2020版高考英语一轮基础达标选题 Unit 5 The power of nature(含解析)新人教版选修6

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2020版高考英语一轮基础达标选题 Unit 5 The power of nature(含解析)新人教版选修6

Unit 5 The power of nature 李仕才 一、阅读理解。‎ ‎    Imagine getting a soft drink from a robot machine using only your smart phone. Or scanning a QR code (二维码) to buy goods from a newspaper ad.‎ ‎    By making use of these new technologies, China mobile shopping is a bit ahead of the United States. China is still the world's largest smart phone market, even though growth is slow. It accounts for about 30 percent of the global smart phone market, and Chinese smart phone users are expected to jump from 526.8 million to 640 million in 2018, according to eMarketer. And its shoppers are using their instruments to rush to purchase a wide range of goods and services.‎ Nearly half of all China's e-commerce sales, totaling $505.7 billion, are made with mobile devices, versus roughly one-quarter in the US, according to eMarketer. By 2019, China's mobile sales will account for 71 percent of those sales.‎ ‎    “We don't see mobile buying staying unchangeable for the next five years,” said Monica Pearl, eMarketer's director of forecasting. “It'll increase because consumer behavior has changed.” Feature­rich(功能多样的), cheap smart phones are also helping fuel the boom, she added.‎ ‎    “China is, after all, a mobile first market,” explains Brian Buchwald, CEO of consumer intelligence firm Bomoda. So it has been able to go beyond other markets, which mainly used PCs for purchases.‎ ‎    Meanwhile, the Chinese government has allowed a free-flowing retail and payments marketplace. “There are no restraints(约束),” said Michael Zakkour, vice president of China / Asia Pacific practice at Tompkins International.‎ ‎    And that's good news for WeChat, a messaging app that's only five years old and is offered by the Internet giant Tencent. The app now has 650 million users. And a good mass of them are using the app for mobile shopping. The result is that WeChat payments, along with Alibaba's Alipay, lead the market. Because retailers can easily set up shops inside WeChat, users can plan family vacations, order a taxi or even buy clothes without going anywhere else.‎ 7‎ ‎    China is up to three years ahead of the US in mobile shopping, said Buchwald. “And it's moving faster than any other area of the economy. It's the future.”‎ ‎1.What can we learn from Paragraph 2? A.China has more goods than the United States. B.America's new technologies are as good as China. C.China's smart phone market is larger than that of the United States. D.American smart phone users will be ahead of Chinese in 2018. 2.According to Monica Pearl, why is mobile shopping increasing in China? A.Chinese are fond of using these new technologies. B.Nearly half of all China's ecommerce sales are made with mobile devices. C.Smart phones are cheaper than any other country in the world. D.The behavior of customers has changed. 3.Which best describes the Buchwald's attitude toward Chinese mobile shopping? A.Doubtful. B.Optimistic. C.Cautious. D.Worried.‎ 参考答案: 1.C; 2.D; 3.B 解析: 1.[细节题。根据“China is still the world's largest smart phone market, even though growth is slow”可知,哪怕增速有所减缓,中国仍然是世界上最大的智能手机市场,自然也大于美国的智能手机市场。] 2.[推断题。根据第4段“It'll increase because consumer behavior has changed”可知,它只会不断增长,因为消费者的行为已经发生了变化。] 3.[推断题。根据最后一句可知,其发展速度也快于其他任何一个经济领域。未来前景无限,可知Buchwald对移动购物的态度是乐观的。]‎ 二、单句语法填空 ‎1.I think that the house will be ________ (suit) for the needs of your family.‎ 答案:suitable be suitable for ... “适合……”。