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A ‎ ability 能力; He has ability to solve the problem ‎ 1- All he needs is an opportunity to show his ability absent 缺席的; He will be absent from the meeting tomorrow.‎ abroad 到国外; Steven has been working abroad for five years.‎ achieve 获得,实现; Many people will work hard to achieve these goals activity 活动; You can take part in activities from canoeing to bird watching advanced 先进的,高级的; The company bought many advanced equipment last year. ‎ adventure 冒险,奇遇; ‎ 1- I set off for a new adventure in the United States on the first day of the new year.‎ advantage优势; ‎ 1- I will take advantage of this trip to buy all the things that we need. ‎ 2- Our advantage is we are familiar with all the roads.‎ advertise 登广告; They put some advertisement 名词on the newspaper. ‎ affect 影响; This will affect our mood. ‎ afford 买得起; The car is so expensive that we can’t be able to afford it. ‎ agriculture 农业; Agriculture is very important for all the countries. ‎ announce 宣布; The director announced that we had won the competition. ‎ anxious 焦虑的,渴望的; He is very anxious to go aboard. ‎ apologize 道歉; I need to apologize for what I did. ‎ appearance出现,外表; ‎ 1- ‎ It was the president's second public appearance to date 2- She care about her appearance very much. ‎ appreciate 感激,欣赏; We appreciate what you did for us. ‎ astronaut 宇航员; I saw an astronaut driving the spacecraft. ‎ atmosphere大气,气氛; very good atmosphere 很好的气氛或氛围 ‎ attempt 企图,尝试; We are attempting to persuade him to work for our company ‎ attract 吸引; ‎ 1- In order to attract the investors, Chinese government has reduced the taxes. ‎ audience 听众; All the audience were attracted by his performance. ‎ Average 平均; The yearly average income of individual in China is 8000 USD appetite 食欲; He has very good appetite recently. ‎ attitude 态度; The waiter in the restaurant has very good attitude to the customers. ‎ ‎★B ‎ balance 平衡; The medicines you are currently taking could be affecting your balance bargain 讨价还价; We always bargain with the sellers in the market. ‎ basic 基本的;基础的 We provide 2-person tents and basic cooking and camping equipment ‎ benefit 利益; Both parties have benefited from the project. ‎ beyond 超过; This is beyond our capability. ‎ 1- The situation is beyond her control. Or out of control. ‎ biology 生物学; Biology is one of the most important basic subject. ‎ bitter 苦的; The leaves taste rather bitter. ‎ branch 分支,部门; the company has many branches in the world. ‎ broadcast 广播,播送; ‎ 1- In a broadcast on radio the government also announced that it was willing to resume peace negotiations behavior 行为; His behavior is not suitable in this important occasion. ‎ belief 信仰,信念; We need to insist our belief. ‎ ‎ ★C ‎ camera 照相机; Camera is used to take pictures. ‎ capital 首都,省会; Beijing is the capital of China. ‎ captain 队长,船长; John used to be the captain in U.S.A ‎ ceiling 天花板; It is difficult to touch the ceiling because it is too high. ‎ celebrate 庆祝; We will celebrate the birthday of company. ‎ century 世纪; ‎ chain 链子;连锁; Wal mart is the biggest chain shop in the world. ‎ challenge 挑战; It is big challenge for his to climb the high mountain. ‎ channel 航道, 海峡,频道; Please adjust the channel to receive the signal that we send. ‎ character 特征; Her behavior last night revealed a lot about her character charge 收费,索价; 1- free charge, 免费 ‎2- We need to charge my mobile phone. ‎ chat 聊天; Would you like to chat with me by the phone. ‎ Christmas 圣诞节; Christmas is the most important date for the western. ‎ citizen 公民; All the citizens have the right to vote for president election ‎ cigarette 香烟; A lighted cigarette burned a hole in his clothes. ‎ climate 气候; The climate has been becoming hotter obviously in recently years. ‎ coal 煤炭; The price of coal has reduced dramatically since last year. ‎ collar 衣领; Some new designed jacket has no collar. ‎ Comfortable舒适的; A home should be comfortable and friendly. ‎ This sofa is very comfortable for the fat man to sit on. ‎ Communication 交流,通讯 It is very important to communicate with friends ‎ competition竞赛; He will be banned from international competition for four years.