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‎2019届高考英语一轮复习全面回扣训练6‎ ‎ 1. His attitude towards life is more positive in comparison to ______ he held one year ago. ‎ A. it   B. one ‎ C. that D. the one ‎ 2. Five years ago the population of their city was ______ of ours. ‎ A. twice more than that B. as twice large as that C. twice as much as that D. twice as large as that ‎ 3. I got this bicycle for______; my friend gave it to me when she bought a new one. ‎ A. everything      B. something C. anything D. nothing ‎ 4. I had to talk to people, or else no one would help me, and I learned Chinese because of ______.‎ A. which B. that C. one D. these ‎ 5. My problems are strikingly similar to ______ of Wang Linlin's in learning English.‎ A. them B. that C. ones D. those ‎ 6. Red songs strike me with its passion and energy, ______ we can apply to our future work.‎ A. that B. one C. something D. anything ‎ 7. He went back home ______and never failed to do that.‎ A. every another day B. every two day ‎ C. every other day D. every second days ‎ ‎ 8. The geography and architecture in the Swiss mountain areas are similar with ______ in Tibet.‎ A. ones B. those C. them D. that ‎ 9. — You just think of yourself! You kept me waiting for at least three hours.‎ ‎— I am sorry that you ______ think so. ‎ A. would B. could ‎ C. should D. might ‎10. The chance of getting into college in China for foreigners is only one seventh ______ of local Chinese students.‎ A. one B. the one C. that D. it ‎11. That rude boy ______ have rushed out of the classroom when Ms Green was giving a lecture,which finally led to his being punished by the head teacher. ‎ A. could B. must ‎ C. dare D. should ‎12.—Mary, now you have a chance to study in Singapore for a year as an exchange student. Are you interested?‎ ‎—______ that be true? Of course I'll go. (2019·长郡中学月考六)‎ A. May B. Might ‎ C. Can D. Must ‎13. Keep up a good state of mind even if you ______ fail plenty of times. ‎ A. must B. will ‎ C. can D. should ‎14. English is a language that many people around the world ______ not speak perfectly but ______ at least understand. (2019·长郡月考二)‎ A. may; can B. would; might ‎ C. will; must D. could; might ‎15. Do you like ______ when someone speaks to you without looking at you?(2019·浙江省六校联考)‎ A. that B. him C. it D. those ‎16. Anne ______ have known the truth, or she would have told us. ‎ A. mustn't B. shouldn't C. can't D. needn't ‎17.— I haven't got what we ordered yet.‎ ‎— Just a little patience. You ______ get the answer this very afternoon. (2019·雅礼月考三)‎ A. could B. shall C. must D. may ‎18. —Didn't you wait for John last night?‎ ‎—No, but we ______. He didn't return to the dormitory at all! (2019·师大附中月考三)‎ A. could B. needn't have C. didn't need to D. should have ‎19. Nobody ______ leave the classroom before the bell rings. ‎ A. shall B. will C. should D. must ‎20. You ______ read a book in the sun — it'll do great harm to your eyes.‎ A. might not B. would not C. need not D. must not ‎21. The book written by the great writer is of great value. ______ can be enjoyed unless you digest it. ‎ A. Something B. Nothing C. Everything D. Anything ‎22. —It's the classroom! So you ______ know smoking is by no means allowed. ‎ ‎—Sorry. (2019·雅礼月考四)‎ A. will B. may C. need D. must ‎23. —It's said that Shoshanna is a very famous actress in our country.