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‎ 练习一 The Vieira family moved to the United States in 1981.At that time,they decided to stop s__1__ Spanish at home and only communicate in English.This was b__2__ they were now living in an Englishspeaking country.‎ Now the Vieira children are adults,and they sometimes travel to Spain to v __3__ their family and friends.But they can't communicate with them.Unfortunately this is common.When people move to new countries,they often leave their o__4__ customs and mother language behind.This is a mistake because there are many benefits to knowing more than one language.‎ One advantage of speaking more than one language is that you can communicate with more people a__5__ the world.You don't have to depend on others to talk to you,so you are more independent.People who know only one language must use others to help them communicate.‎ Furthermore,speaking the second language a__6__ allows people to experience other cultures and customs more effectively.Local expressions,vocabulary,and even jokes can have a powerful effect on a person's understanding of o__7__ cultures.So knowing more than one language increases your knowledge of other cultures.‎ Finally,having more multilanguage__speakers improves relationships b__8__ countries.If people from different countries can communicate well,the world can become closers.Countries will then have more respect for each other and better u__9__ each other's problems.‎ The benefits of knowing more than one language are clear.In fact,there are no disadvantages.It is very sad that many people don't try to learn another language.It's e__10__ worse when people let themselves forget their mother language and become silenced.‎ ‎1.__________ 2.__________ 3.__________ 4.__________ 5.__________‎ ‎6.__________ 7.__________ 8.__________ 9.__________ 10.__________‎ ‎ 练习二 Sixteen years ago a boy gave me an important gift.It was a smile.‎ It was the e__1__ autumn of my first year at a middle school,and my old school was far away.As a result,no one knew who I was.I was very l__2__,and afraid to speak to anyone.‎ Every time I h__3__ the other students talking and laughing,I felt my heart break.I couldn't talk with anyone about my problems.‎ Then one day,w__4__ my classmates were talking happily with their friends,I was sitting at my desk unhappily as usual.At that moment,a boy entered the classroom.I didn't know who he was.He passed by me and then turned back.He looked at me,with a smile.‎ Suddenly,I felt the touch of something bright and friendly.It made me f__5__ happy and warm.That smile changed my l__6__.I started to talk with other students and made friends.Day by day,I became c__7__ to everyone in my class.The boy with the lucky smile has become my ‎ best friend now.‎ One day I asked him w__8__ he had smiled,but he couldn't remember doing so!‎ It doesn't matter because all the dark days have g__9__.I believe that the world is what you think it is.If you think it is lonely,you might always be alone.So smile at the world a__1__ it will smile back.‎ ‎1.__________ 2.__________ 3.__________ 4.__________ 5.__________‎ ‎6.__________ 7.__________ 8.__________ 9.__________ 10.__________‎ ‎ 练习三 Sometimes I really doubt w__1__ hether there is love between my parents.Every day they are very b __2__ trying to make money for my schooling.‎ One day,my mother was sewing a quilt(缝被子).I silently sat b__3__ her.‎ ‎“Mom,is there love b__4__ you and Dad?” I asked in a very low voice.‎ With s__5__ in her eyes,she stopped her work for a while.Then she said,“Susan,look at this thread(线).It can h__6__ be seen,but it's really there.It makes the quilt strong.If life is a quilt,love should be a thread.Love is inside.”‎ I couldn't u__7__nderstand her until the next spring.At that time,my father suddenly got sick seriously.My mother had to stay with him in the hospital for a month.‎ After they were back,my mother h__8__ my father walk slowly on the country road every day.They were so k__9__ to each other and it seemed they were the happiest couple.‎ After two months my father still couldn't walk by himself.‎ ‎“Dad,how are you feeling now?” I asked him one day.‎ ‎“Susan,don't w__10__ about me.” he said.“I just like walking with your mom.I like this kind of life.” Reading his eyes,I knew he loves my mother deeply.‎ Now I understand that love is just a thread in the quilt of our life.Love is inside,making life strong and warm.‎ ‎1.__________ 2.__________ 3.__________ 4.__________ 5.__________‎ ‎6.__________ 7.__________ 8.__________ 9.__________ 10.