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系动词 ‎1. 最常用连系动词:be(am; is/was; are/were)。 2. 表变化的系动词:get; turn; go; fall; become; grow; come; run。用法注意:在英语中,系动词一般只有一般现在 时和一般过去时两种时态变化形式,没有其他时态变化形式。但表变化的这类系动词除外,它们有各种时态变化。 Eg: It is becoming colder and colder. The food has gone bad. 此处还需注意的是become和turn后接表职业的名词时冠词的有无: Eg: Two years later, he became a teacher. 但Two years later, he turned teacher. 另外,go表变化时一般指事情向消极、不好的方面转化。 3. 所谓“感官动词”:look; sound; taste; smell; feel。一般它们在句子中译成:。。。起来;。。。上去。此类系动词为高考 ‎ 高频词。Eg: The food tasted good.食物尝起来很香。 其中必须注意到它们本身也用作实义动词,所以在平常的教学和应用中一定多比较、关注它们的用法。 Eg: He looked sadly at the picture. / She looked sad after hearing the news. Tom tasted the food and it tasted good. 4. 表状态的系动词:keep; stay; remain;(依然是;保持) Eg: She remains loyal to her father despite his cruelty towards her.   What a lovely day today! I love fine weather and I hope it will stay fine for some more days. Much remains to be done. 5. 表像系动词:seem; appear。汉语意义:看起来像、似乎、好像。这两个动词有一个共同的特点,即如果要表达时态的变化,需要后接不定时来完成。 Eg: He seemed to have caught cold./ When Father came in, Tom seemed to be eating something. 另外此处一句型转换也要要求学生牢记 It seemed that he had caught cold. ‎ ‎ When Father came in, it seemed that Tom was eating something. 6. 终止系动词:prove; turn out。表达“证实、证明、结果为。。。”之意。 ‎ ‎ Eg: He proved (to be) right. / The experiment turned out successful. ‎ 系动词用法应注意的几个问题   1. 一般地说,系动词无进行时态,无被动语态 如: Your hand feels cold.‎ The soup tastes good.‎ The dinner smells good. 2.系动词的时态与形容词的比较级连用的问题。 某些含有变化意义的动态系动词如get, become, grow, turn等的进行时态可与形容词的比较级连用,表示渐进过程,其意思是“越来越……”。例如: He is growing taller and taller. Our life is getting better and better. Things are getting worse.  3.所有半系动词的被动语态要分情况讨论。   英语中某动词在作系动词用时,无被动语态,而作实义动词用时,才有被动语态,二者不可混为一谈。例如: 不能说:The apple is tasted good.因为taste此时是系动词,“尝起来”之意,指的是苹果的性质,无被动语态) 但我们可以说:The apple is tasted by me.这苹果被我尝了一下。(taste此时指“尝一尝”这一动作,有被动语态) 因此,在平时的英语教学和学习之 ,要有意注意半系动词在具体的语言环境中到底是系动词用法还是实义动词用法,要注意区分、识别。 4.瞬间动态系动词能否与时间段连用的问题 英语中某些表示瞬间意义的系动词不能与“for+时间段,since+时间点,how long until+时间,by + 时间,so far”等直接连用。例如: ①不能说:He has become a teacher for 2 years. 应改为:He has been a teacher for 2 years. ②不能说:He has turned writer since 3 years ago. 应改为:He has been a write since 3 years ago. 或It is two years since he turned writer. ③不能说:He got angry until his child came back ‎ home. 应改为:He didn’t get angry until his child came back home. 5.系动词能接几种表语(从句) 系动词除了接adj. .prep.短语,还可接以下几种表语形式: ①能接as  if/as though表语从句的系动词有:look(看起来),smell(闻起来),sound(听起来),feel(觉得);appear(显得),seem(似乎)。例如: It looks as if we are going to have snow.看样子天要下雪了。 He looked as if he had just stepped out of my book of fairy tales.他看来好像刚从我的童话故事中走出来似的。 She seemed as if (though) she couldn’t understand why Laura was there.看来她好像不能理解为什么劳拉呆在那儿。 It sounds to me as though there’s a tap running somewhere.我好像听到某处水龙头流水的声音。 She felt as if her head were splitting.她仿佛觉得她的头要裂开了。 The river appeared as if enveloped in smog.那条河好像笼罩在烟雾之中。 It seems as if it were spring already.好像已是春天了。 ②可用于“It+系动词+that从句”结构的有:seem, appear如: It seemed that he had made some serious mistakes in his work.好像他在工作中犯了严重错误。 It appeared that he was talking to himself.好像他在自言自语。 ③能用不定式作表语的系动词有:be, seem, , look, appear, prove, grow. Her job is to look after the children.她的工作是照料孩子们。 He seems not to look after the children.他好像不是她的父亲。 He looks to be a young girl of twenty.他看起来像是一个20岁的年轻姑娘。 He didn’t appear to dislike it.看不出他憎恨此事。 My advice proved to be wrong.我的建议证明是错误的。  ④能与there连用的系动词有:be, appear, seem. There appeared to be only one room.那儿好像只有一个房间。 There seems(to be)no need to go.似乎没有必要走。