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高考英语听力场景词汇总结 ‎(1)餐馆场景: ‎ recommendation推荐菜 menu 菜单 ‎ bill 账单 today’s special今日特色 delicious 可口的 take one’s order 点菜 order 点菜 ‎ serve 上菜 ‎ change 零钱; ‎ tip 小费 ‎ treat 请客 go out for dinner / dinner out 出去吃饭 ‎ snack bar 小吃店;快餐柜;大排挡;大排挡 ‎ hamburger 汉堡包 ‎ coke /Coca-Cola可口可乐 drink 饮料;‎ wine 葡萄酒; ‎ French fries 炸薯条;‎ pizza 披萨饼;‎ T-bone steak T型牛排; ‎ rare 半熟的; ‎ cheese 奶酪 ‎ sandwich 三明治; ‎ bacon 腌肉 ‎ soup 汤 beef 牛肉 plain water 自来水(西餐中洗手用的)‎ doughnut 多纳圈 ‎ appetizer 开胃菜 ‎ dessert 甜品,水果(作为正餐的最后一道)‎ pork 猪肉 ‎ salad 沙拉 ‎ cabbage 卷心菜,洋白菜potato 马铃薯,土豆 ‎ tomato 西红柿 noodle 面条;‎ soup 汤; ‎ dressing 调味酱; ‎ porridge 粥 lemonade 柠檬水 ‎ biscuit / cookie 饼干 ‎ sea food 海鲜 ‎ chopsticks 筷子;‎ spoon 勺子; ‎ plate 碟子;‎ tray 托盘; ‎ dining hall 餐厅; ‎ coffee shop/cafe 咖啡屋 ; restaurant/cafeteria自助餐厅; ‎ canteen 食堂;水壶; ‎ buffet 自助餐 fully booked 熟透的;alcohol 酒;‎ pork 猪肉;‎ lamb 羊肉;‎ black-tea 红茶;‎ ‎ green-tea 绿茶;‎ black coffee 清咖啡 strong coffee 浓咖啡;‎ flour 面粉 对话理解中常涉及到地点的关键词以及特殊表达 What would you like to order ?(想吃些什么 )‎ Would you like to see the menu ?(要看一下菜谱吗?)‎ May I have the bill ,please ? ( 请把账单给看一下)‎ Pay the bill付账 Keep the change! 不用找零钱了!‎ This is my treat! 我请客!‎ go Dutch AA制 (Let’s go fifty fifty. )‎ What do you want for a drink ?(想喝点什么)‎ A table for two ?(两个人)‎ ‎ Reserve a table .(预定餐桌)‎ 身份 /关系:waiter/waitress 男/女侍者and the customer顾客 ‎(2)邮局场景:‎ stamp 邮票 envelope 信封 ‎ package / parcel 包裹;weight 重量;‎ overweight 超重;‎ insurance 保险;‎ claim 领取;‎ extra postage 额外邮资;zip/code 邮编;‎ parcel form 包裹单;‎ ‎ send / post / deliver a letter mail 寄 /发信 ‎ express mail 快件 ‎ airmail 航空信件 ‎ surface mail 陆地邮寄postage 邮资 registered mail 挂号信 regular mail 普通邮件;surface mail平邮;international airmail 国际航空邮件;‎ open an account 开一个帐户   ‎ 身份/关系 post clerk and customer邮政办事员和顾客 ‎(3)校园与图书馆场景 tuition 学费;scholarship 奖学金; term/ semester学期; register 注册;‎ be absent from 缺课;seminar 讨论班; assignment 作业;presentation 课堂发言;final exam 期末考试;mid-term exam 期中考试 ; go over 复习;‎ fail 不及格;cut a class 逃课; graduate 毕业;stationery 文具用品 library card 借书证; borrow 借进; ‎ lend 借出; ‎ keep(You can keep the book for one month 这本书你可以借一个月); renew 续借;‎ return 归还;bookshelf 书架; novel; science fiction 科幻小说;‎ magazine; periodical 期刊; bio-monthly 双月刊reference book 参考书; librarian 图书管理员 fine 罚款 pay a fine 交罚款 ‎ pay a fine 交罚款;‎ ‎ catalog 目录卡片 masterpiece 名著 tragedy 悲剧 ‎ comedy 喜剧 ‎ poem 诗歌 poetry 诗 ‎ play 剧本 ‎ journal 杂志 ‎ essay论文 romantic 言情小说non-fiction 纪实文学作品 身份和关系:librarian图书管理员 and student/reader学生或读者 Can I help you? / What can I do for you? The book is due/overdue.‎ ‎(所借书到期/借书逾期);‎ Can I renew the book ?‎ ‎(我能续借这本书吗?)