‎ complete完全的,彻底的; I have done the homework completely. ‎ composition作文; There is going to be the composition in the English exam. ‎ concert音乐会 I've been to plenty of live rock concerts conductor售票员,(乐队)指挥,导体;‎ The train conductor punched (打眼) our tickets.‎ Wood is a poor conductor 导体 of heat and electricity.‎ confident自信的; John is very confident that he will win the race. ‎ congratulation祝贺; ‎ construction建设; The road construction is in progress.‎ continent大陆,大洲; She loved African continent. ‎ convenient方便的; Is it convenient for you to come to my office right now?‎ conversation交谈; We had a good conversation last night. ‎ cough咳嗽; started coughing blood so they transferred me to a hospital.‎ course过程,课程,一道菜; English course ‎ courage勇气; He is short of courage to face the difficulties. ‎ cousin堂(表)兄弟,堂(表)姐妹; ‎ crowd人群; ‎ curtain 窗帘; The curtain is used to prevent the light from entering the room. ‎ culture 文化; ‎ curious 好奇的; Children are naturally curious 孩子天生就好奇 custom 习俗; The custom of lighting the Olympic flame goes back centuries customer 消费者;顾客 All the waiters need to respect the customers. ‎ Conclusion 结论; He made the final conclusion that Peter had passed the exam. ‎ contribution贡献; John made great contribution to the country. ‎ D ‎ daily每日的; The daily price has increased by 50%. ‎ decade十年; British Rail has become more commercial over the past decade definitely明确地,肯定地; I'm definitely going to get in touch with these people deliver 投递; All the packages of rice have been delivered to my house. ‎ Declare 宣布; John declared that he would give up the competition. ‎ deserve 应受,值得; It's your money, you work very hard, so you deserve it.‎ description 描述; Please describe what you saw last night. ‎ design 设计; The company has designed a beautiful building. ‎ devote 专心,致力于; He decided to devote the rest of his life to scientific investigation determine 决心,决定; The size of the chicken pieces will determine the cooking time dialogue/dialog对话; ‎ They have begun dialogues to promote better understanding between both communities direction 方向;指导; Langfang city is located in the opposite direction disaster 灾难; It was the second air disaster in the region in less than two months disappear 消失; John drive the car very fast, the car disappeared in two minutes. ‎ discussion 讨论; we will discuss about this issue tomorrow. ‎ disturb 打扰; Don’t disturb him, he is studying in his room. ‎ diary 日记; He insist on writing the diary. ‎ digital 数码的; Digital camera is very popular in recent years. ‎ download 下载; You need to download some software to run it. ‎ dustbin 垃圾箱; We need to put more and more dustbin in the yard. ‎ decrease 减少; Population growth is decreasing by 1.4% each year department部,科;系; We are working in the same department. ‎ dynasty 王朝,朝代; The Ming dynasty of China was founded hundreds years ago. ‎ ‎★E ‎ economical经济的,节约的; It is more economical to wash a full load educate 教育; He was educated at No.3 middle School effective 有效的 The new rules will become effective in the next few days efficient 效率高的; you need to be more efficient when you do your homework. ‎ effort 