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‎2014高考英语阅读理解基础训练二轮精品题(5)及答案 阅读理解B A weather map is an important tool for geographers. A succession of three or four maps presents continuous picture of weather changes. Weather forecasters are able to determine the speed of air masses and fronts (气锋) to determine whether an individual pressure area is deepening or becoming shallow and whether a front is increasing or decreasing in intensity (强烈). They are also able to determine whether an air mass is retaining its original characteristics or taking on those of the surface over which it is moving. Thus, a most significant function of the map is to reveal a summary picture of conditions in the atmosphere at a given time.‎ All students of geography should be able to interpret a weather map accurately. Weather maps contain an enormous amount of information about weather conditions existing at the time of observation over a large geographical area. They reveal in a few minutes what otherwise would take hours to describe. The United States Weather Bureau issues information about approaching storms, floods, frosts and all climatic conditions in general. Twice a month it issues a 30-day “outlook” which is a rough guide to weather conditions likely to occur over broad areas of the United States. These 30-day outlooks are based upon an analysis of the upper air levels which often set the stage for development of air masses, fronts and storms.‎ Considerable effort is being exerted today to achieve more accurate weather predictions, with identifying and tracking storms over regions which have but few meteorological(气象)stations. Extensive experiments are also in progress for weather modification studies.‎ ‎6. One characteristic of weather maps NOT mentioned by the author in this passage is _____‎ A. floods B. fronts C. temperature changes D. frosts ‎7. The thirty-day forecast is determined by examining _____‎ A. daily weather maps B. upper air levels C. satellite reports D. changing fronts ‎8. The observation of weather conditions by satellites is helpful because it _____‎ A. is modern B. uses electronic instruments C. makes weather prediction easier ‎ D. shows things that would otherwise take hours to describe in a few minutes ‎9. A weather map is a summary because it _____‎ A. sums up a great deal of information B. appears daily C. shows changing fronts D. is a science book ‎10. You may possibly read this article in _____‎ A. a magazine B. newspaper C. a novel D. a science book ‎【参考答案】6—10、CBDAD 阅读理解-----D Since the 1970s, scientists have been searching for ways to link the brain with computers. Brain-computer interface (BCI) technology could help people with disabilities send commands to machines.‎ Recently, two researchers, Jose Millan and Michele Tavella from the Federal Polytechnic school in Lausanne, Switzerland, demonstrated(展示)a small robotic wheelchair directed by a person’s thoughts.‎ In the laboratory, Tavella operated the wheelchair just by thinking about moving his left or right hand and. He could even talk as he watched the vehicle and guided it with his thoughts.‎ ‎“ Our brain has billions of nerve ceils. These send signals through the spinal cord(脊髓)to the muscles to give us the ability to move. But spinal cord injuries or other conditions can prevent these weak electrical signals from reaching the muscles,” Tavella says. “Our system allows disabled people to communicate with external world and also to control devices.”‎ The researchers designed a special cap for the user. This head cover picks ‎ up the signals from the scalp(头皮) and sends them to a computer. The computer interprets the signals and commands the motorized wheelchair. The wheelchair also has two cameras that identify objects in its path. They help the computer react to commands from the brain. ‎ Prof. Millan, the team leader, says scientists keep improving the computer software that interprets brain signals and turns them into simple commands. “The practical possibilities that BCI technology offers to disabled people can be grouped in two categories: communication, and controlling devices. One example is this wheelchair.”‎ He says his team has set two goals. One is testing with real patients, so as to prove that this is a technology they can benefit from. And the other is to guarantee that they can use the technology over long periods of time.‎ ‎16. BCI is a technology that can ___________.‎ A. link the human brain with computers B. help to update computer systems ‎ C. help the disabled to recover D. control a person's thoughts ‎ ‎17. How did Tavella operate the wheelchair in the laboratory?‎ A. By controlling his muscles. B. By talking to the machine. ‎ C. By moving his hand. D. By using his mind.