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‎2015中考高频动词短语总结 一.词汇检测        英汉互译 ‎ 留言____________________‎ 担心____________________‎ write down  ____________________‎ ask for advice____________________‎ 下车____________________ Get out__________________ 克服____________________‎ Get away____________________‎ 穿上____________________‎ Turn on____________________‎ 上车____________________‎ Try on____________________‎ 想出____________________‎ Put on ____________________‎ 闯入____________________ Laugh at ____________________‎ 犯错误____________________‎ Talk about ____________________‎ 点亮____________________‎ Move away____________________‎ 躺下____________________‎ Run into____________________‎ 跌倒____________________‎ Pick up____________________‎ 闲逛____________________‎ In advance____________________‎ 推迟____________________‎ Pay for____________________‎ 提供某人某物____________________‎ Do exercise____________________‎ 参加____________________‎ Keep fit____________________‎ 送行____________________‎ Wake up____________________‎ 脱掉____________________‎ Lack of____________________‎ 保持活力____________________‎ Try one’s best_________________‎ 寻找____________________‎ Belong to ____________________‎ 查阅____________________‎ Blow down____________________  ‎ Keys:‎ leave a message,  写下,  worry about ,  寻求建议, Get off , 捡起, 出去, hang out, get over, 提前, 离开, put off, put on , 为……付钱, 打开,provide sb. With sth, get on, 做运动,尝试, take part in, come up with, 保持健康, 穿上, see off, break into, 叫醒, 嘲笑, take off, make a mistake, 缺乏, 谈论, keep alive, light up, 尽最大努力, 移开, look for, lie down, 属于, 撞倒, look up, fall down, 吹倒 二、选词填空(含动词短语讲解辨析) 1. run: (可以重复使用,每个都会用到)‎ run into      run over      run out of     run out     1.Our contract ___________  at the end of the month. 2. And you know, sometimes you __________  people that you haven’t seen in a while, so it’s nice. 3.Conditions are getting worse and supplies are_____________. 4.Mr. Wang agreed to sell IBM Systems last year after it ___________  financial problem.    5.A boy was___________  by a truck and got killed immediately.      6.We ___________  coal, and had to burn wood.‎ Keys: runs out;run into; running out; ran into;run over;ran out of 词组突破:①run “跑”  ②into“进入” over“正上方,越过” out “出来” run 1).vi.跑 2).vi.(机器等)运转;进行 eg:The machine runs smoothly. 这台机器运转正常。 3).vt.经营  4).流,淌;滴;(墨水等)渗开 run into 遭遇,撞上,偶然遇见 1. Mr. Wang agreed to sell IBM Systems last year after it ran into financial problem. 2. Be careful not to run into one of these big cats in the jungle. 3. And you know, sometimes you run into people that you haven’t seen in a while, so it’s nice. run over 碾过,溢出 1.A boy was run over by a truck and got killed immediately. 2.The water is running over the edge of the cup. run out of 用完(use up),从…跑出来 1.We ran out of coal, and had to burn wood. 2.All the student run out of the classrooms as soon as the bell rings. run out 用完,到期,伸向 1. Conditions are getting worse and supplies are running out. 2. Our contract runs out at the end of the month. 3. The wall runs out into the field.‎ 总结:Mary’s friends ran into a terrible accident last night. A boy was run over by a truck and got killed immediately. The drunk driver run out of his car to check what happened. But it’s too late. His whole life will run out.‎ ‎2. fall(Pride goes before a fall. 骄兵必败)‎ fall asleep ; fall behind; fall into; fall off; fall over ‎1. Don’t tilt(倾斜) your chair back so far, it might ___________. 2. If your payments of rent ___________, you will be asked to leave. 