努力; John made great effort to finish his job on time. ‎ electricity 电; Electricity was invented by a famous scientist. ‎ equality 平等; They live and work together in complete equality encourage 鼓励; Peter encouraged Steven to study hard. ‎ energy 能量;精力; He always has enough energy. ‎ entrance 入口; There are five entrances in this building. ‎ envelope 信封; ‎ environment环境; we need to take measures to protect our environment escape 逃避; It is very difficult to escape from the prison. ‎ especially 尤其,特别; ‎ exhibition 展览会; There are many different cars in the car exhibition. ‎ Expert 专家; He is petroleum expert ‎ Extremely 极端地; My mobile phone is extremely useful Eventually 最终地; Eventually, the army caught up with him in Langfang city. ‎ ‎★F ‎ Familiar 熟悉的; We are very familiar with Europe Failure 失败; Failure is the mother of success. ‎ Finger 手指; ‎ flour 面粉; Bread is made of flour fluently 流利地; He can speak English very fluently. ‎ forbid 禁止; Smoking is forbidden in this room.‎ foreigner 外国人; Perter is a foreigner ‎ forgive 原谅; Please forgive me for forgetting your name. ‎ fortunately 幸运地; Fortunately, He passed the English exam. ‎ freedom 自由; freedom is most important right for the human being. ‎ frequent 频繁的; He makes mistake frequently. ‎ fresh 新鲜的; I like to eat fresh fruits. ‎ fruit 水果; ‎ friendly 友好的; He is very friendly to me ‎ fuel 燃料; The plane was running out of fuel. ‎ furniture 家具; We need to buy furniture for the new house. ‎ Festival 节日; October 1st is most important festival day. ‎ ‎★G ‎ Generation 一代; the new generation has different idea about life. ‎ Generally 一般地; ‎ Generous 慷慨的;大方的; He has been very generous to his friends. ‎ Geography 地理; We need to know some knowledge about geography. ‎ Glove 手套; ‎ Government 政府; The government shall be responsible for ‎ graduation 毕业; I graduated from Beijing University. ‎ gradual 逐渐的; Losing weight is a slow, gradual process grammar 语法; You need to master the grammar. ‎ Guest 客人; We need to respect our guests. ‎ Guide 导游; He has been a guide for 10 years. ‎ ‎ ★H ‎ habit 习惯; I have a good habit, I get up very early. ‎ Handkerchief 手帕; ‎ Handwriting 书法,笔迹; ‎ harvest 收获; There were 3 million tons of grain in the fields at the start of the harvest.‎ height 高度; The height of this mountain is 600 meters. ‎ honor 尊敬; it is my great honor to see you. ‎ hunger 饥饿; Hunger is very common in Libya. ‎ humourous 幽默的; Peter is very humourous when he teaches me English. ‎ ‎ ★I ‎ Island 岛; He lives in a small island. ‎ Imagine 想象; You can’t imagine how beautiful the island is. ‎ immediately 立即,立刻; He will come immediately if you call him. ‎ increase 增加; My salary has increased dramatically. ‎ Income 收入; ‎ Industry 工业,勤劳; Industry and agriculture are the two important sectors of the national economy ‎ Light industry is closely related to agriculture.‎ Inform 通知; I was informed to come to the office immediately. ‎ Internet 因特网; ‎ Interview 采访,面试; When I went for my first interview for this job I arrived extremely early  ‎ Interrupt 打断,打扰; Don’t interrupt other people when they are talking. ‎ Inventor 发明者; Edison is the inventor of electric lamp. ‎ Insurance 保险; We need to buy insurance for our new car. ‎ ‎ ★J ‎ Journalist 记者; A journalist interviewed me yesterday. ‎ Judge 审判, 判断,法官; I judged him to be about forty Justice 正义,公正;法官 He has a sense of justice. 他有正义感。 ‎ Junior 初级的; ‎ ‎★K ‎ kindergarten幼儿园; There is a kindergarten in our community. ‎ kite 风筝; ‎ knowledge 知识; knowledge can change the life quality. ‎ Kitchen 厨房; This kitchen is too small for the big family. ‎ ‎★L ‎ Labour 劳动; ‎ Lack 缺乏; He is lack of sense of justice. ‎ Ladder 梯子; ‎ Language 语言; My mother language is English. ‎ Lately 最近; Dad's health hasn't been too good lately Latter 后者; The latter part of the debate concentrated on how to study physics well. ‎ Lawyer 律师; The lawyer is paid only if he wins League 联盟; Britain has dropped from second to third place in the league Lecture 演讲; The candidate of president promised to reduce the taxes in his competition lecture. ‎ Level 水平; We do have the lowest level of inflation for some years Librarian 图书管理员; He has been working as a librarian in this library for many years. ‎ Local 当地的; We need to hire some local employees for our company. ‎ Luggage 行李; The luggage will be delivered to your house tonight. ‎ luckily 幸运地; Luckily, I succeeded to convince him to work for our company. ‎ ‎★M ‎ Magazine 杂志; ‎ Majority 多数; Majority of employees agree with your opinion. ‎ Market 市场; We often go to the market to buy the goods. ‎ Marriage 结婚; They are very satisfied with their daughter’s marriage. ‎ Material 材料,原料; The price of material has increased too much. ‎ Meanwhile 同时; ‎ Measure 措施,测量,尺寸; ‎ 1- The government warned that police would take tougher measures to control the situation. ‎ 2- Please measure the length and width of this house. ‎ Medical 医学的; Several police officers received medical treatment for cuts and bruise ‎ Medical facilities are being upgraded.‎ Memory 记忆力; Peter has good memory of what happened in the traffic accident. ‎ Mental 精神的; Forgiveness can make us mentally and physically healthy. ‎ Menu 菜单; Please give us a menu, we need to order the food. ‎ Mention 提到; You did not mention to me that he is the candidate of president ‎ Merry 欢乐的; Merry Christmas, everyone Merely 仅仅,只不过; The brain accounts for merely three per cent of body weigh Message 消息; He left a message for you that he will visit you tomorrow. ‎ Metal 金属; He hit his head against a metal bar Mirror 镜子; ‎ Monitor 班长; I was elected to be a monitor in our class yesterday. ‎ Monument 纪念碑; The government built this monument to the heroes Mostly 主要地;大部分; It is known to all that metals are mostly used in the form of alloys.(合金)‎ Museum 博物馆; ‎ Media 传媒; Yahoo announced to become a new media company. ‎ Minority 少数,少数民族; Language extinction is a gradual process, which mainly affect the minority tribes. ‎ Mobile 移动的; ‎ Mystery 神秘; What this happened is still a bit of mystery. ‎ ‎★N ‎ narrow 狭窄的; ‎ nationality 国籍; Peter’s nationality is Canadian. ‎ Naturally 自然地; When things go wrong, all of us naturally feel disappointed and frustrated neatly 整洁地; Sue had dressed herself neatly for work necessary 必要的; ‎ neighbor 邻居; ‎ nephew 侄子,外甥; ‎ niece 侄女,外甥女; ‎ normal 正常的; ‎ nowadays 现在; ‎ nurse 护士; ‎ nutrition 营养; The young children need more nutrition. ‎ ‎★O ‎ Obey 服从; You need to obey the instructions of the safety guard in the bank. ‎ Object 物体,反对; ‎ Ocean 海洋; ‎ offer 提供; The food will be offered by the company. ‎ operation 操作,做手术; The operation is very successful ‎ opposite 相反的;对面的 Jennie had sat opposite her at breakfast I should have written the notes in the opposite order organize 组织; Peter often organize his classmates to go climbing. ‎ overcome 克服; It’s very difficult to overcome the difficulties.