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课 题 非谓语动词 学习目标 掌握不定式、分词、动名词在句子中的作用 考点及考试要求 掌握不定式、动名词作宾语,不定式和分词作宾补的惯用结构、时态形式 教学内容 ‎【知识框架图】‎ ‎【知识点回顾】‎ 难度系数:D 动词除了在句子中充当谓语外,还具有名词、形容词及副词的性质动词的非谓语形式,可在句中作主语、表语、宾语、定语、补语和状语等,称作非谓语动词,包括动词不定式、分词和动名词。‎ 考点要求:‎ ‎1、掌握不定式、分词、动名词在句子中的作用 ‎2、区分不定式、分词作定语和状语的异同 ‎3、掌握不定式、动名词作宾语,不定式和分词作宾补的惯用结构 ‎4、注意非谓语动词与句子谓语动词的时间关系,以确定非谓语动词的时态形式 ‎5、弄清非谓语动词与其逻辑主语的关系,以确定非谓语动词的语态形式 一、动词不定式 动词不定式的基本形式是“to+动词原形”,有时可以不带to。动词不定式没有人称和数的变化,在句子中不能作谓语,但可以担任主语、表语、宾语、状语和宾语补足语。动词不定式仍保留动词的一些特点。‎ ‎(一)动词不定式的特征及用法 ‎1.动词不定式的构成及特征 ‎“to +动词原形”构成动词不定式,是一种非谓语形式,在句子中不能作谓语,没有人称和数的变化,它具有名词、形容词和副词的特征。‎ ‎2.动词不定式的用法 动词不定式具有名词、形容词和副词的特征,在句子中可以作主语、表语、宾语、定语和状语。‎ 1. 作主语 例如:To learn English well is not easy.‎ ‎ 或 It is not easy to learn English well.‎ 动词不定式作主语时,往往用it作形式主语,这种句型可归纳为下面的句型:‎ It is + adj.+ 动词不定式 如果要说明不定式的动作执行者,可以用for It is + adj.+ for sb. to do sth.‎ 2. 作表语 My wish is to become a teacher.‎ 3. 作宾语 Most of us like to watch football matches.‎ 4. 作宾语补足语 He told me to be here on time.‎ 1. 作定语 I have nothing to say about that thing.‎ 2. 作状语 He stopped to have a look.‎ ‎3.动词不定式的否定形式 动词不定式的否定形式not + to + 动词原形 例如: He asked me not to make such a mistake.‎ ‎4.动词不定式与疑问词连用 疑问代词who, what, which和疑问副词when, where, how, why等后面可以接动词不定式,构成动词不定式短语,可以在句子中作主语、宾语、表语等成分。‎ 例如:(1) He doesn’t know how to use the machine.‎ ‎ (不定式作宾语)‎ ‎ (2) How to use the machine is a question.‎ ‎ (不定式作主语)‎ ‎ (3) The question is when to go there.‎ ‎ (不定式作表语)‎ ‎(二)动词不定式的时态和被动形式 动词不定式是非谓语动词的一种,由不定式符号(to)加动词原形构成。不定式的形式有五种:‎ 1. 一般式to do 例如:I like to read English.‎ 2. 进行式to be doing 例如:He seemed to be reading something at that time.‎ 3. 完成式to have done 例如:He seemed to have cleaned the room.‎ 4. 被动式to be done 例如:The work is to be done soon.‎ 5. 完成被动式to have been done 例如:The boy is said to have been sent to hospital yesterday.‎ 二、分词 分词是动词非谓语形式的一种,包括现在分词和过去分词。现在分词表示:主动,动作正在进行。过去分词表示:被动,动作已经完成。‎ ‎(一)分词的作用 分词在句中可以作定语、表语、状语和宾语补足语。例如:‎ ‎1.作定语 Do you know the boy standing at the gate?‎ Have you read the book written by Lu Xun?‎ ‎2.作表语 We are excited at the news.‎ The news he told us is exciting.‎ ‎3.作宾语补足语 I heard him singing a song in the classroom.‎ We found the ground covered with snow.‎ ‎4.作状语 While lying in bed, he listened to some music.‎ Seen from the hill, the village looks move beautiful.‎ 分词作状语时,它的逻辑主语就是句子的主语,否则分词前面必须有自己的主语。‎ ‎(二)分词的时态 现在分词分一般式和完成式,而过去分词则没有时态形式的变化。‎ 现在分词的一般式表示动作与谓语动词同时发生,或在谓语动词之前发生。例如:‎ Knowing his uncle would come, he began to make some preparations.‎ 现在分词的完成时,表示的动作发生在谓语动词表示的动作之前。常用作状语。例如:‎ Having finished his homework, he went to bed.‎ ‎(三)现在分词的被动式 被动一般式 being done 被动完成式 having been done This is one of the new supermarkets being built in our city. ‎ Having been told many times, he was able to operate the machine.