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‎2019届高考英语一轮复习单元阶段通关训练2‎ 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)‎ 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)‎ 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。‎ ‎1.How does the man feel about his job?‎ A.He doesn’t care much about it.‎ B.He enjoys it very much.‎ C.He hates working overtime.‎ ‎2.What is the woman going to do?‎ A.Ask Tom to send an invitation.‎ B.Get the Johnsons’ address.‎ C.Invite Tom to the party.‎ ‎3.What does the woman mean?‎ A.Jane is looking for a summer job.‎ B.Jane is packing for the summer vacation.‎ C. Jane is eager to go home for the summer.‎ ‎4.Why is the woman excited?‎ A.She has got a driver’s license.‎ B.She has sold a lot of tickets.‎ C.She is going to a foreign country.‎ ‎5.What does the man think of Picasso?‎ A.He thinks that he is the greatest Spanish painter.‎ B.He doesn’t consider him the best Spanish painter.‎ C.He is sure that he can become famous.‎ 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)‎ 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。‎ 听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。‎ ‎6.For which day does the man book a room finally?‎ A.March 20th.‎ B.March 12th.‎ C.March 22nd.‎ ‎7.How much a day will the man pay for the room he booked?‎ A.80 dollars.‎ B.88 dollars.‎ C.96 dollars.‎ 听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。‎ ‎8.Where will the letter be sent?‎ A.To England.‎ B.To Paris.‎ C.To Tokyo.‎ ‎9.Which of the following things does the envelope contain?‎ A.Some money.‎ B.A check.‎ C.A book.‎ ‎10.What will the man do next?‎ A.Write his address on the envelope.‎ B.Take the photos from the envelope.‎ C.Go to the next window.‎ 听第8段材料,回答第11至14题。‎ ‎11.Where is the man going to stay this evening?‎ A.At the school.‎ B.At home.‎ C.At the office.‎ ‎12.What exam will the man take?‎ A.The entrance exam.‎ B.The midterm exam.‎ C.The final exam.‎ ‎13.What does the man think of the coming exam?‎ A.Easy.‎ B.Harder than the last one.‎ C.Too difficult to pass.‎ ‎14.What does the man think of the present job?‎ A.It is not the best one.‎ B.It’s a badlypaid job.‎ C.It’s the worst one in the world.‎ 听第9段材料,回答第15至17题。‎ ‎15.What reason does the woman give for needing a cellphone?‎ A.She can use it to check her emails.‎ B.She can call family in case of an emergency.‎ C.She can make cheaper longdistance calls.‎ ‎16.How much is the monthly service?‎ A.$20.99.‎ B.$99.‎ C.Nearly $30.‎ ‎17.What is the term of service for this plan?‎ A.3 months.‎ B.6 months.‎ C.9 months.‎ 听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。‎ ‎18.Where did Alice work?‎ A.In a hospital.‎ B.In a government office.‎ C.In a beer company.‎ ‎19.How did Alice go to work?‎ A.By car.‎ B.By bus.‎ C.By subway.‎ ‎20.How did Alice feel when the president knew her secret?‎ A.Upset.‎ B.Surprised.‎ C.Angry.‎ 听力材料:‎ ‎(Text 1)‎ W:You seem to have a lot of work to do at your office.‎ M:That’s true,but the work is interesting.I don’t mind extra hours at all.‎ ‎(Text 2)‎ W:I want to ask the Johnsons to come to the party.Do you know their address?‎ M:No,but I’d like them to come.I think Tom can give you their address.‎ ‎(Text 3)‎ M:Is Jane looking forward to coming home for the summer?‎ W:She’s counting the days.‎ ‎(Text 4)‎ W:I’m so excited that I couldn’t sleep the whole night.‎ M:I’d be excited too if I had my passport,visa and boat ticket.‎ ‎(Text 5)‎ M:How do you like these paintings in the museum?‎ W:Not too bad.‎ M:In my opinion,Picasso is the greatest Spanish painter.Do you think so?‎ W:Well,I’m not sure.‎ ‎(Text 6)‎ W:Hello.Sunnyside Inn.May I help you?‎ M:Yes.I’d like to book a room for two for the 20th of March.‎ W:Okay.Let me check.Well,would you like a smoking or nonsmoking room?‎ M:Well,how much is the nonsmoking room on the 20th?‎ W:80 dollars,plus the 10%room tax.‎ M:Okay,that’ll be fine.‎ W:All right.We look forward to seeing you on March 20th.Oh,by the way,could I have your name,please?‎ ‎(Text 7)‎ W:Did you write your address on the envelope?‎ M:Yes,I did.