09高考英语二轮语法专项复习学案名 词

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09高考英语二轮语法专项复习学案名 词

‎09高考英语二轮语法专项复习学案十七 名 词 ‎(一)考纲要求 ‎ 名词应掌握以下内容:分清名词的可数性与不可数性;可数名词有单复数,有些名词只有复数;物质名词、抽象名词不可数但可以具体量化使用;名词所有格和of格的语言现象;名词直接作定语;国家名词的正确使用;名词词义的区分和搭配;单位名词的搭配;名词前的修饰语so, as, quite等;time及常考点。‎ ‎ (二)命题导向 ‎ 名词的“可数”与“不可数”是高考命题的热点之一。不可数名词前不能与不定冠词连用,之后不能加-s。有些抽象名词却有复数形式,但意义与原来词不同。有些可数名词复数有两个意思,一个与单数意义相同,另一个和单数含义不同,高考中这些含义很可能成为考查的内容。词语的固定搭配及名词作定语也是高考命题的注意点。‎ ‎ (三)知识概要 ‎ 英语的名词分为专有名词和普通名词两大类。专有名词是指个人、团体、地方、机构或事物等所专有的名称,它的第一个字母必须大写。如:Einstain, Beijing, Asia等。普通名词是指一类人、一类事物、某种物质抽象概念的名称,可分为:个体名词(可数,如:worker, father, book, tree, school等);集体名词(可数,如:people, family, class, team等);物质名词(不可数,如:iron, paper, snow, water, chalk, gold等);抽象名词(不可数,如:life, thought, idea, strength等)。w。w。w.k。s。5。u.c。o。m ‎ 注意:可数、不可数是英文名词和中文名词的一个重要差异——即学习的重点。而很多英语名词具有双重性。即,名词的类别不是固定不变的,它们会根据词义的变化和场合的不同而相互转换,其名词类别的转换可归纳如下:‎ ‎ 1、个体名词转抽象名词或抽象名词转个体名词 ‎ e.g. Our school is not far from my home.(个体)我们学校离我家不远。‎ ‎ School is over at six.(抽象)六点钟放学。‎ ‎ 2、物质名词转个体名词或个体名词转物质名词 ‎ e.g. He broke a piece of glass.(物质)他打破了一块玻璃。‎ ‎ He broke a glass.(个体)他打破了一个杯子。‎ ‎ 3、个体名词转专有名词 ‎ ‎ e.g. His father is a teacher.(个体)他父亲是个教师。‎ ‎ “What are you doing there?” Father asked.(专有)“你在那儿干什么?”父亲问道。‎ ‎(四)名词的数 ‎ 名词分为可数(有单、复数形式)和不可数名词(只有单数形式)。‎ ‎ 1、可数名词单数变复数:‎ ‎① 一般加s :lesson → lessons, pen → pens ‎② 以s, x, ss, ch, sh, o结尾的加es :buses, boxes, classes, watches, brushes, hero → heroes 但有些以o结尾的名词,是加s构成复数:kilo → kilos, piano → pianos, radio → radios, ‎ photo → photos, zoo → zoos ‎③ 以辅音字母 + y 结尾的改y为i,再加es :city → cities, story → stories ‎④ 以f 或fe结尾的,一般将f或fe改为v,再加es :knife → knives, leaf → leaves 但有些以f 结尾的名词,是在f后加s,构成复数形式:belief → beliefs, roof → roofs, safe(保险箱)→ safes, proof(证据)→ proofs, chief → chiefs, handkerchief → handkerchiefs ‎2、有些名词,不按上述规则构成其复数形式,有以下几种情况:‎ ‎① 单复数形式相同:Chinese, Japanese, deer, sheep ‎② 不规则变化:man → men, woman → women, goose → geese, foot → feet, tooth → teeth, child → children, mouse → mice, ox → oxen 。但是,German → Germans ‎③ 复合名词的复数形式:editor-in-chief → editors-in-chief, daughter-in-law → daughters-in-law, grown-up → grown-ups, woman teacher → women teachers, man driver → men drivers w。w。w.k。s。5。u.c。o。m ‎3、注意以下几个名词单复数问题 ‎① 物质名词一般不用复数形式,但有些物质名词要用复数形式来表示不同的类别,如:fishes各种鱼,fruits各种水果,steels各种钢材。‎ ‎② 物质名词表示数量时,一般用表示数量的短语来表示。如:a cup of tea, three bags of apples, four pieces of bread。‎ ‎③ 有些抽象名词的复数形式表示不同的含义。如:work(工作)→ works(著作),arm(手臂)→ arms(军火),glass(玻璃)→ glasses(眼镜),cloth(布)→ clothes(衣服)。‎ ‎④ 定冠词加上姓氏的复数形式,表示全家人或夫妇二人;姓氏的复数形式前不加冠词,则表示若干个姓…的人。如:the Wangs王家,three Wangs三个姓王的。‎ ‎⑤ 只用作单数的复数形式的名词。如:physics, mathematics, news, the United States ‎⑥ 有些名词形似单数,但实为复数。如:police, people, cattle ‎⑦ 有些名词如被看作整体时就作单数用,如被看作组成该集体的各个成员时就作复数用。如:class, family, couple, audience, government, public ‎⑧ 有些抽象名词在具体化时,可以复数形式出现。表示特指时,可和定冠词连用;表示“某种”或“一次”意义时,可和不定冠词连用。如:How did you smooth away the difficulties?