2020届高考英语一轮复习 Unit 2 Working the land知能演练轻松闯关 新人教版必修4

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2020届高考英语一轮复习 Unit 2 Working the land知能演练轻松闯关 新人教版必修4

Unit 2 Working the land ‎ 阅读理解 A Ophelia and the Marvelous Boy by Karen Foxlee ‎ Type:Fantasy Storyline:‎ When Ophelia moves to a strange city where it never stops snowing, she discovers a boy locked away for 75 years in a museum. She must help the boy before the Snow Queen freezes the world. Along the way, Ophelia learns how to believe in things she cannot see.‎ Targeted readers:‎ People who like fairy tales would enjoy this book.‎ A Hundred Horses by Sarah Lean Type: Mystery Storyline:‎ The wooden horse Nell brings along during her visits to her aunt and cousins is stolen by a girl named Angel. As Nell finds out Angel’s true identity, a bond grows between them and a group of 99 horses. Word has it that the 100th horse is magical. But where is it? Nell doesn’t know, but Angel might know.‎ Targeted readers:‎ Kids who like animals and nature will be sure to find this book exciting.‎ How to Catch a Bogle by Catherine Jinks Type: Fantasy Storyline:‎ Birdie is an orphan who is good at trapping monsters with her singing voice. She is the only goblin(小妖精) hunter in the world. When kids go missing, it’s up to her to figure out why.‎ Targeted readers:‎ Anyone who is looking for monsters will take great pleasure in this book.‎ I Even Funnier: A Middle School Story by James Patterson and Chris Grabenstein Type: Fiction Storyline:‎ After a car accident Jamie loses his family, and then he moves in with his aunt, uncle and his cousin Stevie, whose basic aim is to trick Jamie. But Jamie keeps having a positive attitude and running after his goals. He was recently honored the Funniest Kid Comic of New York State.‎ Targeted readers:‎ ‎ This book would be great for anyone who is fond of humorous books.‎ ‎【解题导语】 本文是一篇应用文。文章介绍了四本书籍,提供了每本书的名称、作者、种类、故事情节和目标读者。‎ ‎1.Which writer tells a story about a girl saving a boy?‎ 5‎ A.Karen Foxlee.‎ B.Sarah Lean.‎ C.Catherine Jinks.‎ D.James Patterson and Chris Grabenstein.‎ A 解析:细节理解题。根据文章对第一本书的简介,尤其是第二句“She must help the boy before the Snow Queen freezes the world.”可知,在冰雪女王冰冻世界之前Ophelia必须帮助那个男孩逃离,故选A。‎ ‎2.Nature lovers may take interest in________.‎ A.Ophelia and the Marvelous Boy B.A Hundred Horses C.How to Catch a Bogle D.I Even Funnier: A Middle School Story B 解析:细节理解题。根据第二本书对目标读者的描述“Kids who like animals and nature will be sure to find this book exciting.”可知,喜欢动物和自然的孩子一定会发现这本书令人兴奋,故第二本书A Hundred Horses 符合要求,即B项正确。‎ ‎3.In which section of a newspaper can we find such a passage?‎ A.Fashion.       B.Literature.‎ C.Business. D.Local news.‎ B 解析:文章出处题。根据文章是对四本书的介绍可知,这篇文章可能来自报纸的文学版块,即B项正确。‎ B Exposed soil isn’t part of nature’s master plan. Good examples where soil is naturally found with no plants growing in are beneath freshly removed trees, or where the ground has been burnt by a land fire. In these situations bare soil isn’t bare for long; within days seedlings(芽) begin to appear and cover the ground. In a few months’ time, the scar is hardly noticeable.‎ Unlike these natural examples, ploughed(耕犁) fields and freshly dug gardens are obvious examples created by man. But, left to nature, even these bare soils soon turn green with a large number of tiny seedlings. In fields, gardens and on grasslands, roadside and sports fields, along streets and on paths and pavements, we are constantly battling to stop weeds from growing. All we are doing is stop the recovering powers of nature.