‎ ‎(四)分词的否定形式 分词的否定式,由not+分词构成,例如:‎ Not having heard the news. I wrote to him again.‎ Not knowing how to work out the maths problem, I went to the teacher for help.‎ ‎(五)分词独立主格结构 当分词的逻辑主语与主句的主语不同时,带逻辑主语的分词短语成为独立主格结构,在句法功能上起状语作用。例如:‎ Weather permitting, they will go and visit the science museum. The meeting being over, they all left the room.‎ 三、动名词 ‎ 动名词是动词非谓语形式的一种,由动词加ing构成。动名词既有动词特征,也有名词特征。‎ ‎ 动名词在句中可以作主语、表语、宾语和定语。例如:‎ ‎⑴ Smoking does great harm to people’s health.‎ ‎ (作主语)‎ ‎⑵ My job is looking after children.‎ ‎ (作表语)‎ ‎⑶ I have finished reading the novel.‎ ‎ (作宾语)‎ ‎⑷ We have got a swimming pool in our school.‎ ‎ (做定语)‎ ‎ 动名词的否定形式由not +动名词构成。例如:‎ ‎ He made me angry by not taking the medicine.‎ ‎ 动名词的复合结构由名词所有格或物主代词加上动名词构成。例如:‎ ‎ Would you mind my opening the door?‎ ‎ 动名词的一般式,表示的动作可以与谓语动词同时发生或在前,或在后。‎ 例如:‎ ‎ We all enjoy listening to music.(同时发生)‎ ‎ Do you remember meeting me there?(在谓语动词前发生)‎ ‎ 动名词的完成式表示在谓语动词之前完成的动作。例如:‎ ‎ I regret not having been taken to the Great Wall when I was a child.‎ ‎ She attended the party without being invited.‎ ‎【课堂练习】‎ 一、选择题 ‎1.(2010·潍坊中考)At least 300 million people are using QQ_______ by Ma Huateng to chat on line.‎ A. create B. creates C. creating D. created ‎【解析】选D ‎2.(2010·成都中考)—Where’s your brother now, Bob?‎ ‎ --I saw him _______in the street a moment ago and I told him_________.‎ A. playing ; don’t do so B. playing; not to so C. play; to do so ‎【解析】选B ‎3.(2010·通化中考)The woman made his son_____ finally after she told him some jokes.‎ A. laughed B. to laugh C. laugh D. laughing ‎【解析】选C ‎4.(2010·河南中考)Father often tells me too much time on computer games.‎ ‎ A. don’t spend B. not spend C. not to spend D. not spending ‎【解析】选C ‎5.(2010·黄冈中考)—How would your family like to travel?‎ ‎ --It’s a problem in my family. Mother prefers to take a bus to travel, while father always sticks ______to travel.‎ A. to drive B. to driving C. driving D. drive ‎【解析】选B ‎6.(2010·聊城中考)The teachers often tell their pubils ________ across the road when the traffic light is red.‎ A. not go B. not to go C. don’t go D. didn’t go ‎【解析】选B ‎7.(2010·陕西中考)Don’t forget _________an umbrella _______you.It’s going to rain.‎ A. to take; to B.taking;to take;with D.taking;with ‎【解析】选C ‎8.(2010·梧州中考)English is very important,so I practice________it very hard.‎ A.speaks speak C.speaking D.speak ‎【解析】选C ‎9.(2010·莱芜中考)Most of the young people enjoy ______ Jay Chou's songs.‎ ‎ A.sing B.sang C.singing sing ‎【解析】选C ‎10.(2010·哈尔滨中考)As teenagers, we’re old enough ________ with housework. We can help ‎ set the table, wash the dishes and clean our own rooms.