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高考前必背的英语考点(新课标)‎ 省级示范高中四川省射洪县柳树中学 吴小波 ‎ 一、每年高考必出的冠词考点:‎ ‎1. a + n(可数名词单数) = the + n(可数名词单数) = n(pl).表总称。‎ ‎2. a / an + adj (无论级别)+ n (单数)。但一下抽象名词:weather, progress, damage, harm, courage, fun, advice, information, place,word(指news)和液体类等即使被形容词修饰,也不加冠词a/an.‎ eg: he has made great progress recent years.‎ 二、其后只能跟动名词作宾语的有:‎ 建议 避免 冒险 厌恶 推迟 完成 考虑 保持 忍受 介意 错过 训练 承认 逃脱 抵抗 想象 宽恕 欣赏 三、多个形容词修饰名词的顺序:‎ 县(指示代词或数词)官(描述性形容词)行(大小)令(年龄新旧)谢(色)国(国籍)材(材料)。‎ eg: Ten strong young Chinese students.‎ 四、改错题常考的知识规律。‎ 名词爱考数与格;冠词在前错多少。‎ 动词时态和语态;非谓关系要分清。‎ 连代形副错一样;多是故意来混淆。‎ 介词多半考搭配;多漏误用想周到。‎ 句法涉及到一致;从句多考关系词。‎ 五、“in + n + of”, 名词前往往不加冠词,改错题易误改of。‎ ‎ in search of寻找 ‎ in memory of为了纪念 ‎ in favor of 赞成,支持 ‎ in honor of 纪念 ‎ in praise of 赞扬;歌颂 ‎ in case of 万一;以防 ‎ in fear of 担心 ‎ in advance of 在…前面 ‎ in face of 面对 sb be in charge of sth担任;负责 sth be in the charge of sb ‎ in danger of 有…的危险 ‎ in need of 需要 ‎ in support of支持 ‎ in terms of 就…而言 ‎ in spite of虽然;尽管 六、含有介词to的短语,其后加v-ing& n作介宾。‎ be addicted to 沉溺于 ‎ get down to 开始 动手 see to 负责 注意 reply to 回答 in addiction to 还有 lead to 导致 respond to 回答 回应 stick to 坚持 attend to 专心 照料 look forward to 期望 look up to 尊敬 admit to 承认 belong to 属于(无被动)‎ when it comes to 谈到什么时 thanks to 多亏 由于 be similar to 与什么相似 be equal to 胜任 相等 due to 由于 access to 什么的路径/机会 turn to 转向 求助 approach to 什么的方法 put an end to 结束 the entrance to 什么的入口 attitude to 什么的态 七、常考的动词短语 break out 爆发 bring out 出版;使显露 call out 呼唤;大声叫唤 give out 用完(无被动);发出 send out 发送;放出 sth run out 用完某物 come out 出版 find out 找出;查明 get out 离开;出去 put out 扑灭;出版 hand out 分发;交出 turn out 结果是 sb run out of sth 某人用完某物 carry out 实施 turn in 上交;归还 give in(to sb) 屈服;让步 hand in 上交;呈送 put in 提出;放入 take away 带走 die away 消失;减弱 carry away 使失去自控力 give away 泄露;赠送 act on 遵守 call on 拜访 concentrate on 集中于 decide on 决定 come up with 提出;赶上 turn up 出现;开打 bring in 引进;生产 get in 进入 take in 吸收;欺骗 put away 放好;储存 get away from 从离开;逃脱 break away from 放弃;脱离 keep away 防范;不靠近 give way to sb 给某人让路 based on 在什么基础上 comment on 评论 count on 依赖 depend on 依靠 use up 用完vt pick up 捡起;接送;学会 take up 占据;开始从事 give up 放弃;交出 lift up 举起 make up 弥补;编造;和好 set up 建立;装配 eat up 吃光 put up with 容忍 do sth up 整理;‎ hold up 举起;阻挡 keep up 保持;继续 put up 建造;提供住宿 stay up 熬夜 keep up with 赶上;和 保持联系 end up with 结束 八、常考的介词短语,一般作表语或状语 in all 总之 in a word 总而言之 in addition 还有 in a hurry 匆匆地 in a sense 在某种意义上 in advance 提前 in cash 用现金 in mind 记住 at a loss 困惑不解 at a time 一次 at church 在礼拜 at night 在夜里 on average 平均 on arrival 一到达 by air 乘飞机 by error 错误地 by force 强迫地 by hand 手工地 by nature 天生地;生来 in charge 负责地 in danger 在危险中 in need 需要 in short 简而言之 in return 作为回报 in turn 轮流 in no time 一会儿 at piece 与和平 at risk 冒险 at sea 不知所措 at war with 与战争 on time 准时 on purpose 有意地 by accident 无意 by all means 尽一切办法 by design 有意地 by heart 记住 by comparison 通过比较 九、与time有关的高频句子 ‎1. this is the first/second time that sb has done sth ‎ 第几次做某事,注意对应时态。‎ ‎ was had done ‎ ‎2. by the time+ S did/was...,S had done...‎ ‎ 到做什么的时候,怎么样。‎ by the time+ S do…, S will do/ will have done…‎ eg: By the time this term ends, we have learned plenty of words and expressions.‎ the first time + 从句,主句. 