‎ ‎(4)医院及健康场景:‎ hospital 医院; clinic 小诊所; emergency room/ department急诊室; ‎ ICU (= intensive care unit)‎ 特护病房; ‎ Health Center 医疗中心 ; check up 检查; ‎ physical examination 体检 ;‎ visiting hours 探访时间; aspirin 阿司匹林;tablet/ pill 药片/药丸;dentist 牙医;‎ surgeon 外科医生;physician 内科医生; nurse 护士; ‎ regular doctor 私人医生; treatment 治疗手段;‎ to show your tongue; to write a prescription 开处方; ‎ to take injection打针; take one’s temperature / blood pressure 测量体温/血压 medicine:; pills / tablets 药丸/药片 ‎ heart attack 心脏病 cold / flu 流感:have/catch a cold 感冒; pain 痛; ‎ headache 头痛; stomach-ache 胃痛; backache 背痛; sore-throat 喉咙痛 cough 咳嗽;‎ run a fever 发烧; ‎ dizzy 眩晕的 prescribe 开药; ‎ gain weight 长胖;‎ lost weight 减肥;‎ ‎ keep fit 保持健康balanced diet ‎ 平衡膳食;均衡饮食 What’s up? (多用于男生之间) How is it going? How are you? ‎ 回答:I’m fine. / I feel good/terrific. / I couldn’t be better. / Nothing is very wrong with me. 好。 I am not feeling good. / I feel terrible/horrible/awful. / I am not myself these days. 不好。 (注意听语气:身体好的时候,语调上扬,语气非常欢快; 身体不好的时候,降调,语气非常郁闷。)身份、关系 doctor/physical/assistant and patient ‎(5)电话场景:        ‎ operator 接线员; ‎ leave a message留口信;‎ long distance call 长途电话 ‎ collect call 对方付费的电话;‎ personal phone call 私人电话;‎ put through 接通电话;‎ call/ telephone/ ring/ phone sb; ‎ make a call give sb. a call/ ring .‎ 给某人打电话;‎ Extension six two two six, please. 请转6226。 ‎ The line is bad/ busy / engaged. It kept a busy line. 电话占线。‎ Hold on / up Hold the line, please稍等一会儿,请别挂电话.‎ ‎ Hello! This is … speaking.‎ 喂,我是----- ‎ Who’s speaking? / who is this?‎ 请问您是哪位?‎ I’ll call back later / again.; I’ll ring him / her up again.我等会儿再打; ‎ I couldn’t get through我打不通;.‎ Sorry, I’m afraid you have the wrong number 对不起,恐怕你打错号码了;‎ I must have dialed the wrong number. ‎ 我一定是拨错电话号码了 charge your mobile phone 给手机充电 pick up/ put down the phone 拿起/放下电话 your phone bill 电话账单 return someone’s call 回电话 ‎  (6)酒店场景:‎ lobby大堂 standard room标准间 room service客房中心 receptionist 服务员 reception前台 make a reservation 预定房间 ‎ reception desk 接待处 ‎ check in 入住 ‎ check out 结帐 ;‎ fill out a form填写表格;‎ accommodation 住宿;‎ registration登记;‎ single room 单间 ;‎ double room双人间;‎ room service客房服务;‎ wake-up call叫醒电话; ‎ suite套间 ;‎ Do you have a reservation ,Sir?‎ 请问您有预定吗,先生? ‎ Have you got any vacant room? (= Is there any room available here?)有空房间吗?‎ All the room are occupied. ‎ 房间已满。‎ Can I have a suite please? 有套房吗?‎ How much do you charge for that? 套房多少钱?‎ Smoking or no smoking? Meals included. 包括饮食。‎ Can I show you your room? / Can I carry your luggage? ‎ laundry room洗衣房 gymnasium健身房 snack-bar快餐店 ‎ canteen食堂; ‎ main entrance 大门 entrance hall 门厅 stairs 楼梯 corridor 过道;‎ clothes-hanger 衣架;‎ hotel register 旅客登记簿;‎ bookshelf 书架;‎ desk lamp 台灯;‎ switch 开关;‎ socket 插座;‎ plug 插头;‎ information desk 问讯处 Receptionist 接待员 customer /guest客人 porter(杂务工)‎ ‎(7)购物场景:‎ on sale打折,廉价出售;‎ ‎50%off打五折;‎ a 30% discount打七折;‎ fitting room试衣间 flea market跳蚤市场 give sb a discount打折 store 商店,杂货店 ;‎ grocery食品杂货店;‎ department store 百货商场 ‎ shopping