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高考英语新题型·填词 专题练习 专题练习1‎ In the past a gentleman would offer his seat __(1)__ a lady on a crowded bus. But now, he will probably look out of the window or hide behind his newspaper, __(2)__(leave) the lady standing __(3)__ someone else gets off. You can’t entirely blame men for this change in manners. __(4)__(go) are the days when women could be referred to the weak. A whole generation has grown up demanding __(5)__(equal) with men in jobs, in education and in social life. Hold a door for some women __(6)__ you are likely to get __(7)__ angry lecture on treating women __(8)__ weaklings. Take a girl out for a meal and she’ll probably insist on paying __(9)__ share of the bill. All these, according to some sociologists, will change men’s attitude towards women and the conventional active politeness is perhaps slowly being __(10)__(replace) by true consideration for the needs and feeling of women, so that men can see women as equal human beings.‎ 专题练习2‎ ‎ In the small towns of the United States in the __(1)__(nineteen) century, the general store was __(2)__ everyone bought the things he couldn’t make __(3)__ grow at home. What the stores sold __(4)__(tell) a great deal about __(5)__ life at that time. People bought tools that they needed for farm work; salt, sugar and __(6)__ foods that the farm didn’t produce; articles of clothing that they couldn’t make __(7)__; shirts for the men; or clothes for the children. Life was simple then. One feels that people were __(8)__(thank) for what they had and that they looked __(9)__ with courage to whatever the future brought. It would be interesting to know how they would feel about the life today. Would it seem to them that life is too complex? Would they enjoy __(10)__(live) a life as we do now?‎ 专题练习3‎ ‎ Do you feel __(1)__ difficult to be happy all the time? Now I’ll give you some tips __(2)__ how to make yourself happy. One way is being __(3)__ (self) because unselfishness is the key factor __(4)__ (require) if you want to get along well with others. By __(5)__ (say) being unselfish we mean we __(6)__ not want everything our own way or demand the best share of everything. Another way is to look for good points in __(7)__ people. You’ll find most people pleasant to go with and it will surely make you happy. Third, you can not expect to be too perfect, __(8)__ don’t be too unhappy when you make a mistake. Everything will be OK if you try to make things right. Finally, it is important to remember that while you are no __(9)__ (bad) than others, chances you have may not be much better. In this case, __(10)__ surest way to be happy is to think yourself above other people.‎ 专题练习4‎ In China today the public holiday __(1)__ (last) for three days, but the Spring Festival is __(2)__ oldest and most important festival in China, so __(3)__ (tradition), the festival continues __(4)__ the 15th day of the lunar month __(5)__ the Lantern Festival is held. Everywhere is decorated __(6)__ a variety of different-sized lanterns and there is music and dancing in the streets. One special feature is the dragon dance, where a huge dragon head and body, __(7)__ (support) by a team of dancers, weaves __(8)__ way around the streets __(9)__ (collect) money from houses on its route. Once again food plays its part and Yuanxiao is served. This is a sweet dumpling made from glutinous rice flour that is either boiled or __(10)__ (fry).‎ 专题练习5‎ ‎ Michelle has finally realized one of her lifelong __(1)__ (dream). She always wanted to attend the __(2)__ (cook) school that her adviser, Mr. Brown, attended. The school, __(3)__ is in Paris, accepts only 80 students every year. The students who __(4)__ (accept) generally have __(5)__ least three years of cooking experience. Michelle has five years of paid experience. ‎ ‎ The project __(6)__ attracted Mr. Brown’s attention, however, was a cake Michelle made for a wedding. Mr. Brown had never tasted a cake that was __(7)__ high and creamy as __(8)__ one Michelle made. He gave Michelle his card and invited her to bake cakes at his restaurants __(9)__ (begin) the next month. It was his invitation __(10)__ began her career baking for a large restaurant. Now she is waiting for the plane to Paris. There she will begin her three-month course that Mr. Brown once attended.