‎ W:Where are you going to post it?‎ M:To England.‎ W:How do you want to send it?‎ M:I guess I will send it by airmail.‎ W:Does it have anything valuable inside? ‎ M:Yes,I enclosed a check and some photographs.‎ W:Then you’d better send it by registered mail.‎ M:That’s a good idea.Will you take care of that for me?‎ W:I’m sorry,sir.You’ll have to take your letter to the next window.‎ ‎(Text 8)‎ W:What are you going to do tonight?‎ M:Oh,I’m going to stay home and study.My final exam is coming up next week.‎ W:Is it going to be difficult?‎ M:It will be harder than the midterm exam,I’m sure.‎ W:Was that one difficult?‎ M:It was the most difficult exam that I’ve ever had.‎ W:Then maybe this one will be easier.‎ M:Well,I’m going to spend more time studying for it than I did for the midterm exam.‎ W:What are you going to do after the exam?‎ M:I don’t know.Maybe I’ll look for a better job.‎ W:What’s the matter with this job?‎ M:It isn’t the worst job in the world,but it isn’t the best job,either.‎ W:Do you want to work for a bigger company?‎ M:I want to get ahead.I want to make more money.‎ ‎(Text 9)‎ W:Dad.You love me,don’t you?‎ M:Of course,I do.Why do you ask...Ah,what’s in your mind?‎ W:Well,I saw this great offer for a free cellphone here in the newspaper,and...‎ M:Free?Why do you need a cellphone anyway?‎ W:Dad.All my friends have one,and I can use it to call you in case the car breaks down.‎ M:Ah,I don’t know.There are always so many fees.‎ W:But the monthly charge for this service is only $29.99,with 1,000 free weekday minutes nationwide,and unlimited weekend minutes.Plus,unlimited anytime minutes for anyone using the same service.‎ M:I don’t know.‎ W:And you can roll over the extra minutes to the next month instead of just losing them.What do you think of that?‎ M:Yeah,but what is the length of the service agreement?‎ W:It’s only for half a year.But you won’t have to worry about me while I’m driving the new car.‎ M:Teenagers!What’ll they think of next?‎ ‎(Text 10)‎ I was working in a beer company,helping the president do something important.At the same time,my mother was in the final stages of cancer.I worked during the day and drove 40 miles home to be with her every night.It was tiring,but it was what I wanted to do.I didn’t want to bother the president with my situation,yet I felt someone at the company needed to know about it.So I told a friend,asking him not to share the information with anyone.‎ ‎ A few days later,the president called me into his office.I thought he wanted to talk to me about the problem we were working on.When I entered,he asked me to sit down.He faced me from across his large desk,looked at me and said,“Alice,I hear your mother is very ill.” I was caught by surprise and burst into tears.He just looked at me and then gently said a sentence I will never forget:“Whatever you need,”I will help you.‎ 答案:1~5BBCCA 6~10ABABC ‎11~15BCBAB 16~20CBCAB 第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)‎ 第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)‎ 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。‎ ‎21.Though ________ money,his parents managed to send him to university.‎ A.lacked        B.lacking of C.lacking D.lacked in 解析:选C。lack money 是“缺钱”之意,此处,lack用作及物动词;而用作不及物动词时,多接介词in 表示“缺少某物”; 同时考查了though引导的让步状语从句的省略,若补全应该是though his parents were lacking money...句意:“尽管他的父母缺钱,但是他们还是设法把他送到了大学读书”。‎ ‎22.The new teacher made a good ________ on the students by her rich knowledge and humourous talk.‎ A.feeling B.effect C.impression D.sense 解析:选C。make an impression 是“给某人留下某种印象”之意。句意:“这位新老师以她的丰富的知识和幽默的讲话给学生留下了深刻的印象”。 而feeling意为“感情”;effect意为“效果,影响”;sense意为“感觉”。均为干扰项。 ‎ ‎23.There were ________ interruptions so we didn’t get the work finished.‎ A.plenty B.steady C.relative D.constant 解析:选D。constant 是“持续的;不间断的”;句意:不断的受到打扰,所以工作未能完成。而plenty强调数量之多,“大量的”之意;steady意为“平稳的”;relative意为“相关的;有联系的”。‎ ‎24.Please switch ________ the light.It is getting dark.‎ A.off B.on C.out D.in 解析:选B。switch on 是“打开”之意;句意:“天黑了,请把灯打开”。而switch off 是“关上”之意。‎ ‎25.She always helps her mother look after her baby sister even though going to school ________ most of the day.