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一. 名词 1. March 8th is _______Day (1998 省中考题) A. woman’s B. women’s C. womans’ 2. Uncle Wang bought two_______yesterday. (1999 省中考题) A. watchs B. watches C. watch 3. His parents_______coming to meet the teacher tonight. (2000 省中 考题) A. are B. were C. is 4. How much milk ________ in the bottle? (2000 省中考题) A. has B. are there C. is there 5. -Where’s Mr Wang? -He has gone to the ________. (2001 省中考题) A. doctor B. doctor’s C. doctors 6. The Japanese ________will not leave China until she finishes her study (2002 省中考题) A. woman B. women C. man D. men 7. The little boy will not go to sleep until his mother__________back .(2004 中考题) A. comes B. will come C. is coming D. would come 8. -What did you do on May Day? (2005 中考题) -I went shopping with my family. There ________so many people in the street. A. was B. are C. were 9. I’m very hungry. Would you give me some __________? (2005 中考题) A. water B. juice C. cakes 10.How many _________are there in the international village? (2006 中考 题) A. Chinese B. Russian C. American 二. 代词 1. If you have no dictionary with you ,you may use ___________(2000 省中 考题) A. my B. mine C. our 2. Lucy has two aunts, ___________of them are nurses. (2000 省中考 题) A. each B. both C. all 3. I have two brothers. One is a teacher, _________is a driver. (2000 省 中考题) A. another B. other C. the other 4. Is there __________ in today’s newspaper ? (2000 省中考题) A. new something B. any new things C. anything new 5. Is there __________ I can do for you? (2001 省中考题) A. something B. anything C. nothing 6. You should do your homework by _________, children. (2001 省中考题) A. you B. yourself C. yourselves 7. -Do you speak Japanese, Mr Smith? —No. I can speak _______ Chinese. (2001 省中考题) A. a few B. little C. a little 8. -Would you like _________ coffee? (2003 中考题) -Yes, please? A. some B. a few C. much D. little 9. Can I use your bike for a while? Yes, you can use ______bike. Tom ’ s bike is here. I can use ______.(2004 中考题) A. my, mine B. mine , his C. my , his D. her, hers 10.-Is this your dictionary? (2005 中考题) -No, ________is in my bag. A. hers B. mine C. yours 11.Don’t worry. He’s got much food. You can share____________.(2006 中考题) A. some of mine B. some of yours C. some of his. 12._________have finished the work can leave. (2006 中考题) A. Those who B. Anyone C. The one who 三 .数词 1. A quarter to six is _________. (1997 省中考题) A. 6:45 B. 6:15 C. 5:45 2. -How much is eleven and ________? -It’s twenty. (1998 省中考题) A. seven B. nine C. eight 3. _________is the most difficult in this book? (1999 省中考题) A. Lesson second B. The second lesson C. Second lesson 4. July is the ________month of the year. (2000 省中考题) A. fifth B. seventh C. sixth 5. My father has got eight _________stamps from all over the world. (2001 省中考题) A. hundreds B. hundred C. hundreds of 6. This picture is quite old. We can still see it was drawn in _____century. (2002 省中考题) A. sixteen B. the sixteen C. sixteenth D. the sixteenth 7. We all think that the _________century will bring us more. (2003 中考题) A. twenty-first B. twentieth-first C. twenty-one D. twentieth-one 8. The ________man on the left is Backham, a famous football player. (2005 中考题) A. two B. second C. three 四.介词 1. Ann is often late ________ school . (1998 省中考题) A. to B. for C. at 2. The teacher will be back ________an hour. (1999 省中考题) A. in B. after C. on 3. Tom was born _________May 3rd, 1985. (2000 省中考题) A. on B. of C. at 4. -Would you please put up the picture for me? -___________. (2000 省中考题) A. With pleasure B. No, thanks C. That’s nothing 5. Jack ________ China _______two years. (2001 省中考题) A. has been in , for B. has been in , since C. has come to , for 6. Mr Brown has gone to Canada. He will be back ________two weeks. (2002 省中考题) A. for B. after C. in D. at 7. Letter B is ________A and C (2003 中考题) A. between B. next C. near D. beside 9. Li Hua was born ________May 1, 1989_________Guangzhou. (2004 中 考题) A. in , on B. on, in C. in ,at D. at , in 10.My father goes to work _________his car. (2005 中考题) A. by B. in C. on 11.Would you please send ________a doctor? My grandfather is ill. (2006 中考题) A. away B. for C. off 五.