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‎2019年高考一轮复习语法综合训练(六)‎ 一 语法填空 A 篇 ‎ ‎【2019届广西高三4月考前模拟联合考试】‎ Each zebra has its own unique pattern of distinctive stripes (带), just 42.humans have their own unique pattern of fingerprints, Zebras stick together in herds (兽群). Within a herd, zebras tend 43. (stay) together in smaller family groups. Families are generally made up of a male, several females, 44.their young.‎ As zebras graze, they use their sharper front teeth to bite the grass, and then use their duller back teeth to crush and grind. A zebra’s teeth keep growing for 45. (it) entire life, because constant chewing 46. (wear) them down.‎ Zebras are47. (constant) on the move to find fresh grass and water. Sometimes they gather in huge herds of thousands as they migrate to better feeding48. (area). They often travel in49. (mix) herds with other grazers and browsers, such as wildebeest.‎ Zebras groom (理毛) one another, If you see two zebras standing close50. each other and it looks like they’re biting each other, don’t worry. They’re pulling loose hairs off each other as they groom. Grooming also feels good to a zebra—it’s like having an itch scratched,‎ While most zebras are least endangered, Grevy’s Zebra 51. (classify) as endangered.‎ ‎【解析】本文主要介绍了斑马的特点和生活习性。‎ ‎42.考查语义理解。每个斑马都有独一无二的斑纹,就像人类有独一无二的指纹一样。表示“就像”,所以填as。‎ ‎43.考查固定短语。在一个斑马群中,斑马倾向于以小的家庭群体待在一起。tend to倾向于,是固定短语,所以填to stay。‎ ‎44.考查连词。a male, several females与their young之间是并列关系,所以填and。‎ ‎45.考查代词。斑马的牙齿在它的整个一生中,都在生长。表示“它的……”,所以填its。‎ ‎46.考查主谓一致。constant chewing是句子主语,是v+ing形式,在一般现在时中,v+ing形式作主语,谓语动词用单数,所以填wears。‎ ‎47.考查副词。修饰on the move,用副词,所以填constantly。‎ ‎48.考查名词单复数。这里表示“迁徙到更好的摄取食物的地方”,是复数意义,所以填areas。‎ ‎49.考查形容词。修饰名词herds,用形容词,所以填mixed。‎ ‎50.考查固定短语。如果你看到两只斑马彼此站得很近,好像在咬对方,不要担心。close to靠近,是固定短语,所以填to。‎ ‎51.考查时态和语态。表示主语现在的状态,用一般现在时,且Grevy’s Zebra 与classify之间是被动关系,故用被动语态,所以填is classified。‎ 名师点睛:小题5考查主谓一致 。现将主谓一致的用法总结如下:‎ ‎1. 谓语采取就近原则: ‎ ‎ either…or…,neither…nor…,or , not only …but also…等连接两个主语,谓语采取就近原则,与最靠近的主语一致。 ‎ Neither he nor they have been to that valley near the city . ‎ ‎2. and , both … and连接并列主语,谓语通常用复数。但是,并列主语如果指同一人,同一事物,或同一概念时,谓语用单数。这时,后面的名词通常无修饰语。 ‎ ‎ Going to bed early and getting up early is a good habit . ‎ A knife and fork is on the dinner table . ‎ 另外,当and连接的两个单数名词分别被every , each , no修饰时,谓语仍用单数。 ‎ ‎ Each boy and each girl wants to see the famous film and get a picture of the film star . ‎ ‎3. 单个的动名词短语,不定式短语,主语从句做主语,谓语动词一般用单数;并列的此类结构作主语,谓语用复数。 ‎ ‎ Seeing is believing . ‎ To go to the palace with just a flower is to say “ I’m poor . I haven’t any jewelry .” ‎ ‎ Listening , speaking , reading and writing are all important in learning English . ‎ ‎4. 表示金钱,度量,时间,距离,路程等复数名词做主语时,一般把这些复数名词视为一个整体,其后谓语动词用单数。 ‎ ‎ Five hundred dollars is not enough for the poor village . ‎ ‎5. 单数主语,尽管其后有together with , along with , with , but , except , besides , like , as well as , including , rather than(而不是),more than(而不是),no less than(和……一样)等短语连接有附加成分,谓语仍用单数。 ‎ ‎ He , together with his friends , has gone to the football statues to watch the match . ‎ ‎6. family , team , group , class , company , government , enemy , crowd等集体名词做主语时,如视为整体则谓语用单数,如强调个体的行为则用复数。 ‎ His family is going on holiday now . His family are watching TV. ‎ ‎7. people , cattle , police表总称,它们做主语时谓语用复数。 ‎ The people in the town are looking at the king without clothes . ‎ ‎8. glasses , trousers , clothes , shoes , chopsticks , scissors等做主语时,谓语用复数。但如果名词前带有kind of , piece of , pair of , sort of , type of等修饰时,谓语由kind , piece等的数来定。 ‎ A pair of shoes was in the box . ‎ His trousers are ready . Please tell him to fetch as soon as possible . ‎ ‎9. “the+形容词/分词”做主语时,如果指一类人,谓语用复数;如果指一个人或抽象概念,谓语动词用单数。 ‎ The young are always curious about the new things in the society . ‎ ‎10. many a+单数可数,more than one+单数可数名词做主语时,意义上是复数,但谓语动词用单数。 ‎ Many a doctor has examined him and all of them have effective treatment . ‎ ‎11. all , some , more , most , any , the rest , half ( + of )短语做主语时,要视of后的概念或它们所替代的概念而定。 ‎ Most of his money is spent on books .‎ ‎12. 分数,百分数做主语时,谓语动词视其后的宾语而定,后为复数概念,谓语用复数,后为单数概念,谓语用单数。 ‎ More than 70% of the surface of the earth is covered by water . ‎ ‎ 13. 不可数名词前如有表数量的复数词出现,做主语时,谓语用复数。 ‎ Thousands of tons of coal are carried out from this mine every month . ‎ ‎ 14. “not A but B”做主语时,谓语与B一致。“A and not B”做主语时,谓语与A一致。 ‎ ‎ Not you but he is the winner of the match . ‎ ‎ 15. 在主谓倒装句中,和there be句型中,谓语应与其后的主语一致。‎ B篇 ‎【2019届河北省保定市高三第二次模拟考试】‎ Dujiangyan is the oldest man-made water system in the world, and a wonder in the development of Chinese science.42.(build) over 2, 200 years ago in what is now Sichuan Province in Southwest China, this amazing engineering43.(achieve) is still used today.‎ In ancient times, the region in which Dujiangyan now stands44.(suffer) from regular floods caused by overflow from the Minjiang River.45.(help) the victims of the flooding, Li Bing, the region governor, together with his son, decided to find a solution. Li Bing, the region governor, together with his son, decided t find a solution. Li designed a series of channels built at different levels along Mount Yulei that would take away the floodwater while leaving the river flowing naturally. 46.(good) still, the extra water could be directed to the dry Chengdu Plain, making47.suitable for farming.‎ Once the system was finished, no more floods occurred and the people were able to live 48.(peaceful). Today, Dujiangyan is admired by scientists from around the world because of one feature. Unlike modern dams49. the water is blocked with a huge wall, Dujiangyan still lets water flow through the Minjiang River naturally,50. (enable) ecosystem(生态系统) and fish populations to exist51.harmony.‎ ‎【解析】 本文介绍了中国古代水利工程都江堰的历史及其所起的作用。‎ ‎42. 考查非谓语。分析句子_____1_____(build) over 2, 200 years ago in what is now Sichuan Province in Southwest China, this amazing engineering…本句是省略句,其逻辑主语是主句的主语This amazing engineering,动词build与它是被动关系。根据时间状语“over 2, 200 years ago”推断出,动作已发生并表被动。故要用过去分词built。句意:2, 200多年前在现在的中国西南部的四川省,建造了这个惊人的工程。故填Built ‎43. 考查名词。分析句子this amazing engineering_____2_____(achieve) is still used today.