‎ Exercise 1.The story sounds_________________   A. to be true  B. as true  C. being true  D. true 2.Those oranges ‎ taste__________   A. good   B. well   C. to be good  D. to be well 3.---Are you feeling___________?  ---Yes, I’m fine now   A. any  well     B. any better C. quite  good     D. quite better 4.----Can I join the club, Dad. ----You can when you _________a bit older.   A. get   B. will  get  C. gets  D. will have got 5.---Do you like the material? ----Yes, it _______very soft.   A. is feeling  B. felt   C. feels  D. is felt 6.I love to go to the seaside on Summer. It_____ good to lie in the sun or swim in the cool sea.   A. does   B. feels   C. gets  D. makes 7.Cleaning women in big cities usually get _______ by the hour.   A. pay   B. paying  C. paid  D. to pay 8.Why don’t you put the meat in the fridge? It will _____ fresh for several days.   A. be stayed  B. stay  C. be staying  D. have stayed 9.What you have said_______.   A.is sounded interesting  B.sounds interesting C.sound interested   D.listens interested 10.The class begins. Please keep________.   A.silent  B.silence  C.the silence  D.silently 11.Look! Several people in the crowd seemed_______.   A.to be fighting    B.to have fought C.being fought     D.having fought 12.How _____the song she sings sounds! I have never ______a better voice.   A.beautifully, sounded   B.beautiful, sounded C.sweet, listened to    D.sweet, heard 13.Her feeling about the marriage ______rather strange.   A.is looked      B.is seemed C.seems       D.is appeared ‎ 14.The new shirt______ right.   A.doesn’t feel     B.isn’t felt C.isn’t feeling     D.doesn’t touch 15.How happy it_______ for me to be home again after twenty years abroad!   A.gives   B.feels  C.is felt  D.is given ‎ 16.John _____driver since two months ago.   A.became a      B.has become a C.has turned      D.has been a  17.It _____he felt very _______over the death of the ‎ boy.   A.seemed that, sad    B.seemed as if, sadly C.looked as though, sad   D.looked that, sadness 18. _______ everyone here today? ‎ A. Be                        B. Are                      C. Is                         D. Am ‎19. Harry is older than I. But he _______ younger than I. ‎ A. look                      B. looks                   C. looked                   D. looking ‎20. It _______ like the singing of the birds.‎ A. sounds                  B. looks                   C. smells                    D. tastes ‎ ‎21. This kind of cake tastes _______. ‎ A. good                     B. well                     C. to be good              D. to be well ‎22. The children all looked _______ at the broken model plane and felt quite _______.‎ A. sad, sad                 B. sadly, sadly          C. sad, sadly               D. sadly, sad ‎23. This kind of paper _______ nice. ‎ A. feel                        B. felt                      C. is feeling                D. feels ‎24. This math problem is _______ and I can do it _______. ‎ A. easy, easily             B. easily, easily         C. easy, easy              D. easily, easy ‎25. Coffee is ready. How nice it _______! Would you like some?‎ A. looks                      B. smells                 C. sounds                   D. feels  ‎ ‎26. In winter the days _______ colder and colder. ‎ A. gets                        B. getting                C. got                        D. get ‎ 参考答案:‎ ‎1—26DABAC BCBBA ADCAB DACBA ADDABD 表语从句 表语从句的表现形式 ‎1.由从属连词引导。如:“that”,“whether”‎ ‎ The question is whether we should ask them for help.‎ ‎ The trouble is that he has never done the work before.‎ ‎2.由连接代词引导。如:“what” “who”“whom”“whose” “which”‎ ‎ Guilin is not what it used to be.‎ ‎ What she wants to know is which dress she should buy.