高考高频短语集锦 超全超赞

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高考高频短语集锦 超全超赞

高考高频短语集锦 a great/good many 许多、很多 a number of 大量 ‎=a grat deal a series of 一系列、一连串 above all 最重要;首先 according to 按照;据...所说 account for 是...的原因;解释 accuse ....of 因....指责或控告 accustomed to 习惯于.....‎ adapt to 适合 add up 合计 addicted to 对.....有瘾 adjust to 适应 ahead of 在.....前面 all in all 总而言之 all the best 一切顺利 apart from 除...之外;此外 appeal to (对某人)有吸引力 ‎ (使某人)感兴趣 apply to for 申请;请示得到 as a matter of fact 事实上 as a result 结果 as far as I’m concerned 就我而言 as for 关于;至于 as if = as though 好像 as usual 照常 at an end 结束;终结 at dusk 在黄昏时刻 at ease 舒适、快活、自由自在 at midnight 在午夜 at most 至多 at present 现在、目前 at risk 处境危险 at war 处于交战状态 attach...to 认为有(重要性、意义);附上;连接 back to back 背靠背 badly off 穷的;缺少的 balanced diet 平衡膳食 be bound to do 一定或注定...‎ be dying to 极想;渴望 be scared to death 吓死了 be strict with sb. 对某人严格 be strict in sth. 对某事严格 be back on one’s feet (困境后)恢复;完全复原 be concerned about 关心、挂念 be famous for 以....而闻名 be fond of 喜爱;喜欢 be likely to 很可能,有希望 be made up of 由.....构成 be modelled after 仿造 be occupied with 忙着做.....‎ be opposed to 反对 be satisfied with 对....感到满意 be sentenced to 被判处...徒刑 be aware of 明白、意识到 be familiar with 熟悉 beaten track 被踩出来的路、‎ ‎ 常规、惯例 because of 因为、由于 before long 不久以后 belong to 属于 block out 挡住(光线)‎ blow up 使充气、爆炸 break away from 挣脱束缚、脱离 break down (机器)损坏、破坏 break out 突发、爆发 break up 打碎、分裂、解体 bring back to life 使复生、复活 bring up 抚养、培养、提出 build up 逐渐增强、建立、开发 burn to the ground 全部焚毁 burst into laughter 突然大笑 by accident = by chance 偶然、碰巧 by coincidence 巧合地 by means of 借助 call up 给.....打电话 calm down 平静、镇定下来 care about 关心、忧虑、惦念 carry on 继续、坚持 cast down 沮丧、不愉快 catch sight of 看见、瞥见 change one’s mind 改变主意 cheer up 感到高兴 come about 发生、造成 come across 偶遇 come into being 形成、产生 come to life 活跃起来 come to power 当权、上台 come up 走进、上来 come up with 提出(想法、建议)‎ concentrate on 集中注意力于.....‎ consist of 由.....组成 crowd in (想法、问题等)涌上心头,涌入脑海 cut down/off / out / up ‎ 削减、删节/切断、断绝/省略、停止做/ 切碎 date back to = date from 追溯到......;始于 day and night 日夜、昼夜 day in and day out 日复一日 deal with= do with 处理、安排 decide on 对......做出决定 defend....against 防御 depend on 依靠、依赖 die out 灭亡;逐渐消失 dig out 掘出,发现 dive into 迅速把手伸入,一心投入 divide....into 把.......分成 draw a conclusion 得出结论 dream of 梦见;梦想 dress up 穿上盛装;打扮;装饰 due to 由于.......‎ dry out 完全变干;干透 dry up (河流、井)干涸 earn one’s living 谋生 electric shock 触电、电休克 even if = even though 即使 ever since 自从 expose .....to 使显露、暴露 face to face 面对面 fall ill 生病 fade out (声音、画面)逐渐模糊;渐淡 fall in love 爱上 fed up with 受够了、饱受、厌烦 feel like (doing) 想要做......‎ first aid (对伤患者的)急救 feel/be content with 对.....