可知,本句中的achieve被形容词amazing engineering修饰,且在句子中作主语,所以要用名词形式。而achieve是动词,故用其名词形式 achievement。‎ ‎44. 考查谓语动词。句意:在古代,都江堰现在所处的地区曾遭受了来自闽江河泛滥的洪水。本句中的时间状语In ancient times,可知要用一般过去时。故用suffered。‎ ‎45. 考查目的状语。句意:为了帮助洪灾的受害者,地区州长李兵和他的儿子决定找到解决它的办法。由此可知,本句是表示目的的。故用动词不定式。‎ ‎46. 考查固定搭配。句意:沿玉里山在山的不同的高度,李设计了一系列渠道,会引走洪水,同时让河流自然流动。更好的是,多余的水可以直接送到干燥的成都平原。根据句意可知,两句话是递进关系。并且Better still,为固定搭配,意为“更好的是”,所以用good的比较级better ‎47. 考查代词。更好的是,多余的水可以被引导到干燥的成都平原,使它(额外的水)适合农业灌溉。分析句子可知,本空指的是前面 the extra water多余的水,水是不可数名词,要用it,故本空填it。‎ ‎48. 考查副词辨析。分析句子no more floods occurred and the people were able to live ____7____(peaceful).可知,本句的形容词peaceful在句子中修饰动词live,修饰动词要用副词,故填 peacefully。句意:再也没发生洪水,人民能够和平地生活。‎ ‎49. 考查定语从句的关系词。分析句子Unlike modern dams___8___ the water is blocked with a huge wall可知,句中的 modern dams是先行词,在后面的定语从句中作状语,放入从句中为the water is blocked with a huge wall in modern dams,因此要用where。‎ ‎50. 考查非谓语。句意:都江堰仍然允许水自然流经闽江河,使生态系统…。分析句子Dujiangyan still lets water flow through the Minjiang River naturally,___9___ (enable) ecosystem。可知Dujiangyan still lets water flow through the Minjiang River naturally,是主句,自然而然导出下面的内容,而enable与前面的句子是主动关系,要用动词ing形式作结果状语。故运用enabling。‎ ‎51. 考查固定搭配。in hamony为固定搭配,意为“和谐无间,和谐”,故填in。句意:都江堰仍然允许水自然流经闽江河,使生态系统和鱼类和谐相处。‎ C篇 ‎【此卷只装订不密封 班级 姓名 准考证号 考场号 座位号 ‎ 重庆市第一中学2019届高三12月月考】‎ Disney’s cartoon movie, Coco, has become ___41___ hit and received plenty of positive ___42___ (review). It tells a story about a Mexican boy ___43___ (name) Miguel. Despite his family generation-old ban ___44___ music, Miguel dreams of becoming an accomplished musician. ‎ Desperate to prove his talent for music, he finds ___45___ (he) in the amazing and colorful Land of the Dead,___46___ (follow) a mysterious chain of events. Along the way, he ___47___ (meet) a singer, Hector, and ___48___ (passionate) they set off on an extraordinary journey.‎ It is a tale told with considerable wisdom and genuine tenderness. While the movie’s ___49___ (conclude) is not difficult to predict, anyone ___50___ heart is not warmed by it may wish to consult with an therapist (心理治疗师).‎ ‎【答案】41. a 42. reviews 43. named 44. on 45. himself 46. following ‎ ‎47. meets 48. passionately 49. conclusion 50. whose ‎【解析】本文主要介绍了电影《寻梦环游记》的故事梗概。‎ ‎41. 考查冠词。泛指“一个成功”,且hit的首字母发音是辅音,所以填不定冠词a。‎ ‎42. 考查名词单复数。前面有plenty of修饰,所以后面用可数名词复数,填reviews。‎ ‎43. 考查非谓语动词。name与其逻辑主语a Mexican boy之间是被动关系,所以用过去分词作定语,填named。‎ ‎44. 考查介词。12岁墨西哥小男孩米格,自幼有一个音乐梦,但音乐却是被家庭所禁止的。表示“关于……”,所以填on。‎ ‎45. 考查反身代词。极度渴望证明自己的音乐才能,他发现自己置身于令人惊奇的多彩绚丽的亡灵世界。表示“他自己”,所以填himself。‎ ‎46. 考查非谓语动词。follow与其逻辑主语he之间是主动关系,所以用现在分词,填following。‎ ‎47. 考查时态。在讲述这个故事的时候,都用的是一般现在时,所以这里也用一般现在时,主语he是第三人称单数,所以谓语动词也用第三人称单数,所以填meets。‎ ‎48. 考查副词。修饰动词短语set off,用副词,所以填passionately。‎ ‎49. 考查名词。作句子主语,用名词,所以填conclusion。‎ ‎50. 考查定语从句。___10___ heart is not warmed by it是一个定语从句,关系词在从句中作定语,所以填whose。‎ 名师点睛:小题10考查定语从句。现对各个关系代词和关系副词的具体用法进行总结。1. who 指人,在定语从句中作主语。例如:The person who broke the window must pay for it. 2. whom指人,在定语从句中作宾语。例如:Do you know the young man (whom) we met at the gate? 3. whose 指人,在定语从句中作定语。