‎ ‎ A. to help B. helping C. helped ‎【解析】选A ‎11. (2009·德州中考) When he arrived at the office, he found all the workers ________.‎ A. working B. work C. to work D. worked ‎ ‎【解析】选A。find sb. doing sth.表示“发现某人正在做某事”。‎ ‎12. (2009·宁夏中考) She won’t let her daughter _________ by the river.‎ A. play B. plays C. to play D. playing ‎【解析】选A ‎ ‎13. (2009·齐齐哈尔中考) -Would you mind my _________ here?‎ ‎-Sorry, you’d better not.‎ A. smoke B. to smoke C. smoking ‎【解析】选C。三个选项是动词smoke的三种形式,结合问句中的“Would you mind”可排除A、B二项。“Would you mind me/my doing...?”句型,表示“我做……你介意吗?”。‎ ‎14. (2009·潍坊中考) –Would you like to go fishing with me?‎ ‎-I don’t feel like it. I would rather _________ at home and have a sleep.‎ A. stay B. to stay C. staying D. stayed ‎【解析】选A ‎【真题剖析】‎ ‎15. (2009·锦州中考) When we practice speaking English, we often end up _________ in Chinese. ‎ A. to speak    B. speaking    C. spoken     D. speak ‎【解析】选B。end up doing sth.表示“结束做某事”,故正确答案为B。‎ ‎16. (2009·绍兴中考) –Is Jack in the library?‎ ‎-Maybe. I saw him _________ out with some books just now.‎ A. going B. go C. to go D. went ‎【解析】选B。由关键词saw him可知联想到see sb. do sth.和see sb. doing sth.两个句式。结合提中所给信息just now可知题意为“我刚才看见他带着一些书出去了”,表示“看见某人做过某事”要用see sb. do ‎ sth.,do为省略to的动词不定式,故选B。‎ ‎17. (2009·雅安中考) Sam likes cars. He enjoys _________ all kinds of model cars.‎ A. collects B. collecting C. to collect D. collected ‎【解析】选B ‎18. (2009·广东中考) The old man is ill and he doesn’t feel like _________.‎ A. to eat something B. to eat anything C. eating something D. eating anything ‎【解析】选D。feel like后面接动词时要用动词-ing形式,先排除A、B二项;另在否定句中要用anything,故舍C选D。‎ ‎19. (2009·兰州中考) Why not _________ your teacher for help when you can’t finish ________ it by yourself?‎ A. ask; write B. to ask; writing C. ask; writing D. asking; write ‎【解析】选C。why not后面接省略to的动词不定式,即动词原形,先排除B、D二项;另finish后面接动词时要接动词-ing形式,故舍A选C。‎ ‎20. (2009·深圳中考) -How about _________ in the river with us? -Sorry I can’t. My parents often tell me _________ that. A. swim, don’t do     B. swim, to do C. swimming, not do     D. swimming, not to do 【解析】选D。介词about后面接动词时用动名词形式,先排除A、B二项;另tell sb. not to do sth.表示“告诉某人不要做某事”,故舍C选D。‎ ‎21. (2009·宿迁中考) The young man used to ________ to work, but he is used to ________ to work now. ‎ A. drive; walking B. drove; walked C. drive; walks D. driving; walk ‎【解析】选A。used to意为“过去常常……”,后面接动词原形,先排除B、D二项;另be used to意为“习惯……”,其中to是介词,后面接动名词,故舍C选A。‎ ‎22. (2008·乌兰察布中考) –Where’s Mr. Yu, do you know? ‎ ‎-Well, it’s hard to say. But I heard him _________ loudly here just now.‎ A. was reading B. reading C. had read D. to read ‎【解析】选B。hear sb. doing sth.表示“听见某人正在做某事”,而hear sb. do sth.表示“听见某人做过或经常做某事”。结合题意可选B。‎ ‎23. (2008·黄石中考) –Why are you so worried?‎ ‎-I had my MP4 ________ yesterday.