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综合练习三 1. Buying clothes a hard job because the clothes a person likes not very often fit him or her. A .are; do B. is; are C .are; does D. is; do 2. —I may go to the market this afternoon. --Could you please buy some fruit for me you are there? A. sinceB .if C. whileD .as 3. For many cities in the world, there is no room to spread out further, New York is an example. A. for which B .in which C. of which D. from which 4. I have never been to Beijing, but it is the place . A. where I’d like to visit B.I most want to visit C.in which I’d like to visit D. that I want to visit it most 5. It is high time that we middle school students a good look at our behavior. A. take B .took C .are taking D .have taken 6. , he still couldn’t move the heavy stone a bit. A.As the little boy tried hard B. Hard as the little boy tried C. How the little boy tried hard D. How hard the little boy tried 7.—Lisa, why? Why did you tell them so much about me during the meeting? -- . I didn’t mean to hurt you. A. Forgive meB. Forget it C .It shocks me D .Don’t worry 8. The Internet is a huge computer system millions of users around the world can share information. A. whereB .whatC. whichD. when 9. Beyond the river some natives that witnessed that historical event. A. live B .living C .having D .have 10. Since the Campaign of Love for Abandoned Dogs two years ago, tens of thousands of dollars has been raised. A. was started B. has started C .is started D. had beenstarted 11. All of a sudden it to both of us that we might adopt a homeless dog. A. struck B. fell C .occurred D. happened 12. ----I hear that you will go abroad again. ----Yeah. My school for me to attend an international conference in Paris. A. asked B. arranged C .sent D. called 13. to work in a large company is what most job-hunters are looking for. A. To employ B. Employing C .Being employed D .Employed 14. He could have won first prize, but his legs on the way. A. injured B .got injured C .had injured D .have been injured 15. I think Mr Li’s speech was excellent, for it was clear and the point. A. on B. at C .off D. to 16. —When will you be this weekend? --It depends. I will probably sit an exam. A .convenient B. accurate C. possible D. available 17. —Would you like to meet John at the airport? -- . He is the last person I want to see. A. Yes, I’d like toB .I’d like to, but I have no time C. Oh, no, not me D .With pleasure 18. He was so honest that I had the doubt about whatever he said. A .little B. less C. leastD. small 19. His money previously stamps turned out meaningless. A. spent to collect B .was spent in collecting C. had been spent collecting D. spent collecting 20. Chinese basketball player Yao Ming will probably return to the NBA if he can recover from earlier injury. A./; an B. The; /C.A; an D. The; the 21.----Can we borrow books from the library when it is completed? ----Of course. It is to every citizen only if you get a special card. A. acceptable B. accessible C. reasonable D. available 22. Pakistan does not the possibility of a war starting with India, but promises to do everything it can to reduce tensions. A. give out B .rule out C. turn out D. send out 23. never to come back, he spoke out all the truth. A.To determine B. Determined C. Being determined D. To be determined 24. Away without any explanation. A .did John run B. run John C.ran John D. does John run 25. David walked with his eyes past shouting reporters at the airport, saying nothing. A .closing B. being closed C. closed D. to close 26. The proposal that we prohibit burning straw was accepted by everyone at the meeting. A.would B. will C. should D. shall 27. To all drivers' delight, the price of oil fell a further $2 a barrel(桶) the next day, to $60 a barrel. A.to B. byC. at D. in 28. for not feeding the baby properly and often beating it, the baby-sitter was given a serious sentence. A.To sue B. Having sued C. suing D. Sued 29. The rich man thought money was everything and it never occurred to him that happiness might be more never . A.disastrous B. annoyingC. invaluable D .impressive 30. Only after years of work completely in understanding what we are working for in the end. A.we shall succeed B. shall we succeed C. we succeed D. do we succeed 答案 1 答案:D 第一空为:现在分词短语做主语时谓语用单数;第二空:clothes 在状语从句中作主语,其 后跟一个 定语从句 a person likes, clothes 为复数形式,所以谓语应用复数形式。 