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密云区2019高考英语阅读理解系列训练(11)及答案 The Queen’s English is now sounding less upper-class, a scientific study of the Queen’s Christmas broadcasts had found. Researchers have studied each of her messages to the Commonwealth countries since 1952 to find out the change in her pronunciation from the noble Upper Received to the Standard Received.‎ Jonathan Harrington, a professor at Germany’s University of Munich, wanted to discover whether accent (口音) changers recorded over the past half century would take place within one person. “As far as I know, there just is nobody else for whom there is this sort of broadcast records,” he said.‎ He said the noble way of pronouncing vowels (元音) had gradually lost ground as the noble upper-class accent over the past years. “Her accent sounds slightly less noble than it did 50 years ago. But these are very, very small and slow changes that we don’t notice from year to year.”‎ ‎“We may be able to relate it to changes in the social classes,” he told The Daily Telegraph, a British newspaper. “In 1952 she would have been heard saying ‘thet men in the bleck het’. Now it would be ‘that man in the black hat’. And ‘hame’ rather than ‘home’. In the 1950s she would have been ‘lorst’, but by the 1970s ‘lost’.”‎ The Queen’s broadcast is a personal message to the Commonwealth countries. Each Christmas, the 10-minute broadcast is put on TV at 3 pm in Britain as many families are recovering from their traditional turkey lunch. (传统火鸡午餐).‎ The results were published (发表) in the Journal of Phonetics.‎ ‎46. The Queen’s broadcasts were chosen for the study mainly because ______.‎ ‎    A. she has been Queen for many years ‎    B. she has a less upper-class accent now ‎    C. her speeches are familiar to many people ‎    D. her speeches have been recorded for 50 years ‎47. Which of the following is an example of a less noble accent in English?[来源:Z.xx.k.Com]‎ ‎   A. “duaty”                  B. “citee”                 C. “hame”        D. “lorst” ‎ ‎48. We may infer from the text that the Journal of Phonetics is a magazine on _________.‎ ‎     A. speech sounds                                   B. Christmas customs ‎ C. TV broadcasting                                 D. personal messages ‎49. What is the text mainly about?‎ A. The relationship between accents and social classes.‎ B. The Queen’s Christmas speeches on TV.‎ C. The changes in a person’s accent.‎ D. The recent development of the English language.[来源:学+科+网Z+X+X+K]‎ 参考答案------46-5—49、DBAC ‎*******************************************************结束 ‎(201*·广东卷)‎ In a world with limited land, water and other natural resources(资源), the harm from the traditional business model is on the rise. Actually, the past decade has seen more and more forests disppearing and the globe becoming increasingly warm. People now realize that this unheathy situation must be changed, and that we must be able to develop in sustainable(可持续的)ways. That means growth with low carbon or development of sustainable products. In other words, we should keep the healthy while using its supply of natural resources.‎ Today, sustainable development is a popular trend in many countries. According to a recent study, the global market for low-carbon energy will become three times bigger over the next decade. China, for example, has set its mind on leading that market, hoping to seize chances in the new round of the global energy resolution. It is now trying hard to made full use of wind and solar energy, and is spending a huge amount of money making electric cars and high-speed trains. In addition, we are also seeing great growth in the global markets for sustainable products such as palm oil(棕榈油), which is produced without cutting down valuabe rainforest. In recent years the markets for sustainable products have grown more than 50%.‎ Governments can fully develop the potential of these new markets. First, they can set high targets for reducing carbon emissions(排放) and targets for saving and reusing energy. Besides, stronger arrangement of public resouces like forests can also help to speed up the development. Finally, governments can avoid the huge public expenses that are taking us in the wrong direction, and redirecting some of those expenses can accerlarate the change from the traditional model to a sustainable one.‎ The major challenge of this century is to find ways to meet the needs of a growing population within the limits of this single planet. That is no small task, but it offers abundant new chances for sustainable product industries.‎ ‎41. The traditional business model is harmful because of all the following EXCEPT that____.‎ A.it makes the world warmer B. it consumes natural resouces C. it brings severe damage to future[来源:Zxxk.Com]‎ D. it makes growth hard to continue ‎42. What can we infer from Paragraph2?‎ A. China lacks wind and solar energy B. China is the leader of the low-carbon market C. High-speed trains are a low-carbon development D. Palm oil is made at the cost of valuable forests ‎43. To fully develop the low-carbon markets governments can______.‎ A. cut public expenses B. forbid carbon emission C.develop public resousces D. encourage energy conservation ‎44. We can learn from the last paragraph that business have many chances to _______.