‎ A. steal B. stole C. stealing D. stolen ‎ ‎【解析】选D。“have+宾语+过去分词”结构中的宾语与其后的过去分词为被动关系,表示“请/让别人做某事 (自己不参与) ”,分析题意可选出正确答案为D。‎ ‎24. (2008·自贡中考) -What about hiking this Sunday?‎ ‎-Great. I’d like with you.‎ A. to go, going B. going, going C. going, to go ‎【解析】选C。what about后面接动词时要用动词-ing形式,I’d like to do sth.表示“我想要做某事”。故正确答案为C。‎ ‎25. (2008·黄冈中考) –How do you feel when watching the national flag going up?‎ ‎-It makes me ________ very proud.‎ A. felt B. to feel C. feeling D. feel ‎【解析】选D。本题考查省略to的动词不定式。make sb. do sth.表示“使得某人做某事”,do为省略to的动词不定式。‎ ‎26. (2008·重庆中考)During the Spring Festival, the heavy snow stopped many people from _________ back home.‎ A. go B. goes C. went D. going ‎【解析】选D。本题考查动名词的用法。stop sb. from doing sth.表示“阻止某人做某事”。‎ ‎27. (2008·黄石中考) –Why are you so worried?‎ ‎-I had my MP4 ________ yesterday.‎ A. steal B. stole C. stealing D. stolen ‎ ‎【解析】选D ‎28. (2008·山西中考) -_________ you _________ take a bus to school?‎ ‎-Yes.But now I usually go to school on foot.‎ A. Did; use to B. Were; used to C. Do; use to ‎ ‎【解析】选A。结合关键信息“Yes”和“But now I usually go to school on foot.”可推断出上句题意为“你过去常常乘公共汽车上学吗?”,故要用used to的一般疑问句,排除B、C二项,选A。‎ ‎29. (2008·乌兰察布中考) –Where’s Mr. Yu, do you know? ‎ ‎-Well, it’s hard to say. But I heard him _________ loudly here just now.‎ A. was reading B. reading C. had read D. to read ‎【解析】选B ‎30. (2008·莆田中考) If you feel tired, you may stop ________.‎ A. have a rest B. to have a rest C. having a rest ‎ ‎【解析】选B。stop doing sth.表示“停止做正在做的事情”,而stop to do ‎ sth.表示“停止做正在做的事情开始做另外一件事”。‎ ‎31. (2008·咸宁中考) -_________ did you tell him about the news?‎ ‎-By ________ an e-mail.‎ A. How; sending B. How; send C. How; sent D. What; sending ‎【解析】选A ‎32. (2008·莱芜中考) -You aren’t a stranger, are you?‎ ‎-_________, don’t you remember _________ me at the school gate ten minutes ago?‎ A. Yes; to see B. No; seeing C. No; saw D. Yes; seeing ‎【解析】选B。remember doing sth.表示“记得做过某事”,remember to do sth.表示“记得将要做某事”,结合关键信息don’t you remember和ten minutes ago可确定答案为B。‎ ‎33. (2008·漳州中考) –In the movie Love Me Once More, Mom is moving. ‎ ‎-Yes. Every time I see it, I can’t help _________. ‎ A. cry B. crying C. to cry D. cried ‎ ‎【解析】选B。can’t help doing sth.表示“忍不住做某事”。‎ ‎34. (2008·宿迁中考) The words that we should pay attention to ________ on the blackboard.‎ A. being written B. are written C. is writing D. writing ‎【解析】选D。pay attention to后面接动词要用动词-ing形式。‎ ‎35. (2008·泰州中考) She used to _________ with her parents, but now she is used to ________ with her classmates at school.‎ A. live; living B. live; live C. living; living D. living; live ‎【解析】选A ‎36. (2008·北京中考)-Linda, when shall we take a walk?‎ ‎-After I finish ________ the dishes.‎ A. wash B. washed C. to wash D. washing ‎ ‎【解析】选D。