__________‎ ‎ 练习四 Once a small boy lived on a farm which seemed so far away from everywhere.‎ He needed to get up early b__1__ sunrise every morning to help his father on the farm.During sunrise he would take a break and climb up on the fence(篱笆) along the side of the farm.He could see a house with golden windows.“If they could afford golden windows,then there must be other nice things inside the house.” He imagined how great it would be to l__2__ there.Then he promised himself,“Some day I will go there and see this wonderful p__3__.”‎ One morning,his father would go to the town and told him to s__4__ at home for a ‎ rest.Knowing that this was his chance,he took a sandwich and headed a__5__ the field towards the house with the golden windows.‎ As the afternoon went on,he began to realize how wrong he was.The house was much f__6__ than he had expected.As he went near the house,he saw no golden windows but instead a place in bad need of painting.A small girl very close to his age came out of the p__7__ house and stood by the broken fence.He asked her i __8__she had seen the house with the golden windows.‎ The girl said,“Sure,I know.” and invited him to sit on the porch(门廊).A __9__he sat there,he looked back from where he just came.There he saw the sunset(夕阳) turned the windows of his house to gold! Now he understood that everyone had his o__10__ house with golden windows.‎ ‎1.__________ 2.__________ 3.__________ 4.__________ 5.__________‎ ‎6.__________ 7.__________ 8.__________ 9.__________ 10.__________‎ ‎ 练习五 Do you know what couch-potato means? Well, in America, the word is now often u__1__. The American couch-photo becomes maybe even a p__2__ of the American tradition! You see, in American, many people often s__3__ their free time sitting on a couch watching TV. As there are many channels to choose, the TV can be quite i__4__nteresting and very addictive.(上瘾的). One may sit and watch TV for hour and hour w__5__ stop! Well, these people who do nothing all day except watching TV are called couch-potatoes.‎ In American, w__6__ one watches TV, he is most often sitting on a couch. While watching TV, most of these people are so frozen that they a__7__ look dead! Everyone is sitting still with eyes looking right into the black box. Also because these people are addictive to TV, they don`t take e__8__ and usually get very fat. So in many ways, these people look like r__9__ potatoes! Well, because they look so still and fat, and watch TV on a couch, they are all called couch-potatoes. Now you know what couch-potato means. The next time if you see someone watching TV t__10__ long, just say, “What a couch-potato!”‎ ‎1.__________ 2.__________ 3.__________ 4.__________ 5.__________‎ ‎6.__________ 7.__________ 8.__________ 9.__________ 10.__________‎ ‎ 练习六 If there is one person who has left a deep impression on me,It's my teacher.Mrs.Pathak,who was my class teacher for three years.In my childhood,how I wished I had a mother or a sister l__1__ her.One moment she could be hardworking and strict,another moment kind and patient.‎ She always encouraged us to t__2__ the truth.For example,if one had not done the ‎ homework,he need not lie.She a__3__ us to make mistakes,saying we couldn't be perfect all the time,but we should try.‎ Another thing she taught me was punctuality.She set a good e__4__ with her own actions.She was always on time,so we students tried our b__5__ to be on time.‎ She surprised us with her sense of humor.Her classroom teaching was a__6__. humorous.After class,she talked to us and told us jokes.‎ We really felt f__7__. to ask questions and Mrs.Pathak would give the answers.If she did not know—there had been some occasions—she would say so.We all then tried to find out the answers.Whoever came up w__8__ the answer was praised and given the prize.Now I sometimes wonder w__9__ Mrs.Pathak just wanted to e__10__. us to explore and find answer by ourselves.‎ ‎1.__________ 2.__________ 3.__________ 4.__________ 5.__________‎ ‎6.__________ 7.__________ 8.__________ 9.__________ 10.__________‎ ‎ 练习七 There was once a king who had a great palace with a wonderful garden. In the garden,there l__1__ all kinds of animals. All of them enjoyed living there.‎ There was only o__2__ thing in the garden that the king hated:an old tree in the center of the garden. It was so old and dry. This made the king s__3__ angry that he finally asked some people to cut it down and turned the place into a swimming pool. H__4__,after the tree was cut down,the animals left the garden. Without the animals,the garden was not so beautiful a __5__before. The king was sad,but he didn't know what had happened.