‎ A.takes up B.makes up C.saves up D.puts up 解析:选A。take up是“占据时间”之意;句意:“她总是帮助她的妈妈照顾她的小妹妹,尽管上学占据了她大多数的时间”。而make up意为“组成;化妆;弥补;和好;占比例”;save up意为“节省”;put up意为“搭建”。‎ ‎26.But the unpleasant feeling of coldness disappeared at the ________ of teenage students pouring out of their classroom to give him a warm,wordless welcome.‎ A.view B.scene C.sight D.sign 解析:选C。at the sight of sth.是“看到某物”之意,表示时间作状语。句意:“但是一看到学生们从教室里涌出来给他热烈地无言的欢迎,他感到受到冷遇的不愉快的感情消失了”。‎ ‎27.In order to meet demands they had to ________ production.‎ A.fasten up B.rise up C.speed up D.go up 解析:选C。speed up意为“加速”,此处是指“提高生产的速度”; 而fasten up意为“关紧;系牢”;rise up意为“起义;上升”;go up是不及物动词短语,“上升”之意。‎ ‎28.The husband couldn’t ________ the wife’s complaints,and so he decided to divorce with her.‎ A.foresee B.pretend C.digest D.tolerate 解析:选D。tolerate意为“容忍;忍受”之意;句意:丈夫再也无法忍受妻子的抱怨,于是提出与她离婚。而foresee意为“预见;预知”;pretend意为“假装”;digest意为“消化;文摘”,均不符合语境。 ‎ ‎29.Only if you are ________ about your future,you can achieve your aim.So,don’t lose heart but cheer up.‎ A.worried B.curious C.eager D.optimistic 解析:选D。be optimistic about 是“对某物乐观”之意;句意:只有你对前途持有乐观的态度,你才能实现目标;所以,请不要灰心,振作起来!worried意为“担忧的”;curious意为“好奇的”;eager意为“渴望的”,均不符合语境。‎ ‎30.The villager acting as our ________,we enjoyed our visit very much.‎ A.helper B.assistant C.leader D.guide 解析:选D。guide是“向导”之意;句意:这个村民充当我们的向导,我们的旅游非常愉快。‎ ‎31.When ________ help,one often says “Thank you.”or “It is very kind of you.”‎ A.offering B.to offer C.to be offered D.offered 解析:选D。one 与offer之间是动宾关系,故用D 项。此处是when引导的时间状语从句的省略,若是补全,应该是When one is offered help...‎ ‎32.________ from other continents for millions of years,Australia has many plants and animals not found in any other country in the world.‎ A.Being separated B.Having separated C.Having been separated D.To be separated ‎ 解析:选C。由句中的for millions of years 可知,此处应该用现在分词的完成时形式;又因为separate 和Australia之间是动宾关系,故用现在分词的被动语态形式,separate...from...是“把某物和某物分开”之意。 ‎ ‎33.________ and happy,Tony stood up and accepted the prize.‎ A.Surprising B.Surprised C.Being surprised D.To be surprising 解析:选B。句意:托尼又惊又喜,站起来接受奖品。surprised and happy,是形容词短语作状语,修饰句子主语具有的性质或特点,有时放在句子前面,有时放在句子的后面。‎ ‎34.________ with so much trouble,we failed to complete the task on time.‎ A.Faced B.Face C.Facing D.To face 解析:选A。be faced with 表示“面临某物”之意;故应该用faced作原因状语。face 用作及物动词,即sb.face sth.表示“某人面对某物”;或用于face sb.with sth.或sb.be faced with sth.的结构中,表示“某人面对某物”。 ‎ ‎35.Eliza remembers everything exactly as if it________ yesterday.‎ A.was happening B.happens C.was happened D.happened ‎ 解析:选D。as if 引导方式状语从句,表示“好像”之意,其后状语从句的谓语动词多用虚拟语气should do 的形式,故此处应该用happened,作谓语动词。‎ 第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。‎ Can you imagine what life would be like if there were no telephones? You could not call __36__your friends on the phone and talk to them.If fire __37__out in your house,you __38__ call the fire department.If somebody were __39__,you could not call a doctor.In our __40__life we need to communicate with __41__.We do this __42__by speaking to other people and listening to what they have to say to us,and when we are __43__to them we can do this very easily.__44__,our voices will not travel very far even when we __45__and it is thanks to the __46__ of the telephone that we are __47__able to communicate with each other __48__ hold talks when we are far apart (分开).We can __49__each other as clearly as if we __50__ in the same room.The man who made this __51__was Alexander Graham Bell,a Scotsman,born in Edinburgh in 1847.Bell,a teacher of visible speech (可见语言) who later moved to Canada,__52__all his spare time experimenting.__53__ enthusiastic (热情的) was he in his research for a means for __54__speech by electricity that he left __55__time for his daytoday work and at one time he was almost penniless (身无分文).‎ ‎36.A.on B.for C.in D.up 解析:选D。此处考查call短语的区别。call up“打电话”;call on“拜访某人;号召”;call in“召来”;call for“需要”,根据语境应用call up表示“你不能给朋友打电话”。‎ ‎37.A.broke B.took C.set D.put 解析:选A。break out“爆发”;take out“拿出”;set out“出发”;put out“扑灭”。此处指火灾的突然发生,故选A项。‎ ‎38.A.should B.could C.shouldn’t D.couldn’t 解析:选D。