牛津译林苏教版小学英语六下《Unit 7 Summer holiday plans 》PPT课件 (4)

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牛津译林苏教版小学英语六下《Unit 7 Summer holiday plans 》PPT课件 (4)

Unit 7 Summer holiday plans ( Story time) A bout Australia Weather: warm and sunny Interesting sport: _____ ____ _____________ Interesting animals :___ _ _____ and _ _ ____ Interesting c ities: __ _ ____, Melbourne ,Canberra Sydney kangaroos koalas Australian football games 堪培拉 墨尔本 Canberra is the capital of Australia. 首都 A bout China Weather: ___ in summer and _____ in winter Interesting sport: _____ ____ _____________ Interesting animals :___ ____________ _____ Interesting c ities: ___ ____________ ____ ___ _____ ____ _____________ Beijing panda s table tennis 台北 香港 hot cold S hanghai Hong Kong Taipei T ian ’ an men square the Summer Palace the Palace Museum the Great Wall Beijing the B u nd the Shanghai M u seum Shanghai Hong Kong Ocean Park 海洋公园 Disneyland 迪士尼乐园 Disneyland and Ocean Park are two large theme parks in Hong Kong. In Disneyland , you’ll see many cartoon friends. In Ocean Park , you’ll find a lot of interesting animals and fish. Taipei 101 Taipei Taipei 101 is the tallest building in Taipei. It has 101 floors above ground and five floors underground. It’s the most famous place of Taipei. Summer holiday plans Summer holiday … 计划 Talk about your holiday plans A: Where will you go for this summer holiday? B: I will go to ... A: How will you go there? B: I will go there by ... A: How long will you stay there? B: I will stay there for ... A: What will you do there? B: I will visit ... How long will I stay there? 多久 在那儿停留 Who are talking about their plans for the holiday? 、 Watch and circle Read , match and say Where will they go for the holiday? Mike will go to… 快速浏览全文,用 “ ——” 划出相关的人和地点,连线并说一说他们的计划。 Q1: How long will Mike stay in London? Q2: What will Yang Ling do in Beijing? Q3: Will Yang Ling go to Beijing by plane? 仔细阅读左边课文 ( 6 8页 ) ,用铅笔划出答案的关键句。 He will stay there for a month . Sh e will visit her aunt and uncle. No, she won’t . = will not 月 Read and answer Try to say: Mike will go back to ________ for the holiday. He will stay there for __________. Yang Ling’s ______ and ______ live in Beijing. She will visit them this summer holiday. She will go there by _______ . London a month aunt uncle train 1. Su Hai will go to Hong Kong with her sister.( ) 2. Su Hai will visit Disneyland and Ocean Park.( ) 3. Liu Tao will go to Taipei with his parents.( ) 4. Liu Tao will take some photos after the holiday.( ) F family T T F show 仔细阅读课文右边( 69 页),判断句子是否正确,不对的请指出错误之处,并进行改正。 Read and judge Try to say: Su Hai and her ________ will visit ________ and _____________ in Hong Kong. Liu Tao will go to ______________ with his __________. He will take some __________ and show them _________ the holiday. family Disneyland Ocean Park Taipei parents photos after Enoy Reading Task1 Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation . 注意语音语调。 2. Pay attention to sentence stress and sense groups. 注意重音和意群。 Read after the tape Happy reading Where will you go for the holiday, Mike? I’ll go back to London. How long will you stay there ? I’ll stay there for a month . What about you? = I will Let's read. That sounds great. Will you go to Beijing by plane? No, I won’t . I’ll go by train. I’ll visit my aunt and uncle in Beijing. 听起来很棒 Let's read. Where will you go for the summer holiday, Su Hai? Will you go to Disneyland ? Yes, I will. We’ll go to Ocean Park too. What about you , Liu Tao? I’ll go to Hong Kong with my family. Let's read. I’ll go to Taipei with my parents. OK. I’ll show you some photos after the holiday. Thanks ! That’s wonderful. I want to see the city too. Let's read. 四人小组选择一种喜欢的方式读一读 。 Read in roles. ( 分角色读 ) Read together. ( 齐读 ) Read after one. ( 一人领读,其余跟读 ) Happy reading 四人一组分角色表演课文对话。 Action表演 London a month aunt and uncle train Disneyland Ocean Park Taipei photos July Writing Enjoy your travelling! 享受旅游 Have great fun! 乐在其中 Enjoy your summer holiday! 享受暑假 Have a happy life! 快乐生活 proverb 1. Listen to the tape and read the text three times. 听磁带熟读课文 3 遍 2. Talk about your plans for summer holiday with your friends. 和朋友讨论你的暑假计划 Homework