‎ 专题练习6‎ More American people take their troubles with them on holiday, according __(1)__ a new survey. Although 40 percent said that the main reason for going away is to escape __(2)__ (press) from work, almost all said they worry more __(3)__ they do at home. Only four in every one hundred said that they are happy and free of care.‎ ‎ The most common worry is burglary(入世盗窃),with four out of ten worrying about their homes __(4)__ (break) into while they are abroad. More than a quarter feel they will feel crazy __(5)__ some other noisy and rough holiday-makers and twenty-two percent worry they may be attacked __(6)__ their possessions will be __(7)__ (miss).‎ ‎ The sruvey also showed __(8)__ the stay-at home Americans are no more. Three out of every five want to have a holiday abroad, which was __(9)__ increase from the figures only three years ago. The hotel holiday is still a winner, with about one third of all Americans __(10)__ (prefer) to go on a self-catering(自助)holiday.‎ 专题练习7‎ ‎ Informal rules often control actions. The rules are not __(1)__ (write) and people do not talk about the rules. __(2)__, most people know the rules and follow them __(3)__ (automatic). Anthropologists(人类学家)have studied the American __(4)__ (form) rules for time. They found that in American schools and businesses, people expect that everyone will be on time. Suppose a student has an appointment to see her teacher. If she is two __(5)__ three minutes early or late, she notices the time, but she __(6)__ not say __(7)__ about it. If she is five minutes late, she will give a short apology. For example, she may say, “I’m sorry I’m late”. If she is ten or more minutes late, she will probably give __(8)__ an apology and __(9)__ excuse. “I’m sorry I’m late, but my car wouldn’t start.” If she is more than ten minutes late, it may be an insult to the teacher. __(10)__ short, the informal rules describe how people generally act.‎ 专题练习8‎ ‎ We may be very __(1)__ (please) with the rapid progress we have made in every field of study, but we have almost done nothing to improve our present __(2)__ (exam) systems which focus __(3)__ testing the students’ memory instead of their __(4)__ (able). As soon as a child begins school, he enters a world of examination __(5)__ will decide his future or job. In fact a good examination system should encourage students to think for themselves, but the examination now does anything but that. It forces the students to remember __(6)__ is taught to get high marks. Thus the students who come out first in the examination often may not be the __(7)__ (good) in their studies. In addition, such __(8)__ examination system often drives teachers to cram(填鸭式教学)all the time and forces them to train students what to do with the __(9)__ (come) examination. ‎ ‎ There must be a better way to test a student’s true ability as __(10)__ as their knowledge.‎ 专题练习9‎ Hi,‎ ‎ I’ve got something __(1)__ (excite) to tell you. I was in an elevator yesterday and saw Robin Drexel, the famous movie star! I just stood there, __(2)__ (freeze). I couldn’t say a word. But __(3)__ of a sudden, she turned to me, __(4)__ (say), “Hello” too. Then she asked me __(5)__ the restaurant was on the fifth floor, I told her I was going to the restaurant __(6)__ (my), and I offered to show her where it was. She said, “Oh, fine.” Then she said, “Why don’t we have lunch together?” Imagine! I never thought I would have lunch with a movie star! But I __(7)__ (do)! We had lunch together and talked for about half __(8)__ hour. She even paid for my lunch! Can you imagine? But that isn’t all. __(9)__ lunch, she asked me if she could give me a ride to somewhere. I told her I was going home. __(10)__ she took me home in her big, black limousine(豪华轿车). It was an exciting day. That’s all for now. I’ve got to run!‎ 专题练习10‎ Some 160 years ago, young men and women streamed into New York, Philadelphia, Boston – the United States’ equivalent(对等物)of China’s Shanghai, Guangzhou and Beijing. All of these young people __(1)__ searching for work, for riches, for fame. Few found any of that. The rest joined the masses __(2)__ (work) hard at low-level jobs trying to support __(3)__ and their families.