center/mall 购物中心 ;‎ drugstore药店:‎ light color 浅颜色 What color/size/kind do you want? ‎ 商品论贵贱expensive, cheap ‎ 价格论高低high, low; ‎ second-hand二手的 ;‎ size尺寸大小; ‎ color颜色; ‎ style式样; ‎ brand 品牌;‎ bargain便宜货 ‎ popular / fashionable 流行的 in fashion 流行,时尚 ‎ out of fashion 过时的 counter 柜台 ‎ pay in cash 用现金支付 ‎ pay by check 用支票支付;‎ pay by installment分期付款;‎ selling season销售旺季;‎ credit card 信用卡 ‎ shop assistant 商店营业员 ‎ receipt收据; ‎ catalog产品目录; ‎ deliver送货; ‎ refund退款; ‎ out of stock 脱销/缺货 ‎ in stock 有货  ‎ U. S Dollar,美元 ‎ Hong Kong Dollar (HK$), ‎ yuan, RMB¥ , ‎ pound (£), ‎ pocket change零钱,‎ coin硬币,金钱 sales clerk售货员 purchase=buy a best-seller 畅销品 ‎(8)天气场景:‎ cloudy 阴天 ; ‎ freezing/chilly 严寒的/寒冷的; ‎ freezing-cold 冰冷的,极冷的; ‎ cool凉爽的; ‎ foggy有雾的;‎ damp/wet潮湿的;‎ windy 有风的;‎ calm无风的;‎ breeze/light winds微风;‎ strong winds大风;‎ moderate风力不大;‎ humid 湿润的;‎ mild 暖和的; ‎ dust storm/sandstorm沙尘暴 desertification 沙漠化; ‎ fog雾; ‎ snow雪; ‎ drizzle毛毛雨 ;‎ light rain 小雨; ‎ storm暴风雨; ‎ blizzard大风雪; ‎ snowstorm; 暴风雪 ‎ overcast 多云 ‎ thunder 打雷 ‎ strong/ high wind 大风 ‎ tornado 龙卷风 ‎ typhoon 台风 ‎ a timely snow一场及时雪 warm up天气变暖 ‎ It rains cats and dogs.(=The rain is pouring.)下着倾盆大雨。‎ downpour倾盆大雨 ‎ shower 阵雨 ‎ clear up 天空放晴 ‎ put away clothes 下雨收衣服 ‎ have a severe winter 度过一个寒冷的冬天 weather in London / Seattle ‎ 意指不好的天气 ‎ weather in California ‎ 意指好天气 ‎ vacation 和 flight(航班) (be delayed/cancelled by the bad weather)‎ haze 雾霾 ‎ sandstorm沙尘暴 flood 洪水 drought 旱灾 typhoon台风 tornado龙卷风 hurricane飓风 tsunami海啸 earthquake地震 ‎(9)机场场景:‎ Airline...航空公司 Airway航线 FLT No. ( flight number )航班号 ‎ non-stop /direct flight 直航 switch to another flight换航班 ‎ confirm the flight确认航班 ‎ Eastern Airlines/Pet Airlines 东方航空公司 cancel=call取消 one-way ticket单程票 ‎ round-trip ticket往返票 ‎ departure lounge候机室 ‎ Gate 4 4号登机口 Exit 1 1号出口 Platform 6 6号站台 Board登机 Welcome on board 欢迎登机 Departure gate 登机口 ‎ bound for…飞往……方向去的 ‎ check in 办理登机手续 ‎ behind schedule 晚点 ‎ take off 起飞 land降落 ‎ safe landing 安全着陆 ‎ check-in办理手续 departure gate登机口 see sb off为某人送行 pick up 接机 arrival time 到达时间 departure time起飞时间 book / reserve预定 ‎ first cabin头等舱 business cabin商务舱 economy cabin经济舱 a window seat 靠窗的座位 ‎ an aisle seat 靠走廊的座位 seat belt /safety安全带 ‎ fasten系紧 airsick 晕机 ‎ jet lag飞行时差反应 ‎ captain机长 ‎ pilot飞行员 ‎ airhostess/stewardess空姐 passport护照,通行证 visa签证 destination目的地 baggage/luggage行李 timetable时刻表 airport staff机场工作人员 behind schedule(飞机)晚点 delay延误 see sb off 为某人送行;‎ customs海关 ‎ security check安检 ‎ departure to----前往 boarding pass(card)登机牌 ‎ ‎ suitcase行李箱; ‎ ‎(10)交通 transportation 运输;运输工具;运输系统 ‎ transport运输,传播流放(v);运输[u]‎ Waiting room候车室 coach/carriage车厢 sidewalk/pavement人行道 one-way street单行道 rush hour 交通高峰时间 heavy traffic 拥挤的交通 traffic jam交通阻塞 ‎ traffic rule交通规则 traffic light交通灯 driving license驾照 License plate 车牌 crowded拥挤的 drop sb. Off让某人下车 