‎ A young man went to the king,and said he could e__6__ what had happened. “This was because you cut the old tree down,”said the young man.“There were thousands of moths(飞蛾) w__7__ lived in the tree. Birds needed the moths to eat and then they produced wastes for plants to grow. The plants then attracted many other animals to your garden. So your garden became very beautiful. But as you cut the tree down,the animals h__8__ to leave.”‎ ‎“Great!”said the king,“I'll make you rich and you will try to make my garden beautiful again.”‎ ‎“I'm afraid it will take many years to f__1__. It will take many years for the natural balance(生态平衡) to get back a__1__,”said the young man.‎ ‎1.__________ 2.__________ 3.__________ 4.__________ 5.__________‎ ‎6.__________ 7.__________ 8.__________ 9.__________ 10.__________‎ ‎ 练习八 Life is not easy,so I'd like to say,“When anything happens,believe in yourself(相信自己).”When I was a young boy,I was too shy to talk to a__1__. My classmates often laughed at me. I was s__2__ and I could do nothing. Later,something happened and it changed my life. It was a speech contest(竞赛). My mother asked me to t__3__ part in it. What a terrible idea!I had to speak b__4__ all the teachers and students of my school.‎ ‎“Come on,boy. Believe in yourself. You are sure to w__5__ the contest.”said my mother. Then my mother and I talked about many d__6__topics(话题). At last I chose the topic“Believe in yourself”. I tried my best to remember all the speech and practiced it over 100 times. With my mother's great love,I did well in the contest. I could hardly believe my ears w__7__ I heard I won the first place. I h__8__ the cheers from the teachers and the students.‎ My classmates didn't look down on(轻视 瞧不起) me any m__9__,now all said“congratulations”to me.‎ Since then,e__1__ has changed for me. When I do anything,I try to tell myself to be confident(自信). I can succeed.‎ ‎1.__________ 2.__________ 3.__________ 4.__________ 5.__________‎ ‎6.__________ 7.__________ 8.__________ 9.__________ 10.__________‎ ‎ 练习九 Teenagers believe anything is possible if they study hard. But they often forget to think about healthy diets(饮食),enough sleep time and exercise. In fact,these things are really i__1__ for them to keep fit.‎ It is necessary for teenagers to get enough energy. Teenage girls need about 2 200 calories(卡路里) a day w__2__boys need a bit more—doctors suggest 2 800 for teenage boys. 50% of their calories should come from healthy food—rice,vegetables and fruit. People often say an apple a day keeps the doctor a__3__. Teenagers also need to drink a lot of water,6 to 8 glasses a day. Drinking e__4__ water will improve their skin.‎ Teenagers usually need eight to ten hours' sleep at night,b__5__ many Chinese teenagers do not get enough sleep. A report shows that without a good night's sleep,teenagers seem to be weaker t__6__ they should be. Too much homework is not the only reason w__7__ teenagers stay up late. Some watch TV or play computer games late into the night. Teenagers should d__8__ good study habits. So some clever students n__1__ study late,but they are able to work well in class.‎ Exercise is something that can help them. Experts suggest that teenagers should spend at least 30 minutes exercising a day,five times a week. They will feel r__1__ when they exercise. It can even help them sleep better at night.‎ ‎1.__________ 2.__________ 3.__________ 4.__________ 5.__________‎ ‎6.__________ 7.__________ 8.__________ 9.__________ 10.__________‎ ‎ 练习十 Researchers(研究者) have announced the result of two studies on the health effects of the drug aspirin(阿司匹林). One study shows aspirin can sharply reduce the chance that a healthy, older man will suffer f__1__ a heart attack(心脏病).‎ The study offered two new results from earlier findings. It said taking one aspirin pill every o__2__ day helped only healthy men over the age of 50. It a__3__ said aspirin gave the greatest protection against heart attacks to men with low blood cholesterol(胆固醇) levels.‎ Earlier in the United States began a major aspirin study in the early 1980s. It included 22,000 healthy men doctors. All were b__4__ the ages of 40 and 84. More than 11,000 of the doctors took a harmless pill(药丸) that contained no drug. The men did not know which k__5__ of pill they were taking.‎ The doctors who took aspirin suffered 44% fewer heart attacks than t__6__ taking the harmless pill. 139 men who took aspirin suffered from heart attacks. Ten of them died. 239 men who did not take aspirin suffered from heart attacks. 