‎ Horace Greeley, __(4)__ editor of a well-known newspaper, gave sound advice to those seeking work. “Do not lounge in the cities! There is room and health in the country. Go west…”‎ In the mid-19th century, __(5)__ Greeley issued his call to go west, America was on the brink(边缘)of developing its __(6)__ (west) regiions – much __(7)__ China is today. Out west, the unemployed could find jobs. __(8)__ was needed then in America is what is needed now in China’s western expanses(发展): men and women __(9)__ (determine) to make something of themselves, men and women with skills any __(10)__ (develop) nation must have to survive and prosper(繁荣).‎ 专题练习11‎ ‎ A wolf had got a bone __(1)__ (stick) in his throat and was in greatest pain. He ran __(2)__ and down asking every animal he met to __(3)__ (move) the bone from him, at the same time __(4)__ (suggest) a very handsome reward to the successful operator. A crane moved by his eager asking and __(5)__ promise, ventured her long neck down the wolf’s throat, and drew out the bone. She then asked for the __(6)__ (promise) reward. To her question, the wolf showing his teeth with __(7)__ ugly smile, replied, “Ungrateful creature! You put your head into a wolf’s mouth, and took it out in safety. It is hard for me to expect __(8)__ you dared to ask for more reward than this!”‎ ‎ Those __(9)__ are only in the hope of a return must not be surprised when they come face to face with bad men. They meet with more laughs __(10)__ thanks.‎ 专题练习12‎ ‎ For many years, like most weight-conscious people, I __(1)__ (mistake) believed that all my suffering was due to my size. I believed that being thin equals __(2)__ loved, being special and being cherished. If the weight __(3)__ (disappear), it would take old wounds, hurts and rejections with __(4)__. I fantasized about what it would be __(5)__ when I reached the long-awaited goal. So I worked hard to realize the dream. Then, at last, I found __(6)__ there.‎ ‎ Then can being thin really fulfill its promise of everlasting __(7)__ (happy), self-worth and love?‎ ‎ It took me long to realize that __(8)__ is something more about beauty. Besides, being happy is only a state o mind. If it’s happiness __(9)__ we want, why not fix our mind there rather than on the size of our body? So try to find a way to live comfortably inside and make __(10)__ (friendly) with ourselves. When we change our attitudes toward ourselves, the whole world changes.‎ 专题练习13‎ ‎ Many Chinese believe __(1)__ (eat) pig brains will increase their intelligence and some Americans regularly eat __(2)__ (cook) eggs to keep their minds sharp. __(3)__, doctors don’t recommend to eat __(4)__ raw eggs or animal brains. Then, what food is good for your brain? Scientists have found __(5)__ relationship __(6)__ diet and a healthy brain. Generally speaking, fish is a brain food. Besides fish, you should introduce lots of dark green leafy vegetables and colorful fruits into your diet __(7)__ most people lack the special vitamins __(8)__ these brain food provide. If you eat brain foods __(9)__ (regular), they can increase brain power – help you pay attention, keep you motivated, improve your memory and __(10)__ (less) stress from studies. Then you can do much better in your test.‎ 专题练习14‎ ‎ Mary, a pretty girl, was giving an English lesson to a class of adults __(1)__ had recently come to live in the United States. After __(2)__ (place) quite a number of everyday objects on a table, she asked various members of the class to give her the ruler, the book, the pen and so on. Everything went __(3)__ well and the students seemed to understand the meaning of __(4)__ English words for the objects. __(5)__ when Mary turned to __(6)__ Italian student and asked him to give her the keys, the man stood still, looking very __(7)__ (surprise). Seeing this, Mary thought she hadn’t made the students __(8)__ (understand) her clearly. So she repeated, “__(9)__ you please give me the keys?” The Italian shrugged his shoulders. Then he threw his arms __(10)__ Mary’s neck and kissed her on both cheeks.