finish后面接动词时要用动词-ing形式。‎ ‎【知识点迁移】‎ 英语词类与句子成分关系图:‎ ‎ 句子成分 词类或短语 主语*‎ 谓语 宾语*‎ 表语*‎ 定语*‎ 状语*‎ 宾语 ‎ 补足语 名词 ‎√√√‎ ‎×‎ ‎√√√‎ ‎√√‎ ‎√‎ ‎×‎ ‎√‎ 代词 ‎√√√‎ ‎×‎ ‎√√√‎ ‎√√‎ ‎√√‎ ‎×‎ ‎×‎ 形容词 ‎×‎ ‎×‎ ‎×‎ ‎√√√‎ ‎√√√‎ ‎×‎ ‎√√‎ 数词 ‎√‎ ‎×‎ ‎√‎ ‎√‎ ‎√√√‎ ‎×‎ ‎√‎ 动 词 时态语态形式 ‎×‎ ‎√√√‎ ‎×‎ ‎×‎ ‎×‎ ‎×‎ ‎×‎ 动词不定式 ‎√√‎ ‎×‎ ‎√√‎ ‎√‎ ‎√‎ ‎√√‎ ‎√√√‎ 动名词 ‎√√‎ ‎×‎ ‎√√√‎ ‎√‎ ‎√‎ ‎×‎ ‎×‎ 动词现在分词 ‎×‎ ‎×‎ ‎×‎ ‎√‎ ‎√‎ ‎√√‎ ‎√√√‎ 动词过去分词 ‎×‎ ‎×‎ ‎×‎ ‎√‎ ‎√‎ ‎√√‎ ‎√√‎ 副词 ‎×‎ ‎×‎ ‎×‎ ‎√‎ ‎√‎ ‎√√√‎ ‎√‎ 介词短语 ‎×‎ ‎×‎ ‎×‎ ‎√√‎ ‎√‎ ‎ √√‎ ‎√‎ ‎ [注释] 1、“√”表示某种词类可以充当某个成分, “√√”表示某种词类经常充当某个成分, “√√√”表示某种词类最经常充当某个成分。 “×”表示某种词类不能充当某个成分。‎ ‎ 2、“ * ”表示该成分可以由从句充当,如主语从句、宾语从句、状语从句等。‎ ‎【课堂小结】‎ 复习时需注意的要点 1. 动词不定式一般式表示的动作可能与谓语动词的动作同时发生,也可能在其之后发生。‎ 例如:I saw the young man enter the house.(同时发生)‎ ‎ I hope to go there next time.(之后发生)‎ ‎2.不定式完成式表示不定式的动作在谓语动词之前发生。‎ 例如:I’m sorry to have broken your glasses.‎ ‎3.不定式进行式表示不定式的动作,与谓语动词同时发生。‎ 例如:When he came in, I happened to be reading at the table.‎ ‎4.不定式的被动式有两种形式:to be done表示将要被做,to have been done表示已被做。‎ 例如:The new cinema to be put up next year will be very large.‎ The cinema is said to have been built last year.‎ ‎5. 在表示情绪的动词,如like, love, hate, prefer等后,用动名词作宾语表示一般倾向,用不定式表示特定某事。但在would/should like/love/prefer后要用不定式 ‎ 例如:I hate eating the same food every day.‎ ‎ Would you like to watch TV in the evening?‎ ‎6. 在动词need, want, require后用动名词表示被动含义,相当于动词不定式的被动式;而用动词不定式的主动式表示主动含义。‎ ‎ 例如:The house needs cleaning. = The house needs to be cleaned.‎ ‎ He needs to clean the house first.‎ ‎7. 在介词后一般用动名词作宾语,但在少数介词,如but, except后用动词不定式作宾语,但要注意“to”的省略,如but前有“do”则省去“to”。‎ ‎ 例如:I have done nothing but help him with his luggage.‎ ‎ I have no choice but to wait for him at the bus stop.‎ ‎8. 分词的完成式一般不用来作定语,因此,要表示完成主动的意思常用定语从句。‎ 例如:The accident which happened yesterday was very serious.‎ ‎9. 如果分词短语的逻辑主语与句子不是相同的,则要用从句或分词独立主格结构来表示。‎ ‎ 例如:Weather permitting, we will go to the Center Park.‎ ‎10. 分词作状语时, 分词的逻辑主语要与句子的主语相一致。若它们之间的关系是主谓关系,用现在分词,而动宾关系则用过去分词。如果分词的动作先于谓语,分词要用完成时。‎ ‎ 例如:Having finished his composition, he went home.‎ ‎ While looking through the paper, he found some errors.‎ ‎【课后作业】‎ ‎( )1. More and more young people are trying to do something the old.‎ ‎ A. served B. to serve C. serve D. serves ‎( )2. Don't forget to "Thank you!" when someone opens the door for you.‎ ‎ A. tell B. say C. speak D. talk ‎( )3. It's a good habit a walk after dinner. A. to come B. to be C. to take D. to go ‎( )4. We saw a UFO on the square in my dream. A. to drop B. land C. wear D. to fly ‎( )5. --Don't forget my parents when you are in Beijing. --OK! I won't ‎ ‎ A. to see B. sees C. seeing ‎( )6. The teacher asked Ben a difficult question in class.