26 of them died. ‎ The researchers said the doctors` study provides c__7__ proof that taking aspirin can prevent a first heart attack in healthy, older men. They said, however, the result does not mean every man over the a__8__ of 50 should take aspirin. They said aspirin couldn’t help men who do not eat healthy foods, who smoke cigarettes a__9__who are fat .The researchers said men who think they would be helped by taking aspirin should talk w__10__their doctors first.‎ ‎1.__________ 2.__________ 3.__________ 4.__________ 5.__________‎ ‎6.__________ 7.__________ 8.__________ 9.__________ 10.__________‎ ‎ 练习十一 It is reported that some developed counties have shipped broken parts of computers to China.Such a thing can be founded every day a__1__ it is against international laws. Last month Hong Kong officers found 131,000 kilograms of broken computers, TVs and phones send from Japan. ‎ Things like these are c__2__ electronic waste, or e-waste. Dealing with is not an easy job because dangerous poison like mercury(汞)and lead (铅)can be found in them. Every time an old computer breaks down, it needs to be dealed with safely. But at present, broken computer parts are usually buried. It may be hundreds of years b__3__ they are really goes in the earth. ‎ Many places in China are polluted by e-waste. Guiyu in Guangdong province is o__4__ of them. This town is named as”the e-waste capital of the world”. It has to deal with 1.5mllion kilograms of e-waste each year, from which it makes 75 million years. But it comes at a cost. Many of the poison in e-waste find their way into the environment. Plastic is burned outdoors and chemical water is poured into r__5__, Greenpeace, an environmental group, has found the air, the earth and the water in Guiyu badly polluted. ‎ The Chinese government wants the country to develop, but in a way that doesn’t do harm to the environment and people’s l__6__. This year,China presents a new protection law, the strictest one we have e__7__ had. Computer complies like Lenovo and Dell will be asked to take b__8__ their old computers. This is b__9__ the complies that make computers know best to deal with them safely. Hopefully, the problem with e-waste will be s__10__ in near future. ‎ ‎1.__________ 2.__________ 3.__________ 4.__________ 5.__________‎ ‎6.__________ 7.__________ 8.__________ 9.__________ 10.__________‎ ‎ 练习十二 Once upon a time, some visitors went to an island for a vacation, and each was having a g__1__ time. Suddenly a warning of a strong storm came to them, so they all rushed to their boats. Yet, Love did not wish to run away quickly. There was so much to do. But as the clouds got darker, Love realized it was time to l__2__. But there was no boat to go into. Love looked around with hope. ‎ Just then Richness was passing by in a great large boat. Love shouted, “Richness, can you take me with you? Richness answered, “No, I can’t. There is a lot of gold in my boat. There is no p__3__ here for you. ”‎ ‎ Love decided to ask Vanity(虚荣) for help who was a__4__ passing by in a beautiful boat. But Vanity said with a cold voice, “No, I can’t take you with me. My boat will get dirty with your wet feet. ” ‎ Sadness passed by after some time. Again, Love asked for help. But it was useless. “No, I can’t take you with me. I am so sad. I want to be a__5__. ” ‎ ‎ When Happiness passed by a few minutes later, Love again called for h__6__. But Happiness was so happy that he didn’t hear Love calling to him. ‎ ‎ Love was becoming restless and hopeless. Just then somebody called out, “Come, Love! I will take you with me. ” Love did not know who was so k__7__, but jumped into the boat happily.‎ ‎ After g__8__ off the boat, Love met Knowledge. Love asked, “Knowledge, do you know who was so kind to give me a lift when no one e__9__ wished to help?” ‎ ‎ Knowledge smiled, “Oh, that was Time. ”‎ ‎ “Time?” asked Love. “But w__10__ did Time help me?” Knowledge smiled with deep wisdom and answered, “Because only Time is capable of understanding how great Love is. ”‎ ‎1.__________ 2.__________ 3.__________ 4.__________ 5.__________‎ ‎6.__________ 7.__________ 8.__________ 9.__________ 10.__________‎ ‎ 练习十三 A teenage boy couldn’t stand his parents’ family rules, s__1__ he left home. He wanted to be famous, but he had p__2__ education and several years later, he had to ask for food on the street for a living. Now his mother has died. His father is an old man. But he is s__3__ looking for his son. He has been to every corner of the city. Everywhere he goes, he puts up a big photo of himself on the wall. At the lower part of the photo he w__4__, “I still love you... , come back home !”