(指各种具体困难);It is a great pleasure to talk with you.;What a surprise!‎ ‎(五)名词的所有格 名词的所有格在句中表示所有关系,作定语用。‎ ‎1、有生命名词的所有格一般在词尾加上“’”或“’s”。如:Tom’s bike, Engles’s (Engles’) works, a works’ school, Women’s Day, the editor-in-chief’s office ‎2、如果一个事物为两个人所有,只在后一个名词的词尾加“’s”,如果不是共有,就要在两个名词的词尾都加上“’s”。如:Tom and Mike’s room.(共有),Tom’s and Mike’s books.(不共有)。‎ ‎3、表示时间、距离、国家、城市的无生命名词,可以在词尾加“’s”或“’”表示所有格,如:today’s papers, ten minutes’ walk ‎ 4、表示店铺或某人的家时,常在名词所有格之后省去shop, house, home。如:the tailor’s ‎5、无生命名词的所在格通常用of短语来表示。如:the window of the room ‎6、表示有生命的名词有时也可用of短语来表示所有关系,而且当该名词带有较长的定语时。如:the teachers of the No. 1 Middle School.‎ ‎7、双重所有格结构前的被修饰名词通常指整体中的部分或一个,双重所有格只能用于有生命的名词,这个名词是确定的。被修饰名词前有不定冠词、指示代词、疑问代词、不定代词或数词等限定词时,一般只能用双重所有格。如:an old friend of my uncle’s, a daughter of Mrs Green’s, the house of one of my friends ‎(六)名词的普通格作定语w。w。w.k。s。5。u.c。o。m 表材料、地点、用途、性质、泛指时间、整体等普通名词可以作定语,一般用单数形式。‎ e.g. stone figures(石像);paper money(纸币);country music(乡村音乐);table cloth(桌布);river bank(河岸);school gate(校门口);book stores(书店);traffic lights(交通灯);summer holidays(暑假);evening dress(晚礼服)。‎ 但在个别情况下,也有需用复数的。‎ e.g. sports meet(运动会);the United States government(美国政府);students reading-room(学生阅览室);goods train(货车);two men doctors(两个男医生)。‎ 练习、名词 ‎1. The ____ of the room were covered with ____.‎ ‎ A. roofs, leafs B. roofs, leaves C. rooves, leafs D. rooves, leaves ‎2. There are three ____ in our factory.‎ ‎ A. woman doctors B. women doctors C. woman doctor D. women doctor ‎3. Which do you prefer ____ or ____?‎ ‎ A. potatos, tomatos B. potatos, tomatoes ‎ ‎ C. potatoes, tomatos D. potatoes, tomatoes ‎4. They are ____ of different presses(出版社). Now they are having a meeting in one of the ____ office. w。w。w.k。s。5。u.c。o。m ‎ A. editor-in-chiefs, editors-in-chief’s B. editors-in-chief, editor-in-chief’s ‎ C. editors-in-chiefs, editor’s-in-chief’s D. editors-in-chief, editors-in-chief’s ‎5. The ant has two ____. ‎ ‎ A. stomaches B. stomacks C. stomach D. stomachs ‎6. He doesn’t like ____ for supper. ‎ ‎ A. chick B. chicken C. chickens D. chicks ‎7. It was ____ hot weather that many of us went swimming.‎ ‎ A. so B. such C. so as D. such a ‎8. ____ wonderful space they saw on the room!‎ ‎ A. How B. How a C. What D. What a ‎9. We know ____ travels not so fast as light.‎ ‎ A. sound B. sounds C. the sounds D. a sound ‎10. My family raise a lot of ____, including two ____.‎ ‎ A. cattle, cows B. cows, cattle C. cattles, cows D. cow, cattles ‎11. A number of soldiers ____ at he camp gate(军营门口).‎ ‎ A. have gathered B. has gathered C. is D. was ‎12. The Browns have spent a large ____ of money on their new car.‎ ‎ A. deal B. amount C. number D. size ‎13. ____ work has been done to improve the people’s living standard.‎ ‎ A. Many B. A great many C. A great deal of D. A number of ‎14. Mr Li shook ____ warmly with a friend.