‎ A. answer B. answering C. to answer D. answered ‎( )7. Frank's mother told him too much sugar because it is bad for his teeth.‎ ‎ A. to eat B. not to eat C. eat ‎( )8. --Why did you buy a radio? -- English.‎ ‎ A. Learn B. Learning C. To learn D. Be learning ‎( )9. A mobile phone of this type costs too much. You'd better ‎ ‎ A. wait B. waiting C. waited D. to wait ‎( )10. --May I listen to the music here, Mr. White? --Sorry, you'd better it like that.‎ ‎ A. not to do B. not do C. don't do D. not do to ‎ ‎( )11. -Do you know Neil Armstrong? —Yes, He is the first man on the moon. ‎ ‎ A. walk B. walks C. to walk D. walked ‎ ‎( )12. Why not your teacher for help when you can't finish it by yourself?‎ ‎ A. ask; write B. to ask; writing C. ask; writing D. asking; write ‎( )13. If people cutting down the forest, they will have nowhere ‎ ‎ A. keep; to live in B. will keep; to live in C. keep; to live D. will keep; to live ‎( )14. –I saw Ann a green dress at the school meeting. ‎ ‎-- I think she looks better red. ‎ A. dressed; in B. put on; wear C. wearing; in D. wear; put on ‎( )15. She couldn't her words by the students.‎ A. get; understanding B. get; understood C. make; to understand D. make; understand ‎( )16. --I can't decide . --You mean the purple sweater or the blue one?‎ ‎ A. how to go there B. who to go with C. where to visit D. which to choose ‎( )17. Please don't forget the room while I am away in Beijing.‎ ‎ A. clean B. to clean C. cleaned D. cleaning ‎( )18. When we practice speaking English, we often end up in Chinese.‎ ‎ A. to speak B. speaking C. spoken D. speak ‎( )19. The girl was often heard happily in her room.‎ ‎ A. sing B. to sing C. singing D. sings ‎( )20. Doctors tell people their hands often and to stay home if they feel ill.‎ ‎ A. to wash B. washes C. wash D. washing ‎( )21. Peter is busy at school, but he never forgets exercise every day.‎ ‎ A. working; doing B. working; to do C. at work; doing ‎( )22. You'd better too much time playing computer games.‎ ‎ A. don't spend B. not to spend C. to not spend D. not spend ‎( )23. If I were a teacher, I would allow my students to by themselves.‎ ‎ A. make a living B. make decisions C. make much noise ‎( )24. --Shall we stay at home watching TV tonight? --No, I'd like and see a movie. ‎ A. to go B. go C. went D. going ‎( )25. --Have you seen the TV play My Ugly Mother?‎ ‎--Yes, it's well worth . It' s moving that I've seen it twice.‎ ‎ A. seeing; too B. to see; enough C. seeing; so D. 1o see; such ‎( )26. --I'm very tired these days because of studying for physics.‎ ‎ --Why not music. It can make you ___________.‎ ‎ A. listen to; relaxed B. to listen to; to relax C. listening to; relax D. listened to; relax ‎( )27. Stop a noise in the library. The students are reading books.