‎ One day, the son saw one of the photos. The face was familiar(熟悉的). “Is that my father?” He moved __5__ and read the words: “I still love you...” He cried. When he got home, it was early morning. He k__6__ at the door. The door opened itself. He rushed to his father’s bedroom. His father was sleeping. He woke his father up, “It's me! Your son is back home!” The father and the son held each other, full of happy t__7__. The son asked, “W__8__ is the door not locked? A thief could get in.” The father answered softly, “The door has n__9__ been locked since you left.”The door of parents’ love for their children will never be closed.The door will be open for you forever t__10__ my dying day.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎1.__________ 2.__________ 3.__________ 4.__________ 5.__________‎ ‎6.__________ 7.__________ 8.__________ 9.__________ 10.__________‎ ‎ 练习十四 Once a king got two nice falcons(猎鹰)from his son. He had n__1__ seen such beautiful falcons before. He loved them so much and he ordered the best falconer to train them to fly.‎ After several months, the king came to see h__2__ the training was going on. He found that one falcon had already been able to fly high in the sky, w__3__ the other was staying on the branch(树枝) of a tree quietly, just keeping still.‎ The king called all his falcons t__1__ and ordered them to try every way they could to make the other falcon fly. But n__5__ of them succeeded. One day, while the king was taking a walk in the forest, an i__6__ came to his mind. Maybe someone who knew the natural environment well could solve this problem. He sent for a farmer who lived in the forest into his palace to train it at once.‎ The next morning, the king saw the other falcon f__7__ above in the sky freely. “It is ‎ unbelievable !” shouted the king. How could you make it happen?”‎ The farmer replied,“It’s very e__8__. I just cut off the branch where the falcon rested.”‎ It is always the s__9__ to human beings. We all have “two flying wings” in our hearts as well, but we often seem not to notice them and stay where we just for safety and comfort. We won’t r__10__ we can fly so high and freely until the “branch” we are resting on breaks.‎ ‎1.__________ 2.__________ 3.__________ 4.__________ 5.__________‎ ‎6.__________ 7.__________ 8.__________ 9.__________ 10.__________‎ ‎ 练习十五 One Sunday afternoon, Mr. White drove his new car to his friend’s house happily. He wanted to p 1 his friend up at five and then went to see a new movie together. Mr. White got there at twenty to five. It was a l 2 earlier. He stopped his car and waited inside.‎ ‎ Suddenly he heard a terrible sound(声音). He got o 3 of his car to see what happened. There was a dent(凹痕) in one of the d 4 of his car. He looked around and saw a little boy standing there with a f 5 stones in his hands. He caught the boy and asked, “Why did you t 6 the stone at my new car?” The boy cried and said, “There’s nobody e 7 here. I just want you to notice(注意) me. My grandpa fell down, but I’ m too young to help him.” Hearing these words, Mr. White was moved(感动) and followed the boy quickly. W 8 his help, the old man was safe. The boy thanked him very much. ‎ ‎ Mr. White looked at his watch, it was already twenty past five. He remembered his friend and hurried b 9 . But it was too late. His friend was very angry. Mr. White said nothing but only one word “S 10 .”‎ 1. ‎______ 2._______ 3._______ 4._______ 5.______ ‎ ‎6._______ 7._______ 8.______ 9______ 10.______‎ ‎ 练习十六 ‎ “Fire! Fire!” What horrible words to hear when one wakes up in a strange house in the middle of the night! It was a large, wooden house and my room was on the top floor. I jumped out of bed, opened the door and r___1____ into the passage. It was full of thick smoke. ‎ I began to run, but as I was still only half a___2____, instead of going towards the stairs I went in the opposite direction. The smoke grew thicker and I could see flames all around and the floor became hot under my bare feet. I found an open door and ran into a room to get to the window. But b___3____ I could reach it, one of my feet was caught in something soft and I fell ‎ down. The thing I had fell over was l___4____ a bundle(一捆)of clothes, and I picked it up to protect my face from smoke and h___5____. Just then the floor gave way under me and I crashed to the below with pieces of wood all around me. ‎ I saw a flaming doorway in front, put the bundle of clothes over my face and ran. The fire around my feet burned me t___6____, but I got through. As I reached the cold air outside, my bundle of clothes gave a thin cry. I nearly dropped it in my surprise. Then I saw a crowd gathered in the street. A woman in a night dress and a borrowed man’s coat screamed when she saw me and came running madly. “My baby! My baby!” she cried. The crowd cheered widely as she took the smoke bundle out of my arms. I had some difficulty in recognizing her. She was Mayor’s wife, and I had s___7____ her baby. I was a hero. ‎ ‎1.