‎ ‎2.It's impossible ________ (evaluate) these results without knowing more about 7‎ ‎ the research method.‎ 答案:to evaluate 惯用句型It's+adj.+to do。该句中it为形式主语,真正的主语为动词不定式,故填to evaluate。‎ ‎3.He is unfortunate to have his house ________ (burn) to the ground.‎ 答案:burnt/burned burn to the ground “全部焚毁”,burn和his house存在逻辑上的动宾关系,故应用过去分词作宾语补足语。‎ ‎4.You must be ________ (absolute) silent or the birds won't appear.‎ 答案:absolutely 此处应用副词修饰形容词silent,故填absolutely。‎ ‎5.Yesterday I went to see him, only ________ (learn) that he had gone abroad two days before.‎ 答案:to learn only to do “结果却……”,在句中作结果状语,表示出乎意料的结果。‎ ‎6.Watching through their windows, the flood victims were anxious ________ (wait) for rescuers to come.‎ 答案:to wait be anxious to do ... “焦虑地做/急于做……”。‎ ‎7.My watch is still ________ guarantee, so they'll repair it for free.‎ 答案:under under guarantee “在保修期内”。‎ ‎8.She works in a theatre, ________ (follow) in her father's footsteps.‎ 答案:following 主语she与follow之间为主动关系,故用现在分词following作状语。‎ ‎9.I would like to express my ________ (appreciate) and thanks to you all.‎ 答案:appreciation 由空格前的my一词可知,应填名词。‎ ‎10.I need to make an ________ (appoint) with Mike to discuss the matter.‎ 答案:appointment make an appointment with sb. “和某人预约”。‎ 三、完形填空。‎ After living near Madrid for a year as an au pair (以帮做家务事等换取食宿的人) three years ago, it was nice to __1__ this weekend. I felt like I was at home and thought how __2__ one can be to feel like this in a place that isn't __3__ your home. I now refer to this town as one of my ‘homes from home’ and have learnt how home is where your __4__ is.‎ A lot of people get homesick and it is a very __5__ feeling when away from __6__ ones and home comforts. __7__, I have learnt that you can feel at home when you are __8__ in that place with people who __9__ you.Through simply embracing every 7‎ ‎ moment, __10__ friends and enjoying a new __11__, you can feel settled in a short amount of time. I did exactly this when moving to Spain for the first time, as positive thoughts tend to bring positive experiences. Luckily enough, I was __12__ with a host family that were very __13__, which helped to ease the process of feeling happy and settled. I now love visiting when I can to see how the children grow up and feel very blessed by being able to __14__ this.‎ Yet again, I am living in Spain on my year abroad, but this time with students and not a(n) __15__, in a different region. Nonetheless, the process of __16__ had been easier, as I feel __17__ the Spanish culture already. Of course when moving away from home you have to __18__ many things that are different in comparison to what you call home. However, this is the __19__ of travelling, exploring and __20__ yourself and a new place. A new place that one day you might be able to call your home too.‎ ‎1.A.leave B.plan C.move D.visit ‎2.A.proud B.lucky C.popular D.real ‎3.A.finally B.possibly C.completely D.necessarily ‎4.A.belief B.dream C.heart D.job ‎5.A.normal B.unique C.strong D.uneasy ‎6.A.similar B.unusual C.loved D.respected ‎7.A.However B.Therefore C.Instead D.Otherwise ‎8.A.free B.powerful C.available D.comfortable ‎9.A.care for B.look for C.ask for D.wait for ‎10.A.missing B.making C.choosing D.aiding ‎11.A.idea B.culture 7‎ C.home D.chance ‎12.A.chatting B.playing C.living D.dealing ‎13.A.wise B.honest C.successful D.friendly ‎14.A.change B.experience C.support D.improve ‎15.A.teacher B.roommate C.family D.organization ‎16.A.going on B.turning around C.stepping forward D.settling in ‎17.A.accustomed to B.excited at C.satisfied with D.interested in ‎18.A.give up B.start with C.adapt to D.carry out ‎19.A.role B.secret C.delight D.symbol ‎20.A.helping B.discovering C.enjoying D.controlling ‎【解题导语】本文是夹叙夹议文。