满足 fit in 相适应,相融合 focus on 集中精力于 from time to time 不时,偶尔 from ....on 从......时起 generally speaking 一般来说 get along with 与.....相处;进展 get away with 收到从轻发落;(做坏事)不受惩罚 get close to 接近 get into 陷入;染上(坏习惯)‎ get the hang of 熟悉、掌握、理解 glance through 匆匆看一遍 go through 经历、经受、仔细检查、做完、浏览、查阅 get through 通过考试、打通电话 get/be tired of 对.....厌烦 give birth to 产生、分娩 give in 投降、屈服、让步 go up 上升、增长、升起 go ahead 前进、(用于祈使句)可以、往下说 ‎ hang up/ on/ over ‎ 挂断电话;搁置;拖延/不挂断;稍等;紧紧握住/笼罩;威胁 have a gift for 有.....天赋 ‎ have fun with 玩得开心 have got to 不得不;必须 hear from 接到.......的信 help out 帮助摆脱困境 hold one’s breath 屏气;屏息 join in= take part in 参加,加入 keep on 继续 keep it up 保持优秀成绩;继续干下去 keep one’s word 守信用 keep up 坚持、维持、沿袭(风俗、传统)‎ keep .....free from/of 使......免受伤害;使......不含(有害物)‎ lay eggs 下蛋 lead to 导致;造成(后果)‎ lead a .....life 过着....的生活 leave out 省去、遗漏、不考虑 leave .....alone 不管、别惹、让.....一个人待着、和......单独在一起 less than 少于 let out 发出、放走 link .... To 将....和.....联系在一起 live on 继续存在、继续生存 look ahead 向前看、为将来打算 lose face 丢脸 look down upon/on 瞧不起 lose heart 丧失勇气或信心 look forward to (doing) 期望、期待、盼望 lose sight of 看不见 lose weight 减肥 in a way 在某种程度上 in many ways 在很多方面 in addition 另外、也 in advance 提前 in amazement 震惊、惊讶 in cash 用现金、有现钱 in charge 看管、主管 in danger 在危险之中;垂危 in debt 欠债 in disguise 伪装的;假扮的 in general 总的来说 in favour of 赞成、支持 in good/ poor conditioon 状况/情况很好(坏)‎ in memory of 纪念,追念 in need 在困难中,在危急中 in need of 需要 in one’s turn 轮到某人 in order to 为了......‎ in particular 尤其;特别 in other words 换句话说 in a word 总之 in place 在适当的位置;适当 in peace 和平的;和睦的 in rags 衣衫褴褛 in relief 如释重负 in return 作为回报;回报 in ruins 严重受损;破败不堪 in search of 寻找 in the distance 在远处 in spite of 不管;不顾 = regardless of in terms of 就......来说;从....角度 in the flesh 活着的,本人 in the meantime 在此期间;与此同时 in time 及时;终于 in trouble 在危险、忧虑中 in vain 白费力气;枉费心机 make a bet 打赌 make fun of 取笑 make a difference 区别对待;有影响;起作用 make a life 习惯新的生活方式 make one’s way 前往 make one’s acquaintance 结识;与....相见 make sense 讲得通;有意义 make use of 使用;利用 make up one’s mind 下决心,决定 manage to do 设法做 mark out 画线;标出.....界线 meet with 遇到;经历;会晤 move off 离开;起程;出发 on behalf of 作为......代表 on purpose 故意 on the contrary 与此相反 on the whole 大体上;基本上 once more 再一次 or so 大约 one after another 陆续地 ought to 应该 on the one hand 一方面 on the other hand 另一方面 out of breath 上气不接下气 out of work 事业 out of order 次序颠倒;发生故障 out of question 不可能的;不值得讨论的 over and over again 反复;多次 never mind 不必担心 no wonder 难怪;不足为奇 no longer/ not .....any longer 不再.....‎ now and then 偶尔;有时 now that 既然 pack up 将.....装箱打包 pass...off as... 把某人改变或冒充成 pay attention to(doing) 注意 pick out 挑出、辨别出 pay off 得到好结果、取得成功、偿清 play a part/role in 扮演角色 play jokes on 戏弄 play a trick on 搞恶作剧、诈骗、开玩笑 prevent ...from 阻止、制止 protect...from 保护....