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语言知识运用(三)‎ 完形填空 ‎(2019·吉林高三模拟)‎ The Fitting-in of Suzy Khan The first time I saw Suzy Khan, I knew I had to help her. She was really small for her age of 12. The boys in my class often __1__ about her and laughed their heads off. She would open a book, pretending to read, with tears dropping on the open page.‎ All I knew was that she was an orphan (孤儿) from Africa. She had just been adopted by a family in town who __2__ that the best way for her to learn American ways of life was to be with American kids. I looked down at this __3__ girl and promised myself that somehow I would help her.‎ But how could I help her __4__ in with us? There had to be a __5__.‎ One day, when I went into the classroom, I saw that Suzy had __6__ her geography book to a picture of a train, and in her notebook, she had made a(n) __7__ copy.‎ I was surprised and thought that she could do something in the coming __8__ show. So, I took her to see the art teacher, Miss Parker, and showed her what Suzy had __9__. “Why, it's wonderful,” said Miss Parker, who then showed us a poster she had painted __10__ the talent show. “I need more of these, but I just don't have enough __11__. Could you help me, Suzy? ”‎ On the day of the talent show, Suzy's __12__ were everywhere—all over the hall and all over the school, each one different.‎ ‎“And finally,” said Mr. Brown, the schoolmaster, at the end of the show, “ We have a(n) __13__ award. I'm sure you've all noticed the wonderful posters.” Everyone nodded. “One of our own students __14__ them.”‎ I could hear everyone whispering. “Who in our school could draw __15__ well? ”‎ Mr. Brown waited a while before saying, “__16__ this student worked so hard on the posters, she deserves a __17__, too. Our mystery artist is our new student—Suzy Khan! ”‎ Mr. Brown thanked her for all the wonderful posters and gave her a professional artist's set. “Thank you,” she cried.‎ I __18__, at that time when I was looking at her excited face, she'd probably never __19__ anything in her whole life.‎ Everyone started to __20__ their hands. Suzy Khan gave them a shy smile and the ‎ applause was deafening. I knew then Suzy was going to be all right.‎ ‎1. A. joked         B. cared C. forgot D. worried ‎2. A. reported B. decided C. complained D. questioned ‎3. A. rich B. proud C. tiny D. popular ‎4. A. come B. fall C. fit D. tie ‎5. A. manner B. pattern C. choice D. way ‎6. A. read B. taken C. opened D. put ‎7. A. free B. perfect C. final D. extra ‎8. A. art B. talk C. quiz D. talent ‎9. A. colored B. written C. carved D. drawn ‎10. A. at B. after C. for D. around ‎11. A. room B. time C. paper D. interest ‎12. A. gifts B. books C. photos D. posters ‎13. A. special B. academic C. national D. royal ‎14. A. painted B. found C. printed D. collected ‎15. A. very B. that C. quite D. too ‎16. A. If B. Though C. Unless D. Since ‎17. A. prize B. rank C. rest D. place ‎18. A. replied B. realized C. remembered D. regretted ‎19. A. offered B. valued C. owned D. controlled ‎20. A. clap B. wave C. raise D. shake 答案与解析 ‎【文章大意】 本文讲述了一个非洲来的儿童Suzy被一个美国家庭收养,为让孩子了解美国生活,他们把孩子送进学校和美国孩子一起学习,但那些美国孩子却经常嘲笑她。一次偶然的机会,作者发现了她的绘画才能,并把她介绍给艺术老师。艺术老师也认同她的绘画才能,让她帮自己制作才艺秀的海报。在才艺秀结束的时候,校长颁发给Suzy一个特殊的奖项,同学们也认可和接纳了她。‎ ‎1. 答案 A 解析 根据语境可知,这里是说“班里的男孩子会拿她开玩笑,然后就是哄堂大笑。而她也只好眼含泪水地假装看书。”‎ ‎2. 答案 B 解析 根据语境可知,“这个非洲孤儿被一个美国家庭收养,美国家庭决定(认定) 和美国孩子在一起才能让她学会美国生活方式”,report“报告,报道”;decide“认定,断定”;complain“抱怨,投诉”;question“质疑,提问”。‎ ‎3. 答案 C 解析 根据语境可知,这个女孩比同龄12岁的孩子都要瘦小,所以“我”低头看着这个小女孩,下决心无论如何都要帮助她。‎ ‎4. 答案 C 解析 根据语境可知,作者打算帮助这个女孩与大家融洽相处。文章标题已给出提示,fit in with“适合,与……一致”。‎ ‎5. 答案 D 解析 根据上文可知,作者决定帮助小女孩与大家和睦相处,必须寻找一个办法/方法。因为这里没有谈到什么方法,所以只能用笼统的方法way。manner做事或行为方式,多指行动的特殊方式或独特的方法,pattern指模式、花样、图案等,choice指选择,way指方式、方法、手段等,可指一般的方法,有时也指个人的方法或方式。‎ ‎6. 答案 C 解析 根据语境可知,Suzy把书打开到有火车图片的那一页,故选C项。‎ ‎7. 答案 B 解析 她对火车图的复制效果怎样要看后文的陈述,根据“Why, it's wonderful”可知,非常好,与此题选项中的perfect相近。‎ ‎8. 答案 D 解析 根据后文的“the talent show”可知,作者认为她可以为即将到来的才能秀做些事情。‎ ‎9. 答案 D 解析 根据前文可知,她画了一个很漂亮的火车,和书里的几乎一样。作者把她所画的东西给了美术老师看。‎ ‎10. 答案 C 解析 根据语境可知,美术老师给我们看了一张她为才能秀所画的海报,然后请Suzy帮她多画一些。‎ ‎11. 答案 B 解析 由该空前面“more”和空后的“help”两个词可知,老师还需要更多的海报,但老师没有足够的时间,所以才请Suzy帮忙制作。‎ ‎12. 答案 D 解析 根据语境可知,美术老师想让Suzy帮忙制作一些海报,所以才艺秀当天应该到处都能看到Suzy制作的海报。‎ ‎13. 答案 A 解析 根据语境可知,才艺秀当天大家都表演了,还要颁发一个特殊的奖项给制作海报的人,因为制作海报原本不是才艺秀的内容。‎ ‎14. 答案 A 解析 根据语境可知,“我们一个学生画了这些海报”,除了draw以外,我们还可以使用paint一词,表示绘画。‎ ‎15. 答案 B 解析 本句中的that等于so。根据语境“孩子们都想知道是谁画得那么好”,可知选B项。‎ ‎16. 答案 D 解析 根据语境可知,“因为这位同学在海报上是如此努力,她应该得到这个奖”上下文是因果关系。‎ ‎17. 答案 A 解析 根据语境可知,“因为努力画了这些海报,这位同学值得奖励”故选A项。‎ ‎18. 答案 B 解析 根据语境可知,“在那时‘我’看着她兴奋的笑脸,‘我’意识到也许在她的生命中她从来都没有拥有这样的奖吧”。‎ ‎19. 答案 C 解析 分析语境可知,因为是外来的移民,没有融入大家的生活中,这次活动让大家看到了她拥有的东西。‎ ‎20. 答案 A 解析 分析语境可知,因为她画得好,得到校长表扬,得到大家认可,所以大家为她鼓掌。clap one's hands“鼓掌”。‎ 完形填空 ‎(2019·宁夏银川)Time is very important in our lives. It __1__ our moments. However, time never had any __2__ in my life until I received a watch from my father that organized my life and made me more __3__.‎ It's round in the center with two silver hands that go around my wrist. And all of it is made of silver. This __4__ tells me the importance of time in my life.‎ I received this __5__ on a gray-sky day. I had to go to the airport at 9:00 am to __6__ up my uncle Ali and take him to my father's house. __7__, I was late because I was __8__ out with my friends. Later on that day, around 11:00 am, I __9__ my uncle, but I was too __10__ for him. He had __11__ the airport and taken a taxi to my father's house.