‎ ‎3.由连接副词引导。如:“when”“why”“where”“how”“because”‎ ‎ That is where Lu Xun used to live.‎ ‎ That is why he didn’t pass the exam ‎4.另可由as if ,as though引导。如:‎ ‎ It looks as if it were going to rain 表语从句两大要素:‎ 1. 除that外的所有引导词都有自己的意义。‎ ‎2.除that,whether外的所有引导词都须在从句中充当相应的成分。‎ 一些引导词的用法 ‎(一)that在表语从句中 ,又 。‎ The fact is that he hasn’t yet recover from illness. ‎ The reason why he has to go is that his mother is ill in bed. ‎ 比较在定语从句中的用法。‎ There are some films that I’d like to see.‎ She is the only one among us that knows French.‎ 结论:that 在引导定语从句时,指事物,也可指人,在从句中作主语或宾语,作宾语时常可省略。‎ ‎(二)What 在表语从句中充当 主语、宾语或表语,表示“什么,什么样子,或所……的(人或事)‎ ‎1. The question is what caused the accident. ‎ ‎2. That mountain is no longer what it used to be .‎ ‎3. What he told you was what had been discussed at the meeting.‎ ‎(三)Which 在引导表语从句时,常充当定语,表语。表示“其中哪一个“。如:‎ ‎ I read about it in some book or another,but what I don’t know is which (book) it is. ‎ ‎ 比较在定语从句中的用法。‎ China‎ is a country which has a history of 2000 years.‎ A dictionary is a book which gives the meaning of words 结论: which在引导定语从句时,指事物,在从句中作主语或宾语,作宾语时常可省略 ‎(四)当主句的主语为reason,或者是why由引导的从句时,与它们相关的表语从句用that来引导,而不能由because引导; because 引导表语从句时只能用于It/That/This is /was because…‎ 句型中.如:‎ ‎ The reason why I was late was that I missed the train.‎ ‎ I was late. It/That/This was because I missed the train.‎ ‎(五)whether在表语从句中表“是否”,但不充当句子的成分。if不能引导表语从句.如:‎ ‎ What the doctor really doubts is whether my mother will recover from the serious disease soon ‎(六)①as if 从句用陈述语气的情况。 当说话者认为句子所述的是真实的或极有可能发生或存在的事实时。如: It sounds as if it is raining. 听起来像是在下雨。 He talks as if he is drunk. 从他谈话的样子来看他是醉了。 ‎ ‎②as if 从句用虚拟语气的情况。 当说话人认为句子所述的是不真实的或极少有可能发生或存在的情况时。从句虚拟语气动词时态的形式如下: ‎ ‎(1)如果从句表示与现在事实相反,谓语动词用一般过去时。‎ 如: You look as if you didn’ t care. 你看上去好像并不在乎。 ‎ He talks as if he knew where she was. 他说话的样子,好像他知道她在哪里似的。 ‎ ‎(2)从句表示与过去事实相反,谓语动词用“had+过去分词”。‎ 如: He talks about Rome as if he had been there before. 他说起罗马来好像他以前去过罗马似的。 ‎ The girl listened as if she had been turned to stone那女孩倾听着,像已经变成了石头似的。 ‎ ‎(3)从句表示与将来事实相反,谓语动词用“would/could/might+动词原形”。‎ 如: He opened his mouth as if he would say something. 他张开嘴好像要说什么。‎ ‎ It looks as if it might snow. 看来好像要下雪了。‎ ‎(七)使用虚拟语气的表语从句 ‎ ‎  在表示建议、劝告、命令含义的名词后的表语从句,谓语动词需用“should+动词原形” 表示,should可省略。常见的词有:advice,suggestion,order,proposal,plan,idea等。   My suggestion is that we (should) start early tomorrow. ‎ Exercise ‎1. The question is ________ we will have our sports meet next week.‎ A. that B. if C. when D. whether ‎2.The reason why he failed is ________he was too careless.‎ A. because B. that C. for D. because of ‎3. Go and get your coat. It’ s ________you left it A. where B. there C. there where D. where there ‎4.The problem is _________to take the place of Ted A. who can we get B. what we can get C. who we can get D. that we can get ‎5. What I want to know is ______ he likes the gift given by us.‎ A. that B. if C. whether D.不填 ‎6. The reason is_________I missed the bus. ‎ A. that B. when C. why D. what ‎7. That is __ ___ we were late last time. ‎ A. that B. when C. why D. what ‎8. She looked _________ she were ten years younger.  A. that  B. like C. as    D. as though ‎9.—I fell sick!‎ ‎--I think it is _______ you are doing too much. ‎ A. why B. when C. what D. because ‎ ‎10. The reason why he hasn’t come is ___________. ‎ A. because his mother is ill B. because of his mother’s being ill C. that his mother is ill D. for his mother is ill ‎11. —He was born here.‎ ‎-- That is _______ he likes the place so much. A. that B. what C. why D. how ‎12.That is ______ Lu Xun once ‎ lived. A. what B. where C. that D. why ‎13. The question is ____it is worth visiting.