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一、单项填空(从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项)‎ ‎1.In the lecture, the professor told his students about how to write an _______ of a graduate paper, expressing the main argument.‎ A. account B. admission C. address D. abstract ‎2.As you may have found, the Chinese language has _______ idioms and proverbs, which often make many foreigners get confused.‎ A. abnormal B. abundant C. absurd D. academic ‎3.To our disappointment, some government leaders _______ their position to get illegal profit for themselves.‎ A. accuse B. abandon C. abuse D. accompany ‎ ‎4.Enormous pressure as they are faced with,the students remain optimistic and try hard to _______ their goals.‎ A. adore B. achieve C. accumulate D. absorb ‎5.These days the government has issued several economic policies that will _______ prosperity of manufacturing industry.‎ A. accumulate     B. accomplish C. access       D. accelerate ‎6.She has been teaching in a school since she graduated, so she is not _______ associating with business people.‎ A. absorbed in B. abandoned to C. accustomed to D. addicted to ‎7.People who tend to focus on _______ while speaking a foreign language may find that they worry too much about making mistakes.‎ A. adventure B. adoption C. accent D. accuracy ‎8.Buyers have withdrawn from the market in view of the_______ turn of the trend of prices.‎ A. acceptable B. adequate C. accurate D. abrupt ‎ ‎9.Though some insist separate education can satisfy people’s special needs, most people consider it as to be _______, saying it will cause greater conflict between the poor and the rich.‎ A. acceptable B. abstract C. acid D. absurd ‎10.Don’t be afraid of difficulties. They can help you _______ experience, and experience can, in return, broaden your horizons.‎ A. accompany B. accumulate C. advocate D. acknowledge ‎11.The task is very difficult. I wonder whether we will be able to finish it _______ any other helpers.‎ A. in addition to B. by accident of C. according to D. in the absence of ‎12.—Would you mind giving me advice on how to improve my record?‎ ‎—If you make the most of your potential, there will be a rise in your _______.‎ A. affair B. achievement C. academy D. adjustment ‎13.No one could ________ the failure of the experiment as everything went smoothly at first.‎ A. ache for B. account for C. take account of D. take into account ‎14.Finding himself under from all quarters, he had no alternative but to _______ his scheme for the time being.‎ A. advocate B. abandon C. adopt D. accelerate ‎15.It may well be the _______ to use languages that distinguishes humans, setting them apart from other animals.‎ A. accent B. admission C. accuracy D. ability ‎16.Water can _______ and release a lot of heat without big changes in temperature, thus creating a stable environment.‎ A. accelerate B. absorb C. accumulate D. adopt ‎17.It is reported that China plans to _______ its controversial temporary residence permit and push forward reform of the household registration system.‎ A. advocate B. accomplish C. abolish D. advance ‎18.We will continue our efforts to _______ all the tasks laid down in the 13th Five-Year Plan, develop new blueprints for China’s future. ‎ A. achieve B. acquire C. abandon D. accomplish ‎19.The company has an _______ advantage over others in the industry, for it has the most advanced technology.‎ A. abnormal B. absurd C. absolute D. abstract ‎20.You needn’t be too concerned about what to wear to the party—it’s all _______ anyway, because you haven’t even been invited yet.‎ A. academic B. abnormal C. actual D. accurate ‎21.I had to keep the video camera readily _______ in case I saw something that needed to be filmed.  A. admirable B. access C. accessible D. abundant ‎22.The lady has an _______ state of mind. Whatever happens, she always assumes the worst.‎ A. abundant B. adjustable C. acid D. abnormal ‎ ‎23.He was _______ to tell me the secret when we heard the air hostess saying to the passengers on board with a beautiful smile, “welcome _______!”‎ A. about, abroad B. about, aboard C. above, aboard D. able, abroad ‎ ‎24.Apart from the opening and closing ceremonies and some key matches, ticket price will be _______ to ordinary people.‎ A. adjustable B. admirable C. acceptable D. adaptable ‎25.The law does not allow people to _______ themselves of a crime.‎ A. abuse B. acknowledge C. accuse D. admit ‎26.The success of “one country, two systems” in practice has been universally _______, and this policy continues to go strong.‎ A. acknowledged B. appreciated C. accomplished D. accompanied ‎27.Our city government is building more roads to _______ the increasing number of cars. ‎ A. adjust B. accept C. accelerate D. accommodate ‎28.We explore and share our inner creativity through one artistic tool _______ which we all have access—the smart phone.‎ A. of B. to C. for D. on ‎ ‎29.Thanks to the vivid illustration, the speaker made the _______ concept accessible to all the audience.‎ A. adjustable B. accessible C. acceptable D. abstract ‎30.Because of his poor health, he was unable to _______ her to the shops, he wrote out a list of items for her.‎ A. advise B. accompany C. admit D. adapt 二、完形填空(从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项)‎ Only one woman is responsible for my success: my mom. Don’t ___1___ me—I’m like anyone else, and have issues with my mother. However, I’m ___2___ enough to realize that what she taught me when I was young positioned me for my later ___3___.‎ My mom taught me that life, like dinner, doesn’t require a recipe. ___4___she cooked the most complicated meals, she ___5___ cooked from a recipe, it was like a kind of free-form jazz, and she taught me to improvise (即兴发挥), and to add ingredients(烹调的原料)according to ___6___. It’s no wonder that my media business has grown so amazingly; I’m not ___7___ anyone else’s recipe.