作者在异国他乡找到了自己的“家”。‎ ‎1.D 根据最后一段开头的Yet again, I am living in Spain on my year abroad, but this time with students可知,作者重“访(visit)”西班牙。‎ ‎2.B 根据上文的I felt like I was at home和下文的feel like this可知,在异国他乡能找到家的感觉确实“幸运(lucky)”。‎ ‎3.D 如果在某个地方——“不一定(not necessarily)”就是家——能找到家的感觉,那真是幸运。‎ ‎4.C 根据上文的nice,felt like,feel like可知,作者认识到家就是“心灵(heart)”的归属地。‎ ‎5.A 根据上文的A lot of people get homesick及常识可知,思乡是一种“正常的(normal)”情感。‎ ‎6.C 根据上文的homesick可知,一个人远离自己“所爱的(loved)”人和家中的舒适,当然会泛起乡愁。‎ ‎7.A 下文提到的在异乡也能找到家的感觉与上文意义上发生了转折,故选However。‎ ‎8.D 7‎ ‎9.A 根据上文的you can feel at home可知,此处意思是,如果在一个地方能与“关爱(care for)”自己的人在一起、觉得比较“舒服(comfortable)”,那自然能找到家的感觉。‎ ‎10.B ‎11.B 根据这两个空所在句中的embracing every moment, enjoying和you can feel settled in a short amount of time可知,如果能珍惜每个瞬间、“交(making)”些朋友、享受新的“文化(culture)”,那很快就能融入当地的生活。‎ ‎12.C 根据下文的host family可知,“我”与寄宿家庭“生活(living)”在一起。‎ ‎13.D 根据下文的helped to ease the process of feeling happy and settled可知,寄宿家庭的成员都很“友好(friendly)”。‎ ‎14.B 根据上文的see how the children grow up可知,能“亲历(experience)”这一过程,作者感到很幸福。‎ ‎15.C 上文的host family是提示。‎ ‎16.D ‎17.A 因为是第二次来西班牙,所以作者这次“安定(settling in)”下来要比上次更容易些,因为他已经“熟悉(accustomed to)”了当地的文化。‎ ‎18.C 根据本空所在句中的moving away from home和different in comparison to what you call home可知,背井离乡自然需要“适应(adapt to)”异地不同于家乡的很多方面。‎ ‎19.C ‎20.B 根据However可知,前后表示转折。作者认为虽然需要适应很多新事物,但是这恰巧就是旅游、探索、“发现(discovering)”自我的“乐趣(delight)”所在。‎ 四、单句改错 ‎1.Not completed the project, they have to stay there for another two weeks.‎ ‎______________________________________________________‎ 答案:completed→having completed 句子主语they与complete之间为主动关系,且complete表示的动作先于句子谓语stay发生,故应用现在分词的完成式作状语。‎ ‎2.The mother was standing at the gate, anxiously to see her son.‎ ‎______________________________________________________‎ 答案:anxiously→anxious 形容词在句中作状语,描述主语The mother的状态。‎ ‎3.I kept silent in the back seat of the car as we made our way the grandma's.‎ ‎______________________________________________________‎ 答案:way后加to make one's way to ... “朝……走去”。‎ 7‎ ‎4.Hearing the news that he had appointed as general manager of the big company, he was filled with excitement and joy.‎ ‎______________________________________________________‎ 答案:had后加been be appointed as ... “被任命为/委派为……”。‎ ‎5.They gave the manager a guarantee which they would finish the task within three days.‎ ‎______________________________________________________‎ 答案:which→that give sb. a guarantee that ... “向某人保证……”,that引导同位语从句。‎ 五、短文改错 I enjoyed many performances in Argentina.But what impressed me more was the dance performance.I used to dance a lot when I am young,although I never was a good dancer.But Argentinian dancers who made dancing so easily that everyone felt like dancing with them.Visit some distant villages also gave me deeper taste of the original Argentinian culture.Among all those place of interest,my favorite one was a mountain.Fortunately,when I arrived there in a cold winter morning,I couldn’t see much.However,the unusual peace and snowblanketed winter views still impressed you a lot.‎ 答案:‎ I enjoyed many performances in Argentina.But what impressed me was the dance performance.I used to dance a lot when I young,although I never was a good dancer.But Argentinian dancers made dancing so that everyone felt like dancing with them. some distant villages also gave me deeper taste of the original Argentinian culture.Among all those of interest,my favorite one was a mountain.,when I arrived there a cold winter morning,I couldn’t see much.However,the unusual peace and snowblanketed winter views still impressed a lot.‎ 7‎

