: 1-5 CABDB 6-10 ACBAC 11-15 DABDC 16-20 ABDDB 10: 1-5 ADBCD 6-10 ABCDA 11-15 BACDB 16-20 CDABC 11: 1-5 CABDA 6-10 CDCAB 11-15 DBAAD 16-20 BCAAD 12: 1-5 DABCC 6-10 ABCDD 11-15 ABACB 16-20 DDBCA查看更多