高考英语一轮总复习 Unit Wildlife protection作业手册

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高考英语一轮总复习 Unit Wildlife protection作业手册

‎ Unit 4 Wildlife protection ‎ 基础检测 Ⅰ.词性转换 ‎1.She could find no reasonable explanation for the ________(disappear) of the money in the locked safe.‎ ‎2.We recommend that you keep your seat belt ________(secure) fastened and visible at all times.‎ ‎3.The problem to be discussed at the meeting next week is of great ________ (important).‎ ‎4.________(protect) measures are necessary if the city's monuments are to be preserved.‎ ‎5.If she happens to come home to see her son chatting online, we have no idea about what ________ (respond) she would make to it.‎ Ⅱ.单句填空 ‎6.As you know,we should pay special attention to ________(protect) these young trees from being damaged.‎ ‎7.The United Nations reports the number of violent attacks against foreigners ________ (decrease) in the past few days.‎ ‎8.It suddenly rained when the mayor ________(inspect) our new school building last week.‎ ‎9.The boy was rushed to a hospital because he ________(bite) by the dog.‎ ‎10.A growing number of fresh graduates find that ________(employ) by a big company is increasingly difficult.‎ Ⅲ.短语填空 ‎11.These rare animals,which are being hunted everywhere without limit,are in danger of ________________ (灭绝).‎ ‎12.Scientists have many theories about how the universe ________________(形成).‎ ‎13.When she was told her son's illness could be cured,she left the hospital ______________ (如释重负).‎ ‎14.This kind of bird is rarely seen in the area because they are being hunted ______________ (毫不怜悯) by people.‎ ‎15.We hope the new century will be a century in which people of all nations live __________ (和平地).‎ Ⅳ.句型训练 ‎16.Just ____________________________, “Education is not filling of a pail, but lighting of a fire.” (as)‎ 正如我们的英语老师所说,“教育不是把一桶水装满,而是把一把火点燃。”‎ ‎17.Whenever I think of this joke, I cannot but ________________.(burst)‎ 不论何时我想到这个笑话,我都忍不住哄然大笑。‎ ‎18.In order to keep the balance of nature,we must think of ways __________________. (prevent)‎ 为了保持自然界的平衡,我们必须想出防止野生动植物灭绝的方法。‎ ‎19.After all those hours of arguing, the talks began to head out and ________________we were able to reach an agreement.(before) ‎ 经过数小时的辩论以后,谈判有了转折,没用多久我们便达成了协议。‎ ‎20.If people__________________ environmental protection while developing economy in the past few decades, China might have a better ecological environment now.(pay)‎ 如果过去几十年人们在发展经济的同时更加关注环保问题,中国现在本可以有一个更好的生态环境。‎ ‎ 能力提升 Ⅴ.阅读理解 A Foxes and farmers have never got on well. These small doglike animals have long been accused of killing farm animals. They are officially classified as harmful and farmers try to keep their numbers down by shooting or poisoning them.‎ Farmers can also call on the services of their local hunts to control the fox population. Hunting consists of running after a fox across the countryside, with a group of specially trained dogs, followed by men and women riding horses. When the dogs eventually catch a fox, they kill it or a hunter shoots it.‎ People who take part in hunting think of it as a sport. They wear a special uniform of red coats and white trousers, and follow strict codes of behaviour. But owning a horse and hunting regularly are expensive, so most hunters are wealthy.‎ It is estimated that up to 100,000 people watch or take part in foxhunting. But over the last couple of decades the number of people who are against foxhunting, because they think it is brutal(残暴的), has risen sharply. Nowadays it is rare for a hunt to pass off without some kind of conflict between hunters and hunt opponents(反对者). Sometimes these incidents lead to violence, but mostly opponents discourage the hunt by misleading riders and disturbing the trail of the fox's smell, which the dogs follow.‎ Noisy conflicts between hunters and opponents have become so common that they are almost as much a part of hunting as the pursuit of foxes itself. But this year supporters of foxhunting face a much bigger threat to their sport. A Labour Party Member of Parliament(英国议会), Mike Foster, is trying to get Parliament to approve a new law which will make the hunting of wild animals with dogs illegal. If the law is passed, wild animals like foxes will be protected under the ban in Britain.‎ ‎21.Wealthy people in Britain have been hunting foxes to ________.‎ A.benefit the farmers ‎ B.get entertainment C.show off their wealth ‎ D.limit the fox population ‎22.The opponents of fox-hunting often discourage the game by ________.‎ A.using violence ‎ B.taking legal action C.seeking help from farmers ‎ D.confusing the fox hunters ‎23.A new law may be passed by the British Parliament to ________.‎ A.protect wild animals like foxes ‎ B.control foxhunting on a large scale C.prohibit farmers from hunting foxes ‎ D.standardize the behaviour of foxhunting ‎24.What can be inferred from this passage?‎ A.Limiting the fox population is unnecessary.