‎ 专题练习15‎ ‎ I still can’t believe __(1)__! Marian Carlson, the homecoming queen, was Egare’s date at the ball last night. That is one for the books! Marian is one of the most beautiful __(2)__ (girl) in our school. I thought for sure that she would be going with Paul, captain of our school’s football team. Egare is such __(3)__ book-worm. What has she seen __(4)__ him?‎ ‎ __(5)__ (obvious) Paul was taking Marian for granted that she would go to the ball with him even without his __(6)__ (invite) her. Contrary to Paul’s attitude, Egare sang praise for her beauty as well as her wisdom and __(7)__ gave her a large bouquet(束)of flowers and a book of love poems, so she was persuaded to dance with him __(8)__ through the ball. When Paul found out, __(9)__ he regretted for his being so sure of __(10)__.‎ 专题练习16‎ ‎ Language learning research shows that successful language __(1)__ are similar in many ways. First of all, they are __(2)__ (depend) learners. They do not depend on the book or the teacher. They discover their own way to learn the language. __(3)__, successful language learning is the active learning. The learners do not wait for __(4)__ chance to use the language, they look for chances. They will try anything to communicate __(5)__ others. Finally, successful language learners are learners with a purpose. They want to learn the language __(6)__ they are interested in the language and the people __(7)__ speak it. __(8)__ is necessary for them to learn the language to communicate with the people and to learn from them. ‎ ‎ You want to be a successful language learner, right? Then try some of the techniques __(9)__ (outline ) above and try to learn the language independently, actively and __(10)__ (purpose).‎ 专题练习17‎ ‎ One __(1)__ (storm) night, an old black American lady was standing __(2)__ the freeway trying to bear a pouring rainstorm. Her car had broken down and she __(3)__ (bad) needed a ride. Wet to the skin, she decided to flag down the next car. A young white man stopped to help her – generally unheard of the conflicts-filled 1960s. He took her to safety in his car and hired a taxicab for her. She wrote down __(4)__ address, thanked him and hurried __(5)__. Several days later, to his surprise, a very big color TV was delivered to his home with a note __(6)__ (stick) to it, reading “Dear sir, thank you for assisting __(7)__ aged cloured woman the other night. The rain made wet all over not only my clothes __(8)__ my spirits. But with your help, I was able to make it to my __(9)__ (die) husband bedside just __(10)__ he passed away. God bless you for helping me. Sincerely, Mrs. Nat King Cole”.‎ 专题练习18‎ ‎ When prices are low, people will buy more, and when prices are high, they will buy __(1)__ (little). Every shopkeeper knows this. According to the economic point of view, changes in the prices of goods cause changes __(2)__ supply and demand. __(3)__ we all know, people buy fewer goods as the price goes __(4)__. On the contrary, a decrease in price causes __(5)__ increase in demand. ‎ ‎ Business firms look for the perfect price at __(6)__ the largest profit can __(7)__ (make). In doing so, they must carry out a lot of research on the market to have an accurate estimation of the people’s demand and their __(8)__ (purchase) power so that they can produce the exact amount of goods and price __(9)__ goods properly. __(10)__ there will be no profit for them to make.‎ 专题练习19‎ ‎ __(1)__ (advertise) has become a very specialized activity in modern times. In the business world of today, supply is usually __(2)__ (great) than need. There is great competition __(3)__ different manufacturers of the same kind of product to persuade people to buy their __(4)__ particular brand, so the namufacturers had advertise. They advertise in newspapers and on posters, they pay for songs about their products in radio programmes. They even employ attractive girls to deliver samples of the products. __(5)__ important of all, in countries __(6)__ have television they have advertisements put into programmes. Manufacturers spend a lot of money on advertisements. We buy a particular product __(7)__ we think it the best of __(8)__ kind. We usually think so because of the advertisements. Some people can’t help __(9)__ (ask) themselves if the advertisements __(10)__ telling the truth.