‎ I got to my father's house at 2:00 pm on the same day and looking at my angry father's face I felt __12__ of myself at that moment. After I said hi to my father and uncle, my father asked me to sit next to him where he __13__ me this watch as a gift from him. Then he said, “Essa, did you have __14__ with your friends today? ”I answered, “Yes, Father, and I'm sorry about not meeting my uncle Ali.” He said, “What you __15__ was not very nice and you should be sorry for your __16__.” I was guilty and said, “Father, I'll never do it again, I promise.”He said, “I hope today you learned something important, and this watch will be a __17__ for you.”He told me to take this watch and use it as an organizer of my life.‎ I learned a very important __18__ from my father: to __19__ time and never be late to get someone. This watch is __20__ to me, not because of its price, but because of what I learned from it.‎ ‎1. A. organizes       B. appreciates C. orders D. explains ‎2. A. importance B. similarity C. necessity D. interest ‎3. A. independent B. confident C. efficient D. responsible ‎4. A. belonging B. object C. matter D. stranger ‎5. A. letter B. card C. gift D. thing ‎6. A. pick B. call C. put D. bring ‎7. A. Fortunately B. Otherwise C. However D. Hopefully ‎8. A. going B. leaving C. standing D. hanging ‎9. A. forgot B. visited C. saw D. remembered ‎10. A. anxious B. late C. early D. nervous ‎11. A. reached B. found C. left D. recognized ‎12. A. ashamed B. shy C. disappointed D. frightened ‎13. A. dropped B. handed C. left D. bought ‎14. A. pleasure B. appointment C. fun D. quarrels ‎15. A. said B. thought C. forgot D. did ‎16. A. ideas B. actions C. words D. promises ‎17. A. wonder B. requirement C. hope D. reminder ‎18. A. lesson B. class C. lecture D. course ‎19. A. waste B. respect C. neglect D. enjoy ‎20. A. useful B. necessary C. different D. significant 答案与解析 ‎【文章大意】 本文是一篇教育文化类阅读,文章介绍了“我”和朋友逛街,忘记了去机场接舅舅。回到家后,父亲教育了“我”。他送了“我”一块表,告诉“我”时间的重要性。由此可见,父亲是在教“我”要有时间观念,做一个有责任的人。‎ ‎1. 答案 A 解析 根据下句中的organize可知应选A项organizes “构成”,此处意为“时间构成了我们生活中的每一时刻”。‎ ‎2. 答案 A 解析 联系上文。因第一句话说的就是时间的重要性,直到父亲送给“我”一块表“我”才意识到时间的重要性(importance)。‎ ‎3. 答案 D 解析 下文父亲给“我”手表是因为“我”接人去晚了,可见他教“我”要有时间观念,做个有责任的(responsible) 人。‎ ‎4. 答案 B 解析 前面描述的是表,此处当然指的是表这个物体(object)。‎ ‎5. 答案 C 解析 根据下文可知,这是父亲送给“我”的礼物(gift)。‎ ‎6. 答案 A 解析 此处表示:“我”必须上午九点去机场接“我”的舅舅。pick up表示“开车接(某人)”的意思。‎ ‎7. 答案 C 解析 句意:然而(However),“我”迟到了,前后构成转折关系。‎ ‎8. 答案 D 解析 go out意为“出去;熄灭”;leave out意为“省去;遗漏”;stand out意为“突出;显眼”;hang out意为“闲逛”。句意:“我”迟到了,因为“我”和朋友在闲逛。‎ ‎9. 答案 D 解析 句意:到了晚些时候,大约上午11点的时候“我”才记起(remembered) 了这件事。‎ ‎10. 答案 B 解析 句意:此时已经过去两个小时了,要去接他已经太晚了(late)。‎ ‎11. 答案 C 解析 句意:他已经离开了机场。