由开头“你能想象如果没有电话生活会是什么样子吗”可知此处指“在没有电话的情况下,如果发生火灾,我们就不能给消防队打电话”。由第二句中的“You could not call...”可知此处选择couldn’t。‎ ‎39.A.unfair B.angry C.unhappy D.sick 解析:选D。由下面的“...you could not call a doctor.”可知此处应选择与“call a doctor”相关的选项。在四个选项中与“call a doctor”关系最密切的是sick(生病的)。‎ ‎40.A.daily B.family ‎ C.school D.natural 解析:选A。不管是family life还是school life都属于我们的daily life(日常生活),而natural life表示“自然的生活”。‎ ‎41.A.them B.another ‎ C.one another D.the other 解析:选C。本句句意为“在日常生活中,我们需要互相交流”。词组one another=each other,意思是“互相”,其他选项并无此意。‎ ‎42.A.only B.mostly C.quickly D.well 解析:选B。mostly“大部分,大多数”,该句的意思是:我们大多是通过和别人谈话或倾听别人和我们说什么的方式进行交流的。only表示“只”;quickly表示“迅速地”;well表示“好地”。‎ ‎43.A.speaking B.listening C.close D.friendly 解析:选C。由“...we can do this very easily”可知此处指“当我们离他们近的时候”。be close to是个常用词组,意思是“离……近”。‎ ‎44.A.However B.Of course C.Therefore D.For example 解析:选A。however在此表转折,而且常用逗号与句子的其他成分隔开。‎ ‎45.A.cry B.shout C.call D.laugh 解析:选B。本句句意为“即使当我们大声喊的时候,我们的声音也不能传很远”。在四个选项中,cry表示“哭喊”;shout表示“大声喊,叫”,call表示一般的“喊叫”,laugh表示“笑”。因此shout符合句意。‎ ‎46.A.experiment B.improvement C.discovery D.invention 解析:选D。discovery“发观”,指发现的原来世上有而不被人所知的东西。invention“发明”,指发明创造出的一个新东西,故选D项。‎ ‎47.A.not B.already C.yet D.still 解析:选D。由于发明了电话。当我们分隔很远时,仍然能交流、谈话。因此选择still(仍然)。‎ ‎48.A.to B.nor C.and D.but 解析:选C。此处表示承接上文的并列关系,应用and;不具有转折意义,排除D项;而nor和to均不作并列连词,排除A项和B项。‎ ‎49.A.hear B.see C.listen to D.look at 解析:选A。hear指“听见”;listen to指听的动作而不指听的结果;此处指听的结果,表示“我们能听清彼此的谈话”,故选A项。‎ ‎50.A.are B.were C.stay D.worked 解析:选B。as if引导的从句可用虚拟语气表示不可能发生的事。此处表示“好像我们在同一个房间里”。worked虽然形式正确,但是与room搭配不当。‎ ‎51.A.clean B.possible C.necessary D.important 解析:选B。上文提到通过电话我们能够听清彼此的谈话,本句表示“使这成为可能的是Alexander Graham Bell”。此处possible为最佳答案。clean“干净的”,necessary“必要的”,important“重要的”,均与句意不符。‎ ‎52.A.spent B.spending C.taking D.took 解析:选A。spend...doing sth.,此处表示“Bell把自己所有的空闲时间都用来做实验”‎ ‎。该句缺少谓语,故选A项。B项不能作谓语。‎ ‎53.A.Very B.So C.Such D.Too 解析:选B。so+adj./adv.放在句首时,句子的主谓要部分倒装。由本句后面的that...可想到句型so...that或such...that,再由空后的形容词enthusiastic可知应选择so。‎ ‎54.A.sending B.giving C.taking D.setting 解析:选A。此处谈论Bell是如何发明电话的,因此他做实验的目的是寻找一种通过电来传递人的谈话的方式。表示“传递”应用动词send。speech表示“说话,言辞”时可以与send搭配;作“演说,演讲”解时,可以与give搭配,此时speech是可数名词。‎ ‎55.A.some B.much C.little D.enough 解析:选C。从上半句可知:他是如此热衷于寻找用电传播语言的方法,所以他剩下很少的时间用于日常工作。因此应用little。‎ 第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。‎ A The position of Poet Laureate started officially when in 1616 King James Ⅰ of England gave the title to Ben Johnson—a noted poet and playwright.In 1937,the United States established a similar position that is now a applauded (and paying) appointment.‎ Not to crash the poet party,but why can’t the Library of Congress’s appointments include playwrights,fictionwriters,or creative essayists? Why only poets?‎ At the moment the only thing getting in the way is tradition and the details of the job description:Raising the status of poetry in the everyday conscience of the American public.‎ I think novelists are taken care of in this department—the American Public has fairly easy and abundant access to novels (anything you can buy at an airport is doing just fine).Creative essays are also fairly accessible—The New Yorker,The Atlantic and their ilk regularly serve this kind of thoughtprovoking(发人深省的) work.‎ ‎ That leaves playwrights.And why the hell not? Though I’m obviously biased,I see no reason why the US couldn’t have a Playwright Laureate.The converted responsibility would read:Raising the status of poetic and dramatic literature in the everyday conscience of the American public.‎ Playwrights and poets share a literary heritage.We often spring from the same creative well,attend parallel MFA programs,earn the same tiny living (if earning a living at all from our art),and if notable we receive Pulitzers,Nobels,and other similar writing awards.‎ The father of modern American Drama,Eugene O’Neill,was the second American Nobel Laureate in Literature (six years after Sinclair Lewis).T.S.Eliot (a sometimes playwright) was the first American poet so honored,a decade after O’Neill.‎ ‎56.The position of Poet Laureate ________.