‎ 专题练习20‎ ‎ Habits, __(1)__ good or bad, are gradually formed. When a person does a certain thing again, he is driven by __(2)__ unseen force to do the same thing __(3)__ (repeat); then a habit is __(4)__ (form). Once a habit is formed, it is diffult, and sometimes impossible, to get rid of. It is therefore very important that we pay great attention to the formation of habits.‎ ‎ Children often form bad habits, some of __(5)__ remain with them as long __(6)__ they live. Laziness, lying, stealing and so on are all easily formed bad habits. There are other habits formed in early life are __(7)__ great help. Many successful men say that much of their success has something to __(8)__ with certain habits in earlyl life, such as early rising, honesty and so on.‎ ‎ We should keep from all the bad habits and try to form __(9)__ habits as will be good for ourselves and __(10)__.‎ 专题练习21‎ ‎ In many countries today, laws protect wildlife. In India, __(1)__ need for such protection was realized centuries ago. About 300 B.C, an Indian writer described forests that were somewhat __(2)__ national parks today. The killing of game beasts was carefully supervised(监管). Some animals were fully __(3)__ (protect). Within the forest, nobody was allowed to cut timber, burn wood for charcoal, or catch animals for their furs. Animals __(4)__ became dangerous to human visitors were caught __(5)__ killed outside the park, so that other animals would not become __(6)__ (easy).‎ ‎ The need for wildlife protection is greater now tan ever before. About a thousand species of animals are in danger of __(7)__ (die) out, and the rate __(8)__ which they are being destroyed has increased. If we __(9)__ (take) no measures to protect wildlife, some day our children would see no living creatures except man __(10)__.‎ 专题练习22‎ ‎ The website of the 16th Asian Games, www.gz2010asiangames.org, was launched __(1)__ ‎16:45‎ last Wednesday, September 27.‎ ‎ The launching ceremony __(2)__ (hold) at the White Swan Hotel, Guangzhou, host __(3)__ of the 16th Asian Games.‎ ‎ The website __(4)__ developed around the concept of “Invigorate Asian Spark the World”. The website incorporates-Chinese and English versions and includes press releases, diversified communication, __(5)__ (advance) information about preparations and organization for the games, resource packages, pictures, videos, flash, mobile phone messages and so __(6)__.‎ ‎ The online channel features such major sections __(7)__ GAGOC (Guangzhou Asian Games Organizing Committee), preparation, volunteering, venue, news, Guangzhou and Asian Games Archive in its first stage, online applications, news blogs, and e-maps. Other interactive sections will be provided __(8)__ (late).‎ ‎ The website will be the only official channel for GAGOC to release information, and provide the most convenient way for __(9)__ public and the media to access information about the games. It also provides a bridge __(10)__ the public and GAGOC.‎ 专题练习23‎ ‎ Teachers have always said, __(1)__ they still say, “Listen carefully” or “Pay attention”. __(2)__, recently teachers have become more interested __(3)__ listening as a part of a student’s education. Tests have shown that some people listen much better than __(4)__, and __(5)__ there are times when one listens well and times __(6)__ one does not. Certainly you will want to do what you can to improve your listening habits. The lessons __(7)__ (give) by many teachers will help you evaluate these habits and suggest ways to improve them. Listening is __(8)__ important skill, a skill which you can develop if you really want to. A good listener takes in many more ideas than a poor __(9)__ does. He probably does better in school or in his job or profession. He also gives pleasure, for we all like to talk to an __(10)__ (attend) listener.