连词 1. ___________you have any trouble, you can call me. (1996 省中考题) A. And B. Or C. If 2. Because it was very cold, _______he put on a coat before he went on . (1997 省中考题) A. so B. 不填 C. and 3. _______you have any questions, yon can phone me. (2000 省中考题) A. Or B. And C. If 4. The nurse doesn’t feel well today , _______she still work very hard. (2002 省中考题) A. but B. and C. or D. then 5. Doctor Li went to see the patien _______it was raining heavily. (2004 中考题) A. because B. and C. since D. though 6. I didn’t finish my homework, ________my teacher was angry with me. (2005 中考题) A. so B. 不填 C. or 7. “You can’t have them both. You can choose __________the skite _______the toy car, “ said mother . (2006 中考题) A. either; or B. both; and C. not only ; but also. 六.形容词 1. The pencil is _______than that one. (1999 省中考题) A. longest B. long C. longer 2. Which language is _________, English, Japanese or Chinese? (2000 省 中考题) A. the most difficult B. difficult C. more difficult 3. Is there ________in today’s newspaper? (2000 省中考题) A. new something B. any new things C. anything new 4. In summer the weather is_________ in Hainan than in Liaoning. (2001 省中考题) A. much hot B. more hotter C. much hotter 5. You made a lot of spelling mistakes in the exam. Be _______next time. (2001 省中考题) A. carefully B. careful C. care 6. I don’t like this film. It’s __________that one. (2002 省中考 题) A. as interesting as B. less interesting as C. more interesting than D. not so interesting as 7. Of all the teachers in our school, Mr Brown is ________. (2003 中考 题) A. tall B. taller C. the tallest D. tallest 8. The water in this river is ________the water in that one. It can’t be used for drinking . (2004 中考题) A. as clean as B. not so clean as C. as good as D. not as dirty as 9. -Have you ever seen Tom and Jerry? (2005 中考题) -Sure, It is one of __________cartoons I have ever seen. A. wonderful B. the most wonderful C. more wonderful 10. -Do you like the two skirts? (2006 中考题) -The yellow one is good but the green one looks __________. A. nicer B. nice C. best. 七.副词 1. We are _______ready to do something for the people. (1996 省中 考题) A. never B. ever C. always 2. -Has Tom started to work in your factory? -No. He is ________in school. (1997 省中考题) A. yet B. then C. still 3. We are not sure________. (1998 省中考题) A. when to leave B. when leave C. when leaves 4. John knows _______a computer. (1999 省中考题) A. how to use B. how use C. how uses 5. He drives much _________than he did half a year ago. (2000 省中 考题) A. more careful B. more carefully C. carefully 6. Jim always comes to school _______of all because he has to open the door for other. (2002 省中考题) A. early B. earlier C. most early D. earliest 7. -Excuse me. Has the train arrived________? (2004 中考题) -Sorry, sir. I’m afraid you have to wait another hour. A. already B. either C. yet D. just 8. -_________do you know English? (2004 中考题) -I can read most of the books here, but I can’t speak English well. A. How often B. How soon C. How long D. How well 9. - __________will you stay in America? (2005 中考题) -About two months. A. How many B. How often C. How long 10. Look at the man over there. _________he is ! (2005 中考题) A. How tall B. How high C. What a tall 八.