‎ ‎ A. make B. to make C. makes D. making ‎( )28. --Would you mind my little sister while I am away?--Of course not.‎ ‎ A. looking for B. looking at C. looking after D. looking forward to 答案:‎ BBCBA CBCAB CCCCB DBBBA BDBAC ADC ‎1. —Are you enjoying ________ in Changsha?‎ ‎—Yes, I am. Very much.‎ A. to live B. living C. lives D. lived ‎2. —It’s too hot. Would you mind ________ the window?‎ ‎—Of course not. Please do it now.‎ A. to open B. opening C. opens D. opened ‎3. —Could you give us a hand, please?‎ ‎—Sure. What would you like me ________?‎ A. do B. does C. to do D. doing ‎4. So much work usually makes him ________ very tired.‎ A. to feel B. feels C. feeling D. feel ‎5. She feels like ________TV.‎ A. watches B. watch C. watching D. to watch ‎6. Would you please ________ some water with you? It’s so hot today, and you’ll feel thirsty.‎ A. to take B. take C. not take D. taking ‎7. Please stop ________ a rest if you feel tired.‎ A. to have B. having C. have D. has ‎8. You’d better ________ football in the street.‎ A. not paly B. playing           C. not to play D. play ‎9. —Remember ________ him about it before he goes away.‎ ‎—Sure, I will.‎ A. tell B. to tell C. telling D. to telling ‎10. We must keep the classroom ________.‎ A. clean B. to clean C. cleaning D. cleaned ‎11. —I’m sorry to have kept you______.‎ ‎—It doesn’t matter. I’ve just come.‎ A. wait B. waited           C. waiting D. to wait ‎12. It is better to teach a man fishing than ________ him fish.‎ A. to give B. giving C. of find D. finding ‎13. — Jack seems like a good student.‎ ‎— He is always the first________ his work.‎ A. finishes B. finishing C. finished D. to finish ‎14. I often hear her ________ this song in the classroom after class.‎ A. sing B. to sing                    C. singing D. sings ‎15. They are busy ________ the old car.‎ A. with mend B. mend                      C. to mend D. mending ‎【参考答案】 ‎ ‎1. B。这组对话的意思是:“你喜欢住在长沙吗?”“非常喜欢。” 该题测试动词的的-ing形式的用法。动词enjoy后面要接动词的-ing形式。‎ ‎2. B。这组对话的意思是:“天太热,开一下窗户您介意吗?”“当然不会介意了,请开吧。” 该题测试动词的-ing形式的用法。根据mind后面要接动词的-ing 形式,就可确定答案。‎ ‎3. C。这组对话的意思是:“请问,你能帮个忙吗?”“当然,你们要我做什么?”该题测试动词不定式的用法。动词would like, want, ask, order, tell等后面要接带to的动词不定式作宾语补足语。‎ ‎4. D。此题易误选为A或B。如果把这里的make 当作实义动词,那么就很可能想到用动词不定式来作目的状语;有些人误认为这里的feel是用来作谓语动词就选择了B项。其实,这里的make是使役动词后面常用省去to的动词不定式作宾语补足语,意为“使某人(某物)做某事”。正确答案为D。‎ ‎5. C。此题易误选为D。这是由于思维定势造成的,因为would like后面接动词时要用其动词不定式,like后面既可接动词不定式或动词的ing形式,所以受思维定势的影响部分考生会选到D这个答案。其实,feel like中的like是介词,后面接动词时要用其ing形式。正确答案为C。‎ ‎6. B。此题易误选为A或C。这是由于思维定势或忽略语境引起的,因为would you like …后面常接动词不定式,那么很多同学认为would you please …后面也要接动词不定式。其实,would you please后面常接省去to的动词不定式。