‎ A. develop sustainable products B. explore new natural resousces C. make full use of natural resousces D. deal with the major challenge ‎45. What is the main purpose of the passage?‎ A. To introduce a new business model B. To compare two business models C. To predict a change of the global markets D. To advocate sustainable development ‎【文章大意】本文是一篇议论文。文章阐述了传统经济发展模式给地球带来了许多危害。这种发展模式破坏了毁坏了森林、使全球气候变暖等。现在低碳、可持续的经济发展模式成为许多国家的发展主流方向。中国政府正在充分发挥潜能大力开发新的低耗能、低排放的新能源市场。‎ ‎41.B考查细节理解。根据第一段可知:传统经济发展模式 的危害是使全球气候变暖、不能持续发展、给未来发展造成损失。所以B正确。‎ ‎42.B考查推理判断。综合第二段的China, for example, has set its mind on leading that market, hoping to seize chances in the new round of the global energy resolution及段意可知:中国在绿色环保、低能减排的市场上成为领军国家。故选B。‎ ‎43. D考查推理判断。根据First, they can set high targets for reducing carbon emissions(排放) and targets for saving and reusing energy可知选D。‎ ‎44.A考查推理判断。根据最后一段That is no small task, but it offers abundant new chances for sustainable product industries.可知选A。‎ ‎45.D考查作者的写作意图。文章由传统经济发展模式的弊端引出可持续经济发展的模式,作者通篇阐释了可持续经济发展的模式的好处及发展方向。所以作者提倡可持续发展。‎ ‎********************************************************结束 Most of us spend our lives seeking the natural world. To this end, we walk the dog, play golf, go fishing, sit in the garden, drink outside rather than inside the pub, have a picnic, live in the suburbs, go to the seaside, buy a weekend place in the country. The most popular free time activity in Britain is going for a walk. And when joggers (慢跑者) jog, they don’t run the streets. Every one of them automatically heads to the park or the river. It is my firm belief that not only do we all need nature, but we all seek nature, whether we know we are doing so or not.‎ But despite this, our children are growing up nature-deprived (丧失). I spent my boyhood climbing trees. These days, children are robbed of these ancient freedoms, due to problems like crime, traffic, the loss of the open spaces and strange new ideas about what is best for children, that is to say, things that can be bought, rather than things that can be found.‎ The truth is to be found elsewhere. A study in the US: families had moved to better housing and the children were assessed for ADHD (多动症). Those whose housing had more natural views showed an improvement of 19%; those who had the same improvement in material surroundings but no nice view improved just 4%.‎ A study in Sweden indicated that kindergarten children who could play in a natural environment had less illness and greater physical ability than children used only to a normal playground. A US study suggested that when a school gave children access to a natural environment, the entire school would do better in studies.‎ Another study found that children play differently in a natural environment. In playgrounds,‎ ‎ children create a hierarchy (等级) based on physical abilities, with the tough ones taking the lead. But when a grassy area was planted with bushes, the children got much more into fantasy play, and the social hierarchy was now based on imagination and creativity.‎ Most bullying (恃强凌弱) is found in schools where there is a tarmac (柏油碎石) playground; the least bullying is in a natural area that the children are encouraged to explore. This reminds me unpleasantly of Sunnyhill‎ ‎School, with its hard tarmac, where I used to hang about in corners dreaming about wildlife.‎ But children are frequently discouraged from involvement with natural spaces, for health and safety reasons, for fear that they might get dirty or that they might cause damage. So, instead, the damage is done to the children themselves: not to their bodies but to their souls.‎ One of the great problems of modern childhood is ADHD, now increasingly and expensively treated with drugs. Yet one study after another indicates that contact with nature gives huge benefits to ADHD children. However, we spend money on drugs rather than on green places The life of old people is much better when they have access to nature. The most important for the growing population of old people is in quality rather than quantity of years. And study after study finds that a garden is the single most important thing in finding that quality.‎ In wider and more difficult areas of life, there is evidence to indicate that natural surroundings improve all kinds of things. Even problems with crime and aggressive behaviour are reduced when there is contact with the natural world.‎ Dr William Bird, researcher from the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, states in his study, “A natural environment can reduce violent behaviour because its process helps reduce anger and behavior that people might regret later.” Wild places need encouraging for this reason, no matter how small their contribution.[来源:1ZXXK]‎ We tend to think human beings are doing nature some kind of favour when we are protecting nature. The error here is far too deep: not only do humans need nature for themselves, but the very idea that humanity and the natural world are separable things is damaging.