冠词 1. Jane is ________girl. She is _______English girl. (1997 省中考题) A. a, the B. a, an C. an, the 2. There is a book on the desk and ________book is Mary’s . (1998 省中考题) A. an B. a C. the 3. People often go to swim in _________summer. (1999 省中考题) A. / B. a C. an 4. ________pen on her desk is red. (2000 省中考题) A. An B. The C. A 5. The computer is ________useful invention in the modem world. (2001 省中考题) A. a B. an C. the 6. Mr Black didn’t go to work yesterday because he was ill in ______bed. (2002 省中考题) A. a B. an C. the D. 不填 7. They have never been to _________America . (2003 中考题) A. a B. an C. the D. 不填 8. Did you do well in _________English exam? (2004 中考题) Yes. I got ________”A”. A. the , an B. an, the C. a , 不填 D. the , a 9. He is ________honest boy, so we all like him (2005 中考题) A. a B. an C. the 10. People like to see films on ______TV instead of going to _______cinema. (2006 中考题) A. the; the B. 不填; the C. the ; 不填 九.动词种类 情态动词 must, could, might, 和 can’t 表示推测的区别 这几个词都可以表示推测 must 是“一定,准是”的意思,表示可能性非常大。 Might 和 could 表示推测的时候是“也许,可能”的意思,表示推测的可能 性不大 Can’t 表示推测,是“不可能”的意思,表示推测是不可能的。 Eg. 1. The book must be Ning’s, it has her name on it. 2. The French book could be Ali’s, she studies French. 3. The guitar might belong to Ali’s, she plays guitar. 4. The T-shirt can’t be John’s, it is much too small for him. 1. His parent _________coming to meet the teacher tonight (2000 省 中考题) A. are B. were C. is 2. How much milk ________in the bottle? (2000 省中考题) A. has B. are there C. is there 3. He went ________his sister yesterday. (2000 省中考题) A. and see B. saw C. to see 4. Tom began to learn how to _______Chinese when he was five. (2001 省中 考题) A. say B. tell C. speak 5. -Must I hand in the weather report this morning? -No, you ________(2001 省中考题) A. mustn’t B. needn’t C. may not 6. My birds can _________by one of my friends while I’m away. (2001 省中考题) A. be looking after B. look after C. be looked after 7. ________smoke in the cinema, please. (2001 省中考题) A. Not B. No C. Don’t 8. It’s cold outside . please ________your coat.(2001 省中考题) A. put on B. take off C. take care of 9. Class 3 won the football match! ________ it be true!. (2002 省中 考题) A. May B. Must C. Will D. Can 10. One of the shirts _________Tom’s, but mine is not here. (2003 中考题) A. is B. are C. was D. were 11. There is a lot of milk in the bottle, __________? (2003 中考 题) A. isn’t it B. is it C. isn’t D. is there 12. Oh, it is five to eight. I _______hurry to school. My class begins at eight.(2003 中考题) A. had to B. can C. have to D. may 13. Will you _______finish your homework before 8:00 this morning? (2004 中考题) A. can B. may C. be able to D. are able to 14. Satellites are often used to help us ________ telephone calls to the pepple far away (2004 中考题) A. make B. mend C. find D. get 15. ________your coat. It is very hot outside (2004 中考题) A. Wear B. Put on C. Take off D. Dress 16. -What did you do on May Day? (2005 中考题) -I went shopping with my family. There ________so many people in the street. A. was B. are C. were 17. -Hi , John .Shall we go to Australia for the long holiday? (2005 中考题) -Sorry. I ________ there twice. A. have gone B. was C. have been. 18. -Shall we invite Tom to play football now? (2005 中考题) -Oh, no. He _________his clothes. A. is washing B. washes C. has washed 19. Look out ! The cup is ________hot water (2005 中考题) A. full of B. fill with C. full 20. Yesterday it rained heavily when school was over. We ________stay in our classroom. (2006 中考题) A. should B. must C. had to 21. -Why didn’t you go to the party last night? (2006 中考题) -Because I ____________. A. wasn’t invited B. didn’t invite C. haven’t invited 22. We ’ re looking forward to _________the world Cup 2006 in Germany. (2006 中考题) A. visiting B. watching C. looking 23. You’d better __________her number in the phone book. (2006 中考题) A. look into B. look for C. look up 24. There is going to _______a sports meeting next week. If it_________, we’ll have to cancel it. (2006 中考题) A. be; will rain B. have; will rain C. be ; rains 25. -I called you this morning, but nobody answered. (2006 中考题) -I ________the flowers in my garden at that time. A. watered B. was watering C. water 十.