例如:The girl whose mother is ill is staying at home today. 4. which指物,在定语从中作主语或宾语。例如:A dictionary is a book which gives the meaning of words. 5. that多指物,有时也指人,在定语从句中作主语或宾语。例如:Who is the person that is reading the newspaper over there? 6. when 指时间,在定语从句中作状语。例如:I’ll never forget the time when we worked on the farm.‎ 二 短文改错 此卷只装订不密封 班级 姓名 准考证号 考场号 座位号 ‎ A篇 此卷只装订不密封 班级 姓名 准考证号 考场号 座位号 ‎ ‎【此卷只装订不密封 班级 姓名 准考证号 考场号 座位号 ‎ 2019届广西高三4月考前模拟联合考试】‎ Among the four seasons in a year, summer is my favorite, that makes me free, excited and energy. When summer vacation came every year, we can do all that we can’t do during our school time, go shopping with friends, swimming in warm water and even hiking and camping in the deep valleys. These activities lead me to enjoy full free. We can find us in an exciting world every day, with the sun shining bright, trees growing better and flowers coming out of with all kinds of colors. Summer makes me full of energy and we feel I have the strength to do most difficult things in my life. I like summer better, and what about you?‎ ‎【解析】本文主要讲了作者最喜欢一年四季中的夏天,并对喜欢夏天的原因进行了详细地说明。‎ 考查非限制性定语从句。which makes me free作定语,修饰summer,且有逗号隔开,所以which makes me free是一个定语从句,关系词在从句中作主语,指物,用which,that不能引导非限制性定语从句,所以that改成which。‎ 考查固定结构。make sb. +形容词,使某人……,是固定结构,所以这里用形容词,energy改成energetic。‎ 考查时态。由时间状语“每年的暑假”,判断出是经常反复发生的动作,用一般现在时,所以came改成comes。‎ 考查非谓语动词。go与其逻辑主语we之间是主动关系,所以用现在分词,go改成going。‎ 考查名词。作enjoy的宾语,用名词,所以free改成freedom。‎ 考查副词。修饰动词shining,用副词,所以bright改成 brightly。‎ 考查固定短语。这里表示“开着各种颜色的花”,come out开花,是固定短语,所以去掉of。‎ 考查代词。句意为夏天使我充满能量,我感觉我有力量做我生命中最艰难的事情。表示“我”,所以we改成I。‎ 考查最高级。由most difficult,判断出这里用的是最高级,所以most前面加the。‎ 考查最高级。句意为我最喜欢夏天。所以better改成best。‎ 名师点睛:小题1考查非限制性定语从句。现对非限制性定语从句的用法总结如下:一、非限制性定语从句的概念 ‎ ‎  非限制性定语从句对先行词仅起到附加修饰或说明的作用, 有时对整个主句或主句的部分内容作进一步的说明。若去掉它, 整个主句的意思不受影响。例如: ‎ ‎  Next winter, which you will spend in Harbin, I’m sure, will be another exciting holiday. ‎ ‎  可以肯定,你将要去哈尔滨度过的下个冬天, 将会是又一个令人兴奋的假期。 ‎ ‎  I walked in our garden, where Tom and Jimmy were tying a big sign onto one of the trees. ‎ ‎  我在我们的花园里漫步,在这里汤姆和吉米正把一块大标志牌绑在一棵树上。 ‎ 二、非限制性定语从句的形式 ‎ 非限制性定语从句与先行词以及主句之间的关系不甚紧密,因而通常要用逗号与主句分隔开。例如: ‎ Have you seen the film Titanic, whose leading actor is world famous? ‎ 你看过“泰坦尼克号”这部电影吗?它的男主演可是世界闻名的。 ‎ My friend, who has served on the International Olympic Committee all his life, is retiring next month. ‎ ‎ 我有位朋友,他一辈子服务于国际奥林匹克委员会,下个月就要退休了。 ‎ 三、非限制性定语从句引导词的特殊情况 ‎ ‎  1.非限制性定语从句不可用that引导, 在非限制性定语从句中用who(作主语) / whom(作宾语)指人,用which(作主语 / 宾语)指物, 用whose作定语(指人 / 物)。例如: ‎ ‎  The famous basketball star, who tried to make a comeback, attracted a lot of attention. ‎ ‎  这位试图打反击的著名篮球明星吸引了众人的关注。 ‎ ‎  The film, whose director is an old man, is very instructive. ‎ ‎  这部电影很有教育意义, 它的导演是位老人。 ‎ ‎  2.关系代词在非限制性定语从句中作宾语时不可省略,若指人时,只用whom,不用 who。例如: ‎ ‎  York, which I visited last year, is a nice old city. ‎ ‎  我去年访问过的约克是个古老而美丽的城市。 ‎ ‎  Please give the book to Jessica, whom we met in the hall just now. ‎ ‎  请把这本书交给杰西卡,就是刚才我们在大厅里遇到的那位。 ‎ ‎  3.非限制性定语从句不可用why引导, 需用for which替代why。