3. One slip and you could ___________ the building. 4. The problems generally ___________ two categories. 5. He can ___________ easily at any place. Keys: fall over; fall behind; fall off; fall into; fall asleep 词组突破:①fall “跑”            ②asleep“睡着的” behind“在…之后” into“进入…中” off“离开,脱落”  over“越过,在上方” fall 1).vi.落下,变成,减弱  2).vt.砍倒,击倒 1).n.下降,秋天,瀑布 讲法: fall over  被…绊倒;意外地从…上跌落;迫不及待做某事 fall behind 落后;下降;退后;逾期(付款等) He didn’t want to fall behind others, so he studied hard to catch up with them. fall off 减少;跌落;变坏;变瘦 Words fall off by disuse. The boy fell off the wall and hurt his right leg. fall into 分成;掉进;陷入 It’s a trap too many people fall into. They fell into love at first sight. fall down 倒塌;跌倒;失败 Babies often fall down when they learn to walk. He fell down from his bike. fall asleep 入睡;睡着 Poor sleepers take longer to fall asleep than good sleepers.‎ 总结:The kids don’t want to fall behind and be late for school. Every morning, they have to go across the river on a narrow wooden bridge. If they fall off, they will fall into the cold water.‎ ‎3. pay (可以重复使用,每个都会用到)‎ pay for      pay off     pay back    pay attention to       1.Walter will be ______________  for his careless.    2.You have acted foolishly and you will ______________ it.     3.In doing our work, we must ______________ ways and means.   4.It would take him the rest of his life to ______________ that bill.   5.Of course, I’m quite willing to ______________ the lost bike.    6.I’ll _______  her _________ for her hospitality by inviting her to dinner.‎ Keys: paid off;pay for;pay attention to;pay off;pay for;pay back 词组突破:①pay “支付,偿还,工资”  ②for“为了” off“离开,远离” back ‎ “拖欠的,来回的” Pay-paid-paying 1).vi.付款,偿还 2).vt.支付,补偿 3).n.工资,薪水,付款 pay for 赔偿,为…而付钱,为…付出代价 1.Of course, I’m quite willing to pay for the lost bike. 2.“Have you paid for these books? ” “Yes, I have paid thirty dollars for these books.” 3.You have acted foolishly and you will pay for it. pay back 偿还,报答,报复 1.He burst into tears, begging her to forgive him and swearing to pay back everything he had stolen. 2.I’ll pay her back for her hospitality by inviting her to dinner. 3.He paid me back by refusing to talk to me. pay off  付清,取得成功,惩罚 1.It would take him the rest of his life to pay off that bill. 2.Sara was determined to become a doctor and her persistence paid off. 3.Walter will be paid off for his careless pay attention to注意,重视 1.In doing our work, we must pay attention to ways and means.‎ 总结:All the bank pay more attention about the borrower’s credit. If the borrower pay for something he want to buy first, but didn’t pay it back on time, he will be paid off for his dishonesty.‎ ‎4. keep Keep on       keep sb. from doing     keep up with    keep away(from)    keep fit      keep silent       keep out ‎1.  We'd better do more exercises and take part in outside activities to ___________. 2.  Les kept s          for a while.(2011年元调) 3.  Hurry up, or you won’t _____________them. 4.  Young girls like to _____________the latest fashions. 5.  ________________ the doors while the train is moving. 6.  The rain ___________going out. 7.  ___________ until you reach the crossing.‎ Keys: 1. keep fit   2. silent   3. keep up with 4. keep up with 5.Keep away from 6. Kept us from  7. Keep on 讲法: on:继续,keep “保持”,连起来“继续” up“向上”,和...一起保持向上就是“跟上” away“离开”,保持从...离开就是“远离” out“外面”保持在外面就是“阻止进入,不让进来” fit “健康的”,keep fit“保持健康”‎ 背景:RM们为了一直奔跑着,他们必须保持健康,远离垃圾食品;为了能赢得团队的荣誉,他们必须跟上同伴的脚步,同时也要远离铃铛使者,最好能把铃铛使者阻挡在外面。