一些同学知道这个知识点,但是忽略了It’s so hot today, and you’ll feel thirsty这句话,就误选为C。正确答案为B。‎ ‎7. A。考查stop to do sth与stop doing sth的用法区别。stop to do sth意为“停下来去做某事”;stop doing sth意为“停止做某事”。‎ ‎8. A。had better do sth的否定式是had better not do sth.‎ ‎9. B。考查remember to do sth 和remember doing sth的用法区别。前者表示“记住做某事”,即不要忘了做某事;后者表示“记得曾经做过某事”。‎ ‎10. A。“keep + n. + adj.”表示“使处于某种状态”,形容词作宾语补足语。‎ ‎11. C。 keep sb doing sth作“使某人一直在做某事”解。题意是“对不起,让你久等了”。‎ ‎12. A。不定式短语作主语,由前面的to teach a man finishing确定。‎ ‎13. D。不定式作后置定语。意为“他总是第一个完成工作的”。‎ ‎14. A。考查非谓语动词。hear sb doing sth听到某人在做某事;hear sb do sth听到某人做某事(指全过程或经常发生)。‎ ‎15. D。考查非谓语动词。固定搭配:忙于做某事be busy doing sth或be busy with +名词。‎ ‎【板书设计】‎ 非谓语知识点分类 1, 不定式 2, 动名词 3, 分词 真题讲解 1, 句子分析 2, 固定搭配 生词、练习 ‎【情感价值教育分享】‎ There was once a farmer who had a fine olive(橄榄树) orchard(果园) . He was very hardworking, and the farm always prospered under his care. But he knew that his three sons despised(轻视,看不起) the farm work, and were eager to make wealth, trough adventure.‎ When the farmer was old, and felt that his time had come to die, he called the three sons to him and said, "My sons, there is a pot of gold hidden in the olive orchard. Dig for it, if you wish it."‎ The sons tried to get him to tell them in what part of the orchard the gold was hidden; but he would tell them nothing more.‎ After the farmer was dead, the sons went to work to find the pot of gold; since they did not know where the hiding-place was, they agreed to begin in a line, at one end of the orchard, and to dig until one of them should find the money.‎ They dug until they had turned up the soil from one end of the orchard to the other, round the tree-roots and between them. But no pot of gold was to be found. It seemed as if someone must have stolen it, or as if the farmer had been wandering(漫游,闲逛)in his wits. The three sons were bitterly disappointed to have all their work for nothing.‎ The next olive season, the olive trees in the orchard bore more fruit than they had ever given; when it was sold, it gave the sons a whole pot of gold.‎ And when they saw how much money had come from the orchard, they suddenly understood what the wise father had meant when he said, "There is gold hidden in the orchard. Dig for it, if you wish it."‎ 从前有一个农民,他有一座漂亮的橄榄园。他非常勤劳,而且农场在他的照管下蒸蒸日上。可他知道自己的三个儿子瞧不起农活,都迫不及待的想通过冒险发家致富。‎ 这个农民上了年岁,感到死期快要来临时,将三个儿子叫到身边说:“儿子们,橄榄园里藏有一罐金子。你们想要,就去挖吧。”‎ 儿子们想让父亲告诉他们金子藏在果园的那一块地方,可他什么也没再给他们说。‎ 那个农民死后,三个儿子就开始挖地,想找到那罐金子;因为他们不知道金子藏在什么地方,所以他们一致同意排成一行从果园的一头开始挖起,知道其中一人挖到金子为止.‎ 他们挖啊挖,从果园的一头一直挖到了另一头,果树周围和果树之间也都挖到了,可还是没有找到那罐金子。看来一定是有人已经把那罐金子头走了,要么就是他们的父亲一直在异想天开。三个儿子对他们白干了一场,感到大失所望。‎ 到了第二年的橄榄季节,果园里的橄榄树接出的果子比以往的都多;卖完果子后,三个儿子赚了整整一罐金子。‎ 他们从果园里得到这么多钱后,突然明白了聪明的父亲所说的“果园里藏有金子,想要就去挖吧”这句话的含义。‎