‎ obvious 明显的; He has made a obvious mistake. ‎ Olympic 奥林匹克的; ‎ Outstanding 杰出的; He has made outstanding contribution to the country. ‎ ‎★P ‎ Palace 宫殿; ‎ Paragraph 段; ‎ Park 停放(车); ‎ particular 特别的; ‎ partner 搭档; He need a partner to work with him to do the experiment. ‎ panda 熊猫; ‎ passenger 乘客; ‎ patient 耐心的,病人; You need to be more patient to your son. ‎ peaceful 和平的; We are happy to live in a peaceful world. ‎ performance 表演; He was attracted by her excellent performance. ‎ period 时期; This crisis might last for a long period of time permit 允许; You are not permitted to enter without the card. ‎ persuade 说服; ‎ phenomenon 现象; we have new evidence showing that this is a global phenomenon physical 身体的,物理的; ‎ pillow 枕头; Your old pillow should be replaced by a new one. ‎ pilot 飞行员; He is very happy to become a pilot. ‎ population 人口,人数; the population of China is 1.3 billion. ‎ poisonous 有毒的; Some people were killed by poisonous air. ‎ pollution 污染; Pollution is getting more serious. ‎ position 位置;地位 The ship was identified, and its name and position were reported to the coastguard practical 实际的,实用的; We can offer you practical suggestions on how to increase the fibre in your daily diet We do not yet have any practical way to prevent the cancer. ‎ pressure 压力; ‎ precious 珍贵的,宝贵的; ‎ president 总统; Trump has been elected to be the president of U.S.A. ‎ pretend 假装; He pretended to be our enemy in the game. ‎ program 节目,项目; ‎ project 工程;项目 I used to be the project manager. ‎ pronunciation发音; ‎ purpose 目的,意图; What’s your purpose of attending this meeting?‎ Potential 潜力; This company is our potential competitor. ‎ private 私人的; private conversation, private car. ‎ privilege 特权; The police has special privilege to kill the criminal. ‎ ‎★Q ‎ quality 质量; We need to pay more attention to the quality of product. ‎ quantity 数量; The quantity of students is increasing dramatically. ‎ quarrel 争吵; had a terrible quarrel with my other brothers quarter 四分之一; The doses I suggested for adults could be halved or quartered.‎ queue 队,行列; She waited in the bus queue ‎★R ‎ raise 提高,抚养;募集 He raised his hand when teacher asked who was able to answer the question.‎ They raised the money to buy the house and two hundred acres of grounds It is not easy to raise a child. ‎ rare 稀有的,罕见的; Heart attacks were extremely rare in babies, he said ‎ She collects rare plants ‎ recently 近来; The prices of all the goods are increasing recently. ‎ recognize 认出; I can hardly recognize her after twenty years. ‎ record 记录; They created a new record. ‎ recover 恢复; He will be recovered in a few days. ‎ recycle 回收,再利用;These rubbish could be recycled. ‎ reduce 减少; My weight has been reduced very much. ‎ refuse 拒绝; He received a gift, but he refused to accept it. ‎ refer 参考,提到; for further information, Please refer to instructions of product ‎ regular 规则的; Steven has regular classes on Saturday. ‎ relative 相对的,亲戚; ‎ remain 保持,剩下,仍然; ‎ remind 提醒,使想起; I would like to remind you that the beer you bought is expired. ‎ remove 去掉; It is very difficult to remove this stain. ‎ resign 辞职,放弃; Peter has resigned from the university. ‎ request 要求; You are requested to attend this meeting tomorrow on time. ‎ research 调查,研究; ‎ respect 尊敬; It is very important for the waiters to respect the customers. ‎ restaurant 饭馆; ‎ resource 资源; ‎ review 复习; What you need to do is to review what you learned yesterday. ‎ responsibility 责任心; It is your responsibility to pay the salary on time. ‎ ‎★S ‎ Safety 安全; Safety is the most important factor to be considered. ‎ salary 薪水; ‎ satisfy 满足; We need to satisfy your customers. ‎ scene 场景; ‎ scenery 风景; Sometimes they just drive slowly down the lane enjoying the scenery scientific 科学的; Scientific management promotes production secretly 秘密地; He claims that several countries have developed nuclear weapons secretly secretary 秘书; He is working very hard as a secretary. ‎ seldom 很少; He seldom comes to my home. ‎ senior 高级的,年长的; He is applying for senior employee of this company. ‎ sense 感觉,辨别力; My sense of justice was