‎ ‎5.take take part in     take place    take one’s place=take the place of       take off   take up         take ‎ after 1. Jim t          his father. They are both clever and a little quiet. (13元调)  2. T    your coat      and sit down. 3. The plane is            . 4. No one can t    Xi Dada’s     . 5. Great changes have t           in our country 6. We'd better do more exercises and t            outside activities. 7.This work will t           a lot of my time. Keys: 1. takes after   2. take...off  3. taking off  4. take place 5. taken place 6. take part in 7. take up 讲法: after “在......之后”take“拿,带”,父母带来孩子后,就“(在外貌,性格方面)与(父,母)相像” off“离开”take“拿走”,衣服拿走离开身体,就是“脱下”,飞机离开地面就“起飞” take“花费”up“向上”,把时间往上排,“占据”着 part“部分”in“进来”,拿到某部分里进来就是“参加” take“带走”place“地点”,(把小孩)带到某个地点,状况“发生”了 背景:我们是父母爱情的结晶,多少会受父母影响,所以会(在外貌,性格方面)与(父,母)相像,在我们成长的过程中,会学习很多新东西,参加很多课外活动。父母也会陪伴,占据了他们很多时间;当然,父母与我们多少会发生点争执,但是我们在彼此心中的地位都无可取代。‎ ‎6.up短语集合 pick up  come up   grow up  look up  give up  blow up  cut up sum up  use up 1. I'll     you       at your office. 2. He           and introduced himself.他走上前来并作了自我介绍。 3. Susan wants to be a doctor when she          .苏珊长大想当个医生。 4. Can you         the time of the next train to Beijing? 5. They have           their money. 6. Please            the main points of the text in three sentences. 7. Please    the apple    into four pieces. 8. The enemy          all the bridges in this area. 9. She realized she was wrong and           the argument. 答案:1. pick up  2. came up  3. grows up  4. look up  5. used up  6.sum up  7. cut up  8.blew up  9. gave up ‎7. put Put away    收拾 Put off      推迟 Put on      穿上;上演 Put out      扑灭;生产;出版 Put up      举起;张贴;搭建;提供住宿 Put up with  忍受   put away     put off       put on     put out      put up        put up with    1. What a mess ,little Tom! you have to________‎ ‎ everything. 2. We’re invited friends to supper and it’s too late to be _______ now. 3. He was so heavy, so he didn’t want to ________ more weight. 4. The firefighter soon ________ the fire. 5. My friend will go on a vacation in Wuhan, and I will ______ her _______. 6. I’ll have to __________ the noise till I move next week.‎ Keys: put away; put off; put on; put out; put up; put up with 讲法: put为放 away 为“远离” 把...放的很远 即为“收起来”之意。 off有“从...上面下来” 之意, 把...从...上拿下来, 从安排好的日程上拿下来,即“推迟” on 有“在...上”之意, 把...放上来, 可以理解为把电影排上日程。 即为“上映”。 out 有“出去”之意, 把火里面的空气赶出去, 即为“扑灭” up 有“起来”之意,把...放起来,立起来, 即为 “搭建,张贴 ”之意。  网络小说赚的第一笔金,,,,,,。    Recently his new book will be put out.He will attend his news conference. He gets up early. He puts on his clothes.He has a good habit. He puts away his things.Unluckily, it’s raining heavily.At the moment,he answers a phone from the assistant. The conference will be put off. He can’t put up with the sudden change.       8. get get up    起床 get out    出去  get off    下车 get over   克服 get away  离开 get on    上车 get ready for 准备好...‎ get up    get out     get ready for     get on    get away    get over      get off ‎1. He _______  and leaves the meeting without saying a word. 2. He _______ the bus with a knife, but the driver let him_________ immediately . 3. He and the other prisoners didn’t know if they would ever ________, 4. He lived a so difficult life. I wandered how he ________ it. 5. The meeting was so boring that he _________ from it. 6. He _________ the coming exam.‎ Keys: gets up; got on; got off; get out; got over; got away; got ready for 讲法: “up”有“起身,向上”之意, get up 即为 “起来”“起身”之意。 Out表示在...外面, get out 即为 “出去”之意。 on表在...之上  off表示从...