‎ ‎ A. hand B. a hand C. hands D. the hands ‎15. Two ____, please. ‎ ‎ A. coffee B. coffees C. cup of coffee D. cups coffee ‎16. I can’t pay as ____ as he asked for.‎ ‎ A. high price a B. high price C. a high price D. high a price ‎17. ____ knowledge of space develops rapidly. ‎ ‎ A. Man’s B. Men’s C. Mens’ D. Person’s ‎18.I stayed at ____. w。w。w.k。s。5。u.c。o。m ‎ A. Xiao Wang’s B. Wang’s home C. the Wangs D. home of Wang ‎19. Sister Carrie works in a ____ factory. ‎ A. shoes B. shoses C. shoe D. shoe’s ‎20. Have you ever read ____?‎ ‎ A. today newspaper B. newspaper today ‎ ‎ C. newspaper of today D. today’s newspaper ‎21. Two ____ walk didn’t made me tired. ‎ A. hour B. hours C. hour’s D. hours’‎ ‎22. The mother over there is ____ mother.‎ ‎ A. Julia and Mary B. Julia and Mary’s ‎ ‎ C. Julia’s and Mary’s D. Julia’s and Mary ‎23. Li Ming’s handwriting is better than ____ in the class.‎ ‎ A. anyone’s B. anyone else C. anyone’s else’s D. anyone else’s ‎24. The children are playing ____ on the ____.‎ ‎ A. sand, sand B. sands, sands C. sand, sands D. sands, sand ‎25. If these trousers are too big, buy a smaller ____. ‎ ‎ A. set B. one C. copy D. pair ‎26. Tom usually takes a ____ in bus on rainy days. ‎ ‎ A. walk B. ride C. trip D. travel ‎27. We have no ____ about where she has gone.‎ ‎ A. information B. news C. message D. flash ‎28. Food and ____ are daily necessities(需要)for the people.‎ ‎ A. cloth B. clothe C. clothes D. clothing ‎29. My ____ of hearing is not so good as it used to be. ‎ A. strength B. sense C. power D. skill ‎30. The ____ caused by carelessness ____ yesterday. Many workers were killed.‎ ‎ A. incident, was happened B. matter, happened ‎ C. event, was taken place D. accident, took place ‎31. The room was so quiet that she could hear the ____ of her heart.‎ ‎ A. beating B. ways C. knocking D. striking ‎32. ____ has been told not to throw waste things anywhere.‎ ‎ A. The public B. People C. Women D. Man ‎33. He was an ____ in the government ____.‎ ‎ A. office, official B. official, office C. officer, office D. official, officer ‎34. There are several ____ in this novel who are different in ____.‎ ‎ A. character, character B. characters, characters ‎ ‎ C. character, characters D. characters, character ‎35. We visited him ____ when he was in hospital.‎ ‎ A. every other days B. each other day C. every other day D. every two day ‎36. My friend will return in ____.‎ ‎ A. one day or two B. a day or two C. one day or two D. a or two days ‎37. ____ is always difficult for me. ‎ A. Translation B. Translate C. The translation D. A translation ‎38. ____ of this novel is excellent, quite to my surprise.‎ ‎ A. Translation B. Translate C. The translation D. A translation ‎39. The police ____ looking into the matter now. w。w。w.k。s。5。u.c。o。