‎ ‎ A. if B. as if C. whether D. how ‎14. This is _____it happened.‎ ‎ A. what B. when C. that D. how ‎15. This is ____ the city lies.‎ ‎ A. which B. what C. where D. when ‎16. He was ill .That is ____he didn’t come yesterday.‎ ‎ A. when B. why C. how D. that ‎ ‎17. That was ___ I was thirteen I entered the No.1 Middle School.‎ ‎ A. because B. why C. how D when ‎18.The problem is ____we can master modern science and technology in a short time.‎ ‎ A. if B. that C. what D. how ‎ ‎19. –Doesn’t Mr. Smith live on this street?‎ ‎ -No .This is ____Mr. Brown lives. ‎ A. which B. where C. how D. that ‎ ‎20. The reason why he has been such a success is ____he never gives up.‎ ‎ A. what B. where C. how D. that ‎ ‎21. –what is that building?‎ ‎-___the garden equipment is stored ‎ A. that’s where B. There is in which C. the building is D. That’s the building which ‎ ‎22. Our village is no longer ____over twenty years ago. ‎ ‎ A. what was it B. what it was C. the village what was D. what was the village ‎ ‎23. ___you are the first one here.‎ ‎ A. it seems that as if B. it seems as if that c. it seems as if D. It seems that as though ‎ ‎24. My hope is ___he will become a doctor in the future.‎ ‎ A. if B. whether C. that D. what ‎ ‎25.He treated me as though/as if _____ his own son.‎ A. I am B. I would be C. I was D. I were that/what的区别 ‎1._______your father wants to know is________ getting on with your studies.‎ A. What; how are you B. That;how you are C. How;that you are D. What;how you are ‎2. The trouble is__________we are short of tools. ‎ A. what B. that C. how D. why that ‎3. America was __________was first called “India” by Columbus.‎ A. what B. where C. the place D. there where ‎4. China is becoming stronger and stronger. It is no longer_________ . ‎ A. what it used to be B. what it was used to being C. what it used to being D. what it was used to be ‎ ‎5. ________he really means is ________he disagrees with us. A. What … that B. That … what C. What … what D. That … what ‎6. The energy is ________ makes the cells able to do their work. A. that B. which C. what D. such 高考练习 ‎1 —I drove to Zhuhai for the air show last week .‎ ‎—Is that_____ you had a few days off? ‎ A. why B .what C. when D. where ‎ ‎2 .I had neither a raincoat nor an umbrella ____I got wet through. ‎ A. It’s the reason B. That’s why C. There’s why D. It’s how ‎3. See the flags on top of the building? That was ______ we did this morning. ‎ A. when B. which C. where D. what ‎4. --- Are you still thinking about yesterday’s game?‎ ‎ ---Oh, that’s _____.‎ A. what makes me feel excited B. whatever I feel excited about C. how I feel about it D. when I feel excited ‎5. What surprised me was not what he said but ______ he said it. ‎ A. the way B. in the way that C. in the way D. the way which ‎6..You are saying that everyone should be equal, and this is ____ I disagree. (2004)‎ ‎ A. why B. where C. what D. how ‎7.The doctor’s advice is that the patient ______ about his real physical condition. A.be not told B . not be told C. will not be told D. must not be told 表语从句参考答案 ‎1-25 DBACC ACDDC CBCBC BDDBD ABCCD That与what的区别:DBAAAC 高考练习ABDAABB 附:教案格式模板 所在单位   ‎ 所属教研室   ‎ 课 程 名 称     ‎ 授 课 教 师       ‎ ‎《******》教案(宋体二号,标题加粗)‎ 一、课 程 性 质: (注:填公共基础必修课、公共基础选修课、专业基础必修课、专业核心必修课、师范技能必修课、师范技能选修课)‎ 二、总学时∕学分:‎ 三、课程类型:理论课( ) 实践(含实验)课( )‎ 四、学时分配:理论课( )学时 实践(含实验)课( )学时 五、授课专业、层次:‎ 六、本课程的教学目的和要求:‎ 七、本课程的教学重点、难点:‎ 八、教材和参考书:‎ ‎ 《******》教案内容(宋体二号,标题加粗)‎ 一、章节内容: (正文:宋体五号,标题加粗,18磅)‎ 二、课 时:‎ 三、教学目的:‎ 四、教学重点与难点:‎ 五、教学方法:‎ 六、教学过程设计:‎ 小结:‎ 七、作业布置:‎ 八、教具:‎ 想要了解更多,请访问我的豆丁主页:http://www.docin.com/2363291614‎

