小学六年级上册英语课件Lesson 22-2

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小学六年级上册英语课件Lesson 22-2

1.I often (bring) lingts for the Chtistmas tree. 2. Yesterday I (bring) a Chtistmas tree to school. 3. Tomorrow I (bring) a star for the tree. bring brought am going to bring 用动词的适当形式填空 Yesterday,Danny went to school by bus. Danny often ____(go) to school by bus . goes Danny ___________ ( go ) school by bus tomorrow. is going to Tomorrow Danny is going to ……………… . ski on the snow Part 2 writing Christmas cards write( 现在分词 ) writing send a card 寄卡片 eg: Send them a card . Send Luodan a card. December 23 Dear Jing, Jenny ’ s family is getting ready for the Christmas holiday. Yesterday I helped Mr.Smith with the Christmas lights. Today we are buying Christmas gifts. Tomorrow we are going to put up the Chrismas tree Write soon. Liming 重点句型及动词词组 get ready for + 名词 为 ······ 做好准备 I get ready for the party. help s.b with s.th 在某方面帮助某人 she often helps me with my English. put up 装点、装扮 Let’s put up the Christmas tree. Lesson 27 Christmas Gifts New words department store 百货商店 Santa 圣诞老人 fun 愉快,开心( funny 形容词:有趣的) Come on 过来 give 给 give……to….. 把 ….. 给 ……Please give the box to me . shop 名词 ,商店。在文中意为购物,去买东西,动词。( go shopping 去购物 something 东西,某物,某事 something special 特殊的礼物 eg: something beautiful 美丽的事物 Read and listen! Where( 哪里 ) are they ? What are they doing ? What does Danny want to buy ? What does Li Ming want to buy ? Do you like Santa? 1. I want to buy ______for my family. A.Thing B.something 2. I am going to give something ______Jenny. A.of B. to C.on 3. Li Ming is going to buy ________to Jenny. A. something special B. special something B B A 我能行! 1. Santa is a man in red clothes ( ) 2. Jenny and Ll Ming are shopping ( ) 3. Danny would like a new sweater( ) T F F 4. Li Ming doesn’t want to buy Christmas gifts ( ) F 看我的!