‎ A.began in 1937 in United States officially ‎ B.started formally as the title to Ben Johnson given by King James Ⅰ C.is nowadays a volunteer position ‎ D.is a dishonorable position that nobody will plaudit for it 解析:选B。细节理解题。B项所述与文中第一段的“The position of Poet Laureate started officially when in 1616 King James Ⅰ of England gave the title to Ben Johnson...”相吻合。‎ ‎57.The author in the text thinks that ________.‎ A.at present,the only thing that hinders is the tradition of people’s attitude to poets B.novels as well as the essays can be easily available for the American Public C.it is reasonable that the US couldn’t have a Playwright Laureate D.playwrights and poets have nothing in common in regards of their literary tradition 解析:选B。 推理判断题。根据文中第四段的“...the American Public has fairly easy and abundant access to novels (anything you can buy at an airport is doing just fine).Creative essays ‎ are also fairly accessible...”内容可知,美国公众对小说和散文的接触是无所不在的。即,美国公众很容易就可以接触到或购买到小说或散文。‎ ‎58.The underlined word in the fifth paragraph probably means ________.‎ A.shift B.transform C.adopt D.apply 解析:选A。词义猜测题。此处表示“转变看法:提高诗歌和戏剧文学在美国公众的批判意识中的地位”。shift是“改变,转换”之意。‎ ‎59.The best title of the passage mainly maybe is ________.‎ A.Why Are US Literary Laureates Only Poets? Why Not a Dramatist?‎ B.There Was No Reason Why the US Couldn’t Have a Poets Laureate C.People’s Comments On the Novelists and Other Literary People D.The American Public’s Bias Against the Dramas and the Novels 解析:选A。主旨大意题。本文主要描述了作者对美国文学桂冠的得主只是诗人,而没有剧作家的现象进行的议论。‎ B Posters(海报) of poems from local poets will be displayed from now until Dec.31 on the fifth floor of the Paterno Library.‎ The Public Poetry Project is organized by the Pennsylvania Center for the Book,located in the University Libraries.‎ ‎“The main point of the Public Poetry Project is to make poetry more accessible to the citizens of Pennsylvania and the Pennsylvania Center for the Book is very proud to be a part of that misson,” Pennsylvania Center for the Book Outreach Coordinator Caroline Wermuth said.‎ There are currently 26 poems on display in the library that cover a wide range of subjects.Poems are selected by a group of judges who have already had their poems displayed in the Public Poetry Project in previous years.Past poems include “Knocked” by Joseph Bathanti,“Dreaming Door” by Jan Beatty,and “A Response to Jehuda Halevi” by Philip Terman.‎ ‎“This exhibit celebrates Pennsylvania through the eyes of its poets,” Wermuth said.“Many of the poets seem very pleased with the way their poems are featured on the posters.”Catherine Grigor,manager of public relations and marketing for University Libraries,said she hopes students studying for finals in the library will take a study break and view the poems,which could ease their stress.‎ Some of the poems have also been hung during the libraries’ open house and were presented at a poetry reading where the authors read their work,signed books and answered questions.“I have heard many students comment positively on the art and photography on the posters,” Wermuth said.‎ ‎“The posters are very popular with students on the night of the reading and also when we give them out during the libraries’ open house in September.”‎ ‎60.The Public Poetry Project is organized in order to ________.‎ A.advocate the influence of the local poets B.help advertise the Pennsylvania‎ ‎Center for the Book C.help the citizens access the poetry more easily D.promote the importance of the poetry to the citizens 解析:选C。 细节理解题。根据文章第三段的“The main point of the Public Poetry Project is to make poetry more accessible to the citizens of Pennsylvania...”内容可知,组织公众诗歌项目是为了使宾夕法尼亚州的市民更加容易接近诗歌。‎ ‎61.Which of the following statement is in disagreement with the passage?‎ A.Caroline Wermuth is one of the poets whose poetry will be displayed at Paterno Library.‎ B.The Pennsylvania‎ ‎Center for the Book takes pride in taking part in organizing the poetry show.‎ C.More than 25 poems on show cover a wide range of subjects currently.‎ D.The Pennsylvania‎ ‎Center for the Book is located in the University Libraries.‎ 解析:选A。细节理解题。