By plane/air乘飞机 ‎ by train乘火车 ;‎ by subway/ underground乘地铁;‎ by car 乘小汽车 ‎ by taxi乘出租车;‎ by bus乘公交;‎ by coach乘长途汽车;‎ by boat 乘船 ‎ by land/ sea陆路 航海 ‎ transfer换乘/转机; ‎ 特快列车express train dining car 餐车 garage 修车厂/车库 flat tire 爆胎 ‎ scratches刮蹭 ‎ fix/repair修理 survive 活下来 conductor售票员 sleeping car(火车)卧车 train number车次 single ticket单程车票 return ticket往返车票 booking/ticket office售票处 platform站台/月台 a hard seat硬座 a soft seat软座 ‎ round trip往返 ‎ one way trip单程 run the red light闯红灯 car accident 事故 speeding超速行驶 speed limit 限速 brake 刹车 give sb a ride /lift 载某人一 ‎ May I see your license, please? You will be fined by $20.   ‎ 程 ‎(11)银行 Business hour营业时间 identity card 身份证 savings account储蓄存款账户 check account支票账户 current deposit/current account活期存款 fixed deposit/fixed account定期存款 interest rate利率 ‎ open an account 开户 ‎ draw money 取钱 ‎ deposit money 存钱 ‎ cash a check兑现支票 ‎(12) 租房 landlady女房东 landlord 房东 ‎ rent租/租金 deposit 押金 contract合同 furnished有家具电器的 heat 暖气 air-conditioner空调设备;‎ gas 煤气 electricity 电 lift 电梯 balcony阳台 deadline 最后期限 have a shower 洗澡 flat/apartment公寓;‎ ‎(13)日常生活 living room起居室 guest room客厅 dining room餐厅 kitchen厨房 bathroom浴室 toilet 卫生间 basement地下室 housework家务 channel频道 cook烹饪;厨师;炊事员 furniture家具 dining table饭桌 fridge冰箱 television电视 oven烤箱 cabinet橱柜 dishwasher洗碗机 sheet 床单 blanket毯子 carpet地毯 curtain 窗帘 towel毛巾 shampoo洗发水 soap 香皂 haircut 理发 barber 理发师 shaver 剃须刀 relatives亲戚 relationship关系;联系;亲属关系 reunion团聚,联合 family-get-together家庭团聚 generation gap 代沟 put sb. at her/ his ease 让某人感到无拘束 ‎(14)工作 job opportunity求职机会 interview 面试 resume简历 educational background 教育背景 application letter求职信 recommendation 推荐信 certificate证书 qualification资历 experience经验/经历 position职位 salary薪水 allowance津贴 promotion晋升 vacation休假 have a break休息 retire退休 pension 退休金/养老金/抚恤金 shift work换班工作 work overtime加班 pay raise加薪 ask for leave请假 sick leave病假 employee雇员 employer 雇主 clerk职员 secretary秘书 manager经理 HR (Human Resources manager人事经理 general manager总经理 client客户 turn down the offer拒绝这份工作 get bored with the same routine 厌烦同样的日程 ‎(15) 兴趣爱好 hobby兴趣 entertainment 娱乐 chess国际象棋 amusement park游乐场 nightclub夜总会 picnic野餐 go to the theater/movies去看电影 documentary(film)纪录片/文献片 detective film侦探片 action movie动作片 cartoon漫画/动画片 comedy喜剧 horror film恐怖片 western film西部片 hiking徒步旅行 camping野营 diving潜水 surfing冲浪 skiing滑雪 seashore海岸 beach海滩 sunburned晒黑的 palace宫殿 castle城堡;‎ ‎(16)职业 part-time job兼职工作 full-time job 全职工作;‎ psychologist心理学家 principal校长 professor教授 policeman警察 fire-fighter消防员 secretary秘书 assistant助理 receptionist接待员 typist打字员 clerk职员 cashier出纳员 lawyer律师 editor编辑 reporter/journalist记者 author作家 writer作者 artist艺术家 pianist钢琴家 photographer摄影师 painter画家 musician音乐家 singer歌唱家 designer设计家 scientist科学家 actor男演员 actress女演员 architect建筑师 engineer工程师 chef厨师 mailman邮差 guide导游 headmaster男校长 headmistress女校长;‎ technician技术员,技师 salesperson 销售员 Senior Accountant 高级会计 translator 翻译员 judge   裁判 ‎(17) 运动 competition竞赛 the sports field运动场 club俱乐部 sportsman/athlete/player运动员 coach教练 champion冠军 gold medal金牌 silver medal银牌 bronze medal铜牌 jogging 慢跑 football美式足球 soccer英式足球 volleyball排球 baseball棒球 tennis网球 table tennis乒乓球 golf高尔夫 badminton羽毛球 bowling保龄球 wrestling摔跤 shooting射击 boxing拳击 weightlifting举重 relay race接力赛 break the world record打破世界纪录 ‎110meters hurdle finals‎110米跨栏决赛 gym体育馆,健身房 stadium体育场,运动场 rock climbing攀岩 ‎(18)观光旅游 Vacation/holiday假日;‎ historic spots古迹;‎ scenery风景;‎ museum博物馆;‎ mountain山脉;‎ river河流;‎ lake湖泊;‎ waterfall瀑布;‎ beach沙滩;‎ island岛屿;‎ lawn草地;‎ temple寺庙;‎ zoo动物园;‎ a guide tour有导游的旅游;‎ travel agency旅行社;‎ go sightseeing观光;‎ hotel宾馆;‎ souvenir纪念品;‎ travel/trip/tour/voyage旅游;‎ subway/underground地铁;‎ railway铁路;‎ highway高速 package group tours 包团游;‎ Is there any room available ?有空房间吗?‎ All the room are occupied. 房间已满。‎ Meal included. 包括饮食 fascinating激动人心的迷人的;‎ thrilling刺激的;‎ unforgettable/fantastic难忘的;‎ terrific好极了;‎ ‎(19 )科目,国籍和主要国家、地区、城市 ‎ 科目(subject)‎ ‎ Chinese;‎ Mathematics;‎ English;‎ Physics;‎ Chemistry; ‎ Biology;‎ Politics; ‎ History;‎ Geography;‎ Arts ;‎ Music;‎ Physical Education (P E)‎ 国籍(nationality)‎ Chinese, ‎ Japanese, ‎ German,‎ French,‎ American,‎ Australian, ‎ Englishman,‎ Russian,‎ New-Zealander,‎ Canadian,‎ Italian, ‎ Spanish,‎ 主要国家、地区、城市 ‎ The People‘s Republic of China,‎ Beijing ,‎ The United States of America,‎ USA ,‎ New York,‎ Chicago ,‎ The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ,‎ U.K,‎ London ,‎ France,‎ Paris,‎ Germany,‎ Berlin, ‎ Australia, ‎ Canberra ;‎ Sydney, ‎ Japan,‎ Tokyo, ‎ Canada ,‎ Toronto‎/ ‎ Ottawa, ‎ Italy , ‎ Rome, ‎ Spain , ‎ Madrid , ‎ Russia , ‎ Moscow, ‎ Europe,‎ ‎(20) 分数、百分数、小数、时间表示法 分数 1/2 : one-half; a half 1/3 : one-third 3/4 : three-fourths 1/5 : one-fifth ‎ ‎2/5 : two-fifths 7/8 : seven-eighths 1/10 : one-tenth; a tenth 1/100 : one-hundredth; one per cent ‎ ‎1/1000 : one-thousandth 1/10000 : one ten-thousandth ‎21/2 : two and one half; two and a half 42/3 : four and two-thirds 百分数. 小数 ‎ ‎100% : one hundred per cent 0.5% : point five per cent 0.46% : point four six per cent 2.05 : two point nought five; two point O five 6.003 : six point nought nought three; six point O O three 78.12 : seventy-eight point one two 时间表示法: ‎ 一. 1) 4:00 four o'clock,four,4 o'clock 2) 04:00 four in the morning, ‎4 a.m 3) 16:00 four in the afternoon, 4 p.m 二. 1) 9:00 nine o'clock, nine,    9 o'clock 2) 09:00 nine in the morning, ‎9 a.m 3) 21:00 nine in the evening,    nine at night, 9 p.m 三. 1) 12:00 twelve o'clock, twelve, 12 o'clock 2) 12:00 twelve in the morning, ‎12 a.m, midday 3) 00:00 twelve at night, 12 p.m, midnight 四. 12:15,00:‎15 ‎‎ a quarter past twelve, quarter past twelve, twelve fifteen, a quarter after twelve 五. 02:25,14:25 twenty-five past two, twenty-five minutes past two, two twenty-five, twenty-five after two 六. 11:30,23:30 half past eleven, eleven-thirty, half eleven, half after eleven 七. 12:45,00:‎45 a quarter to one, quarter to one, twelve forty-five, a quarter of one 八. 07:50,19:50 ten to eight, ten minutes to eight, seven-fifty, ten of eight ‎ ‎(21).