上下来  get on 表示“上车”  get off表示“下车”。 over有“越过”之意,get over 字面意思为 从...上越过, 即为“克服”之意 away 表示“远离”之意, get away 即为“离开”之意。 ready “有准备的” for 表示 为了...  Get ready for 表示 为了...做准备 又到了起床靠毅力,洗澡靠勇气的时候了。   Every morning we get up so early that we should get away from our warm and comfortable quilt. We have to get over the coldness to get out from home. Then we hurry to the bus station.‎ ‎ Get on the bus, and push through the crowd to get off the bus. All we have done is to get ready for the whole day’s study.‎ ‎9. turn Turn on             打开 Turn off            关掉 Turn down          调小;拒绝 Turn up             调大;出现 Turn in             上交 Turn out             生产;结果是 Turn out       turn off     turn in       turn up    turn down    turn on ‎1.You should connect the hose(软管) to the tap and then _______ the water. 2.We should save energy. You should ________the lights when you leave the room. 3.He begged her to marry her, but she_________. What he has done_________ to be useless. 4.He have been waiting for her for a long time,but she didn’t _________. 5.The first thing we do every morning in class is to________ our homework.‎ Keys: turn on; turn off; turned down; turns out; turn up; turn in 讲法:  Turn 本身就有“转,扭”之意, on 表示 开着  turn on 即表示“打开” 之意;off有“离开,请假”之意 turn off 把...扭的离开原来的位置,就是“关掉”;  up 表示向上, 向上扭动 turn up 调大。    down表示向下, turn down 表示 调小。 而down 本身还有心情低落之意, 所以 你被别人拒绝了 是不是心情很down呢? Turn down 也有“拒绝”之意。  Out 表示在外面,出去 之意, 那么turn out字面意思是 转身结果就出来了 那么 turn out 表示“结果证明是...” In 表示 在...里面,  turn 表示旋转,使改变方向, 把作业都交往老师那里  turn in表示“上交”。‎ ‎10. break    break into  break down  break one’s promise  break out        1.He was twenty-nine when the World War Ⅱ         .    2.Then one of them explained that a neighbor had seen someone _________  my house.    3.The mechine just          at this busy hour.     4 . However, it’s evitable(不可避免的) to ______________ sometimes. But we should try out best to keep it.   Keys: 1. Break out     2. Breaking into    3. Broke down    4. Break one’s promise Break into : 闯入 Break down: 发生故障,抛锚,失败 Break one’s promise/ words    :食言 (反)keep one’s promise/ words Break out :  爆发,突然发生 讲法: out 为“向外”之意,如:go out . Break 是“破坏”, 所以 break out ‎ 是“向外破坏”,通常描述为“战争爆发”        Into 为“向里面”, break into  可以理解为“向里面破坏”,也就是“破门而入,闯入” 常用于: sb. break into someone’s house      Down  为“向下”, break down 就是“向下破坏”,一般是指机器故障或损坏。      Break one’s promise 较容易理解,注意其反义词组: keep one’s promise 当战争爆发的时候,一个士兵闯入Rose家里。说好了要带她去找Jack,结果他食言了,在他们去集中营途中,士兵的车抛锚了,Rose成功逃走了。‎ ‎11. set set up    set out    set down    set aside  1. Old Walter is __________ his memories of village life.  2. He has achieved what he _______ to do three years ago.  3. _______ some time each day to listen.  4. They have now _______ a new camp at St Peter’s Church in the town.‎ Keys: 1. set down  2. Set out      3. Set aside     4.   Set up Set down: 记下,放下 Set out:  出发 Set up:   建立 (establish) Set aside:  留出 讲法: set 是 “放置,安置”之意,down 是“向下”,所以set down 是“向下放置”,也就是写下,记下。       Out 是“向外”, 将人向外放置,也就是“动身,出发”       Up 是“向上”, 将事物往上放置,也就是“向上建立,搭建”       Aside 是“一边”, 把东西放到一边,也就是“留出一些时间或者空间”‎ ‎ 在Rose 逃走之后,成功找到了Jack, 两人一起动身出发去了一个小岛,在岛上建立了一个温馨的花园,rose每天留出一点时间写出浪漫的回忆。‎ ‎12. Look ‎ Look up    look after    look down upon      look forward to   ‎ ‎1. You shouldn’t _________ him because he is poor. 2. If you _______ someone ____, you visit them after not having seen them for a long time. 3. I will ________ her child when she is on a busy trip. 4. I ____________ receiving your early reply.