‎ ‎—Oh, no, she is ______ but a famous actress.‎ A. anything B. anyone ‎ C. anybody D. anywhere ‎24. ______our school lies the famous beautiful lake — the Peach lake. (2019·师大附中月考六)‎ A. Southeast 50 meters to B. 50 meters southeast of C. To 50 meters southeast of D. To southeast 50 meters of ‎25. Americans are ______ willing to buy on credit. Over forty percent of holiday shoppers said they planned to mainly use debit cards(储蓄卡) instead of credit cards. (2019·师大附中月考七)‎ A. much B. more C. quite D. less ‎26. —______ you drive,madam?‎ ‎—Of course, I got a license last June. (2019·十二校联考一)‎ A. Can B. Will C. Should D. Must ‎27. People feel shocked that a university student ______ do that to a child.‎ A. must B. may ‎ C. can D. should ‎28. All the members of the school must see to ______ that the opening ceremony of the Campus Games is safe and successful. ‎ A. all B. it C. themselves D. each ‎29. In no city, ______ Kunming, as has been said, will one experience very slight climate variation in the four seasons. ‎ A. other than B. more than C. better than D. rather than ‎1.选D。本题考查代词的用法,指与前面提到的事物同一类的不同事物用one,但空格后有定语从句修饰,应用特指,故选D。全句意为“他对生活的态度与一年前相比更积极了。”‎ ‎2.选D。考查比较等级的倍数关系。‎ ‎3.选D。考查固定词组。for nothing 意为“免费,不花钱地”,由后半句可知此处应选D项。‎ ‎4.选B。考查代词辨析。句意: 我得与人交谈,否则的话,没有人愿意帮我,而且正是因为这一点我才学习了汉语。此处that指代上文中所说的内容。‎ ‎5.选D。考查代词辨析。句意为: 在学习英语方面,我的问题与王琳琳的几乎一样。此处those代替上文中的problems。‎ ‎6.选C。考查代词辨析。句意为: 红歌因其激情和威力给我力量,这正是我们可以应用到将来的工作中的。此处something作passion and energy的同位语,其后接定语从句,引导词that省略。此题用which也是正确的,但是不能用one。故选C。‎ ‎7.选C。考查every的用法。每隔一天:every two days/ every other day/ every second day。‎ ‎8.选B。考查代词辨析。句意为: 瑞士山区的地貌和建筑与西藏的极其相似。此处those代替前面的geography and architecture。故选B。‎ ‎9.选C。should 表示按道理“理应,应该”。‎ ‎10.选C。考查不定代词辨析。句意为: 外国人在中国上大学的机会只有中国本地学生的七分之一。此处用that代替前面的不可数名词chance。故选C。‎ ‎11.选D。本题考查情态动词用法。must have done表示对过去情况的推测“过去一定……”;could have done表示对过去情况的推测“过去可能……”或“过去本可以……”。should have done可以理解为“本该做而没做”,但在本句中的含义为“竟然做了……”。全句意为“那个无礼的男孩竟然在格林老师讲课时冲出了教室,最后他受到班主任的惩罚”。‎ ‎12.选C。考查情态动词辨析。此处用can表示猜测。‎ ‎13.选D。should 用在if或even if引导的表示条件的从句中,表示一件事听起来可能性很小,但也不是完全没有可能。相当于“万一”的意思。从句谓语由should+动词原形构成。‎ ‎14.选A。第一空表示一种可能性;第二空表示能力。句意: 英语这种语言,世界上很多人也许说得不好,但是至少能懂。‎ ‎15.选C。it在本句中作形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的整个从句。‎ ‎16.选C。考查情态动词表示猜测。否定的猜测只能用can't。‎ ‎17.选B。考查情态动词辨析。句意: ——我还没有得到我预定的东西。——别急。今天下午肯定能得到答复。此处shall表示“许诺”。‎ ‎18.选C。本题考查情态动词用法。B意为“本不必做的却做了”。 C为“没有必要做”,往往指说话时还未做,符合语境要求。答句意为“没等,但我们不必要等。(因为)他昨晚根本没有回寝室”。‎ ‎19.选A。考查情态动词辨析。句意: 铃声响之前,任何人都不准离开教室。表示“法律或规则”赋予的权力或义务用shall。‎ ‎20.选D。考查情态动词辨析。句意:决不能在太阳下看书,会伤害眼睛的。表示“禁止”用must not。‎ ‎21.选B。考查不定代词辨析。句意:那个伟大的作家写的这本书很有价值。不认真阅读是欣赏不到什么的。此处实际上是一个“双重否定表示肯定”的结构。‎ ‎22.选D。考查情态动词辨析。句意:——这是在教室!你必须知道,吸烟是绝对不许可的。——对不起。此处must表示“必须”。‎ ‎23.选A。考查不定代词辨析。 因为 anything but 是习语,意为“根本不是”或“一点也不”,不仅可用于事物,也可用于人。‎ ‎24.选B。考查副词用法。此处表示方位,“我校‎50米东南方向的地方”,数量概念放在介词短语或副词短语的前面。‎ ‎25.选D。句意为“美国人的信贷购买意愿降低。超过40%的假日购物者表示他们计划使用储蓄卡购物,而不是使用信用卡。”‎ ‎26.选A。考查情态动词辨析。根据回答“我去年6月考到了驾照”可知,此处can表示“能力”。‎ ‎27.选D。句意: 人们惊奇的是一位大学生竟然对一名儿童做出那样的事。此处should表示“惊奇、竟然”之意。‎ ‎28.选B。本题考查代词用法。it 在这里作形式宾语,that从句是真正宾语。也可以认为see to it that是固定搭配,意为“务必使……;确保……”。全句意为“学校的每个成员都必须确保校园运动会的开幕式安全成功”。‎ ‎29.选A。考查词汇辨析。other than和否定词no, not或nothing等连用,意为“除……之外没有”。‎

