六年级英语上册Lesson 20课件冀教版

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六年级英语上册Lesson 20课件冀教版

Unit 4 Christmas 冀教版 · 六年级上册 Lesson 20 Lead-in What do you do for the Christmas? buy some gifts plant a Christmas Tree have a party with friends New words tomorrow 明天 then 然后;接着 put up 装饰;张贴 Let’s put up a Christmas tree ! Yesterday my dad bought a Christmas tree! Let’s put it up. It’s fun. First, I’m going to put the lights on the tree. Then I’m going to put Christmas things on the tree. Now, we put our gifts under the tree. The star always goes on top! There! It’s done! It’s beautiful. Language points 1. Let’s put it up. 让我们来装饰它吧。 本句是 let 引导的 祈使句 。此句型用来表达建议,“让某人干某事”,其中的 ’s 指 us (我们)。 句型结构为: Let+ 人(宾格) + 动词原形 . 例句:让他做他的作业。 Let him do his homework. put up 意为“装饰;张贴”。 put up 后面接名词时既可以放在 up 之前,也可以放在 up 之后,但当 put up 与代词相连时,代词应放在 up 之前。 Let’s do it! Draw and write. Yesterday I bought a Christmas tree. Tomorrow I’m going to put it up. Yesterday I bought a gift for my dad. Tomorrow I’m going to give it to him. Walk, walked and be going to walk Danny walked to school. 丹尼步行去了学校。 Mrs. Smith bought a scarf. 史密斯太太买了一条围巾。 I brought a Christmas tree to my family. 我给我家买了一棵圣诞树。 Yesterday Danny walks to the bus stop. 丹尼步行去公交站。 Mrs. Smith buys some gifts. 史密斯太太买了一些礼物。 I bring some lights for the Christmas tree. 我为圣诞树买了一些灯。 Often Danny is going to walk to the park. 丹尼将要走路去公园。 Mrs. Smith is going to buy some food. 史密斯太太将要去买一些食物。 I am going to bring a star for a the tree. 我将要为 这 棵树买一颗星星。 Tomorrow Let’s talk Yesterday Yesterday, I bought a Christmas Tree. Now Now, I buy some gifts. Tomorrow Tomorrow, I’m going to put the gifts under the tree. 1. Danny walked to school. 丹尼步行去了学校。 详解:用一般过去时描述已经做过的事情。 结构:主语 + 动词的过去时 + 其他 . 例句:他昨天游泳了。 He swam yesterday. Language points 注意动词过去式变化规则: a. 一般在词尾直接加 ed 。 如: wash- wash ed help- help ed b. 以不发音字母 e 结尾,直接加 d 。 如: live- liv ed c. 以辅音字母加 y 结尾,先变 y 为 i 再加 ed 。 如: study- stud ied d. 以一个元音字母加一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节 单 词 ,双写辅音字母再加 ed 。 如: stop- stop ped 特殊变化: am/is- was are- were go- went meet- met come- came swim- swam do- did see- saw read- read run- ran take- took make- made 2. Danny walks to the bus stop. 丹尼步行去公交站。 用一般现在时描述某人做某事或者习惯做某事,或者 表述 永恒真理。 结构:主语 + 动词原型或者第三人称单数形式 + 其他 . 例句:他每天游泳。 He swims everyday. 在主语是第三人称单数时( he, she, it, 人名),注意动词“单三”的变化规则: 1. 一般在词尾直接加 s 。 如: help- help s ask- ask s 2. 以 s, x, sh, ch, o 结尾,加 es 。 watch- watch es go- go es 3. 以辅音字母加 y 结尾,先变 y 为 i 再加 es 。 如: study- stud ies cry- cr ies 3. Danny is going to walk to the park. 丹尼将要步行去公园。 详解:用一般将来时描述某人将要做某事。 结构:主语 +be+ going to+ 动词原型 + 其他 . 例句:他明天要去踢足球。 He is going to play football tomorrow.