例如: ‎ ‎  None of us accepted the reason he explained, for which he was absent. ‎ ‎  我们没有一个人接受他所解释的缺席的理由。‎ B篇 ‎【2019届河北省保定市高三第二次模拟考试】‎ The summer job is very much popular among some university students. Long before the end of a school year, students start their summer vacation job search. They send letters to businesses, going to job interviews, and ask our friends and relations for help. By June the students usually had found jobs and then they begin preparing enter the world of work.‎ Reasons for wanting a summer job differs from student to student. Some students work to pay their school expenses, some work to gain experience or just to fun. Salesmen or waiters are two of the most common job that students try to find.‎ ‎【解析】本文讲述暑期工在大学生中非常流行,他们以各种方式找暑期工作。找暑期工作的原因很多。有的是为了钱,有的为了获得经验,还有的是为了好玩。其中最常见的工作是推销员和服务员。‎ ‎1.去掉much考查副词。much为副词,一般修饰形容词和副词的比较级,而popular为原级,不能被much修饰,故去掉。句意:暑期工在一些大学生中很受流行。‎ ‎ 2.a改为the 考查冠词。早在学年结束前,学生就开始找暑假工作。分析句子Long before the end of a school year,…可知,本句中的a school year是特指的那个学年。故把a 改为the.‎ ‎3.going改为go 考查谓语动词。他们给企业写求职信,去面试,向他们的朋友和亲戚寻求帮助。分析句子They send letters to businesses, going to job interviews, and ask our friends and relations for help.可知,本句中的 send letters … going to…, and ask …这三个动词是并列的谓语动词,因此going 要改为go。.‎ ‎4.our改为their 考查人称代词。分析上一句可知,学生向他们的(their)朋友和亲戚寻求帮助,而不是我们的(our)朋友,故把our改为their。‎ ‎5.had改为have 考查谓语动词的时态。根据文章可知,本句叙述的是客观事实,故把had found改为have found.‎ ‎6.d enter前添加to 考查固定用法。prepare to do sth,为固定搭配,意为准备做某事。本句之意为:到六月份,那时他们开始为暑期打工作准备。‎ ‎7differs改为differ 考查主谓一致。分析句子Reasons for wanting a summer job differs from student to student可知,本句的主语为reasons为复数,故谓语动词不能用单数,所以要用复数形式。故把differs改为differ ‎8.to改为for考查固定搭配。for fun,为固定搭配,意为“为了好玩,开玩笑地”。有些学生工作是为了获得经验或只是为了好玩。故把.to改为for ‎ 9.or改为and考查连词。学生们想找到的最常见的工作是推销员和服务员这两种工作。分析句子Salesmen or waiters are two…可知,Salesmen 和 waiters是两种最常见的工作,二者是并列关系的,在此为“和”,故把or改为and.‎ ‎10.job改为jobs考查名词的数。分析句子可知,这是两种最常见的工作,是复数,故job要用复数,故把job改为jobs C篇 ‎【此卷只装订不密封 班级 姓名 准考证号 考场号 座位号 ‎ 重庆市第一中学2019届高三12月月考】‎ I’m Li Hua, high school student in China. As a 17-year-old boy, which loves animals very much, I’ve been dreaming of being devoting to animal protection.‎ Not surprising, I am more than excited to know that the World Animal Protection was going to get some volunteers in China. Therefore, I have no idea of the process of applying to the position, which really makes me anxious. In addition to, I’m not sure what requirement is a must for the admission. So could you please send me the necessary informations? I can’t be more grateful for yours help.‎ ‎【答案】‎ ‎【解析】本文主要讲了作者想要申请世界动物保护协会志愿者这一职位,咨询具体的申请流程。‎ 考查冠词。泛指“一个中学生”,且high的首字母发音是辅音,所以high之前加不定冠词a。‎ 考查定语从句。who loves animals very much是一个定语从句,修饰先行词a 17-year-old boy,关系词在从句中作主语,指人,所以which改成who。‎ 考查固定短语。be devoted to致力于,是固定用法,所以devoting改成devoted。‎ 考查副词。位于句首,修饰整个句子,且有逗号隔开,用副词,所以surprising 改成surprisingly。‎ 考查时态。表示主语现在的状态,用一般现在时,所以was改成is。‎ 考查连词。然而,我不知道申请这个职位的流程。表示“然而”,所以Therefore改成However。‎ 考查固定短语。apply for申请,是固定短语,所以to改成for。‎ 考查固定短语。In addition另外,是固定短语,所以去掉to。‎ 考查名词。information是不可数名词,所以informations改成 information。‎ 考查代词。我非常感谢你的帮助。表示“你的……”,所以yours改成 your。‎