m ‎ A. be B. is C. are D. are going to ‎40. The Chinese are ____ brave and hard working people. ‎ ‎ A. the B. a C. / D. one ‎41. No news ____ good news. ‎ ‎ A. is B. are C. have D. has ‎42. Maths still ____ very difficult for me, though I have done my best.‎ ‎ A. looks B. seems C. is D. are ‎43. “Where ____ my trousers?” the boy asked. ‎ ‎ A. is B. was C. were D. are ‎44. How happy they are! Obviously, they are ____.‎ ‎ A. in nice spirits B. in nice spirit C. in high spirits D. in high spirit ‎45. I saw many ____ seated in the corner reading something.‎ ‎ A. Japanese B. Japaneses C. of Japanese D. of Japaneses ‎46. Father went to his doctor for ____ about his heart trouble.‎ ‎ A. an advice B. advice C. advices D. the advices ‎47. We are ____ and they are ____. 高.考.资.源.风 ‎ ‎ A. Englishmen, Germans ‎ B. Englishmen, German C. Englishmans, Germans D. Englishmen, Germen ‎48. ____ are made of ____.‎ ‎ A. A glass, a glass B. Glasses, glass C. The glass, the glass D. Glasses, glasses ‎49. I’ll have to buy ____ trousers. ‎ ‎ A. a B. two C. a pair of D. a couple of ‎50. There are two ____ in our class. ‎ ‎ A. Liu B. Lius C. Liu’s D. Lius’‎ ‎51. ____ is needed in cold countries.‎ ‎ A. A lot of clothes B. Much clothing C. Many a cloth D. Lots of clothes ‎52. They are ____. 高.考.资.源.风 ‎ A. mathematics student B. mathematic students ‎ C. students in mathematics D. mathematics students ‎53. The laboratory assistant recorded the ____ reactions(反应).‎ ‎ A. mouses’ B. mice C. mices’ D. mice’s ‎54. This letter was sent by ____.‎ ‎ A. my father friend B. my father friend’s ‎ ‎ C. a friend of my father’s D. a friend of my father ‎55. Ten years had passed. I found she had ____. ‎ A. a little white hair B. some white hair C. a few white hair D. a few white hairs ‎56. I have made ____ with Billy. ‎ ‎ A. friends B. friend C. a friend D. the friend ‎57. The population of Beijing is ____ than that of Xi’an. A. more B. larger C. fewer D. small ‎58. There are thirty-two ____ in our school.‎ ‎ A. woman teacher B. women teacher ‎ ‎ C. women teachers D. woman teachers ‎59. He had tried everything but it made little______ .‎ ‎  A. use   B. good   C. difference   D. result ‎60. You must get there within half an hour. There should be no______ in sending the blood to the dying man.‎ ‎  A. wait   B. delay   C. time   D. hurry ‎61. Enough of it! Nobody here thinks what you are saying should make any______ .‎ ‎  A. excuse  B. sense  C. use   D. value ‎62. -How dare you play on such thin ice? -Playing on ice is not my ______of spare time.‎ ‎  A. idea  B. thought   C. mind   D. intention ‎63. Helen said she would like to go to Atlanta by air, but I wonder if she has enough money to pay for the______ .‎ ‎  A. travel   B. tourism   C. journey   D. course ‎64. One splendid mountain______ followed another during our journey from Mieheel more to Rurunz.