根据文章第三段的“...Pennsylvania Center for the Book Outreach Coordinator Caroline Wermuth said”内容可知,Caroline ‎ Wermuth不是其诗集被展览的诗人之一。‎ ‎62.What can we infer from the text?‎ A.Bathanti,Beatty and Terman will be this year’s judges on the poetry selection committee.‎ B.This show celebrates Pennsylvania through the eyes of its poets.‎ C.The students could relieve the stress by viewing the poems according to Catherine Grigor.‎ D.Catherine Grigor is the manager of public relations and marketing for University Libraries.‎ 解析:选A。推理判断题。根据文章第四段的“Poems are selected by a group of judges who have already had their poems displayed in the Public Poetry Project in previous years.Past poems include “Knocked” by Joseph Bathanti,“Dreaming Door” by Jan Beatty,and “A Response to Jehuda Halevi” by Philip Terman.”可知,Bathanti,Beatty and Terman曾经在公众诗歌展览中展示过其诗歌,故他们将会是今年诗歌展览的评审人员。‎ ‎63.The best title of the passage probably is ________.‎ A.Local Poets Show Off Work at Paterno Library B.The Public Poetry Project C.The Pennsylvania‎ ‎Center for the Book D.The Posters Popular with Students 解析:选A。 主旨大意题。本文主要描述了当地诗人在帕特诺图书馆展览其诗集的情况。‎ C Chinese netizens who like to create and use cyber words such as “geilivable” might find a new regulation very “ungeilivable”.The new regulation by the General Administration of Press and Publication last week banned the use of Chinglish words created by netizens for publishing in the Chinese language.‎ ‎“Geilivable”,combining the pinyin geili (giving strength) with the English suffix (后缀) for adjectives,literally means “giving power” or “cool”.Different suffixes and prefixes were then added to the word.“Hengeilivable” means “very cool”,and “ungeilivable” means “dull,not cool at all”.‎ Cyber language is popular among Chinese netizens,who create Chinglish words to reflect phenomenon in society.One example is “antizen”,which refers to college graduates who earn a_meager salary and live in small rented apartments,like tiny and laborious ants.‎ David Tool,a professor with the Beijing International Studies University,said it’s very interesting to combine Chinese with English to create new words.“English is no longer mysterious to the Chinese people.They can use the language in a flexible way according to their own experiences,” Tool said.‎ At the announcement of the regulation by the General Administration of Press and Publication,netizens expressed their concern.‎ ‎“The administration is totally ‘ungeilivable’,” said a netizen named laoda 1713.“I know other netizens will shed tears with me...it is a good chance to enrich our language”.‎ ‎“Language is always developing,” said a columnist,Wang Pei.“It needs to be updated to absorb foreign culture and folk wisdom.”‎ But an unnamed official with the administration said that,in fact,many senior staff from news media who supported the regulation were worried that years later,the younger generation would forget how to use formal Chinese expressions.The official also pointed out that the regulation was only for formal publications in Chinese language,and it only banned Chinglish words in the publication.‎ ‎64.The new regulation by the General Administration of Press and Publication may be aimed at________.‎ A.simplifying the Chinese language B.limiting the development of language C.banning the use of Chinglish D.making the netizens more serious 解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第一段第二句“The new regulation...banned the use of Chinglish words created by netizens for publishing in the Chinese ‎ language”可知,新闻出版总署的新规定是为了禁止汉式英语的使用。故C项正确。‎ ‎65.The underlined word “meager” in the third paragraph probably means________.‎ A.poor B.flexible C.high D.plentiful 解析:选A。词义猜测题。由语境知,“蚁民”指的是一些像蚂蚁一样租住在小小的公寓里忙碌赚取小钱的大学毕业生,故A项符合题意。‎ ‎66.From this passage we can infer that________.‎ A.the Chinese people like their own language only B.the English words are considered informal in ‎China C.nobody in China will support the new regulation D.“geilivable” will be popular among Chinese netizens 解析:选D。推理判断题。根据文章中不同人士对网络语言的态度可知,D项正确。‎ ‎67.Which may be the title of this passage?