‎ B.Killing foxes with poison is not allowed by law.‎ C.Hunting foxes with dogs is considered cruel and violent.‎ D.Foxhunting often causes conflicts between hunters and farmers.‎ B The poaching, or illegal killing, of rhinos(犀牛) in South Africa is growing worse each year. The government recently reported that a record number of rhinos were poached in 2014, a year which had more rhino killings in South Africa than ever before.‎ The World Wild Fund for Nature(WWF) says about 20,000 rhinos live in South Africa. That is more than 80 per cent of the rhinos in the world. Edna Molewa, South Africa's environmental issues minister, says, “During 2014, we are sad to say this, 1,215 rhinos were killed. This is a rise in the number of poached rhinos from 1,‎004 in 2013. This is indeed very worrying.”‎ The animals are hunted for their horns(角). Many people in Asia believe the horn has healing power, which drives poachers, at all costs, mad for more horns. But there is no scientific evidence for this belief. The horn is made of keratin(角质). That is the same substance as human hair, fingernails and toenails.‎ Ms Molewa said 386 suspected poachers were arrested last year, an increase from the year before. But rhino protection workers say poachers often go unpunished after arrest. South Africa's legal system is ineffective. ‎ Ms Molewa said more needs to be done and South Africa is taking strong measures to protect rhinos. The efforts include moving some of the animals to secret places in neighbouring countries. “Now approximately 100 rhinos have been moved to neighbouring states in the SADC region during 2014 and 200 more rhinos will be moved this year,” Molewa said.‎ Jo Shaw, rhino programme manager at the WWF, said, “We're talking about a loss of a hundred rhinos a month, or more than three a day. We really need to see effective action not just on a national level but internationally.” She said officials should find the criminal groups responsible for the poaching and punish them.‎ Conservationists(自然环境保护主义者) and government officials are to meet in Botswana in March at the Intergovernmental Conference on Illegal Wildlife Trade. They will talk about ways to stop the trade in rhino horns. That may be the only way to stop the killing of rhinos.‎ ‎25.What do we know about rhinos?‎ A.Half of the rhinos live in South Africa.‎ B.Less than 1,000 rhinos were killed in 2013.‎ C.The killing reached a highest point in 2014.‎ D.There are only 20,000 rhinos left in the world.‎ ‎26.What is the main reason for people to hunt rhinos?‎ A.To get more keratin.‎ B.To protect the farmland.‎ C.To use them for decoration.‎ D.To make money from horns.‎ ‎27.Jo Shaw thinks that ________.‎ A.many criminal groups are well organized B.new laws are needed to punish the killers C.rhino protection needs international cooperation D.conferences about protecting rhinos are to be held every year ‎28.What can we infer from the passage?‎ A.Rhino protection has a long way to go.‎ B.No one would like to buy horns in the future.‎ C.The illegal killing of rhinos will soon disappear.‎ D.Rhinos living in South Africa will be moved to other countries.‎ Ⅵ.短文改错 The findings of a recent survey suggests that students are not happy with multimedia approaches in education. They feel that they learn much effectively when traditional methods are used. The students interviewing said they thought the teacher played a important role in their learning. They found listening to the teacher, taking note, and using a textbook suitable for their age group really help them understand and remember the content of their lessons. They also found that answering questions that had been written on the board very helpfully. They valued the chance to carry practical, handson work, either.‎ 课时作业(九)‎ ‎ 【基础检测】‎ Ⅰ.1.disappearance 2.securely 3.importance 4.Protective ‎5.response Ⅱ.6.protecting 7.has decreased 8.was inspecting ‎ ‎9.was bitten 10.being employed Ⅲ.11.dying out 12.came into being 13.in relief ‎14.without mercy 15.in peace Ⅳ.16.as our English teacher says ‎17.burst into laughter/burst out laughing ‎18.to prevent wild animals and plants from dying out ‎19.it was not long before ‎ ‎20.had paid more attention to ‎【能力提升】‎ Ⅴ.‎ A ‎21.B 22.D 23.A 24.C ‎ B ‎25.C 26.D 27.C 28.A ‎ Ⅵ.The findings of a recent survey suggests that students are not happy with multimedia suggest approaches in education. They feel that they learn much effectively when traditional methods are more used. The students interviewing said they thought the teacher played a important role in their ‎ interviewed an learning. They found listening to the teacher, taking note, and using a textbook suitable for their ‎ notes age group really help them understand and remember the content of their lessons. They also found ‎ helped answering questions that had been written on the board very helpfully. They valued the chance ‎ helpful to carry ∧practical, handson work, either.‎ ‎ out too