不受(伤害) ‎ put forward 提出 put on weight 增加体重 put one’s hands on 找到 put up with 忍受 quantities of = a quantity of = in quantity = in large amounts(不可数)‎ ‎★★★关于“许多”“若干”的短语 ‎ a large /great/good number of ‎ a great/good many + 可数名词复数 ‎ a good few/ quite a few Many a / more than one + 可数名词单数+ 谓单 ‎→ More than one student is late for school.‎ ‎ a great/ good deal of ‎ ‎ a great/ large amount of + 不可数名词 ‎ quite a little ‎ a lot of/ lots of = plenty of 可数名词复数/ ‎ a great/ large quantity of = large quantities of 或不可数名词 rather than 与其;不如 rely on 依赖、依靠 refer to (doing) 涉及、参考、查阅、指的是 remind...of... 使....想起 result in 导致 rid...of 使....摆脱或除去 right away = at once 立刻、马上 ring back 回复电话 run out of 用完 ring off 挂断电话 ring up 给.....打电话 set about doing = set out to do 开始做、着手做 set down 记下、放下、登记 set off 出发、动身、使爆炸 set up 设立、建立 settle down 定居、平静下来、专心于 settle in (迁入新居、更换工作后) 安顿下来 set aside 将....放在一边、为......节省或保留(钱或时间)‎ show,,,in 带.....进来 sit around 闲坐着 slide into 快速移动、溜进 so as to do 为了做 so that 以至于、结果 sort out 分类 so...that... 如此....以至于 speed up 加速 spy on 暗中监视、侦查 squeeze out 榨出、挤出 stand for 代表、象征 star in 在.....担任主角;主演 stare at 盯着看、凝视 sweep up 打扫、横扫 strike ...into one’s heart 使.....刻骨铭心 subscribe to 同意、赞成、订购 suffer from 遭受、患病 such as = for example 例如 ‎ 用在习语中的as as soon as 一....就.....(主将从现)‎ as / so long as 只要 as if = as though 好像 as to = as for 至于;就.....而言 as much / many as 多达....‎ as far as 就....而言 → as far as I’m concerned as a matter of fact = in fact 实际上 as a result = as a result of 由于....的结果 thanks to/ owing to / due to / result from 因为 as a result of / because of 由于 ‎ work out 解决、锻炼、作出、想出、进展 up to now 直到现在 upside down 上下翻转 vary from ... To... 由...到....不等 walk the dog 遛狗 watch out for 当心、提防 watch over 看守、监视 win...back 赢回、重新获得 would rather 宁愿、宁可 with the help of 在....帮助下 take a chance 冒险 take risks = take a risk 冒险 take in 包括、吸收 take it easy 轻松、不紧张、从容 take part in 参加 take place = happen (无被动语态) 发生 take the place of 代替 take apart 拆开 take up 拿起、接受、开始、继续 team up with 与....合作 tell a lie 说谎 test out 考验出、检验完 thanks to 辛亏、由于、因为 the other day 不久前的一天 think highly of 看重、器重 to be honest 说实话 to one’s credit 为.....带来荣誉、值得赞扬、在.....名下 try out 测试、试验 turn around 转身、翻转 turn to 求助于、致力于 turn up 出现、到场 turn one’s back to 背对 ‎ 表示时间的介词短语 for the first time 第一次 at any time 在任何时候 from time to time 有时 in good time 及时地 at this point 此刻 ‎ on schedule 按时 on the instant 马上 in a flash 瞬间 in a short time 一瞬间 = in a while = In an instant ‎ in advance 提前 in the rush hour 在高峰期 in an emergency 在紧急的时候