‎ Human beings are a species of animals. For seven million years we lived on the planet as part of nature. So we miss the natural world and long for contact with non-human life. Anyone who has patted a dog, stroked a cat, sat under a tree with a glass of beer, given or received a bunch of flowers or chosen to walk through the park on a nice day, understands that.‎ We need the wild world. It is necessary to our well-being, our health, our happiness. Without other living things around us we are less than human.‎ ‎15. What is the author’s firm belief?‎ ‎  A. People seek nature in different ways.‎ ‎  B. People should spend most of their lives in the wild.‎ ‎  C. People have quite different ideas of nature.‎ ‎  D. People must make more efforts to study nature.‎ ‎16. What does the author say people prefer for their children nowadays?   A. Personal freedom.   B. Things that are natural.   C. Urban surroundings.   D. Things that are purchased.‎ ‎17. What does a study in Sweden show?   A. The natural environment can help children learn better.   B. More access to nature makes children less likely to fall ill.   C. A good playground helps kids develop their physical abilities.   D. Natural views can prevent children from developing ADHD. 18. Children who have chances to explore natural areas ________.   A. tend to develop a strong love for science   B. are more likely to dream about wildlife   C. tend to be physically tougher in adulthood   D. are less likely to be involved in bullying 19. What does the author suggest we do to help children with ADHD?   A. Find more effective drugs for them.   B. Provide more green spaces for them.   C. Place them under more personal care.   D.Engage them in more meaningful activities. 20. In what way do elderly people benefit from their contact with nature?   A. They look on life optimistically.‎ ‎  B. They enjoy a life of better quality. ‎ C. They are able to live longer. ‎ D. They become good-humoured.‎ ‎15. A。从第一段最后一句”It is my firm belief that not only do we all need nature, but we all seek nature, whether we know we are doing so or not.”可知人们以各种形式追寻大自然,亲近大自然。‎ ‎16. D。从第二段最后一句中“things that can be bought, rather than things that can be found”可知父母现在更愿意给孩子买东西.‎ ‎17. B。从第四段第一句中 “kindergarten children who could play in a natural environment had less illness and greater physical ability”可以得出B结论。‎ ‎18. D。从第六段第一句中的“the least bullying is in a natural area that the children are encouraged to explore.”可以得出D结论。‎ ‎19. B。第八段第二句“Yet one study after another indicates that contact with nature gives huge benefits to ADHD children.”可知对多动症儿童来说,把他们置于自然环境中是最有益的。‎ ‎20. B。第九段第二句“The most important for the growing population of old people is in quality rather than quantity of years.”可以得出B结论。  ‎ ‎********************************************************结束 Vincent Van Gogh was not always an artist. In fact, he wanted to be a church minister but was sent to the Belgian mining community of Borinage in 1879. He discovered that the miners there lived with terrible working conditions and received poverty-level wages. Their families were not well fed and struggled simply to survive. He felt concerned that the small salary he received from the church allowed him to live a normal life, which, in contrast to the poor, seemed unfair.‎ ‎ A rich family in the community offered him free room and board. But Van Gogh turned down the offer, stating that it was the final temptation he must reject if he was to faithfully serve his community of poor miners. He believed that if he wanted them to trust him, he must become one of them. And if they were to learn of the love of God through him, he must love them enough to share with them.‎ ‎ He was fully aware of a wide chasm which can separate words and actions. He knew that people’s lives often speak louder and clearer than their words. Maybe it was that same knowledge that led Francis of Assisi to frequently remind his monks(修士,僧侣), “Wherever you go, preach. Use words if necessary.”‎ ‎ There are a million ways to say, “I love you,” without even saying a word! ‎ ‎5. Among the following statements of Vincent Van Gogh, which is Not true?‎ ‎ A. He was an artist. B. He wasn’t satisfied with his salary ‎ ‎ C. He thought the wages of the minors too low. D. He once worked as a minister.‎ ‎6. From the second paragraph, we know _____________.[来源:1ZXXK]‎ ‎ A. Van Gogh was crazy B. Van Gogh especially loved to teach children arts ‎ C. Van Gogh was rich D. Van Gogh deeply sympathized with the lower-class ‎7. Vincent Van Gogh rejected the offer because _____.‎ ‎ A. it was illegal for a minister B. he wanted to be a minor ‎ C. he was devoted to his job D. he was dishonest ‎8. The sentence “There are a million ways to say, ‘I love you, without even saying a word.” (the last paragraph) implies that ______.‎ ‎ A. actions speak louder than words B. silence can also show love ‎ C. there are numerous ways to express love D. saying “I love you” is useless ‎9. We can infer from the passage ____________.‎ A. our lives always speak louder and clearer than our words[K]‎ B. the miners there worked under excellent working conditions C. the ministers lived a much better and easier life than the miners at the time D. Van Gogh himself offered to work in the Belgian mining community of Borinage in 1879.‎ 参考答案 BDCAC ‎ ‎****************************************************结束