left“离开”。‎ ‎12. 答案 A 解析 此时的作者当然是觉得惭愧(ashamed)了。‎ ‎13. 答案 B 解析 句意:“我”父亲叫“我”坐在他旁边,他把手表作为礼物送给了“我”。hand意为“传递,交给”。‎ ‎14. 答案 C 解析 句意:爸爸问“我”今天和朋友玩得开心吗? have fun意为“玩得高兴”。‎ ‎15. 答案 D 解析 句意:你这样做(did) 不好。故选D项。‎ ‎16. 答案 B 解析 句意:你应该为你的行为感到抱歉。action意为“行为,做法”。‎ ‎17. 答案 D 解析 句意:希望这块手表可以时刻提醒你时间。reminder意为“提醒,警示”。‎ ‎18. 答案 A 解析 句意:“我”从父亲那里吸取了一个非常重要的教训(lesson)。‎ ‎19. 答案 B 解析 句意:尊重时间,不要迟到。respect“尊重,尊敬”。故选B项。‎ ‎20. 答案 D 解析 从本文内容可知作者说这块表对其意义之大。useful“有用的”;necessary“必须的”;different“不同的”;significant“有意义的”。‎ 语法填空 ‎(2019·宁夏银川长庆高中模拟)Keeping a diary in English is one of the effective ways to improve our English writing abilities.‎ ‎__1__(compare) with other forms of writing, it is shorter and takes __2__(little) time. It can help us to develop the habit of thinking in English. __3__ we persist in this practice, gradually we'll learn how to express ourselves in English. In keeping a diary in English, we certainly run up against many difficulties. In the first place, it often happens __4__ we have trouble finding appropriate words and phrases to give expression to our mind. __5__(second), there are many idiomatic ways of saying things in Chinese. __6__ it is extremely hard for us to put them into English properly.‎ As far as I am concerned, my __7__(suggest) is that we should always have a notebook and a Chinese-English dictionary within easy reach. Whenever something __8__(beat) us, we can first put it down in our notebook and then consult our dictionary. We can also turn to our English teacher for help, if necessary. In short, I believe that it is __9__ great use to keep a diary in English for __10__ development of our writing skills.‎ 答案与解析 ‎1. 答案 Compared 解析 考查固定短语。compared with“与……相比较”。‎ ‎2. 答案 less 解析 考查比较级。根据句意“与其他写作形式相比,日记比较短小,用时间较少”,可知这里应该用比较级形式less。‎ ‎3. 答案 If 解析 考查连词。根据句意是表示条件,如果我们坚持这种训练,逐渐地我们就学会如何用英语表达自己。‎ ‎4. 答案 that 解析 考查主语从句。it是形式主语,that 引导真正的主语从句。‎ ‎5. 答案 Secondly 解析 考查副词。因为上文中有In the first place, 所以这儿用Secondly。‎ ‎6. 答案 And 解析 考查并列连词。And在这儿表达上下句子之间的递进关系。‎ ‎7. 答案 suggestion 解析 考查名词。my suggestion作主语,谓语是is,因此用单数。‎ ‎8. 答案 beats 解析 考查时态。全文都是一般现在时。‎ ‎9. 答案 of 解析 考查固定短语。be of great use意为“非常有用”。‎ ‎10. 答案 the 解析 考查冠词。因为后面有介词短语of our writing skills, 这里用定冠词the表示特指。‎ 语法填空 ‎(2019·福建泉州检测)‎ Beijing Opera roles require performers to paint __1__ (they)faces in patterns and colors to represent different character types and __2__ (quality).‎ In Beijing Opera,facial painting can be quite complex.However,in the__3__ (begin),only three colors were used—red,white,and black.Now,many other colors,such __4__ yellow,purple,blue and green,are used for facial painting.‎ Red is a color for brave and loyal characters.Guan Yu,a general from the Three Kingdoms Period(A.D.220—280),is a good example of this kind of character.He is famous __5__ being very loyal to his emperor,Liu Bei.