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高考英语专项阅读理解--猜测词义指导课教学设计 海南省农垦实验中学 张雪檀 设计思想(Design Idea) 1.学生分析 学生已经进入高三英语学习阶段,从语言知识的积累方面来看,绝大部分学生完全可以应对高考的阅读任务。但是,部分学生还没有完全养成良好的英语阅读习惯和掌握做阅读理解题的方法,比如在阅读文章时边阅读边查词典,碰到生词心理恐惧,不知所措,这些因素都制约着他们对文章的理解以及答题的速度。鉴于此,教师有必要在课堂上帮助他们掌握常用猜测词义的解题方法,以提高他们的阅读能力。 2.题型分析 根据《全国统一考试英语科考试大纲》对考生阅读能力的要求,考生能读懂书、报、杂志中关于一般性话题的简短文段以及公告、说明、广告等,并能从中获取相关信息。考生应能: (1)理解主旨和要义; (2)理解文中具体信息; (3)根据上下文推断生词的词义; (4)作出判断和推理; (5)理解文章的基本结构; (6)理解作者的意图、观点和态度。‎ 教学内容(Teaching Content):‎ 教学目标(Teaching Objectives)‎ 知识目标(Language Point Objectives):‎ Remember the new words mentioned in the lesson ‎ 能力目标(Language Skill Objectives:)‎ ‎1.Master and apply the reading strategy —guessing ‎ ‎2.Work out the Exx using the reading strategies ‎ 能力发展目标(Multi-capacity Development Objectives):‎ Improve Ss’abilities of analyzing, observing ,comprehending, inquiring and cooperating .‎ 教学方法(Teaching Methods):‎ Task-based teaching approach ‎ 学生活动(Student Activities):‎ Individual work /group work Autonomous learning /Inquiry –based learning 教学媒体(Teaching Media):‎ Multimedia Bb (多媒体教学系统 黑板)‎ 教学过程(Teaching Procedures )‎ Step 1 Greeting and interaction ‎ Greet and divide groups.‎ Step 2 Lead in ‎ ‎1.Present the reading abilities required in NEMT ,the types of reading questions as well as the general question forms .‎ ‎2. Ask Ss to guess the meanings of the four words twice , one with no sentences and the other with sentences .‎ ‎1.ex-wife 2. ocelot 3. penury 4. ravenous ‎ Step 3 Learn and Inquire ‎ Task One ‎ 1. Work out the meaning of the unknown or unfamiliar words in the sentences on the learning sheet by themselves .‎ 2. Have a discussion in group ,trying to find out some strategies in guessing words .‎ 3. Check the keys , guiding Ss to sum up the effective strategies ‎ Step 4 Practise and Compete Task Two ‎ 4. Deal with the Exx of level C ,.,evaluating their grades by themselves ‎ Step 5 Practice and consolidate ‎ Task Three The Exx in the NEMT paper in these past three years ‎1.Work out the Exx of Level B , checking the keys by having a group competition .‎ ‎2. Deal with the Exx of Level A ,the ones ,consolidating the reading strategy ---guessing ,‎ Step 6 Summary ‎ Sum up the reading strategies . ‎ Step Homework ‎ ‎ ‎ Blackboard Design ‎ Guessing strategies :1‎ ‎ 2‎ ‎ 3‎ ‎ 4‎ ‎ 5‎ ‎ 6‎ ‎ 7‎ ‎ 8‎ 回顾与反思。一、课前准备过程在高三复习中,学生在做阅读理解题时,猜测词义的题往往正确率较低,而这类题在高考中一般会有三道题左右。所以学生主动要求老师为他们增加猜测词义的技巧和方法方面的知识。为此,我为这节专题复习课作了充分的准备,从三方面作了考虑:一是设计一个吸引学生的课堂导入;二是收集以往有代表性的高考题,让学生了解和思考;三是准备一些有实效性的练习内容,进行补充加强。二、课堂导入设计经过认真思考后,笔者决定突出课堂导入的新颖性和趣味性 ‎ 准确数量 红星数量★‎ Task one Task Two Task Three