动词时态综合 1. His parents _________coming to meet the teacher tonight (2000 省中 考题) A. are B. were C. is 2. How much milk ________in the bottle? (2000 省中考题) A. has B. are there C. is there 3. Look! The bird ________in the sky. (2000 省中考题) A. is flying B. flies C. fly 4. I don’t know if he __________here next week. (2000 省中考题) A. comes B. came C. will come 5. -I have seen the film “Titanic” (铁达尼号) -When _______ you ________ it? (2000 省中考题) A. have, seen B. did, see C. will, see 6. Jack _______ China ________ two years. (2001 省中考题) A. has been in, for B. has been in, since C. has come to , for 7. -Must I hand in the weather report this morning? -No, you _________.(2001 省中考题) A. mustn’t B. needn’t C. may not 8. She’ll go shopping as soon as she ________the clothes. (2001 省 中考题) A. will finish washing B. finishes washing C. finish washing 9. I’m sorry. Mr white can’t see you now. He _______a meeting. (2002 省中考题) A. has B. has had C. is having D. will have 10. I’m really getting too fat. From now on , I ________ more exercise and eat less food. (2002 省中考题) A. do B. am doing C. have done D. will do 11. Lily turned off the light and then _________the classroom. (2003 中 考题) A. leaves B. will leave C. left D. is leaving 12. The students ________more than 1000 words by the end of last term (2003 中考题) A. had learned B. learned C. would learn D. has learned 13. When I moved to this city two years ago, the government ________several moden buildings here. (2004 中考题) A. built B. will build C. had built D. has built 14. -What did you do on May Day? (2005 中考题) -I went shopping with my family. There ________so many people in the street. A. was B. are C. were 15. -Hi , John . shall we go to Australia for the long holiday? (2005 中考题) -Sorry. I ________there twice. A. have gone B. was C. have been. 16. -Shall we invite Tom to play football now? (2005 中考题) -Oh, no. He _________his clothes. A. is washing B. washes C. has washed 17. Yesterday it rained heavily when school was over. We ________stay in our classroom. (2006 中考题) A. should B. must C. had to 18. There is going to _______a sports meeting next week. If it_________, we’ll have to cancel it. (2006 中考题) A. be; will rain B. have; will rain C. be ; rains 19. -I called you this morning, but nobody answered. (2006 中考题) -I ________the flowers in my garden at that time. A. watered B. was watering C. water 十一。 动词被动语态 1. English ________ in many countries. (1996 省中考题) A. is speaking B. is spoken C. has spoken 2. The TV set __________ in Japan (1998 省中考题) A. made B. makes C. is made 3. The floor of our classroom _______every day (2000 省中考题) A. is cleaned B. cleaned C. has cleaned 4. My birds can _________ by one of my friends while I’m away. (2001 省中考题) A. be looking after B. look after C. be looked after 5. I wasn’t at home yesterday. I ____to help with the harvest on the farm. (2002 中考题) A. asked B. was asked C. was asking D. had asked 6. Grandpa is badly ill. He _______to hospital at once. (2003 中考题) A. must send B. must be sent C. will send D. may be sent 7. Two thirds of work in our office ________by the computer last year. (2004 中考题) A. are done B. is done C. were done D. was done 8. 邮票是用来寄信的 stamps __________________sending letters. (1994 中考题) 9. 今天各个领域都在应用电脑 Today computers _________________ in many fields.(1995 中考题) 10.森林里可以抓到鸟。 