‎ Whenever soil is exposed, weeds act like a kind of medicine to reduce the potentially harmful rays of the sun, so the sooner plant growth covers the soil over again, the better.‎ Weeds also help to improve the fertility(肥沃) of the soil. Their roots get the soil together, improving its structure and creating a more stable environment in which soil life can grow fast. Those weeds with a deep root draw up plant nutrients from deeper in the ground, making them available to plants growing near the soil surface. Above ground, the stems(茎)of weeds help trap fallen leaves which break down into the soil, adding to the fertility of the soil.‎ As the soil becomes more fertile, different kinds of plants start to replace the “pioneering” weeds. Bushes move in to take the place by gradually shading them ‎ 5‎ out, followed in turn by trees, which eventually push up through the bushes, finally shading them out too. Fallen leaves from the bushes and trees carry on the job of building soil fertility that was begun by those very first weeds that grew on the bare soil. Then, when one of these mature trees is removed in a storm,leaving a wound of bare soil in the earth, the whole process starts again.‎ ‎【解题导语】 人们到处阻止杂草等植物的生长,然而,它们却有助于增加土壤的肥沃度。所以,土壤和植物之间是相互促进的关系。‎ ‎4.When will soil be left bare?‎ A.A land fire has just happened.‎ B.A young tree is planted in.‎ C.No one ploughs the land.‎ D.No crops are planted in.‎ A 解析:细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Exposed soil isn’t part of nature’s master plan. Good examples...where the ground has been burnt by a land fire.”可知,刚被火烧过的土地被称作裸土。故选A项。‎ ‎5.Which of the following prevents the bare soil from recovering?‎ A.Seedlings appearing in gardens.‎ B.Reducing harmful rays of the sun.‎ C.Removing weeds from pavements.‎ D.Replacing plants in sports fields.‎ C 解析:推理判断题。根据第二段最后两句可知,人们除掉路边杂草的行为就是在阻止裸土的恢复。故选C项。‎ ‎6.What can weeds do for the soil?‎ A.They create soil life.‎ B.They help improve the soil.‎ C.They get nutrients from the sun.‎ D.They break down fallen leaves.‎ B 解析:细节理解题。根据第四段中的“Weeds also help to improve the fertility(肥沃) of the soil.”可知,杂草有助于提高土壤的肥沃度。‎ ‎7.How can the soil remain fertile after trees move in?‎ A.By adding more weeds to the soil.‎ B.By taking out the weeds constantly.‎ C.By removing the previous bushes.‎ D.By making use of the fallen leaves.‎ D 解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“Fallen leaves from the bushes and trees carry on the job of building soil fertility that was begun by those very first weeds that grew on the bare soil.”可判断D项正确。‎ 七选五 ‎(2018·宁波模拟)With today’s stressful lifestyles, it’s important to have time that you spend doing something just for the fun of it. While there are many great hobbies to choose from, the hobbies here are particularly useful in relieving stress.‎ ‎1.________‎ Whether you simply learn to take better pictures of your friends and family, or explore the world of creating true art, photography can be a great hobby. As you ‎ 5‎ practice seeing the world through the eyes of a photographer, you may begin to see things differently.‎ Gardening Gardening can be a great stress reliever for many reasons.2.________. In addition, it can also create more beautiful surroundings to come home for each day, and more.‎ Knitting Aside from helping you create beautiful gifts for yourself and others, knitting provides you with an opportunity to relieve stress. The repetitive motion can get you into an experience of “flow”,or can at least provide an outlet for nervous energy.3.________.‎ Drawing You can get in touch with your artistic side and use drawing as a way to process emotions.4.________. The end result will be something beautiful and personal that you can enjoy or share.