‎ A.New regulation is announced B.Cyber words make language lively C.Different views about cyber language D.New phenomenon in ‎China 解析:选B。主旨大意题。全文通过分析不同人士对网络语言的态度可知,随着社会的发展,语言也在发展,因此网络语言使母语更富生机。故B项正确。‎ D It is late at night and you are still awake.Should you take a sleeping pill? People who take pills often come to depend on the drugs.So you lie awake knowing that the new work day will soon arrive.If this happens to you for at least one month,you may have primary insomnia.There are millions of you...us...around the world.‎ A new study has found that you might fall asleep quicker and stay asleep longer if you try “cerebral hypothermia”.No,cerebral hypothermia is not a complex medical process.It just means cooling down your brain.‎ Eric Nofzinger and Daniel Buysse of the University of Pittsburgh Medical School led the study.They examined twelve people who had insomnia.Twelve others had no sleep problems.Each of them wore a soft plastic cap on their heads at bedtime.‎ The caps had tubes inside filled with water.The researchers moved the water through the tubes and then changed the temperature of the water.Other studies showed that people who had trouble sleeping often had more chemical reactions in the front of their brains.The researchers thought lowering the temperature of the brain might help.‎ The first two nights of testing,the patients wore no water caps.During the next two nights,the caps were worn,but the water was not cooled.Then the researchers cooled the water a little for two nights.On the final two nights of the study,the temperature of the water was made much cooler.‎ ‎ The researchers found that the water caps did not help the insomnia patients until the temperature was about fourteen degrees Celsius.Most of the patients fell asleep faster and slept better when the coolest water was moving around their heads.‎ Dr.Nofzinger and Dr.Buysse noted that this is only the beginning of the brain temperature study.But they believe they have discovered something important that needs more research.They presented their test results in June at a meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies in Minneapolis,Minnesota.‎ ‎68.What is the passage mainly about?‎ A.How to deal with sleep problems.‎ B.Cooling the brain may help people sleep.‎ C.How the waterfilled caps work.‎ D.How to cool down the brain.‎ 解析:选B。主旨大意题。综观全文可知,本文介绍了一项实验成果:通过给大脑降温,可以使人快速入睡,故B项最能概括本文主旨。‎ ‎69.According to the study,the insomnia patients can fall asleep quickly when________.‎ A.they wear soft plastic caps at bedtime B.they go to bed late at night C.they take sleeping pills D.they wear caps with the coolest water 解析:选D。细节理解题。根据文章倒数第二段中的“Most of the patients fell asleep faster and slept better when the coolest water was moving around their heads.”可知D项正确。‎ ‎70.What does the underlined word “insomnia” in the first paragraph mean?‎ A.Inability to sleep.‎ B.Chemical reaction in the brain.‎ C.Ability to sleep.‎ D.Depression.‎ 解析:选A。词义猜测题。根据上文的描述可知是晚上睡不着觉,故可推知该词的意思是失眠。第三段的第二、三句也是线索提示。‎ ‎71.In which edition of a newspaper can we read the passage?‎ A.Home News. B.Science Report.‎ C.Entertainment. D.Agriculture.‎ 解析:选B。文章出处题。通读全文可推知这是一篇关于科学实验的报道,应该出现在报纸的科学报道这一版块上。‎ E As the new term starts,freshmen around the world are asking the same question:How can I make the best of four years at college?The New York Times received suggestions recently from PhD students and seniors at some of the top US universities.Here’s their advice.‎ ‎“Many young people today are raised in a protective cocoon(茧)”,wrote Tim Novikoff,a PhD student at Comell.“College is a time to explore the world beyond and a chance to learn new things about yourself.Take classes in different subjects.Try lots of different clubs and activities.”‎ Remember also to take some time away from campus,suggested Willie Lin,a student at Washington University.“If_you_spend_all_of_your_time_in_school,then_it_becomes_too_easy_to_let_criticism_from_an_unkind_professor_or_a_conflict_with_a_roommate_take_up_large_proportions.”