‎ Keys: 1. look down upon  2. Look up    3. look after        4. look forward to Look look after    :照顾 look down upon   : 看不起  look down : 向下看    look up 尊重仰视 look forward to 期待 (+ doing)‎ 讲法: look after 是固定搭配, look down 是“向下看,俯视”,引申为“看不起” 反义词是 look up “向上看”或者 “仰视尊重”, 同时,还有“查阅字典”的意思。‎ ‎ ‎ 尽管他们逃到了岛上,Rose也得到了Jack很好的照顾,但是他们私奔的事情为世人所不齿。所以Rose临终前的非常希望得到父母的理解和尊重。‎ 三.单选 (  ) 1. Lily is upset these days. Do you know how to ______ her ______? A. cheer; up          B. cheer; on       C. pick; up          D. put; away (  ) 2. Please _______these test papers to each student. A. give off           B. give out        C. give up           D. give in (  ) 3. All the students must ______your homework before ten o’clock, or you will be punished. A. hand out          B. hand in       C. hand over         D. hand on (  ) 4. Would you please _______ the music a little, Lily?  I am learning English. A. turn up            B. turn down     C. turn off           D. turn on (  ) 5. Attention, please! The plane will _____ in a minute. Every passenger, please fasten(系) your safety belt. A. take up            B. take off        C. take over          D. take down (  ) 6. This math problem is very difficult, so I can’t ______it ______. A. work; out          B. point; out     C. set; up            D. try; on (  ) 7. If you don’t know the meaning of the word, you can _______ it _______ in the dictionary. A. look; up           B. look; into     C. make; up          D. dress; up (  ) 8. The old man _______ cancer at last. A. died from         B. died of      C. goes through       D. ends with (  ) 9. --What does your mother _______?  --She is tall and beautiful. A. look after         B. look like     C. look at            D. look for (  ) 10. I don’t know how to _______my sad feeling. Can you help me? A. do with          B. deal with     C. run after        D. go over (  ) 11. I _______ my English teacher this morning while I was eating breakfast. A. came about       B. came from    C. came across      D. came over (  ) 12. --Shall I take you to the shopping center after school? -- No, thanks. My father said he would ______ on his way home. A. look for me         B. pick me up     C. let me down        D. take after me (  ) 13.—Why don’t you _______the correct spelling of the word? —I’m sorry. I don’t have a Chinese-English dictionary at hand. A. look for            B. look down     C. look up            D. look at (  ) 14. Have you _______ your new classmates yet? A. had friends with       B. made friend with    C. got friend to         D. made friends with (  ) 15—Would you mind ______ my baby while I am away? —Of course not. A. looking for          B. looking at     C. looking after     D. looking forward to (  ) 16..Tom, ______ your sunglasses. The sun is so bright. A. put on             B. put up         C. put away             D. put down (  ) 17.—Could I speak to Lily, please?--_____ a minute. I will call her at once. A. Hold on             B. Pass on         C. Put on              D. Hold back (  ) 18.I am sure those scientists will ______ a way to solve the difficult problem. A. put up              B. come up with      C. look up              D. come up (  ) 19.--Tim, ______ your T-shirt at once! It looks so dirty.--Sorry, Mum. I was playing football the whole afternoon. A. take off           B. take on       C. put off            D. put ‎ on (  ) 20.---Could you come to my home this weekend?  --I’m afraid I can’t. I_____ look after my grandmother in hospital. A. used to              B. have to        C. prefer to            D. belong to (  ) 21.The global financial crisis(金融危机) has made many people_____ their money. A. to care for           B. took care of      C. be careful with     D. to be cared about (  ) 22.---These problems are too difficult to ___ . Could you please give me some advice? --There are many ways, but the most important is to think them over before doing them. A. work out             B. look out       C. hand out             D. put out (  ) 23.--I’m sorry I can’t find the library book anywhere.  --I’m afraid you have to ______ it. A. send for             B. call for          C. pay for             D. wait for (  ) 24.---,Jim, what are you doing now? --I’m writing to my good friend, Tom.He moved to America last week.He must be_____ receiving my e-mail. A.1istening to       B.looking forward to   C.hoping to       D. excited to (  ) 25. Jill doesn’t like the sunglasses in the ad because they can’t _____ the sun well. A. take out                B. keep out      C. clean out               D. look out (  ) 26. It is impolite to _____ those people in trouble. A.1augh to       B. 1augh with     C. laugh of         D. 1augh at (  ) 27. Many old buildings were _______ and new buildings are being built. A. put out                   B. pulled down         C. gone down           D. fell down (  ) 28.—Tess, your books are in a terrible mess (凌乱)on your desk. —I’m sorry. I’ll _________ at once. A. put them away       B. put them out       C. put them on          D. put them down (  ) 29. .More and more waste has ___ a lot of space. We should take some measures to reduce it. A. taken place                 B. taken away     C. taken up                  D. taken off (  )30. –What smells terrible, Bob?  --I’m sorry. I’ll ____ my socks and wash them right now. A. get away         B. move away         C. take away          D. put away (  )31. -- I have so many problems these days and nobody can help_    -- So you'll have to _____ those problems by yourself.(2014年元调 )    A. get out            B. get off             C. get over      D. get away  (  )32. – There’s too much sunshine now.         -- We'd better _____ our sunglasses.(2014年元调)    A. put on           B. tum on            C. get on            D. try on (  )33. I used to _______ with my wife and watch TV movies at home. (2014年中考)    A. show up      B. wake up      C. come up        D. stay up (  )34. It was a difficult time, but we never ________ hope.(2010年中考)     A. put up          B. gave up           C. picked up          D. used up (  )35. ---What are you going to do for the School Day?    ---We'll _____ a new play.(2011年中考)   A. put out       B. put off      C. put into      D. put on (  )36.Once the actor Edwards told his fans,“Be yourself and don’t let anybody _______ you around.“(2012年中考) A.pull ‎     B.push    C.take    D.turn (  )37. After winning the badminton championship at Wuhan Sports Center in May, the Chinese players’ faces ____ with joy.(2012年中考) A. made up   B. took up    C. put up    D. lit up (  )38. It seems that the aged people _________ the H7N9 more easily from the recent cases. (2013年中考)    A. pick up    B. mix up    C. set up    D. use up     ‎ 答案:1~10   ABBBB AABBB    11~20 CBCDC  AABAB       21~30  CACBB DBACC   31~38C ADBD   BDA 四、翻译句子 1. As I continued walking, I saw a group of kids run into Dan, knocking his books out of his arms and pushing him so he fell over. 当我继续走路时,我看见一群孩子撞上了Dan,把他怀里的书撞掉了,退了他一下,所以他摔倒了。 