‎ When I was in the ninth grade, my mom decided she wanted something ___8___ being a mother and a wife. She wanted to start her own business. But in order to ___9___ this, she had no ___10___ but to get a loan. It all happened in ___11___ slow pace. The bank manager ___12___ my father call him, but my mom said ___13___, “Why? It’s my loan.” “Well, I can’t give you a loan unless he co-signs,” replied the manager. But my mom didn’t ___14___ hope, and responded sincerely, “I see. Then can you do me a favor, if he does? I’d ___15___ it if you’d put together the paperwork quickly. I need a shop in order to support my family.”‎ Moved by her ___16___, the manager agreed to do as she asked. So ___17___ was I that I included that day into my DNA.‎ Through her influence, I’ve become someone who ___18___ what she wants until she gets it. If something or someone is in my way, I ___19___ how to overcome the difficulties. It’s really that ___20___. It’s not about getting angry. It’s about getting what you want, being very competitive, but also extremely persistent. I learned this in the ninth grade from my mom, and it burned itself into my brain.‎ ‎1.A. suspect B. misunderstand C. accuse D. advise ‎2.A. curious B. innocent C. intelligent D. absurd ‎3.A. circumstances B. dilemmas C. achievements D. difficulties ‎4.A. Unless B. If C. Since D. While ‎5.A. rarely B. absolutely C. cautiously D. flexibly ‎6.A. advice B. ability C. motivation D. taste ‎7.A. abusing B. accepting C. recommending D. following ‎8.A. instead of B. rather than C. more than D. regardless of ‎9.A. accomplish B. abolish C. accelerate D. accumulate ‎10.A. substitute B. alternative C. procedure D. possibility ‎11. A. absent B. slow C. acceptable D. adjustable ‎12.A. ordered B. indicated C. insisted D. stressed ‎13.A. abnormally B. stubbornly C. abstractly D. absurdly ‎14.A. adapt B. abandon C. adjust D. achieve ‎15.A. reward B. relieve C. celebrate D. appreciate ‎16.A. determination B. requirement C. significance D. encouragement ‎17.A. accustomed B. sensitive C. abrupt D. impressed ‎18.A. benefits B. explores C. compromises D. pursues ‎19.A. turn out B. stick out C. figure out D. watch out ‎20.A. simple B. upset C. unconscious D. uncertain 三、任务型阅读(请认真阅读下面短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填上一个最恰当的词)‎ I’m in Paris today with several world leaders for a big announcement about energy and climate change. It’s deeply moving to be in this city just two weeks after the horrific attacks here, and I’m inspired by the way the French people have persevered in such a difficult time. ‎ Two related proposals are being announced at the event. One is Mission Innovation, a commitment by more than ten countries to invest more in research on clean energy. The other is Breakthrough Energy Coalition, a global group of private investors who will support companies that are taking innovative clean-energy ideas out of the lab and into the marketplace. Our primary goal with the Coalition is as much to accelerate progress on clean energy as it’s to make a profit. ‎ Here’s the thinking behind these two efforts. The world is going to be using 50 percent more energy by mid-century than it does today. That should be good news, especially for the world’s poorest, because right now more than 1 billion people live without access to basic energy services. Affordable and reliable energy makes it easier for them to grow more food, run schools and hospitals and businesses, have refrigerators at home, and take advantage of all the things that make up modern life. Low- and middle-income countries need energy to develop their economies and help more people escape poverty. ‎ But the world’s growing demand for energy is also a big problem, because most of that energy comes from hydrocarbons, which emit greenhouse gases and drive climate change. So we need to move to sources of energy that are affordable and reliable, and don’t produce any carbon. ‎ The renewable technologies we have today, like wind and solar, have made a lot of progress and could be one path to a zero-carbon energy future. But given the scale of the challenge, we need to be exploring many different paths — and that means we also need to invent new approaches. Private companies will ultimately develop these energy breakthroughs, but their work will rely on the kind of basic research that only governments can fund. Both have a role to play. I’m honored to be a part of this event. It’s great to see so many government leaders and investors making these commitments and showing how the public and private sectors can come together to work on big problems. I’m optimistic that we can invent the tools we need to generate clean, affordable, reliable energy that will help the poorest improve their lives and also stop climate change. I hope even more governments and investors will join us. ‎ A Big Win for Cheap, Clean Energy Two proposals being announced ‎●Mission Innovation More than ten countries (1)________ themselves to investing more in research on clean energy.‎ ‎●Breakthrough Energy Coalition Private investors globally will support companies to bring clean-energy-ideas into the market, (2)________ progress on clean energy and in making profits.‎ Thoughts behind these two efforts ‎●Good news ‎☆A The world will be using 50 percent more energy by mid-century.‎ ‎☆More than 1 billion people will (3)________ the energy. Cheap and reliable energy will improve their lives.‎ ‎☆Low- and middle-income countries may escape from (4)________.‎ ‎●Problem Energy is in great demand and most energy is from hydrocarbons, which (5)________ off greenhouse gases and make the climate change.‎ ‎●(6)________‎ ‎☆Move to affordable and reliable sources of energy (7)________no carbon. ‎ ‎☆A Make use of renewable technologies.‎ ‎☆Try to (8)________more various methods and approaches.‎ ‎☆Have the work based on the research (9)________by the government.‎ Conclusions ‎●It’s great to see more people try to fight against the problems.‎ ‎●We need more tools to be (10)________to solve the problem.‎