第一次做什么的时候,主要考从句部分。‎ 类似的还有:‎ ‎3. every time +从句,主句. 每当做什么的时候,‎ ‎4. last/next time +从句,主句. 上/下次做什么的时候,‎ eg: The first time I saw him, I knew he was the one.‎ 十、与there有关的重点句子 ‎1. There is (remains, becomes) no doubt that… 毫无疑问……‎ ‎2. There is (remains, becomes) a doubt whether/if… 对……有疑问 ‎3. There is no point in doing sth 做……毫无意义 ‎4. There is no way that… 绝不可能……‎ ‎5. There is no need to do sth 没有必要做……‎ ‎6. There is no hope of doing sth 做……没有希望 ‎7. There used to be +S 曾经有……‎ Eg: One time there used to be a field there in which they used to play every evening with other people’s children.过去那里曾经有一块空地,他们每晚都在空地上和其他家的孩子一起玩耍。‎ 十一、 it的常见的几个易混句。‎ ‎1. It is/was + 强调部分+ that + 其余部分。尤其要分清强调状语时和定语从句 eg: It was in 2001 that I got married to my wife.‎ ‎ It was 2001 when I got married to my wife.‎ ‎2. It is not until … that … 是强调句(状语)‎ ‎3. it is/will be +时间段+before + 从句 过多久才…‎ eg: It will be two years before we will meet again. ‎ it is/has been+时间段+since+从句(sb did)‎ ‎4. ‎ it was/had been+时间段+since+从句(sb had done)‎ 都表自从,但注意:①主从句要考虑到对应时态,②从句的谓语是瞬间还是延续动词,延续动词一般译为否定。‎ eg:It has been three yeas since I was in Beijing . 我离开北京以三年了。‎ ‎5. It was +时刻+when从句 当…的时候… (常考连接词)‎ eg: it was 8 o’clock when I returned home last night. ‎ ‎6. (It is) no wonder that … 难怪……‎ ‎7. It is no use/good doing sth 做……是没有用/好处 注意:有时也爱考there和it 的区别 ‎ to do sth ‎8. S + V (think/feel/make/find/consider...) + it + n/adj + doing sth (no use/good)‎ ‎ that 从句 ‎9. S + V (喜欢或讨厌动词love/like/appreciate...) + it + if/when + CS eg: I will appreciate it if you help me in the future. ‎ 十二、常考的比较级 ‎ ‎1. 不管是倍数还是其他数用在比较级中,都放在结构前。‎ ‎ S+V+ 倍数+ as… adj/adv(原级)(可以加名词)as(不加as就不加宾语)‎ ‎ S+V+倍数+adj/adv的比较级+than…‎ ‎ S+V+倍数+the+名词+of…‎ eg: This bridge is 3 times as long as that one. ‎ ‎ 2. 否定+比较级=最高级 can’t/couldn’t/no/never/nothing + 比较级 ‎ eg: There is no greater love than that of a man who lays down his life for his friends. 为朋友而放弃生命的人的爱是最伟大的爱。‎ ‎ I can’t agree with you more.‎ ‎ 3. no/nothing +比较级+than 否定比较级表最高级,常考代词no/nothing.‎ eg: He is nothing more than a dreamer. 他只不过是一个做白日梦的人。‎ ‎ 4. no + 比较级+ than 和……一样不……‎ Eg Never have I looked down upon others, because I myself is no better than them. 我从来没有看不起过任何人,因为我本身并不会比别人好多少。‎ ‎ 5. 与so和such的比较级 ‎ so + adj/adv S + have never done so + adj + a/an+ n ‎ (such)+ a/an+ adj+ n ‎ eg: I have never seen an interesting move. 我从来没看过这么有趣的电影。‎ ‎ 与此类似的还有:否定词+ so+ adj+ as ‎ ‎ Eg:None is so deaf as those who won’t listen.‎ 十三、与so和such有关的考点 1. 主句+so that +从句。结果是…;以致于…‎ eg:He wrote down my address, so that he might remember it. 他写下了我的地址,以便能够记住它。‎ ‎ adj/adv ‎2. so + many/much + n that … 如此…以至于…‎ few/little + n eg: She is so beautiful a girl that everyone likes her.‎ ‎ a/an + adj + n(可单)‎ ‎. such+ that … ‎ ‎ (adj)+ n(不可数)‎ 以上结构与感叹句有相似之处 What (相当于such) ……S+ V!‎ How (相当于so) …… S+ V!‎ ‎ eg: how beautiful a girl she is !‎ 十四、倒装句 ‎ ‎ 半倒装 ‎ 1. So/such 位于句首,so + adj + 助/系/情+S + V.‎ ‎ eg: So difficult do I feel it to learn English well.‎ ‎ 2. 否定词位于句首。句子要半倒装 hardly/scarcely had sb done when sb did.‎ ‎ 一…就…‎ No sooner had sb done than sb did. ‎ Eg;Hardly had he arrived when she started complaining.‎ ‎ 3. “only + 状语”位于句首,主句半倒装。‎ ‎ Eg:Only then did I realize that I was wrong.