‎ Try to find work assisting a researcher or a professor this is the advice from Aman Singh Gill,a PhD student at Stony Brook University.And he also said,“ With a window into the world of research,you will find yourself thinking more critically,accepting fewer states at face value and perhaps developing a brave sense of what you can accomplish.”‎ Many young people cannot imagine even a single day without devices such as computers and cellphones.But try to keep yourself off them, cautioned Christine Smallwood, a PhD student at Columbia‎ ‎University.‎ Start by scheduling a few Internetfree hours each day,with your phone turned off.It’s the only way you’ll be able to read anything serious.“This will also have the benefit of making you harder to reach,and thus more mysterious and fascinating to new friends and acquaintances (熟人),” she suggested.‎ ‎【解题导语】 新学期开始时,大一新生往往茫然失措,不知如何充分利用美好的四年大学时光。《纽约时代》征求了一些美国顶尖大学的哲学博士生和大四学生的建议,为刚刚踏入大学校门的莘莘学子提供参考。‎ ‎72.The underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 means we should ________.‎ A.spend more time at school B.take some time out of school C.listen to criticism more D.not argue with roommates 解析:选B。句意理解题。根据第三段的开头部分可推测画线句子的意思是我们应该走出学校,多接触外面的世界。‎ ‎73.Who thinks it is important to consider something critically?‎ A.Tim Novikoff. B.Aman Singh Gill.‎ C.Christine Smallwood. D.Willie Lin.‎ 解析:选B。细节理解题。题干中的关键词“consider something critically”与第四段Aman Singh Gill的观点“...you will find yourself thinking more critically...”相对应。‎ ‎74.As for modern information devices,the last two paragraphs mean to tell us ________.‎ A.not to use them B.to turn them off C.to keep ourselves off them forever D.to make a schedule to use them 解析:选D。推理判断题。结合倒数第二段中的“But try to keep yourself off them...”和最后一段第一句中的内容可知我们应该安排特定的时间使用现代化信息设备。‎ ‎75.This passage is mainly about ________.‎ A.tips from some students for college life B.ways to read something serious regularly C.days without cellphones and computers D.chances to go to university you really like 解析:选A。主旨大意题。第一段是文章的引题,根据本段最后的“Here’s their advice.”可知本文主要是给大一新生就校园生活提供一些建议。‎ 第Ⅱ卷(非选择题,共35分)‎ 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)‎ 第一节 短文填词(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 阅读下面短文,根据以下提示:1)汉语提示,2)首字母提示,3)语境提示,在每个空格内填入一个适当的英语单词,并将该词完整地写在右边相对应的横线上。所填单词要求意义准确,拼写正确。‎ Like most of my schoolmates,I have neither brothers nor sisters—in other ________,I am an only child.My parents76.____________‎ love me dearly of course and will do all they ________ to make sure77.____________‎ that I get a good ________(教育).They do not want me to do78.____________‎ any work at home;they want me to d________ all my time to79.____________‎ my studies so that I’ll get good marks in all my ________ (科目).We80.____________‎ may be one family and live ________ the same roof,but we do81.____________‎ not seem to get much time to talk ________(一起).It looks82.____________‎ as if my parents t________ me as a visitor or a guest.83.____________‎ Do they really u________ their own daughter?84.____________‎ What things are in other families,I w_________.85.____________‎ 答案:76.words 77.can 78.education 79.devote ‎80.subjects 81.under 82.together 83.treat 84.understand 85.wonder 第二节 书面表达(满分25分)‎ 根据以下内容,通过合理想象,用英语写一篇短文来展望未来新生活。‎ 词数:120左右。‎ ‎1.有些人可以到月亮上度假。‎ ‎2.有些科学家可能在海底生活。‎ ‎3.每家都有可视电话(videophone),通过可视电话可以体检或购物。‎ ‎4.孩子可以在家通过电视和广播接受教育。‎ ‎5.机器人为你做家务。‎ Advanced Life in the Future ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ One possible version:‎ Advanced Life in the Future Sometimes I dream about life in the future.What will it be like?Perhaps some people will go to the moon for a holiday,and some scientists will live under the sea.Maybe we will have videophones in every home.We can have a medical examination or do some shopping without leaving our homes.‎ And I’m sure there will be more educational programs on the radio or TV,so perhaps some children won’t need to go to school every day.They’ll study at home.‎ No people like doing housework.Maybe in the future each family will have a robot.Every day we can tell the robot what to do—shopping,housework and so on.I believe the dream will come true some day.‎