2. as we were picking up his books, I saw tears in his eyes. 当我们捡起他的书,我看见他眼里的泪水。 3. We hung out all weekend and the more I got to know Dan, the more I liked him. 整个周末我们四处闲逛,我了解Dan越多,我越喜欢他了。 4. I paid this bill in advance. 我提前付这笔账单。 5. I love you.” I know we must give our loved ones the time they deserved(应得), because it shouldn’t be put off until some other time. 我爱你。”我知道我们必须给我们爱的人他们应得的时间,这是不能被推迟的。 6. He would pay for the dinner. 他应该付晚餐。 7. Jim takes after his father. They are both clever and a little quiet. Jim像他的父亲,他们都很聪明,都有点安静。 8. Could you provide me with information about students exchange program? 你能提供我一些有关交流生节目的信息吗? 9. We'd better do more exercise and take part in outside activities to keep fit. 我们最好做更多的运动,参加课外活动来保持身体健康。 10.I’m sorry. I’ll put away my socks and wash them right now. 对不起,我会把我的袜子收起来,马上去洗它们。 11.Mary tried to catch a butterfly,but it got away from her. 玛丽努力去抓蝴蝶,但是蝴蝶从她那儿逃脱了。 12.Suddenly I came up with an idea, the kitchen window was open so I decided to climb through it. 突然我想出一个主意,厨房的窗户是开的,所以我决定从那儿爬过去。 13.Then one of them explained that a neighbor had seen someone breaking into my house. 然后他们中的一位解释说一个邻居看见有人闯进了我的房间。 14.I want to see off at the airport early this morning. Now I feel sleepy. 今天一大早我想去机场送行。现在我感到昏昏欲睡。 15.This probably belongs to someone that you work ‎ with. 这很可能属于和你共事的那个人。 16.If you don't know the meaning of a word, look it up in a good dictionary. 如果你不知道一个单词的意思,在一本好点的字典里查找。 17.I couldn’t help listening to the conversation between Mr. Miller and the boy. 我情不自禁地想要听一下米勒先生和男孩之间的对话。 18.Mrs. Miller, who had been standing nearby, came over to help me. 一直站在我旁边的米勒夫人过来帮我。 19.Then my eyes caught sight of the package. 然后我的眼睛就停留在那个包裹上。 20.You tell me you are running out of money. 你告诉我你把钱用完了。 21.Then, why not make a promise to achieve your personal best? 然后,为什么你不给自己一个许诺来做到最好呢? 22.Through “Alive and Well” they can telephone their parents without worrying about letting their parents know their address. 通过“活着,很好”这个服务他们可以给他们的父母打电话,而不用担心让他们的父母知道自己的地址。 23.The Woods and their helpers write down the telephone messages which are recorded by the tape and get in touch with the address. 伍德一家人和他们的帮助者写下被录音机记下的电话信息,然后与这个地址取得联系。 24.A month ago,I wrote to inform you of this. 一个月以前,我写信通知你这个事情。 25.By experience, they knew that the biggest problem was lack of oxygen. 根据经验,他们知道最大的问题是缺氧。‎ ‎ 五、作文 Jay想邀请他的好友一起过寒假,他的计划安排有:1.拜访老师,参加同学聚会(pay a visit; take part in); 2. 每天坚持晨跑,保持健康(keep fit; keep on doing sth);3. 坚持每天学习英语口语,避免新学期学习落后(take up,fall behind )4.整理房间(put away); 同时,为了预防各种假期综合症,也拟出了一些注意事项,建议如下: 1. 不要长时间熬夜,早点入睡,保证充足的睡眠质量;(fall asleep) 2. 不要暴饮暴食,远离垃圾食品,保持苗条;(keep away from; keep fit) 3. 燃放烟花爆竹时,注意防火;(pay attention to) 请帮他完成这封邀请信,并增加一两点你的想法。‎ Dear Friends:      I am very happy to invite you to spend the winter vacation with me. I have already made some plans. we will pay a visit to our high-school teachers and take part in the classmates’ activities. In order to keep fit, we can keep on jogging every morning. We will also take up oral English together to avoid falling behind in the new term. When we have time, we can also put away things in your bedroom .  Some tips are given as follows: Firstly, we should fall asleep as early as we can. Secondly, we’d better keep away from junk food. Thirdly, pay attention to the fire, when we set off fireworks.      If you have any other suggestions, please feel free to tell me. I am looking forward to your reply.‎ ‎                                                                       Jay