Birds ________________in the forest.(1993 中考题) 11.在这里再也见不到那样的动物了。 Such an animal is no _________here.(1996 中考题) 12.山顶常年覆盖着雪。 The mountain top __________all year.(1997 中考题) 必须很好地保护这些动物 These animals must ________________ 13.这些蔬菜必须每天浇水。 These vegetables ____________________every day.(1998 中考题) 14.学校所有的教室与实验室都必须保持干净清洁。 All the classrooms and labs in the school must ________________clean and tidy. (2004 中考题) 15.The 29th Olympic Games __________ in Beijing in 2008. (2005 中考 题) A. is held B. will hold C. will be held. 16.-Why didn’t you go to the party last night? (2006 中考题) -Because I __________. A. wasn’t invited B. didn’t invite C. haven’t invited. 十二。动词不定式 1. We are not sure ____________.(1998 省中考题) A. when to leave B. when leave C. when leaves 2. John knows __________a computer (1999 省中考题) A. how to use B. how use C. how uses 3. He went _________ his sister yesterday. (2000 省中考题) A. and see B. saw C. to see 4. He is not sure ___________(2000 省中考题) A. when leaves B. when leave C. when to leave 5. The teacher often tells Tim _________too much time playing computer games. (2001 省中考题) A. not to spend B. to not spend C. doesn’t spend 6. The two watches are both very beautiful. I really don’t know ________(2002 省中考题) A. what to choose B. which to choose C. to choose what D. to choose which 7. -Can you tell me ________English at home? (2004 中考题) -Listen to the English programme and do a lot of reading. A. how to read B. how to learn C. when to use D. where to use 十三。 从句 1. They were all pleased with _________them. (2004 中考题) A. what you said B. what did you say to C. what you spoke D. what you had told 2. -Excuse me, do you know___________? (2005 中考题) -I’m sorry. I am new here. A. where is the nearest bus station B. where the nearest bus station is C. where the nearest bus station was. 3. We haven’t decided if _________________(2006 中考题) A. will we take a field trip B. we take a field trip C. we’ll take a field trip 4. 中国政府正忙于为 2008 年北京奥运会做准备。 The Chinese government________________getting ready for the 2008 Beijing Olympic games. (2004) 5. 他的梦想就是长大后像杨利伟一样当一名宇航员。 His dream is to be an astronaut like Yang Liwei when he _______________(2004) 6. 你应该学会如何与老师和同学相处。 You should learn how to ________________with your teacher and schoolmates. (2004) 7. 学校所有的教室与实验室都必须保持干净清洁。 All the classrooms and labs in the school must ________________clean and tidy. (2004) 8. 我告诉她我对此一无所知。 ____________________________________(2004) 9. 从今以后,我们要更加努力学习英语。 We must study English harder___________________________(2005) 10.她的梦想就是长大后当一名教师。 Her dream is to be a teacher when she_________________________(2005) 11.你应该学会如何与他人相处。 You should learn how to ___________________________with others. (2005) 12.植树可以防止土壤沙化。 Planting trees can __________________________changing into sand.(2005) 13.他在照顾他妹妹。 ________________________________________(2005) 14.刘翔是中国最受欢迎的明星之一。 Liu Xiang is one of __________________________in China. (2006) 15.人们应该学会怎样保护自己。 People should learn ________________________________________. (2006) 16.谁在敲门? 是汤姆吗? _________________________the door? Is ____________________Tom?(2006) 17.我们把吴爷爷当成好朋友。 Grandpa Wu ______________________________as our good friend.(2006) 18.班会已经开了半个小时。 ____________________________________(2006) 专题六 形容词 五年中考 2007-2011 年广东中考题组 1. (2011 深圳,5)----There is a smile on Miss Gao’s face. She must be _____ with Sam’s work. -----I think so. No one did as ____ as him in our class. A angry; well B pleasing; good C strict; good D pleased; well 2. (2011 深圳,9)-----The doctor told me _____ too much, but I find it difficult. ----The doctor is right. The less you drink, ____ you will be. A don’t drink; the healthier B not to drink; the healthier C not to drink; the more healthier D don’t drink; healthier 3. (2011 广东,30)----Steve is good at writing short stories. -----So he is. But he writes _____ than us. So he can’t get good grades in writing. A most careful B more carefully C less carefully D least careful 4. (2011 广东,40)-----Have you ever seen the movie called Los Angles 2011? ----Yes, but I think it’s _____. I fell asleep when I saw it. A exciting B boring C bored D excited 5. (2011 广州,23)The actress is already 50, but she looks _____ than she really is. A young B more young C more younger D much younger 6. (2011 肇庆,22)Do you think which language is _____, Japanese or English? A difficult B the most difficult C more difficult 7. (2010 茂名,35)The more you read, _____ vocabulary you will have. A the large B the largest C the larger 8. (2010 梅州,29)Mum, could you buy me a dress like this? ----Certainly, we can buy _____ one than this, but ____ this. A a better; better than B a worse; as good as C a cheaper; as good as D a more important; good as 9. (2010 河源,36)----Mike, how are you feeling today? ----Much _____. I think I can go to school tomorrow. A good B better C well D best 10.(2010 韶关,38)There was a _____ talk between the two leaders last week. A friend B friendship C friendly D really 11.(2010 广州,20)----Why don’t you like winter in Beijing? ----Because it is _____ winter in Guangzhou. A as cold as B much colder than C not so cold as D not colder than 12.(2009 深圳,5)----The cake looks ______. ----Yes, and it tastes even _____. A well; good B nice; better C good; worse D better; best 13.(2009 广东,31)The Changjiang River is the _____ river in China. A long B longest C short D shortest 14.(2009 清远,28)He got _____ when he heard the bad news. A angry B angrily C happy D happily 15.(2009 清远,32)Miss White is as _____ as Miss Brown, but she looks much _____ than Miss Brown. A old; younger B old; young C older; young D younger; old 16.( 2009 河 源 , 44 ) Everyone was _____ when they heard the ______ news. A excited; excited B exciting; exciting C excited; exciting D exciting; excited 17.(2008 茂名,36)----Which one of those two houses would you buy? ----I would buy the _____ one, because I have a big family. A larger B largest C smaller 18.(2008 广东,27)-----John, is Henry your twin brother? -----Oh, yes. He is twenty minutes _____ than me. A heavier B elder C taller D older 19.(2008 广东,32)It takes more time to go there by ship than by bus. It’s _____ by train of the three. A faster B the fastest C fast D much fast 20.(2008 深圳,31)----The teacher looked at her students _______ when they were saved. -----We also felt _____ for them. A happily; happy B happy; happily C happy; happy D happily; happily 21.(2008 深圳,34)---______ plastic bags we use, _______ it will be to the environment. ----I agree _____ you. A The less; the better; with B The fewer; the better; with C The less; the worse; to D The fewer; the worse; to 22.(2008 佛山,30)With the increasing number of readers, _____ copies of the magazine are needed. A many B more C most 23.(2008 广州)Though the player is over thirty, he can still run _____ some younger player. A as fast as B so fast as C much fast than D more faster than 24.(2008 清远)This computer is ______ than that one, but it works much _____. A expensive; fast B the cheaper; the fastest C more expensive; faster D the most expensive; the faster 25.(2007 广东,30)The doctor told Mary to eat ______ vegetables and ______ meat because she was getting fatter and fatter. A more; little B more; less C many; few D more; fewer 26.(2007 湛江,27)Tina said that she didn’t feel very _____ this morning. A well B good C nice D better 27.(2007 深圳)This dish tastes _____ . A good B well C badly D terribly Key: 1-5:DBCBD 6-10:CCCBC 11-15:BBBAA 16-20:CADBA 21-27:BBACBAA