__________ 2.__________ 3.__________ 4.__________ 5.__________‎ ‎6.__________ 7.__________ 8.__________ 9.__________ 10.__________‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 练习十七 Firefighters or firemen play an important role in our daily life. In some places, firefighters use watchtowers to look for smoke and fires, although they get a fire report by telephone. A high tower is still very u 67 for watching and guarding a place. Fire fighters also make it a place for practice. They learn how to p 68 out fires from burning buildings. They try to c 69 up the outside of the tower as fast as possible. They carry water hoses up to the fire. They practise carrying imaginable victims down f 70 high ladders.‎ There are reasons that firefighters are called for help. Maybe a building or a forest is o 71 fire. A train accident happens and people are t 72 inside. Still, people need to be rescued from floods or an earthquake. Whenever there is an emergency situation, they can be seenf 73 there.‎ Being a fire fighter needs a lot of t 74 . In the first place, firefighters should know how to educate the community (社区) by visiting schools, community centres and people in their own homes to p 75 fire and accidents from starting. They have to learn how to deal with different dangerous situations. Above all, it’s necessary for firefighters to exercise every day to be h 76 and strong.‎ ‎1.__________ 2.__________ 3.__________ 4.__________ 5.__________‎ ‎6.__________ 7.__________ 8.__________ 9.__________ 10.__________‎ Our dog, Rex, used to sit outside our front gate and bark. Every time he wanted to come into the garden he would bark u 72 someone opened the gate. As the neighbours complained of the ‎ noise, my husband s 73 weeks training him to press his paw on the latch (门闩) to let himself in. Rex soon became good at o 74 the gate.‎ H 75 , when I was going out shopping last week, I n 76 him in the garden near the gate. This time he was barking so that someone would let him o 77 ! Since then, he has developed another bad h 78 . As soon as he opens the gate from the outside, he comes i 79 the garden and waits until the gate shuts. Then he sits and barks until someone lets him out. After this he immediately lets himself in and begins barking a 80 . Yesterday my husband removed the gate and Rex got so a 81 that he disappeared. Since then, we have not seen him.‎ 练习答案 答案一: 67.useful 68. put 69. climb 70. from 71.on 72. trapped 73. fighting 74. training ‎75. prevent 76. healthy 练习一1.speaking 2. because 3.visit 4.own 5.around 6.also 7.other 8.between 9. understand 10.even 练习二1.early 2.lonely 3.heard 4.when 5.feel 6.life 7.closer 8.why 9.gone 10.and ‎ 练习三1.whether 2.busy 3. beside 4. between 5.surprise 6.hardly 7.understand 8.helped 9.kind 10.worry ‎ 练习四1.before 2.live 3.place 4. stay 5.across 6.farther 7.poor 8.if 9.as 10.own 练习五1.used 2.part 3.spend 4.interesting 5.without 6.when 7.almost 8.exercise 9.real 10.too 练习六1.like 2.tell 3.allowed 4.example 5.best 6.always 7.free 8.with 9.whether 10.encourage 练习七1.lived 2.only 3.so 4. However 5.as 6.explain 7.which 8.had 9.finish 10.again ‎ 练习八1.anyone 2.sad 3.take 4.before 5.win 6.different 7.when 8.heard 9.more 10.everything ‎ 练习九1.important 2.while 3.away 4.enough 5.but 6.than 7.why 8.develop 9.never 10.relaxed 练习十1.from 2.other 3.also 4.between 5.kind 6. those 7.clear 8.age 9.and 10.with 练习十一1.although 2.called 3.before 4.one 5.rivers 6.life 7.ever 8.back 9.because 10.solved 练习十二1.good/great 2.leave 3.place 4.also 5.alone 6.help 7.kind 8.getting 9.else 10.why 练习十三1.so 2.poor 3.still 4.writes 5.closer 6.knocked 7.tears 8.why 9.never 10.till/until 练习十四1.never 2.how 3.while 4.totether 5.none 6.idea 7.flying 8.easy 9.same 10.realize ‎ 练习十五1.pick 2. little 3.out 4. doors 5. few 6. throw 7.else 8. With 9 back 10. Sorry 练习十六1. rushed 2. Awake 3. Before 4. Like 5. Heat 6. Terribly 7. Saved 练习十七67.useful 68. put 69. climb 70. from 71.on 72. trapped 73. fighting 74. training ‎75. prevent 76. healthy 练习十八:72. until 73. spent 74. opening 75. However 76. noticed 77. out 78. habit ‎79. into 80. again 81. angry