offended serious 严肃的,严峻的; Crime is an increasingly serious problem in Russian society service 服务; We need to provide the best service to satisfy our customer. ‎ separate 分离,单独的; Each villa has a separate sitting-room shape 形状,制作; Police moved in to separate the two groups share 分享,份额; please share your experience with us. ‎ sheet 被单; ‎ shelf 架子; We are selecting the book shelf in the store. ‎ shortcoming 缺点; This is a shortcoming of our education system ‎ Marriages usually break down as a result of the shortcomings of both partners shoulder 肩膀; ‎ similar 类似的; He has the similar shortcoming with me. ‎ situation 形势; The situation is getting worse. ‎ Army officers said the situation was under control slightly 轻微地; They will be slightly more expensive but they last a lot longer smoothly 光滑地,平坦地,平稳地; ‎ society 社会; You need to get well along with other people in this society. ‎ spare 抽出(时间、人手); ‎ spread 传播;扩散 Fire spread rapidly after a chemical truck exploded ‎ The virus of flu has spread worldwide. ‎ square 广场; Tian anmen square ‎ standard 标准; He speaks standard English ‎ steal 偷窃; ‎ straight 直的,直地; Keep your back straight especially when you are growing up. ‎ stranger 陌生人; ‎ strangely 奇怪地 ‎ suffer 受苦,遭受; She has become seriously ill, suffering great pain and discomfort system 系统; Petroleum system selfish 自私的; He is too selfish to share his food ‎ sensitive 敏感的; He is very sensitive to the voice. ‎ ‎ The classroom teacher must be sensitive to a child's needs sincerely 真诚地; ‎ strengthen 加强; To strengthen his position in the party, he did a lot things for the people.‎ sympathy 同情; We expressed our sympathy for her loss ‎★T ‎ Task 任务; He was given a tough task. ‎ Technique 技术; Tea processing requires both technique and artistry Temperature 温度,体温; ‎ Theatre 剧场,戏院; A theatre was built near my house. ‎ Therefore 因此; ‎ Thief 贼; ‎ Thirsty 渴的,缺水的; Drink more water when you fee thisty. ‎ Thorough 彻底的; ‎ Thunder 雷声; There was frequent thunder and lightning, and torrential rain.‎ Title 标题; ‎ Tobacco 烟草; I believe it is time to ban tobacco advertising altogether.‎ Toilet 洗手间; ‎ Traffic 交通; We need to obey the traffic rule to avoid the traffic accident. ‎ Translate 翻译; ‎ Traveler 旅行者; ‎ Trousers 长裤; ‎ Typical 典型的; He is a typical lazy doctor, he never arrives at hospital on time. ‎ Throughout 贯穿,在整个……期间; ‎ Tourism 旅游业; ‎ Traditional 传统的,传说的;I like traditional Chinese food. ‎ ‎★U ‎ Umbrella 伞; ‎ Uniform 制服; The students are required to wear the uniform. ‎ Union 协会,联盟; ‎ University 综合大学; He has applied to go to the Beijing university. ‎ Universe 宇宙; Early astronomers thought that our planet was the centre of the universe Upstairs 在楼上; He went upstairs ‎ Unique 唯一的,独特的; Each person's signature is unique ‎★V ‎ Vacation 假期; Where are planning to go during the vacation. ‎ Valley 山谷;流域; ‎ Value 价值; ‎ Variety 变化,多样性; Susan's idea of freedom was to have variety in her life style Various 各种各样的; There are various types of the disease Vegetable 蔬菜; ‎ Victory 胜利; We have defended the fruits of our victory.‎ Villager 村民; Soon the villagers couldn't afford to buy food for themselves Vocabulary 词汇; ‎ Voyage 航行,航海; ‎ Volunteer 志愿者; Mary volunteered to clean up the kitchen ‎★W ‎ Waste 浪费,无用的,垃圾; Do not waste more time, we need to be more efficient. ‎ weather 天气; The math class was cancelled because of bad weather. ‎ wedding 婚礼; Most Britons want a traditional wedding.‎ ‎ I wan present at the wedding. ‎ weight 重量; ‎ willing 愿意的; I am willing to go broad with you. ‎ welfare 福利; He has urged reform of the welfare system wonder 想知道,奇观 I am wondering how he entered the house. ‎ ‎★Y ‎ Youth 青,青春;‎