‎ ‎ 4.if 引导的虚拟条件句省if后引起的倒装。‎ ‎ Eg: Were I you, I would be ready to help others.‎ ‎ 5.P+ as+ S+ V 作让步状语,“尽管”‎ ‎ eg: Child as he is, he knows a lot. 注意:表语为可数名词单数时,省略不定冠词。‎ 全倒装 ‎ 6.地点状语和方位副词(up/down/there/here/in/out/off...)位于句首时,句子要全倒装。‎ ‎ Eg:Out runs the boy.‎ ‎ Out he runs. 注意: 当主语是人称代词时句子不倒装。‎ 十六、重点虚拟语气 从句 主句 与现在事实相反 If+ S+ did/were should/would/could/might do 与过去事实相反 If+ S+ had done should/would/could/might have done 与将来事实相反 If+ S+ should do/did/were to do should/would/could/might do 注意:以上是虚拟语气的精髓,也叫万能句,关键分清主从句对应的动词。‎ ‎ 并且所有虚拟语气的从句都用以上从句结构。‎ Eg: The baby was looking the book as if he had known it.‎ ‎ I would rather you came tomorrow. ‎ 但注意:含蓄性虚拟语气有点不同,状语后是主句而不是从句。‎ Eg: We lost our way in that small village, otherwise we would have visited more places of interests yesterday.‎ 十七、其他状语从句 ‎ 1. S + was/were about to do/doing sth when …. 正要做某事这时……‎ ‎ 2. 主句+before sb could do sth. 不等……就…… 。‎ ‎ 3.while + 从句,主句。尽管……(while只放在句首)‎ Eg: Today, we will begin where we stopped yesterday so that no point will be left out.‎ ‎ 4. S + V + where-从句。(where引导地点状语从句)‎ ‎ 5. However + adj/adv + S + V, ‎ 主句. 不管……,(主要靠语序)‎ Whatever+ adj+ n+ S+ V Eg: Whatever great progress you made, you shouldn’t be proud.‎ ‎6. whether … or … 不管……是否…… ‎ I’ll write every day, whether you answer me or not. I promise.‎ 十八、特殊句子 ‎1. sb/sth be adj to do (用主动表被动)‎ ‎ Eg: English is easy to learn well.‎ ‎2. Sb/sth be pp to do/have done/be done/have been done ‎= It be pp that sb/sth do/have done/be done/have been done Eg: she was said to have been cheated by a thief.‎ ‎ =It was said that she had been cheated by a thief.‎ ‎3. The problem with+ n...is that+ 从句 ……的问题是……‎ Eg:The problem with that theory is that no other mammal has resorted to this method of cooling down. 这一理论的问题在于,没有其他的哺乳动物采取了这种降低体温的方式。 ‎ 4. The reason why+从句/for (doing) sth...is that... ……的原因是……‎ eg: The reason why he lost his job is that he was so lazy.‎ ‎ 5. That’s because+ 原因从句 That’s why+ 结果从句 Eg:That's why we have to have the patience for this marathon rather than a sprint. 这就是因为我们必须有跑马拉松的耐心,而不是想进行一个冲刺。‎ That is because we are only doing double integrals so far. 这是由于我们才刚开始做二重积分的缘故。‎ ‎ 6. Sb/Sth be likely to do sth (而possible/probable 不能用人物作主语,只用it作形式主语)‎ Eg:The low-temperature lake is likely to be able to support such large living creatures.‎ ‎ 7. 祈使句/有more的名词,and/or+ 陈述句。‎ ‎ Eg: More time, and we will finish the task.‎ ‎ 8. that ‎ the way(作先行词) in which 定语从句 ‎ 省略 ‎ Eg: I don’t like the way that/in which/X you speak to me like that.‎ 十九、与情态动词有关的考点 ‎1. 表推测。‎ ‎ must have done/ do 用在肯定句中,表肯定推测。‎ ‎ can’t have done/ do 用在否定句中,表完全否定推测。‎ ‎ May/might have done/ do 用在陈述句中,表可能推测。‎ ‎ Can have done/do 用在疑问句中,表可能推测。‎ Eg: So somewhere in my youth or childhood, I must have done something good. 所以在我的童年或是少年时, 我一定是做了好事。‎ He can’t have done that for he is not that kind of man. 他不可能这么做的,因为 他不是那种人.‎ 1. can not/never be too+ adj/ adj+ enough to do sth. 再这么做也不为过。‎ Eg: You can never be too careful to drive car.‎ 2. 虚拟语气 should have done 应该做而没有做 could have done 本能做而没有做 needn’t have done 没必要做而做了 ‎ eg:But we could have done it all so much better. 但是,我们本可以把这一切做得更好。‎