2 答案:B 甲说:他也许(may)下午去市场,也就是说他可能去也可能不去。所以根据语境答案应为 B。 3 答案:C 考查定语从句。句意:对世界上很多城市来说,没有再继续扩展的空间,其中纽约就是一个例 子。后半 句是定语从句,用 of 表示所属范围。 4 答案:B 考查复合句。(that/which) I most want to visit 是定语从句,修饰先行词 place。visit 是 及物动词, 后面需要跟宾语,因此要用关系代词,而不是关系副词,所以 A 项不正确;“介词+ which” 相当于关系副词, 所以 C 项错误;假如选择 D 项,应去掉 it。 5 答案:B 本题考查虚拟语气中的时态。It is high time…“早该是做……的时候了”,是固定句式,从 句中的谓 语谓语动词要用过去时表示虚拟。句意为:该是我们中学生审视自己的行为的时候了。 6 答案:B 本题考查让步状语从句的倒装用法。As 引导让步状语时,需将被强调强调的词置于句首, 后接连词和 陈述语序。A 项中 as 用于正常语序时,不能表示“尽管”之意。D 项中可以改用 however 来引导让步状语从句, 即:How hard the little boy tried… 7.答案:A 本题考查情景交际。Forgive me 意为“原谅我”。句意为:----丽莎,为什么?为什么你 要在会上 说我那么多?----请原谅我,我没有想伤害你。 8 答案: A 考查定语从句的引导词。where 替代先行词 system 在从句中作地点状语,相当于 in which(in the system)。句意:因特网是个巨大的计算机系统,全世界数以百万的使用者可以在上面分 享信息。 9 答案:A 本题在倒装句中考查主谓一致。为了强调,地点状语 beyond the river 置于句首,句子 应该使用完全 倒装,而句子的主语 some natives 是复数,故选 A;B 和 C 项不是完整的谓语形式, D 项与句意不符,故排除。 句意为:在河的那边住着一些见证了那个历史事件的当地人。 10 答案:A 本题考查动词的时态。Campaign 与 start 之间是被动关系,所以要使用被动语态,在 since 引导 的状语从句中,谓语动词应该是指过去某一点的动作,需用一般过去时,故选 A。句意为: 自从两年前发起为流 浪狗献爱心的活动以来,已经筹集了数万元的资金。 11 答案:C 本题在固定句型中考查动词。It occurs(-ed) to sb. that…意为“某人突然想到……”, it 为 形式主 语,that 引导的从句为真正的主语。句意:突然间我们想到也许我们可以收养一只声无家可归 的小狗。 12 答案:B 本题考查动词辨析。A 项应该用 ask ab to do sth 结构表达“请求某人做某事”,ask for sb 意为 “求见某人” ;C 项 send for sb 意为“对派人去请某人” ;D 项 call for sb “去接某 人”。以上几项均不符句 意,B 项 arrange for sb to do sth 意为“安排某人做某事”,符合句意。 13 答案:C 考查非谓语动词。根据句意可知空格部分缺主语,因此 D 选项排除;动词 employ 的逻 辑主语是 job-hunters,二者为动词关系,故选择 C,动名词被动形式用作主语。句意:大多数求职者 期盼的是被聘用在一 家大公司一班。 14 答案:B 本题考查时态语态。 “could have done”是虚拟语气,表示对过去的假设 “本可以, 本能够” ,但由于在过去发生褪伤而当时未能如愿。get injured 为系标结构,get 应用过去时态, 故选 B。 杭州新课堂培训学校 Hangzhou Think Town School 梅家坞校区: 15 答案:D 本题考查固定短语中介词的搭配。to the point 表示“中肯,切题,切中要害”之意。句 意:我认 为李先生的演讲很精彩,因为他的演讲清晰切题。On the point of “即将……的时候”;at the point“接近,靠近”;off the point“离体,不切题”。 16 答案:D 本题考查形容词辨析。Available“有空的”。句意:----这个周末你什么时间有空?----说 不准。我 可能要参加一个比赛。 17 答案:C 本题考查情景交际。He is the last person I want to see 意思为“他是我最不想见的人”。 可知 “我”不愿去。“with pleasure”表示乐意帮忙。A项 Yes,I’d like to 与 He is the last person I want to see 相矛盾;B 项 I’d like to,but I have no time 同样与后面的答语相悖,因此 C 项是 正确答案,意思是:不, 我不想去。 18 答案:C “the least/slightest + n.”可表示“一点都没……;根本都没有……”。句意为:他诚实到他 讲什 么我一点也不怀疑。 19 答案:D 本题考查非谓语动词。Spent collecting 过去分词作后置定语修饰 money,意为“被花 费在收集 邮票上的钱”。spend…on sth/(in)doing sth…为固定结构。 20 答案:A Yao Ming 为句子的主语,Chinese basketball player 为定语,故第一空不用冠词。第二 空用 an 表泛指。 21 答案:B 本题考查形容词的辨析。acceptable 令人满意的;可接受的;reasonable 讲道理的,合 情合理 的,相当好的;available 可得到的,可利用的。be available for 意为“可供......利用,有空 从事......”。 accessible 可进入的,容易得到的。be accessible to sb 供某人利用/进入。 22 答案:B 考查短语动词。give out 分发;公布;耗尽;用尽;rule out 排除......的可能性;turn out 原来是; 结果是;send out 发出;派出。 23 答案:B 考查非谓语动词。Determined 在这里是形容词作伴随状语表示他说出真相时所具有的心 态。句意: 决意再也不回来了,他说出了所有的真相。 24 答案:C 考查倒装。Away/out/down/in/up/here/there 等方位副词位于句首,句子谓语动词时表 示位移 的动词时,句子应使用完全倒装结构。但如果句子的主语是代词就用部分倒装。如:Out he comes. “他来了” 。 25 答案:C 本题考查 with 的复合结构。Closed 表示 eyes 的状态。句意:大卫一言不发,闭着眼 睛从从在机 场大叫着的记者们身边走过。 26 答案:C 本题考查同位语从句和虚拟语气。句意:禁止燃烧麦秆这一建议已被会议上的所有人采纳。 proposal 后的同位语从句的谓语动词要用虚拟语气,用 should + 动词原形,故选 C。 27 答案:B 本题考查介词。句意:令所有司机高兴的是,油价在第二天进一步下降了两美元每桶;价格 变为每桶 60 美元。介词 by 在这里的意思是:to the extent of 即:“达到......程度”;选项 A 有一 定的干扰性,但 to 表 示的是“到了......水平”,与题意不符。 28 答案:D 本题考查非谓语动词。句意:因被起诉没有正确喂养婴儿且经常打婴儿,这个保姆被判了 重刑。 sue 和 the baby-sitter 之间是动宾关系,故可排除 A、B、C 项。非谓语动词在此作原因状 语,故选 D。 29 答案:C 考查形容词辨析。句意:这个有钱人认为金钱就是一切,从没想过幸福可能更加宝贵。 disastrous“灾难性的”;annoying“恼人的”;invaluable“非常宝贵的”:impression“令人印象深 刻的” 。 30 答案:B 考查倒装句。句意:只有经过好几年的工作后,我们才会彻底地明白我们工作最终是为了 什么。当 “only + 状语”位于句首表示强调时用倒装,如不在句首或虽然在句首但不修饰状语时用正 常语序。故排除 A、C;根据句意“好几年后”可知,可知用一般将来时。故选 B