‎ Playing the piano ‎5.________. While listening to music can probably be considered a hobby, creating music can be an even more powerful stress relieving hobby. Learning to play an instrument such as the piano can be a stress reliever for you as well as for those around you.‎ A.Laughing more, stressing less B.Exploring photography C.It can get you into the sunshine and fresh air D.Music has many health and stress relief benefits E.These suggestions can help you reduce tension in your body now F.Gradually knitting may be making you better at your day job G.Besides, it can distract you, and achieve other stress management benefits ‎【解题导语】 本文主要介绍了几种可以缓解压力的爱好。‎ ‎1.B 解析:根据本段中的“photography can be a great hobby” 可知,本段推荐的兴趣是摄影,所以选B项。‎ ‎2.C 解析:根据本段标题 Gardening 及空后一句可推知,做园艺工作可以享受阳光,呼吸新鲜空气,故选C项。‎ ‎3.F 解析:承接上文的“The repetitive motion can get you into an experience of ‘flow’,or can at least provide an outlet for nervous energy.”并结合本段标题 Knitting 可推知,编织会让人们工作得更好,所以选F项。‎ ‎4.G 解析:根据下文的“The end result will be something beautiful and personal that you can enjoy or share.” 可推知, 画画可以转移注意力,调节压力,所以选G项。‎ ‎5.D 解析:根据下文的“While listening to music can probably be considered a hobby, creating music can be an even more powerful stress relieving hobby.” 可知,音乐有利于健康,并有助于缓解压力,所以选D项。‎ 语法填空 ‎(2018·杭州诊断)The IMA Blood Bank 1.____________(set) up in 1995 with a goal that no needy patient should ever die due to lack 2.____________blood in Dehradun 5‎ ‎ and its surrounding areas.‎ Deeply 3.____________(move) by the pain and suffering of a child who was being taken to Delhi with a bleeding leg wrapped in plastic bags, 4.____________(simple) because there was no blood bank in Dehradun, Dr.Dipak started a movement to create a blood bank by engaging(联合) with the local community.5.____________began as a small activity has taken the shape of an inspiring institution of international standards.Due to the huge voluntary support from the local people, the blood bank has enough blood to function round 6.____________clock to serve the local patients.‎ ‎7.____________(help) more people in India, the IMA Blood Bank has also developed a team to educate the public about blood donation.They are trying to make people understand that donating blood is one of the highest 8.____________(form) of charity.It can be donated by almost any adult who is 9.____________(health).It is safe to donate every three to six months because blood is recovered very quickly in the body.‎ Meanwhile, the media plays a major role in 10.____________(create) a higher level of awareness about blood donation.This will encourage more and more people to donate blood voluntarily.‎ ‎【解题导语】 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了IMA血库建立的目的以及运转情况。‎ ‎1.was set  解析:考查动词的时态和语态。分析句子结构可知,动词set与主语“The IMA Blood Bank”之间是被动关系;又因为时间状语是“in 1995”,所以用一般过去时的被动语态。故用was set。‎ ‎2.of 解析:考查介词。此处是介词用于固定短语中,lack of sth.意为“缺少,缺乏”。故用of。‎ ‎3.moved 解析:考查非谓语动词。根据句型结构分析可知,动词move与句子的主语“Dr. Dipak”之间是被动关系,即Dr. Dipak被深深地感动了,所以用过去分词作状语,表示被动。故用moved。‎ ‎4.simply 解析:考查词性转换。simple是形容词,意为“简单的”;simply是副词,意为“简单地,仅仅”。分析句子结构可知,此处应用副词修饰原因状语从句,意为“仅仅因为……”。故用simply。‎ ‎5.What 解析:考查名词性从句。根据句型结构分析可知,“________began as a small activity”是一个主语从句,从句中缺少主语,所以用what;又因为是句首,所以要注意首字母大写。故用What。‎ ‎6.the 解析:考查冠词。此处是定冠词用于固定短语中,round the clock意为“日夜不停地”。故用the。‎ ‎7.To help 解析:考查非谓语动词。此处是动词不定式置于句首,表示目的。故用To help。注意首字母大写。‎ ‎8.forms 解析:考查名词复数。form是可数名词,意为“形式”。因为form前有“one of”修饰,所以要用复数形式。故用forms。‎ ‎9.healthy 解析:考查词性转换。health是名词,意为“健康”;healthy是形容词,意为“健康的”。be 动词后接形容词作表语。故用healthy。‎ ‎10.creating 解析:考查非谓语动词。create在此处作介词“in”后面的宾语,所以要用动名词的形式。故用creating。‎ 5‎