‎ ‎18. Which of the following shows the path of the signals described in Paragraph 5?‎ A. scalp→computer→cap→wheelchair B. computer→cap→scalp→wheelchair C. scalp→cap→computer→wheelchair D. cap→computer→scalp→wheelchair ‎19. The team will test with real patients to ___________. ‎ A. make profits from them B. prove the technology useful to them C. make them live longer D. learn about their physical ‎ condition ‎20. Which of the following would be the best title for the text?‎ A. Switzerland, the ‎BCI‎ Research ‎Center B. New Findings About How the Human Brain Works C. BCI Could Mean More Freedom for the Disabled D. Robotic Vehicles Could Help to Cure Brain Injuries ‎【参考答案】16—230、ADCBC ‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A.B.C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ A Many years ago my student asked me the question, "Mrs. Kindred, why do you teach?" Without taking time to reflect, I answered, "Because someday I might say something that might make a difference in someone's life." Even though I was sincere, that wasn't a very good answer and my student didn't let it slide. ‎ ‎"Let me get this straight," he said, "You went to college for four years so you could come here every day because you have the hope that someday you might say something that will influence someone?" He shook his head as if I were crazy and walked away looking confused. I'm one of those people who look back and wish they had said something smart or witty, or swift. ‎ Even though that particular student might no longer wonder why I teach, there are days when I wonder. On those days, I remind myself of the real reasons I teach: ‎ It's in my blood. My mother was my most influential teacher, and she was a 6th grade reading teacher until her death in 1990. She instilled (逐渐灌输) in me a love of reading and the knowledge that education opens doors. ‎ Teaching is a way to make a difference. If you throw a stone in a pond the ripples go on and on until they reach the shore. You can't have ripples without a "stone." Good teachers throw stones that make a positive difference, and that's what I try ‎ to do. ‎ I genuinely love teenagers. I want to share with others what I know and what I have learned through the years. Life is full of ups and downs, and if I can help students avoid some potholes on the road of life, I want to do so. If they'll allow me to celebrate their victories with them, I want to do too. ‎ Teaching isn't for everyone, but I know I made the right career choice.‎ ‎1. Why did the student continue to ask the question about the writer’s being a teacher?‎ ‎ A. Because he thought her answer was unbelievable.‎ ‎ B. Because the writer was insincere.‎ ‎ C. Because the student was naughty.‎ ‎ D. Because the answer was difficult to understand.‎ ‎2. What do you think of the writer?‎ ‎ A. Stupid. B. Honest. C. Conservative (保守的). D. Polite.‎ ‎3. According to the text, which of the following is NOT true?‎ ‎ A. The writer’s mother has the greatest influence on her.‎ ‎ B. The writer’s answer made the student confused.‎ ‎ C. In the writer’s opinion, some people in the world are unfit to teach.‎ ‎ D. The writer annoyed the student who asked the question.‎ ‎4. We can infer from the text that _________.‎ ‎ A. the writer was also a good teacher in school ‎ B. the writer often plays with her students beside a pond ‎ C. the writer devotes herself to teaching and her students ‎ D. the writer often accompanies the students on their way home ‎5. What’s the main idea of the text?‎ ‎ A. A student’s silly question. B. A good teacher who likes students.‎ ‎ C. A confused student. D. The reason why I teach.‎ ‎【参考答案】1—5、ABDCD ‎ 阅读理解---------C DU Lala is the hottest career coach in the country. The ‎ fictional character in the acclaimed novel Du La La’s ‎ Promotion shows others how to take the high road to success ‎ in a multinational company. But does her story describe a real ‎ or distorted picture of work life? The answer is as complicated as office life itself. ‎ Over one million copies of the book have been sold since its release in 2007. Go Lala Go!, a movie adaptation of the novel set to hit cinemas next weekend, has stirred up even more interest in the story. The film stars Xu Jinglei and Stanley Huang, but fans seem to be more excited about seeing the story unfold on the big screen. ‎ According to a recent sina.com survey, 45 percent of the 6,810 netizens polled said they have drawn career pointers from the novel. Other office novels, such as In and Out of the Loop, Win and Lose and Drowning and Floating, seem to have been received with similar interest. ‎ ‎“These books show me the life of white collars, and they teach me career rules and jargon that are not offered in class,” said Zhang Shanshan, a 22-year-old senior at Beijing‎ Forestry ‎University. Zhang says