‎ White highlights all__6__ is bad in human nature.It__7__ (suggest)dishonesty ‎ and betrayal(背叛).One of the typical whitefaced characters is Cao Cao,a__8__ (power)and cruel prime minister from the Three Kingdoms Period.‎ Black face paint is__9__ (usual)used for someone who is fierce and violent.One typical example is General Zhang Fei from the classic novel,Romance of the Three Kingdoms.‎ All these different colors are used in Beijing Opera facial painting __10__ (provide)a clear picture of each character.‎ 体裁:说明文 题材:社会文化 主题:京剧脸谱的颜色 ‎【解题导语】京剧的角色需要表演者画脸,而脸谱的颜色以红色、白色和黑色为主。本文介绍了京剧脸谱的主要颜色所代表的意义。‎ ‎1.their 考查代词。句意为:京剧的角色要求表演者用不同图案和颜色涂抹他们的脸,以此来表现不同的人物类型和品质。空后的faces为名词,其前应用形容词性物主代词修饰。故填their。‎ ‎2.qualities 考查名词单复数。句意见上一题解析。quality指人的品质、性格时,为可数名词,根据and连接的并列成分types可知,此处应用复数形式。故填qualities。‎ ‎3.beginning 考查词性转换。句意为:然而,在最初的时候,只使用三种颜色——红色、白色和黑色。in the beginning为固定短语,意为“开始;起初”。‎ ‎4.as 考查固定短语。句意为:现在,很多其他的颜色,如黄色、紫色、蓝色和绿色也被用于脸谱绘画。such as为固定短语,用于表示列举例子,意为“例如”。‎ ‎5.for 考查固定搭配。句意为:他因为非常忠于他的皇帝——刘备而出名。be famous for...意为“因为……出名”,为固定搭配。故填for。‎ ‎6.that 考查定语从句。句意为:白色强调人性中坏的一面。分析句子结构可知,设空处引导定语从句,先行词为all,关系词只能用that。‎ ‎7.suggests 考查动词的时态。句意为:白色表示不忠和背叛。整篇文章的时态为一般现在时,故此处也应用一般现在时。故填suggests。‎ ‎8.powerful 考查词性转换。句意为:其中一个典型的白脸人物是曹操,他是三国时期一个权力强大、残暴的丞相。and连接两个并列的形容词,修饰名词prime minister。因此,此处应用形容词。故填powerful。‎ ‎9.usually 考查词性转换。句意为:黑色脸谱通常用于勇猛暴躁的人。本句中used为动词,所以用副词修饰。故填usually。‎ ‎10.to provide 考查非谓语动词。句意为:所有这些不同的颜色被用在京剧脸谱绘画中是为了给每个人物勾勒出鲜明的形象。根据句意可知,设空处在句中作目的状语,应用动词不定式。故填to provide。‎ 短文改错 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。‎ 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。‎ 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。‎ 修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。‎ 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;‎ ‎2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。‎ ‎(2019·绵阳市高中第一次诊断)‎ We are required to collect our smart phones and keep it in the teacher's during the weekdays.In fact the most of us obey this regulation,but some still play various trick against it.I'm among those.Once,I hand in a waste phone.Mr.Li,our head teacher,seemed ignore all that.So I felt very luckily to have an extra phone with me.And good times don't last long.“Can I use your phone as a while?I forgot to take mine by chance.”Mr.Li said,pick out my waste phone and dialing.You can see how embarrassing I was at the scene!‎ ‎【答案】‎ We are required to collect our smart phones and keep in the teacher's during the weekdays.In fact ‎ ‎ most of us obey this regulation,but some still play various against it.I'm among those.Once,I in a waste phone.Mr.Li,our head teacher,seemed ignore all that.So I felt very to have an extra phone with me. good times don't last long.