‎ 专题练习24‎ ‎ Police __(1)__ looking for a man and a woman in their early __(2)__ (twenty) who broke into a bank in the early hours this morning. This was reported by people __(3)__ (work) in the shop opposite __(4)__ heard the breaking of glass. The man is said __(5)__ be very tall and well-built, with dark hair which is very long. The woman with him is said to be small __(6)__ short haircut very close to her head. She was wearing blue trousers and a brown jacket. __(7)__ who has any information please give further details to the police. Any __(8)__ (use) clues for the case will be rewarded. Remember any attempt to catch the __(9)__ (rob) without police is dangerous __(10)__ they have guns with them.‎ 专题练习25‎ ‎ The British policeman has several nicknames, __(1)__ the most frequently __(2)__ (use) are “copper” and “bobby”. The first name comes __(3)__ the verb “cop” meaning “to take” or “capture”, and the second name comes from the first name of Sir Robert Peel, a 19th century politician, __(4)__ was the founder of the police force. __(5)__ early nickname for the policeman was “peeler”, but this name has died __(6)__.‎ ‎ __(7)__ (visit) to England are always deeply impressed by the English police. In fact, it has become a joke __(8)__ visitors to Britain, when __(9)__ (ask) for the views of the country, will always say “I think your policemen are wonderful.”‎ ‎ Well, the English bobby may not always be wonderful, but he is usually a very friendly and helpful character just __(10)__ a song describes, “If you have any difficulty, turn to a policeman.”‎ 专题练习26‎ In the United States, there were 222 people 1_________ (report) to be billionaires(亿万富翁) in 2003. The 2_________ of these is Bill Gates, worth at least $ 41 billion, who made his money 3__________ starting the company Microsoft. Mr. Gates was only 21 years old 4_________ he first helped to set 5_________ the company in 1976. He was a billionaire by the time he was 31.‎ ‎6_________, there are still some other people who have made lots of money at even 7_________ (young) ages. Other young people who have struck it rich include Jackie Coogan and Shirley Temple. 8________ of these child actors made over a million dollars 9_________ (act) in movies before they were 14. But the youngest billionaire is Albert von Thurn und Taxis of Germany, 10_________ inherited (继承) a billion dollars when he turned ‎18 in 2001!‎ ‎ ‎ 专题练习27‎ Finishing their shopping at the supermarket, a middle-aged couple found their new car 1__________ (steal). They filed a report 2__________the police station and a detective drove them back 3___________ the parking lot to look for evidence.‎ To their 4___________ (amaze), the car had been returned 5__________ there was a note in it that said: “I apologize for taking your car. My wife was having a baby and I had to send her to the 6____________ as soon as possible. Please forget the inconvenience. There are two tickets 7___________ tonight's Rowan Atkinson concert.”‎ Their faith in humanity restored(恢复). The couple attended 8_________ concert. But when they returned home, they immediately found that their house 9___________‎ ‎(be) ransacked (洗劫). On the bathroom mirror was 10__________ note: “I have to put my kid through college somehow, don't I?”‎ 专题练习28‎ People 1_________ (live) in different countries made different kinds of words. Today there are about fifteen hundred 2_________ in the world. Each contains many thousands of words. A very large dictionary, for example, contains four 3_________ five hundred thousand words. But we do not need 4_________ these. To read short stories you need to know only about two thousand words. 5_________ you leave school, you will learn only one thousand or more.‎ The words you know are called your vocabulary. You should try to make your vocabulary 6__________ (big). Read as many books as we can. There are a lot of books 7__________ (write) in easy English. You will enjoy them. When you meet 8_________ new word, look it 9_________ in your dictionary. Your dictionary is your 10__________ (much) useful book.‎ 专题练习29‎ When you are in England you must be very careful in the streets 1_________ the traffic drives on the left. Before you cross a street you must look to the right first 2__________ then the left. In the morning and in the evening when people go to or come from 3__________, the streets are very busy. Traffic is most 4________ (danger) then.