‎ ‎  A. view   B. glance   C. screen  D. scene ‎65.The new law will come into ___on the day it is passed. 高.考.资.源.风 ‎  A. effect   B. use   C. service    D. existence ‎66. When you play' football, what ______do you play?‎ ‎  A. situation  B. place  C. part   D. position ‎67. It's important for us to employ a word or a phrase according to the______in language studies.‎ ‎  A. situation   B. expression   C. condition   D. translation ‎68. I wrote him a letter to show my ______of his thoughtfulness.‎ ‎  A. achievement   B. agreement   C. view  D. appreciation ‎69. One of the advantages of living on the top floor of a high-rise is that you can get a good______ . 高.考.资.源.风 ‎  A. sight   B. scene  C. view   D. look ‎70. Nowadays natural gas, wind and other forms of ______are widely used in the country.‎ ‎  A. energy   B. force   C. power   D. materials ‎71. ______with foreign countries can bring us much information about the world.‎ ‎  A. Contrast  B. Competition   C. Contact   D. Combination ‎72. We all know that______speak louder than words.‎ ‎ A. movements   B. performances   C. operations  D. actions ‎73.We have worked out the plan and now we must put it into ___.‎ ‎  A. fact   B. reality    C. practice    D. deed ‎ ‎74.We've missed the last bus. I'm afraid we have no ____but to take a taxi. ‎ ‎  A. way    B. choice   C. possibility    D. selection ‎75.He dropped the ___and broke it . ‎ ‎  A. cup of coffee    B. coffee's cup    C. cup for coffee   D. coffee cup ‎76.Here's my card. Let's keep in ____. ‎ ‎  A. touch    B. relation   C. connection    D. friendship ‎77.He gained his ___by printing ___of famous writers. ‎ ‎  A. wealth; work   B. wealths ; works   C. wealths; work   D. wealth; works ‎78.I'll look into the matter as soon as possible , just have a little ___.‎ ‎  A. wait    B. time    C. patience D. rest ‎79.If by any chance someone comes to see me, ask them to leave a ____.‎ ‎  A. message    B. letter    C. sentence    D. notice ‎80.These football players had no strict ___until they joined our club. ‎ ‎  A. practice    B. education    C. exercise    D. training ‎81.Many countries are increasing their use of natural gas, wind and other forms of ___.‎ ‎  A. energy    B. source    C. power    D. material ‎82.You'll find this map of great __in helping you to get round London. ‎ ‎  A. price    B. cost    C. value    D. usefulness ‎83.We all know that ___speak louder than words. ‎ ‎  A. movements   B. performances   C. operations    D. actions ‎84.My parents always let me have my own ____of living. ‎ ‎  A. way    B. method   C. manner    D. fashion 语法复习十七:名 词 ‎1~5 BBDDD 6~10 BBCAA 11~15 ABCCB 16~20 DAACD 21~25 DBDCD ‎ ‎26~30 BADBD 31~35 AABDC 36~40 BACCB 41~45 ABDCA 46~50 BABCB ‎ ‎51~55 BDDCD 56~60 ABCCB 61~65 BACAA 66~70 DADCA 71~75 CDCBD ‎76~80 ADCAD 81~84 ACDA