“Can I use your phone a while?I forgot to take mine by chance.”Mr.Li said, out my waste phone and dialing.You can see how I was at the scene!‎ 第一处:it改为them。考查代词。此处指代上文中的“smart phones”,故用them。‎ 第二处:删除the。此处most是代词,表示“大多数”,故其前不用定冠词修饰。‎ 第三处:trick改为tricks。考查名词复数。trick为可数名词,且根据语境中的“various”可知,此处用名词复数形式,即用tricks。‎ 第四处:hand改为handed。考查动词时态。根据语境中的“Once”可知,事情发生在过去,故用一般过去时,且下文中的“seemed”亦是提示。‎ 第五处:ignore前加to。考查固定搭配。seem to do sth.为固定短语,意为“好像要做某事”,符合语境,故用动词不定式作宾语。‎ 第六处:luckily改为lucky。考查形容词。lucky是形容词,在此处作表语。‎ 第七处:And改为But/Yet。考查连词。根据语境可知,前后句表示逻辑上的转折关系,并非顺承或递进关系,故用连词But/Yet。‎ 第八处:as改为for。考查介词。固定短语for a while意为“一会儿”,符合语境,故用介词for。‎ 第九处:pick改为picking。考查非谓语动词。动词pick和句子谓语said之间没有连词,故此处用非谓语,且pick与句子的主语Mr.Li构成逻辑上的主谓关系,故用现在分词作伴随状语。‎ 第十处:embarrassing改为embarrassed 。考查形容词。embarrassed是过去分词充当形容词,在从句中作表语,修饰人,意为“尴尬的”。‎ 短文改错 ‎(2019·济宁市高考模拟考试)‎ I felt delighted to be informed the news that I would be our Student Union's next minister of health.Therefore,when I calmed down,I began to realize what challenging the job would be.I can still remember the first time I hold a meeting with all the members,that was a real challenge for me.With so many eyes fixing on me,I struggled to speak as my face and ears turned complete red.I had never felt so nervous ago.‎ Although I went through a series of difficulty, I gained a lot as well—a plenty of new friends,the ability to communicate and an improvement in my organizational skills.‎ ‎【答案】‎ I felt delighted to be informed the news that I would be our Student Union's next minister of health.,when I calmed down,I began to realize challenging the job would be.I can still remember the first time I a meeting with all the members, was a real challenge for me.With so many eyes on me,I struggled to speak as my face and ears turned red.I had never felt so nervous .‎ Although I went through a series of , I gained a lot as well— plenty of new friends,the ability to communicate and an improvement in my organizational skills.‎ 第一处:考查固定搭配。be informed of/about为固定搭配,意为“被告知……”。‎ 第二处:考查副词。句意为:然而,当我平静下来后,我开始意识到这份工作多么具有挑战性。根据句意可知,前后为转折关系。‎ 第三处:考查感叹句。How引导感叹句的句型为“how+adj./adv.+主语+谓语”;此处是修饰形容词“challenging”,应用how。‎ 第四处:考查动词的时态。根据上下文语境可判断出,此处应用一般过去时,描述发生过的事情。‎ 第五处:考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,此处是一个非限制性定语从句,先行词是“I hold a meeting with all the members”,应用关系代词which。‎ 第六处:考查非谓语动词。此处指很多双眼睛聚焦在“我”身上,“eyes”和fix之间是被动关系,因此应用过去分词形式。‎ 第七处:考查副词。此处应用副词修饰形容词“red”。‎ 第八处:考查副词辨析。句意为:以前我从没觉得这么紧张。ago常跟一般过去时态连用,与语境不符。根据句中的过去完成时态可知,此处应用before。‎ 第九处:考查名词复数。句意为:尽管我经历了一系列困难的事情。此处difficulty是抽象名词具体化,意为“困难的事情”,应用复数形式。‎ 第十处:考查固定搭配。plenty of为固定搭配,意为“大量,许多”。‎