‎ When you go by bus in England, you have to be careful, 5_________. Always remember the traffic moves on the left. So you must be careful. 6_________ (have) a look first, or you will go 7_________ wrong way.‎ In many English cities, there are big buses 8_________ two floors. You can sit on the 9_________ (two) floor. From 10_________ you can see the city very well. It’s very interesting.‎ ‎ ‎ 专题练习30‎ ‎1________ artist had a small daughter. Sometimes he painted women 2_________ any clothes on, and he and his 3________ always tried to keep the small girl out 4_________ he was doing this, “She is 5_________ young to understand,” they said.‎ But one day, when the artist 6_________ (paint) a woman with no clothes on, he forgot to lock the door, and the girl suddenly ran into the room. Her mother ran up the stairs 7________ her, but when she got to the room, the little girl was already in the room and looking at the woman. 8________ her parents waited for her to speak.‎ For a few seconds the little girl said 9_________, but then she ran to her mother and said 10________ (angry), “Why do you let her go about without shoes and socks on when you don’t let me?”‎ ‎ ‎ 专题练习参考答案 专题练习1‎ ‎1. to 2. leaving 3. until 4. Gone 5. equality ‎6. and 7. an 8. as 9. her 10. replaced 专题练习2‎ ‎1. nineteenth 2. where 3. or 4. tells 5. the 6. other ‎7. themselves 8. thankful 9. forward 10. living 专题练习3‎ ‎ 1. it 2. on 3. unselfish 4. required 5. saying ‎ 6. should 7. other 8. so 9. worse 10. the 专题练习4‎ ‎ 1. lasts 2. the 3. traditionally 4. until 5. when ‎ 6. with 7. supported 8. its 9. collecting 10. fried 专题练习5‎ ‎ 1. dreams 2. cooking 3. which 4. are accepted 5. at ‎6, that/which 7. as 8. the 9. beginning 10. that 专题练习6‎ ‎ 1. to 2. pressure 3. than 4. being broken 5. with ‎6. or 7. missing 8, that 9. an 10. preferring 专题练习7‎ ‎ 1. written 2. However 3. automatically 4. informal ‎5. or 6. does 7. anything 8, both 9, an 10. In 专题练习8‎ ‎1. pleased 2. examination 3. on 4. ability ‎5, that/which 6. what 7. best 8. an 9. coming 10, well 专题练习9‎ ‎1. exciting 2. frozen 3. all 4. saying 5. if ‎6. myself 7. did 8. an 9. After 10. So 专题练习10‎ ‎1. were 2. working 3. themselves 4. an ‎5. when 6. western 7. as 8. What ‎9. determined 10. developing 专题练习11‎ ‎1. stuck 2. up 3. remove 4. suggesting 5. his ‎6. promised 7, an 8. that 9. who 10. than 专题练习12‎ ‎1. mistakenly 2. being 3. disappeared 4. it 5. like ‎6. myself 7. happiness 8. there 9. that 10. friends 专题练习13‎ ‎1. eating 2. uncooked 3. However 4. either 5. a ‎6. between 7. because 8. that 9. regularly I0. lessen 专题练习14‎ ‎1. who 2. placing 3. on 4. the 5. But 6. an ‎7. surprised 8. understanding 9. Would I0. around 专题练习15‎ ‎1. it 2. girls 3. a 4. in 5. Obviously ‎6. inviting 7. even 8. all 9. how 10. himself 专题练习16‎ ‎1. learners 2. independent 3. Secondly 4. a 5. with ‎6. because 7. who 8. It 9. outlined 10. purposefully 专题练习17‎ ‎1. stormy 2. by 3. badly 4. his 5. away ‎6. stuck 7. an 8. but 9. dying 10. before 专题练习18‎ l. less 2. in 3. As 4. up 5. an 6. which ‎7. be made 8. purchasing 9. their 10. Otherwise 专题练习19‎ ‎1. Advertising 2. greater 3. between 4. own 5. Most ‎6. that 7. because 8. its 9. asking 10. are 专题练习20‎ ‎1. whether 2. an 3. repeatedly 4. formed 5. which ‎6. as 7. of 8, do 9, such 10. others 专题练习21‎ ‎1. the 2. like 3. protected 4. that 5. or ‎6. uneasy 7. dying 8. at 9, took 10. himself 专题练习22‎ ‎ 1. at 2. was held 3. city 4. is 5. advanced ‎6. forth/on 7. as 8. later 9. the 10. between 专题练习23‎ ‎ 1. as 2. However 3. in 4. others 5. that ‎6. when 7. given 8. an 9. one 10. attentive 专题练习24‎ ‎ 1. are 2. twenties 3. working 4, who 5. to ‎6. with 7. Anyone 8. useful 9. robbers 10. because 专题练习25‎ ‎ 1. but 2, used 3. from 4. who 5. An ‎6. out 7. Visitors 8. that 9. asked 10. as 专题练习26‎ ‎1 reported 2 richest/wealthiest 3 by 4 when 5 up 6 However 7 younger 8 Both 9 acting 10 who 专题练习27‎ ‎1 stolen 2 at 3 to 4 amazement 5 and 6 hospital 7for 8 the 9 had been 10 another 专题练习28‎ ‎1 living 2 languages 3 or/to 4 all 5 Before 6 bigger 7 written ‎8 a 9 up 10 most 专题练习29‎ ‎1 because 2 and 3 work 4 dangerous 5 too 6 Have 7 the 8 with 9 second 10 there 专题练习30‎ ‎1 An 2 without 3 wife 4 when/while 5 too 6 was painting 7 after 8 Both/Then 9 nothing 10 angrily