日期、年代、星期、年份 ‎ 日期表达法: ‎7月10日    July 10,July 10th,10 July或10th July Tuesday May the thirteenth ‎5月13日星期二 Monday the fifth of April ‎4月15日星期一 What date is it?今天是几号?       It's the 30th today.今天是30号。 They married on December 9,1913. 他们于‎1913年12月9日结婚。 Labour was defeated in the General Election on 19 June 1970. 工党在‎1970年6月19日大选中败北。 The case was heard in the High Court in February 1970. 这个案件于1970年2月由高等法院审理。 Where were you on the nights of February 4th and 7th? ‎2月4日和7日晚上你都在什么地方? They lived together from December of that year until June of 1980. 他们从那年12月到1980年6月一直住在一起。 The paper he hands me has a 1975 date. 他签发给我文件写的是1975年的日期 ‎★      在英式英语中,日期在前月份在后,即顺序为日月年,但在美式英语中,则月份在前日期在后,即顺序为月日年。例如:‎10-7-86‎或‎10/7/86‎ 在英式英语中是July 10th 1986,而在美式英语中为October 7th 1986.计算机上的时间就是美式英语。★      英美说法不同的还有,例如:这事发生在星期 四。 在英式英语中It happened on Thursday. 而在美式英语中为It happened Thursday. 年代表示法: 八十年代 eighties指的是1980-1989,可写为1980's,另外1980-1985可写为early eighties,1985-1989可写为late eighties.例如: in Stockholm in the thirties     三十年代在斯德哥尔摩 I went on a computer training course in the nineteen eighties. 我在八十年代进过计算机培训班。 星期表示法: every Tuesday for the next few months      下几个月的每星期二 I'm terrible busy on Saturdays.    我在星期六特别忙。 ‎ On Monday nights, the pupils go to the cinema.     星期一的晚上,学生们去看电影。 I've never worked on a Sunday in my whole life.    我从未在星期日工作过。 年份表示法: 1840 eighteen forty 1900    nineteen hundred 1992    nineteen ninety-two ‎ ‎ 听力词组是由简易的单词组成,但有些极易混淆。‎ 比如:check on检查核对;check up on仔细检查;makeup补偿;make out理解; 辨认出;make the best of充分利用; in case以防;免得; 在...情况下;万一;in case of...后面一般有坏事发生;in any case无论如何;in no case绝不;go down下降;go up上升;go Dutch AA制;go over复习;参观;‎ go through经历;通过;‎ 常见语气题:well—委婉否定; ‎ Why do sth.?—表不赞成;‎ 选not do sth.的选项Why don’t you do sth.?—表赞成 ;‎ ‎ You bet!—(表赞成) 当然啦!‎ 值得关注的惯用法:‎ Take it easy !(不忙;别着急)‎ It’s out of the question .(不 It's out of question(没问题)‎ I can’t agree with you more (我举双手赞成)‎ It’s up to you (这事由你决定)‎ Don’t take it for granted (不要想当然地那样认为)‎ It depends (视情况而定)‎ No way (没门;不可能)‎ Then all set 一切妥当 Anything but cheap 根本不便宜 可能)‎ It’s a deal. 一言为定 You’re kidding. 你在开玩笑吧?‎ The train leaves at 7:30. Can we make it…? .火车7:30分开,我们赶得及吗?‎ ‎.That’s the way it is.就是这么回事。‎ ‎.It’s not intended for scientists, either.它也不是给科学家的。‎ bound for 准备去; 开往----‎ in a long run 从长期来看 形容词:available, amazing, scaring, boring, incredible, grand, extra, awful, digital, punctual, ‎ 副词:definitely, down, tough, slightly, ‎

