三维设计高考英语一轮复习针对训练 代词

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三维设计高考英语一轮复习针对训练 代词

Ⅰ.在下面空格中填入正确的连接词,使句子的衔接更加紧密 ‎ ‎1.English is a useful language. ________________________, it is an official language in the UN. ________________, it is widely used in business, science and technology.‎ 答案:For one thing; For another (thing)‎ ‎2.The boss asked him to leave. ________________, he was fired.‎ 答案:In other words/That is to say ‎3.He is a great scientist.________________, he is good at playing the violin.‎ 答案:What's more/Besides/In addition ‎4.He thought about going to Greece or Spain, but ________ decided on Canada.‎ 答案:finally ‎5.Some people are overambitious. ________, they are usually unhappy.‎ 答案:Therefore ‎6.________________________, I need your name and address. ________, when's your birthday?‎ 答案:To begin with; Then ‎7.The young man didn't enjoy his previous job. ________________________, he finds the new job very interesting. ‎ 答案:On the contrary ‎ ‎8.It's true that some ads can be very useful. __________________, they can help you to compare two different products.‎ 答案:For instance/For example ‎9.I didn't go to the party with them. ________, I went to help an old lady with her housework.‎ 答案:Instead ‎10.The young man got on well with the Smiths and he was spending his holiday when the case happened. ________________, it wasn't the young man who killed Mr. Smith. ‎ 答案:In conclusion ‎ Ⅱ.在横线处填入适当的词语,使上下文流畅(一空一词)‎ ‎1.正如表中所看到的情况,2004年有570000起交通事故,造成109000人死亡。‎ ‎________ can be seen from the graph, there were 570,000 traffic accidents, and 109,000 people were killed in 2004. ‎ 答案:As ‎ ‎2.为了减少交通事故,首先,政府应该采取相应措施,比如发展公共交通。其次,人们应该遵守交通规则,尤其是司机。‎ In order to reduce the traffic accidents, ________, the government should take some proper measures, ________ ________ developing public traffic. ________, people should obey traffic rules, especially the drivers. ‎ 答案:first; such as; Second ‎ ‎3.我们的网校在很多方面是有益的。首先,它使教与学更加便捷和有趣。我们在课堂上可以获得更多的信息和知识。其次,无论在什么地方,我们都可以通过发送和接收邮件与国内外的其他学生进行交流。‎ Our Net school is helpful in many ways. ________ ________ ________, it will make teaching and learning easier and more interesting. We can get more information and knowledge. ________, we can communicate with other students at home and abroad by sending and receiving messages where we'd like to. ‎ 答案:First of all; Besides ‎ ‎4.你认为这个地方合适吗?如果不合适的话,我可以设法为你再找其他的地方。‎ Do you think you like the place? ________ ________, I can try and find another place for you. ‎ 答案:If not ‎ ‎5.然而,在城市生活的费用通常是很高的。你必须找到一份报酬丰厚的工作。否则,你将负担不起你所需要的东西。‎ ‎________, living in the city is often very expensive. You must find a wellpaid job, ________, you will not afford the things you need. ‎ 答案:However; otherwise ‎