the competition, humor and office gossip in the book intrigued her. “I can’t wait to embark on my own career,” she said. ‎ The popularity of office novels does not surprise Chen Ning, a senior career consultant at Zhaopin.com. “Novels about office fights and struggles satisfy the psychological demands of an ordinary office worker,” Chen said. “The leading characters face great pressure, fierce competition and an uncertain future. This is what really happens in many readers’ daily life.” ‎ Li Ke, the author of Du Lala’s Promotion, has been stressing the significance of her fiction. “I want to provide real and useful common sense, knowledge and experience to office workers,” Li told the Qianjiang Evening News last year. ‎ Recent graduates say they have found the basic work principles highlighted in the novel to be instructive. “If these books had been published five years earlier, I might have avoided some problems,” said Xu Jun, an HR manager at Guangqi Honda Automobile Company. “They often discuss basic office principles, which are relevant for staff working under the middle management level. They also help readers to see the importance of basic problem solving and organizational skills.” ‎ But some veteran employees warn that the novels are not always realistic. They say this is especially true of the characters. “The protagonists appear to be unbeatable,” said Hou Zhendong, an HR manager at General Electric. “Du Lala’s team leader quit in an irresponsible way; her boss is inept; and the staff around her is either stupid or overly-sophisticated. Du stands out in emergencies and makes all the right decisions. The truth is, real-life colleagues are not that polarized(截然对立),” Hou said. “You seldom get to negotiate your salary with a big boss. And, most of the time, you make wrong decisions far more than you make correct ones.” ‎ The career principles in the books are also of limited use. “Most of the stories happen in Fortune 500 companies with a long history. Their cultures are well-established, and their rules are scientific,” Hou said. “But if you work for a small foreign company, or a local enterprise, some principles are useless.”‎ Liu Rui, a project manager at IBM, suggests fans of these books focus on the little bits of wisdom they provide. “The novels give rookies(新手) some inspiration,” he said. “They emphasize the importance of observation, practice and self-examination. These tips are precious and universally true.”‎ ‎8.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?‎ A. Recent graduates can learn a lot of useful career principles from the novel.‎ B. The best novel shows readers how to be promoted in various companies.‎ C. The book Go Lala Go! Sells very well.‎ D. The movie adaptation of the novel will be a massive hit at the box-office in China.‎ ‎9.What can be inferred from the passage?‎ A. Du Lala’s story reflects the true office life.‎ A. Go Lala Go! Enjoys more popularity than other office novels, such as In and Out of the Loop, Win and Lose and Drowning and Floating.‎ B. Some people argue that the story is a bit polarized.‎ C. Both rookies and veteran employees are fond of Go Lala Go!.‎ ‎10.Which of the following is the best title of the passage?‎ A. The Life of White Collars B. The Hottest Career Coach C. How to Promote in Company D. Go Lala Go! — Office Life Not All Fairytale Drama ‎【参考答案】8. B 9. C 10. D ‎ A When a “boss child” doesn’t learn limits at home, the stage is set for a host of troubles outside the family. The overly willful and unbending child may have trouble obeying teachers or coachers, for example, or trouble keeping friends. It can be pretty lonely as the top dog if no one likes your bossy ways.‎ ‎“I see more and more parents giving up their power,” says Barkley, who has studied bossy behavior for more than 30 years. They bend too far because they don’t want to be as strict as their own parents were. But they also feel less confident about their parenting skills. Their kids, in turn, feel more anxious.‎ ‎1. Bossy children like Stephen Jackson ______.‎ A. make good decisions B. show self-centeredness C. lack care from others D. have little sense of fear ‎2. The underlined phrase “inheritable trait” in paragraph 2 means ______.‎ A. inborn nature B. developed character C. accepted theory D. particular environment ‎3. The study on bossy behavior implies that parents ______.‎ A. should give more power to their children B. should be strict with their children C. should not be so anxious about their children D. should not set limits for their children ‎4. What is the passage mainly about?‎ A. How bossy behavior can be controlled. B. How we can get along with bossy children.‎ C. What leads to children’s bossy behavior. D. What effect bossy behavior brings about.‎ ‎1—4、‎

